Ukrainian dream book - interpretation of dreams. Ukrainian folk dream book Ukrainian folk dream book

Did you have a new mysterious dream last night and want to understand its meaning? Convenient service: dream book - interpretation of dreams, which contains 100 of the best author's dream books and more than 250,000 interpretations. Using our dream books every day, you will be able to analyze your present and future, understand your internal psychological state, and find the answer to your question.

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Dream calendar for today: August 11, 2019

Capricorn patronizes work and career. Therefore, if you are concerned about your career, you need to pay attention to today’s dream. It indicates socially significant moments and opportunities to strengthen your position at work. Capricorn is also associated with various kinds of restrictions and strengthening of fortitude. Dreams can tell you what you are missing and show signs of how to get it. The most significant are the visions associated with heights. You might be climbing a mountain, taking an elevator, or overcoming some physical obstacle. You need to remember that all this is related to your social achievements. Dreams may not come true immediately, but after some time. This also applies to the reverse option, when you fall or descend from the top.

The 2nd quarter is great for new beginnings and making dreams come true. Therefore, during sleep, the subconscious begins to look for answers to many questions related to future plans. Visions usually talk about how best to solve a situation that really worries you. During the waxing Moon, there is a surge of energy and new strength. Therefore, dreams are usually vivid and informative. They contain a lot of information about how to solve problems that have arisen and where to go next; they talk about what you need to change in yourself. Dreams come true quickly and are almost always highly accurate.

Dream books in the online database

This section contains dozens of different:

  • Author's dream books Interpretation of dreams according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud, Yuri Longo, Phoebe, Azar, Kopalinsky, Loff, Catherine the Great, Simon Canaanite, Jung, Miss Hasse, Tsvetkov, Smirnov.
  • Dream Interpretations of the Peoples of the World(Russian, French, Jewish, English, Islamic, Italian, Muslim).
  • Ancient dream books(Assyrian, numerical Pythagoras, Egyptian, Chinese Zhou Gong, Persian Taflisi, Greek fabulist Aesop, the sorceress Medea, Vedic Sivananda).
  • Folk dream books - interpreters(Veles’s dream book, Russian folk dream book, dream book of healer Akulina, healer Maria Fedorovskaya, grandmother’s dream book of 1918, Ukrainian folk dream book).
  • Thematic dream books(star, astrological dream book, home, magical, children's, women's, idiomatic dream book, psychoanalytic, culinary, lunar, love, mythological, psychological, symbolic, modern, dream book of the 21st century, for the whole family, birthday people, yogis, health, subconscious, dream book Tarot, Black magic, esoteric, erotic, etc.).

Our dream book is intended for those who believe that every dreamed symbol means something, and for those who want to know their future. Don't brush off your dreams! They are your inner psychoanalyst; follow the plots and moods of your dreams. Read between the lines and everything will become clear. In this section of the site dedicated to dreams, a convenient system for searching for the meaning of a dreamed action, object or symbol has been implemented, making it quite simple to interpret dreams using a dream book. You can solve the dream in three ways: 1) in the alphabetical dictionary, 2) through the search form, 3) on the topic of the dream.

The interpretation of dreams is not unambiguous: the same circumstance can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, in order for the meaning of the dream to be plausible, remember not only the general meaning of the dream, but the smallest nuances you saw. This will help you understand the secret of your night dreams. In addition, focusing on the consideration of different dream books - interpreters, you can add touches to the resulting picture. The online dream book from different authors on includes a very large collection of interpretations - more than 75 dream books, many of which are published only by us. Our dream book interpreter is offered to all inquisitive readers for free.

The most complete collection of dream books. Includes: Standard Dream Book, Doff's Dream Book, Freud's Dream Book, Miller's Dream Book, Nostradamus' Dream Book, Assyrian Dream Book, Hasse's Dream Book, Vanga's Dream Book, Hazard's Dream Book, Zhou-Gong's Dream Book, Tsvetkov's Dream Book, Old Russian Dream Book, English Dream Book, Esoteric Dream Book, French Dream Book, Indian dream book, Kopalinsky's Dream Book, Culinary Dream Book, Slavic Dream Book, Meneghetti Dream Book, Muslim Dream Book, Persian Dream Book, Correct Dream Book, Small Dream Book, Solomon's Dream Book, Krada Veles Dream Book, Family Dream Book, Intimate Dream Book, Children's Dream Book, Modern Dream Book, Love Dream Book, Lunar Dream Book , Electronic dream book, Dream book of food, Dream book of flowers, Wedding dream book, Dream book of numbers, Dream book for women, Dream book for men, Ancient dream book, Sonic Kananita, Dream book of Longo, Ukrainian dream book.

Dream book of numbers
This is the number of determination and strength aimed at realizing ideas and fantasies. The unit carries ambition and ambition, aggression and the desire for unknown distances. One is the number of the leader and the egoist. This number encourages a person to pay increased attention to his life path, reconsider the goals that stand before him, perhaps radically change his attitudes and abandon outdated plans. The number “1” is a symbol of the future, the embryo of which can and should be seen in today’s day, a new idea that can fill a person’s life with meaning and the desire to move forward. Persistence, inflexibility, strength of will and faith in the best - this is what is inherent in this number.Dream book of numbers
The number “2” contains two opposites, which attract and repel at the same time, these are two halves of one whole, the eternal and continuous struggle of black and white. Without the opposition and interaction of two principles, internal harmony is impossible; there is no day without night and no good without evil. This number does not allow a person to calm down, filling him with unconscious desires and doubts, forcing him to look for new paths, ideas and answers to eternal questions, not allowing him to ossify in his beliefs. Self-improvement, depth, contrast and the desire for balance are what is hidden in this number.Dream book of numbers
This number brings love and suffering into a person’s life; it is extremely unstable, just like human emotions. The number “3” is filled with feeling, but devoid of rationality: it forces a person to pay attention to the heart’s desires and forget about logic, stop controlling himself in everything and surrender to the will of the emotional wave. There is a hidden contradiction in this number, because it is both joy and sorrow; both love and hate; both pleasure and pain. Only after experiencing the whole gamut of feelings can a person appreciate the richness of life. The number “3” is a person’s desire to understand the world inside and around him and to understand with his heart what the mind cannot explain.Dream book of numbers
The number “4” is a symbol of stability and strength, material wealth and satisfied pride; these are four vectors directed in different directions and four points of support. There are four natural elements: water and fire, air and earth, four cardinal directions and four seasons. This number brings confidence to a person’s life, allows him to soberly assess today and not be afraid of tomorrow, gives him peace and strength, makes him work hard and achieve financial well-being, not give up in the face of failures and not be afraid of mistakes. Any mistake is a small step towards the goal. Balance, perseverance, hard work, the desire for wealth and the ability to achieve it - all this is contained in the number “4”.Dream book of numbers
This number carries a lot of surprises, surprises and pitfalls; it knocks a person out of his usual rut and forces him to look at what is happening around him in a new way, from a different point of view. The number “5” is a whim of Fortune, this number is the enemy of habits and dogmas, it is capable of turning everything upside down in one moment and freeing a person from routine, allowing him to step on a new unknown path, abandoning the usual style of existence. It doesn’t matter whether a pleasant or unpleasant event serves as an impetus, the main thing is that a person discards everything that prevents him from breathing and thinking freely. A happy occasion and bright sunshine are all about the number “5”.Dream book of numbers
The number “6” gives a person a chance to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what is hidden from his eyes; it carries the magical power of fantasy and metaphorical thought. This number reveals a person’s secret capabilities, teaches him to be himself and not be afraid to go beyond generally accepted rules and guidelines. A person receives a powerful charge of optimism from this number, his mind becomes more flexible and impetuous, his eyes become more alert and his gaze becomes attentive and thoughtful. A person develops intuition, and everything that his mind cannot understand is comprehended by his subconscious. The sixth sense, which allows you to avoid danger and choose the right path, is what the number “6” gives a person.Dream book of numbers
This number carries a powerful spiritual principle, it awakens the creator in a person, gives him the right and opportunity to create his own world, to do what his soul strives for. The number “7” reveals the talents and abilities inherent in a person, gives him the joys and pains of creativity, and fills his life with new meaning. This number is a synthesis of all that is most beautiful and most terrible; both Galatea and Frankenstein can emerge from the hands of the creator; a person can be both the creator of an idea and its captive. Contemplation, a gift from God, a powerful intellect and subtle emotional experiences - all this contains the number “7”; it gives a person the right to live in creativity.Dream book of numbers
This number contains the world mind, the ability of humanity to generate ideas and create brilliant things, the talent of invention and the willingness to bring ideas to life. The number “8” allows a person to feel part of a single whole, work harmoniously in a team and put the common good above the personal. This number is a symbol of stability and reliability, systematic work and brilliant results, hopes and achievements. Research work, synthesis of intelligence, hard work and perseverance, small and large conquests, pioneering and conquering peaks, loyalty to the chosen course - this is the number “8”.Dream book of numbers
This number is filled with mystical meaning; it symbolizes success and fullness of being, but it does not give peace and does not allow a person to rest on his laurels. The number “9” reveals transcendental distances to a person, sharpens his mind and rewards him with a magical gift. A person ceases to be a slave to circumstances and takes power into his own hands, becoming the master of his destiny. The number “9” gives a person an independent mind and an unbending will, an iron character and artistic talent, the ability to transform into people and objects, to feel their inner essence. Mystical insight, magic, gloom and inability to relax, power and once again power - all this is contained in the number “9”.Freud's Dream Book
Catching a taxi in a dream means you attach too much importance to money. Of course, their presence determines a lot, but still they are not the most important thing in life. In the very near future, something will happen that will make you convinced of this, and the event that occurred will be directly related to your sex life. Riding in a taxi in a dream - you love sex, and you like everything connected with it. But don't overdo it in your love, as you risk becoming too focused on sex and not paying attention to something equally important. To be a taxi driver yourself in a dream - you do not believe that the key to successful sex is the matching of partners by temperament type. You are sure that success in relationships with the opposite sex can only be achieved with the help of experience: You lack ease in relationships.Standard
A dream in which you enjoy the comfort of your home, sitting under a lampshade, means that changes await you in your personal life. An early marriage cannot be ruled out. For a young woman, a dream in which she makes a lampshade herself means that she will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house. If in a dream you were given a lampshade, then in reality a person of the opposite sex will show you signs of close attention attention.Freud's Dream Book
If you dreamed about how you put a lampshade on a light bulb, this indicates that in your intimate life you are stiff, tight, and therefore often suffer from false shame. For some reason, you are embarrassed to show your sensuality, sexual fervor towards your partner, and he, in turn, regards this as a manifestation of coldness on your part. It is for this reason that disagreements will be possible due to the unsatisfied desires of your partner. If in a dream you wiped a lampshade, it means that in your intimate life you strive for a clear distribution of responsibilities. In your opinion, you are not at all obligated to just give without receiving anything in return. Have you ever thought that your partner may simply not know how to please you, and it is for this reason that all the problems arise in your intimate life? Sometimes a person is embarrassed to actively stimulate another because he is afraid that he will be accused of promiscuity or incontinence. Therefore, in your case, you cannot do without a frank conversation. A broken lampshade signals that in your intimate life not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. And perhaps the reason for this is that you have lost sexual interest in each other, you have entered a period of satiety when you cannot give each other pleasure, as in the old days. You may be advised to try new positions, new methods of stimulation. A dusty lampshade indicates that a temporary discord has occurred in your relationship, caused by a cooling of sex by one of the partners. This means that something needs to be done to restore the lost harmony.Old Russian dream book
trouble, despondency.Esoteric dream book
Loneliness, sad mood.Small dream book
A dream in which you enjoy the comfort of your home, sitting under a lampshade, means that changes await you in your personal life. An early marriage cannot be ruled out. For a young woman, a dream in which she makes a lampshade herself means that she will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house. If in a dream you were given a lampshade, then in reality a person of the opposite sex will show you signs of close attention.Family dream book
The purpose of a lampshade is to protect you from too much light. If in a dream you adjust or install a lampshade on a lamp, then in real life you will have to take steps to protect yourself. If the lampshade is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, then pleasant news awaits you, a meeting with a friend or a pleasant conversation. If the lampshade is made of paper or fragile glass, then your position is fragile, and fortune may turn away from you. A cracked lampshade in a dream foreshadows and indicates that your relationship with a person dear to you will deteriorate or stop completely. Such a dream speaks of a change in fortune. See interpretation: glass, light, lamp.Intimate dream book
Seeing a lampshade in a dream means that soon a person will appear in your life, a relationship with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning. If the lampshade is not turned on in a dream, it means that you are disappointed with your intimate life. A dream about a new lampshade promises you a new lover.Children's dream book
Lampshaded - you will soon have to hide your joy from others.Slavic dream book
Dejection.Sonic Kananita
Lampshaded - expect mercy - (paper) - unpleasant despondencyUkrainian dream book
If you dream of a lampshade, you will feel sad; above your head (above you) - you will have something pleasant; peace; sometimes for young people - for a love date. We have to be careful.Standard
Dejection Generally lampshaded - expect mercy.Dream Interpretation of Hasse
despondency; generally lampshaded - expect mercy.Family dream book
(See interpretation: priest)Slavic dream book
For a Catholic - success; talking to him is a joy.
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Help in need. Lying under a bench is humiliation; making a shop - hostility without need; school bench - work, wretchedness; children on the bench - illness.
If you dream that a lamp is burning, then this is good.
Pouring kerosene into a lamp - woo
There are many swallows - that's the news. Seeing a swallow’s nest means happiness in the house, and joy in a swallow’s nest; a swallow flies into the room - good news; driving in a swallow means the death of a loved one.
Swan - good dream, everything will be fine. If you dream of a swan, this indicates happiness and prosperity in the family; swan - separation; Swan Lake - fragile marriage, family feuds.
You will achieve wealth through your own efforts. A lion is chasing someone - unfortunately. If you hide from him, you have strong enemies; if you ride on the lion's heels, you have flattering friends; it is an unreliable occupation. LEVADA
Danger, hard work. Ice is a nuisance, many difficulties; breaking the ice is a benefit; slipping is a betrayal in love; danger. If you dream that you are walking on ice, and it’s summer outside, this will be a change in life.
If you dream of tapes, they are gossip, lies, evil tongues.
Flatbread - there will be some kind of grief. To bake something - to be sad, to bake.
The forest is evil. If the forest is cut down, there will be illness and death among the people. The forest stands majestically - public concerns. Forest, flock, chickens, grass - people. The forest is dense - you will get money, green - a long life.
Walking through the forest means anxiety, excitement; happy marriage. The forest is burning - secret love, joyful surprise. Getting lost in the forest means danger and confusing matters. Seeing a forester is fortunate.
Going up means success, going down means failure; broken steps - obstacles, enemies, ill-wishers.
Summer is out of season - good news.
True love; to rip is to sin.
If you dream of a lemon, this is not a very good omen: some kind of sorrow will attack, it will be sour.
Seeing a fish means troubles; for women - pregnancy;
roasted tench - sadness, illness.
Wood is good, color is weakness.
If you dream of a fox or fox cubs, then this is some kind of lie, deception. The fox dreamed that a bad person would come to the house. Fox - be afraid of your neighbor. To see a fox in a dream means you will meet a secret enemy.
Green - health; yellow - weakness, sums; dry - illness; great - joy, news; small - troubles; noise - gossip, deception, the beginning of love.
Seeing an elevator means caution, going up is good, going down is bad luck.
TRAP Trap with animals - an intruder, a disaster from relatives; loss due to negligence BOAT
The boat is an unexpected letter. Sail in a boat - die; parting. An overturned boat means death.
If a girl or guy dreams of a pair of golden spoons, then this is a sign of family life. The spoon is for the guests.
A shovel in a dream means it’s hard to buy your daily bread; a broken shovel is a tragic accident. A shovel is death.
Seeing a puddle is a nuisance; falling into a puddle is trouble.
Onion - ugly, something bad will happen; someone will be furtively angry.
Great joy, blessing, news.
Loss on the farm; miracle.
Dreams of betrayal in love.
Seeing cheerful people in a dream means sadness. People from the village are happiness and benefit. The old ones are a long century old.
Sad - an unexpected war, skirmish. People in mourning (mourning) are bad news; thin - a hungry year; in shackles - your family and friends are in danger.
If you dream of a frog, this is said to be a bad omen: deception, an enemy. Trouble from evil tongues. Frogs in the water - success, hearing - praise, hitting a frog - hurting yourself. If you dream that you sweep a frog out of the house, it means the death of a beloved friend.
Dirty Deeds
As you dream of a poppy, it will be something good. Blooming poppy - happiness. Poppy - women's lies, gossip.
Spending money;
envy; something empty.
You will be a guest. To break the makitra - to break the agreement: to a quarrel in the family.
Treason is possible;
Disadvantages, dissatisfaction.
To see - a joyful, happy life. Planting is a difficulty, envy. Picking, picking - for a wedding, a beautiful woman is favorable to you, eating raspberries - for illness.
Being in a raspberry field means uncertainty of feelings, leading to debauchery.
Lush, beautiful - love; to rip off - to achieve what is desired.
Smelling mallow means love is already unattainable, lost. A bouquet of mallows - for a wedding.
Seeing him or being him means trouble: illness, pity, hunger. Seeing him at work means you will reach old age. To let yourself be copied is to be loved by someone.
Mom dreams - your plans will come true. Dream about a deceased mother - prosperity, joy; Dream about a deceased mother - a warning about danger; listen to her voice.
Mantachka is a risky idea; sharpen the scythe - be careful.
Your lover (mistress) will deceive you; deceit, treason, hypocrisy.
Seeing - happiness, health; drinking is a disappointment in love. There is oil - well-being. Oil, smear - someone “smears” you with their tongue, they talk about you.
Seeing from afar means you have beautiful prospects, close up means anxiety.
When you dream about honey, it’s a beautiful dream, something good will happen. If you dream of honey, it means death.
Seeing a bear is a win; falling into his clutches means big expenses, loss of property; to see a bear dancing - to get the desired loan; hunt a bear - beware of danger; bear skin - wealth. If you dream of a white polar bear, you are loved. eating bear meat means a wedding in the family.
COPPER Unfulfilled desires.
As the living dream of the dead, there will be great trouble or weakness. Another meaning: long life. If you happen to talk to a deceased person in a dream, then soon there will be some interesting news. Dreaming of a dead person means it will rain; to a quarrel, and more to a change in the weather. I dream of the dead in both snowstorms and rain. The deceased - rain, snow, and from the family - must be remembered. A dead man is unkind. If you dream of deceased parents: mother or father (or both together), then this is an accurate sign - there will be something bad in the family - either with a person or with cattle. Parents from that world let their children know that something bad will happen. I dreamed about my deceased mother - there will be some kind of grief. In a dream, a dead person says: “My clothes are torn,” then you need to give clothes to someone poor - he will stop dreaming.
The deceased calls you with him or says: “I will take you away,” then you will die. And when he drives you away, he says: “Don’t follow me,” then you will live.
Month - youth, groom; the month is in a cloud - the groom will be poor, and if it is clear, then he will be rich. As someone dreams of a month in the sky, this is a sign of imminent love.
A month is a change between love.
Quarrel and disagreement. Making a broom is a brawl. A witch on a broom is a disease. A broom in the corner means loss of position. Sweeping - costs, unnecessary expenses.
Wearing or seeing fur is a quarrel.
It’s a sin to sleep on a bag, because you will dream bad things. If you dream of a bag - there is good luck, if it is full, and if it is empty, then there will be some troubles, losses; with holes - poverty, ruin.
A minister is a success, a foreigner is a failure.
If you dream that you are washing bowls, then expect guests soon.
If you dream that there are a lot of people, you will have troubles.
I dreamed that I went to the grave of a friend - there will be a wedding.
Digging a grave is a loss due to your fault; to see a grave - news from afar;
dug up grave - bad news; to be in the grave is for wealth. Lying in the grave means obstacles in business.
Lightning - unkind, troubles.
Lightning is joy. Seeing lightning in a dream means danger. Lightning and thunder are news.
As you dream, when you get younger, you get sick.
Milk is profit; sour - gossip. Drinking cow's milk - changes in health; drink milk - be economical.
As one dreams of the sea, this person will soon have to live a life like the sea, a restless one. Walking along the shore, on the beach near the sea is a road; looking at the sea - news from afar; sea ​​water is blue, blue - a meeting (usually desirable, pleasant). The sea is clean - you will get rich;
health. Sailing by sea means wealth, by ship means useful work.
If you dream of carrots, then this is a bad omen, there will be some kind of shame, wasted effort.
Weather change.
Long journeys, separation.
See the bridge - be careful. Cross the bridge - avoid danger. The bridge is dismantled - a great, terrible grief; death. If a girl is taken across a bridge, she will get married soon. Build: happiness and glory. The bridge and the water are noisy - you will move somewhere.
You will earn a lot of money.
If you dream about music or musicians, there will be some news. Music is playing - that's the news.
If a person plans to do a useful and important thing and dreams that he is playing some kind of musical instrument, then the plan will come true.
Hearing the violin play means fun days await you; playing it yourself is a joy in the near future.
High - a big steepness. Building is a hassle, walking around it is a risky business; see danger.
If you dream of goosebumps, then these are relatives.
FLIES As you dream that flies are in the house and fly up, there will be a fire. The flies around you are your enemies. Hit flies - defeat enemies. To drive away, to see from afar - to wander,
TORMENT (torment)
Torment is torment.
As you dream about soap, someone will come as a guest.
Washing with clean water means health, dirty, muddy water means illness.
Mice are thieves. Rats, mice - weakness, hunger. Flying mouse - a thief will go to the house. Seeing a cat catching mice: troubles through bad languages.
Meat is a disease.
Meat in a dream means trouble and trouble. If a sick person dreams of raw meat, he will die, and if a healthy person dreams of raw meat, he will get sick. We dream about meat and lard - this is some kind of sin of ours. Eating beef means there will be trouble, since life in meat has ceased. It is especially bad if you dream of a dead pig - this heralds great slander and generally big troubles. Raw meat is very bad: there will be a fight or someone will steal something; and how you eat it is even worse.