What's in barbecue seasoning? Spices for shish kebab from chicken or duck meat

How much does barbecue seasoning cost? average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

The birthplace of shish kebab is the East: the Caucasus, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon... But looking for a specific country where this dish first appeared is completely pointless. Having learned to make fire, even ancient people enjoyed eating meat that was cooked over a fire. Probably thanks to the oriental traditions of cooking meat, kebab turned out to be such a flavorful and juicy dish.

Today, shish kebab is the name given to almost any meat that is heat-treated over charcoal. However, it is worth noting that barbecue is not just fried meat, but a real ritual that implies its own rules and prohibitions.

Composition of seasoning for barbecue

In addition to the meat itself, barbecue seasoning also plays an important role. Thanks to such a fragrant addition, you can get a fragrant, exquisite dish, if not a culinary masterpiece. Although different nations use their own secrets, professionals have long determined the basic list and composition of barbecue seasonings.

Most often, barbecue seasonings include such spices and herbs, the aroma of which can be called rich and spicy. First of all, these are all types of pepper (black, red, white), dried herbs, coriander, dried onions and garlic, mustard powder, horseradish. No barbecue seasoning would be complete without basil, cloves, bay leaves, celery, marjoram and thyme.

Barbecue seasonings significantly improve the taste and aroma of the prepared dish. In addition, they increase appetite and promote digestion. They also do a great job of fighting harmful bacteria in the body. In general, consuming barbecue seasoning in moderation is definitely beneficial for your health.

Barbecue seasoning can be purchased everywhere today. However, in open packaging the components gradually lose their taste qualities, therefore, it is best to buy barbecue seasoning either in a sealed package (in ground form) or grind the spices immediately before cooking if they are presented whole.

In order for the spices and herbs in the barbecue seasoning to become even more aromatic, it is recommended to fry them before adding them to the meat. As soon as an increasingly pleasant smell begins to emanate from them, you need to remove them from the pan and, after cooling a little, grind them using a mortar or coffee grinder.

Today you can find a variety of barbecue seasoning mixtures on sale, which is undoubtedly very convenient, since there is no need to think about what exactly to mix and in what proportions. However, buying ready-made mixtures or selecting and experimenting with barbecue seasoning yourself is a personal matter.

Calorie content of barbecue seasoning 161 kcal

Energy value of seasoning for barbecue (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

A fragrant kebab reminds us of a hot summer, a fun vacation and a wonderful weekend spent in nature near a river or lake. Of course, you can cook shish kebab at home in the oven, but it still cannot be compared to air-fried meat. Some even cook chicken kebab in the oven.

Kebabs are prepared from different types meat: lamb, pork, beef. Made from pork and with good spices, the kebab melts in your mouth, it is tender and tasty and is eaten instantly, straight from the skewer, while still hot.

Of course, spices, herbs and seasonings give the meat a special taste and aroma, which improve the taste of the dish. The role of spices has long been defined, and in stores and markets there is a great variety of them, so you can please yourself with the exquisite aroma of simple and complex dishes. The composition of spices for kebabs is below.

Barbecue seasoning

  • table salt,
  • chopped garlic,
  • ground nutmeg,
  • ground paprika,
  • ground coriander,
  • dried parsley,
  • dried savory,
  • ground tomatoes,
  • ground black pepper,
  • dried basil,
  • ground red hot pepper,
  • crushed paprika.

All these spices can, of course, be used both together and separately. However, the set of spices above is optimally designed for seasoning a dish such as kebab. Nutmeg can be added very little to dishes (a little, a pinch), however, like most other spices. Remember that excessive consumption of nutmeg is dangerous to health: it can cause nausea, tachycardia, and blurred vision. Eating even one kernel of this nut or its equivalent in ground form can lead to very bad health consequences.

You can probably buy each spice separately and mix it when preparing the marinade for the kebab. You can buy similar ready-made sets, which is very convenient, because you don’t have to bother searching for each spice separately.

As with adding other spices, you should know when to stop when adding seasoning to the kebab marinade. Too much a large number of spices will interrupt the taste of meat, which is wrong. Therefore, you need to experiment with seasonings very carefully. Spices should enhance the taste of the dish, not destroy it.

It should be noted that spices are used in extremely small quantities, since they are already very aromatic and spicy, and a large amount of them can spoil not only the dish, but also digestion.

Have a juicy and tender barbecue and a wonderful outdoor recreation!

Shish kebab is a very popular and tasty dish. It can be created from different meats. There are also differences in culinary processes. And depending on these factors, one or another seasoning is selected for it.

Selection specifics

Seasoning for barbecue should be selected wisely.

It is important to comply with the following criteria:

  • Purchasing seasoning spices should be done from reliable retail outlets. No bulk purchases. Their packaging must be sealed. So there is a high probability that they do not contain dyes, flavor enhancers and other unnecessary elements.
  • The aroma of whole seasonings is stronger than that of their ground counterparts. When the ingredients are crushed, esters quickly evaporate from them. It is better to buy ready-made options and grind them yourself. You can use equipment for this, for example, a blender.
  • Only the freshest spices have a richer taste and stronger aroma. Many whole spices are good for 4 years, and ground spices are good for 2 years. It is recommended to buy seasonings that were created a maximum of six months ago.
  • To store spices, airtight packaging is used to prevent loss of aroma. The best option is a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid.

Barbecue spices have different properties. Some open gradually and require heat exposure. They can be used to create a marinade. Others are rapidly losing their qualities. It is logical to use them in seasonings for already created kebab. Basically, these are different herbs.

There should be a norm everywhere. And too many spices with powerful flavor properties and aroma should not be placed in one dish.

The choice of spices for all seasonings is determined by the type of meat.

If the base of the kebab is pork

If you are planning a pork dish, then it is reasonable to use all variations of pepper for this type of kebab.

If the kebab is cooked on coals, the following options will not hurt:

  • juniper (berries only),
  • caraway,
  • marjoram,
  • thyme.

The first two options on the list add a special flavor to the dish. In the latter two, the aroma appears gradually.

If you want meat with yellowish tints and pleasant sourness, add curry or turmeric in very small doses

If you want a culinary masterpiece with a more delicate aroma, use sage. It must be added upon completion of frying. It is acceptable to use it as a seasoning served with already cooked kebab. Coriander is also good for these purposes.

Garlic perfectly complements the taste of fried pork meat, but only in modest proportions. Even during frying, you should add ginger and nutmeg to it.

Another good option is horseradish root. But only cooked meat is seasoned with it. The most successful of the sauces based on it is “Chrenoder”. Its ingredients also include garlic and tomatoes.

If the base is lamb

Lamb has a specific smell. And the main requirement for seasoning it is to neutralize or improve this smell.

The best herbs in this regard are herbs:

  • rosemary,
  • parsley,
  • dill,
  • thyme,
  • mint.

They are immediately added to the marinade. You can season ready-made dishes with them.

If lamb is fried over coals, it can be given an exquisite aroma using dried barberries, lemon or orange zest. Often a few drops of the juice of these citrus fruits are dropped directly into the marinade.

You can overcome the specific smell using a combination of the following spices: garlic + rosemary + almonds

The classics for such a kebab are turmeric, grain mustard and coriander.

It is also worth paying attention to suneli hops in tandem with adjika.

The following mixture is also effective: cloves + ginger + rosemary. They do not lose their aroma even after prolonged exposure high temperatures.

If the base is beef

This meat is tough. It needs seasonings that soften it and emphasize its taste. Ginger is the leader here. It gives the meat freshness and has a less original taste. Grain mustard is also suitable for this task.

You can also make a tandem of ginger and tarragon (tarragon). This refreshes the taste and aroma of the kebab. It’s just important to use this duo sparingly.

The roasted beef tastes amazing without any additives. And many gourmets believe that spices ruin it. Only options with a more subtle taste are suitable. The best variation in this regard is a combination of black and allspice. A sauce is created on their basis.

It’s a good idea to supplement the marinade with curry, suneli hops or paprika. But there is no need to pour out handfuls of them.

Provencal herbs are suitable to give beef a subtle unique taste.

If the base is chicken

Chicken kebab goes well with the following seasonings:

  • cinnamon,
  • turmeric,
  • orange zest.

You can add liquid curry to the prepared dish. Dry curry is suitable for marinade.

Cardamom and savory can be added to the combination of these seasonings. Thanks to them, chicken kebab acquires freshness and piquancy.

The following sauces are considered classics:

  • orange,
  • ginger,
  • their combination.

Coriander in action with garlic, cardamom and turmeric wonderfully complements the aroma and taste characteristics of such kebab.

When kebab is grilled over coals, garlic gives it an attractive aroma.

You can make a sauce for this dish from dried and fresh herbs. You can use dill, parsley, basil or rosemary.

This kebab is often seasoned with ground paprika.

You can create a composition from the following components: thyme, nutmeg and tarragon. It perfectly complements the aroma and taste characteristics of chicken kebab. It is also suitable for marinade.

What dried spices should be used for this type of kebab? In this aspect the following are optimal:

  • powders: garlic and ginger,
  • greenery,
  • horseradish.

Homemade seasonings are more tasty and healthy than store-bought counterparts. Thanks to them, you can achieve unique tastes and aromas.

Although some commercial seasonings also deserve attention. We will talk about them further.

Knorr seasoning

What store-bought seasoning is best used for chicken kebab? The answer from the experts is Knorr.

Even though it contains flavorings, it is still highly prized. Causes:

  • Allows you to give the product a luxurious taste.
  • It has a very short marinating interval.

Even if you marinate the chicken for 20-30 minutes, you get a very tasty dish.

About the "Magic Tree"

Seasoning " Magic tree" V Soviet years it was considered a rarity. It was brought from the south and the Caucasus. It was difficult to get, but, nevertheless, it was very popular. She has not lost her popularity to this day.

Its advantages:

  • Absolute naturalness. Thanks to her, any dish gets an elegant taste. It can become tender, sharp or burning.
  • Versatility. This is a great combination with any meat, vegetables and grains. Ideal for first and second courses.
  • Often the manufacturer offers on the packaging interesting recipe.
  • The shelf life of the package is 2 years.
  • Availability of the EAC sign. This is a guarantee of food safety.

This seasoning can be added to marinades and already prepared kebabs.

At home it is often seasoned minced meat. It is also important to follow the rules here. You should not put more than 5 grams per serving.

Caucasian issue

It's no secret that in the Caucasus, kebabs are prepared with special passion. And in any Caucasian kebab shop they try to give their kebabs the most refined taste. There is a unique recipe for this, as well as additional options - seasonings and sauces.

The following is an example of an Armenian recipe for barbecue sauce.

This sauce is formed from the following components:

  • Tomato paste. One jar required.
  • One bunch of coriander.
  • Glass of water.
  • Bunch of basil.
  • Head of garlic.
  • 50-60 grams of onions.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • A handful of black pepper (ground).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Tomato paste is diluted with water. Place on medium heat. You need to wait for it to boil.
  2. Finely chopped onion, garlic, basil, and coriander are added to this composition.
  3. The resulting mixture is boiled for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat.
  4. When it cools completely, the sauce is ready.

From chicory

Chicory seasoning is considered more natural when compared with other store-bought analogues. Although it also contains dyes and enhancers.

Its advantages:

  • Rich range of herbs. This enriches the aroma of the kebab.
  • Does not burn during frying.
  • Gives the dish an original taste.
  • Versatility. Suitable for barbecues prepared on the street and in nature, and for home-cooked dishes.

It must be used carefully. After all, it contains both salt and pepper. The slightest mistake and your dish will be over-salted.

It also contains special pepper. This is chili powder. Thanks to it, the kebab becomes sharper and more exotic in taste.

You also need to consider the presence of garlic in this seasoning. After all, this complicates the marinating of almost all kebabs, except for the pork version. And it’s also better to marinate it in lemon sauce.

Chicory is ideal for preparing vegetable kebabs. Goes great with baked pollock with tomatoes. Pairs perfectly with rice and lamb ribs.

You need to use the seasoning all at once, the whole pack. Because during storage it absorbs external odors and becomes moisturized.

Shish kebab inexplicably manages to be completely accessible and at the same time - festive dish. It is appropriate everywhere - from a forest clearing to the menu of a prestigious restaurant.

Eating it is accompanied by a solemn gathering of friends, among whom there are always professionals who keep their “signature” method of marinating and, of course, an exact list of the “correct” spices for barbecue. These recipes differ in three ways:

  • type of meat;
  • pickling method;
  • spices used.

Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, we will try to describe the most popular spices for barbecue.

Universal set of spices and seasonings for barbecue

Onion- the most important component of the marinade for barbecue. Its juice gives softness and juiciness to any meat; nothing can replace the taste of onions.

WITH salt And pepper all clear. Pepper can be any: black, red, chili, hot.

Cumin As a seasoning for barbecue, it should be added to meat at the beginning of cooking, since its taste is revealed gradually under the influence of high temperature.

Basil- a spice that perfectly complements meat dishes, tomatoes and greens. It can be used both fresh and dried.

Narrower sets of spices for kebabs from various types of meat

Spices for lamb kebab

Experts advise seasoning this traditional type of barbecue meat, whose bright and pure aroma, which does not disappear during prolonged cooking, mutes the specific taste of lamb. For the same purposes they use.

Spices for pork kebab

Sage and ginger give the fat a pleasant bitter-spicy taste, making it more tender and easier to digest. Coriander is a universal seasoning that enhances the taste of fried meat. Marjoram is traditionally added to heavy and fatty dishes.

Seasonings for veal kebab

Spices for veal kebab are ginger and. Ginger softens meat and improves its taste. Tarragon is added at the end of cooking so that its flavor is not lost by the heat.

Spices for shish kebab from chicken or duck meat

Tarragon is usually used as a spice for this type of meat. Thyme (also known as thyme) goes great with roast chicken. When adding tarragon to duck skewers, you need to be careful not to overpower the flavor of the meat.

Seasonings for goose kebab

Thyme and allspice are added to the goose.

Nutmeg adds tenderness to poultry meat, softening it even when the goose was not very young.

Allspice is considered an excellent seasoning for goose; it is better to use it freshly ground, since if left in powder form for a long time, it loses its aroma.

It is best to serve shish kebab with plenty of fresh herbs. Some caution should be exercised with cilantro, since not everyone likes its specific smell. Dill and shish kebab are not considered a good combination.

As a spice for barbecue, you can use the exotic mixture of Indian spices garam-marsala, which translates as “hot spice mixture.” It is little known here, but can be found in specialized stores.

Irina Surdu specifically for the site Encyclopedia of spices

Photo — © Serghei Starus, Andris Daugovich | Dreamstime.com

Greetings, our dear readers. Spring is just around the corner, the first warm days are here, it’s time to fry pork kebabs. As they say: open barbecue season. Shish kebab is an amazing dish with very tasty meat. The fire and smoke add a piquant taste to the meat. Yes, this cannot be cooked in the oven.

Today we will talk about classics, almost. Traditionally, kebab is made from pork. The meat is not expensive, but juicy and soft. You can always please your family and friends with this dish.

There are several simple tricks that everyone should know about. Then the kebab will turn out amazing. Today we'll talk a little about this.

Also in the previous article we already talked about juicy recipes, you can read, there is one awesome recipe that makes even the driest meat juicy and tasty:

Well, now let’s get started and look at the recipe that we have been using for a very long time and often to prepare delicious pork kebabs.

Subtleties of preparation and cooking.

Meat for barbecue.

When it comes to pork, it is best to use the neck or neck. We usually take collards. You should always choose fresh, chilled meat. If necessary, you can remove films and excess pieces of fat. But don’t remove a lot of fat, it adds juiciness to the meat.

How to cut meat for shish kebab.

It is best to cut the pork into equal square pieces 3-5 cm wide. If you cut the meat too finely, it will be dry. If the meat is in too large pieces, it will remain raw in the middle.

Preparing coals for barbecue.

Wood-fired kebabs fruit trees are especially aromatic. But you can cook excellent shish kebab on regular coals. Moreover, if you don’t buy coals, you can make a fire using birch wood. They produce more heat and do not smoke much.

If you have a barbecue, then everything is extremely simple. If there is no barbecue, then you need to show ingenuity and a little work to organize a place for preparing barbecue. You can start a fire right on the ground.

If you want to cook several servings of shish kebab, then you need to prepare a place that will keep the heat longer from the heat. You can build something similar to a barbecue from bricks or scrap materials. You can dig a small rectangular hole and make a fire in it. It is important to take into account that in order for the wood to burn out, oxygen must reach the bottom of the pit. To do this, we either make access for oxygen from the side, or stack the firewood in a house (tent).

How to grill shish kebab.

  1. Do not turn the meat too often, this can cause it to become dry. Only at first do we turn the meat quickly. You will get a small crust, and then fry as usual.
  2. Periodically sprinkle the meat with the remaining marinade, wine, beer diluted with water... this way the meat will not be overcooked and will retain its juiciness.
  3. Do not allow the flame to appear, otherwise the meat will burn.
  4. If the heat is not enough, turn the coals around or fan them slightly (do not allow the flame to burn). This procedure is best done after removing the skewers from the heat.
  5. The readiness of meat can be checked in several ways: cut the largest piece of meat, the juice should be clear; pierce the meat with a knife; if the meat is soft, then it is ready (again, pay attention to the color of the juice).
  6. The temperature from the heat can be checked by holding your hand over the coals in the place where you plan to fry the meat.
A few words about the barbecue marinade.

Today we marinate shish kebab in onions. Onions have the ability to perfectly soften meat. In addition to the technology described, you can use several more of its variations:

  1. Marinate the meat in onion juice. This method of pickling gives excellent results, but it is not always possible to obtain onion juice.
  2. Grind the onion using a meat grinder, blender or grater and marinate the meat in this gruel. The meat is marinated perfectly. But onions have the ability to caramelize, and if you leave pieces of meat in the onion “breading”, it will burn very quickly. A solution was suggested by a friend - wash the meat in dry wine before cooking.
  3. If you need a very quick result, then you can use the recipe described below, but in addition to onions and spices, add highly carbonated mineral water to the meat.

Classic: pork kebab.

This recipe is quite common, but we do it better than anyone, so we’ll describe it first. Quite simple, it takes time to marinate, it’s better to start in the evening in order to cook kebabs the next day.


  • Pork neck - 1.5 kg;
  • Onions - 500 g.

For the marinade:

  • Onions - 1 kg;
  • Salt - 2 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.

For pork kebab, it is best to choose the neck or neck. We cut the meat into equal pieces with a side width of 3-5 cm. If desired, you can make small cuts or punctures along the fibers, but this is not a mandatory procedure.

Peel the onion and cut into large rings or half rings.

Part of the onion can be left for stringing on skewers.

Place the meat, onions and spices in a suitable container. If desired, you can add any spices and seasonings to your taste.

Mix the meat and onions well. You need to knead the meat and onions until the onions become soft and acquire dark shade. The juicier the onion, the better.

The mixing process may take from 10 to 20 minutes.

We tamp the meat and onions into a suitable container and leave to marinate, ideally overnight.

If you need to speed up the marinating process, you can pour highly carbonated water over the meat. mineral water, then the meat will be ready in 1-2 hours.

Step 6.

The meat can be threaded along the grain onto skewers in its pure form, or you can alternate it with onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, zucchini, potatoes, or other vegetables of your choice.

We fry the meat with onions, and we use fresh onions not from the marinade.

The onions from the marinade have already given up all their juice to the meat, and they don’t look very marketable, so we cut the fresh onions into rings.

Alternately string pieces of meat and onion rings onto skewers.

Thread larger pieces of meat onto the center of the skewer, smaller pieces along the edges.

It is necessary to prepare all the skewers before sending them to the fire.

We check the temperature over the fire with our hands and place the skewers over the coals.

Important! The fire must burn well so that there are no flames, otherwise the kebab will burn.

As the meat cooks, you need to turn the skewers.

This should not be done too often, as otherwise the meat will turn out dry. During the cooking process, the meat should be periodically sprinkled with the remaining marinade diluted with water, wine or beer.

We monitor the temperature above the coals. If necessary, you can lower or raise the skewers/grill. If it is not possible to adjust the height of the skewers, then, depending on the need, you can either lightly sprinkle the coals with water, or mix them and inflate them.

The readiness of kebabs can be checked in several ways:

— You can cut the largest piece and check the color of the juice, it should be transparent.

— You can pierce the meat with a knife, if it is soft and the juice is clear, then the kebab is ready.

Serve the kebab hot, after removing it from the skewers. It is best to serve meat with bread, sauces and a large amount of herbs, bon appetit!

Pork kebabs according to a very quick recipe (video).

Here is a good video on how to make shish kebab quickly, and it will turn out very tasty. Plus there are several secrets on how to make really tasty kebab. Let's look:

Vinegar marinade for pork shish kebab with mustard.

A very aromatic and spicy charcoal dish. For this kebab, choose pork neck for marinating. The marinade includes fresh vegetables, a little mustard and vinegar. The taste will be amazing.

We will need:

  • Pork neck - 1.5 kg;
  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Red Bell pepper- 2 pcs;
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Seasoning - to taste.

Prepare the meat, rinse and dry. Cut into portions, removing excess fat and veins. Transfer to a deep bowl.

Do not cut off all the fat, it will only add juiciness.

Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic finely, and place in a bowl.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove the core and seeds from the sweet pepper, and cut into rings. Add to the pork, mix everything together with your hands.

Then add the spices, I use natural barbecue mix, grill seasoning. Mix well.

Pour in vegetable oil, vinegar. Add the mustard, then mix thoroughly until each piece is coated with the marinade.

Cover the bowl with meat and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 4-6 hours, or better yet, leave it overnight.

Before frying, string the pieces onto skewers and fry over coals until cooked. Have a delicious picnic, bon appetit!

Pork kebabs in beer marinade.

Pork kebabs, or rather pork brisket, are for lovers of fatty kebabs with a lot of fried lard. Fatty meat does not require a special softening marinade, so beer acts as a flavoring agent in this recipe. Lard marinated in beer turns out very aromatic, with the taste of hops.

Everything is prepared quite quickly, it will take about 3 hours.


  • Pork belly - 600 g;
  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Light beer - 0.5 cups;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Pepper to taste;
  • Spices to taste.

Cut the meat into pieces, the onion into thick circles. Combine everything in a container, add salt and pepper to taste, stir, rubbing the spices into the meat.

Pour in cold beer and leave for 1 hour.

Thread the meat and onions onto skewers.

Fry pork belly kebab over moderately hot coals until crisp.

Fatty kebab should always be served hot; when cold it loses its taste, and not everyone likes frozen lard. Therefore, if such a pork belly kebab has cooled down, it can be easily reheated in the microwave. It is best to serve pork kebab with vegetables, citrus slices and herbs.

Awesome marinade for pork shish kebab with matsoni (kefire) (video).

We made pork kebabs according to this recipe as shown in the video. For those who cannot get matsoni, like us, we tried it for the first time with kefir. It’s also very tasty, so we recommend everyone try it.

Marinade with nutmeg and lemon juice.

You will get unusually tender, spicy pork kebabs if you first marinate the meat in nutmeg and lemon juice. An excellent snack in nature will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

We will need:

  • Pork - 1 kg;
  • Red onion - 8 pcs;
  • Nutmeg - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Seasoning for pork - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cut the onion into rings and place some in a deep bowl. Place the sliced ​​pork on top. Add spices: salt, pepper, nutmeg, seasoning. Mix everything.

Then, in a separate bowl, mix the second part of the red onion with the juice of one lemon, while crushing the onion until juice forms. Transfer the marinade to a bowl and mix thoroughly. Cover the dish and marinate in a cool place for 6 hours or more.

Fry the meat on skewers on the grill until a nice crust forms. Have a good mood Bon appetit to you!

That's all for us, write your opinion in the comments. Also join us on Odnoklassniki and support us on our channel in Yandex.Zen. Goodbye everyone and see you in new releases.

Pork kebabs: best recipes with juicy and tender meat. updated: April 25, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel