Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough (2)

“Everything happened as I expected. Just a drop of the magic of the Source ... And, like flies on honey, monsters flocked. The rabble panicked and a massacre began. The masters pointed their fingers at me. As I had planned. They put a collar and shackles on me and sent me to Fort Joy. I came here to kill the awakened ones. But instead, I became a part of their story. "

Part - 1: Prologue / Fresh Breeze

Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

After the character editor, the newly created hero or heroine will be on the ship. Go to the Magister Siven, along the way inspecting various objects. The girl will tell the story of who you were once an extremely dangerous magician, but now you do not pose a threat to anyone, since a special magic collar hangs around your neck.

As soon as the dialogue ends, open the doors and go into the corridor: on the side you can see two more masters and a pool of blood in the next cabin. Go inside and talk to Master Waters: she will ask you to help find the culprit of all this horror. Exit now from the cabin - the opposite door will be locked. Go to the main room further down the center.

In the large lower deck of the ship, you will stumble upon a bunch of masters and other different characters, who are also wearing magic collars, and some of these characters will become your faithful allies and companions in the future, so I recommend that you get to know everyone.

Magister Viktar and a comrade named Ifan ben Mezd will stand near the door on the right side. The bottom line is that the master will accuse Ifan of the murder. You can refute the ridiculous suspicions. A locked door will be located nearby, and if you hold down the "Alt" key, then you will find a key near the bed, after which the door can be opened with this key, but the next door cannot be opened.

Go to the doors on the left side - there will be Magister Paidy. After talking with him, he will let you inside. Inside, a scene will begin in which a strange woman named Vindego and several masters will take part (moreover, if you play as an elf or undead in the form of an elf, then flesh could be eaten at the crime scene, after which a vision would appear, which again indicated to this strange woman). In any case, the outcome of the conversation will be the same anyway: Vindego breaks off the collar, creates an explosion, after which the masters die, and the character loses consciousness.

As soon as the character comes to his senses, you can quickly search all the chests and boxes nearby. If you return back to the large room, then you will find that all the satellites on the lower deck are lying unconscious and their attempts to rise will be in vain.

In any case, in the room where the explosion occurred, there is a staircase that leads upstairs. On the right side there is a cabin, inside which the Masters' dog will stand. If during character creation you have chosen the talent "Friend of Animals", then you can talk to the dog or kill if you wish. There is another door nearby in the same cabin, but it will be locked. The door in the next cabin, which leads again to the same room, is also locked. Therefore, go further into the large room.

In the center is a locked door with a skull depicted on it. The key to the doors is located nearby - on the right side on the body of the murdered Master Priest Mevin. The path to the corpse will be blocked by fire, but it can be easily extinguished if you shoot at a barrel of water. Nearby, an undead elf Feyn will sit in a dead end (provided that you yourself do not play as Fane's undead). In any case, if during the dialogue with him you choose the second answer, then you will get +2 to the relationship. Use the key to open the doors, but the door will be the territory of the "Mist of Death", so it is deadly to enter there (if you are not playing as an undead character). In any case, go up the side stairs.

On the deck of the ship, you will have to fight with several rather large insects called "Vile Devil". But nothing too complicated - just tactical training battles. On the other side of the side there will be a dinghy with the surviving prisoner. During the dialogue, the character offers to save the rest of the prisoners and I recommend that you agree to do this, so go back down to the bottom.

Now, upon arrival on the lower floor, it will turn out that all the characters have come to their senses and are independently fighting with hostile insects, thereby clearly demonstrating their combat capabilities. After a small cleanup, return with them back to the boat to escape from the sinking ship. As a result, the character lags behind the group during the rescue, remains on the ship and is saved only thanks to the wreckage (if you refuse to go down to save the rest of the characters, then everything will happen quite the opposite: you are saved by the boat, and the rest of the characters - thanks to the wreckage).

Part - 2: Fort "Joy"

How to get through Divinity: Original Sin 2


Part - 3: The Awakened

Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough Complete Game

"Ship Lady Revenge"

(?) Quest: "Lady of the Seas"

There will be many dead characters on the ship after the assault. First of all, talk to Gareth and Illness, from whom you will learn that the ship is actually alive, because it is built of special and unique tree, therefore, to go sailing, you first have to negotiate with the ship.

Location: "Upper Deck". Get down now into the hold. Despite the fact that the companions have gone about their business, they can still be brought together if you walk through all the decks. On this deck you will find only half, so get down below.

Location: "Lower Deck". There is a cage on the bow of the ship, and inside is the crippled, but alive Bishop Alexander. In the center of this floor there is a magic mirror, where you can change the appearance of your character if you wish. There are special doors on the back of the ship that you can talk to. But before you open the doors, look for "", which will indicate an important password for further passage - "". However, this is not all: ask him to go inside the cage to Alexander in order to examine the body and take another important item in his clothes - "". And only after that you return back to the magic doors to use the found password and stone.

Location: Dallis Cabin. In a locked cabin, the heroes stumble upon a craftsman named Tarkin. He will tell the story of how he became a prisoner of the witch Dallis. He can be trusted and thus kept alive. In addition, many useful items can be bought from him, so take this into account. In any case, after the conversation, inspect the bed - there is a pressure plate on the right side of it. After pressing on the stove, one of the cabinets will move (you will immediately notice which one). Next, choose another hero and click on the plate, which is already located behind the departed cabinet. As a result, a secret room with valuable treasures will open.

On a large table right next to Tarkin there will be "". Be sure to take the pyramid in order to use it and thus move to the secret room. However, after teleportation, you will have to fight with two geists, who are of the 8th level. After winning, take "".

Now you can safely go back upstairs and activate a living dragon sculpture on the bow of the ship, thanks to the song from the book (which was found earlier). As a result, the ship will obey your hero and you can then talk to Illness, who will tell you that you need to go to Driftwood to meet with Maester Siva.

"The open sea"

On the way, another ship will attack your ship and it turns out that this is the ship of the same witch Dallis. However, in addition to this, there will be an unknown and mysterious person in a cloak. Enemy leaders will not take part in battles, but will provide all kinds of help with spells. Your team will be opposed by geists (2), masters (3) and bloodhounds (2). Of course, the forces will be unequal, so it will not be possible to overcome them, but the main task is not to overcome them, but only to protect the Ailment for five turns, until it casts a large-scale spell.

Geists will be the most dangerous: they will inflict serious physical damage and can teleport straight to Ailment. Therefore, I recommend to hurry and remove either magical or physical armor as quickly as possible, and then apply some slowing spells: hitting the ground, throwing a stone, freezing, injury, sleep, or a stunning arrow. As for the masters, they can also quickly move directly to Ailment, but they can do this only once, so after that it will be possible to teleport them or Ailment to some other safer place. In the end, constantly apply some healing spells on the Ailment, stone skin (if any) and magic protection (again, if you have one in your arsenal). All this will allow you to hold out all five moves until the key moment.


The note: If during the battle you do not kill a single enemy, then you will receive the achievement. If on an easy level of difficulty it is possible to kill absolutely all the attackers, then again you will get an achievement, but already different.


(?) Quest: "Into the Halls of Echo"

This time, you appear in the outline. All the patron gods will be represented in them, but they will be tied and suspended from the tree of emptiness. There are seven gods in total: "Zorl-Stissa" - the God of the lizards, "Tyr-Zendelius" - the God of the elves, "Dune" - the God of the gnomes, "Vrogir" - the God of the Orcs, "Zantezza" - the Goddess of demons, "Amadia" - the Goddess of wizards , "Ralik" - God of people. After familiarizing yourself with the gods, collect the magic of the source, approach your race and apply "" to the deity. After these actions, the chosen God will tell that they are swiftly absorbed by emptiness and the heroes need to hurry up to save them.

As soon as your character regains consciousness, the Ailment spell transfers the entire ship to another world. Get down to the lower deck and talk to the sorceress, then return to the real world and sail to the indicated destination.

Part - 4: Mastering the Power of Source

Divinity Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

Reaper's Coast

(?) Task: "Sharp awakening" (Part - 1)

As soon as control passes back to you, talk to everyone, get into the boat and go ashore. Upon arrival, the heroes will notice that the entire coast will be covered with poisoned fish. If you have an undead character in your squad, then the sent fish can be collected and used instead of healing potions (bottles with poison). On the left side is a shark thrown ashore: offer to return it back to the water. As a result, she will refuse and report that all the water around is contaminated with emptiness. A little higher is the new portal "". In the fields on the left side, you can admire how the dwarf fights with a large praying mantis. As soon as you get closer, the praying mantises will hide, after which the whole group will be attacked by the vile deities of hell (total - 4) and the disastrous devil with poisoned blood of the 9th level (total - 2).

(?) Quest: "The Plundered Caravan"

On the central road there are three broken carts of the masters, and nearby, in fact, their pipes and a couple of dead dwarfs. But one dwarf warrior will be alive, so she will be able to explain what happened, albeit inaudible. You can also turn to the boy on the right side, who will clearly and clearly make it clear that the fiends of the void attacked the caravan. A little later, the collected information will give an opportunity to go into the city: tell the guards on the bridge that you have news regarding the caravan and they will let the whole group inside without any problems.

(?) Assignment: "They will not pass"

On the right side, on the edge of the bridge, there is a boy named Barrin Pruitt. He will tell you that his mother remained on the other side in the house, which is now surrounded by fiends. And so the boy asks your heroes to save her. It will be possible to cross the river only through the northern checkpoint of the paladins, but the problem is different: at the very beginning, there is simply not enough strength to pass this location. So I recommend going there a little later.

Move along the river in a northerly direction until you come across hens on the bank, whose eggs have disappeared. Climb higher and fight a level 9 monster called "Foulwing Fiend". Around this monster there will be large distorted eggs, of which, in fact, the fiends are born. There will be one surviving egg on top of the dead end, so when you defeat the enemies, take this very egg and return it to the Big Margin chicken for incubation.

When you return to this place again, but a little later, a black chicken named Piskun will hatch from the egg: he will kill all healthy chickens, after which he will follow the main character. The unusual chicken will need to be delivered to the north, across the paladin checkpoint and get a little north to the magic rooster. Near this rooster, Piskun is transformed into a large monster, so you have to fight with him. After the victory, the task will be completed.

Note: A boy named Pidge will ask about Ifan ben Mezda, so I recommend that he be in your squad in order to continue the companion's quest chain. In the north, there will also be a gallows on which Siwa will be suspended, but so far you will not have enough strength to free her, since you have to fight the masters.


(?) Quest: "Law of the Order"

Enter the city along the bridge to the west. There will be a statue in the center and four merchants nearby. I recommend going to the pier at the very beginning to meet with the local chief - Magister Raymond. Upon arrival to him, he will immediately smell the Source in the heroes, but he can lie, saying that you have come to join the order. In this case, the master will believe you and issue a special document - "" (thanks to this document, the guards will no longer pester the heroes). Soon, Raymond urgently sails on the ship, and leaves another Master, Julian, as his deputy. Therefore, it is with him that we should speak further. From Julian, you will learn about the missing masters right in the city.

(?) Assignment: "A man and his dog"

At the city fountain in the center, a beggar bum will sit with a dog, begging for money. Examine the dog, turn over his collar, ask about the owner's cache. You can demand money from a beggar for bullying a dog, or you can simply take and drive him out of the city.

Location: "Black Bull Tavern". The local city herald Togrof will tell you three important news - I recommend listening to them carefully. Inside the tavern, a girl named Safa will be sitting at the counter - you can get drunk with her. Talk to the innkeeper and try not to be rude to her, because in the end it turns out that she is the mother of one of the masters.

(?) Assignment: "Losses in the ledger"

On the right side, at a table in the tavern, there will be a character named Garvan - if you talk to him, then he will mistake your character for a waiter. You can create and serve a Sent Meat Stew. How to make this dish? Behind the tavern there is a separate place where the person from the toilet will tell you the recipe for the stew: stew + stale fish (other ingredients will not work). For the work done, you will receive an achievement. After lunch, Havana will tell interesting story: he, together with teacher Liam, somehow transported a rather valuable cargo, but in the end he left it halfway due to an unexpected attack of fiends.

(?) Assignment: "Love has a price"

In the tavern, be sure to talk to the local worker Lovrik as well, who will offer additional services of the tavern. In the conversation, choose the gender and race of the one with whom you would like to spend the night, after which you will receive the key to the third floor of the tavern. It will be possible to go inside with only one hero, or a separate companion. If you use the service for the Red Prince, then in the morning he will have a vision of the Red Princess.

(?) Assignment: "You Can't Fill Grief"

There will be a hotel on the second floor of the tavern. The hotel is home to a wealthy merchant, traveler and woman - Captain Ableweather. The girl will tell that her ship went to the bottom, but she survived and, in fact, it does not give her rest. The girl will be able to buy an item called "".

Location: "Underground tavern". In the western part of the tavern there will be a guard gnome who guards the passage to the basement. He can be paid 50 coins for a pass (one time) and go inside. At the bottom there will be a kind of underground tavern. On the right side there will be a lizard named Ganges, who will tell the Red Prince where to look for the next dreamer. A little further there will be a statue of teleportation, and next to it there are round floor buttons. Press the buttons and on the right side the doors to the secret room on the side will open.

In the left corner is the headquarters of the local underground gnomish leader Lohar. The heroes soon witness how his own daughter, Marla, attacks him. The attempt itself fails miserably. Lohar should be asked about local strong sorcerers and he talks about a dwarf named Mordus, so now we go in search of this character.

(?) Quest: "Driftwood Arena"

In the second half of the underground tavern, there is a local battle arena. The champion of the arena is a gnome named Murga. In order to fight her, it is necessary not only to defeat a team of five people in a fight, but to fight with a blindfold.

Location: "Other buildings". On the right side of the tavern is the Deepwood Prison. The main room will be occupied by the local chief, who will promise a reward to anyone for capturing the murderer of the masters. In the basement, the camera will be watched by a man who is clearly dissatisfied with his work and, apparently, who is carefully hiding something. If you talk to him and convince him, then he will quit his job.

(?) Quest: "Hide and Seek"

There will be a boy and a girl on the pier - Ben Buttons and Harrietta. They will tell you that their mutual friend went swimming to the Fort "Joy". They should be convinced that this is a bad place and should not be followed. They start playing Alexandra and Sick.

(?) Assignment: "The Missing Masters" (Part - 1)

From passers-by it will be possible to find out what is on this moment three masters have already disappeared. Local guards naively suspect of these mysterious crimes some kind of junk dealer. A little more specific information is possessed by an elf named Stewart near the entrance to the tavern: he believes that the culprit is someone from the guests of the local tavern.

Location: Driftwood Fish Warehouses. Dwarfs will work in the warehouses, but among them there will be quite a few masters who are looking for a suspected junk dealer. A little higher in the room the chief will be sitting, who will talk about the supply of poisoned fish, but at the same time he will not tell about who might need it.

On the right side of the salt conveyor, talk to the gnome who will tell you about the supplies. At a certain moment in the dialogue it will be possible to inspect the barrel, where the destination will already be written - "Black House".

(?) Quest: "Strange Cargo"

Outside the warehouses on the left, the heroes stumble upon a gnome named Kannox. The gnome is aware of where the wanted person is hiding, but he just refuses to tell. Therefore, in the dialogue, I recommend to mention that we were in Fort "Joy" and were successfully able to get out of there - the gnome's attitude towards you will immediately change dramatically in better side... He will tell you that the junk dealer is hiding in one of the barrels of fish.

Go to the room to the right of the coast and in one of the barrels you can find Higba the old man. He will ask, in turn, to take him out of the encirclement straight out of the city. The safest route is along the south bank to the left. There will only be two level 9 patrol masters along the way, so you can even just run quickly past them while they're gone. But if it just so happened that they noticed you, there will be two options for solving the problem: the first is to hand over the junk dealer, the second is to join the battle. The most interesting thing is that even if you want to deliberately join the battle, the masters will fight in complete solitude, no one will come to their aid.

When he manages to get over to the western side of the river, Higba will thank all the heroes from the bottom of his heart and again hide in a barrel. From Higba, you can beg for a valuable scroll "". In a conversation with him, you can find out that he bought the things of the killed from the cook in the tavern. By the way, for saving the junk dealer you will receive a unique tag - "".

Well, it’s time to go back to the city and talk to the cook Wevlia in the tavern. During the dialogue, you will be able to find out the shocking truth: it is she who secretly kills the masters, after which she prepares meat stew of them. However, for her to be imprisoned, you will have to find evidence.

(?) Assignment: "Lost and Found"

Move further west from the fish depots. Soon, on the shore, you will definitely stumble upon another gnome - Lagan. He will talk about what he dropped wedding ring in water. The ring is located somewhere right here under the pier, but as soon as you get the ring, monsters will come out of the water. It turns out that this is a trap and you have to fight with the Moloch of the Void of the 10th level and the electric frogs "Water Fiend" of the 9th level (there are 5 of them in total). Since the enemies will specialize in electricity, move as far away from the water as possible.

(?) Task: "Sharp awakening" (Part - 2)

So, Siwa's house is located in the upper right corner of the city. At the entrance there will be a girl who will tell you that Siwa was recently captured and taken away somewhere by the masters. The house, in turn, will be locked, but inside you will notice a complete mess.

Move to the right side straight across the ford. There will be a gallows on the main road, and two lizards will be suspended on it, one of which is Maestr Siwa. She will ask to be released, but she will be guarded by an executioner named Ninyan of the 9th level and the masters nearby (there are 5 of them in total), so I recommend that you prepare for battle first.

As soon as you manage to defeat all the enemies and free Siwa, return with her back to her house. Inside the house, remove the picture from the wall - there is a button on the back. There is a hatch under the bed, but opening will require a password, which only Siwa knows. It will not be difficult to find out the password, so when you find yourself in the basement, you will have to go through a ritual in order to meet God. Sequencing:

In the nightstand on the right side of Siwa, take the knife and black root. ... Take the bowl on the left side from the triangular stand. ... Click on the knife twice to leave the character's blood on it. ... Open the menu for creating things (crafting) and combine the bowl with the root and the bloody knife. ... As a result, you will get a potion that will need to be placed under the dragon statue: turn the wheel, smoke will go from the potion. ... Finally, choose the option "Retain smoke in the lungs" and the character is sent to another dimension.

Now you can talk to God. This time he will teach a completely new spell of the Source - "" (the ability to see the world of spirits). After that, go straight to the cloud on the right side and return back to the real world. The first ghost, the Spirit of Master Harrik, will visit the character's room.

(?) Assignment: "The Missing Masters" (Part - 2)

In the city, go to the tavern and stumble upon the spirit of one of the slain masters. During the dialogue with the ghost, the heroes learn that the cook is behind the murder, and the spirit cannot retire due to the fact that she wears the ring she left on her hand.

Now the thief character must take over. So, while the cook is in the room on the right, the hero in the room on the left must examine the board in the floor, inside which there is a cache, and in the cache there is a severed hand and a ring on it.

With a ring and a severed hand, you can go to the officer in prison. As a result, he will send his subordinate to the detention of the cook, but in the end the cook will kill her. If you show the ring to the cook in person, then the battle will immediately begin. After the victory, only a list of victims on a piece of paper remains of the evidence, which, again, can be taken to the officer. As a reward, you can choose one of the four presented items to choose from.


♦ Note: On the left side of the tavern, the local cat can be fed with fish, which is poisoned by the void. The cat will eventually die and you can talk to his spirit. As a result, get the achievement.


Questions and answers on the passage of the game

(?) Question: How to remove the collar in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: The anti-magic collar on the character can be removed at the beginning of the game, if in the ghetto of the "Joy" fort you go down to the basement and you can win the arena. After the victory, go to the blacksmith Nebora, who is in the upper right corner of the ghetto. But all collars can only be removed during the passage of the storyline at the end of the 2nd chapter / 2nd act.

(?) Question: How to resurrect characters in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: This is possible only if not all characters died in the battle and there is a survivor. This character will have to use the "Scroll of Resurrection", which you can either buy from any merchant for 250 coins, or make yourself. The formula for creating a scroll of resurrection is as follows: Essence of Life + Essence of Water + Sheet of Paper.

(?) Question: How do I get Source Points in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: For this, as a rule, it is necessary to collect the luminous liquid. However, there is another way: you can use a unique spell that draws the source from other creatures (the spell is present in the wands of the Supreme Masters).

(?) Question: How to get out of the prison Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: In Chapter 2 / Act 2, if you commit any crime / offense, then the character will be put in an underground prison, and in solitary confinement. The cell, in turn, has a teleportation scroll, but you cannot move yourself. Therefore, in order to get out of the prison, you need to talk to the rat inside, which will give the master key (the master key can be used to break the cell doors). However, if the problem lies in the skill of communicating with animals, then the rat will have to be trivially killed, and then the pick from the corpse should be taken.

(?) Question: How to increase Action Points in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: Action points in the game depend on a stat called "Initiative". It will be possible to increase the number of points with the help of potions, scrolls, haste spells and other useful effects.

(?) Question: How to reset skills in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: You can reset skill points while standing in front of a magic mirror. This function becomes available only from the beginning of the passage of the 3rd chapter / 3rd act. The mirror will be located on the lower deck of the ship on which you sail from the "Joy" fort.

(?) Question: Where can I find all the companions in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: Sooner or later you will meet all the companions in the ghetto of the "Joy" fort. There will be six companions in total, but you can only take three with you (not counting the main character). And in the process of passing the game, satellites can always be exchanged for others.

(?) Question: How do I get the fifth companion in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: The maximum number of characters in a group is four. It is simply impossible to add more characters. You can only free up a slot for another character - that is, replace, but not add a fifth companion.

(?) Question: Where to get a shovel, where is a shovel in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: At the very beginning of the game you can find a free shovel on the north coast - on the central wreck of the bridge. After that, you will have to buy shovels from merchants, or hope for an accidental find.

(?) Question: Where can I find Gareth in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: The bottom line is that Gareth was surrounded in the Echoing Marshes in the ruins to the north. Upon arrival, he will also have to help defeat two groups, which consist of masters of four people per group.

(?) Question: Where to buy skills in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: In Chapter 2 / Act 2, the skills will be sold at a place called "Echoing Marshes", which is located in the south - in the Shrine on the Rock. In Chapter 4 / Act 4, gnomes will trade skills in Driftwood Square.

(?) Question: What suchexplorer modevDivinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: This is an easy game mode, where, for example, opponents offer almost no resistance in battles. The mode was created specifically for those players who do not know how to play tactical games and just want to go through the storyline, plunging into the atmosphere.

(?) Question: What is the black cat in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: The black cat must be led through the "Joy" fort in the east direction. In the end, the cat simply disappears and turns into a Summon Cat spell. In the future, the cat can be summoned in battles, it quickly gets to the specified target and quite well prevents the archers from shooting, thereby engaging in close combat.

(?) Question: What to do with a jug of souls in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: Soul Jugs are designed to keep the undead in this world. So if you break the jug, then any specific owner will cease to be a skeleton (undead) and will die fully, and not partially. I recommend that you carry all the found jugs of souls with you and break them only if you have met the owner of the soul, in order to at least hear the dying speech and gain valuable experience.

(?) Question: How is undead different in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: All heroes of the undead class have several key features... First, instead of the usual healing potions, scrolls and other things, they use poisons and other negative sending effects, which in turn heal them. Normal healing scrolls and healing bottles are crippled. Second, the undead know how to transform into characters of other races.

(?) Question: How and with what to remove the necro-flame in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: The bottom line is that necro-flame is a unique and special type of curse that cannot be extinguished by anything.

(?) Question: Where can I find Sibylla in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

♦ Answer: In Chapter 2 / Act 2, Sibylla can be found on the South Beach, near the ghetto entrance. In subsequent chapters / acts, all the main characters will always be waiting on their personal ship.

Soon there will be a complete walkthrough Divinity: Original Sin 2, so stay tuned!

Side quest Family Business begins near the gate of the churchyard at Tarkin. He asks to get a valuable artifact for him. Tarkin thinks this artifact is hidden in the Surrey family crypt.

You will need to complete the quest:

  1. Lockpicks;
  2. Upgraded theft;
  3. A pumped-up mind;
  4. Pumped up power.

We begin to pass

After you get the task Family Business from Tarkin, go to the crypt. But remember - to open the castle on the tomb you will need a character with a level of 4 theft and lockpicks. You can also enter the tomb using the undead character.

Looking for two buttons

In the first room of the tomb, look for two buttons on the walls. The first is to the right of the exit, and the second to the left. Press each button to open the stone door. You can now enter the next room.

Three levers

In the second room you will see a sarcophagus, approach it with all the heroes. Then, select one character and direct him to the third room, which is located a little further. Find the pressure plate there and put the selected character on it.

After that, in the room where the artifact is located, use the Spiritual Vision. It will open three levers on the walls. These levers correspond to magical effects, each in its own way. Jiggle the levers until water appears in the third room. After the water has appeared, pull the left lever so that electricity appears. Then pull the right lever to create the sacred fire.

If you do everything correctly, the sarcophagus will move and a hatch will open under it. Now you can go down to the next room. There you will find gold and chests with valuable items.

We get the artifact

Take the artifact from the sarcophagus and head towards the exit. But as soon as you want to leave the tomb, clay guards will appear in the room. You will have to fight them or run away.

We leave for the island of the Blood Moon

Take the artifact to Tarkin. He will ask you to bring another artifact from the island of the Blood Moon.

You can get to Blood Moon Island via a hidden bridge. Use Spiritual Vision to open the path and teleport across the bridge.

Then head to the northeastern side of the island. Look for a hidden hatch there. It can be opened using a character with a pumped mind. If the mind of your characters is not sufficiently developed, then use the Part of Mind spell.

Finding the second Artifact

Go through the previously opened hatch. After that, you will find yourself in the room. This room needs to be searched and the back wall examined. The door to the next room is hidden in it. There is an artifact hidden at the altar. Take it and take it to Tarker. If Tarker is not at his usual place, then he is on the ship. Congratulations on completing Family Business.

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The new creation of Larian Studios expanded not only in depth, but also in breadth, so the locations became more extensive, and there were twice as many merchants, opponents, treasures and caches than in the original. However, finding all the treasures, interesting characters and hidden entrances to the caves is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. For this reason, we decided to publish detailed maps locations that indicate the location of all treasures, secrets, merchants, hidden entrances and enemies in Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Fort Joy

START - this is where the player begins their adventure after completing the Prologue.

Potential enemies

  • B1 - Woidlings (level 1).
  • B2 - Recently buried corpse (level 1). To face him, you will have to first excavate the grave.
  • B3 - A group of turtles that are not initially hostile towards the player, but can attack him if he gets too close (level 2).
  • B4 - Crocodiles - encounter with them is connected with the "Teleporter" quest (level 3).
  • B5 - Narin is a character who attacks you if there is a Red Prince or any other lizard character in your party (level 3).
  • B6 - Master swordsman - a character who will become hostile to you after you leave Fort Joy, or can remove the collar from at least one of the characters (Collar quest).
  • B7 - Master Captain Trippel (level 4) - a character who will become hostile to you after you leave Fort Joy, or can remove the collar from at least one of the characters (Collar quest).
  • B8 - Master Dave (level 4) - a character who will become hostile to you after you leave Fort Joy, or can remove the collar from at least one of the characters (Collar quest).
  • B9 - Chief Justice Orivand - meeting with him can take place inside the Fort Joy barracks (level 4).
  • B10 - Kniles the Fencer - One of the hardest fights in the early game. The enemy will be helped by numerous monks and golems.
  • B11 - A group of three living dead (level 4).
  • B12 - A group of four living dead (level 4).
  • B13 - Group of Voidlings - opponents will attack you in 3 waves. You will need to defeat 12 opponents. The meeting is pretty trivial, but you can get a lot of experience points for it.
  • B14 - A group of Salamander eaves (level 6).
  • B15 - A group of living dead - enemies are located near the Historian (level 6).
  • B16 - Dweller of the Depths - a group of five undead accompanying the boss (level 6).
  • B17 - Screamer (Shriker) is a unique enemy that cannot be attacked and is capable of killing the main character with one hit. This monster can be made to disappear with the Purification spell given by the Purifying Wand.
  • B18 - A group of masters fighting Gareth. You will meet them when you try to remove collars from satellites (level 5).
  • B19 - Screamers (Shrikers) - a group of enemies that cannot be fought with conventional methods, since they can kill the main character with one blow. You can get rid of them with the spell "Purification" or by completing the quest "The Purged Dragon".
  • B20 - Bishop Alexandar - The final battle in Fort Joy, during which you have to fight a boss and several masters. Halfway through the battle, a new enemy will appear, the Underground Void Worm, which will be hostile to everyone (level 8-9).
  • B21 - Trompdoy - First encounter with Trompdo, during which you will fight 3 enemies.
  • B22 - Trompdoy - The second and final encounter with Trompdoy, during which you will fight 4 opponents.
  • B23 - Radeka the Witch - This character is associated with the Purified Dragon and Screamers quests.

hidden treasures

The treasures on the map are marked with small green circles. These icons show the exact location of hidden treasures. In them you can find chests that do not require keys or lockpicks to open. First, however, you have to dig them out with a shovel.

Passages to and from dungeons

  • E1 A - Entrance to the Underground - it will only become visible during the Soul Jar Withermoore quest.
  • E1 B - Exit from the Dungeon to Fort Joy.
  • E2 A - Entrance to the Arena of the One.
  • E2 B - Exit from the Arena of the One to Fort Joy.
  • E3 B - Entrance to the Caves.
  • E3 B - Exit from the Caves to Fort Joy.
  • E4 A - Entrance to the underground tunnel. The entrance is hidden, and therefore you must first dig it out - you will need a shovel or the Lizard hero.
  • E4 B - Exit from the underground tunnel at Fort Joy.
  • E5 A - Entrance to Fort Joy Prison.
  • E5 B - Exit from Fort Joy Prison.
  • E6 A - Entrance to Fort Joy Prison. It is located inside the building.
  • E6 B - Exit from Fort Joy Prison.
  • E7 A - Entrance to the Ancient Passage.
  • E7 B - Path from Ancient Passage to Fort Joy Prison.
  • E9 A - Move to Detention Cells.
  • E8 A - Entrance to the detention cell.
  • E8 B - Exit from the detention cell to the beach at Fort Joy.
  • E9 B - Exit from the confinement room at Fort Joy Prison.
  • E10 A - Pipe to the Swamp, located outside the Fort Joy Prison.
  • E10 B - Sewer passage leading to Fort Joy Prison.
  • E11 A - Entrance to the Dilapidated Ruins.
  • E11 B - Exit from the Dilapidated Ruins to Fort Joy.
  • E12 A - Entrance to the Dark Cave.
  • E12 B - Exit from the Dark Cave to Fort Joy.
  • E13 A - Echo Hall Entrance: To enter inside, you must interact with the statue.
  • E13 B - The location where you will appear after entering the Hall of Echoes.
  • E14 A - Entrance to the Forgotten Cell.
  • E14 B - Exit from the Forgotten Cell to the Caves.
  • E15 A - Entrance to the Gargoyle's labyrinth.
  • E15 B - Exit from the Gargoyle maze at Fort Joy.
  • E16 A - Entrance to the Witch's Cave.
  • E16 B - Exit from the Witch's Cave to Fort Joy.
  • E17 A - Go to the next part of the Gargoyle's maze.
  • E17 B - The passage leading to the main part of the Gargoyle's maze.


  • S1 - Gavin is a character who sells books on the art of Aeroturgy (air) and is associated with the "Teleporter" quest.
  • S2 - Rezik is a character who sells books on Hydromancy (water).
  • S3 - Butter is a character selling books for Hunters.
  • S4 - Hilda is a character who sells books for the Assassins. She also has a lot of weapons and armor for sale.
  • S5 - Dr. Leste is a character selling Polymorph art books.
  • S6 - Maol is a character who sells skill books for Geomancy (earth).
  • S7 - Margot is a character selling just one book, "Recovery" (Hydromancy).
  • S8 - Mona is a character selling books for Necromancers.

Note: Do not cast Bless on her. If you do this, then Mona will become hostile to you and the battle will begin.

  • S9 - Nebora is a character who sells Summoning books, as well as many materials for crafting.
  • S11 - Kalias is a character who sells books on Military Science, as well as armor and weapons.
  • S10 - Stingtail is a character selling books on Pyromancy (fire).
  • S12 - Zaleskar is a character selling high quality weapons, armor and accessories.
  • S13 - Bahara is a character who sells books for the Hunters.
  • S14 - Samadel is a character selling Pyromancy books.
  • S15 - Simona is a character who sells books on Hydromancy.
  • S16 - Exter - a character selling books for Assassins and Summoners, as well different kinds weapons, armor and accessories.
  • S18 - Graziana is a character who sells books on the art of Aeroturgy, as well as various types of weapons and accessories.
  • S19 - Kerban is a character who sells Summoning and Necromancy books, as well as various accessories.

Note: Starting at Samadel, these characters will leave their locations with the rest of the camp once you reach the Call to Arms quest.

  • S17 - Gareth is a character who sells books on Military Science and Geomancy.

Note: He will only be here if you rescue him during the Danger at the Bend quest. In addition, he will travel to the rally point if you advance the Call to Arms quest.

  • S20 - Samadel is a character selling Pyromancy books.
  • S21 - Kerban is a character who sells Summoning and Necromancy books, as well as various accessories.
  • S22 - Simona is a character who sells books on Hydromancy.
  • S23 - Gareth is a character who sells books on Military Science and Geomancy.
  • S24 - Exter - a character who sells books for Assassins and Summoners, as well as various types of weapons, armor and accessories.
  • S25 - Graziana is a character who sells books on the art of Aeroturgy, as well as various types of weapons and accessories.

Note: These characters can be found in these locations only after you complete the Call to Arms quest to a certain point.

  • S26 - Feder is one of the pigs that you will have to save during the "Burning Pigs" quest. The Pig can offer rare and powerful items for sale.

Reaper's Coast


The second island, Reaper's Coast, is home to few merchants who can offer skill books. Most of them are located in Driftwood, the one and only city in this location. Below you can see the list and location of all skill book sellers.

  1. Ovis - you can buy skill books on Aeroturgy, Geomancy, Pyromancy and Polymorphic from him.
  2. Bree (Bree) - he can buy skill books on Necromancy, Summoning and Hydrosophysics.
  3. Haran - you can buy skill books on Military and Hunter from him.
  4. Papa Trash - you can buy skill books on the Art of Killing from him.
  5. Eithne - it will be possible to buy skill books on Summoning, Necromancy and Polymorphic from her.

At the gates of the coastal cemetery, the Reaper you will meet Tarkin... He will give you a quest to explore the family crypt and ask you to get family heirloom... The key is at the petrified sorceress in another underground room. In the first room, find two buttons on the wall (you need to get close enough to them to see) and press them - this will open the stone gate.

One of your companions send to the third room and put on the button... Then use the "Vision of Spirits" (you can get it from the quest "Sharp awakening"), it will allow you to find three levers. The sequence of using levers: middle - left - right. As a result of your actions, the hatch will open.

If you touched the levers before you knew the desired sequence, then discard the combination using the middle lever. Interact with it until water flows, and then use the left one - electricity appears and the right one.

There will be a treasury behind the hatch. Pick the character with the highest Luck and try to get the loot. The artifact is in the coffin (if your team has a lizard, he will understand the language on the tombstone). Do not relax, because when you exit the tomb, the revived guards will attack you.

Tell Tarkin that the relic has been found, but the "Family Affair" quest does not end there. The man will report that there are other artifacts on the Blood Moon Island. Going there, look for a hatch in the northeast corner (you have to dig it out). In the vault, you will find the other half of the artifact. You can now talk to Tarkin again to complete the quest.

Missing Tarkin

If you do not find Tarkin in his usual place, then search on "Lady Revenge". You can go to the "Lady" using fast travel, then Tarkin will be standing right next to you.

  1. Destroy the clay armor in advance, then there will simply be no battle.
  2. To enter the crypt, there is a much simpler way:
  • Stand so that you look towards the stairs that lead down the crypt and go left.
  • When you go down the hill, in front of the gate, you will see a crypt with statues of two knights holding shields.
  • The lever that opens the gate is on the right side, but you can just destroy it.
  • Enter the tomb and do not touch anything, otherwise you will be petrified.
  • Take advantage of "

A generous offer is a side quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. A powerful sorcerer named Riker has asked us to find a special tablet in a cave in the Black Mines.


Find Riker at his Riker's Refuge mansion on the Churchyard. Talk to him, and he will ask you to find an ancient tablet for him (this artifact is also needed by Almira in the quest "Almira's Request"). As a reward, he will teach you the magic of Source.

You can complete this quest simultaneously with the tasks "Midnight Oil" and "On the last gasp". Therefore, it is recommended that you first talk to Hannag so that she talks about Guidain, and only after that go to the Black Mines.

After you have the tablet, return to Riker's mansion, and go to his private quarters through this hatch.

Riker will donate a few souls, which will increase your Source by one point (if you don't already have the maximum three). He will then attack you, so be prepared.

Using Ghost Sight while fighting Riker will allow you to see the souls of his bodyguards. You can instantly kill them using the Siphon Source (quest "Abrupt Awakening").

A door without a keyhole can be opened with a switch next to the mirror.

Job structure

A powerful sorcerer named Riker has instructed us to find a special tablet in a certain cave in the Black Mines. By helping him, we can clearly count on a good reward.

Ifan Knows Riker:

  • We learned from Ifan that Riker is associated with the Lone Wolves. We should be careful.

Refuse Riker's offer:

  • We refused to help Riker.

Learn about betrayal:

  • It turned out that Riker is a killer of the Lone Wolves, and his contract prescribes to kill all the awakened ones that he meets.

Talk to Riker about the contract:

  • We spoke to Riker about his contract to kill all the awakened ones he met, but he convinced us that we had nothing to worry about.

Riker's "Promise":

  • We learned that Riker once made a "vow" or "covenant" and is now trying to find a way to get rid of it. It makes sense to ask him about it.

Talk to Riker about his "promise":

  • We tried to find out from Riker what kind of "promise" he wants to free himself from, but he avoided answering.
  • We tried to get more information out of Riker, but he attacked us as a result. Apparently, this is not some ordinary promise - this is a covenant for which he is ready to kill. And it seems that he was almost afraid to speak about him out loud.

Black Mines:

We arrived at the Black Mines.

We went down to the caves of the Black Mines. The tablet Riker is looking for must be here somewhere.

In the depths of the caves in the Black Mines, an ancient temple was discovered.

Ancient Tablet Found:

  • We've found the tablet that Riker craves. We can now give the tablet to him ... or not. She may still be useful to us.

Other tablets:

  • We found several tablets in the caves, but it seems that these are not the ones we need. We continue to search.

Give the tablet to Riker or refuse:

  • We have fulfilled our end of the bargain, and Riker has the tablet now.
  • We decided to abandon the agreement and not give the tablet to Riker.

Riker attacked:

  • Riker attacked us and tried to kill us.

Riker killed:

  • We killed Riker.

Agree / Refuse to learn to Source:

  • Riker offered to help us harness the power of Source. To do this, he wanted to conduct a ritual that would summon all the spirits of the Churchyard and give us their entire Source. Despite the dark nature of the ritual, we agreed.
  • Riker offered to help us harness the power of Source. To do this, he wanted to conduct a ritual that would summon all the spirits of the Churchyard and give us their entire Source. We could not do this, and therefore refused.

Leave Reaper's Coast before completing the quest:

  • We left Reaper's Coast without having a heart-to-heart talk with Riker.
  • We left Reaper's Coast without fulfilling the terms of our deal with Riker.