Kennedy's daughter. Kennedy clan: what the younger generation of the famous dynasty looks like

Caroline Bouvier Kennedy(English) Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, genus. November 27 ( 19571127 ) listen)) is an American writer and lawyer, daughter of John and Jacqueline Kennedy.


In the summer of 2013, she was appointed US Ambassador to Japan. The appointment drew criticism from US presidential candidate Donald Trump, who said in August 2015 that Kennedy received the post only because of her connections and because she asked to be appointed to this position.

Personal life

Caroline is the only living child of the Kennedys. Her younger brother, John, died in 1999. Her other brother, Patrick, died just two days after giving birth prematurely on August 9, 1963. Caroline has been married to Edwin Schlossberg since 1986. The couple has three children.

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Excerpt describing Kennedy, Caroline

Some of the closest relatives still remained. They were sitting in the large living room. Prince Vasily walked up to Pierre with lazy steps. Pierre got up and said that it was too late. Prince Vasily looked at him sternly, questioningly, as if what he said was so strange that it was impossible to hear. But after that, the expression of severity changed, and Prince Vasily pulled Pierre down by the hand, sat him down and smiled affectionately.
- Well, what, Lelya? - He immediately turned to his daughter with that casual tone of habitual tenderness that is acquired by parents who caress their children from childhood, but which Prince Vasily only guessed through imitation of other parents.
And he again turned to Pierre.
“Sergei Kuzmich, from all sides,” he said, unbuttoning the top button of his vest.
Pierre smiled, but it was clear from his smile that he understood that it was not Sergei Kuzmich’s anecdote that interested Prince Vasily at that time; and Prince Vasily realized that Pierre understood this. Prince Vasily suddenly muttered something and left. It seemed to Pierre that even Prince Vasily was embarrassed. The sight of this old man of the world's embarrassment touched Pierre; he looked back at Helen - and she seemed embarrassed and said with her eyes: “Well, it’s your own fault.”
“I must inevitably step over it, but I can’t, I can’t,” thought Pierre, and he started talking again about an outsider, about Sergei Kuzmich, asking what the joke was, since he didn’t hear it. Helen answered with a smile that she didn’t know either.
When Prince Vasily entered the living room, the princess was quietly talking to the elderly lady about Pierre.
- Of course, c "est un parti tres brillant, mais le bonheur, ma chere... - Les Marieiages se font dans les cieux, [Of course, this is a very brilliant party, but happiness, my dear..." - Marriages are made in heaven,] - answered elderly lady.
Prince Vasily, as if not listening to the ladies, walked to the far corner and sat down on the sofa. He closed his eyes and seemed to be dozing. His head fell and he woke up.
“Aline,” he said to his wife, “allez voir ce qu"ils font. [Alina, look what they are doing.]
The princess went to the door, walked past it with a significant, indifferent look and looked into the living room. Pierre and Helene also sat and talked.
“Everything is the same,” she answered her husband.
Prince Vasily frowned, wrinkled his mouth to the side, his cheeks jumped with his characteristic unpleasant, rude expression; He shook himself, stood up, threw his head back and with decisive steps, past the ladies, walked into the small living room. With quick steps, he joyfully approached Pierre. The prince's face was so unusually solemn that Pierre stood up in fear when he saw him.
- God bless! - he said. - My wife told me everything! “He hugged Pierre with one hand and his daughter with the other. - My friend Lelya! I'm very, very happy. – His voice trembled. - I loved your father... and she will be for you good wife…God bless you!…
He hugged his daughter, then Pierre again and kissed him with a foul-smelling mouth. Tears actually wet his cheeks.
“Princess, come here,” he shouted.
The princess came out and cried too. The elderly lady was also wiping herself with a handkerchief. Pierre was kissed, and he kissed the hand of the beautiful Helene several times. After a while they were left alone again.
“All this had to be this way and could not have been otherwise,” thought Pierre, “so there is no point in asking whether it is good or bad? Good, because definitely, and there is no previous painful doubt.” Pierre silently held his bride's hand and looked at her beautiful breasts rising and falling.
- Helen! - he said out loud and stopped.
“Something special is said in these cases,” he thought, but he could not remember what exactly they say in these cases. He looked into her face. She moved closer to him. Her face flushed.
“Oh, take off these... like these...” she pointed to the glasses.
Pierre took off his glasses, and his eyes, in addition to the general strangeness of the eyes of people who took off their glasses, looked fearfully questioning. He wanted to bend over her hand and kiss it; but with a quick and rough movement of her head she captured his lips and brought them together with hers. Her face struck Pierre with its changed, unpleasantly confused expression.
“Now it’s too late, it’s all over; “Yes, and I love her,” thought Pierre.
- Je vous aime! [I love you!] - he said, remembering what had to be said in these cases; but these words sounded so poor that he felt ashamed of himself.

The daughter of President John F. Kennedy is running for one of the vacant seats in the US Senate.

Hillary Clinton will be Secretary of State, which means that the seat of a senator from the state of New York is vacant. Well, Barack Obama vacated his seat from Illinois. There will be no elections: both vacancies will be filled by candidates proposed by the governors.

Caroline Kennedy, daughter of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is being nominated to fill the seat vacated by Hillary Clinton. Full name: Kennedy Schlossberg (married name), 51 years old, lawyer by training, mother of three children. She dropped out of the news and social life a long time ago. Journalists chronicled every step of Caroline and her brother, John Jr., when the family lived in the White House from 1960-1963. Caroline is the author of books on civil liberties, one of which is called “The Right to privacy" Today they remembered that in 2002 she was hired to work for the New York City Department of Education - for a salary of one dollar. Caroline raised funds to support public schools: city officials hoped that Caroline, honorary chairman of the American Ballet Theater, would be able to “enter” wealthy philanthropists. This is what she did, raising tens of millions of dollars over the course of two years.

Next is a gap in her biography, which will be quickly filled if Caroline becomes a senator. In January 2007, she published an article in the New York Times supporting Barack Obama, comparing him to his late father. "I've never seen a president who people tell me inspired them the way my father did," she said. “For the first time, I believe, I have found a person who could become such a president: not only for me, but for a new generation of Americans.” Despite the fact that some of her relatives expressed sympathy for Hillary Clinton.

As those who saw her speeches noted, she was still embarrassed and sometimes stammered, but she “went to the people” to campaign for Barack Obama: her main audience was workers and Catholics.

As soon as Obama was officially confirmed as the Democratic nominee, he immediately brought Carolina into the circle of his closest advisers in the search for a worthy vice president.

Caroline Kennedy has become one of my dearest friends, she is a wonderful American and a wonderful person,” Barack Obama said on “Meet the Press” on December 7. But he categorically refused to discuss her plans for the senatorial seat, so as not to “be involved in New York politics.”

Even if she is not chosen - Caroline’s chances are now being weighed by thousands of American magazines, newspapers and television channels - she has already “taken the stage”. “In this family, the work of a senator is not unusual,” Harris Wofford, who worked as an adviser to the late president, calmly assessed its capabilities. “This is a great tradition, it is perfectly aware of what it is doing.”

In America, as they say, everything is done quickly, “time is money.” And a political career, I would add, too. On December 9, the New York Times reported that Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy - the only one of the three political brothers not to be the victim of an assassination attempt - appealed to New York Governor David Paterson and his colleague in the legislative chamber Robert Menendez, who month headed the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. No one revealed the details of the conversation, no matter how much the journalists tortured the participants and organizers of the meeting. But the point was simple: Edward’s niece would not have to look for the funds necessary for an expensive election campaign from either Paterson or Menendez; the family would take on all the troubles of raising money. The governor then met with several legislators to hash out the proposal. “Does she know politics, can she become a great senator? - a participant in the “gatherings” asked a rhetorical question. “I don’t see why not.” Then the interlocutors remembered that Caroline leads a very private lifestyle: “The main question for her is whether she wants to leave her personal life behind.”

Paterson immediately completely denied any information about a conversation or meeting with Edward Kennedy, adding that he had not communicated with him for several years.

There were, however, walkers, the governor confirmed, who spoke roundly on the topic of how happy the senator would be if his niece got into the upper house of Congress.

But these people did not speak to Edward Kennedy or represent him. The senator also spoke on the topic “was not, was not a member, did not participate.”

The topic of “vacant seats” in the Senate turned out to be too hot today and has already led Barack Obama to call on Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, accused of selling a vacancy in the Senate, to resign. The Governor of New York publicly announced that there was no need to rush, Hillary Clinton would not take over as Secretary of State until February, and he did not give Caroline Kennedy a “deadline” for making a decision.

However, Caroline’s possible choice was supported by her cousin, Robert Kennedy’s daughter, Kerry. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg also had his say, declaring that she has vast experience and “can cope with any task.” Adding that Caroline is a hardworking, honest and charming person.

“A woman has never participated in an election campaign in her life,” Jane Hamsher, known on the Internet for her liberal views, offered her opinion. - We don’t know how it will look on the “election path”, whether it will survive the entire election race. She simply picks up the phone and lets it be known that she might want to take one of the highest positions on earth that is being presented to her - but why? Because her uncle once occupied this place? Because she's a Kennedy?

Yes. Debt pays off: Edward Kennedy, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in May, has been a big supporter of Barack Obama. He is his closest ally in the Senate. Three members of the family have already passed through the upper house of Congress: John, Robert and Edward. Carolina can continue the family dynasty in big American politics, especially since her specialization suits the newly-elected president perfectly: the problems of education and civil liberties, which Barack Obama spoke about while still a candidate for the post in the White House.

Guessing on the coffee grounds is nice, but pointless. Carolina has not yet “decided” - or her family; the decision will not be unilateral.

The Kennedys today want to pass the “torch of the first family” - the official expression - to the daughter of the assassinated president. The choice fell on her.

The “torch,” although very smoking, was also found in the closet of another, no less famous American political dynasty. Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida and brother of the current president, said several years ago: “There are two things I don’t want to do. I don’t want to be elected to the Senate and president in 2008.” He kept his promise, after Barack Obama’s victory, declaring that he would apparently nominate his candidacy for the Senate in 2010.

Nothing has been decided yet, however, as an American journalist noted, it is better for us to have Carolina the healer of problems in the Senate than Jeb the Terminator. The joke about the meeting of representatives of two great dynasties on Capitol Hill does not raise smiles.

Americans consider only one of these families great.

Special for the Centenary

The United States definitely needs new politicians. The “clan” is ready to give them...

In the United States on September 14, 2011, a sensation may again occur, again associated with the “great clan”, the “royal family of America” - the Kennedy family, which gave this country the 35th President John F. Kennedy and his two senatorial brothers - Robert and Edward. President Kennedy, whose 50th anniversary was celebrated this year, was assassinated on November 22, 1963. And on Wednesday, ABC News may air an old interview with his late wife, in which she said that Lyndon Johnson, his follower and vice president, who became the 36th president of the country, was involved in Kennedy's assassination.

Information about the “planned sensation” appeared, for example, in the British newspaper The Daily Mail. And then the whole world picked it up, including, of course, the American tabloids.

We are talking about an 8-hour (according to other sources - 7-hour) conversation-interview of the widow of the assassinated president, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, with the famous American historian, laureate Pulitzer Prize and former aide to President Kennedy Arthur Schlesinger. This seven-part interview was not scheduled to air until 2044. Such was the will of Jacqueline, who died of cancer in New York in 1994 at 64 years old and gave only three interviews throughout her life. Shlesinger himself died in 2007, taking to the grave many of the secrets of his former boss, in whose “young team” he was a member and a prominent figure in it.

The mother's ban was violated by the only surviving child of the assassinated president - his daughter, 53-year-old Caroline Kennedy. Back in the spring of this year, she agreed to the publication of the book “Jacqueline Kennedy: Historical Conversations about Life with John Kennedy.” She dedicated the opus to the same 50th anniversary of Kennedy's presidency and became the author of an article that served as a preface to the publication. At the same time, she announced that recordings of the conversation between Jacqueline Kennedy and Arthur Schlesinger would be published in September. “It’s a great honor to see this collection along with the millions of people who admire my parents,” Caroline said.

The media, of course, did not believe this explanation. Some argued that in this way she was trying to prevent the filming of a series about the life of her family, which she categorically objected to and which was filmed by ABC News. Others, on the contrary, argued that Caroline, who had a taste for politics, wants to exploit her family involvement in the “Clan” and get the right to film on a TV channel a drama dedicated to the life of her murdered father, who is still loved in the United States. In any case, they are remembered as inspiring hope...

An ABC News spokesman denied all rumors about the contents of the sensational interview and said that the channel "will not release the contents of these tapes until mid-September, when it will become clear how unfounded these reports are." And now the time has come, a sensation has been announced. And before her appearance, it is appropriate, in my opinion, to remember the reason why Jacqueline banned the broadcast of the interview for such a long period - she was simply afraid of revenge on her family...

And these fears are justified - you just need to remember the history of this truly extraordinary American family, the embodiment of the American dream and at the same time a tragedy. The president's brother Robert, who became a presidential candidate, was shot dead in 1968. The youngest of the Kennedy brothers, Edward, was forbidden to run for president by his mother Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, who by that time had lost her three eldest sons. Two were killed, and the eldest, Patrick, died in 1944 in the skies over Great Britain, flying a bomber filled with explosives. The family didn’t even have anything to bury...

But even with Edward in the United States, it is possible that the killers of his brothers involuntarily “played it safe.” Kennedy's youngest brother was thoroughly discredited, and he himself lost his chances and opportunities to become president. In July 1969, having already been a senator for 7 years, he drank at a party, got behind the wheel with his secretary and, they say, mistress Mary-Jo Kopechne, lost control and drowned the car. Together with the girl. He appeared at the police station 10 hours later, fully admitted his guilt, and received a two-month suspended sentence for leaving the crime scene, but he never got rid of the stigma of being a “coward.” And with such a stigma in the United States, becoming a head of state, alas, is almost impossible. In 1980, Edward nevertheless put forward his candidacy at the internal convention of the Democratic Party, but lost to the then current head of the White House, Jimmy Carter. And he was beaten by Ronald Reagan...

Mother could calm down. As well as the assassins of the president. Everyone in the United States knew that both Robert and Edward, having become presidents, would complete the investigation into the “murder of the century” and find out who was behind the president’s killers in Dallas, Texas. And then at the Los Angeles Ambassador Hotel, where his brother Robert was killed.

John Kennedy Jr., also the surviving son of the president, John-John, GFC Junior, Prince or Son of America, as the Americans themselves called him, had a real chance of becoming the head of the White House. While this playboy was busy with himself, wrote articles, worked as an assistant district attorney, published the fashion magazine “George” and, following the example of his father and uncles, famous womanizers, “wooed” stars and celebrities and was considered the most eligible bachelor in America, he was only admired, but not touched . But as soon as he got married and settled down in 1996, and in 1999 in the United States they began to talk about John-John’s possible political career, which could well have ended with the presidency and an investigation into his father’s case, he, it is possible, was also “removed.” On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy Jr., with his wife and her sister, flew from Essex County Airport in New Jersey to the wedding of his cousin Ruri Kennedy, son of Robert Kennedy, and... did not arrive anywhere. His plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean at full speed. The cause of the crash was announced as familiar and understandable - disorientation in space due to poor visibility. The ashes of the victims were cremated and scattered over the ocean. By that time, the mother and grandmother were already in the grave. The deceased couple, alas, had no children...

The fact that John-John could have been killed, fearing future possible revelations, is one of the tenacious versions. Because the president’s son was genuinely and sincerely loved in the United States. And then they actively profited from his death. I was in the USA at that time and I can personally confirm: after the death of John Kennedy Jr., all of America was literally strewn with evidence of memory and love - articles in the media, books, photographs, posters, postcards, mugs, stickers, perhaps underwear with his image were not thrown onto the shelves. Eyewitnesses claimed that the posthumous hysteria over John-John was very similar to how love was shown for his father, the president. Both during his life and after his death...

But a sister remained in the “Clan” - Caroline Kennedy-Schlossberg (the second part of the surname from her husband Edwin Schlossberg). And she really has already tasted politics. In 2008, during election campaign the current owner of the White House, Barack Obama, whom Caroline not only supported, but for whom she was an adviser responsible for choosing the vice president.

Caroline herself claims that she made the choice to go into politics, supporting Obama, herself. In January 2007, she wrote an article in the New York Times in support of her chosen one and compared him to his murdered father: “I have never seen a president who, as people tell me, inspired them the way my father did.” . For the first time, I believe, I have found a person who could become such a president: not only for me, but for a new generation of Americans.” However, many observers argue that it was at that time that it became known that the last of the Kennedy brothers, Edward, a senator from Massachusetts, had brain cancer, and if he died, then there would be no one from the “Clan” left in the highest chamber of the US Parliament. They decided to pass on the “torch of the first family” (that’s what these people are also called) to the daughter of the murdered president and the niece of the murdered and dying senator.

Everything turned out extremely well. Firstly, Hillary Clinton, a senator from New York, became US Secretary of State in 2008, and her seat in the Senate became vacant. Secondly, Obama, both when running for president and when he became president, emphasized the humanitarian problems of American society and the need to solve them (from medical reform to improving social security). And humanitarian problems are Caroline's strong point. This is what she did, and did quite successfully, in her “pre-political” life, which means she had the foundation for promotion on this topic and in politics.

Caroline was born on November 27, 1957, the first surviving child of John and Jacqueline. Her older sister Arabella was born and died a year earlier. Also surviving is the above-mentioned brother John, "America's Son." Another younger brother, Patrick, was born and died the year his father-president was assassinated.

All the president's children grew up under the flashes of film and camera cameras in 1960-1963. Any of their body movements, words or gestures became public. It was Caroline, they say, that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev gave a puppy born to either Belka or Strelka, who had been in space. But after the murder of his father, ordinary life began. Already with my mother. And then with her new husband - the Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis, who, of course, could provide the children of his famous and beautiful wife with everything they needed. And the Kennedy family is not poor. John Kennedy went down in US history as the richest president.

Caroline graduated from Brearley School and attended Concord Academy in Massachusetts and Harvard. After graduation, she entered Columbia University to major in law and received a diploma in 1988. I tried a great many activities. She was interested in photojournalism and even worked as a photojournalist for Olympic Games 1976 in Innsbruck, Austria. In 1977, she became a photojournalist for the New York Daily News. Then she became involved in social activities, worked as a prosecutor and was a member of the bar. In 1989, she initiated the creation of the Kennedy Library Foundation and a memorial to her father - the Harvard Institute of Politics. From 2002 to 2004, on a salary of one dollar a year, she worked as director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships for the New York City Department of Education and was very successful in raising funds (several tens of millions of dollars in two years) to solve the problems of education in New York. She wrote several successful and quite popular books on the issues she dealt with, and one of them is called “The Right to Privacy.”

Since 1986, Caroline has been married to designer Edwin Schlossberg and bore him three children: daughter Rose (1988), daughter Tatiana (1990) and son John (1993). With the exception of Tatyana, named after her father’s colleague, lithographer Tatyana Grossman, the rest of the children bear the “trademark” names of the Kennedy family and are named after their great-grandparents.

After Obama won the presidential election in December 2008, there was talk that Caroline could take the seat vacated by Hillary Clinton as a senator from New York. Also, by the way, “hereditary” for Kennedy - the murdered Robert was a senator from this state. Caroline gave her consent to become a senator, entered the fight for the seat, and the political elite of New York began to treat everyone - from the still living uncle Edward to numerous supporters and relatives of the Kennedy clan.

President Obama himself acted like a real politician who acts on the principle “a service rendered is no longer such.” “Caroline Kennedy has become one of my dearest friends, she is a wonderful American and a wonderful person,” he said in one of his television programs, but he refused to publicly support the candidacy of a “wonderful person” for the senator’s seat.

On her way to becoming a senator, Caroline held only a few meetings with voters, politicians and journalists. She assured everyone that she would like to apply her experience as “a mother, a woman and a lawyer” to this post. But all events with her participation were almost unanimously considered failures. Apparently, the lack of experience in big politics and the basic ability to speak publicly had an effect. Thus, during an interview with The New York Times, envious people, ill-wishers and simply scrupulous analysts counted the use of the phrase “you know” about 150 times. The same thing happened during public speaking. As journalists noted, she repeated this meaningless phrase that made it difficult to understand the meaning of her statements every 2-3 words. And, as a result, Caroline began to be perceived with malicious irony, which definitely affected her ratings. In January 2009, she withdrew her candidacy herself. And New York State Governor David Paterson appointed 42-year-old Kirsten Gillibrand as a senator. Also, as we see, a woman. “I think I have chosen the best candidate to be our state senator,” Paterson said at a news conference in New York.

And for Caroline and for the entire “Kennedy clan,” this is, of course, an offensive statement. But by no means the final result. It is possible that the publication of the above-mentioned interview between her mother Jacqueline and Schlesinger is the second attempt by the daughter of the murdered president to “unwind” and re-start her campaign in big-time politics. From a more reliable moral and simply human position - to find, or rather, to bring to clean water named by the mother as the killers of the father.

Caroline chose the moment to start her career as a “new generation politician” very, very well. America, like the entire Western world, is simply suffocating not only from the financial crisis, but also from the lack of charismatic, strong-willed and truly popular politicians. America tried to find one in Barack Obama. The entire Western elite tried to find “new hopes” in him (Obama, as you know, even Nobel Prize given in advance - for promises of change and hopes for change), but it all ended in failure. And hopes and aspirations.

Under Obama, America is clearly losing its role as a world leader, the main driver and defender of the values ​​of Western civilization. Caroline Kennedy, as it now turns out, was not in vain, but very successfully, earlier said that the events of September 11, 2001 - the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers of the World War II - forced her to go into politics. shopping center in New York and an attack on the Pentagon - the citadel of Western military power.

The main geopolitical result of the 10th anniversary after the “attack of 9/11”, the most offensive and obvious for the United States, is that:

A) The United States has shown itself to be a vulnerable power, which means it has raised worldwide doubts about its omnipotence - military, financial, economic. The world is thinking about the main thing - why support the United States as the main guarantor of world security, pay a kind of security tax, supporting the American dollar, if this guarantor is weak and vulnerable?

B) the world has lost its fear of the American colossus, which, as the terrorists showed, turned out to have feet of clay. The effect is the same as if, for example, Nikolai Valuev or one of the Klitschko brothers fell in the yard after being slapped by a street hooligan. After this, who will be afraid of the fallen, as was the case before? IN THE USA smart people this is understood;

C) if some emergency measures are not taken, including in the search for new leaders who can inspire the nation to new achievements and instill in the world faith in the inviolability of America and its values, then the financial crisis will finally “eat up” the overseas giant;

D) after the disappearance of the former “main enemy” - the USSR, to contain which they were needed Western world USA, after 20 years, the conviction of the inferiority of a monopolar, based only on the USA, may finally be confirmed. modern world. This is already happening with the growth of other centers of influence, primarily China, but it will be very bad for the United States if even United Europe abandons them.

In addition, the United States is said to be “pregnant” with another idea - a female president. There is already a black head of the White House, and America no longer expects anything good from him. There is a woman left. After Sarah Palin failed, and after Hillary Clinton's problems, there remains Caroline Kennedy. “Why not?” - as Americans like to ask. And really, why not?..

We can only add to this that representatives of the “Clan” still remain in American politics. The son of Senator Edward Kennedy, Patrick currently represents the state of Rhode Island in the US Congress. And that both Patrick and Caroline have a leitmotif for their future activities in American politics, and even at the head of this country. Their uncle Robert, in a speech dedicated to the assassination of Martin Luther King, said: “Let us devote ourselves to what the ancient Greeks wrote about centuries ago: taming human cruelty and building a kind and peaceful world.”

Everyone needs such a world...

P.S. And in tomorrow's interview, if it is shown, Americans will know that Jacqueline Kennedy:

She considered French President Charles de Gaulle “extremely narcissistic” and the future Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as “a real bore - an angry, pushy, terrible woman”;

She disliked US Vice President Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy's rival in the 1960 elections. "Oh my God! Just think what would have happened to the country if Lyndon had become president!” - Jacqueline quoted her husband’s words;

Admired the president's brother Robert Kennedy, US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and national security adviser McGeorge Bundy;

She called the French writer and Minister of Culture in de Gaulle's government, Andre Malraux, "the most wonderful person I have ever had the opportunity to talk to," and highly regarded Colombian President Alberto Lleras Camargo;

She considered her husband kind, honest, sensitive and brave - a real gentleman. And she remembered that he could be seen at any time with a book in his hands - while walking, at dinner, in the bathroom, and even when he was tying his tie. Historians often describe Kennedy as a reserved and unemotional man, but his widow recalled how he loved to “mess around with the kids,” lying on the floor and watching television;

The closest they were to Kennedy was during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, when the USA and the USSR stood on the brink nuclear war. Many wives of government members decided to leave Washington, but Jacqueline and her children decided to stay with the president. “If anything happens, we will all stay here with you. I just want to be with you, and I would rather die with you, and the children too, than live without you,” Jacqueline told her husband in October of that year.

Tabloid journalists claim that in the same interview, Jacqueline will say that:

It was Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Texas businessmen who ordered the murder committed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Jacqueline will allegedly tell you that Oswald, who according to the official version acted alone, was only a scapegoat. At the center of the conspiracy was Johnson with billionaires from the South who were dissatisfied with the actions of the DFK;

The husband, known for his love affairs, had an affair with a White House intern, just like Bill Clinton, and she allegedly even once found women's underwear in their bedroom;

In retaliation, the first lady also cheated on her husband - for example, with Hollywood star William Holden and Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli;

Just weeks before Kennedy's assassination, they decided to have another child.

...Well, let's listen and compare. The Hyperion publishing house announced that not only the printed version of the interview, but also an audio version will go on sale.

Two of the Kennedys' children died immediately after birth, and John Fitzgerald Jr. and his wife died in a plane crash in July 1999. Only Caroline Kennedy managed to escape the curse of the clan. The daughter of the 35th President of the United States continues John's work, being involved in law, politics and charity.

Marriage to John Kennedy

(née Bouvier) met the future US president in 1952. A year later they exchanged rings, and a year later she suffered her first nervous breakdown. Since childhood, Jacqueline dreamed of female happiness, but she had to fit harmoniously into the Kennedy clan and put up with John’s love of love.

The first years of marriage were also overshadowed by the fact that Jacqueline and John's first daughter was stillborn. Jacqueline suffered from this tragedy for a long time.

Kennedy children

By the time John became President of the United States, the couple already had two children. Carolyn was born on November 27, 1957. A year earlier, Jacqueline had already given birth to a baby, who was named Arabella, but the girl died at birth. John Jr., the couple's third child and first son, was born on November 25, 1960.

In 1963, on the eve of her husband’s election campaign, who decided to run for another term, Jacqueline became pregnant again. This time a boy was born, but he, like the first girl, did not live long - only three days. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy is born ahead of schedule, the cause of his death was the immaturity of the lungs, the baby could not breathe on his own.

Jacqueline, as after her first birth, was grieving the loss, but now she was distracted by caring for her children, Carolyn and John. Later, she switched to helping her husband prepare a new election campaign. True, tragedy soon befell him too. John Kennedy was shot in 1963.

Caroline Kennedy

Carolyn spent part of her childhood in the White House, and when her father, the 35th President of the United States, was shot and killed in Dallas, she moved to Manhattan with her mother and brother. Caroline Kennedy graduated from Harvard College and then began working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The girl was interested in philosophy and photography, she even worked as an assistant correspondent at the 1976 Olympic Games. But Carolyn’s main activities were related to politics, law and charity.

She worked in the Department of Education in New York City, participated in Barack Obama's election campaign, and was the US Ambassador to Japan. Currently, Jacqueline Kennedy's daughter Caroline occupies the position of head of the Kennedy Library.

Carolyn married American designer Edwin (Ed) Schlossberg. Jacqueline was at first against her daughter’s relationship with a man who was twelve years older than her, but Caroline insisted on her own. The marriage turned out to be happy. The couple had a son and two daughters.

John Kennedy's granddaughter, Rose Schlossberg, was born in 1988. The girl graduated from Harvard and works as a videographer. Another granddaughter, Tatyana Schlossberg, was born in 1990. She graduated and found herself in journalism. The grandson of John and Jacqueline, John Schlossberg, was born in 1993. The young man graduated from Yale. He studied the history and culture of Japan. John is also an active participant in the Democratic Party (its youth organization) and is involved in charity work.

John Kennedy Jr

John Kennedy's son was born two weeks after his father became president. Throughout his life, from his birth in the White House until his death, he was under the scrutiny of the press. John Kennedy died when his son was barely three years old. Touching and sad images spread around the whole world: John Jr. saluting his father’s coffin.

After the assassination of the president, he lived in Manhattan with his mother and sister. The young man graduated from Phillips Academy, and although all members of the Kennedy family had previously studied at Harvard. After graduating from university, John Kennedy Jr. worked for some time as an assistant prosecutor, and he also founded George magazine.

Kennedy Jr. was considered an eligible bachelor. In 1996, he married Caroline Bisset. John Kennedy and Caroline Bisset had no children.

The death of the president's son is often associated with a family curse. On July 16, 1999, John Kennedy Jr. and Caroline Bisset crashed. The plane, which John personally piloted, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. There was mourning in the country over his death.

Jacqueline's later years

After the death of her first husband, Jackie Kennedy did everything to make her children proud to bear their father's surname. She raised Carolyn and John to honor their father. Jacqueline didn't want them to know about John's secret affairs and infidelities.

Jacqueline became a widow for the second time in 1975. Since the children were already grown up, she decided to get a job, although the content left by Aristotle Onassis to his wife and her children was quite enough for a comfortable existence. From the mid-seventies until her death, Jacqueline worked in the press.

Jacqueline Kennedy Bouvier died in 1994 from lymphoma. The First Lady was buried next to her loved ones: her beloved husband John, their first daughter Arabella and second son Patrick in Virginia.

It is generally accepted that American society, as a democratic society from time immemorial, is generally alien to all these feudal medieval relics, which are largely preserved in Europe. In particular, when it comes to such a concept as a “traditional family” or “clan,” Scottish and Irish traditions come to mind first; at best, the mafia families of Italian emigrants glorified in crime novels and films. However, in the United States there are still families that are of particular importance to the history of this country, almost like monarchical dynasties. And the most famous of these clans, of course, is the Kennedy family, whose head is this moment can be considered Caroline Kennedy, daughter of United States President John F. Kennedy.

The Kennedy family can generally be considered the embodiment of the American dream. Coming from Ireland, by the beginning of the last century they managed to achieve material well-being and gradually gained weight in social and political life. True The first founder of that famous clan, which has gained worldwide fame, is the grandfather of the heroine of our story, Joseph Patrick Kennedy. He was a versatile man: he made an excellent political career, “rising” to the post of adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, and at the same time amassed a huge fortune thanks to the illegal trade in alcohol during the famous “Prohibition” of the 30s. In addition, he created a very strong family by marrying a representative of the Boston beau monde, Rose Fitzgerald - this couple had 9 children, the most famous of whom were, of course, John Kennedy and his younger brother Robert, a US senator and attorney general.

Caroline Kennedy was born on November 27, 1957 in New York, in the family of John Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier, who had been married for 4 years by that time. Caroline was not the firstborn of the Kennedys - a year earlier, Jacqueline had already given birth to a girl, who was named Arabella, but she died in infancy. It should be noted that of John Kennedy’s four children, only two survived, Caroline and her brother John, born in 1960. During John F. Kennedy's presidency, from 1961 to 1963, Caroline and John Jr. were under intense media and public scrutiny as the nation's first family. The special attitude not only towards the president, but also towards his relatives, now very characteristic of the United States, began with the Kennedy family. This is due both to the charismatic personality of the president himself and to the fact that for the first time the media gained access to family life the first person of the state. In addition, the fact that John Kennedy’s children were very young at that time played a role, which further strengthened the sympathy of the majority of the population for their leader.

After the infamous shootings in Dallas at the end of 1963, Caroline Kennedy moved with her family to Manhattan, where she remained until 1968. Naturally, Caroline received her primary education in the most elite schools in New York, and then in Massachusetts, and after graduation, according to the long-standing tradition of the Kennedy family, she entered Harvard. Since 1968, when her mother, Jacqueline Kennedy Bouvier, married the famous Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis, Caroline began to travel more, but her life was mainly connected with the largest city in the United States, New York.

Until some time, Caroline Kennedy had absolutely nothing to do with politics, which is even strange for a representative of a family so active in the political arena. After graduating from Harvard, Caroline spent some time engaged in professional photography, working as a photojournalist at the 1976 Olympic Games in Innsbruck, then working as a photojournalist for the New York Daily News. However, in the early 1980s, genes took their toll - Caroline left photography and began to take her first steps in the public sphere. Over the next 20 years, she occupied a fairly significant niche in the life of New York: she published several journalistic works, began practicing law (for which she graduated from Columbia University in 1988), worked as a prosecutor, and founded several charitable foundations. In 2008, Caroline actively participated in the election campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. After Obama's victory, Caroline made an attempt to start her own career in big politics. She asked the governor of New York to recommend her candidacy for the Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton's resignation as Secretary of State. However, the first pancake came out, as usual, lumpy - after several political interviews with Caroline, considered unsuccessful by all experts, rumors spread that the governor of New York would give the Senate seat to another person. In this situation, Caroline chose to withdraw her candidacy on her own.

Caroline Kennedy has been married to Edwin Schlossberg since 1986, with whom she gave birth to three children: daughter Rose (1988), daughter Tatiana (1990) and son John (1993).

Alexander Babitsky