What to write to a guy about how I liked him. Nice SMS for a guy, in your own words

In the era computer technology and crazy workdays, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to make acquaintances on the streets, because there is simply no time. The solution itself was found - the Internet! What to write to a guy to interest him? IN modern world every third girl asks this question. And this is not surprising.

There are more difficulties in how to interest a guy in correspondence than in personal communication. After all, visual contact can make it easier to get closer through body language. By correspondence everything is much more complicated.

Ask more questions - this is extremely important for the interlocutor. This will make him feel important around you. Source: Flickr (Patrick)

How to interest a guy at the beginning of a conversation

The psychology of how to interest a guy by correspondence is simple: don’t be banal. If you decide to take the first step, do not be intrusive by showing obvious interest. It is much easier to start dating on a social network, where you can thoroughly study the profile of the object of your desire. Pay attention to the list of groups and audio recordings - this will make it much easier to present a real image of a person.

After studying the profile, think: do you have common interests? Try to find something similar so that you can start a conversation. At best, trivial questions will be simply ignored.

List of taboo phrases:

  • "Hi, how are you?"
  • “What is a guy like you doing on social media?”
  • “You’re handsome!”
  • “Hi, let's get acquainted!”
  • “There are only scoundrels around, maybe you are different?”
  • “I’m so bored, can you cheer me up?”

Such acquaintances are no longer just boring - they are classics of the genre. Therefore, you should not immediately spoil your opinion of yourself. Have you read it? Remember and never use these phrases. Now let’s figure out what to write to a guy to interest him.

Note! The list of banal phrases can be continued indefinitely. You can create your own. An interesting and bright young man is unlikely to want to continue acquaintance with a girl after such a greeting. Strive for originality and unobtrusiveness.

In the absence of visual contact, it is necessary to intrigue the interlocutor. Ask him anything regarding his interests. For example, ask for help in finding a rare item for the collection (of course, if this relates to his hobby or interests). Maybe your beloved cyclist? Then ask for the contact of a good repairman. Such a question will immediately show you as an extraordinary and passionate person.

Psychological aspects of correspondence

A man is a conqueror by nature and it is extremely important for him to be a winner in everything. Therefore, girls who take the “reins of power” into their own hands often cause indignation among the male half. It is important that your lover feels comfortable with you. If you actively engage in conquest instead of him, sooner or later he will begin to feel hostility. Is this your goal? Be more modest - remember the touching images of Turgenev’s young ladies.

What should I write to a guy to get him interested? Cheer him up! The modern rhythm of life is tiring, so positive-minded people are rare. If your communication has begun, do not complain about life under any circumstances. Try to become a warm sun for him that will warm him in any cold: joke, keep up the conversation on topics that interest him. Ask more questions - this is extremely important for the interlocutor. This will make him feel important around you.

How to interest a guy by correspondence? It's simple - surprise him. Watch your speech! If this is an electronic correspondence, re-read the written sentences, do not make spelling mistakes, do not distort the words. Who likes an illiterate interlocutor? Of course, there are those who do not pay attention to this. But if your chosen one is an educated person, he will be pleasantly surprised by the purity of his speech.

Note! There are situations when communication still doesn’t work out. You shouldn't bother such a man. If he ignores you on purpose, you will only get rude in return, so stop texting first. Perhaps a man’s pride will come into play, and he will begin to take the initiative, or maybe not. In any situation, maintain your dignity, do not be rude and do not overwhelm your opponent with letters. If you leave, do it gracefully.

What to write to a guy to get him interested

If you followed our advice at the beginning of the article and studied the account of the object of adoration, the task becomes much easier. Choose an area of ​​his interest that you are good at. Inventing a non-existent interest is risky: sooner or later the truth will come to the surface, and the opinion of you will be hopelessly spoiled. So, what should you write to a guy to get him interested? Find a suitable topic and ask a man for advice or help.

Note! It is necessary that his area of ​​interest be covered on the page itself, and not just in groups. Otherwise, it will be obvious that you deliberately studied everything, and did not accidentally find his page.

Another interesting option, how you can interest a guy by correspondence - write a comment under the photo. But not a compliment - it's too similar to flattery. For example, specify what it is a nice place in photos from the trip. Try to be unobtrusive, do not bombard the man with messages.

Before you start communicating, carefully edit your profile so that there are no repulsive photos, “vanilla” quotes and aphorisms of great people. Men don't like it. Be simpler and more modest. Show that you are an interesting and versatile person.

Important! Keep your distance: don’t be familiar and tell the whole story of your life - it’s repulsive. Try to find out more about his life.

So, how to interest a guy by correspondence? What questions to ask:

  • about hobbies;
  • about travel;
  • about favorite books and films;
  • about your favorite writers or musicians.

It seems banal, but you can chat about your favorite topics endlessly, and therefore they never get boring. This a win-win to interest a man. This way, your interlocutor will begin to associate you with pleasant emotions, and he himself will strive to communicate.

The Internet gives us many new opportunities, including for finding love. Use it wisely.

Communication can be different - verbal and through gestures, by telephone and through letters. But the most common today is still communication by correspondence using all kinds of social networks and good old SMS.

Let's look at little feminine tricks that will help you correctly build a virtual dialogue with a man so that he continues it as long as it is interesting to you. You will learn how to intrigue a man, a guy, by correspondence, SMS, in conversation, by question, by zodiac sign.

Intriguing words: list

Words are an amazing, magical weapon that can be compared to fabulous living and dead water. After all, they can hurt a person, or, on the contrary, they can bring him back to life.

If you are going to intrigue a man by correspondence, then you must know some fundamental rules that will help you achieve the desired result:

  1. Write correctly, without errors.
  2. Express your thoughts sincerely and truthfully.
  3. Do not burden your man with excessive expression of your feelings at the very beginning of communication.
  4. Avoid emoticons and pictures that have no meaning in your correspondence.
  5. Try to express your thoughts concisely.
  6. Do not write messages too often and about anything - this makes busy men very nervous.

When starting a correspondence with a man you like, avoid negative emotions in every possible way and use more positive words. For example:

  • I smile, remembering our meeting.
  • I'm looking forward to the upcoming date.
  • Miss you.

If your communication has already been going on for some time and you decided that it would be nice to spend time together, then you can unobtrusively hint about it in the messenger:

  • I'm going to a football match, I have an extra ticket.
  • Do you want to take a walk in the park this weekend?
  • There will be a premiere at the theater. Interested?
  • Happiness is your love.
  • Memories of you help to survive separation.
  • You came to me in a dream.

Add spice to your relationship using messages with erotic overtones:

  • I bought new underwear. Would you like to take a look?
  • You were great. What will you come up with today?
  • I am studying Thai massage techniques. Need to practice.

Believe me, after receiving such messages, a man will simply seek a date with you!

Intriguing phrases: list

If you come across a man with whom you wouldn’t mind chatting, but don’t know how to start a conversation, don’t hesitate! In our age of emancipation and Internet technology, there is nothing shameful or impossible in starting a correspondence with a guy on the initiative of a girl.

Important: do not share your personal information with a stranger on the Internet until you have met him in person. Believe me, there are more than enough scammers on dating sites!

We offer you a list of phrases that will surely intrigue a man or guy and encourage him to communicate with you:

  • I saw your photo on the forum. Are you a Photoshop guru or do you really have such beautiful eyes/hair/lips? (Underline whatever applicable)
  • Do you often fight off ladies?
  • Corner. Flashlight. Pharmacy. What kind of view awaits you?

Most likely, a man will not be able to ignore you. But what to talk about next will become clear from his answers. Perhaps he will immediately start flirting and take the process into his own hands, or will answer in detail and thoroughly- it means that he is really lonely and lacks communication. The main thing, girls and women, do not be afraid to take the first step towards rapprochement!

How to intrigue a man or a guy in correspondence: phrases, examples

When corresponding with a man, intrigue without hesitation - it is known that a man loves a mystery in a woman. Let something remain unsaid, because you will have to surprise him with something in the future.

  • It’s good if your chosen one has a sense of humor, in which case you can safely joke. For example: “You have a selection of old black and white films in your favorites. Are you that ancient or do you have that good taste?” . By sending such a message, you will not only make the recipient smile, but also give him a subtle compliment.
  • Do not hesitate to ask a man for advice on any topic in which he understands. For example: “Recommend a good car service, otherwise I don’t understand this at all.” What knight would refuse such a trifle?
  • If you cannot provoke a man to take any active action for a long time, then in the evening, around 9 o’clock, send him the following message: “My friends and I are bowling. Cool new paths have been installed here. Join us immediately!” You'll see, the guy will either rush to you or start explaining why he can't do it, and the conversation will begin.

How to intrigue a man, a guySMS: examples

  • You can’t write at the very beginning of a relationship that "you're sad",“something hurts you”, "no money". It's taboo!
  • It’s better to share with the recipient an interesting joke or an incident that happened to you, offer to spend time together, and finally flirt! For example: “Today in the director’s office my heel broke and I tripped. Guess what the boss told me?” Most likely, the guy will laugh lightly at the incident, and then feel sorry for you and begin to speculate about how it all ended.

How to intrigue your lover with words to get him back?

  • It is believed that thoughtfully composed and timely sent SMS can cause an attack of tenderness in a man, arouse pleasant memories, remind you how great you were together.
  • If your lover is offended by you for some reason, try sending him the following message: “I remember our trip to the sea. It was great!”, “I went to our cafe today - a storm of memories!”
  • If your boyfriend is a movie fan or a book lover, then select a quote with relevant content and send it to him. Rest assured, he will smile and appreciate your efforts.
  • Avoid clichés and platitudes to to intrigue a man, a guy. It is necessary that, upon receiving your message, the man understands that you tried and thought about your message.

What to ask a man, a guy, to intrigue him with a question?

To intrigue a guy and encourage a man to further communicate, you should ask him questions that he will probably want to answer. For example:

  • What team do you work for?
  • Do you communicate with anyone outside of work?
  • Are you working by passion?
  • What interests you about your profession?
  • Have you dreamed of this profession since childhood or did you want to become someone else? By whom?
  • What do you do in the evenings and on weekends?
  • You have a big family?
  • What were you like as a kid? What did you love? What were you interested in?
  • What kind of schoolboy were you? Perhaps he was playing a prank?
  • Are you into reading? What are you reading?
  • Do you have a hobby?
  • Do you love traveling? Where have you already been, where do you want to go?
  • Do you get up easily in the morning or do you like to work late?
  • Do you like surprises?
  • Will you tell us about your friends?
  • What do you like in people?
  • What do you think the ideal girl should be like?

Remember that you should only ask questions that you yourself can answer without embarrassment or internal resistance. And be sure to sincerely respond to his answers so that the guy understands that you are really interested in his words.

How to intrigue an Aries man?

  • Guys born under the sign of Aries are people of action. They may seem overly stubborn and even aggressive, but under this mask hides a vulnerable soul.
  • These men are knights by nature without fear or reproach, ready to protect their lady of the heart. That's why, to intrigue a man your messages should be filled with softness, feminine weakness and sensuality, then your chosen one will answer you with pleasure. It’s a good idea to ask him for any help he can - he probably won’t refuse you.

How to intrigue a Taurus man?

  • Taurus men are living lie detectors, so when communicating with them, don’t even think about lying, exaggerating or falsifying.
  • In addition to truthfulness, they will probably appreciate your kindness and mercy, and will be happy to maintain easy, unobtrusive communication that will not stress them out.

How to intrigue a Gemini man?

  • Geminis are fans of non-standard communication and creativity. When corresponding with them, you need to carefully monitor your thoughts to ensure that they do not contain idioms or platitudes.
  • Surely your Gemini is not averse to laughing, the main thing is that your jokes are not vulgar and actually witty. That's why, to intrigue a man use this method.

How to intrigue a Cancer man?

  • Cancer Men- very practical creatures who do not build castles in the air, but prefer to stand firmly on the ground. Therefore, less romance and more realism - these are the main rules of correspondence with them, so that intrigue a man.
  • Remember that Cancers deservedly consider themselves experts in all matters of life and simply love to give advice - it’s worth taking advantage of it!

How to intrigue a Leo man?

  • The king of beasts in human form simply loves compliments addressed to him, universal worship and unquestioning fulfillment of his demands. If you are ready for such a life, then start praising your chosen one in correspondence, rejoice at how lucky you are with him, and talk about your feelings.
  • When praising Leo, don’t even try to humiliate yourself. After all, there should be a queen next to the king, not a slave!

How to intrigue a Virgo man?

  • The Virgo man is famous a pedant, a neat person and a homebody. It’s not a bad idea to subtly hint to him in correspondence about your thriftiness, thriftiness, and ability to save money.
  • Virgo will look for a partner who not only shares his views on life, but will also be able to provide him with a comfortable living environment and at the same time not demand too much from him.

How to intrigue a Libra man?

  • Guys who were born under the sign Libra, usually very level-headed and not welcoming overly emotional communication.
  • Try to first find out his preferences and avoid controversial issues when communicating with him in order to irritate him with arguments. Rest assured, he will not prove anything to you, but will simply disappear from your life.

How to intrigue a Scorpio man?

  • Scorpios Usually they themselves are distinguished by a sharp mind, and they like their interlocutors to match themselves. So get ready for intelligent conversation and subtle humor.
  • Get ready for irony addressed to you - Scorpios are guilty of this. But it’s better not to scoff too much at their appearance and abilities, because they can sting painfully in response.

How to intrigue a Sagittarius man?

  • Male Sagittarians simply love surprises and all sorts of surprises, so you will have to forget about platitudes and clichés in your correspondence with him. God forbid you write to him “Hi. How are you?". It's taboo!
  • Come up with unusual and surprising proposals, to intrigue a man, For example, “Let's go feed the elephant at the zoo!” or “Let's skydive together!” Such messages are guaranteed to not leave him indifferent.


How to intrigue a Capricorn man?

  • Men in general love flattery towards oneself, but when corresponding with Capricorns, it is better not to overuse compliments, because men of this sign are quite self-critical and immediately catch if a woman begins to overact.
  • Discuss practical, life-related issues with Capricorns, and they will enjoy communicating with you.

Flatter Capricorn, but don't go overboard

How to intrigue an Aquarius man?

  • Men born under this sign They are catastrophically afraid of obsessive women. In addition, they quickly lose interest in overly frank representatives of the fair sex.
  • So, first of all, don’t bombard them with messages. And secondly, always leave an element of understatement in conversations so that Aquarius wants to unravel all your secrets. So you can intrigue a man under the sign of Aquarius.

How to intrigue a Pisces man?

  • The Pisces man is very much in love with one person - himself, so build communication around his personality. What does he like? What is his hobby? What are his culinary and other passions?
  • If you behave correctly, you may win a corner in his heart for yourself.

In one of the good Soviet cartoons it is sung: “A smile will make everyone brighter.” Every person feels the need for positive emotions, and smiling is one of the ways to express them. When we talk to our loved ones, we involuntarily smile; this is a completely natural reaction to the warmth emanating from within. Cute jokes, gentle words, little secrets and reminders of events dear to the heart bring an unconscious smile. Let your SMS and messenger messages always bring positivity. What should you write to your beloved guy to make him smile when he is mentally next to you?

Examples of phrases for social networks to make you smile

Modern people actively communicate on social networks. Here people meet, become friends, and some even start relationships. Men are less emotional than the female half of humanity, but this does not mean that attention and tender feelings are not important to them.

Do you want to get to know the cute guy who came to your page on the social network? Start with a joke, and only then choose what will be the next step - a compliment or a flirt? Lively participate in the discussion of some interesting event, tell a funny story in two or three words.

If you are not very good at eloquence, post a cool GIF or picture as a comment. Do not send tired jokes or vulgar phrases, such messages contribute to anti-rating.

There are several rules that a girl needs to follow when writing messages to a man.

  • Literacy and a light, humorous style are important.
  • Don't write platitudes.
  • Include a sense of humor.
  • Excessive frankness at the beginning of a relationship is useless.
  • Don't over-sugar your message.
  • Many guys don’t like being called kitten, bunny, baby.

Where to start communicating with a stranger? Of course, with a smile, an animated emoticon, an unobtrusive compliment, praise.

  • – Hello, I liked your photos. Where did you learn your craft? What are you filming with?
  • - Wow, how many friends you have! Are you Chip or Dale?
  • – It’s cool, you have a perfect sense of humor.

You can remember in personal correspondence with a guy you’ve known for a long time interesting stories about joint hikes, parties or funny stories from the lives of mutual friends. If you like a guy and he has a sense of humor, feel free to write “You are so strong, strong and courageous because you ate all the pasta on the hike.”

“Do you remember how you stretched out on the gym? Was there filming of the film “Carlson - Interrupted Flight”? Is your classmate in business college? Great. “Hello, real business shark! Smart, cunning and cunning. Are you at the forum in Courchevel? Come back, we miss you." “Smile, make the world brighter.” “I’m very lucky to have a friend like you.”

Today, even children are fluent in the capabilities of graphic applications. Find a photo from your shared past with interesting story and create a funny composition with the inscription “Mr. Genius”, responsiveness or goodwill.

Examples of phrases for SMS to make you smile

Long family life should not interrupt a strong love relationship. Memories of hot nights and vivid emotions, like in the first months of dating, become the key to a happy marital relationship.

What should you write to your husband to make him smile in the middle of a working day or during an important meeting? After all, for a relationship to be pleasant and easy, it is important to please each other more often.

An unexpectedly arriving SMS will certainly cause a wave of positivity. The message does not have to be of a sexual nature or contain a confession; it can simply be a cheerful message, a compliment or a phrase from the work of Igor Guberman “If life is too businesslike, the sexual function weakens.”

  • -You were great today. I'm looking forward to the evening. Yours.
  • – You won an erotic SMS service. So let's begin!
  • – I love waking up with a smile next to me, meeting my beloved gaze.
  • “You shouldn’t be afraid of your desires, it’s better to be afraid of mine.”
  • – Thoughts about tonight, go away, don’t interfere with work.
  • - Sorry for distracting you from serious matters, but I urgently need to tell you terrible news! Santa Claus doesn't exist!
  • – Come back early today, I have an offer, and it’s not very decent.
  • “The cockroaches have an argument in my head, some are screaming, do you love me, others are not.” Resolve their dispute!
  • - I miss you incredibly. To melt my frozen soul and body, you will have to become a hot macho.
  • – Today I learned that a smile stabilizes the general condition and increases male strength. Shall we check?

If you and your guy have been on a date or two, don't text him with lots of cute nicknames, it's inappropriate and vulgar. Well, what a kitten he is if he holds the position of crisis manager in a large holding company or banking corporation. It's too early to write about love. A sense of humor always comes to the rescue in such cases.

  • - Be careful, I got my license today, and now the roads are even more unsafe.
  • – Imagine a hedgehog without needles. Today I’m taking an exam, and from the outside I probably look like this eccentric and defenseless creature.

You can simply limit yourself to wishes for a good day, gratitude, or, for example, to make you laugh young man funny pictures or cheer up with emoticons.

  • – May this day bring you many pleasant meetings and emotions.
  • “I’m glad I spent last night with you.” It was interesting. Thank you.
  • – I suggest we spend our next date at the zoo to finally decide whether I’m smart or beautiful?

What to write to a guy to make him smile and answer?

Why, after several meetings and conversations on the phone, does the young man suddenly become silent? The unbridled fantasy of girls paints sad pictures - he is not interested in me, he is dating someone else, he wanted to test my feelings, and now he is laughing with his friends.

In fact, the reasons may be different - he is overloaded with work, is forced to leave for family reasons, relatives have arrived, the relationship is developing rapidly, and this scares him, or maybe your fan has simply run out of money in his account.

It’s stupid to sort things out, write a message. Maybe he is waiting for your attention so he can talk about his feelings. Make a sentence so that there is a question at the end. What to write in an SMS to a guy to make him smile and respond?

– Do you want to tell me a secret?

Who among us does not like secrets, no doubt does. In order not to disappoint the young man, tell him how interesting it was for you to discuss his musical tastes or just walk around the city at night.

– I urgently need your help. Can you become a superhero for a while?

The reason for contacting someone can be the most trivial thing - to explain some point in a note, ask how to properly prepare a coursework, or help choose a gift for your brother.

  • – I have an interesting offer for you, can we meet? Say that the team is missing one player for the quest.
  • - How are you? Any intelligent person will respond to messages. By the mood of the SMS you will understand whether he is happy with your messages.

You can do something even more interesting. Make a list of questions that you would like answers to, formulate them as lightly and casually as possible with humorous comments, and send them to the young man. The answer will not be long in coming.

Enjoy every day you live, enjoy simple things and live by the motto: “Smile and the world will smile at you”!

Adalind Koss

Today's communication is becoming easier and more natural than before. This makes the problem of starting communication and maintaining it easier. Today you don’t have to wait weeks or months for a response to a letter. Communication speeds up, as does the decision-making process in relationships. In other words, now in just a couple of minutes there is a chance to get a response from an interesting person, as well as certain actions. For this reason, be bolder and be the first to like it. Today this does not surprise anyone and is not considered reprehensible, since today’s girls are in most cases bolder.

Simple ways to interest a guy

So let's consider simple ways to interest a representative of the opposite sex:

The easiest option is to let him know that you want to get to know him. All representatives of the stronger sex are polygamous, so even if a guy has already found the one, he will definitely respond to a message with a proposal for acquaintance from a beautiful lady. At first it will be, but further communication is completely dependent on you;

if you specifically mean an unfamiliar man (with whom you want to get acquainted), then the main way is cunning. It is precisely this that even the most intelligent representatives of the stronger sex cannot solve. Ask if he has a sister who went to some school. Or say that he looks too much like the brother of your friend, whom you just can’t find. A man will certainly fall for such a technique. Of course, he will say that you were mistaken, and he doesn’t have any sister. But this is not important, the main thing is that the conversation has begun. Then write about your own carelessness, and also repent of your stupid mistake. Further correspondence will proceed by itself;

There is another effective method. Of course, it is not suitable for VKontakte, but if you know email address men, then use this chance. Propose a meeting, indicate the time and place. The man will definitely be shocked. When he gets over the stupor of such a message, he will certainly answer. Next, you should act according to the situation. If he asks who wrote this, answer. If he tells you that she is unknown to him, say that he is faking it. After being surprised, he will understand that you have mixed up the address and will report this fact. But here again it is important to imagine the “unhappy” girl who has the wrong address.

Girls are sure that the phrase “Hello. How are you?" unoriginal and banal, that today's guys don't fall for it. But it's not right. This is about the same if you write that you want to make an acquaintance. And all men, as already mentioned, are polygamous, and a simple “Hello” does not go unnoticed. Perhaps out of curiosity, or perhaps to amuse myself. They are all proud.

These simple methods will help you get acquainted with a guy through correspondence. Then everything depends on you. But remember that in any situation you should remember tact and not become intrusive. Don't make stupid spelling mistakes. Although guys are usually not models of literacy, there is no need to take risks.

What to write to a man in SMS so that he responds

It is also important to know what to write to a man in SMS to encourage him to respond. But it’s worth noting right away that it’s too difficult to interest a stranger with one message. Many girls want to know the answer to just such a question. But there is only one way to get a man to respond to the first message. And this method is not the most decent, so we don’t take it into account.

So, you got your lover’s number (it doesn’t matter how you got it). How to use this chance correctly? Of course, it’s scary to call. But this is not surprising, because you need to think about what to write in the message in order to encourage him to respond. The best option- “wrong number.” It’s easier to do this with a phone, because just one wrong number and the SMS will arrive just to the right recipient. There are many ways to adjust the dialogue:

propose a meeting, ask if he is going to a lecture on higher mathematics, will he share notes from the lecture, will he pick you up before work, etc. Use your imagination, just come up with a conversation plan ahead of time, your answers and his;
tell him that a friend gave you the number and that you want to talk to him. Just immediately, after his answer, take the conversation in a different direction, so that suddenly he is not interested in that “friend” and not in your conversation;

Another option is to send an emoji. This is an effective and simple way. If a man is not a bore, he will certainly send an emoticon in response. And you send him a new one, in accordance with what he answered. After a couple of similar messages, he will ask something himself.

But limit yourself to neutral faces, do not send various kisses or hugs. For initial communication, regular emoticons with a smile will suffice.

Dating on VKontakte. What to write to a guy

In the modern world, social networks are gaining great popularity. Dating on VKontakte makes you think about what to write to a guy in order to become interesting to him and get an answer. Write the usual “Hello.” He will most likely respond in kind, because he will become curious about what you will do next.

Keep in mind that before writing to a stranger for the first time, it is important to put things in order on your own page. Delete all photos with ex-boyfriends, all bad shots and pretty girls. A potential guy will first go through your personal information on the page in detail.

One more thing, the avatar should definitely have your photo on it, and not a picture from the Internet. The man's interest immediately disappears. They certainly love mystery, but not to that extent. He will wonder why you are hiding your face. And here doubts about your attractiveness will appear.

If you send a man some picture with meaning on your VKontakte wall, then most likely he will ask what you meant and ask you to help him figure it out. Do not send overly original or intricate pictures, otherwise the guy will be scared. Men don’t like “misunderstandings,” which is why they consider the female sex to be inhabitants of another planet. What is a subtle and understandable hint for women is a complex puzzle for men.

What to write to a guy after a quarrel

Then the question arises, what to write to a guy after a quarrel in order to make peace and get an answer. So, let's look at some options:

write him kind words. To smooth things out, you should write regular messages like: “I think about you all the time,” “I miss you very much,” “Let’s meet.” But this will not help if the man is very offended by you;
option with the message “Let's meet. We need to talk” is suitable if it is difficult to forget the problem that has arisen. In other words, when the heat of passion has passed, but the problem needs to be clarified;
if you are not concentrating on the question of who is wrong and who is right, then write this: “ Stupid situation. You are very dear to me. Maybe we can make peace?" or “I really miss you. Let's meet and take a walk." These options are the most suitable. They will show that it is important for you to maintain your relationship with a man, and not to sort it out.

If you write to a man after a quarrel, then both of you must be in a sober mind. Do not have such conversations in a negative way, when emotions are high. You can only make peace when you finally calm down, so it’s worth having patience.

What to write to your ex-boyfriend to get an answer

The question is what to write ex-boyfriend, quite complex. The main problem here is to understand whether he should write at all. First of all, it’s worth remembering your breakup, who took the initiative, and why this happened. Maybe you shouldn’t write him anything at all, since a broken vase won’t be able to be mended. But if you decide to take this step, stepping over your own principles and pride, then listen to the following advice:

You shouldn’t write right after a breakup. Let him think. Even if you want to return it again, this is done unobtrusively and carefully. It’s better to write the usual after a few weeks/months: “Hello. What's up? We haven’t corresponded for a long time.” By this you will demonstrate that you do not remember the grievances (even if the situation is exactly the opposite), you will not beg him to return;
besides, if you are both in the past, and the guy is not the best bad person, then he will certainly answer you. After that, write that everything is fine with you, tell the news about mutual friends. In other words, defuse the situation from the very beginning. It turns out that you will not go on the offensive immediately.

If you feel that a man only writes off routine offers, is not interested in you, does not ask about anything, then there is no place for you in his destiny, he has been taken by someone else. You shouldn’t threaten him or be annoying, like overly “smart” girls do. This is not the way. Actually, he is not the last guy on the planet; if you broke up, it means it was necessary. Someone else will be lucky. Remain proud, value yourself and your own merits.

Typical female mistakes. What not to write

There are typical mistakes women make when corresponding with men:


If he is not interested in your message, don’t be annoying, don’t write the same thing 150 times, don’t fuck the guy up. Behave like a woman, pretend that it doesn’t matter to you at all. A man will become uninterested if you pursue him. The next letter should only be written if he answers. Don't send a bunch of emails at once.

Messages like: “Why don’t you answer?”, “Where are you??”, “Why did you disappear again?” forget it altogether. Men are not interested in them.


Write your messages correctly. The person cannot see you, he will appreciate your writing style and accuracy.


You should not immediately call a man with tender words like “Kolenka”, “bunny”, “sunny”. This gives the wrong impression right away. Also, don't come up with funny nicknames. What seems funny and cute to you can easily offend a person.

Don't babysit, don't write him snotty messages. You are not his mother; such excessive care repels guys. Take an interest in his affairs without excessive aspiration, but with interest.

Do not create false opinions about yourself from the very first message; they will disappear at the first meeting. Stay sincere. It is the appropriate choice in every situation.


Don't just talk about yourself or write long messages. In each letter, ask him several questions and also comment on the answers. Men need genuine interest in them. Constant “Here I am...” will not lead to constructive and fruitful communication.

There are many options to interest a guy and start communicating. The main thing is to take advantage of the chance and not go wrong. All in your hands. Follow these simple tips, and you will certainly meet the man you like and become interesting to him.

March 3, 2014, 10:45

Many representatives of the fair sex believe that guys are not characterized by sentimentality. Being afraid to show feelings holds back romantic impulses. This opinion is wrong. Men also want attention and tenderness. You can show them using SMS, social networks. Funny messages will definitely lift your spirits and make you smile. What to write to a guy to make him feel good? Come up with a suitable phrase yourself or choose it on the Internet or in a magazine. It must be used appropriately.

In the morning

Morning - active time days. Your prince is getting ready to go to work and study. There is no point in distracting you with voluminous frequent messages. You risk causing irritation. Write something pleasant and unexpected. Express your feelings, give a compliment. A daily boost of positivity is guaranteed!


  • I touch you tenderly, whisper tender words, wake you up with kisses. Wake up, sleeping beauty!
  • Sweet, honey, stretch. Get up early, get up! All thoughts are only about you. Have you forgotten about me?
  • It's nice to wake up and remember: I found a hero for my novel.
  • If, suddenly, you are no longer sleeping, maybe you can call me?
  • Hello. I'll wake you up. I'm in a hurry to go on a date. You ask: “With whom?” I will say in response: “The white light has converged on you like a wedge.”
  • Delivery Have a good mood! Take a hug. And with them 1000 kisses!
  • Good morning! Have a good day! I ask one thing - remember about me!
  • Hi baby! Are you still sleeping soundly in bed? Get up quickly, smile with a smiley face!

In Vkontakte:

  • You alone understand what is going on in my head, you feel the mood. We have each other - it's great!
  • There is a world where my lost soul is ready to find a home. This world is you.
  • I feel the mood from a distance. Smile! I will smile back.
  • Tell me a joke? Then I'll wait for tea in the evening.

Do you want to express your feelings in your own words? Remember the object of your adoration. The emotions that arise at such a moment will help make the confession sincere. The explanation will find a response in the soul of your loved one. Otherwise, there is no point in talking about the seriousness of intentions. Don't waste your precious time. Wait for a guy who appreciates your efforts.

If there was a quarrel the day before, formulate the text carefully and with caution. To your good morning wishes you can add the promise of a delicious dinner.

What to write at the beginning of a relationship

Have you met an interesting young man? Do you want to gain attention? We need to find out as much as possible about him. Guys love to talk about their hobbies. You are lucky if you have common interests. Then you can easily carry on the conversation. Otherwise, you will have to reinforce yourself with information about the object of sympathy. This can be done using social networks. Go to the page, see what music he listens to. Study photos, videos. This little trick will help you choose the right words and arouse interest in your person. You can start with a joke. Then switch to compliments and flirting. Excessive frankness is not necessary at this stage.

Representatives of the strong like to be praised:

1.Admire your appearance, clothing style, photogenicity;

2.Examine the page posts. Note the broad outlook and curiosity of the chosen one;

3.Send a funny message. When he answers, say that he has a subtle sense of humor;

Funny messages:

  • I'm looking for a nice young man to go to the movies with. Can you tell me where to find a company?
  • Are you waiting for your ideal life partner? I can come right now.
  • Seems? Or are you winking at me in the photo?
  • I tried to tie my hands so as not to write to you. It didn't work out. They were freed. They are already sending emoticons.

Everything said must come from the heart. Don't over-sweet the message. Excessive baby talk is annoying. The young man will definitely feel the sincerity of the words. Fingers themselves will reach to the keyboard of a computer or smartphone to send an answer.

For the night

The working day is left behind. Evening is a time for rest and confession. A man wants to relax, chat with the lady of his heart. It's time to show imagination and ingenuity.


If the relationship hasn't gone too far, tell him a joke to make him smile. Remember an interesting life story, a story, read a poem. Representatives of the stronger sex like smart, well-read women. Creativity will surprise you and make you want to learn more about the interesting young lady.

You've been together for a long time. The moment has come to move on to the next stage. But he is in no hurry to make an offer on the road. It's time to push a little. It will be effective to tell a fairy tale. Find or create an original romantic story. The plot should smoothly lead the beloved to a marriage proposal.

Fairy tale "White Rose - a symbol of hope"

In a winter park, a young woman walked alone along a path. There wasn't a soul around. A white rose lay on the cold snow. The flower was beautiful. The young lady picked it up and inhaled the aroma. The smell was mesmerizing. She remembered a bouquet of the same flowers, given to her loved one yesterday. The girl closed her eyes for a minute. When I came to my senses, I saw an old woman nearby. She looked angrily at the young lady and hissed: “This is my rose. Give it back." Frightened by the unexpected appearance of a stranger, the girl rushed away. The symbol of hope remained in her hand. The words of the old witch came to her: “You took what did not belong to you. I'll cast a curse. Only he can disenchant loving person. Let him say: “Be my wife.” If you don’t propose before midnight, you’ll turn to stone!”

This is where the story ends. Tell your dear one this phrase: “I want to tell you a secret: I am the heroine of this fairy tale. There is little time left until 12 o'clock. Don’t let me be petrified forever.”

The chosen one will be touched by the beautiful proposal. Serious intentions will force him to utter his cherished words.

Show some affection

Psychologists have found out that a man will wake up in a great mood if he received a pleasant message from his beloved before going to bed. Come up with a romantic phrase. It should be suitable specifically for your couple and reflect the characteristics of the relationship.

Cue phrases:

  • People close their eyes to sleep. I'm doing this because I want to see you.
  • It's so cold alone in winter. Only memories of the time spent together help to warm up.
  • When I fall asleep, I will hug your pillow. It holds the most wonderful aroma. Its name is love!
  • You changed my life, filled me with meaning and hope. Thank you for existing in this world.
  • We've been through a lot together. Our love has withstood everything. So it’s real!
  • Without you I feel lonely, like the moon in the night sky.

Pleasant and vulgar

The evening has a magical effect. It becomes easier to say words that we are embarrassed to say during the day. It's time to write something nice and vulgar. Women often lack the courage to do this. In vain. Representatives strong half humanity wants to hear erotic confessions from their chosen one; they adore uninhibited women. Take the initiative. Exciting texts will help you:

  • Come take French lessons. Let's study kissing.
  • I invite you to dinner with breakfast.
  • Every night I see erotic dreams. And all of them with your participation.
  • Modesty adorns a girl. I don't have such decoration.
  • Today I realized something... You are the sexiest guy on the planet!
  • I only need one thing now...
  • Let me spend the night. My bed is very hard.
  • Congratulations! You have become the owner of a new erotic service! Come get it.
  • I had already put on the most exciting thing in my wardrobe. Guess why?
  • Need a sex slave? I agree!
  • I want to see, hear and touch you...

Reading such a letter will cause a strong desire to be nearby, to take the actions that you are hinting at. Feel free to show emotions at any stage of the relationship. Your other half should feel loved and cared for. Short sweet greetings will make it clear that your beloved is thinking about him. Your dear one will also remember you and smile.