Oriental ways to preserve youth and achieve longevity. The secret of eternal youth: recipes, sources, commandments and reviews Rejuvenation of the body ancient Taoist practice description

A complex of energy exercises for facial rejuvenation:


All healing and spiritual practices are considered negative emotions as low quality energy.

Many people spend their lives in anger, sadness, depression, fear, anxiety, and other forms of negative energy. These energies are the causes of chronic disease and imperceptibly deplete our basic life force.

In order to overcome illnesses, we need to learn how to smile inwardly every day!

The Inner Smile is a sincere smile to all parts of the body, including all organs, glands and muscles, as well as the nervous system. It generates high quality energy that can heal, and over time it will be converted into even higher quality energy.

A sincere smile sends the energy of love, which has great power to warm and heal. Just remember a time when you were upset or sick physically and someone, perhaps even a stranger, genuinely smiled at you - and suddenly you feel better.

Smiling to yourself is like enjoying love, and love can restore and rejuvenate.

The Inner Smile directs smiling energy into our organs and glands, which are so necessary for life. Ironically, although we often pay a lot of attention to our appearance, very few of us know what the internal organs and glands look like, where they are located and what their functions are. Moreover, we are insensitive to the subtle warnings they send us when we mistreat them by eating the wrong diets and living an unhealthy lifestyle. We are like a manager who never pays attention to his subordinates and is very surprised when something happens.

The Inner Smile is most effective for neutralizing stress.

In our modern society, we spend millions in order to find a way to relieve stress. Often these remedies provide only partial or temporary relief.

The Inner Smile is closely related to the thymus and increases the functional activity of this gland. The thymus is the seat of the beautiful light, love and life force of Chi energy.

When we are under the influence of emotional stress, the thymus gland - the thymus - is damaged first. This organ plays the role of a skillful regulator that directs the flow of vital and healing energies of the body.

Smiling will increase your energy. BUT Bad mood displayed on your face - be sure to lower your energy level.

Remember that when you smile, your organs release beautiful emanations that nourish the whole body. When you are irritated, afraid or under stress, they form harmful emanations that block energy channels, penetrate into the organs, causing loss of appetite, indigestion, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, insomnia and negative emotions.

Always start your practice of the Inner Smile exercises with the eyes. They are connected to the vegetative nervous system, which regulates the function of organs and glands. The eyes are the first to receive emotional cues and sometimes cause the organs and glands to speed up their response to stress or danger (the “fight or flight” response) and relax when the critical situation has passed.

Ideally, the eyes maintain a calm and balanced level of response. Therefore, simply by relaxing your eyes, you can relax your entire body and thus free your energy to function.

When you smile at your organs, sensations and glands, you connect with them and can communicate well with them.

So, learn how to practice smiling every day! Learn to smile!

Facial rejuvenation

Rejuvenation mechanism

Next, it will be shown what to do so that at any age your face is fresh, well-groomed, so that your features do not blur, your skin is stretched, your eyes shine and shadows do not lie under them and grayish bags do not hang, so that your cheeks retain a pleasant roundness, lips - plumpness and juiciness. In a word, recipes will be given, applying which you will become the real masters of time.

So, in order to tighten your face, we need first of all a wish to do, to enjoy doing. Sound simple? Yes. But it is extremely difficult to do this without special exercises, by willpower alone. The complex of gymnastics for the face will gently set up the muscles of your face for movement, and movement is life.

In the memory of our body there is data on the ideal proportions of the face. Each person has their own. Our body knows this, remembers, strives for this. And if you start natural mechanisms, then the program "recorded" at the gene level will become a reality.

Starting the mechanisms of rejuvenation is both simple and difficult at the same time. Just because they can earn literally in a matter of days, and beyond the process will go by itself: the face itself will become tightened and younger before our eyes.

But there is a small problem here. The difficulty lies in the fact that in order to launch the mechanisms of rejuvenation, you have to work with the psyche. You will need to do not just gymnastics and face masks, but to tune your thoughts.

If it seems to you that it is too difficult, we will tell you about the tempting bonuses that you will receive by doing this system.

  1. First, you will end up with a young face with tightened skin. And all this without significant financial costs, cuts of plastic surgeons' knives, severe postoperative complications.
  2. Secondly, your face will not only look younger, but will return to its natural state. And this, in addition to everything else, is also good health, a sparkle in the eyes and health.

Work system

You perform special physical exercises, or put on masks and do spiritual or mental exercises with them - meditate.

We focus on mental exercises. Because they set your face to look younger. After all, all the processes in our body are controlled by the brain, it remains only for our brain to give the correct setting.

However, before you get started, ask yourself, honestly. Are you ready to become young and beautiful? No, this is not nonsense. The point is that you will work primarily with your mental consciousness, with your psyche. And only you yourself can adjust the body in the right way, or vice versa, bring all your efforts to naught.

Your insecurity is the key to failure, and vice versa, your belief in yourself is the key to success.

Therefore, do not start classes just like that, for show, through force, thinking maybe it will help. Practice when you realize that you really need it and you really want it.

For starters, make it a habit to practice the Inner Smile every day, as outlined at the beginning of this issue.

This technique is good because no additional tools or devices are needed.

Each person always has with him the main tool for carrying out the necessary exercises - these are his own muscles. They need to be trained. And it’s absolutely not necessary for such training to go to some special place (gym or gym), that’s the whole point.

And then in three months you can achieve such results that an appeal to a high-class plastic surgeon will not always give.

  • Firstly, the depth of wrinkles and wrinkles will decrease by 70%. Naturally, something will remain, but it is impossible to completely turn back time. You are adults, you should understand this.
  • Secondly, the tendency to the second chin will disappear completely.
  • Thirdly, there will be no trace of the emerging "flews" - this is when the cheeks sag on the sides of the chin.
  • Fourthly, puffiness under the eyes will disappear, the skin will cease to be edematous.
  • Fifthly, the complexion will improve and turn pink.
  • Sixth, the eyes will come to life and begin to glow.

Daily practice of these exercises will allow you to:

  • tighten the oval of the face;
  • get rid of such cosmetic problems as enlarged pores, excessive fat formation, a tendency to acne, comedones, pigmentation;
  • get rid of bags and circles under the eyes;
  • refresh the mouth area, making the lips more plump and juicy;
  • make cheeks more rounded;
  • have a fresh, well-groomed appearance;

Nowadays, there are a lot of paid schools where you will be taught to stimulate health and vital signs: cleanse yourself of toxins, disperse the energy of youth in yourself, work on your appearance, posture and figure, even tune your intuition! But here's the paradox - if you look at those who completed these courses after a while, it will be noticeable that the results practically did not affect them! Why? The answer is very simple.

Many people don't like to stress. They don’t want to limit themselves in anything, they don’t know that they need to do something with themselves, there are things that you can’t buy for any money and you can’t break through with any power. This is health, this is appearance, this is age. If you do not work on yourself, do not strain, then you will quickly lose the natural resource, turn into a snickering ruin, and then no money and no power will help you.

If you are exactly the kind of person who is not ready to make the effort yourself - then do not read further. Well, if you are ready to work on yourself, then the unique developments published below, technologies for extending life and youth - this is what you need!

Setting the body to the desired wave

What is the setting for? Each set of special exercises for the face and neck begins with a special mental setting - a mental exercise.

It is known that all processes in the body are controlled by the brain. Any muscle will start moving only after a command from the center. You can just start practicing, or you can first set up your thinking center for a lesson, for a certain result. Having completed the mental exercise, catching its "feeling", you will master the physical three to four times faster, and the effect of a five-minute workout will be like a week of classes.

So, each physical exercise should be performed, as it were, against the background of a mental . Remember this main rule! This is the secret of success.

Meditations for the First Set of Exercises

We have to complete several sets of exercises. Everyone has their own special mental setting-meditation.

Let's start with the first complex - a general developmental one, which gives a small but very effective load on individual muscle groups of the face. In addition, the exercises from this complex develop the habit of systematic training.

Preparatory exercise "Tune in for mental training"

With the breathing exercises below, it is recommended to start any exercises for the face, any meditation.

Fire breath

Take a deep breath as you pull your belly up towards your spine and lift your chest. Now exhale slowly. Take a short pause, working your stomach twice - pulling it in and sticking it out. Then an intense inhalation and a calm exhalation.

While breathing, imagine that the inhaled air, getting inside the body, becomes red. Your lungs are thickly braided with red capillaries, the air heats up, and you exhale red flames like a dragon. Such a "fiery" breath "warms up the whole body, makes the blood run faster.

The exercise should be repeated 5-10 times until you feel warmth in your chest.

Preparatory mood

The above meditation will force you to concentrate as much as possible on the muscles of the face. And this means that the energy that is contained in it will be released, millions of nerve endings will be activated, chemical processes will increase by cellular level. And most importantly, the current of bioenergy, about which little is known to modern science, will increase.

Imagining a face, thinking about it all the time, you involuntarily straighten the skin on your forehead, raise the corners of your lips. This is an additional load on the muscles, imperceptible to you. Such exercises are called passive exercises.

By "warming up" the face and adjusting it to a "springy" mood, you automatically increase the blood flow (and, more importantly, the current of bioenergy, biocurrent). This means that the skin is cleansed of toxins, the growth of new cells is stimulated, and your face is rejuvenated.

Warming up the muscles of the face

Imagine that a "bonfire" flares up at the base of the neck. The flame from a tiny fire grows into a real fire. You feel warm, intense heat.

Mentally fire up the neck to the face, higher and higher. Imagine that your face is red hot. Warmth and energy escape from the face in waves. You really should feel a very strong warmth.

Exercise Options


Turn it on and watch the incandescent light turn on. At first, the hair barely glows, and then it becomes brighter and brighter, until, finally, it begins to glow with a bright white light. Now imagine that instead of a face you have such a hair from a lamp. Here he received your mental impulse (you can imagine how you press a normal switch). The face "turned on", glows weakly, but with every second it flares up more and more until the light becomes unbearably bright.


Probably, more than once you have seen a volcanic eruption on TV. Imagine that there is a volcano at the base of your neck. He comes to life, hot lava rises to the mouth, splashes out and begins to rise up the neck, along the chin to the face. Flaming tongues rise higher and higher until they reach the top of the head. Now imagine how the lava flows in a continuous stream over your face from the bottom up.


Remember how the fire burns. The smuts shimmer, change light from dark to bright scarlet, periodically flashing fire. Now imagine that a fire is lit on your face. Your face is a branch thrown into the fire. Here she was engulfed in flames. It blazes, you feel a strong heat. Your face shimmers, flames burst out and envelop it in a column of fire.

It's okay if at first you can't imagine everything, it's written ... Practice. Do not abandon meditation, do not consider it empty or useless, because you need to give a mental command to the body. And meditation is the simplest and most effective way to tune the psyche.

Hold a chosen image in your mind's eye (of a lamp, a volcano, or a fire heating your face). Try to call it on demand at any moment, for example, you are traveling in transport, close your eyes for a second, display an image, feel your face. Soon you will be able to do it instantly and in any conditions, without even closing your eyes.

During these exercises, your task is to properly concentrate on your face or neck. Once you can visualize your face being filled with fire and heat engulfing it, you will achieve an amazing effect that will help energize your face, remove some wrinkles and tighten your skin.

The Taoist practice "Returning the Face of Youth" is intended mainly for facial rejuvenation, but it affects the entire body as a whole. Long-term regular practice will make the skin of the face soft, tender and smooth. It will reduce wrinkles, get rid of age spots and prevent the appearance of acne.

It is advisable to perform Taoist practice for facial rejuvenation every day at the same time (for example, in the morning or before bedtime).

The Taoist complex "Return of the appearance of youth" consists of 14 exercises. It is recommended to perform all 14 exercises of this Taoist practice, following the order indicated. Despite the large number of exercises, the whole practice takes only 10 minutes. No special physical training Facial rejuvenation is not required to perform this Taoist practice.

During the practice for facial rejuvenation, it is advisable to smile and present yourself as young. Smiling affects the nerve endings on your face that send signals to your brain that you are doing well. So the smile changes emotional condition. By smiling and presenting ourselves as young, we amplify the rejuvenating effect of Taoist practice.

Taoist practice of rejuvenation:

1. Taoist practice: "To the three stars."

  1. Take the starting position while standing: legs together, arms freely lowered to the sides. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly (Fig. 1).
  2. Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up to a position above your head (Fig. 2). Raising your hands, breathe in as much fresh air as possible.
  3. Turn your palms up, fingers facing each other, as shown in fig. 3, and lift your heels slightly.
  4. Return the palms to the previous position and slowly lower the arms (Fig. 4). Lowering hands, exhale.

Repeat this exercise 3 times. The first raising of hands is called "to the star of Happiness", the second - "to the star of Prosperity", and the third - "to the star of Longevity".

The effect of Taoist practice: When the palms are directed downward, through the biologically active points in the centers of the palms, the energy of the earth (Yin) is absorbed. When the palms are facing up, the energy of the sky (Yang) is absorbed. This practice increases vitality and balances the energies of Yin and Yang. Enhances blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition improves, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Taoist practice: "Sharpening the eagle's claw."

Raise and lower each heel 8 times (16 movements in total - rubbing the palms).

The effect of Taoist practice: This is the key exercise of this practice. 4 biologically active points on the palms and 9 points on the legs are stimulated. The nerve endings of the spine are stimulated. Due to the complex effect on several biologically active points at once (when rubbing the palms and when raising and lowering the heels), the state of the body improves and rejuvenates. In particular, this practice stimulates the secretion of sex hormones and improves joint elasticity. The regenerative processes in the skin are activated, which as a result acquires a fresh and youthful appearance.

This practice is especially useful for women with gynecological diseases and men suffering from prostatitis. With these diseases, as well as with pain or cramps in the legs, it is recommended to perform this Taoist practice more often.

3. Taoist practice: "Sliding three phoenixes."

  1. Raise your palms to your face at the level of your nose and cover your eyes with them (Fig. 8). After the previous exercise, the palms should be warm.
  2. Gently press your palms on your closed eyes 8 times.
  3. Slightly move your palms away and open your eyes (Fig. 9).
  4. 8 times rotate your eyes counterclockwise, 8 times rotate clockwise.
    Attention! Rotations should be performed slowly, carefully making sure that the gaze alternately turns to all extreme points - look up, to the upper right corner, to the right, to the lower right corner, down, to the lower left corner, to the left, to the upper left corner. Don't cut corners!
  5. Perform 8 eye movements up and down.
  6. Perform 8 eye movements left and right.

The effect of Taoist practice: Pressing on the eyes stimulates biologically active points, and movements train the muscles of the eyes. This practice is good for eye health, improves vision. In combination with the following exercise () - removes swelling of the eyes.

4. Taoist practice: "Movement of the heavens."

  1. With the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows ("third eye") to the temples.
  2. 8 times also massage the forehead (Fig. 10).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates age wrinkles. Also this practice helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, nervous tics of the eyes.

5. Taoist practice: "Phoenix tail drawing".

8 times hold the tubercles on the palms from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples (Fig. 11).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates crow's feet and tones the entire face. Helps with migraines. Complements the practice for eye health.

6. Taoist practice: "Outlining the cheeks."

8 times run your hands over your cheeks - from the cheekbones down (Fig. 12).

The effect of Taoist practice: Moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

7. Taoist practice: "Pressure on the pantry of Yin."

  1. Bend your left arm at the elbow and lift it up. Cover the mouth with the center of the left palm, and pinch the left nostril with the pad of the thumb. The remaining 4 fingers should lie on the right cheek. Press the right hand to the chin, folding the palm with a "cup" (Fig. 13).
  2. Move your hands clockwise 8 times, pressing your thumb on the teeth to the left of the nose (breathe with the right nostril). Simultaneously make 8 circular movements with the tongue in the same direction.
  3. Repeat on the other side (fig. 14).

The effect of Taoist practice: Improves the contour of the lips, fullness of the lips, against wrinkles around the lips.

8. Taoist practice: "Showing the tongue."

  1. Cover your mouth and nose with your hands, index fingers, press on the notches on both sides of the nose. With your thumbs, lightly press on the cheeks, and put the remaining 3 fingers on the nose, leaving a small space for the mouth (Fig. 15).
  2. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue 8 times, twist your tongue 8 times.
  3. Tap your teeth 8 times with your tongue.

The effect of Taoist practice: Rejuvenates the skin of the face and improves the condition of the teeth.

9. Taoist practice: "Absorption of jade liquid."

The effect of Taoist practice: The main effect of this practice is the stimulation of the salivary glands to improve digestion and therefore skin condition. In addition, this practice improves the fullness of the lips.

10. Taoist practice: "Dragon strikes in the face."

For one minute, tap with your fingertips all over your face (Fig. 17).

The effect of Taoist practice: Revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation by acting on nerve endings, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother. In addition, there are many biologically active points on the face, the impact on which during this practice improves the functioning and rejuvenation of the whole organism.

The Secret Method originated several thousand years before our era in China. A certain long-liver - the demigod Peng Zu lived 800 YEARS! He achieved longevity by "Blowing and inhaling air

It was used by Emperors and rich people of China. This teaching - rejuvenation has stood the test of time for two thousand years! Declassified in 1983. This is the method of "Turning an old man into a child"!!! When breathing, focus on the lower chakras, legs, sex glands, kidneys, pituitary gland, hypothalamus. Over the past ten years, they found out what such breathing gives: 1 - youth, health, beauty 2 - increased sexual function, 3 - cure for diseases and longevity !!! It especially treats male impotence, vaginal laxity, prostate gland, frigidity and even uterine cancer, weight loss, etc. Guo Dequan, after a year of such breathing, became so rejuvenated and recovered that all his friends began to ask what miraculous medicine he was drinking !!! This secret was in the strictest confidence only for the Emperors of China. Its main task is to make blood circulate through the vessels, and energy through the channels and meridians, and the gonads in eternal youth. The principle of Chinese medicine: "If the body healthy mind(breath), then the disease (alien spirit - breath) cannot penetrate the body "!!! This method of rejuvenation is now called N.O.K.M. and costs about 5 thousand dollars for ten hours of classes and lectures, but trust me, it's worth it. Although the full course can be purchased in Russia for only about 10 thousand rubles, which is absolutely no different from the original.

Man has always strived to be able to look young and beautiful no matter how old he is. Because aging, if nothing is done, comes very quickly, already starting from the age of twelve, first of all, it begins to age the immune system, and after it the rest of the organs, and by the age of twenty-five, global changes are taking place. It would seem that even young people are already beginning to age more and more every year, and after forty this is already becoming apparent. Muscles and skin, flabby digestive organs can not cope with the load, the brain gradually begins to fade. We will now provide you with some interesting methods and go from simpler to more powerful. And at the end of this article we will talk about the amazing method of the Tibetan initiates, which gives youth harmony and beauty.

In this photo, a man who lived to be 256 years old, according to a Chinese news agency, Li Qingyun was born in 1677 in Qijianxian, Sichuan province. He spent most of his life in the mountains of Sichuan, collecting medicinal herbs and learning the secrets of longevity. He died in 1933 at the age of 256.

According to one of Li's students, he once dated a man who was over 500 years old. He taught him breathing exercises and gave him some dietary advice that could help him prolong his life to superhuman terms.

Sucking vegetable oil

This method of rejuvenation and getting rid of diseases came to us from Tibet and belongs to the secret methods of a cunning person. As a result of sucking oil, the whole body gets rid of toxins and toxins, the endocrine system and the protective properties of the body are activated. We have in our archives the most Full description of this process, it consists of three methods that must be performed simultaneously. Type vegetable in your mouth sunflower oil about a small sip so that during sucking it does not flow out of the mouth and suck, focusing your attention on the tongue, more precisely on its tip. And mentally repeat om benza sato hung, this is the mantra that grants purification. You don't need to think about how it works the main focus on the tip of the tongue. The sucking reflex by some unusual method, bypassing the mind, sends a signal to the brain that you are a baby and the process of rejuvenation starts in the whole body. For some reason, this amazing property manifests itself only with sucking. vegetable oil. After about ten minutes, your oil will become liquid, you will notice that its density has decreased, after which you need to spit it out, and immediately repeat the procedure for sucking the oil a second time. After that, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. It is important to know that you can do this both in the morning on an empty stomach and during the day. In about a month, you will notice the first results of your rejuvenation, at the same time you will begin to get rid of chronic diseases if you had them. Alcohol and alcohol must be completely eliminated while practicing this method, otherwise you will not get any effect. This method is very good, but requires that it be performed every day at least twice within six months, which is not always convenient and not everyone can stand it. If you have enough patience you can use it successfully and the results will surprise you.

Inhalation of a tincture of valerian root

This method of rejuvenation also came to us from Tibet, it itself is one of the methods that we will talk about another time, since it will be too difficult for beginners. The inhalation of valerian also gives a very powerful rejuvenation of the whole body after about six months of doing this practice, the hair color returns to its original, which means that even if you were gray, you will notice that your hair has darkened. How this happens and what affects rejuvenation has not yet been clarified, but this should not confuse you. With the constant use of this method, pressure normalizes if you suffered from high blood pressure, then it will become what it should be, insomnia disappears, digestion normalizes, and many chronic sores go away. But you need to inhale valerian correctly observing all the nuances. Take the open vial and bring it to the right nostril, put the nostril against the neck and take a deep breath, then hold your breath for as long as you feel comfortable. During breath holding, due to carbon dioxide, blood acidification occurs, and it absorbs oxygen better and the contents of valerian tincture are better absorbed. Then do the same with the neck of the vial against the left nostril. Do three to ten cycles of breaths, then go to bed, lying in bed, move each foot back and forth about fifty times with one foot and fifty times with the other foot. Sleep usually comes before you have time to finish the movement with the second leg. Smoking and alcohol will have to be completely excluded otherwise the result will be nothing. You need to inhale in the evening before going to bed every day for at least six months. The method is very effective, your transformation will be noticed by others. But it is also very difficult, you cannot miss a day, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

Spring rejuvenation

While we talked about simple methods, although they are effective, they require constant practice. The next method affects deeper processes and belongs to the secret esoteric. One cycle of this practice allows you to rejuvenate to the level of a twenty-year-old person, both externally and internally.

Sit quietly and focus your attention on the tip of your tongue, try to hold your attention for at least 30 minutes, do this in the morning, if possible, in the evening. After focusing on the tongue, move your attention to the navel area and focus there for about ten minutes, after which you can go about your usual activities. At least in a few months you will feel a unique taste and vibration somewhere far away inside the tongue, keep focusing and in a few more months your mouth will literally embrace an indescribable taste incomparable, you will simply be delighted with what is happening. After a while, you will memorize it and be able to evoke this taste at any time. Now you just have to wait for the spring to melt the snow and bloom the leaves, feel the taste of awakening nature, it is present in everything at this time of the year. Do not waste time in vain to catch the taste you need before the summer comes. Remember this taste and learn to call it in time when you eat. This method is chic, it is simply incomparable, spend your time on it, and you will not regret looking like you will just be the envy of everyone, no one will understand what happened to you. But it’s worth the effort, nothing is so easy, it will take at least two years to rejuvenate. I advise you to forget about all bad habits for this time.

The Secret Practice of Reiki

Here we come to the place where the real conversation about youth and rejuvenation begins. A person always has a choice of how he will live his life. Someone has been sitting on the forums for years in search of a magical, and most importantly, free means of rejuvenation, and life passes by, with every second with every new day, youth goes away, it will not sit and wait for you when you find something that is lying around for free for uselessness. All young people think that they will never be old, and old age is already behind them. If you do not do something while you are still able to do it, then in the future you are unlikely to be able to do anything at all. It is impossible to fix the car if you are sitting in it, you need to at least get out for this, but even if you get out if you are not a mechanic you will not be able to do anything with it, you need to gain knowledge only then something will move. Remember, if some organs and tissues of a person are updated in the process of life with a frequency of about seven years, then the brain and heart are never updated.

In Tibet, among those initiated into secret knowledge, there has always been knowledge about how to renew the brain and heart in order to be young and not have diseases. Modern research proves that, for example, the bone marrow, which is responsible for blood rejuvenation at the age of 20, turns from red into white fat and ceases to perform the functions that are assigned to it. In Tibet, methods are known by which the bone marrow can be made red again, thereby causing the cells of the body to rejuvenate, although they are not advertised to the general public, but they exist. That is, if you ask about them, then they will unequivocally answer that they have not heard anything like this, although in fact this is not fiction. There are secrets of rejuvenation, it’s just that it’s not beneficial for anyone to reveal them for obvious reasons. But knowledge, like water, will seep through even the smallest gap.

Try the following when you go to bed close all windows tightly with curtains so that there is complete darkness. Lie down, relax, breathe calmly, look into the night into the darkness itself with wide eyes. Perhaps at first the eyes will get tired and feel hot, continue to peer and run this night into your eyes, as it were, let it enter inside and at the same time be around you. You must dissolve entirely in the darkness. After that, calmly fall asleep, and when you wake up, wear a part of this darkness, the one that has penetrated you, imagine it inside yourself. Over time, transformations will begin to occur in you, you will become younger by leaps and bounds, your body will become relaxed, you will become a very balanced calm person, if someone looks into your eyes, they will feel dizzy, it will seem to them that in your their eyes saw a deep abyss that had no bottom.

Rejuvenation is the art of inner perfection of a person. Thanks to the use of this method, not only the rejuvenation of the body occurs, but also the improvement of blood circulation, lymph circulation. Internal organs, ligaments, bones, endocrine glands develop and strengthen. The immune, nervous, digestive, genitourinary, cardiovascular systems organism. Improves overall health.

Thanks to this, there is a restoration of the red bone marrow, which produces erythrocytes (red blood cells), which perform the respiratory function in the body. They carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells, and carbon dioxide from cells to lungs. There is a restoration of leukocytes (white blood cells). These are protective blood cells that protect the body from microorganisms, foreign proteins, foreign bodies that penetrate the blood and tissues. Leukocytes fight viruses and bacteria, and cleanse the blood of dying cells.

Now we will tell you one little secret about breathing, not many people know about it. Our inhalations and exhalations are regulated by the autonomic nervous system through two sets of neurons. The first is responsible for spontaneous respiratory activity when we are asleep or unconscious in a faint. The second is responsible for the conscious part of breathing. So it’s impossible to stop breathing on your own, something will inhale you anyway.

So, with certain breathing practices, these two groups of neurons are synchronized. What does this lead to? The body begins to think that it is completely safe, and starts the processes of relaxation and recovery. The level of anxiety decreases, depression disappears and the renewal of the body begins at the cellular level, that is, complete rejuvenation. But you still need to be able to start some conversations will not be enough.

Attention! This method is described in an abridged version.

Lying before going to bed, imagine that you are breathing not with your lungs, but with your fingers, and the air enters your fingers and it is painted with all the colors of the rainbow. It comes in and out of you with every inhalation and exhalation. Feel or imagine how the air moves through the bones of the hands to the head, penetrating along its path into all tissues and organs. To do this, you need to work a little on the imagination, in the future you will really feel it, and some people will even be able to see the whole process in reality. Breathe like this for about five minutes, and then just relax and wait. To say more precisely that the holy spirit should descend on you from the sky, as others would say, or cosmic energy, as you call it yourself, is your own business. Wait and it will capture you completely. Your arms and legs may begin to move involuntarily. The divine itself will dance with you. Those who are lucky will be able to experience this feeling already in the first lessons, for the rest who did not succeed, write to us by email and explain in more detail what the matter is.

This exercise fills the whole body with vital energy. After doing it, you will feel that every bone, every muscle, every organ, every cell of the body is filled with pulsating and life-giving energy. You will feel renewed, as if you have been given a new body, re-created from head to toe. Would you like to be reborn? Then get started! In addition to rejuvenation, you will also get rid of radiculitis, arthritis, and other diseases forever.

Regular practice will make the skin of the face soft, tender and smooth. Reduce wrinkles...

It is desirable to perform the practice for facial rejuvenation every day at the same time (for example, in the morning or before bedtime).

The complex "Return of the appearance of youth" consists of 14 exercises.

Despite the large number of exercises, the whole practice takes only 10 minutes.

No special physical training is required to perform.

During the practice for facial rejuvenation, it is advisable to smile and present yourself as young.

Smiling affects the nerve endings on your face that send signals to your brain that you are doing well. Thus, a smile changes the emotional state. By smiling and presenting ourselves as young, we amplify the rejuvenating effect of Taoist practice.

1. Exercise "To three stars"

  1. Take the starting position while standing: legs together, arms freely lowered to the sides. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly (Fig. 1).
  2. Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up to a position above your head (Fig. 2). Raising your hands, breathe in as much fresh air as possible.
  3. Turn your palms up, fingers facing each other, as shown in fig. 3, and lift your heels slightly.
  4. Return the palms to the previous position and slowly lower the arms (Fig. 4). Lowering hands, exhale.

Repeat this exercise 3 times. The first raising of hands is called "to the star of Happiness", the second - "to the star of Prosperity", and the third - "to the star of Longevity".

Effect: When the palms are directed downward, through the biologically active points in the centers of the palms, the energy of the earth (Yin) is absorbed.

When the palms are facing up, the energy of the sky (Yang) is absorbed.

This practice increases vitality and balances the energies of Yin and Yang. Enhances blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition improves, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Exercise: "Sharpening the eagle's claw"

  1. Return to the starting position described in the exercise "To the three stars."
  2. Put your hands together with your palms facing each other and place them between your knees, slightly bending your knees. Squeeze your palms firmly with your knees (Fig. 5).
  3. Alternately raise and lower the left and right heels. At the same time, the palms sandwiched between the knees should rub against each other (Fig. 6, 7).

Raise and lower each heel 8 times (16 movements in total - rubbing the palms).

Effect: This is the key exercise.

4 biologically active points on the palms and 9 points on the legs, nerve endings of the spine are stimulated.

Due to the complex effect on several biologically active points at once (when rubbing the palms and when raising and lowering the heels), the state of the body improves and rejuvenates. In particular, this practice stimulates the secretion of sex hormones and improves joint elasticity.

The regenerative processes in the skin are activated, which as a result acquires a fresh and youthful appearance.

This practice is especially useful for women with gynecological diseases and men suffering from prostatitis. With these diseases, as well as with pain or cramps in the legs, it is recommended to perform more often.

Pregnant women, on the contrary, are not recommended to perform this exercise.

3. Exercise: "Sliding three phoenixes"

  1. Raise your palms to your face at the level of your nose and cover your eyes with them (Fig. 8).
  2. After the previous exercise, the palms should be warm.
  3. Gently press your palms on your closed eyes 8 times.
  4. Slightly move your palms away and open your eyes (Fig. 9).
  5. 8 times rotate your eyes counterclockwise, 8 times rotate clockwise.
    Attention! Rotations should be performed slowly, carefully making sure that the gaze alternately turns to all extreme points - look up, to the upper right corner, to the right, to the lower right corner, down, to the lower left corner, to the left, to the upper left corner. Don't cut corners!
  6. Perform 8 eye movements up and down.
  7. Perform 8 eye movements left and right.

Effect: Pressing on the eyes stimulates biologically active points, and movements train the muscles of the eyes. This practice is good for eye health, improves vision. In combination with the next exercise ("Movement of Heaven") - removes swelling of the eyes.

4. Exercise: "Moving Heaven"

  1. With the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows ("third eye") to the temples.
  2. 8 times also massage the forehead (Fig. 10).

Effect: Eliminates age wrinkles. Also, this practice helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, nervous tics of the eyes.

5. Exercise: "Drawing a Phoenix Tail"

8 times hold the tubercles on the palms from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples (Fig. 11).

Effect: Eliminates crow's feet and tones the entire face. Helps with migraines. Complements the Three Phoenix Sliding practice for eye health.

6. Exercise: "Outlining the cheeks"

8 times run your hands over your cheeks - from the cheekbones down (Fig. 12).

Effect: Moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

7. Exercise: "Pressure on the pantry Yin"

  1. Bend your left arm at the elbow and lift it up. Cover the mouth with the center of the left palm, and pinch the left nostril with the pad of the thumb. The remaining 4 fingers should lie on the right cheek. Press the right hand to the chin, folding the palm with a "cup" (Fig. 13).
  2. Move your hands clockwise 8 times, pressing your thumb on the teeth to the left of the nose (breathe with the right nostril). Simultaneously make 8 circular movements with the tongue in the same direction.
  3. Repeat on the other side (fig. 14).

Effect: Improves the contour of the lips, fullness of the lips, against wrinkles around the lips.

8. Exercise: "Showing the tongue"

  1. Cover your mouth and nose with your hands, index fingers, press on the recesses on both sides of the nose. With your thumbs, lightly press on the cheeks, and put the remaining 3 fingers on the nose, leaving a small space for the mouth (Fig. 15).
  2. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue 8 times, twist your tongue 8 times.
  3. Tap your teeth 8 times with your tongue.

Effect: Rejuvenates the skin of the face and improves the condition of the teeth.

9. Exercise: "Absorption of jade liquid"

  1. Leave your hands in the same position as in the previous exercise ("Showing the tongue") - fig. 16.
  2. Move the closed lips to the right and left 8 times.
  3. Move closed lips up and down 8 times.
  4. Then close your lips tightly and pull into your mouth.
  5. Repeat all 3 times.

Effect: The main effect is the stimulation of the salivary glands to improve digestion and therefore the condition of the skin. In addition, this practice improves the fullness of the lips.

10. Exercise: "Dragon strikes in the face"

Tap your fingertips all over your face for one minute (Fig. 17).

Effect: Revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation by acting on nerve endings, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother. In addition, there are many biologically active points on the face, the impact on which during this practice improves the functioning and rejuvenation of the whole organism.

Taoist rejuvenation techniques and hatha yoga are different from each other. But they are based on an understanding of the disease that is different from the Western one. And both ways are meant to maintain health in the human body.

Keep cheerful and excellent appearance to venerable years - the dream of all people. In Eastern countries, thousands of years ago, healthy longevity became the goal of monks-scientists. The healing practices of Ayurveda, the Taoist way of rejuvenation or everyday qigong techniques allow the people of Asia and Japan to achieve active old age. Combining these methods with the successes of Western medicine and cosmetology is not so difficult.

Traditional Chinese Medicine takes a holistic (holistic) approach to the health of the human body. It is based on the Taoist theory of vital energy - qi, which circulates through the imaginary channels of the body. Violation of its movement, stagnation in one place or excess in another lead to diseases. The reasons for this can be not only the wrong lifestyle, but also behavioral factors:

  • stressful situations, bad mood;
  • excessive emotions, negative thinking;
  • violation of moral standards.

Such views are in line with European science psychosomatics, which establishes a connection between the psycho-emotional state of a person and his health. The Taoist model for achieving longevity qi-gong includes the following comprehensive measures.

  1. Ethical - a balanced life without fuss, in accordance with conscience, accepted religious and moral rules.
  2. Spiritual - meditation and other ways of developing the spirit.
  3. Breathing techniques - as another way to control the spirit, the energies of the body.
  4. Nutrition - a diet without frills, with a lot of plant foods.
  5. Motor activity is a special gymnastics, useful for the body and bringing the soul into balance.

Medicinal herbs, daily food are also used as a way to normalize the movement of qi and self-improvement. In the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, the causes of aging of the body are associated with a long-term disorder of the mind and body. It is the harmony of the physical, energy and spiritual components that ensures longevity and health.

It seems difficult to reconcile the methods of a Taoist or Buddhist monastery with the hectic life of a city. But there are many books that popularize this knowledge. For example, Zheng Fuchzhong and other authors explain the ways of influencing energy points for the sake of the health of the body in their works.

Qigong and yoga

Taoist qigong practices are multifunctional. This is a well-thought-out system of strengthening both the body and the spirit. From a spiritual point of view, they teach to control their own life energy. On the physiological side, smooth movements strengthen the body, promote healthy longevity, and have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity and the nervous system.

A variety of techniques allows you to create a complex that does not require special physical training, and, therefore, accessible to people with various diseases of all ages. Here is an example of a simple Taoist exercise that Zheng Fuchong gives in his book Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg:

Stand up straight, lower your arms and straighten your back. Raise one leg and close your eyes. Without opening them, hold the pose for as long as possible.

Do not be deceived by the seeming simplicity of the method - it is difficult to maintain balance. You can spread your arms to the side, lift your leg forward, and not take it back. Exercise well trains coordination, puts in order the blood circulation of internal organs, raises the body's resistance to disease, develops the correct posture. Even people who have had a stroke report an improvement in well-being and clarity of mind after regularly performing such a Taoist stance.

The yogic system of longevity is also aimed at harmonizing the physical and spiritual. It consists of several schools that are interconnected. In the Western community, yoga practices are used as a form of gymnastics. They regulate the metabolism, increase the flexibility of the joints, put in order the circulatory and endocrine system help to cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

To rejuvenate the body, these methods are enough. But the ability to detach from anxiety, a simple attitude to life, proper nutrition and timely cleansing of the body give the best results.

Eastern centenarian food

Depending on the lifestyle of the monastery and its location, the diet of Taoist or Buddhist monks changed. But counting on the longevity of the body, they ate according to a similar pattern. Even those of them who did not completely refuse meat, reduced their consumption to 1-2 times a week. Otherwise, their diet can be correlated with the so-called Mediterranean diet.

  1. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, several times a week - eggs, fish.
  2. The source of vegetable protein is legumes and cereals: rice, oats, beans, soybeans.
  3. Head, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, rich in vitamin C and useful microelements, enjoy authority.
  4. Seafood and soy have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, strengthen bones.
  5. Cottage cheese, cheese or other dairy products are recommended every other day (this is especially important for people over 50).

Each meal should be leisurely and enjoyable without overeating. Beverages - green tea or black pu-erh - are selected depending on the time of day and the general condition of the body.

Acupuncture and self-massage

On the energy channels piercing all human body, you can influence if you know the right points of influence. This is the basis of acupuncture (acupuncture) or acupressure (acupressure) - a Taoist method of restoring the balance of qi energy in the body. Chinese medicine uses this method of therapy along with traditional herbal medicines and modern methods treatment of diseases.

Activation of points not only relieves the severity of symptoms, but also promotes longevity. Self-massage or acupuncture at the first suspicion of a malfunction in one or another internal organ help prevent the development of the disease.

Such practices are included in the Taoist path of rejuvenation, and Zheng Fuchzhong in his works clearly explains the location of these points. Regular exposure to them raises the protective functions of the body, prevents a possible imbalance of energy, stimulates the immune, endocrine and nervous systems.

Breathing techniques and meditation

Breath control during qigong or hatha yoga is necessary as an increase in the effect on the body that helps longevity. By themselves, breathing exercises can replenish energy at the end of the working day, calm in an alarming situation, and stimulate one or another organ. Meditations are included in the practice of yoga, in Taoist qigong. The ability to renounce the hustle and bustle for a short time is a way for the body to relax. But the development of these methods should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Chinese medicine, the Taoist qigong system and other oriental practices of body rejuvenation have their own contraindications. You should carefully approach the choice of exercises and methods to achieve longevity. There are no special prohibitions for massaging energy points. But the choice of a source of information or an acupuncturist must be very strict.