Creepy monsters of the capital's dungeons. Creepy underground inhabitants The underground world of reptilians

One of the creepiest inhabitants Ancient Rome there was a Basilisk - a creature with the head of a bird, the body of a winged dragon and the tail of a snake. Its description is found back in the 4th century BC, as well as in Pliny the Elder’s Natural History. According to ancient beliefs, basilisks are capable of killing people with the help of poisonous teeth, as well as with their breath and gaze. Hence the concept of the deadly “basilisk gaze.”

In a medieval alchemy textbook this monster is described as follows:

“From his gaze, trees and rocks burn, stones crack, rivers and lakes boil. When the Basilisk is enraged, lamps and torches go out a hundred steps away, the earth shakes, birds fall dead, and there is no salvation from this monster, and there is no way to moderate its anger... Where can I find the strength to curb the Basilisk?..”

According to sources, basilisks are drawn to places where there is “darkness and a lot of blood.” The Roman Basilisk lived in the dungeons of the Colosseum. He was also met outside the walls of Aurelius, not far from the Appian Way, and also under the Baths of Diocletian. People sometimes disappeared in the thermal baths - Roman baths. Their disappearance was attributed to the atrocities of the Basilisk.

Church servants have repeatedly tried to fight the evil spirits terrorizing Rome, including the Basilisk. Pope John XII allegedly succeeded especially in this, who, according to rumors, entered into personal contact with the monster. But after dad died suddenly - either from some illness, or after severe beatings inflicted on him by someone in a deserted place, they began to say that the Basilisk was to blame. The servants of the deceased said that near the ancient ruins they met a monster with burning eyes. After looking at him, they lost consciousness, and when they woke up, dad, tortured and bloody, was lying on the ground.

They saw the Basilisk not only near the dungeons, but also in other places. So, in the late 30s of the last century, the monster was allegedly noticed by a night watchman near the Theater of Marcellus. A few days later, the body of a tramp was found near the theater building. The nature of the damage on the gel indicated that it was unlikely that they could have been caused by a person...

Soon a creature with burning eyes was encountered on the Appian Way by a group of young people passing by the tomb of Cecilia Metella. It was also seen on the territory of the Roman Forum, near the ruins of the ancient religious building Umbilicus Urbis, which in the Middle Ages was called a “satanic place” by one of the Catholic clergy. This time, three homeless people who came to Rome to earn money encountered the Basilisk. Two of them fled, and the third, while running away, stumbled and fell. After that, no one saw him again. The missing man’s comrades subsequently returned to this place to look for him, and were horrified to discover blood stains on the stones and ground... This happened during the reign of Mussolini, who was informed of the incident. As a result, the two survivors were sent to work in the quarries, where they disappeared without a trace. So it is unknown who was luckier - them or their friend, who was suddenly torn to pieces by a monster...

However, they say that Basilisk still lives in Rome, only hiding from people.

One of the legends about the Parisian catacombs tells about a fantastic creature that lives in the galleries under Montsouris Park. They say that it has amazing mobility, but moves only in the dark. In 1777, Parisians often encountered him, and these meetings, as a rule, foreshadowed the death or loss of someone close.

The New York subway has acquired a lot of legends during its existence. So, there are rumors that there are crocodiles in the city's sewers that attack subway passengers. And in the abandoned tunnels, “mole people” supposedly live - homeless vagabonds who never come to the surface and feed on rats. They have long lost their human appearance and attack people. In 1993, Jennifer Toth’s book “The Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Under New York” was published.

They also talk about a certain “underground shaman” who can sometimes be seen from the window of a carriage. As Vadim Burlak testifies in the book “Unknown New York,” one day in the 20s or 30s of the last century, female students were returning home late at night in an empty carriage. For some reason, the train stopped in the tunnel between the stations, and then the girls noticed lights approaching them from the darkness, similar to someone’s burning eyes. Then they heard someone's howl, reminiscent of a wolf...

The next day, one of the girls complained to a friend that she had been haunted by this vision in the subway all night. And the next evening the student threw herself under a train...

After this, rumors spread throughout New York about a terrible “view from the subway.” Several eyewitnesses to this phenomenon committed suicide.

Somewhere in the first years after World War II, people in the New York subway began to be frightened by “something.” This something had a face distorted with anger, burning eyes and long disheveled hair. It howled terribly, suddenly appearing from the darkness.

The police figured out the situation quite quickly: it turned out that it was one of the repair workers who was having fun in this way, putting on a shaman's mask rubbed with phosphorus... The “Joker” was fined, and he returned to work. But his comrades noticed that something was wrong with him: he was silent, flinched at every sharp sound and constantly looked around... After working for a couple of hours, the worker, without saying a word to anyone, went somewhere into the darkness. Soon he was discovered in one of the underground corridors. “The man was dead, his eyes were bulging with horror. But there were no signs of violence on his body. The cause of death was named sudden cardiac arrest.

Since then they began to say that there was a “shaman” living in the subway. He supposedly took revenge on the “joker” for trying to compete. Over time, the legend of the “underground shaman” began to acquire more and more new details. Experts said that the shaman appeared at the beginning of the 20th century from the southern shores of Lake Ontario. He tried to cast a spell, to heal people, but something didn’t work out for him. And then the spirits (and what kind of shaman without spirits!) sent him to serve the forces of darkness in the dungeon Big City. And sacrifices had to be made to the spirits of darkness.

It is known that from 1940 to 1965 alone, when the “underground shaman” was the most talked about, about nine thousand people disappeared in the New York subway. And only the remains of a few of them were later found...

They say that a dark shaman still lives in the depths of the New York subway. And there are people who even allegedly managed to communicate with him personally. Another legend...

However, according to experts, the thing New Yorkers should be most wary of is rats. Their population constantly multiplies due to the fact that passengers often throw leftover food onto the rails, and this attracts rodents.

From diggers descending into the catacombs of Moscow, you can sometimes hear stories about bizarre creatures living underground. Some saw giant rats, some saw huge cats, and some even saw something that has no name...

Diggers say that a lot of strange things can be found underground in Moscow. So, recently in the old bed of the Neglinka, very close to the Kremlin, a photograph was taken of a mysterious creature with a long, jointed body crawling out of a round hole in a brick wall...

Sometimes it seems that modern man nothing can scare you anymore. We almost calmly watch even the most bloodthirsty horror films, read mystical novels, and computer games sometimes a variety of monsters of the world are involved, both real earthly and fictional. All this no longer surprises anyone. Even teenagers and small children treat all these creatures with slight irony and skepticism.

What will you answer to someone who claims that monsters and monstrosities are also found in our world today? Will you smile? Twist your finger at your temple? Will you start proving the opposite? Do not hurry. Why? The thing is that from time to time, unprecedented creatures still appear to people even now.

For example, after delving into your memory, you will probably remember that one of your loved ones, friends or just acquaintances once, under various circumstances, encountered a terrible monster or some inexplicable creature. Is it true?

What if this is not just a figment of an unhealthy imagination or the consequence of a sleepless night? What if mythological ancient Greek monsters actually existed and continue to live somewhere in our world? To tell the truth, such thoughts give even the bravest of us goosebumps and begin to listen to the surrounding rustles and sounds.

About everything about it we'll talk in this article. However, in addition to the story about where monsters live, we will touch on other, no less interesting, topics. For example, we will dwell in more detail on epics and beliefs, and also introduce readers to modern beliefs and hypotheses.

Section 1. Mythical monsters from fairy tales and legends

Every spiritual culture and religion has its own myths and parables, and, as a rule, they are composed not only about goodness and love, but also about terrible and disgusting creatures. Let's not be unfounded and give some of the most typical examples.

So in Jewish folklore there lives a certain dybbuk, the spirit of a dead sinful person, who can inhabit living people who have committed a serious offense and torment them. Only a very qualified rabbi can remove dybbuks from the body.

Islamic culture, in turn, offers jinn as a mythical evil creature - an evil winged people created from smoke and fire, living in a parallel reality and serving the devil. By the way, according to local religion, the devil was also once a genie under the name Iblis.

In religion Western states there are rakshasas, that is, terrible demons that inhabit the bodies of living people and manipulate them, thereby forcing the victim to do all sorts of abominations.

Agree, such mythical monsters they inspire fear even if you just read their description, and you really wouldn’t want to meet them.

Section 2. What are people afraid of today?

Nowadays, people also believe in various otherworldly creatures. For example, in Malay (Indonesian) folklore there is a certain pontianak, a female vampire with long hair. What is this terrible creature doing? Attacks pregnant women and eats all their insides.

Russian monsters are also not far behind in their bloodthirstiness and unpredictability. Thus, among the Slavs, the evil spirit is represented in the form of a water spirit, the embodiment of the dangerous and negative principle of the element of water. Creeping up unnoticed, he drags his victim to the bottom, and then preserves the souls of people in special vessels.

Let's try to imagine something. In this case, it is impossible not to mention one of the countries of South America. Probably, many have already heard that in Brazilian folklore there is an encantado, a snake or river dolphin, who turns into a human, loves sex and has an ear for music. He steals people's thoughts and desires, after which the person loses his mind and eventually dies.

Another one that belongs to the “Monsters of the World” category is the goblin. He has a human appearance - very tall, shaggy with strong arms and glowing eyes. Lives in the forest, usually dense and inaccessible. Goblin ride on trees, constantly fool around, and when they see a person they clap their hands and laugh. By the way, they attract women to them.

Section 3. Loch Ness Monster. Scotland

The lake of the same name, with a depth of 230 m, is the largest reservoir of water in the UK. It is believed that this reservoir, which, by the way, is the second largest in Scotland, was formed quite a long time ago, even in the last glacial period in Europe.

There are rumors that a mysterious beast lives in the lake, which was first mentioned in writing back in 565. However, since ancient times the Scots have mentioned water monsters in their folklore, calling them by the collective name “kelpies”.

The modern Loch Ness monster is called Nessie, and its history began almost 100 years ago. In 1933, one married couple, while vacationing nearby, saw something unusual with their own eyes, which they reported to the special service. However, despite the testimony of 3,000 witnesses who claim to have seen the monster, scientists are still unraveling the mystery.

Today, many local residents agree that the lake is home to a creature two meters wide and moving at a speed of 10 miles per hour. Modern eyewitnesses claim that Nessie looks like a giant snail with a very long neck.

Section 4. Monsters from the Valley of the Headless

The secret of the so-called one is that whoever goes to this area and no matter how armed he is, it is still worth saying goodbye to him in advance. Why? The thing is that no one has ever returned from there.

The phenomenon of people disappearing has still not been solved. Whether all the monsters of the world gather there or whether people disappear due to some other circumstances is not known for certain.

Sometimes only human heads were found at the scene, and the Indians living in that area claim that all this was done by the Bigfoot living in the valley. Eyewitnesses of the events claim that they saw a creature in the valley that looked like a giant shaggy man.

Perhaps the most fantastic version of the secret of the Valley of the Headless is that in this place there is an entrance to a certain parallel world.

Section 5. Who is Yeti and why is he dangerous?

In 1921, on Mount Everest, whose height is more than 6 km, a footprint left by a bare foot of enormous size was discovered in the snow. It was discovered by an expedition under the command of Colonel Howard-Bury, a very famous and respected mountaineer. The team then reported that the print belonged to Bigfoot.

Previously, the mountains of Tibet and the Himalayas were considered the habitats of the Yeti. Now scientists believe that snow people can live in the Pamirs, Central Africa, in the lower reaches of the Ob, in some areas of Chukotka and Yakutia, and in the 70s of the twentieth century, Yeti were also encountered in America, as evidenced by numerous documentary evidence.

How they can be dangerous for modern people remains a mystery to this day. There have been known cases of the theft of food and sports equipment, but the people themselves seem to be of little interest to these creatures, so there is no need to be afraid of them, let alone panicked.

Section 6. Monster of the seas. Sea serpent: myth or reality?

Many ancient myths and legends tell about the great sea ​​serpent. At one time, both sailors and scientists believed in the existence of such a monster.

All opinions agreed on one thing: that there are at least two unknown to science species of large Scientists suggest that in the role sea ​​monster acts as a giant eel or an unknown species of cryptozoology.

In 1964, sea travelers crossing the Australian Stonehaven Bay on a yacht saw a huge black tadpole, about 25 m long, at a depth of two meters.

The monster had a huge snake head about 1.2 m wide and high, a thin flexible body with a diameter of approximately 60 cm and a length of 20 m, and a whip-like tail.

Section 7. Megalodon shark. Does it exist now?

In principle, according to several documents that have survived to this day, such a fish, which could easily be classified as a “Monster of the World,” existed in ancient times and resembled a great white shark.

Megalodon was supposedly about 25 meters long, and it is this size that makes it the largest predator that has ever existed on the planet.

There are many facts that prove the existence of megalodon in our time. For example, in 1918, when crayfish fishermen worked for great depths, they saw giant shark 92 m long. Most likely, it was this particular fish.

Modern scientists are also in no hurry to deny this assumption. They argue that such animals could easily survive in the unexplored ocean depths to this day.

Section 8. Do you believe in ghosts?

Myths about spirits have existed since pagan times. The Christian faith also prevails in spirits, telling about the existence of special creatures, for example, angels who control the elements, and the so-called “unclean” ones, which include the goblin, the brownie, the merman, etc.

It just so happens that good and evil spirits constantly interact with humans. Christianity even distinguishes certain human companions: a good guardian angel and an evil tempter demon.

A ghost, in turn, is considered a vision, ghost, spirit, something invisible and intangible. These substances appear, as a rule, at night in sparsely populated places. There is no consensus on the nature of the appearance of ghosts, and the ghosts themselves are often radically different from each other.

Section 9. Giant cephalopods

From a scientific point of view, cephalopods are creatures without a backbone whose body is formed like a bag. They have a small head with a clearly defined physiognomy and one leg, which is a tentacle with suction cups. Impressive appearance, right? By the way, not everyone knows that these creatures have a fairly developed and highly organized brain and live at sea depths from 300 to 3000 m.

Very often, all over the world, the bodies of dead cephalopods wash up on the shores of the oceans. The longest discarded cephalopod was more than 18 m long and weighed 1 ton.

Scientists who explored the depths saw these animals more than 30 m long. But in general it is believed that such monsters of the world can be more than 50 m long.

Section 10. Mysteries of bottomless lakes

In the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region there is a lake called Bezdonnoe. Local residents constantly tell legends about the connection of the lake with the ocean and about the wreckage of sunken ships washed up on its sandy shores.

This reservoir is considered a real natural phenomenon; despite its small size, only 30 m in diameter, it has immeasurable depth.

In the same area there is another strange object - which was formed more than half a million years ago at the site of the fall of a large meteorite. The pond has a diameter of about 100 m, but no one knows the size of its depth. There are almost no fish in it, and no living creatures live on the banks. In summer, in the middle of the lake there is a large whirlpool, reminiscent of a large whirlpool on a river, and in winter, when it freezes, the whirlpool forms a bizarre pattern on the ice. Not long ago, local residents began to observe the following picture: on fine days, certain creatures began to crawl ashore to bask in the sun, according to the description, resembling either a huge snail or a lizard.

Section 11. Beliefs of Buryatia

Another lake of unknown depth is Sobolkho, in Buryatia. Both people and animals are constantly disappearing in the lake area. It is very interesting that the missing animals were later found in completely different lakes. Scientists suggest that the reservoir is connected to other underground channels; amateur divers in 1995 confirmed the existence of karst caves and tunnels in the lake, but local residents believe that it is unlikely to survive here without terrible monsters.

We often hear that now more and more animal species are becoming extinct or on the verge of extinction, and their complete disappearance is only a matter of time. Hunting, destruction of natural habitats, climate change and other factors have led to the fact that the rate of loss of animal species is 1000 times greater than the rate of restoration of the natural background. And although the extinction of animals is always sad, sometimes for us humans, it can even be beneficial.

From 12-metre-long megasnakes to giraffe-sized flying creatures, check out this list of 25 animals you wouldn't want to see next to.

1. Pelagornis Sanders i

With a wingspan of approximately 7 metres, Pelargonis Sandersi was apparently the largest flying bird to ever exist on Earth. She seemed to be able to fly only by pushing off a cliff, and spent most of her life above the ocean, relying on the winds rising off the ocean to keep her afloat. Although compared to pterosaurs, whose wingspan was almost 12 meters, this bird was still quite “moderate” in size.

2. Euphoberia

Similar to modern centipedes in shape and behavior, Euphoberia still had one significant difference - it was more than 90 cm in length! Although scientists aren't entirely sure what exactly it ate, we do know that some modern centipedes feed on birds, snakes and bats. If a 25-centimeter centipede could hunt birds, imagine what a nearly meter-long one could hunt!

3. Gigantopithecus

Gigantopithecus lived between 9 million and 100,000 years ago in modern Asia. It was the largest species of monkey on Earth. It is believed that this creature, up to 3 meters tall and weighing up to 540 kg, walked on four legs, like gorillas and chimpanzees, but some believe that it could walk on two limbs, like humans. The properties of their teeth and jaws suggest that these animals were able to chew coarse, fibrous food by cutting into it and grinding it.

4. Andrewsarchus

This cutie lived during the Eocene era, about 45-30 million years ago. Andrewsarchus was a huge carnivorous mammal. Given the skull and several bones found, paleontologists estimate that this predator could weigh up to 1,800 kg, making it the largest land mammal predator in history. However, the feeding behavior of this animal is not entirely understood, and some theories suggest that Andrewsarchus may have been omnivores or even scavengers.

5. Pulmonoscorpius

The scientific name of this creature translates to “breathing scorpion.” He lived during the Visean era (c. 345-330 million years ago) of the Carboniferous period. Relying on fossils found in Scotland, scientists believe that this species reached 76 cm in length. It lived on land and probably fed on small arthropods.

6. Megalania

Megalania lived in South Australia. It was a huge lizard that went extinct about 30,000 years ago, which means it may well have been encountered by the first Aborigines of Australia. Scientists disagree on the size of this lizard - it may have reached 7 meters in length, making Megalania the largest land lizard in history.

7. Helicoprion

One of the prehistoric centenarians (310-250 million years ago) - Helicoprion - is a genus of extinct shark-like creatures with an interesting jaw. Reached 4 m in length, but its closest living relatives - the chimaeras - can reach only 1.5 m in length.

8. Entelodons

Unlike their modern relatives, entelodons were boar-like mammals with a particular gourmet taste for meat. Probably one of the most fearsome-looking creatures in history, entelodons walked on four legs and were almost as tall as a man. Some scientists believe that entelodons were even cannibals. Well, if they ate each other, do you think they wouldn't want to eat a human?

9. Anomalocaris

Probably lived in all seas of the Cambrian period. Translated, its name means “abnormal shrimp.” This is a genus of marine animals, close relatives of arthropods. Scientists believe that it hunted solids sea ​​creatures, including trilobites. They had unique eyes with 30,000 lenses - it is believed that these were one of the most “advanced” eyes in the history of the species.

10. Meganeura

Meganeura is a genus of extinct insects from the Carboniferous period. Resembles modern dragonflies (and is related to them). With a wingspan of up to 66 cm, it is one of the largest flying insects in the history of our planet. Meganeura was a predator, and its diet consisted mainly of other insects and small amphibians.

11. Attercopus

Attercopus was a genus of arachnid animal with a scorpion-like tail. For a long time, Attercopus was considered the prehistoric ancestor of modern spiders, but scientists who discovered its traces soon came to a different opinion. It is unlikely that Attercopus spun webs, although it may have been used to wrap eggs, lay frame thread, or build the walls of its burrow.

12. Deinosuchus

Deinosuchus is an extinct relative of modern alligator crocodiles that lived 80-73 million years ago. Although he was larger than any of them modern species, he looked almost the same. It reached a length of 12 meters and had sharp large teeth capable of killing and devouring sea turtles, fish and even large dinosaurs.

13. Dunkleosteus

Living at the end of the Devonian period about 380-360 million years ago, Dunkleosteus was a huge super-predatory fish. Due to its terrifying size (up to 10 m in length and weighing almost 4 tons), it was the apex predator of its time. This fish had strong armor, which made it a relatively slow but very powerful swimmer.

14. Spinosaurus

Larger than Tyrannosaurus Rex, Spinosaurus is the largest carnivorous dinosaur of all time. It reached 18 m in length and weighed up to 10 tons. They ate tons of fish, turtles and even other dinosaurs. If this horror were alive today, we most likely would not be alive.

15. Smilodon

Smilodon lived in the Americas during the Pleistocene era (2.5 million - 10,000 years ago). This best example saber-toothed cat. An excellent predator with particularly well-developed forelimbs and incredibly long, sharp fangs. The largest individual could weigh up to 408 kg.

16. Quetzalcoatlus

The wingspan of these creatures could reach an incredible 12 meters. This pterosaur was the largest creature ever to fly, including modern birds. However, it is very difficult to estimate the size and weight of these huge animals, because... No existing animal has the same body plan, so published results vary widely. One of the characteristic features of these animals was that they all had unusually long and rigid necks.

17. Hallucigenia

The name comes from the idea that these creatures are very strange, almost like a hallucination. These worm-like creatures were 0.5-3 cm in length and lacked some sensory organs on their heads, such as eyes and nose. Instead, Hallucigenia had seven tentacles on each side of its body, as well as three pairs of tentacles behind them. To say that this is a strange creature is an understatement.

18. Arthropleura

Inhabitant of the Upper Carboniferous period (340-280 million years ago). Lived in the territory of modern North America and Scotland. It was the largest species of terrestrial invertebrate in history. Despite their enormous length, up to almost 2.7 meters, Arthropleura were not predators; they fed on rotting forest plants.

19. Short-faced bear

The short-faced bear is an extinct species of bear that lived in North America in the Pleistocene era up to 11,000 years ago, making it the "most recent" extinct creature on our list. However, its size is truly prehistoric. Standing on its two hind legs, the bear reached 3.6 m in height and 4.2 meters if it raised its front paw up. It is believed that these giants weighed more than 1360 kg.

20. Megalodon

The name of this toothy monster translates as “big tooth.” This is an extinct species of huge shark that lived about 28-1.5 million years ago. With an incredible length of up to 18 meters, it is considered one of the largest and most powerful predators to ever live on Earth. Lived almost all over the world and looked like a larger and more terrifying version of the modern great white shark.

21. Titanoboa

Living approximately 60-58 million years ago during the Paleocene era, Titanoboa was the largest, longest, and heaviest snake in history. Scientists believe that individual representatives of the species reached 12 meters in length and weighed about 1133 kg. Their diet consisted of giant crocodiles and turtles, with which they shared the territory of modern South America.

22. Fororacoaceae

Also called "terror birds", these prehistoric creatures are an extinct genus of large birds of prey that were largest species V South America during the Cenozoic period, approximately 60 million years ago. The largest flightless bird of prey to ever roam the Earth. They reached 3 meters in height, weighed up to half a ton and supposedly could run as fast as a cheetah.

23. Cameroceras

Lived during the Ordovician period 470-460 million years ago. This is the giant ancestor of modern squids and octopuses. Most characteristic feature This mollusk had a huge cone-shaped shell and tentacles with which it caught fish and other sea creatures. It is believed that the size of its shell varied from 6 to 12 meters.

24. Carbonemys

Carbonemys is an extinct genus of huge turtles that lived about 60 million years ago, i.e. they survived the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. Fossils found in Colombia suggest they had a shell that reached almost 1.8 meters. Turtles were carnivores, with huge jaws powerful enough to eat large mammals such as crocodiles.

25. Jaekelopterus

Jaekelopterus, without a doubt, can be called one of the largest arthropods in the world - its length reached 2.5 meters. Sometimes it is called " sea ​​scorpion", however, in fact, it is more related to lobsters living in freshwater lakes and rivers of modern Western Europe. This terrible creature lived about 390 million years ago, earlier than most dinosaurs.

Where do prehistoric monsters appear from time to time in various bodies of water on the planet? They are observed by credible witnesses, and sometimes by dozens of people, but subsequent attempts by scientists to detect exotic animals are unsuccessful. Maybe this happens because these monsters live in a kind of underground Plutonia and only sometimes appear on the surface?

The two- and three-headed nature of the Gorynych Serpents could be due to nuclear mutagenesis, which was hereditarily fixed and passed on through generations. For example, in the USA in San Francisco a woman with two heads gave birth to a two-headed child, i.e. appeared new race of people(see also news "A girl with two heads was born in China [video]"). Russian epics report that the Serpent Gorynych was kept in chains, like a dog, and on it the heroes of the epics sometimes plowed the ground, like on a horse. Therefore, most likely, three-headed dinosaurs were the main pets of the asuras.

It is known that reptiles, which are not far removed from dinosaurs in their development, are not amenable to training, but an increase in the number of heads increased general intelligence and reduced aggressiveness.

What caused the nuclear conflict?

According to the Vedas, asuras, i.e. The inhabitants of the Earth were big and strong, but they were destroyed by gullibility and good nature. In the battle between the asuras and the gods described by the Vedas, the latter, with the help of deception, defeated the asuras, destroyed their flying cities, and drove them underground and to the bottom of the oceans. The presence of pyramids scattered throughout the planet (in Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, India) suggests that the culture was united and earthlings had no reason to fight among themselves.

Those whom the Vedas call gods are aliens and appeared from the sky (from space). The nuclear conflict was most likely in space. But who and where were those whom the Vedas call gods, and various religions call the forces of Satan?

Who was the second belligerent?

In 1972, the American Mariner station reached Mars and took more than 3,000 images. Of these, 500 were published in the general press. On one of them the world saw a dilapidated pyramid, as experts estimate, 1.5 km high and a sphinx with a human face. But unlike the Egyptian one, which looks ahead, the Martian sphinx looks into the sky. The pictures were accompanied by comments - that this was most likely a play of natural forces. NASA (the American Aeronautics and Space Administration) did not publish the remaining images, citing the fact that they supposedly needed to be “deciphered.”

More than a decade passed and photographs of another sphinx and pyramid were published. In the new photographs, it was clearly possible to distinguish a sphinx, a pyramid and a third structure - the remains of a wall of a rectangular structure. At the sphinx looking to the sky, A frozen tear rolled out of his eye.

The first thought that could come to mind was that the war took place between Mars and Earth, and those whom the ancients called gods were people who colonized Mars. Judging by the remaining dried up “canals” (formerly rivers), reaching a width of 50-60 km, the biosphere on Mars was no less in size and power than the biosphere of Earth

. This suggested that the Martian colony had decided to separate from its mother country, which was Earth, just as America separated from England in the last century, despite the fact that the culture was common.

"Pyramid" on Mars The Sphinx and the pyramid tell us that indeed there was a common culture, and Mars was indeed colonized by earthlings. But, like the Earth, it was also subjected to nuclear bombardment and lost its biosphere and atmosphere (the latter today has a pressure of about 0.1 atmosphere of the Earth and consists of 99% nitrogen, which can be formed, as the Gorky scientist A. Volgin proved, as a result of vital activity organisms). Oxygen on Mars is 0.1%, and 0.2% (although there are other data). Oxygen was destroyed by a nuclear fire, and carbon dioxide was decomposed by the remaining primitive Martian vegetation, which has a reddish color and annually covers a significant surface during the onset of Martian summer, clearly visible through a telescope. The red color is due to the presence of xanthine. Similar plants are found on Earth. As a rule, they grow in places where there is a lack of light and could well have been brought by asuras from Mars. Depending on the season, the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide varies and on the surface in the layer of Martian vegetation the oxygen concentration can reach several percent.

This makes it possible for the “wild” Martian fauna to exist, which on Mars can be of Lilliputian proportions. People on Mars would not be able to grow more than 6 cm, and dogs and cats, due to their low atmospheric pressure, would be comparable in size to flies. It is quite possible that the asuras who survived the war on Mars were reduced to Martian sizes, in any case, the plot of the tale about "To the little boy" widespread among many peoples, it probably did not arise out of nowhere.

During times Atlanteans who could move on their vimanas not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, but also in space, they could have brought the remains of the Asur civilization from Mars, Thumb Boys, for your own amusement. The surviving plots of European fairy tales, how kings settled little people in toy palaces, are still popular among children. The enormous height of the Martian pyramids (1500 meters) makes it possible to approximately determine the individual sizes of the asuras. The average size of Egyptian pyramids is 60 meters, i.e. 30 times more than a person. Then average height Asuras get 50 meters.
Almost all nations have preserved legends about giants, giants and even titans, who, with their growth, should have had a corresponding life expectancy.

Among the Greeks, the titans who inhabited the Earth were forced to fight with the gods. The Bible also writes about giants who inhabited our planet in the past. Cydonia - region of Mars.

Approximately in the center is the “Martian Sphinx”. The weeping sphinx looking at the sky tells us that he built after the disaster by people (asuras) who escaped death in the Martian dungeons. His species calls out for help to his brothers remaining on other planets: “We are still alive! Come for us! Help us!"

The remnants of the Martian civilization of earthlings may still exist. The mysterious blue flashes that occur from time to time on its surface are very reminiscent of nuclear explosions. Perhaps the war on Mars is still ongoing. At the beginning of our century, there was a lot of talk and debate about the satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, and the idea was expressed that they were artificial and hollow inside, since they rotate much faster than other satellites. This idea may well be confirmed. As reported by F.Yu. Siegel in his lectures, there are also 4 satellites orbiting around the Earth, which have not been launched by any country, and their orbits are perpendicular to the usually launched orbits of satellites. And if everything artificial satellites, due to their small orbit, will eventually fall to Earth, then these 4 satellites are too far from Earth.

Therefore, most likely they remained from former civilizations. 15,000 years ago history stopped for Mars. The scarcity of remaining species will not allow the Martian biosphere to flourish for a long time. The Sphinx was not addressed to those who were on their way to the stars at that time; they could not help in any way.
He was facing the metropolis - the civilization that was on Earth. Thus, Earth and Mars were on the same side.

Who was with the other one? At one time, V.I. Vernadsky proved that continents can only form due to the presence of the biosphere. Between the ocean and the continent there is always negative balance, i.e. Rivers always carry less matter into the oceans than comes from the oceans.

The main force involved in this transfer is not the wind, but living beings, primarily birds and fish. If it were not for this force, according to Vernadsky’s calculations, in 18 million years there would be no continents on Earth. The phenomenon of continentality has been discovered on Mars, the Moon and Venus, i.e. these planets once had a biosphere. But the Moon, due to its proximity to the Earth, could not resist the Earth and Mars.

Firstly, because there there was no significant atmosphere, therefore the biosphere was weak. This follows from the fact that the dried river beds found on the Moon cannot be compared in any way with the size of the rivers of the Earth (especially Mars). Life could only be exported. The Earth could be such an exporter.

Secondly, a thermonuclear strike was also carried out on the moon, since the American Apollo expedition discovered there glassy, ​​sintered from high temperature priming. By the layer of dust you can determine when the disaster occurred there. 3 mm of dust falls on the Earth in 1000 years; on the Moon, where gravity is 6 times less, 0.5 mm should fall in the same time. Over 30,000 years, 1.5 cm of dust should have accumulated there. Judging by the footage of American astronauts filmed on the Moon, the layer of dust that they raised while walking is somewhere around 1-2 cm.

In the 80s, there were reports in the press about the observation of twisted structures on it, possibly representing the remains of ancient units belonging to the Asur civilization, which, according to American ufologists, created a lunar atmosphere from the soil. In the area of ​​the Stern Crater, on the visible side, even with an amateur telescope you can see a web of some kind of structures, maybe these are the remains of an ancient city on the Moon?

Thirdly, everything that happened there was very quickly learned on Earth. The blow was struck suddenly and from a distant object, so that neither the Martians nor the earthlings expected it and did not have time to make a retaliatory strike. Such an object could be.


Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich

A crystal coffin with a mummified creature from an alien world was discovered by speleologists

Strange discoveries that regularly appear in various places on our planet force scientists to reconsider their views on the evolution and origin of life on Earth over and over again. The theory of panspermia, which claims that life was brought to Earth from outer space, is gaining more and more supporters. An absolutely fantastic discovery was recently made by speleologists from Turkey. Underground explorers stumbled upon a crystal coffin. Or rather, an object similar to a coffin, since it contained something clearly not from our world. The mummified creature resembled a human in appearance, except for the color of its skin, which was light green, as well as two transparent wings, the same as those of insects. At the same time, the alien had male genitals, and his feet, lips, ears, nose, hands and nails were no different from human ones.

Monsters of the Underworld

It is likely that it is simply in a state of suspended animation and may soon emerge from it. Upon careful analysis of the crystal coffin, it turned out that the substance from which it was made was not crystal at all, but only similar to it. This is a crystalline material that is unknown to science.

VIDEO: 5 underground monsters caught on camera