Conversation with schoolchildren about proper nutrition. Game-competition for elementary school students “About proper nutrition”

Conversation: “Healthy food”


Tell children about food and their importance for humans, introduce them to the concepts of “nutrients”, “proper” or “healthy nutrition”

Develop curiosity and the ability to identify rules healthy eating.

To instill in children an attitude towards their own health and the health of others. Cultivate a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Manuals and materials:pictures depicting food products: fish, meat, sour cream, milk, vegetables, fruits, chips, lollipop, Pepsi-Cola, ice cream, cake, candy; dummies: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, apples, radishes, cucumbers, grapes; cards with pictures vitamins A, B, C, and on them products that contain this vitamin.


Educator: Guys, today our conversation will be about tasty and healthy food.

Tell me, can a person live without food?

Children: No

Educator: Maybe for a while, but just a little. In order for a person to grow and develop well, he needs to eat every day.

What does a person eat?

Children: Meat, fish, milk, vegetables.

Educator: Do the animals eat?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, guys! People, animals, birds, insects eat. Every organism, from the smallest to the adult, requires nutrition. As soon as food ceases to arrive in a timely manner for breakfast, lunch and dinner, our body weakens. Why is this happening? Yes, because foods contain nutrients that help our body grow and develop.

Guys, what nutrients do you know?

Children: Vitamins.

Educator: Foods contain many different vitamins. And each vitamin has its own name and house where they live. And now we will remember where, in what products vitamins A, B, C live.

The teacher calls three children in turn, and they show vitamins in the picture and name the foods that contain them.

Educator: Guys, every person has their own favorite food. Name your favorite food.


Educator: Guys, what do you think will happen if we eat only sweets - cakes, pastries, ice cream.

Children: Your teeth will hurt.

Educator: That's right guys, in order for you to grow up as strong and healthy kids, you need to eat a variety of foods, and not just sweet and tasty foods. This is called “proper” or “healthy nutrition”.

Guys, want to learn more about healthy eating?

Children: Yes.

Then guess the riddles:

Both young and old should eat
Vegetable always(salad)

He will be slim and tall
The one who drinks fruity(juice)

Know that it's not easy for a cow
Do for children(milk)

I will grow, I will become faster,
If I do, there is(sour cream)

Gleb knows it well since childhood
The most important thing on the table(bread)

Don't look for candy -
Eat with fresh cabbage(cabbage soup)

Outside is winter or summer
For the second we -(cutlet)

We are waiting for lunch hour -
It will be fried(meat)

It is needed in porridge, it is also needed in soups,
There are dozens of dishes from different(cereals)

Meat, fish, cereals, fruits -
Together they all -(products)

Educator: Well done guys! All the riddles were solved. Do you eat these foods?

We'll clap our hands
Friendly, more fun.
Our feet knocked
Friendly, more fun.
Let's hit you on the knees
Hush, hush, hush
Our hands rise up
Higher. Higher, higher.
Our hands are spinning
They went lower. Spun around, spun around
And they stopped.

Educator: Guys, imagine a hot soup in front of you, so that it cools down, let’s blow on it.

Breathing exercises “Let’s cool the borscht” are carried out

Take air into your chest - inhale

Exhaling air, stick out your stomach - exhale

When exhaling, loudly pronounce the sound “f - f - f”

Repeat 3-4 times.

Educator: Our soup has cooled down.

Guys, do you like to drink milk?

Children: Yes, we love it

Educator: Do you know what products can be made from milk?

Children: Sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, kefir, yogurt, curd cheese.

Educator: Yes, well done guys. But I have one more task for you. You need to choose the foods you eat to be strong and healthy. Here are the cards, lay them out. In one direction there are healthy products, and in the other - unhealthy ones.

Game “Healthy and Unhealthy Foods”

Educator: Well, well done guys! You eat right and stay healthy for a long time.

But here are the Golden Rules of Nutrition, remember them and you will always be healthy:

1. The main thing is not to overeat.

2. Eat freshly prepared food at the same time.

3. Chew your food thoroughly and do not rush to swallow.

4. Avoid eating fatty, salty and spicy foods.

5. Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods

6. There are many sweets, but only one health.

Educator: Guys, tell me what foods you need to eat to grow up healthy?

Children: Fish, meat, salad, vegetables, fruits, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, porridge.

Educator: Well done! In order for you to grow healthy, strong and agile, you need to eat right, exercise, exercise and maintain a daily routine.


We all know that we need to eat rationally. But instead, we snack on the run, overindulge in sweets and fatty foods, ignore vegetables. And then we wonder why the wasp waist remains only in photographs, fat appears on the stomach, and the stomach begins to ache treacherously. The reason for such metamorphoses should be looked for in your plate. And, if you want to stay healthy, slim and cheerful, you urgently need to change your gastronomic habits and take the path rational nutrition.


Rational nutrition is the most balanced combination of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, microelements and other substances in the human diet. Like the right approach nutrition allows you to avoid many health problems, such as immune disorders, atherosclerosis, obesity, digestive diseases, etc.

So, what are the basic principles of rational nutrition:



This postulate can be considered the basic rule of rational nutrition. The amount of food that enters our body and is converted into energy must be equal to energy expenditure. But in reality, it is this principle that becomes one of the most violated.


Every day our body needs to receive approximately 70 different ingredients. Many of them are considered essential because they cannot be synthesized by the body, and the only way their income is food. The ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:5. For people who have average physical activity, this figure is equal to 100 g of protein, the same amount of fat and, accordingly, 400 g of carbohydrates.


Only if your diet is varied will your body be able to get all the nutrients it needs. That is why, try not to get hung up on the same products, but, on the contrary, strive to expand your menu as much as possible.


2) exclusion of food in the intervals between main meals;

3) the time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner should be 5-6 hours, and the interval between dinner and the start of sleep should be 3-4 hours;

4) the set of products at each meal should provide an optimal ratio of all necessary nutrients; a healthy person should receive more than 2/3 at breakfast and lunch total number calories daily ration, and at dinner - less than 1/3;

5) eating at strictly established hours; the time factor plays a big role in the formation of conditioned reflex reactions (secretion of saliva, gastric juice); the body seems to be preparing to receive and digest food;

6) take your time while eating; So, you don’t need to spend much on food during lunch.

less than 30 minutes;

7) thorough, leisurely chewing of food (good dental condition);

8) the last meal (no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime) should include only low-calorie foods (milk, fermented milk drinks, fruits, juices); prohibited fried foods, foods rich in fats, coarse fiber, spices, table food;

9) cleanliness, comfort of the dining room, good table setting; eliminating factors that distract from eating (talking, radio, television, reading, etc.).

Remember that failure to follow the rules of a balanced diet is one of the main reasons for the development of diseases of the digestive organs (peptic ulcer, chronic colitis, etc.).

Modern achievements of science indicate that by changing the nature and diet, you can positively influence the metabolism, adaptive capabilities of the body and, therefore, have a beneficial effect on the pace and direction of the aging process. Poor nutrition and violations of its diet are important sources of various diseases.

What diseases can arise due to poor nutrition?

Firstly, diseases caused by a deficiency or excess of certain nutrients in the diet: nutritional dystrophy, obesity, vitamin deficiency, etc.

Secondly, poor nutrition plays a major role in the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart disease, hypertension, gout, cholelithiasis, diseases.

Target: formation healthy image life through studying the principles of proper nutrition.


Form a correct attitude towards your health through the concept of healthy eating,

Teach how to choose healthy and safe food products, how to create a school menu,

To form the basis of rational nutrition in children.

Progress of the lesson:


Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests. I am glad to see you at our event.

Each of us is given only one amazing opportunity to live our lives on planet Earth. And how to live his life, each person decides in his own way;

"Healthy lifestyle" is a phrase in Lately heard very often

What do you guys think, what does it mean to lead a healthy lifestyle? (Children's answers).

Guys, “Healthy lifestyle” includes several components. And one of them is very important - healthy eating. But is all the food we eat equally healthy? What foods should you choose to stay healthy? long years? We'll talk about this today.

The theme of our class hour is “Secrets of healthy eating.”

The proverb “We are what we eat” is written on the board.

How do you understand these words?

Our health depends entirely on what we eat.

What is healthy eating?

II. Main part.

Hang a sign: “Healthy eating”

1. varied (hang a sign)

How do you understand this?

Different foods contain different nutrients and vitamins. You can’t eat the same thing all the time, you need to eat different foods.

2. full (hang up a sign)

How do you understand this?

A complete or balanced diet is sufficient quantity it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

Hang a poster.

Proteins are the most important component of food. The main life processes in the body: metabolism, ability to grow, reproduce, think

Not all proteins are created equal. Combinations of plant and dairy products are favorable, for example, a combination of a piece of bread and a glass of milk, flour products with cottage cheese, flour dishes with meat. Fish is healthy, dairy products, butter, and nuts are very healthy.

These products help build the body, strengthen bones. It is these products that supply cells with building material for growth.

Other foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired. These foods contain carbohydrates. These are: buckwheat, honey, oatmeal, raisins, butter, bread. The main energy carbohydrate is glucose, so it should be a necessary component of food. Nerve cells and brain cells operate only on glucose. You need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

There is also another energy resource - fats. The heart, for example, uses fat almost exclusively for fuel. Dietary fats are true energy concentrates. The complete exclusion of fats from the diet leads to serious health problems; their deficiency leads to a delay in the development of a growing organism, inflammation of the skin, but excess fat leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. In this case, the condition of the blood vessels worsens.

A necessary component of a healthy diet is vitamins and minerals.

What foods contain vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals - help the body grow and be healthy. Fruits and vegetables are real storehouses necessary for a person vitamins If your body has a lot of vitamins, it will easily defeat any disease, and you will have good mood and excellent health.

3. useful (hang a sign)

How do you understand this?

Healthy diet- first of all, natural. Therefore, of course, preference should be given to food without preservatives (whole bread, cereals, meat, fish).

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are products that increase the vital functions of the body. You need to include them in your diet! These are the most useful products!!!

And bread made from fine flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, fried potatoes - these products are devoid of most biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body.

I also want to remind you that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health (lemonade, chips, crackers)

Carbonated drinks contain various preservatives, flavors and colorings that adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract of schoolchildren. Sugar, in large quantities present in carbonated water, provokes caries. Regular sweet carbonated water does not contain any vitamins or minerals that are so necessary

growing organism.

But what about chewing gum, which many children love?

Guys, chewing gum contains sweeteners, dyes, and flavors.

It has long been proven that the longer the contact of sugar with teeth, the higher the risk of developing caries. And here, chewing gum, as well as chewing candies, simply have no competitors. In the work of children's doctors, there were cases when children who complained of abdominal pain found rubber “stones” in the intestines from sticky multi-colored lumps formed from chewing gum

Are chips and crackers harmful to health?

Do you guys know that in French fries and chips scientists have discovered a number of harmful substances, including substances that are used in the production of various plastics and paints. It has been proven that these substances have a toxic effect on the nervous system of animals and humans.

Children who eat mainly chips, candy, and carbonated drinks may develop vitamin deficiency. Scientists believe that a lack of vitamins in the diet of schoolchildren can cause violations of discipline and poor academic performance.

Now let's check how you have mastered the material.

Your poster shows the “Healthy Eating Pyramid.”

(Working with the healthy eating pyramid.)

The cards contain the names of food products. You need to distribute them among the floors of the pyramid:

on the 1st floor - the most healthy products,

on the 2nd - those that need to be consumed in smaller quantities,

and on the 3rd - foods whose consumption should be limited or not consumed at all.

Food products: cereals, fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread, fish, meat, milk, candy, sugar, butter, cheese, eggs, sausage, cake, chips, lemonade, salt, nuts,

TIP: drink lemonade through a straw; you can make your own crackers.

4. regular (hang up a sign) Meals should be regular.

Children your age should eat 4 times a day at the same time.

And food should be moderate (hang up a sign)

How do you understand what moderation means? (Children's answers)

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said: “We eat in order to live, and we do not live in order to eat.”

Overeating is very harmful; the stomach and intestines do not have time to digest everything.

Moderation is the mother of health. Do not overload your stomach, do not overeat. The feeling of fullness comes to a person 15-20 minutes after finishing a meal. Therefore, you need to leave the table feeling slightly hungry.


LUNCH - 900G,


DINNER - 500G.

Food must be adequate (hang up sign).

How do you understand what adequate means?

Adequacy means compliance with the traditions characteristic of a particular people. From time immemorial, Russian people have eaten porridge, cabbage soup, soups, potatoes with meat - this is the kind of food that corresponds to genetics.

An approximate daily set of products for schoolchildren.

Milk - 200

Cottage cheese - 200

Butter - 35

Meat – 120

Fish - 80

Egg - 1

Rye bread -120

Cereals - 50

Pasta - 20

Sugar - 45

Fruits - 200

Vegetables - 400

III. Practical part

I suggest you do a test called “The Healthiest Foods”.

You need to insert the necessary words in place of the dots.

1. If I have to choose candy or an apple, I choose….. because it’s….

2. If I have to choose a cake or grapes, I choose.... because...

3. If I have to choose nuts or chips, I choose... because...

Always for our health

Nutritious food is the most important condition.

V. Conclusion

Guys, now you know many of the secrets of healthy eating. What are they?

What kind of food can be called healthy?

What foods should you not eat?

Today we talked about only one part of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition. And I want to tell you that each of you can be healthy. You just need to really want it. There are many riches in the world, but health is the most important wealth of a person. And this wealth must be preserved and strengthened from the very beginning of life’s journey.

Proper nutrition reduces fatigue, improves well-being, reduces irritability and agitation. After all, when a person is healthy, he is cheerful and cheerful, his eyes glow, and his face radiates a smile. Healthy people have a clear mind and strong nervous system,

I wish you to bloom and grow

Save money, improve your health,

It's for a long journey -

The most important condition!

Extracurricular activity 1-2 grades. Scenario

Conversation for children “Proper nutrition”

Gashkova Vera Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 55, Nizhny Novgorod
Explanation: A conversation about proper nutrition for students in grades 1-2 will be useful for primary school teachers, preschool teachers or GPA.
Target: introducing students to proper nutrition and the necessary rules for eating food.
Tasks: introduce students to some rules of proper nutrition, food consumption patterns, explain the importance of porridge in food, vegetables and berries.

Progress of the conversation.

Hello guys!
Today I will tell you about proper nutrition. Guys, do you know what healthy foods are? (Children answer) Are there any of these products that are your favorite? (We listen to the children's answers)
Guys, what should you do before eating carrots? Children's answers) That's right, you must first wash and peel the carrots, only after that you can eat them. Also, you should always wash your hands before eating. There is also a rule to keep in mind: you should not eat outside at all. Why? (Children give their answers and assume that the street is dusty and dirty) Do you think ice cream can be eaten on the street? (We listen to the children's answers) Only if it is sold in packaging.
Tell me, important rules how to eat properly. (Children speak out). So:
before eating, wash your hands with soap;
fruits and vegetables should be washed well;
eat in small pieces, chew thoroughly with your mouth closed;
do not talk or read while eating;
don't pass it on! Eat in moderation.

Do you follow these rules? Well done!
And now, guys, I’ll tell you about the amazing transformations of the pie. You take the pie and take a bite. What happens when we eat? In the mouth, a piece of food is moistened with saliva and chewed with the teeth. The pie was chewed and swallowed. It got into the stomach. Then the mush moves on. There, all useful substances are absorbed, and unnecessary ones are removed. The transformation of the pie takes several hours. Therefore, after a certain time, we want to eat again - this means that the body needs food. That's why you need to eat regularly, preferably at the same time. Remember: The break between meals should not be more than three hours, which means it is better to eat little by little five times a day.
Guys, why do you think they say about some people: “He didn’t eat enough porridge?” (Children speak out) Right. Porridge is a healthy food that will help you become healthy and strong. You can eat it for breakfast. Do you know what porridge is made from? (Children answer)
I will tell you about the adventures of the grain.
We planted a small seed in the ground in the spring. First a bore appeared, then it turned into a spikelet. All summer the ear grew and gained strength. There were a lot of grains in the spikelet. Why did there become so many of them? Earth, sun, water. The heat helped the small grain turn into a strong ear full of new grains. And they contain many beneficial nutrients. In the fall, the spikelets were collected, threshed, and grains were taken out. The grains were used to make cereals, and the cereals could be used to cook porridge.
Now try to guess puzzles:
I'll go to the warm land,
I will rise towards the sun,
Then there are people like me in it,
There will be a whole family. (corn)
He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (ear)
That it stays green for two weeks,
It's been earing for two weeks,
It takes two weeks to bloom.
It pours for two weeks,
It dries out for two weeks. (wheat)
Next task: Guess what plants, grains and cereals are used to make semolina, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat porridge. (Children begin to guess and enter the guessing words into the table. The name of the porridge is in bold, and what the children must write in italic)

Plants Grain, cereals Porridge
millet millet millet
wheat semolina semolina
wheat wheat cereal wheat
oats cereals oatmeal
buckwheat buckwheat buckwheat
Guys, do you know what the menu is? Menu is a list of dishes. You can choose from the menu what you like most. But how to choose? After all, there is a lot on the menu different dishes. First you need to choose cold appetizers: various salads, the vinaigrette. Then the first courses - borscht, rassolnik, broth, vegetables and fish soups. For the second course, you can choose a meat or fish dish with a vegetable side dish. For the third - compote, fruits, juices.
Why do they say: “It’s a bad lunch. if there is no bread"? (Children answer) Black bread contains a lot of useful substances. Everyone needs them, especially children. Guys. what can you do after lunch? (Children answer:
jump; read a book; draw; dance; run; play with construction sets.

Guys. What's better to eat for dinner? cottage cheese casserole or cake. It's better not to eat cake for dinner. Dinner is the last meal before bed. It should be light. At night we rest. And if you have a heavy dinner, your body will not be able to rest. Remember the pie transformations? They took several hours. So our stomach will have to digest food and not rest.
In addition to food, a person needs...? (water) Do you like milk? Do you know the saying “The cow has horns and is rich in milk”? All the guys know that it's important to drink milk to grow up healthy. And milk also helps teeth be strong and beautiful. Not only teeth, but also bones become strong. After lunch they usually drink compote. For dinner, it is best to drink kefir, yogurt, and yogurt. And during the day you can drink juices, water and tea. But you just have to remember that You can only drink boiled water. And even better - purified. A person can live without food for several weeks. And without water - only a few days. Do you know how much liquid you should drink per day? Every day – two whole liters, but it’s not just juices and tea. All foods and dishes contain liquid. But there is especially a lot of liquid in the first and third courses, vegetables and fruits. When you have a cold, you need to drink more fluids. Cranberry juice helps reduce temperature. Fresh juices are very useful.
The first green vegetables contain a lot of vitamins. The first to appear are salads and radishes, and in greenhouses – cucumbers. And at the beginning of summer the berries appear. Summer is berry time. How many of you know which berries appear first? Children answer)
In the heat of the stumps
Many thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet light.
unbend the stems -
Collecting lights. (Strawberry)
What kind of bead is here?
Hanging from the stem?
Take a look and your mouth will water.
And you will taste sour. (Cranberry)
Guys, what are the benefits of berries? (Children answer) Guys, you can say that I years are small deposits of vitamins. They also contain many, many other beneficial substances. Berries appear throughout the summer. It is very important to eat different berries, because each one has something special, its own.
I'm red, I'm sour
I grew up in a swamp
Ripened under the snow.
Well, who knows me? (Cowberry)
The berry tastes good
But go ahead and rip it off:
A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog, -
So it's named... (Blackberry)
Red beads hang
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberries)
Round, not a month,
Yellow, not oil,
With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)
The golden head is large and heavy.
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin)
The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose. (Carrot)
Red mouse with white tail
sitting in a hole under a green bush. (Radish)
The whole summer tried -
Dressed, dressed...
And when autumn came,
She gave us some clothes.
A hundred clothes
We'll put it in a barrel. (Cabbage)
Well done!
Our conversation has come to an end. What did you like about the lesson? What do you remember? (We listen to the children’s statements)

What does the term “healthy eating” mean, why is it needed and how to achieve it? Surely, these questions are asked by every person who wants to maintain excellent health and physical shape. And rightly so, because healthy eating is, first of all, a component of the overall health of the body. The essence of a healthy diet is what distinguishes it from the usual diet familiar to everyone. Today we are going to talk about healthy eating.

Fast and not at all healthy breakfast before work, light fast food snacks during breaks and a heavy dinner before bed - this is the opposite of healthy eating. At the same time, eating only fruits, for example, such healthy apples, or vegetables will not improve your health either.

Healthy eating is not about eating only “healthy” foods, but following a carefully planned diet that includes all the components required for the full functioning of the body. ? For this there are basic laws of healthy eating.

The first law of healthy eating is the correspondence of energy intake and energy expenditure

By consuming food, the body receives a certain amount of energy, which is later used to maintain all physiological processes. Obviously, in order for the body to function normally, a prerequisite is the correspondence between the energy that is expended and the energy that comes from outside.

Vital energy comes to the body with calories, or rather, as a result of their breakdown and redistribution. The sources of calories are macronutrients (substances, the need for which is units and tens of grams), which are: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber.

Healthy eating - fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber

Fats are in a healthy diet. These substances undoubtedly have the greatest energy value and are building material for many substances needed by the body. Under no circumstances should you refuse to use them. At the same time, healthy eating does not imply unlimited consumption. Tutu butter per day will not saturate your body with useful substances, but, on the contrary, will lead to severe disruption of the functioning of some organs.

In addition, it is necessary to separate fats into healthy (unsaturated) and harmful (saturated). The first include vegetable fats, which are contained in various oils (sunflower, olive, etc.). The latter are represented by fats of animal origin and are poorly digestible. Thus, to a certain extent, healthy eating involves following a vegetarian diet.

Proteins are in a healthy diet. Proteins obtained during nutrition are broken down into various amino acids, from which the body independently synthesizes all other proteins. It is noteworthy that all proteins in the body are different combinations of 20 amino acids. Moreover, the body synthesizes 11 of them itself, and 9 must be obtained from food.

Although it is believed that everything essential amino acids found exclusively in animal proteins, recent evidence suggests that plant proteins can supply the body with the same amino acids, while demonstrating even more high concentration and ease of absorption. The main sources of vegetable protein are concentrated in legumes and nuts.

Carbohydrates - in a healthy diet. These are real energizers for the body. Simple (glucose, fructose) and complex carbohydrates (starch) are present in plant foods and are vital for the body to obtain energy. All grain products (pasta, porridge, etc.) contain carbohydrates, without which not a single body system will be able to perform its functions normally and effectively.

But it should be remembered that not all carbohydrates are equally beneficial. So, with a healthy diet, it will give you energy at least until lunch. At the same time, greasy fried potatoes and a huge piece of cake will affect your health in the form cardiovascular diseases and excess weight.

Fiber is in a healthy diet. Despite the fact that in fact fiber is nothing more than a component complex carbohydrates, it is customary to distinguish it as a separate group of macronutrients. The fact is that fiber is cellulose, that is, dietary fiber. By themselves, they cannot be digested by the body. However, due to their specific properties, these fibers improve digestion processes, so their consumption is also vital for the body. Fiber is found in large quantities in bran, vegetables and fruits.

The second law of healthy eating is saturation with biologically active substances

Each person has their own daily needs for biologically active substances - micronutrients. These substances are the source of those necessary chemical elements that the body cannot produce on its own.

Surely, everyone has heard about vitamins and minerals, which, in fact, are micronutrients, that is, substances, the need for which is calculated in milligrams. And since the body does not produce these substances, it is recommended to add maximum variety to your healthy diet. After all, different vitamins and minerals are found in different foods.

The third law of healthy eating is food compatibility

This law of healthy eating was formed back in the 30s by Dr. Hay and boils down to the following provisions:

  • fruits must be eaten in their natural form and separately from any other food
  • Eliminate refined and processed foods from your diet
  • avoid mixing protein and carbohydrate foods in one dish
  • consume the maximum amount of foods that alkalize rather than acidify the body

Adhering to the laws of healthy eating is not so difficult, and entire books could be written about their scientific and experimental confirmation. We can say that just separate nutrition, separate consumption of foods contributes to their better absorption and breakdown into energy and nutrients. Thus, by observing only 3 laws of healthy eating, you can tune your body to effective work, the fruits of which will not take long to arrive.