Diet anorexic nymph. Diet “anorexic nymph Strict for three days

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

There are two versions, and each of them gives fantastic results. During the seven-day restrictions, you can say goodbye to five or even ten extra pounds.

Since this is a very strict diet, you need to prepare for it a week or two in advance, gradually reducing the volume and calorie content of food consumed daily.

The first version of the Anorexic Nymph diet

First day does not involve any food. The only drinks allowed are tea or coffee (unsweetened) and water.

Second day menu: for breakfast - water, for lunch - 1 piece of cheese and 1 medium-sized grapefruit, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Third day menu: for breakfast - unsweetened coffee, for lunch - up to two medium-sized apples, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Menu fourth day: for breakfast - unsweetened coffee with three glasses of dark chocolate, for lunch - up to 200 g of pineapple, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Fifth day menu: for breakfast - plain water, for lunch - one apple or banana, for dinner - one apple and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Sixth day menu: for breakfast - water and one apple, for lunch - one medium-sized grapefruit, for dinner - a glass of plain water.

Me on the seventh day: for breakfast - unsweetened coffee, a glass of water, for lunch - a slice of whole grain bread with one piece of cheese, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

The second version of the Anorexic Nymph diet

This option can be found under the name "five bite diet" . Only three meals are allowed during the day. The diet rules do not regulate the list of products - it all depends on the desire to lose weight.

“The main thing is to take no more than five bites during the meal.”

You can drink any low-calorie drinks - unsweetened coffee or tea, freshly squeezed juices, water.

To avoid fainting from hunger, take vitamin-mineral complexes during your diet and a protein shake as one of your meals. You can have lunch with a protein bar that excludes fat.

Features of the diet Anorexic Nymph

As a rule, women who do not have obvious problems with excess weight, but want to lose another size or two, turn to strict and fast diets. However, the lower the weight before the diet, the more modest the result of the weight loss course will be.

Let’s say, if now your weight does not exceed 55-56 kg, then the result of the Anorexic Nymph diet will be minus 5 kg and no more. But even with minimal results from the diet, your new figure will be visible to the naked eye. You can repeat the diet, but only after 6 months.

You need to be aware in advance side effects diets . Dizziness and digestive problems may occur, as well as frequent outbursts of unjustified aggression. Therefore, it is better to plan a diet for one of the weeks of vacation.

The diet is not compatible with work that involves heavy physical or mental stress. Fitness should also be postponed until the end of the diet. But leisurely walks in the fresh air are welcome, they will help take your mind off “hungry” thoughts. Breathe deeply - feed on the air, like yogis.

You should not expect quick, proportional weight loss from the diet. As you know, a person loses weight “from the face.” Sunken cheeks, protruding collarbones, emaciated wrists, a flat stomach, but still far from perfect volumes of the hips and legs are a typical image of a woman who is dramatically losing weight.

To maintain and improve the results of your diet, you should not only eat a balanced diet every day, but also do fitness training. These days it is possible to choose fitness programs aimed at specific problem areas.

When starting the Anorexic Nymph diet, you must have one hundred percent confidence in your ability to maintain your weight loss results. Otherwise, you will not have time to notice how you have gained weight again, and new attempts at extreme weight loss are fraught with worsening health.

“Remember, the diet is prohibited for teenagers, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those suffering from chronic diseases. If you doubt your health, choose a diet under the guidance of a doctor.”

Anastasia Bochina

The name of this weight loss technique brings to mind the unrealistically slender creatures parading along the catwalk. The Anorexic Nymph Diet will allow you to quickly lose a lot of excess weight, but you should warn us right away - this extreme nutrition plan will not leave its mark on your health.

general information

The diet called Anorexic Nymph is designed for 7 days and ensures a loss of at least 5-7 kg (if you are overweight, you can lose 10 kg). Since the menu actually forces you to starve, your stomach, as they say, “shrinks” - after completing the diet, you will be able to get by with much smaller portions than before. As already mentioned, the diet is very meager - the only thing that is not subject to restrictions is liquid (unsweetened, of course). You can drink not only water or tea, but also coffee. Disturbing the diet by adding foods or rearranging them is contraindicated. Such a diet does not evoke warm feelings among nutritionists - they warn that an extreme menu contradicts all the rules of rational nutrition.

Diet plan

Every morning you will have to drink water with lemon juice - this drink is designed to awaken metabolic processes and speed them up. This, according to the authors of the diet, will speed up the rate of fat burning. You can eat no earlier than 30 minutes after drinking. Remember that an acidic environment does not have the best effect on the condition of tooth enamel - drink water with lemon juice through a straw and be sure to rinse your mouth after that.


On this day you will have to limit yourself to only a liquid diet - you can drink coffee, tea, water. Drinks should be warm enough, but not scalding. You can add skim milk to tea and coffee.


Have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), drink coffee. For lunch, eat a grapefruit and a thin slice of cheese (no more than 20 g). Dinner will consist of 250 ml of low-fat kefir. You can only supplement your diet with water.


In the morning, invigorate your body by drinking a couple of cups of coffee. For lunch you are supposed to eat a couple of apples. For dinner it is recommended to drink 1-2 tbsp. low-fat kefir. You need to drink water between meals.


In addition to coffee, you can allow yourself 15 g of dark chocolate for breakfast. Lunch of this day consists of pineapple pulp (200 g). For dinner, limit yourself to kefir (1 tbsp.)


Breakfast – a cup of invigorating coffee. The lunch menu includes fruits (banana and apple). Dinner, as always, is meager - 1 tbsp. kefir (you can add an apple to the menu).


Saturday's breakfast includes only an apple, lunch - only grapefruit, and dinner will consist only of water.


This day's breakfast is not very original - you will again have to cheer yourself up with coffee. For lunch, you can treat yourself to a diet sandwich consisting of whole grain bread and a slice of low-calorie cheese. Dinner, as always, does not please with abundance - limit yourself to kefir (1 tbsp.).


It is worth remembering that this diet does not cover the needs of an adult, both in calories and nutrients. This has the most negative impact on health. During the diet, you will experience weakness and increased irritability. After dieting, you may experience exacerbation of chronic diseases. This technique is not suitable for people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, or thyroid gland. It should not be used at a young age, or if you are prone to iron deficiency anemia. This diet can be the first step that will lead you to anorexia - not everyone manages to get out of this state.

Diet anorexic nymph 5-7 kg – 1 week, designed for very fast weight loss. Extremely difficult to bear.

First day in the morning you need to squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a cup. And try to squeeze out every last drop. Add to the juice - breakfast is ready. The anorexic nymph diet is believed to help models improve their weight.

After a “hearty” breakfast, an equally “rich” diet follows throughout the day: you can only drink water, green tea(you can add a little milk) and coffee.

Second day starts with coffee and cottage cheese. Cottage cheese should be taken low-fat. The taste may not be to everyone's taste. Then you should deceive yourself a little. Imagine that in front of you is not a sour milk mass, but a dish from the chef of a famous restaurant. You can always convince yourself to eat something tasteless with the help of beautiful dishes.

Your lunch will consist of a piece of cheese and one grapefruit. In the evening, drink kefir.

The Nymph anorexic diet on the third day involves taking coffee for breakfast. You need to drink as much of it as possible. Stock up on lunch delicious apple. Dinner is almost a traditional glass of kefir. During the day, only water in unlimited quantities is allowed.

Fourth day will be the most satisfying. You can eat chocolate for breakfast. Three whole slices. We wash it down with coffee, as usual. Lunch will delight you with delicious pineapple. This fruit burns fat well. But you don’t need to eat a lot of it, one plate will be enough. Dinner will not please you with anything new - a glass of kefir.

Fifth day It will start with a familiar dish from the first day: the juice of half a lemon and hot water. You get a whole banana for lunch. Add one apple to the evening kefir.

In the morning sixth day eat an apple, drink coffee. For lunch, only bitter grapefruit. And there will be no dinner at all. Before the finish line is the most rigorous day.

Seventh and the last day will start with half a lemon and water. You already know what to do with them. For lunch there is simply a feast - a sandwich of whole grain bread and a piece of cheese. Kefir is making a comeback for dinner.

The anorexic nymph diet, the reviews and results of which impress many, promises minus 7-8 kg. By the way, one of the conditions is not to go near the scales throughout the entire period of losing weight.

When choosing this diet, think carefully. After all, radical diets are effective, but only for short period. After you finish losing weight and return to your usual diet, your weight may return. Therefore, it is recommended that exit from such diets should occur gradually. And, of course, reconsider your usual food. Perhaps in order to say goodbye to extra pounds, you just need to give up junk food.

Below you can see the before and after photos:

Each era has its own vision of beauty. At one time, portly women were the personification of well-being and health; lean and muscular representatives of the fair sex symbolized the era of feminism; fragile girls, on the verge of exhaustion, became the standard of beauty at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries.

Modern aesthetic canons are not oriented towards extremes; a person’s commitment to healthy image life, therefore excessive thinness, as well as being overweight, are not welcomed in society.

Demand always generates supply, so nowadays there is an abundance of various methods for losing weight (however, sometimes we are talking about methods for gaining weight).

Some of them have already set the teeth on edge (separate meals, the Kremlin diet), while others amaze the imagination with the result, basic principles and even their name. We will talk about one of these diets in this article.

Basic principles and effects on the body, duration

An important fact that allows us to form a preliminary opinion about a particular project is the personality of the author (or authors), the level of his competence and professionalism.

With "Anorexic Nymph" We Hit a Wall of Mystery. It is only known that successful tests of the sonorous technique were carried out on herself by a participant of House-2, Marina Afrikantova.

In a short time, the girl, whose height is 176 cm, managed to get rid of 25 kg (the original weight was 77 kg). Rumor has it that she received counseling from the famous mentor of the dance group “Todes” - Alla Dukhova.

But we repeat, these are just rumors. The original author of the technique is unknown. However, in adventurous trials of this product Many girls have already taken the plunge and confirm that the effective effect of losing weight is noticeable quickly!

The principles on which the methodology is based, become obvious from its self-explanatory name: like victims of anorexia who refuse food in the name of strict weight loss, the diet of a woman losing weight becomes extremely meager: water, tea, coffee and just a little food.

Because with this diet, which is more like fasting, a minimum of fats and calories enter the body; to maintain vital functions, the human body uses its own reserves, making weight loss inevitable.

It is impossible to live a full life in the “Anorexic Nymph” mode, the price to pay for the expected external transformation is: a feeling of hunger, some lethargy, loss of strength and worsening mood (some experience aggression).

This fact determined the short duration of the diet - only 7 days. It can be repeated no earlier than six months later.

Otherwise, it is possible that the fairy tale about anorexia can turn into a sad reality.

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Pros and cons, contraindications

Let's start with the disadvantages. Quickly getting rid of unnecessary pounds occurs under conditions of stress in the body.

The woman is not just malnourished, it deprives its own body of the vitamins, micro- and macroelements it needs.

Therefore, you will have to pay for a slim figure with faded split hair, brittle nails, unsightly skin (in addition, the skin will not have time to react to intense weight loss, so it will hang in some places).

The “Anorexic Nymph” mode is fraught with danger:

Now about the advantages of the technique. The main advantage of the diet is guaranteed weight loss in a short time.

In terms of physiology, getting rid of overweight has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human heart and osteochondral framework.

In the vast majority of cases, the main motivation for using a diet is the desire to look good, and not concern for one’s own health.

Considering the extreme nature of the diet, Not everyone can try on the image of an “Anorexic Nymph.”.

So, contraindications of the technique:

Permitted and prohibited products

As mentioned earlier, the desired attractiveness of the “Anorexic Nymph” is achieved by refusing to eat, this means that the body is deprived of useful substances.

The diet menu is designed in such a way that the proposed set of products does not allow one to compensate for vitamin deficiency, hence the impossibility of giving any recommendations regarding nutrition.

The loss of strength that is inevitable when following such a diet is partially compensated by the lack of need for cooking: you just need to buy ready-made products. Only coffee and green tea will have to be brewed.

To authorized products(besides the already mentioned black coffee and green tea) include skim milk (for whitening), low-fat kefir, natural yogurt, cheese, lemon, whole grain bread and fruits (apple, grapefruit, banana).

All other products are prohibited, sugar is also persona non grata, so you can’t add it to drinks.

Sample menu and diet for the week

The concept of diet appeared in the lexicon of mankind relatively recently., it is necessary for the uniform intake of nutrients and vitamins into the body.

It is obvious that in the era primitive society this term was devoid of any meaning: luck smiled, they caught a mammoth, here’s your diet - as long as there is enough food, that’s how long the diet works, and don’t blame me in times of famine...

Meals for the second and subsequent days conditionally distributed in the regime space for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Below we provide an example weekly menu a determined woman who will not be stopped by any suffering on the path to slimness.

But first we note that Every morning you need to drink a glass of hot (warm) water with the juice of half a lemon dissolved in it. After 30 minutes you can start breakfast.

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The first day

The heaviest, because on this day it is not allowed to eat. None.

Only drinking. But fluid consumption has no restrictions. Drink as much as you like.

Drinks menu: water, green tea (can be diluted with skim milk), low-fat kefir, black coffee.

You cannot add sugar to these drinks.

Second day

For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), a glass of unsweetened black coffee.

For lunch: 20 – 30 grams of cheese and grapefruit.

For dinner: a glass of kefir (low-fat), if desired, can be replaced with natural yogurt.

Day three

For breakfast

For lunch: apple, maximum two.

Dinner: repeats the menu of the previous evening (if desired, you can use not 1, but 2 glasses of kefir or yogurt).

Day four

For breakfast: a glass of unsweetened black coffee with three slices of dark chocolate.

For lunch: fresh pineapple (200 g).

For dinner: low-fat kefir (or natural yogurt) in the amount of one glass.

Day five

For breakfast: a glass of unsweetened black coffee.

For lunch: apple and banana (one each).

For dinner: one apple and a glass of kefir (low-fat, of course).

Day six

For breakfast: apple (one), glass of unsweetened black coffee.

For lunch: whole grain bread (one piece), cheese (20 - 30 g).

For dinner: in a glass mineral water(without gas) add a little lemon juice.

Day seven

For breakfast: a glass of unsweetened black coffee.

Dinner repeats the lunch meal of the previous day.

For dinner: a glass of kefir (low-fat).

Alternative option – 5 bites

Alternative diet option better known as "5 bites". Diet: 3 meals.

The list of solid foods is democratic, you can eat anything except very fatty foods.

Requirements for drinks are not strict: volumes of liquids are not regulated, the main emphasis is on low-calorie drinks ( natural juices, water, low-fat kefir, tea and coffee without added sugar).

Nutritionists and doctors unanimously agree that the harm from diet outweighs the benefits. In order not to be unfounded, we present two reviews from experts about the method of intensive weight loss:

However, women use a strict diet, it is impossible to prohibit it, therefore, to minimize negative consequences the following recommendations must be adhered to:

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Description of expected results, exit rules

The results lack universality, in each specific case, the weight loss effect will be individual.

The following pattern can be traced: the more a potential “anorexic nymph” weighed before the diet, the more kilograms she will lose.

After a week of fasting, you need to eat with great caution. For the first 7 days, no meat products, only low-fat liquid food in small portions! Throwing food can be fatal.

When the body has recovered a little from the shock experienced, the subsequent rhythm of life is based on the achievement of three goals:

As seen, the solution to these problems is possible only in a complex. By solving the first problem, a woman gives a chance to restore her nails, hair and skin structure.

Going to the gym or working out at a fitness center not only prevents weight gain but makes the skin more elastic, reducing sagging.

And finally proper nutrition– the necessary key to solve all the identified problems.

Opinions of those who have tried it

This fact is easy to explain. Experts focus on objective data, great importance is given to the potential danger to the body that the diet poses.

Positive feedback from women- this is, first of all, psychological intoxication with the resulting visual effect and delight in one’s own willpower, when no one thinks about the consequences for health.

There are, of course, negative reviews from girls, for whom the diet has become a road to the hospital. However, read for yourself:

After reading the reviews about the “Anorexic Nymph” diet, it would be a good idea to look at the photos of the results:

Summing up our thoughts, we come to the conclusion that the aphorism “Beauty requires sacrifice” has not lost its relevance to this day.

Obviously, you can achieve harmonious body beauty by combining physical exercise With correct mode and a set of food.

Meanwhile, there are also unforeseen situations when, for example, “love comes unexpectedly,” and you need to meet it fully armed.

Who knows, maybe the “Anorexic Nymph” is not the biggest evil in such races. In any case, the decision is up to you...

In pursuit of beauty

I believe its name itself speaks volumes about what it is. Anorexic means one in which you will look like the heroines of the photo shown here.

Despite the fact that even the name itself sounds unpleasant, there are those who want to try it for themselves. There are especially many of these among, so to speak, beginners in the matter of losing weight - young girls who are inspired by the images of models from the covers of fashion magazines.

This method also attracts those who sadly look at the scales, classify themselves as “fat” and believe that things will definitely not get any worse.

Nothing but harm

Meanwhile, doctors assure that things will get worse. Because excluding almost all foods from the diet inevitably leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the entire body.

Even if you intend to stay on such a diet for a week, the harm will be many times greater than the benefit. And will there be any benefit? Have any of you lost weight using such an extreme method?

Proponents of the method claim that with its help you can lose from 3 to 10 kg per week. I will not say whether these results are true or not. But I want to dwell in detail on what exactly you can lose if you risk losing weight like this.
I wrote more about the consequences of anorexia in my article “Dieting or anorexia - how to avoid getting into trouble?”

  • Do not wait Have a good mood. Severe restrictions on food inevitably lead to depression, irritability, apathy, and even hungry fainting is possible.
  • You will experience a sharp deterioration in the functioning of all vital systems of the body. Refusal not only from rational and balanced nutrition, and practically in general from nutrition, will inevitably lead to disruptions in the body’s metabolic processes, chronic diseases will worsen and it is quite possible that new ones will appear.
  • Sufficient supply of vitamins and nutrients will cease.
  • As a result, you will deprive yourself of income sufficient quantity energy. For a normal life and, accordingly, the correct flow of all internal processes in our body, we need approximately 1200 kcal per day. If you reduce the “dose” literally tenfold, then it’s not difficult to imagine what kind of stress our body will receive.
  • Your weight before losing weight may go away, but after the torture stops it will certainly return. And even in an increased volume. “Frightened” by such a shake-up, the body will begin to “stock up for future use.” It will be possible to maintain the acquired weight only by continuing to severely deny yourself food. Perhaps, over time, you will even enjoy not eating all the time and you will even be proud of the fact that you “started to eat little.”

    But reluctance to eat is a reason not for joy, but for anxiety. And it is fraught with a direct path to anorexia - a serious illness that is characterized by a lack of appetite and often leads to death.

What else would you like to say before talking about the anorexic diet menu?


Before you go on a diet, you need, of course, to see a doctor. Although I believe that any doctor you contact will say a categorical “no” to your desire to lose weight in such a painful way.

But in general, “Nymph” is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart, gastrointestinal tract, with iron deficiency and anemia observed against this background, with metabolic disorders, who are allergic to foods from the diet (do they even exist? ).

Well, after all these warnings, we’ll find out what exactly the inventors of this method propose.

Extreme weight loss diet

There are several of them. Here's the main one.

Menu for 7 days

Start every morning with a glass of water with lemon. It’s simple to prepare – take a lemon (they say half is enough), squeeze the juice out of it, and add warm water.

Drink half an hour before your first meal. It is believed that such a drink activates metabolic processes and increases the rate of fat burning.

The first day

There is no breakfast on this day. Lunch and dinner too. All you can do is drink. Mostly water (up to 2 liters), as well as coffee and green tea. It is allowed to add skim milk to tea.

Second day

Breakfast consists of 200 grams of zero-fat cottage cheese and a cup of coffee.

Lunch - a piece of cheese (50 g) and grapefruit.

Day three

We have breakfast with a cup or two of coffee.

Lunch consists of a couple of green apples.

Dinner is still the same kefir.

Day four

Breakfast includes coffee and a small piece of dark chocolate (30 g)

Lunch – pineapple pulp (200 g)

Dinner - drink kefir again.

Day five

Breakfast - coffee again

Lunch – you can eat a couple of fruits – a green apple and a banana.

Dinner – kefir again.

Day six

Breakfast - coffee, and for dessert - a green apple

We have grapefruit for lunch.

Dinner this time goes without kefir, only water.

Day seven

Breakfast – coffee again to cheer you up.

Lunch - you are allowed to eat a slice of black whole grain bread with a piece of low fat cheese.

Dinner – again a glass or two of kefir.

Some write that such nutrition can (if you feel normal) be extended for 14 days or even 1 month. I wouldn't recommend it. Even for 3 days it will be harmful.

How do you like this weight loss? If you are interested, there are still many methods of anorexic weight loss. For example, here are a couple for example

"5 Bites"

Everything here is extremely simple - eat whatever you want. But bite no more than 5 times (or eat no more than 5 spoons).

On baby food

There are also no difficulties - porridge, mixtures and purees for infants should be eaten one jar per meal.

Well, traditionally drink a lot of water.

It certainly looks more balanced. But the portions are designed for children under 1 year old.

We leave slowly

I would especially like to say that if you have decided on such an experiment as “Nymph”, then do not forget that it must be completed correctly.

The exit from any diet (and especially from this one) should be gradual, with the addition of foods and increasing portions. It usually lasts from several days to a couple of weeks.

Instead of an afterword

What do I want to say? The dream is to look like the models and buy perfect figure commendable, but it’s still not worth going to the point of fanaticism. My opinion is that if you want to starve yourself, you can safely go on this diet.

What to remember

Diet "Nymph":

  • Absolutely unbalanced in terms of nutrients, vitamins, and diet.
  • It is contraindicated for any chronic diseases.
  • Staying on it for a long time is fraught with health problems and can lead to a dangerous disease - anorexia.

Well, that's all for today. See you next time, and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates so you don’t miss new interesting articles about losing weight.

Anorexic nymph's diet menu

Day 1

In the morning you need to drink a cup of hot water with the juice of half a lemon. This water will be your breakfast. During the day you need to drink green tea with milk, coffee, and water.

Day 2

For breakfast - a cup of coffee and a serving (200-300 g) low-fat cottage cheese. Lunch will be a piece of cheese, which must be eaten with grapefruit. Drink kefir for dinner, and you don’t have to limit yourself in the amount of this product.

Day 3

Coffee in the morning, apple for lunch, kefir for dinner. You can drink water without restrictions (what a generous indulgence!)

Day 4

On this special day, you are allowed to eat 3 pieces of chocolate and drink some coffee in the morning. For lunch, a little pineapple for weight loss, for dinner, traditionally kefir.

Day 5

For breakfast, the menu of the first day is suitable (water with ginger and lemon, as an option). A banana is allowed for lunch (generously!), and for dinner you can eat an apple with regular kefir.

Day 6

For breakfast, coffee with an apple, for lunch - grapefruit. For dinner... no, you can’t even have kefir for dinner, only water.

Day 7

In the morning you have water with lemon again, for lunch you can eat a piece of wholemeal bread with a piece of cheese. For dinner - kefir.

Cons of the nymph diet

The strict emphasis in the name of the diet is on the word “anorexic”. This diet fundamentally cannot cover the minimum needs of the adult human body and provide it with the necessary amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and energy.

A small amount of carbohydrates is fraught with weakening of brain activity, dizziness and deterioration in general well-being. Metabolism, as a rule, slows down after such a week-long fast, and gastrointestinal diseases may appear in a latent form. This can be facilitated active use lemon juice with water and coffee on an empty stomach.

Contraindications for the use of the “anorexic nymph diet” strictly apply to young girls. A young growing organism must be fully provided rational nutrition, which must also be balanced. Inaccurate use of diet can lead a healthy body to anorexia nervosa.

Under no circumstances should pregnant and nursing mothers subject their bodies to such tests. If you have sick kidneys, thyroid diseases, a weak heart and the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, metabolic disorders, you should also not tempt fate.

Criticism of the “anorexic nymph diet”

The growing popularity of such a diet with a low and illiterate level of criticism led to the emergence of the so-called “anorexia disease” subculture. Teenagers with their unstable and not yet formed psyche are most susceptible to this.

Manipulations with diet will invariably lead to a real final result - a serious illness. WHO data notes strict diets as provoking overeating with the return of kilograms and even “additional weight gain.” No medical center or nutritional organization has yet given positive feedback in favor of such a meager diet.


Diet anorexic nymph - menu for the week

You will be haunted by feelings of weakness and eternal dizziness. No buckwheat or any solid food. Therefore, ensure yourself protection from stress, good sleep and rest. Otherwise, you risk losing all your strength.

Diet anorexic nymph strict version

The diet does not differ in obvious variety and is harmful if used for a long time.

The anorexic nymph diet is a rather risky way to lose weight. However, reviews and results about the menu for the week promise amazing results - minus 5-7 kg in 1 week. Today we will talk about possible consequences and common myths. Let's go!

Hello friends! There are a huge number of different methods, diets, and medications for weight loss. But what if you just stop eating? After all, it is the number of calories consumed that affects the size of the waist, hips and abdomen. How effective is the anorexic nymph diet? What happens to the body if you just stop eating?

Anorexic nymph diet - general rules

In addition to giving up your usual diet, there are a number of recommendations that will help prevent possible deterioration in health due to human negligence. Basic recommendations:

  1. Eat low-calorie foods. Vegetables and fruits, raw and in small quantities, are suitable for nutrition.
  1. Drink more water. Throughout the course you will experience outbreaks of severe hunger. At such moments you can fill your stomach clean water. The second reason is the accumulation of acetone in the body due to hunger strike. Therefore, it is recommended to consume at least 3-4 liters per day.
  1. Junk food - away! Flour products, smoked products, semi-finished products, baked goods and sweets, fried foods are your main enemies.
  1. A smooth exit from the diet. Over the course of a week, the stomach quickly adapts to non-solid food. He may not be able to withstand the sudden load after finishing the diet of an anorexic nymph. Therefore, we slowly return the former foods to our diet over the course of a week.
  1. No sports. The calorie content of the foods consumed will be greatly reduced. This means that your body simply does not have enough energy for physical exercise. Any training can end in fainting or other unpleasant incident.

Diet anorexic nymph - menu for the week

The planned result is minus 5-7 kg in 1 week. Unquestioningly follow the established diet, otherwise you will not achieve results soon slim figure. The menu for seven days looks like this:

  1. Drink immediately after sleep warm water with lemon. Throughout the day we drink only this drink, coffee or skim milk. It is very important to pre-prepare your body for changes in diet.
  1. For breakfast, prepare low-fat cottage cheese, make green tea without sugar in the largest mug. For lunch, half a chicken egg and a small orange will be enough for you. For dinner, drink as much kefir as you can fit.
  1. Breakfast – a glass of water. One apple for lunch, and a grapefruit for dinner.
  1. 40 g of low-fat cheese and a cup of coffee without sugar immediately after sleep. For lunch we eat a little salad of grated beets. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm skim milk.
  1. We drink one liquid all day, but you can eat one banana. Try to stretch out this pleasure.
  1. For breakfast we eat kiwi with delicious coffee. Half an egg for lunch, and unlimited drinking water the rest of the day.
  1. A glass of milk for breakfast, cheese and bread for lunch, kefir for your dinner.

You will be haunted by feelings of weakness and eternal dizziness. No buckwheat or any solid food. Therefore, ensure yourself protection from stress, good sleep and rest. Otherwise, you risk losing all your strength.

Diet anorexic nymph strict version

The basic rules do not change, and water can be drunk in any quantity. The main difference is the lack of breakfast. The first half of the day passes without food. Dinner consists of a glass only. Lunch for 7 days will look like this:

  1. a cup of tea without sugar;
  1. half an orange;
  1. one grapefruit;
  1. 2 pieces of cheese and a slice of pineapple;
  1. banana day without restrictions;
  1. apple;
  1. half an egg and a piece of cheese.

The diet does not differ in obvious variety and is harmful if used for a long time.

5 bites

This variation is widely popular among many stars who want to get their body in order in extreme ways. The rules are very simple:

  1. drink plenty of fluids throughout the day;
  1. You can eat any food, but you are only allowed to take five bites.

It is highly not recommended to sit on such a diet for more than a week. This will help lead to serious health complications.

On baby food

Modern baby food- this is a complex of necessary things that nourish the young body. Although such nutrition is not entirely intended for an adult, it is actively practiced by foreign stars. The weekly regimen for two doses per day is as follows:

  • drink water;
  • twice a day, instead of the usual food, we eat one jar of baby food.

If constipation does not happen to you, then you are amazingly lucky. It’s better not to get carried away in this way for too long.

Strict for three days

It’s quite difficult to call this method a diet, since the authors of this “invention” suggest giving up foods altogether for three days. Instead of the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will imitate the main meals. You need to sit down at the table, sit for five minutes, watching your food, and wash down your hunger with water for three days in a row.

How it works?

When the body stops receiving food, it begins to look for auxiliary sources of energy. First, the one that is located in is consumed and then the body is taken for body fat, converting them into clean energy.
Moreover, the size of the stomach and the size of food portions decrease. Weight loss is achieved after just 6 days.


Before deciding on such a diet, you should consult your doctor and undergo a short examination. This will help avoid many problems in the future. There are the following contraindications:

  • the presence of chronic, congenital diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems with
  • any acute illness.


To give up this idea, just look at a few photos of patients suffering from anorexia. Prolonged refusal to eat leads to inevitable consequences when weight loss is almost impossible to stop. What happens to the body instead of the desired weight loss?

  • the surface of the nails and hair becomes brittle;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • insomnia and increased irritability begin;
  • constant dizziness, weakness in the limbs, nausea;
  • metabolism slows down due to such stress, the body begins to save reserves;
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • I constantly want to eat, fainting is possible.

As a result, the lost kilograms will quickly return, but your health will no longer be there. How to lose weight healthy and safe? There is no need to starve and refuse food when there are things proven by experience.

Bottom line

Diets and strict restrictions are not the way out of the situation. My "Active Weight Loss Course" will help you better understand your body, lose weight to the desired limit quickly and safely. Your health comes first! The manual is available to you anywhere in the world, just follow the link. Download my course, stop starving, change your appearance according to your own wishes.

That's all for today.

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