What does day 4 of the cycle mean? Phases of the menstrual cycle and female sex hormones

In the article we will look at what phase occurs on the 22nd day of the cycle.

Menstrual cycle is the time interval that passes between adjacent menstruation. This segment is divided into phases, which have their own specific characteristics that determine the state of the woman’s body. If a woman understands the phases of her cycle, she will be able to understand herself well, explain changes in well-being, mood swings and other features.

Ladies often ask the doctor - what is the phase on the 22nd day of the cycle?

Menstrual cycle: description

The menstrual cycle is understood as a time period, the beginning of which is the first day of the appearance of menstruation, and the end is the day before the arrival of the next menstruation. This process is repeated every month for all women in normal health, excluding breastfeeding and pregnant women.

Every month, nature prepares a woman for the possible conception of a child and does everything to ensure that the child finds himself in favorable and comfortable conditions in which he can develop and grow harmoniously.

When a girl is born, there are many eggs in her ovaries (about two million), but by the time of puberty a maximum of four hundred thousand remain. Typically, one egg is wasted during one cycle.

It is impossible to imagine a regular menstrual cycle without the participation of hormones and brain structures of the head. The sequence of phenomena that are observed during a normal cycle is explained by the close relationship between the functioning of the endometrium, hypothalamus, ovaries and anterior pituitary lobe. Its duration is on average 28 days. However, a cycle that lasts between 21-35 days is also normal. On the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle, we will tell you what phase it is below.

Follicular phase

The onset of bleeding, that is, the first day, means the onset of the follicular stage. It covers a period of 14-15 days and ends with the arrival of ovulation. At this stage, the woman’s body is cleared of excessive amounts, the uterine cavity is cleared of old endometrium, and the follicle matures in the ovary. Are being created the necessary conditions For the growth of the embryo, the new endometrium grows and thickens.

Every woman should know what phase is on days 21 and 22 of the cycle.

Features of the ovulatory phase

The second phase of the menstrual cycle refers to the onset of ovulation, which is caused by the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the female body. This circumstance causes the destruction of the follicle, as a result of which the finished egg enters directly into the uterine tube. It is this period of time that is most successful in order to conceive a child. The duration of the ovulation phase is determined individually; it can last from 16 to 32 hours.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, emotional instability - many women are forced to deal with these symptoms on the first or second day. It is also possible that you will experience a headache.

What phase is the fifth day of the cycle?

This is still the same follicular stage, but the woman’s well-being gradually returns to normal, along with it her mood improves, and irritability goes away.

From the seventh to the eleventh day, almost all women experience an excellent mood. This period is characterized by satisfaction, big plans for the future, and high performance.

So, let's figure it out, on days 22 and 23 of the cycle, what is the phase?

Luteal phase - what you need to know about it

The periods of the menstrual cycle and hormones are closely interrelated, due to which the next phase is distinguished. Ovulation ends and is replaced by the luteal stage. The duration of this period is on average two weeks, it ends when the next menstruation arrives. The preparation of a woman's body for pregnancy does not stop, so it can still occur.

In the first three to four days of this phase, the girl enjoys excellent health, is distinguished by her efficiency and vigor.

What phase occurs on the 21st day of the cycle?

This is the same luteal period, but the condition of the woman’s body begins to deteriorate sharply, which is due to natural processes in the body and should not come as a surprise.

In the absence of fertilization of the egg, the high concentration of progesterone and estrogen stops. The female body is gradually preparing for the onset of the next period. Premenstrual syndrome, which has gained sad popularity, is rightfully considered the most negative period in the life of all women.

Day 22 of the cycle - what phase?

It enters the second half of the luteal period, when manifestations such as emotional instability (sharp improvements or deterioration in mood), and a depressive mood are noted. There are also external symptoms; many women note lumbar pain, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, swelling affecting the face and limbs. By the 28th day of the cycle, all unpleasant phenomena disappear.

Around day 22 of the cycle, the maximum level of progesterone is observed. During this period, the endometrium thickens even more, only due to the formation of secretion by the uterine glands and an increase in cell size (the third stage of secretion). At the end of the luteal phase, its thickness can be from 12 to 14 millimeters.

If conception does not occur, the concentration of hormones (LH, FSH, progesterone, estrogen) begins to gradually decrease. Their minimal amount triggers menstruation, and the next cycle begins. This process can change due to bad habits, stress and past illnesses. What phase is on the 22nd and 24th day of the cycle is now clear.

Menstruation diary: why is it needed?

Gynecologists advise all representatives of the fairer sex to keep a diary of their menstrual cycle. Currently, there is no need to start a special notebook for this. Now you can simply install the application on your phone and remember to enter the necessary information there. This diary is needed in order to know the average time of one cycle. This will also help control progesterone levels. We have explained what phase is on the 22nd day of the cycle.

Norm of progesterone by day of the menstrual cycle

The rate of progesterone in women is determined depending on the time of the menstrual cycle. Each phase will have its own meaning. In the luteal phase, progesterone reaches its maximum levels - this indicates the beginning of ovulation and uterine preparation for egg implantation.

If the hormone level is low at this time and fertilization occurs, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur. Women who are planning a pregnancy should therefore monitor progesterone levels during the second phase of the cycle.

The doctor prescribes a blood test on days 22-23 of the cycle, but for a more detailed picture it is recommended to take it several times in a row to monitor the dynamics. So what level of the hormone is normal? It must be said that there will be significant differences in rates among women taking hormonal contraceptives. Each stage of the cycle has its own standard values:

  • From days 1 to 15 - from 0.97 to 4.73 nmol/l.
  • From 17 to 22 days of the cycle - from 2.39 to 9.55.
  • From 22 to 29 days - from 16.2 to 85.9.

But not all women will have them exactly like this.

Normal indicator for those taking hormonal contraceptives:

  • from 1 to 15 days - up to 3.6 nmol/l.
  • from 17 to 22 days of the cycle in the luteal phase - from 1.52 to 5.45.
  • from 22 to 29 days - from 3.01 to 66.

During the postmenopausal period, a woman's hormonal level should be in the range of 0.32-2.51.

If pregnancy occurs, the hormone increases rapidly, and the pregnant woman will have the following indicators:

  • from 1 to 13 weeks of pregnancy - from 14.9 to 107.9;
  • from 14 to 27 - from 61.7 to 159;
  • from 28 to 41 - from 17.3 to 509.1.

The hormone level suddenly decreases two days before birth, reaching a value of 2.3. This is necessary so that the uterus is able to contract and thereby stimulate labor. However, the amount of progesterone will still be high, since it is involved in stimulating milk production.

Increased and decreased progesterone levels: what does it affect?

With a reduced amount of the hormone in the first trimester, a miscarriage occurs, since the uterus sharply contracts and the endometrium is not sufficiently ready to hold the amniotic egg. However, if the problem is only progesterone, it can be solved with special means that are prescribed by a gynecologist.

  • lack of ovulation;
  • chronic inflammation of the ovaries;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • dysfunction of the corpus luteum;
  • adrenal gland diseases.

With a decrease in progesterone levels, the level of estrogen also changes - it increases, and as a result the woman experiences:

  • convulsions;
  • sweating;
  • swelling;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weight gain.

Estrogen should normally be in the range of 11-191 pg/ml. During menopause in women, its content is 5-90 pg/ml.

If the level of progesterone in the female body is elevated, the following conditions may be the causes:

Doctors say that progesterone is the most important hormone for women. If there are problems with pregnancy and conception, blood levels are tested first. If necessary, synthetic substances are prescribed that replace the hormone or stimulate its production.

To determine the level of progesterone, you need to take a blood test. However, before taking the test, you should consult a gynecologist who will tell you right choice day. Doctors often prescribe a study on the twentieth day, but this is not entirely correct, since the following factors need to be taken into account:

It must be remembered that when observing illnesses during blood donation, as well as treating with certain medications, you can get unreliable results. In this case, they are retaken after a month or upon completion of therapy.

We looked at what phase is on the 22nd day of the cycle.

In this analysis, the “ideal” 28-day cycle is taken as an example.

Day 1

The day menstrual bleeding begins is the first day of the cycle. Bleeding occurs due to the rejection of the endometrium - the layer of the uterine mucosa, the “featherbed”. This happens against the background of a decrease in the concentration of the main “female” hormones - progesterone and estrogen. During this period, the number of prostaglandins (pain mediators) that stimulate uterine contractility increases. What is good for the body (the uterus contracts, getting rid of the old endometrium), becomes an extremely unpleasant moment for a woman Everyday life, because the first day of menstruation is in most cases accompanied by pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen. Painkillers often taken during this period have serious side effects- irritate the gastric mucosa, and, as a result, contribute to the development of peptic ulcers. That is why the best approach to solving the problem of menstrual pain is taking natural medications.

Day 2
The most “important” follicle, which bears the egg, begins to develop in the body. Discomfort and soreness may persist, but sensitivity to pain is still high. We so want to be beautiful, but it is at this moment that hormones work against us. Due to low estrogen production, the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands becomes more intense. It is important to pay more attention to your skin, such as using soft makeup. It should be remembered that now hair changes its chemical structure and is less easy to style, and hair coloring done during menstruation lasts less. During this period, you should postpone a visit to the dentist, hair removal and other unpleasant manipulations for 4-5 days.

Day 3

In the uterus, after rejection of the mucous membrane, a wound surface is formed, in addition, the cervix these days is as open as possible. Due to these factors, there is a high probability of infection, which means it is advisable to abstain from sex, or at least protect yourself with barrier contraception methods.

Day 4

“Critical days” are coming to an end, and therefore the mood is significantly elevated, but you should not overestimate yourself. At this time, any activity related to large areas is contraindicated. physical activity, but light morning work-out helps reduce the duration of menstruation and the amount of blood loss.

Day 5

The healing process in the uterus is completed. On average, during normal menstruation a woman loses about 100 ml of blood, which is not so much, but if menstruation lasts more than 5 days and the discharge is heavy, then the woman may develop iron deficiency anemia.

Days 6 and 7

In a renewed body, metabolism accelerates - excess calories are burned more intensely, protein for muscles is more actively synthesized, fat is broken down, the overall tone of the body, endurance and strength increase. The “important” follicle, which increases in size every day, produces more and more estrogen. At the same time, the level of testosterone begins to increase, which is responsible in the female body for qualities usually attributed to men: a sharp mind, good performance, excellent memory and the ability to concentrate. Estrogen and testosterone together drive away habitual drowsiness, giving vigor and freshness of thoughts better than any coffee.

Day 8

Nowadays, the concentration of estrogen in the blood, the main hormone of femininity, is increasing every day. Skin, hair and nails become more receptive to various cosmetic procedures and simply glow with health. After depilation carried out these days, the skin remains smooth and soft longer than usual.

Days 9 and 10

There is nothing left until ovulation. These days, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly. If you are dreaming of having a girl, now is your time! There is a theory according to which sperm with an X chromosome (which determines the female sex of the unborn child) are able to “wait” longer for the release of the egg from the ovary in the woman’s genital tract, so you have about 4-5 days in reserve. On the day of ovulation and immediately after it, the possibility of conceiving a boy increases.

Days 11 and 12

By this day, thoughts about work become more and more distant, and thoughts about love truly absorb your entire consciousness. The main hormones responsible for female sexuality and libido occupy a leading position. A woman's excitability and sensitivity increases erogenous zones, and also a special smell appears that can attract male attention.

Days 13 and 14

Under the influence of estrogen, the wall of the mature follicle bursts, and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. This releases a small amount of blood into the abdominal cavity, and some women may even feel tenderness in the lower abdomen on the right or left (depending on which ovary ovulated in). When it enters the abdominal cavity, the egg is captured by the fallopian tube and sent towards the “masculine principle”. On the day of ovulation, a woman has the highest libido and is able to experience the most vivid sensations from intimacy with a man. Sexologists say that if a woman regularly abstains from sex during ovulation days (for fear unwanted pregnancy) and does not experience orgasm, then her libido may decline steadily over time. In order for sperm to reach the egg as quickly as possible, the mucus that protects the entrance to the uterus is liquefied, and casual sex these days is fraught with sexually transmitted diseases.

Day 15

At the site of the burst follicle, a corpus luteum. This is a special formation, and, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, it will prepare the body for pregnancy within 7-8 days. The corpus luteum begins to produce the hormone progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, its goal is to turn an active and carefree girl into an expectant mother.

Day 16

Progesterone begins to prepare the uterine lining for egg implantation. Be especially careful with carbohydrates, as in this phase of the cycle your appetite increases and weight gain occurs most quickly.

Day 17 and 18

The body actively stores nutrients for future use, resulting in changes in fat metabolism. Excess fat significantly spoils the figure and creates increased stress on the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, during this phase of the cycle, try to increase the proportion of vegetable fats in your daily diet, add garlic and red fish to your diet, enrich your diet fermented milk products and fiber.

Day 19

Although ovulation is already behind us, during the second phase of the cycle the body retains quite high level testosterone, which increases libido. Testosterone production is higher in the morning - fill the dawn hours with passion and tenderness.

Day 20

The blossoming of the corpus luteum and the concentration of progesterone in the blood reaches its maximum value. At this time, the egg, moving through the fallopian tube, approaches the uterus. It is believed that from this day on, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced.

Days 21 and 22

Against the background of increased levels of progesterone, which acts as an antidepressant, we become “impenetrable” to troubles and other stressful situations.

Day 23

There are changes in the structure connective tissue: hypermobility appears in the joints, ligaments become more stretchable. Women receive the greatest number of injuries, especially those related to sports, on these days.

Day 24

These days, due to the difference in hormone levels, there may be problems with intestinal function. The activity of the sebaceous glands increases, pores expand, and acne may appear. Try to pay more attention to your diet these days.

Day 25

A woman develops a special smell that allows a man to feel that a forced period of abstinence is approaching. There is a possibility that this fact is the reason for the synchronization of cycles in several women living together for a long time.

Days 26 to 28

A woman becomes sensitive and vulnerable, at this time she needs support. The mammary glands become engorged and painful, daytime sleepiness, headache, anxiety, apathy and irritability - is this enough to ruin your mood? Experts believe that chocolate and sex can be an excellent medicine these days.

Reproductive system responsible for human reproduction. The main links of this system are the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and uterus. Outside of pregnancy, a woman's reproductive system works cyclically. The most striking manifestation of its cyclic function is regular menstruation.

Menses- these are regular monthly bloody issues from a woman's vagina. Menstruation is one of the most striking features inherent only to the female body.

All processes in the reproductive system of a mature woman occur cyclically, i.e. with a certain periodicity, repeatability, and the most striking manifestation of the end of one cycle and the beginning of another is menstruation.

Menstrual cycle- this is the period from one menstruation to another and is considered from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next.

The normal duration of the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. In addition to duration, regularity is very important here. Ideally, the duration of the individual cycle does not change from month to month. Fluctuations within 3 days are acceptable. Consider a standard 28-day cycle. Normally, a healthy woman's menstrual cycle has 2 phases. With a 28-day cycle, the first and second phases take 14 days each. In the first 14 days, a woman’s body prepares for possible pregnancy. In the brain, the pituitary gland produces two main hormones that influence a woman’s menstrual cycle: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

Under the influence of FSH, an egg matures in one of the ovaries, and the inner lining thickens in the uterus in order to receive a fertilized egg. The main hormone secreted into the blood is estrogen. It helps a woman look good, active and cheerful.

After 2 weeks it happens ovulation- release of a mature egg from the ovary.

This process occurs due to a sharp increase in the level of LH in the blood, which reaches its peak. At this moment, some women experience a slight pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. Very rarely there may be spotting bloody discharge from the genital tract. After the egg is released into the abdominal cavity, it is captured in the ampulla of the fallopian tube and very slowly begins to move along it. If at this moment sperm meet on her way, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur.

From the moment of ovulation, the second phase of the cycle begins, its main hormone is progesterone. At this time, at the site of release of the egg in the ovary, under the influence of LH, the corpus luteum matures, which, in the event of pregnancy, will initially ensure its safety. In the uterus, the inner lining loosens to accept the fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized, hormone levels drop sharply and the lining of the uterus is gradually shed along with a small amount of blood - menstruation begins. This is where one menstrual cycle ends and the next one begins.

The “ideal” menstrual cycle is considered to be an ovulatory, fully hormonally provided menstrual cycle lasting 28-30 days.

Many gynecological and serious therapeutic diseases can cause a “breakdown” of the reproductive system, which is reflected in all kinds of menstrual irregularities (bleeding, irregular menstruation, absence of menstruation) and infertility.

Types of menstrual dysfunction

Lack of independent menstruation in a woman’s life

Secondary amenorrhea- absence of independent menstruation for 6 months or more

Polymenorrhea- frequent menstruation (cycle less than 21 days)

Oligomenorrhea- rare menstruation (cycle more than 35 days)

Dysmenorrhea- painful menstruation

Metrorrhagia- irregular uterine bleeding

Menometrorrhagia- heavy, frequent, prolonged menstruation

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding- abnormal uterine bleeding caused by hormonal imbalances in the reproductive system.

Among menstrual dysfunctions, the most common are irregular menstruation, luteal insufficiency (LLF) and anovulation (lack of ovulation).

Why is ovulation necessary?

Ovulation- is the release of a mature egg capable of fertilization from the ovarian follicle.

Ovulation- the most important condition for pregnancy. In women of childbearing age, it occurs in almost every cycle. Its frequency is regulated by hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries.

Signs of ovulation can be short-term pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in mucous discharge from the vagina in the middle of the cycle, a decrease in basal temperature on the day of ovulation with its subsequent increase.

Objective diagnosis of ovulation is possible based on ultrasound data, ovulation tests, and the level of progesterone in the blood plasma on days 21-23 of the cycle.

Anovulation- a condition in which a woman does not ovulate. Among the causes of infertility, ovulation disorders account for 27%.

Violation of ovulation processes ( late ovulation, its absence) leads not only to reproductive dysfunction - infertility, but also to NLF, and, consequently, menstrual irregularities - rare irregular menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Any woman, perhaps from the time she matures, should understand what the menstrual cycle is, what parts it is divided into, and how this relates to the chances of pregnancy. And although this is not considered an area of ​​special, strictly medical knowledge, but is an area of ​​literacy in relation to one’s health, a huge number of women “float” in this matter. And so-called natural contraceptive methods are not a 100% guarantee of protection against pregnancy. Why? This issue should be considered at the physiological level, having understood all the risks and opportunities.

What is the probability of getting pregnant on the 4th day of your period?

What is commonly called menstruation (another name is regula) is one of the periods of the cycle, accompanied by the discharge of mucous, bloody formations from the uterus. This is how, for centuries, the female body has parted ways with the rejected endometrial cells that lined the inner surface of the uterus. These strong discharges, as well as the unfavorable environment in the vagina, do not allow you to get pregnant at the very beginning of your period - these conditions are detrimental to sperm.

Menstruation lasts from three to eight days, and everyone experiences it differently. The monthly cycle is divided into several phases, with ovulation occurring between them. And this time, which is approximately 24 hours, is the most favorable for pregnancy. If it does not occur, after about 14 days the phase of rejection of endometrial cells that have not accepted the egg will begin.

The woman’s body is a mystery of nature; it can be studied endlessly.

The menstrual cycle has a great influence on well-being and emotional background. It is the duty of every woman to know about it and be able to feel her body.

What is the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is usually called a period of time, the beginning of which is considered, and the end is the day before the appearance of the next menstrual flow.

This process is repeated in all healthy women every month, with the exception of pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Every month nature prepares a woman for a potential pregnancy and does everything to ensure that the fetus finds itself in comfortable and favorable conditions in which it can grow and develop harmoniously.

When a girl is born, there are about 2 million eggs in her ovaries, but by the time of puberty there are no more than 400 thousand of them. During 1 cycle, as a rule, 1 egg is consumed.

It is impossible to imagine a regular menstrual cycle without the participation of brain structures and hormones.

The sequence of events that occur during a normal cycle is determined by the close relationship between the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary gland, the ovaries and the endometrium.

On average, its duration is 28 days. But a cycle that lasts from 21 to 35 days is also considered normal.

If the cycle does not fit into these time periods, this is not the norm. In this case, you should contact a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination under his guidance.

Figure 1 - Scheme of the phases of the menstrual cycle

2. Cycle phases

The menstrual cycle consists of several phases. The phases of changes in the ovaries and endometrium differ (see diagram in Figure 1 and table). Each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics.

Endometrial phasePeculiaritiesSigns
Ovulation (1-2 days)---
Luteal (14 days +/- 2)Secretory
Table 1 - Phases of the menstrual cycle



During menstruation, the surface layer of the uterine mucosa is shed and bleeding begins.

On days 1-3 of the cycle, the uterus looks like a wound surface and is large these days. By day 5, the thickness of the endometrium begins to increase.

During the first phase, follicles mature in the ovaries under the influence of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone).

Initially, there may be several of them, but only one will complete the maturation process, becoming dominant (main).

During this period, active growth (proliferation) of the endometrium occurs in the uterus under the influence of a high concentration of estrogens (mainly estradiol).

Thus, the follicular phase correlates in time with menstruation and the endometrial proliferation phase, that is, it covers days 1-14.



It begins after a sharp surge of LH (luteinizing hormone). After the dominant follicle bursts, an egg is released and begins its movement along the fallopian tube.

If at this moment the egg and sperm meet, an embryo is formed and the woman can become pregnant. If this meeting does not occur, the egg will die in about a day.

  1. Ovulation can be calculated and determined by the signs listed below:
  2. 1 A woman begins to experience strong sexual desire.
  3. 2 Basal temperature rises.
  4. 3, they become mucous, viscous, but remain light and are accompanied by other symptoms.

4 Moderate, nagging pain may occur in the lower back.



The second phase is characterized by the formation and growth of the corpus luteum at the site of the ruptured follicle. On average it lasts 12-16 days. The corpus luteum prepares the body for pregnancy and produces progesterone.

The maximum concentration of progesterone is observed 6-8 days after the formation of the corpus luteum (approximately day 22 of the cycle).

During this period, the endometrium thickens even more, only due to the formation of secretion by the uterine glands and an increase in cell size (the third phase of secretion). Its thickness at the end of the luteal phase can reach 12-14 mm. If conception does not occur, then the level of hormones (estrogens, progesterone, FSH, LH) gradually begins to decrease. Their minimum triggers the onset of menstruation, and a new cycle begins. This process is affected by stress,

bad habits

and past diseases.3. Causes of menstrual irregularities
What causes the cycle to break?
Conditions and diseases
Cushing's disease
Thyroid pathologies
Decreased endometrial quality

4. What should you pay attention to?

Women should be attentive to their bodies. The ability to feel the changes occurring in it, to hear its signals, will help you avoid many difficult situations.

What is not the norm, and what warning signs should you pay attention to?

  1. 1 If more than once every 21 days, or less than once every 35 days, you should consult a doctor.
  2. 2 Heavy bleeding, when 1 pad or 1 tampon is not enough for 2 hours.
  3. 3 Bleeding also occurs.
  4. 4 Menstruation lasts more than 7 days.
  5. 5 During menstruation or during ovulation, symptoms arise that interfere with full work, study and daily activities.
  6. 6 are pronounced and reduce the quality of life.

5. Why do you need a period diary?

Now there is no need to start a special notebook for this. You can install an app on your phone and enter data regularly. Such a diary is needed to know the average time of one cycle.

What does the menstrual calendar look like?

If its duration changes sharply, the diary will help to find out the nature of the violations.

The diary will also help determine the date of expected ovulation. This is especially important for those who have problems conceiving.

Electronic applications offer to enter the start and end date of your period each month. Based on this data, they will automatically calculate the cycle length, ovulation time, unfavorable days for planning a child and the start time of the next menstruation.

Some applications are not limited to this data; they can record how you feel on certain days (amount of blood released, symptoms, changes).

All this data, if necessary, will make the doctor’s work easier and help identify the causes of violations.

Phase of the ovarian cycle and its durationEndometrial phasePeculiaritiesSigns
Follicular (average 14 days, range from 7 to 22 days)Menstrual + proliferativeFSH stimulates the formation of follicles.

An increase in estrogen concentration from days 3-5, the growth of a renewed endometrium.

It begins at the same time as menstruation.

Bloody discharge appears.

In the first days, the woman feels bad, she is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back tension, and her mood is low.

After the end of menstruation, the discharge is moderate or scanty, the skin condition gradually normalizes.

Ovulation (1-2 days)--- A sharp surge in LH stimulates the release of the egg from the follicle.

Movement of the egg through the fallopian tube.

Increased sexual desire, moderate pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen.

The amount of light-colored discharge increases, it becomes mucous, viscous or liquid.

The skin under the influence of estrogen is clean, smooth, and radiant.

Increase in basal temperature.

Luteal (14 days +/- 2)SecretoryThe follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, and progesterone production begins.

Its peak concentration occurs 6-8 days after the formation of the corpus luteum.

In the middle of the phase, against the background of hormonal changes, some people experience premenstrual syndrome.

Its symptoms include swelling of the mammary glands, decreased mood, tearfulness or aggression, increased appetite, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, weight gain, swelling, headaches, less often constipation, flatulence.

and past diseases.3. Causes of menstrual irregularities
Anovulation (no normal ovulation)PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), ovarian failure
Hypothalamic syndrome, tumors and other diseases of the pituitary gland
Excessive training and exercise
Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia
What causes the cycle to break?
Conditions and diseases
Cushing's diseaseCancer, endometrial hyperplasia, endometritis, polyps, endometriosis (adenomyosis)
Thyroid pathologiesCysts, tumors, adnexitis, cancer
Changes in the levels of hormone regulatorsIncorrect use and selection of oral contraceptives, intrauterine systems, early menopause, taking tamoxifen, progesterone drugs
Decreased endometrial qualityInflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina, including STDs (chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea)
Taking medications (such as anticoagulants)
General somatic diseases: kidney, liver, adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases intestines, hemophilia and other diseases of the blood coagulation system, oncology, etc.