Why are trains needed? Lesson plan for the world around us (grade 1) on the topic. Why are trains needed? Download the presentation on why trains are needed

Lesson type: combined


formation of ideas about the purpose and structure of trains and railways

Basic concepts and definitions

Ground and underground transport, railway arrangement

Planned results


Will learn: classify trains depending on their purpose; talk about the structure of the railway.

Will have the opportunity to learn: compare ancient and modern trains; make assumptions and prove them; understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it; work in pairs, using the information presented to gain new knowledge.


Regulatory: navigate the textbook and workbook; accept and maintain the learning task; evaluate the results of their actions; predict the outcome of their actions; predict the results of the level of mastery of the studied material.

Cognitive: general educational - independently put forward and formulate cognitive goals; logical - search for essential information (from textbook materials, from a teacher’s story on reproduction from memory).

Communicative: know how to exchange opinions, listen to another student - communication partner and teacher; coordinate your actions with your partner; enter into collective educational cooperation, accepting its rules and conditions; build concepts of speech utterances.

Personal results

Awareness of human responsibility for general well-being; ethical feelings, primarily benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness.

Preparing to learn new material

Let's learn to explain the purpose of trains, distinguish their main types

Learning new material

Why are trains needed?

Remember what trains you know. Look at the photographs. Tell us about the purpose of these trains.

Compare different passenger trains.

Freight train Electric train

Long distance train Metro train

Where should you go? Far or close? Different passenger trains will help here.

Many cities have a metro. Metro trains travel in underground corridors - tunnels. They will take you from one area of ​​the city to another.

You can get close to the city by commuter train - electric train.

Long-distance trains go to distant cities.

Unlike cars, trains travel by rail. Think and tell us how the railways work.

Comprehension and understanding of acquired knowledge

Do you know that..

The first railway appeared in Russia more than 170 years ago? Steam locomotives ran along it. And now a whole network of railways has been built in our country. Passengers are transported between Moscow and St. Petersburg by high-speed electric trains - Sapsan.

Using this information, tell what is shown in an old painting and a modern photograph


Trains are ground and underground transport. Unlike cars, trains
travel by rail. Trains are needed to transport
passengers and cargo.

Independent application of knowledge

1.Why do people create trains?

2. What types of trains are there?

3. How is the railway structure?

For whatneededtrains

Trains and Locomotives video for children

Trains and railway. Watching a freight and passenger train

Storydevelopmentsteam locomotive building

1. At the station, parts of the trains - passenger and freight - were mixed up. Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and assemble the trains. Ask your deskmate to check on you. After checking, stick the parts. Tell us what kind of cargo the freight train carries.

A freight train carries cars, sand, timber, chemical substances, various goods.

2. Do you know what a children's railway is? This is a wonderful place! If the opportunity arises, visit such a road and get to know how it works. If there is no opportunity, find out about it using the Internet or other sources of information. Be prepared to talk in class about what you saw and learned.

Children's railways

Children's railways are special educational clubs in which children aged 8-15 years study railway specialties. Children's railways are trying to bring them as close as possible to the prototype - public railways. Therefore, as far as possible, children's railways use the same equipment as real railways.
Sometimes children's railways are called attractions located in cultural and recreation parks, which are a train that rides children in a circle. However, such attractions are not children's railways. Firstly, they are operated by adults, and secondly, real children's railways are organizations that teach children the basics railway professions, which does not apply to attractions.
The first children's railway was built in Moscow in 1932. By the mid-1980s, at least 52 children's railways operated in the USSR. Now in Russia there are 25 children's railways in the cities: Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kazan, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Kratovo, Kurgan, Liski, Nizhny Novgorod, Novomoskovsk, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Penza, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Svobodny, Tyumen, Ufa, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, Chita, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Yaroslavl.

MBOU Ostrovyanskaya secondary school

teacher: Sergeeva L.M.

Lesson summary of the surrounding world in 1st grade

according to the educational complex "School of Russia"

Lesson topic: "Why are trains needed?"

Lesson type: learning new material.

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​trains and the railway.


clarify and systematize students’ ideas about the purpose of trains; about the structure of the railway;

complete assignments in groups based on textbook information

Planned results:


determine the destination of trains;

classify trains depending on their destination;

know the structure of the railway


determine the personal meaning of studying the lesson topic;

demonstrate a holistic perception of the world around you

Metasubject :

Regulatory: understand the educational task of the lesson, strive to complete it, develop the ability to work in a group and independently, assist a friend, evaluate one’s achievements in the lesson;

Communication : to develop the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, find patterns, extract information from a drawing, conduct mutual verification;

Cognitive : develop memory, logical thinking and speech, develop cognitive interest.

Equipment: Textbook: Pleshakov A.A. " The world 1st grade", computer, electronic supplement to the textbook "The World Around You", multimedia projector, presentation "Why are trains needed?", song "We are going, going, going..." video "Russian Railways", children's railway.

For children: Textbooks, help sheets, envelopes with materials from the application, glue, traffic lights, emoticons for reflection.

Teacher activities

Student activities

I . Organizing time

We have a lot of guests in our lesson today. Say hello to them and smile. Smile at each other - give good mood. Sit down.

II. Motivation for learning activities.

Let's start a lesson about the world around us.

What is the name of the section we are studying?

Do you think you will learn something new in class today?

You are ready?

I want to wish you good luck.

Our lesson motto:

III . Updating knowledge

So, together with the Ant and the Wise Turtle, we continue to discover new knowledge.

One day, returning home, Ant heard an argument between two people:

There are 2 drivers near the garden

We got involved in a serious argument:

Whose car is newest?

Whose is stronger and faster,

Whose, how the sun shines

And like a feather it flies...

Ant listened and listened to this argument and thought:

“Why do we need cars?”

Let's help Ant Question find the answer!

1. A car is a land means of transport.

2. Modern car fueled by coal.

3. The engine is called the “heart of the car”

4. Cars with gasoline engines cause a lot of air pollution.

5. Minibus taxi, bus, trolleybus transport passengers.

6. A car is the only vehicle that can carry passengers and cargo.

So, we found out that in addition to the car, other types of transport can transport passengers and cargo.

Interested to know which ones?

IV. Setting a learning task.

1) – One day Ant saw an interesting car and wrote a riddle about it. Try to guess it:

What kind of miracle? Here's the car!
A hundred wheels! Where are the tires?
Rushing along the steel road.
Invites you for a ride

Would you like to take a ride? We sat down straight and let's go.

What train is this?

Are there real trains?

Who saw the trains? Where?

How many of you traveled by train?

Can you guess what we will talk about in class today?

Guys, please tell me what we can’t start the lesson without?

Open the textbooks p.62, find the Ant, and together with him set the learning task for the lesson.

V. Discovery of new knowledge.

Guess the riddles and you will find out what types of trains there are?

1) I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very often at any hour

I'll take you underground.

Think about what subway trains are needed for?

In large cities where more than a million people live, trolleybuses, buses and trams do not have time to transport people around the city. That’s why underground railways – subways – are being built in large cities. The metro is much more convenient than other types of urban transport. Light, roomy carriages deliver passengers from one end of the city to the other in a short time. The metro is being built at a depth of 15–20 m, so the noise of rushing cars does not bother anyone. Metro stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg are very beautiful and look like fairy-tale palaces. People are transported to metro trains by a moving staircase - an escalator.

2) Past the grove, past the ravine

It rushes without smoke, it rushes without steam

Steam locomotive sister

Who is she?

Guess what the electric train is needed for?

You can take the train outside the city, a short distance from your home. Those who have dachas often use this type of transport. Electric trains most often include 10 cars (there can be from 4 to 12). For drivers, the head (end) cars are equipped with cabins with the necessary control equipment and control devices.

3) I went into the green house

I spent more than a day there

This house turned out to be

In another distant city.

Think about what a long-distance train is needed for?

Traveling to a distant city by train is inconvenient. The journey is long and there are no amenities, so passengers buy tickets for long-distance trains. Long-distance trains have sleeping places, toilets, and dining cars. Each carriage has a conductor who serves the passengers of his carriage.

- To find out the name of the next train, you need to complete the puzzle.

4) Iron itself,

The iron road

He runs himself

And the cargo is useful

Runs on his heels,

And the ground beneath him trembles.

What are freight trains for?

VI. Primary consolidation.

1) Working with textbook text

Let's check whether we have correctly determined the purpose of passenger trains. Open your textbooks on p.90.

2) Working with pictures of trains.

Look at the photographs (the children have a picture of trains) and tell me which 2 groups can we divide all the trains into? Why?

VII. Physical exercise.

VIII. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1) Answers to questions:

Guys, answer the question: what train will Ant go to the dacha on?

Which train will Ant go to the museum on?

In the summer, perhaps one of you will go on vacation with your parents to the sea. Which train will you take?

2) Work in groups

Guys, help Question Ant figure it out.

what makes trains move, who drives the train and how is the railway structure?

Why does a train need a locomotive?

What is a carriage? What types of carriages are there?

3) Work with handouts: “Assemble a train”

(sheets are hung on the board.)

Take the pictures in the envelopes and assemble the trains.

Check the work of your comrades. Evaluate the work using a traffic light.

How are passenger trains different from freight trains? (different carriages )

- What is a railway?

(rails and sleepers)

Guess what rails and sleepers are?

Find the words rails, sleepers on the help sheets.Rail - This is a narrow steel beam along which the wheels of the cars roll.

The rails lie on sleepers - wooden or concrete beams laid across the railway track. They are needed to support the rails.

3). Working with the textbook .

Consider the diagram on p. 91

What words have you heard and do you understand them?

What words do you not understand? (Overpass, tunnel, barrier)

4) Game “Help the Question Ant correct his mistakes”

5). Working with the textbook. History of the railway.

We learned about how trains and railways work and what they look like. Do you know when the first railway appeared?

Let's read the text on p.63. ("Do you know that….)

6). Teacher's story.

- Guys, are you interested in knowing what the ancestors of the modern train were like?

The railway first appeared in cities in the 17th and 18th centuries. The carriage was pulled along the rails by a horse driven by a coachman. The people called this railway “horse tram”.

In Russia, the first steam locomotive was invented by the masters Cherepanovs (father and son Efim and Miron).

These were small and clumsy engines with four wheels and a pipe as long as a giraffe's neck. But they walked on the rails very quickly and could drag a load heavier than 3 tons.

The railway was built in Nizhny Tagil. The rails were laid for only 800 meters. It was the first railway in our country.

Such trains operated on railways until the 50s of the 20th century.

The most famous train in the history of Russia was the train that brought the winning soldiers from Germany in June 1945 to Moscow.

Over time, railway lines began to be built throughout the country. Locomotives and carriages were changed, their mechanisms were improved. One of the latest achievements is the high-speed train "Sapsan", which transports people between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

7) Working with the textbook p.63

- Using the information, tell what is shown in the old picture and modern photograph.

IX . Reflection.

What task did you like most in the lesson?

What task caused difficulties? Why?

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Repeat where in Everyday life will we be able to apply the knowledge gained?

X . Summing up the lesson.

Have we answered the main question of the lesson: “Why are trains needed?”

What discoveries did you make in class?

Welcome guests

Why and why


Everything will work out!

They work as traffic lights









They sing the song “We are going, we are going, we are going...”



about trains

without a goal

reading the problem p.62

metro train

children's answers, performance


children's answers, performance

Long-distance trains

(transport people on small distances from the city)

children's answers, performance

Group work

Freight train

Reading text

Group work

1.ground transport and underground transport

2. cargo and passenger

Children's answers


(metro train)

(Long-distance trains)

This is a strong man who pulls carriages behind him.

Passenger, cargo

work in groups on worksheets

Working with help sheets

Overpass, tunnel, barrier

Reading the text aloud p.63

Children correct mistakes, 1 works on a computer with an electronic application.

Class: 1

Target: To form in children an idea of ​​the purpose and structure of trains and railways.


  1. Introduce the types, purpose and structure of trains; to form ideas about the structure and purpose of railways, about the professions of people working in this field; to introduce the history of the development of the railway, the purpose of the children's railway.
  2. Develop an interest in technology; develop monologue speech and fantasy, the ability to classify, generalize and draw conclusions.
  3. To foster respect for the professions of parents and patriotism.

Planned results: students will learn to explain the purpose of trains; talk about the structure of the railway.

Equipment: Textbook: Pleshakov A.A. "The world around us 1st grade" workbook, computer, multimedia projector, presentation, electronic supplement to the textbook.

For children: Textbooks, workbooks, cut-out numbers, envelopes with materials and applications, glue, “traffic lights”.

During the classes

I.Organizing time.

– We have a lot of guests at our lesson today. Say hello to them and smile. Smile at each other - give a good mood. Sit down.

II. Motivation for learning activities.

- Let's start a lesson about the world around us.

– What is the name of the section we are studying? ( Why and why).

– Do you think you will learn something new in class today? You are ready?

– I want to wish you good luck. Let's read the motto of this lesson: (on the board)

Everything will work out!

III.Updating knowledge.

– What did we talk about in the last lesson?

– Why did people create cars?

– What types of cars are there?

– What work did you do at home? (glued together a car model)

– Let’s repeat the structure of a car (One student works with an electronic

appendix to the textbook , the rest are found on their models.)

IV.Setting a learning task.

1) – The ant brought us a riddle:

What kind of miracle? Here's the car!
A hundred wheels! Where are the tires?
Rushing along the steel road.
He invites you for a ride. ( train) (slide 2)

2) – Look at the photographs and say that there is something superfluous here. Why? ( slide 3)

– Who saw the trains? Where?

– Which of you traveled by train?

– Name the topic of today’s lesson.

- Guys, Ant asks him to help. He is in the city and decided to go to the country.

Which train should he take? Show with a number.

- And the wise Turtle in big city I decided to visit the museum. Can she go by train? Which?

– We got different opinions. What should we do? (figure out)

– What tasks will we set for ourselves?

– Continue the sentences: ( slide 4)

Learn to explain…(train destination)

Learn to distinguish...(main types of trains)

- Let's check if we have correctly identified the topic and objectives of the lesson. Open with. 62, read the topic and tasks.

V.Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Working with the textbook

Look at the pictures on p. 62 textbooks. Read the signatures. Tell us about the purpose of the trains.

2. Guessing riddles:

- I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very fast underground
I'll take you underground. ( metro train (slide 5)

– In large cities where more than a million people live, trolleybuses, buses and trams do not have time to transport people around the city. That’s why underground railways and subways are being built in large cities. The metro is much more convenient than other types of urban transport. Light, roomy carriages deliver passengers from one end of the city to the other in a short time. The metro is being built at a depth of 15–20 m, so the noise of rushing cars does not bother anyone. Metro stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg are very beautiful and look like fairy-tale palaces.( slide 6) People are transported to metro trains by a moving staircase - an escalator.

Which train is the following riddle about?

Past the grove, past the ravine
It rushes without smoke, it rushes without steam
Steam locomotive sister
Who is she? ( train) (slide 7)

– What are electric trains needed for? ( commuter trains) (to transport people on small distances from the city)

– Now guess another riddle:

I went into the green house
I spent more than a day there.
This house turned out to be
In another distant city. (long-distance train) (slide 8)

– What are such trains needed for?

– Listen to another riddle:

The earth is shaking, the strong man is running,
He pulls along
Cars with coal and expensive gasoline . (freight train) (slide 9)

3. Working with textbook text- Let's check whether we have correctly determined the purpose of passenger trains. Open your textbooks on p.90.

- Read the text.

4. View the plot from the electronic supplement to the textbook.

VI. Primary consolidation.

- Let's get back to the question: what train will Ant go to the dacha on? (on train) (slide 10)

– What train will Owl take to the museum? (metro train)

– In the summer, perhaps one of you will go on vacation to the sea with your parents. Which train will you take? (Long-distance trains)

– Guys, what is the difference between the carriages of passenger and freight trains? (students' answers)

Slides 11, 12

5 .Work in pairs.

- How is the railway organized? Think about it, discuss in pairs. (Student answers) ( slides 13, 14)

6. Working with the textbook.

– Look at the diagram on p. 91. ( slide 15)

– What words do you not understand? ( Overpass, tunnel, barrier - slides 16, 17, 18, 19)

– There is also a railway crossing within the boundaries of our village. How is it built?

7. Working with the textbook. History of the railway.

– You and I learned about how trains and railways work, what they look like. Do you know when the first railway appeared?

- let's read the text on p. 63. ("Do you know that….)

8. Teacher's story.

– In Russia, the first steam locomotive was invented by the masters Cherepanovs (father and son Efim and Miron).

These were small and clumsy engines with four wheels and a pipe as long as a giraffe's neck. But they walked on the rails very quickly and could drag a load heavier than 3 tons. (slides 20, 21)

The railway was built in Nizhny Tagil. The rails were laid for only 800 meters. It was the first railway in our country. (slides 22, 23) Pedestrians climbed into the steam slow-moving ships. ( slide 24) And they could easily get off on the move. Over time, railway lines began to be built throughout the country. Locomotives and carriages were changed, their mechanisms were improved. One of the latest achievements is the high-speed train "Sapsan", which transports people between Moscow and St. Petersburg.( slide 25)

9. Independent work in a notebook. Peer review. Mutual assessment.

– Open p.42. What is shown here? (Locomotives.)

– Why does a train need a locomotive? ( This is a strong man who pulls wagons behind him)

– What is missing here? ( wagons)

Take the pictures in the envelopes and assemble the trains.

– Check the standard .(slide 26) Check your deskmate's work. Evaluate its performance using a traffic light.

– How are passenger trains different from freight trains? ( different carriages)

10. Introduction to professions.

- Guys, do trains run on rails by themselves? The driver drives the car, but who drives the trains? What professions do people work on the railway?

– We live near the city of Belogorsk, which has a large junction railway station (slide 27). Trains go from here in different directions. There is a station, a locomotive depot and other departments.

– In our class there are children whose parents work as a track foreman, an assistant driver, an inspector, and a conductor. Let's listen to their stories. (Students' stories accompanied by slides with photographs.)

11. Children's railway.

- And what do you think. Can children drive trains?

In some cities of our country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, etc. there are children's railways. (slide 28). They work in the summer and are served only by schoolchildren: conductors, drivers, auditors - these are children. (slides 29 – 32)

There is such a wonderful place in our Amur region - in the city of Svobodny the small Transbaikal Railway has been operating for more than 70 years. It is the longest of all children's tracks in Russia. If the opportunity arises, visit such a road and get to know how it works.

In the meantime, you can find information on the Internet, tell us in the next lesson and draw a children's railway in your notebook on p. 43.

VII. Reflection.

(slide 33)

– Why do people create trains?

– What types of trains are there?

– How is the railway structure? ( railway roadbed, tunnels, overpasses, crossings...)

VIII. Summarizing.

– Have we answered the main question of the lesson: “Why are trains needed?”

– What discoveries did you make in class?


1 MKOU Izdeshkovskaya Secondary School LESSON OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN 1st CLASS ON THE TOPIC: “WHY DO WE NEED TRAINS?” Conducted by the teacher classes Zhazhkova Almira Mansurovna Izdeshkovo Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​the purpose and structure of trains and railways. 1

2 Objectives: To introduce the types, purpose and structure of trains; to form ideas about the structure and purpose of railways, about the professions of people working in this field; to introduce the history of the development of the railway, the purpose of the children's railway. Develop an interest in technology; develop monologue speech and fantasy, the ability to classify, generalize and draw conclusions. To foster respect for the professions of parents and patriotism. Planned results: students will learn to explain the purpose of trains; talk about the structure of the railway. Equipment: Textbook: Pleshakov A.A. “The world around us, grade 1”, workbook, computer, multimedia projector, presentation, electronic supplement to the textbook, fan of numbers, model railway For children: Textbooks, workbooks, cut numbers, envelopes with materials and applications, glue, model rail I . Organizing time. Lesson progress We have a lot of guests in our lesson today. Say hello to them and smile. Smile at each other and give a good mood. Sit down. II. Motivation for learning activities. Let's start a lesson about the world around us. What is the name of the section we are studying? (Why and why). Do you think you will learn something new in class today? You are ready? I want to wish you good luck. Let's read the motto of this lesson: (on the board) Everything will work out! III. Updating knowledge. What did we talk about in the last lesson? - What did people ride in ancient times? (SLIDE 1) - Why did people create cars? What types of cars are there? What kind of work have you done at home? (glued together a model of a car) Let's repeat the structure of a car (One student names, 2

3 others are found on their models.) IV. Setting a learning task. 1) The ant brought us a riddle: (Riddle on slide 2). The student reads. What kind of miracle? Here's the car! A hundred wheels! Where are the tires? Rushing along the steel road. He invites you for a ride. (train) (slide 2) 2) Look at the photographs and say what is superfluous here. Why? (slide 3) Who saw the trains? Where? How many of you traveled by train? Name the topic of today's lesson. Guys, Ant asks him to help. He is in the city and decided to go to the country. Which train should he take? Show with a number. And the wise Turtle in the big city decided to visit the museum. Can she go by train? Which? We got different opinions. What should we do? (figure it out) What tasks will we set for ourselves? Continue the sentences: (slide 4) Learn to explain (the purpose of trains) Learn to distinguish (the main types of trains) Let's check if we have correctly identified the topic and objectives of the lesson. Open with. 62, read the topic and tasks. V. Discovery of new knowledge. 1. Working with the textbook Look at the pictures on p. 62 textbooks. Read the signatures. Tell us about the purpose of the trains. 2. Guessing riddles: I will take you underground at any time of the year and in any bad weather. Very quickly underground. (metro train) (slide 5) In big cities where more than a million people live, trolleybuses, buses and trams do not have time to transport people around the city. That's why underground railways are being built in large cities 3

4 metro. The metro is much more convenient than other types of urban transport. Light, roomy carriages deliver passengers from one end of the city to the other in a short time. The metro is being built at a depth of m, so the noise of rushing cars does not bother anyone. The metro stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg are very beautiful and look like fairy-tale palaces. (Slide 6) People are transported to the metro trains by a moving staircase and escalator. What kind of train is the following riddle about: Past the grove, past the ravine Rushing without smoke, racing without steam Steam locomotive sister Who is she? (train) (slide 7) What are trains needed for? (commuter trains) (transport people short distances from the city) Now guess another riddle: I went into a green house, I stayed in it for more than a day. This house turned out to be in another distant city. (long-distance train) (slide 8) Why are such trains needed? Listen to another riddle: The earth is trembling, the strong man is running, He is pulling wagons with coal and expensive gasoline behind him. (freight train) (slide 9) 3. Working with the textbook text Let's check whether we have correctly determined the purpose of passenger trains. Open your textbooks on p.90. Read the text. 4. View the plot from the electronic supplement to the textbook. VI. Primary consolidation. Let's return to the question: what train will Ant go to the dacha? (by train) (slide 6) What train will Owl go to the museum? (metro train) In the summer, perhaps one of you will go on vacation to the sea with your parents. Which train will you take? (long-distance train) Guys, what is the difference between the carriages of passenger and freight trains? (student responses) Slides 11, Work in pairs. How is the railway organized? Think about it, think about it 4

5 in pairs. Look at the model railway on your desk. (Students' answers) (slides 13, 14) 2. Working with the textbook. Consider the diagram on p. 91. (slide 14) What words do you not understand? (Overpass, tunnel, barrier slides 16, 17, 18, 19) - There is also a railway crossing within the boundaries of our village. How is it built? 3. Physical education minute We stomp our feet, We clap our hands, We nod our heads, We raise our hands And then we spin around. We stomp our feet, We clap our hands, We nod our heads. We will spread our hands and run in circles. 4. Working with the textbook. History of the railway. We learned about how trains and railways work and what they look like. Do you know when the first railway appeared? let's read the text on p.63. (“Do you know that.) 5. The teacher’s story. In Russia, the first steam locomotive was invented by the masters Cherepanovs (father and son Efim and Miron). These were small and clumsy engines with four wheels and a pipe as long as a giraffe's neck. But they walked on the rails very quickly and could drag a load heavier than 3 tons. (Slides 20, 21) The railway was built in Nizhny Tagil. The rails were laid for only 800 meters. It was the first railway in our country (slides 22, 23). Pedestrians climbed into the steam slow-moving ships. (slide 24) And they could easily get off on the move. Over time, railway lines began to be built throughout the country. Locomotives and carriages were changed, their mechanisms were improved. One of the latest achievements is the high-speed train "Sapsan", which transports people between Moscow and St. Petersburg. (Slide 25) 5

6 6. Independent work in a notebook. Peer review. Open p.42. What is shown here? (Locomotives.) Why does a train need a locomotive? (This is a strong man who pulls carriages behind him) What is missing here? (cars) Take the pictures in the envelopes and assemble the trains. Check the standard. (Slide 26) Check the work of your desk neighbor. How are passenger trains different from freight trains? (different carriages) 7. Introduction to professions. Guys, do trains run on rails by themselves? The driver drives the car, but who drives the trains? What professions do people work on the railway? We live near the city of Vyazma, which has a large junction railway station. Trains go from here in different directions. There is a station, a locomotive depot and other departments. In our class there are children whose parents work as a track master or inspector. 8. Children's railway. And what do you think. Can children drive trains? In some cities of our country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, etc. there are children's railways (slide 28). They work in the summer and are served only by schoolchildren: conductors, drivers, auditors are children. (Slides 29-32) There is such a wonderful place in our Amur region in the city of Svobodny, the small Trans-Baikal Railway has been operating for more than 70 years. It is the longest of all children's tracks in Russia. If the opportunity arises, visit such a road and get to know how it works. In the meantime, you can find information with your parents on the Internet, tell us in the next lesson and draw a children's railway in the notebook on p. 43.VII. Reflection. For the lesson I brought you a children's electronic railway. Now we will look at the device and its operation in practice. (Practical work. Assembling a railway, launching a train) (slide 33) 6

7 Why do people create trains? What types of trains are there? How is the railway structure? (railway tracks, tunnels, overpasses, crossings) Evaluate your achievements in the lesson. VIII. Summarizing. Have we answered the main question of the lesson: “Why are trains needed?” What discoveries did you make in class? 7

Lesson 14 1. Why do we need TV and telephone? 1) TV and telephone. Remember what these words mean: - television - from the Greek word “tele” - distant and Latin “visor” - observer, i.e.

I went into the green house and stayed in it for a short time. This house quickly turned out to be in another city. (car) There are different types - Green and red They run along the rails, Everywhere they meet them and wait. (cars) Card index

About the railway Guess the professions The railway alphabet The country opens up to us From the station threshold. You open the door, and there it is - the railway. Green, red light is on and every moment the signal is the Station


On the road. Summary of an innovative lesson on introducing children to social reality (senior group) Topic: “Acquaintance with the rules and signs on the road.” Goal: to form a system of knowledge about road

The railway is a high-risk zone. The meaning of the railway. RAILWAY is a transport enterprise intended for the transportation of passengers and goods. Among the advantages of railway transport

Topic: What types of transport are there? Objectives: - expand and systematize students’ knowledge about various types transport - to form initial ideas about the history of transport development. Planned

Lexical topic “Transport” Children must learn: types of transport (passenger, cargo, special), the purpose of different types of transport; car parts; who drives the transport; traffic rules

Municipal budgetary general educational institution"Average comprehensive school 3" Lesson summary on the environment in 2nd grade on the topic “What types of transport are there?” Prepared and conducted by the teacher

Math lesson. 4th grade. Program "School 2100". according to the textbook by L.G. Peterson (grade 4, part 2, lesson 3) Topic: “Adding fractions with denominators.” A lesson in discovering new knowledge. Prepared by: Moiseeva E.R.

Regional state government special (correctional) educational institution for students with disabilities “Special (correctional) boarding school

State budgetary educational institution school 657 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Abstract open lesson in the subject “Social and everyday orientation” on the topic: “Transport. Types of transport".

Lesson progress: 1.Organizational moment: Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. 2. Updating existing knowledge. Before moving on new topic let's repeat 1.what types of transport we have already become acquainted with. To do this, I will ask

Mathematics lesson in 1st grade according to the “School 2100” program. Teacher Klishkova Galina Nikolaevna. Lesson topic. Tabular addition. Main subject goal: to help children learn the computational technique of addition

Routing lesson on the topic: “Numbers from 10 to 20” using presentations in the SMART Notebook program

Odintsovo municipal district Moscow region Municipal budgetary educational institution Odintsovo gymnasium 11 MATH LESSON On the topic: What we learned, what we learned. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Mathematics 1st grade. Topic: Centimeter. Goal: during practical work and observations, introduce the unit of measurement of length, the centimeter. Planned results Personal tasks solved by the teacher - development

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 8" Organized educational activities Topic: "Transport" Prepared by: teacher Zhuravleva L.M., group 8, middle age.

Item name extracurricular activities Technological map of the lesson Class 5 Lesson Date Lesson topic Types of transport Lesson objectives: Educational - Expand children's knowledge about different types transport based

Slide 2. Slide 1 Topic: The number seven. Number 7. Purpose: To introduce the number and number 7; to promote the development in students of the ability to recognize and write the number 7, to designate the corresponding number of objects with it,

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Lesson in 2nd grade in terms of the content of the Federal State Educational Standard Institution: MKOU "Krupetskaya Secondary School", Dmitrievsky district Kursk region Teacher: Galina Viktorovna Surzhko Subject: The world around us Class: 2 UMK: “School of Russia”

Mathematics lesson in 1st grade “Numbers from 1 to 9. Writing the number 9” Objectives: through practical work and observations, introduce the composition of numbers 8 and 9; teach to write the number 9. Planned results: students will learn

Summary of GCD for introducing children to the outside world “Types of transport” Author of GCD: Stoyakina Nadezhda Valerievna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten “Kolokolchik” from Bolshebykovo” Objectives: Educational: to introduce

Fifth grade Lesson topic: “Rules of safe behavior on the railway.” The purpose and objectives of the lesson: to introduce students to emergency situations that may arise in railway transport;

Teacher: Mikhalchenko Nina Vasilievna. Subject: literary reading Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge. Technological map for studying the topic S. Ya. Marshak “Bus 26” Topic S. Ya. Marshak “Bus 26” Educational goals:

Appendix 4 QUIZ IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP ON THE TOPIC “TRAFFIC RULES” Author: E.S. Asaeva, teacher of the preparatory group of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Kindergarten 880”, Moscow Task I. "QUESTION ANSWER"

Makarova Elena Vitalievna Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 97 “Forget-me-not” Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “TRAVEL IN THE COUNTRY IN WHICH WE LIVE” Final

Goals. 1 Class hour Let's talk about traffic rules. Form schoolchildren's ideas about road safety when moving along streets and roads. Develop skills in following basic rules of behavior

Lesson summary on the subject “the world around us” in 1st grade Lesson topic: What kind of leaves are these? Purpose of the lesson: to introduce the variety of trees, to teach to recognize trees by their leaves. Planned subject

Traffic rules (2nd grade) Objectives: Yakusheva S.S. teacher primary classes learn to understand traffic lights, acquire knowledge of safe street crossings, repeat the rules of behavior in transport.

Goncharenko Olga Vladimirovna Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution “Bershetsky” kindergarten"Umka" Perm region, Perm region, With. Bershet SUMMARY OF CLASSES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SKILLS

“Red, yellow, green” entertainment scenario according to traffic rules in middle group 14. compiled by educators: Shvets Olga Nikolaevna Deines Tatyana Vladimirovna Educational areas: Physical Culture, health,

Topic of the lesson: Traffic rules. Author: Ksenia Mansurovna Ziganshina, primary school teacher of MKOU Secondary School 1 G. Krabasha Lesson form: project lesson Purpose: 1. Systematization of knowledge of the ABC of the road

Extracurricular activity for elementary school. “We are passengers” Ignatieva Vera Ivanovna, head of the library, GKS(K)OU “S(K)OSHI 27”, Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory Objectives of the lesson. 1. Consider the causes of the accident (failure to comply

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Math lesson in 4th grade Teacher: Pankova Snezhana Sergeevna UMK: “School 2100” Topic. Solving movement problems (consolidation). Goals: - Strengthen the ability to solve movement problems; write multi-valued

Lesson notes on traffic rules in senior group Goal: to form rules for safe behavior on the roads among older preschoolers. Objectives: -Promote the development of interest in children

Math lesson notes. Teacher: Vissarionova I.E. Class: 2 “A” Date: December 24, 2018 Subject: mathematics Educational and Cultural Complex “School of Russia” Topic: “What we learned. What have we learned?” Section: “Mental calculations” Lesson 54 Type:

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“In the country of road signs” Goal: Formation of knowledge, skills and practical habits of safe behavior on the road and street. Summarize children's knowledge about traffic rules. Educational objectives:

Holiday “Initiation into Pedestrians” Goal: promoting road safety Objectives: 1. To deepen students’ knowledge about the rules of the road. 2. Form ideas junior schoolchildren about safety

MBOU "Voznesenovskaya secondary school" Ivnyansky district, Belgorod region Lesson in 1st grade on the world around us Topic: Transport. Who works in transport? Prepared by: Petrakova Elena

Municipal budgetary educational institution “Veselovskaya secondary school named after Hero of Socialist Labor Y.T. Kirilikhin" Wild and cultivated plants (a lesson on the environment

Mathematics 1st grade. Numbers 1, 2, 3 The lesson “Numbers 1, 2, 3” is a lesson in learning new material. This development proposes to organize educational activities in this lesson in accordance with the characteristics

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school 17" in Tobolsk Development of a mathematics lesson in 1st grade on the topic: Developed by: Mikhailova N.V. primary teacher

MBOU "Secondary comprehensive school 28" Russian language lesson on the topic: "Proper and common nouns" in grade 2 "A"

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Municipal state-owned special correctional educational institution boarding school Multimedia lesson “Mathematical Kaleidoscope” on the topic “Multiplication and division of numbers obtained by measuring

MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 31 Mathematics lesson 1st grade Topic: “Number segment” Compiled by: Anastasia Eduardovna Melyushchenkova, primary school teacher

Speech development Topic: “Modes of transport” ( preparatory group) Purpose of the lesson: to consolidate knowledge about various types of transport. Tasks: Teacher Nazina Irina Leonidovna 1. Activate children’s vocabulary

Perevedentseva Marina Nikolaevna teacher Merkuryeva Elena Vladimirovna teacher GBDOU D/S 69 KV Krasnoselsky district, St. Petersburg METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEMED LESSON “MASHA DRIVES”

Lesson type: Solutions to specific problems. Lesson topic: People of different professions. Lesson scenario with parents' participation. (1st grade) Planned subject results: Get acquainted with different professions. Evaluate traits

Mathematics lesson "Planet of Knowledge". Topic: "Angles"

Mathematics lesson "Planet of Knowledge". Topic: “Angles” Natalya Ivanovna Taktashova, primary school teacher Sections: Primary School Lesson objectives: educational: to introduce the types of angles (straight, acute,