Eating junk food. What happens to your body when you eat unhealthy foods? Food alive and dead

Whether you're eating pizza, macaroni and cheese, chips or ice cream, it's not just the extra inches around your waist that you have to worry about. Eating junk food poses a far greater health threat than gaining weight.

Serious negative changes in metabolism occur after just 5 days of systematic consumption of foods saturated with unhealthy fats. Even in healthy people, muscles lose the ability to oxidize glucose, which provokes the development of insulin resistance.

During normal carbohydrate metabolism, muscle tissue either processes glucose to extract energy or stores it for later use. Since muscle accounts for about 30% of body weight, the body loses a key component involved in metabolism, which contributes to the development of diabetes and other diseases. Moreover, negative changes in the body can occur even after a single consumption of junk food (fast food, confectionery).

Eating foods loaded with unhealthy fats and sugar can trigger hyperglycemia. This is not only a risk for diabetes, but also a serious threat to the heart:

  • heart muscle tissue becomes inflamed;
  • arteries constrict;
  • free radicals are generated;
  • pressure rises;
  • the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

Sharp fluctuations in insulin levels make you feel hungry immediately after eating, even if the meal was filling and the portions were large.

An interesting experiment was conducted by specialists from one of the clinics in Massachusetts (USA). To see what happens in the stomach and intestines after eating noodles instant cooking, a participant in the experiment swallowed a miniature tablet camera. It turned out that the product remains intact even two hours after it was eaten. The only change is an increase in size, swelling of the noodles. You can imagine the load it is subjected to digestive system, trying to process such a “heavy” product. Not to mention the toxic effects on the body of the ingredients used in its manufacture (for example, hydroquinone).

The systematic inclusion of fast food products in the diet leads to the development of metabolic syndrome, provokes a deficiency of nutrients, and the concentration of sodium and synthetic fats in the body increases.

Abuse of refined carbohydrates (breakfast cereals, buns, cakes, cookies) also has a negative effect on the production of insulin and leptin. Such food contributes to the development of insulin resistance, provokes obesity, and chronic diseases.

What to do if you really want to

Why do we want junk food? IN normal conditions The body independently regulates the amount of food needed to produce energy. But processed foods are so tasty and stimulate such a strong reward response in the brain that the regulator is unable to perform its functions, the person cannot stop and overeats.

To make food more attractive, more than just bright packaging is used. The impact is on all sense organs involved in the process of food absorption - both smell and taste buds.

On the one hand, fatty and sweet foods help remove cortisol from the body (it’s not for nothing that when you’re stressed, you crave something sweet so much). But at the same time, appetite increases, sugar levels rise, and visceral fat accumulates. The more you consume such food, the more you will want it.

Sugar can be more addictive than cocaine. The receptors responsible for recognizing sweet taste are not adapted to consuming the amount of sugar that modern humans put into their mouths, because 50-60 years ago the diet was not so rich in sweets. Excessive activation of these receptors stimulates the transmission of signals to the brain centers responsible for reward. The self-control mechanism is disrupted, which leads to the acquisition of persistent addiction.

Not only sweets are dangerous, but also any processed foods containing preservatives, fructose, dyes and others. chemical substances. The situation can only be turned around by replacing such products with self-prepared food from natural ingredients. This will eliminate the body's dependence on sugar and allow you to burn fat faster, using it as fuel.

It is important not only to give up harmful fats, but also to compensate for them with healthy ones (saturated and monounsaturated). This group of substances is contained in the following products:

  • olives and olive oil;
  • raw nuts (macadamia, walnuts, almonds);
  • coconuts and coconut oil;
  • egg yolks;
  • avocado;
  • butter;
  • organic pork and beef.

To make it easier for the body to give up junk food, you need to introduce healthy foods into your diet gradually; sudden changes can lead to nervous breakdowns and a return to junk food.

To stop eating junk food every day, it is important to plan your menu in advance, buy enough healthy products to prepare the selected dishes (and at the same time avoid buying unwanted ones, then there will be no temptation to eat them). You need to take care not only of home meals, but also not allow yourself to deviate from the implemented food rules at work: either take lunches with you, or find a food service that offers dishes made from natural ingredients.

And finally, you need to learn to manage your emotions so that food consumption is not impulsive - under the influence of a good or bad mood.

Of course, food brings (and should bring) pleasure, but there is no need to elevate it into a cult. After all, the main function of food is to provide the body with energy, and this is only possible if you choose healthy foods every day.

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    No, but I want to start eating right. 41%, 64 vote

Nutritionists believe healthy diet, which is dominated by fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, poultry and fish. However, the population of most countries prefers red meat, processed foods, sausages, oils and dairy products high in saturated fat, eggs, sugary foods and drinks. This type of diet is called Western; it is considered not entirely healthy.

Unhealthy eating is often associated with the dominance of “chemicals” in food, dyes, flavors and preservatives, “unnatural” products and GMOs, but in fact the transition to a Western type of diet began long before the advent of the food industry.

From an evolutionary point of view, it is not entirely correct to talk about healthy and unhealthy foods.

IN wildlife There are carnivores that eat meat, and there are herbivores whose diet consists of grass. For them this is “good”, healthy food. The question is what types of food a particular species of animal is evolutionarily adapted to: what is good and healthy for some is poison or a path to vitamin deficiency for others. Human food traditions did not even take centuries to develop; their origins must be sought in the diet of our common ancestors with monkeys.

Relatively recently - about 10,000 years ago - the way people eat changed greatly and quickly. So much so that physiology is not yet fully accustomed to it. Thanks to the development of agriculture, people got a lot of meat and milk from domesticated animals, a lot of cereals, and they learned to get sugar and alcohol. The glycemic load on the body, the composition of fatty acids, and in general all nutrients in food, the ratio of sodium and potassium, the content of microelements and dietary fiber have changed. Man has learned to preserve crops through culinary processing: pickling, pickling, canning, drying, drying and freezing.

Our genes are still trying - with varying degrees of success - to adapt to these “innovations”. In a sense, nature brings a part modern people sacrificed so that our distant descendants can have healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner with juicy steaks “with impunity.”

The Stone Age revolution alone was not enough. The second blow to the eating habits of the civilized part of humanity was dealt by the development of industry - food changed a lot again. The content of refined sugars and oils in food has increased, the amount of fat in animal products has noticeably increased, added sugars, flavorings, taste enhancers and others have appeared. nutritional supplements. The calorie content of dishes has increased. They have become tastier.

As a result, diseases of civilization, including those associated with the new type of nutrition, have spread greatly. Nature seems to be trying to remind Darwin’s law: those who can adapt survive.

The most obvious consequence of the Western diet is obesity. Experts World Organization Health officials believe that today its prevalence has reached epidemic proportions. From the consequences and obesity on everything globe 2.8 million people die every year. The Americans are considered to be the fattest nation, but in Russia the problem is no less pressing. In 2015, 24% of Russians were obese, excess weight 58% had it. For reference: WHO believes overweight with BMI (body mass index) - the ratio of weight (kg) per square of height (m2) - above 25 kg/m2, obesity - more than 30 kg/m2. This method has an inaccuracy, so it is necessary to accurately determine body composition using bioimpedancemetry, a non-invasive method of measuring body composition.

Still from the series "Friends"

Excess weight is a risk factor for many diseases. It is harmful to the heart and blood vessels, spine, joints, pancreas, and liver. The prevalence of heart disease is closely related to diet. The Western diet increases the total calorie intake and leads to fatty liver disease. Over time, the liver increases the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, with all the ensuing consequences in the form of atherosclerosis, an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. The most harmful components of the Western diet for the heart and blood vessels are refined oils and red meat.

Obesity, high glycemic load and excess trans fat consumption are associated with an increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, a disease in which the body's cells become less sensitive to insulin - insulin resistance. It is important that every second obese patient and every third overweight patient already has insulin resistance.

In fairness, it should be noted that the Western type of diet is not an absolute evil, it is not the only cause of the diseases of civilization.

The diet always works in conjunction with other factors: physical activity, heredity, bad habits, working conditions, environmental conditions, and much more.

Mixture of West and East

“Western diet” is a rather arbitrary term, especially in a globalized world where cultures are mixed. The development of science and industry, changes in lifestyle always lead to changes in the quality, composition of food and eating habits. It cannot be said that in one country people have been eating healthy since time immemorial, while in another all food has long become “unreal.”

Traditional eating habits are not always good in everything. You can stick to a healthy diet and reduce the risk of diseases of civilization while living in any country, in any culture. The main thing is to find reliable sources from which you can get reliable information, listen to real, not home-grown, experts in the field of healthy nutrition, and not rush to extremes in the form of strict veganism, raw food diet, prana diet or unprepared fasting.

We are what we eat. Remember this often.

Ancient people, having become farmers, noticed that after a few years the fields began to produce a noticeably smaller harvest. They did it simply: they moved to another place, uprooted a new area under the field and fed from it until the land was depleted again.

Today this is how some Indian tribes live in the Amazon forests. The life of such “sedentary nomads” is subject to regularly recurring need, which forces them every now and then to leave their homes and look for something new.

However, low yields did not put everyone to flight. Some have tried to get to the bottom of the mystery and come up with strategies to combat this phenomenon. As a result, three productive approaches to farming have emerged that allow for a truly sedentary lifestyle: crop rotation, three-field farming and the use of organic fertilizers (manure, bird droppings, etc.).

During the first year of three-field farming, “essential” crops, such as rye, were planted in the field. The next season, a certain industrial crop (rapeseed or something else) was grown, which was plowed in without harvesting. Then the land was given a year to rest and recuperate, and only after that what was actually used for food was sown on it again.

However, the principle of crop rotation began to operate here: now another crop was planted in the field. useful plant, for example, turnips instead of rye or rye instead of turnips. Thus, in the same place, the same crop was grown no more than once every seven years. And the soil had enough time to re-accumulate vital necessary for plants and substances to humans.

Over time, people noticed that the earth also gratefully accepted the waste left after cooking and digesting food. This is how the first fertilizers were invented, and the chance of getting high yields increased even more.

A strategy combining three-field farming, crop rotation and the introduction of organic matter has proven itself to be excellent. It is no coincidence that many peoples adhered to it for centuries.

The method of cultivating the soil described above worked until Justus von Liebig, a chemist by profession and a humanist by conviction, put forward an idea that made it possible to intensify its exploitation. He was driven by a noble desire to overcome hunger throughout the planet. Alas, the first great success of his wonderful idea has long been eclipsed by no less significant problems, although sometimes we do not even realize how much we suffer from them.

Liebig's idea was simple and promising: yields could be increased many times over by expanding the range of fertilizers. In other words, it is necessary to artificially return the main nutrients to the depleted soil, and then a rich harvest can be harvested from the same field every year (and even more often). At the same time, the costs of fertilizers promised to be recouped many times over.

At first, things went well, but soon Liebig's idea became another confirmation of Brecht's thought that the opposite of good is not evil, but good intentions.

This is not the only example of how our attempts to remake and improve nature, even quite successful at first, lead to a catastrophe like an explosion artillery shell in the gun barrel. Initially, it was not taken into account that the application of relatively cheap artificial fertilizers would gradually depreciate the value of the soil itself, because in this case only the basic substances necessary for plant growth are returned to it: nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphates, but the loss of those essential for the nutrition of the human body remains unreplenished microelements and vitamins.

The process of soil depletion of farmland continues to this day, acquiring an increasingly alarming scale. Vegetables and grains grown on it contain less and less vital substances. Although otherwise (that is, in terms of calorie content), they nutritional value meets the standard, they lack the most important component in order to rightfully be called full-fledged products.

What appears to be healthy food may not be...

Vegetable fats

Fat is considered better the more liquid it is, so vegetable fats also seem healthy. But people forget that ordinary butter It can also be liquid if you heat it up. Junk food is cheaper, which is what fast food companies take advantage of.


A typical paste is white flour mixed with water and eggs. No vitamins, no minerals, often not even fiber. Nothing but empty carbonate in paste form. And instant noodles also contain a lot of salt mixed with unhealthy fat.

White bread

This is also a paste, but in the form of bread. Not all bread is healthy. Definitely not white.

Soup mix

You didn't think that weird green powder you mixed with water was good for you, did you? When you eat soup, you drink/eat water, milk, butter or whatever else you mixed this powder with, along with salt and preservatives.


Despite containing the antioxidant lycopene (antioxidants reduce the risk of mutations in the body, as well as the risk of cancer), ketchup contains a lot of sugar and salt, which does not improve health.

Diet soda

Soda is not healthy in any form, even if it is a diet drink. Some studies have shown that diet soda itself isn't that bad, but it's still experimental group Many people gained significant weight from it. The theory is that diet soda stimulates appetite. Another study found that artificial sweeteners may cause weight gain.

Processed cheese

According to some resources, processed cheese contains such a large amount of salt that two pieces can easily exceed a person's daily salt intake.

Soy sauce

Yes, this is unexpected. Unlike many other soy products, soy sauce does not contain specific antioxidants known as isoflavones. Soy sauce contains a very high percentage of salt, as well as substances that can cause cancer. Several types already exist soy sauce with little salt and no dangerous chemicals. It's a shame it's not as tasty.


Nuts are generally healthy. Most varieties are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Peanuts are not a terrible exception, but they are not as healthy. Most of the time, peanuts are sold as a snack, sprinkled with salt and fried in unhealthy fat. Therefore, it should be consumed in reasonable quantities, and it is also better in the form in which Mother Nature created it - raw and without salt.

Fruit juices

It's quite controversial, but so many people believe that fruit juices are healthy that they substitute them for real fruit in their diets. It's true that fruit juices contain a lot of vitamins, but at what cost... most juices are loaded with extra sugar and contain no pulp. The pulp of the fruit provides important fiber, which can be considered a good counterbalance to the natural sugars in fruit. Therefore, it is better to eat fresh fruit once again.

We all love to eat something delicious. Candies, chocolates, sparkling water, chips - isn't that right? And it’s okay if you bought such a tasty treat, ate it and forgot about it for the next year. But what year is it, what are you. Today a pack of chips, tomorrow crackers, the next day cola, and so on all the time. It's tasty, but there is no benefit from such food.

What are empty calories?

Food that is not suitable for the human body is called empty calories. This includes fast food, synthetic sweets (chewing marmalade, some types of chocolate), sausages (made according to specifications), all dishes prepared on the basis large quantity oils, fried foods, sugary carbonated drinks, and, of course, food from McDonald's, KFC and other fast food restaurants.

Simple carbohydrates

Is it junk food or completely normal? Let’s find out what is behind the concept “ simple carbohydrates" In general, carbohydrates are fuel for the body. They are the main “suppliers” of energy. More precisely, complex carbohydrates. saturated with this type of carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed by the body. They give a feeling of fullness, and their conversion into energy human body works long and thoughtfully. These carbohydrates are healthy.

Simple carbohydrates are sugar. Accordingly, those foods that contain sugar in large quantities do not participate in the body’s energy supply. He takes them and stores them in reserve, that is, turns them into fat. They are absorbed quickly, but do not bring benefits to the body. Therefore, food containing carbohydrates that the body can easily cope with can be classified as unhealthy food.

Why do we eat this?

It would seem that the disadvantages of unhealthy food are obvious. These are health problems. First of all, obesity, problems with the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract. And this is only the minimum of harm received from eating fast food and other “delicacies”.

However, people continue to eat it. Go to fast food restaurants, buy questionable carbonated drinks, chips and other “plastic” food. Why is this happening? There are several answers to this question:

    Cultivation of such food in the media. Beautiful advertising on TV, pleasant photographs and videos on the Internet, alluring advertising posters on city streets. Tempting signs for fast food restaurants. All this creates a certain attitude towards unhealthy food. It is beautiful, tasty, and relatively inexpensive. Why not stop by McDonald's once or twice? Or not buy a package of instant noodles at the store?

    The fast food beloved by many contains flavorings which are addictive. And the person simply gets hooked on junk food.

    The situation is the same with drinks. Cola is made from water, caffeine, sugar, aromatics and flavorings. Not the healthiest composition, considering that a can of this drink contains about 5 teaspoons of sugar. However, people drink it themselves and buy it for their children.

    These foods contain fats. And they make our brain want even more food, that is, they stimulate appetite.

    Junk food can be classified as generally available. It is cheap, creates a quick saturation effect and is sold everywhere.

Scary facts

All the arguments for unhealthy food will fall apart once you read about the harm it causes to the human body.

    Junk food provokes cancer. In addition, it is responsible for problems with blood pressure and heart disease.

    Many fast food manufacturers offer children's toys in addition to their products. More precisely, they put them in packages. For what? Yes, because their main audience is children. And they are taught to consume this terrible food from a young age.

    One of the most popular and purchased among the large selection of junk food is French fries. It seems, what’s dangerous about ordinary potatoes? Firstly, it is most often eaten with sauces. And secondly, a serving of delicious potatoes contains 600 kcal. And after a person has eaten it, he will feel hungry within 1-2 hours.

    Some popular and favorite junk food products use thickeners. Specifically, corn dextrin. It may comply with sanitary rules and regulations, but the fact that this polysaccharide is used in other industrial sectors as an adhesive is confusing.

    Returning to the legendary Coca-Cola. For those who don’t know, at the moment an aluminum can costs more than the production of the drink itself. It's worth thinking about.

    Positive sides

    Can there be any benefits to unhealthy food? There is only one, very dubious, but worth mentioning. At least so that you can compare the list of pros and cons of this food.

    The main positive side of fast food is the speed of its preparation and accessibility. Fast food chains exist in almost all cities; you can always run in and have a bite to eat without spending a lot of time. The pricing policy is low.

    Or, to avoid cooking at home, you can buy instant meals. Heat in the microwave or pour boiling water over it and wait five minutes. That's it, the food is ready, you can eat.


    There are much more of them than advantages. What are the disadvantages of unhealthy food? We have already partially covered them:

      Fast food leads to various diseases and obesity.

      It contains addictive flavoring additives.

      Fast food is extremely high in calories. As mentioned above, a serving of French fries contains 600 kcal, and a can of Coca-Cola contains several teaspoons of sugar.

      A considerable part of Russian residents consume fast food. This is a serious disadvantage for their health.

    You can argue for and against junk food by knowing its positive and negative sides. As we see, there are several times more of the latter.

    Did you know that in America McDonald's is an ordinary eatery for the poor? While in the territories of many post-Soviet states it was equated to a restaurant.

    Until 1990, hamburgers were sold exclusively on the streets and were considered food for the poor class.

    What to eat?

    If you can’t eat fast food, then what should you eat? Especially when you really want to eat, there is minimal money in your pocket and time is running out.

    Healthy and unhealthy foods vary greatly in affordability. But in case of economy mode and lack of time, it’s easier to run to the nearest store and buy a couple of bananas and a bottle there mineral water. It's cheaper and healthier than a hamburger or hot dog.

    As for the working category of citizens, they often have no time to eat properly. And often there is no opportunity. In this case, you can take lunch with you from home; now this is not prohibited in many offices. There is a buffet for employees where they can warm up food they bring.

    At other enterprises there are canteens where you can purchase a set lunch. It may not be as tasty as homemade, but it is certainly healthier than fast food.

    In some places, the practice of ordering home-cooked lunches for the office has taken root. They are tasty, it's been tested. But the prices are not yet affordable for everyone.

    What about at home? In the evening, when there is no strength left for anything. Alternatively, cook in a slow cooker chicken bouillon and eat with white bread or homemade crackers. This is the case if there is no food at all in the refrigerator. Otherwise, you can always heat up the food left over from yesterday and eat.

    We're all about healthy eating yes about healthy. Give us examples of unhealthy foods. What can you eat for dinner that is really bad? Trite. Ready frozen cheburek. Chebupels are now popular. Frozen shawarma or hamburger. Even a sausage sandwich is not the best the best choice for dinner.


    In this article, we looked at what junk food is. Let's remember the key points regarding poor nutrition:

      Fast food leads to heart disease, gastrointestinal tract and obesity.

      Junk food enters our lives thanks to active propaganda in the media.

      Some fast food manufacturers are “bribing” children with toys. The consumption of this food is imposed from childhood. It is taught to him purposefully.

      Unhealthy food is high in calories and does not give you a feeling of fullness. On the contrary, you want to eat fast food again and again.

      Various flavorings and taste enhancers are added to such food. That's why it's addictive.

      The main emphasis is on the relative cheapness of fast food, its availability and speed of preparation.

    Sometimes you want to treat yourself to junk food. And it’s good if this desire occurs once a year, is satisfied and permanently disappears after that. Before you eat a hamburger at a fast food restaurant, it's worth considering: Do you really need it?