Unified State Exam 2011. Problematic issues of the “Man” block

Based on social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of “deviant behavior.” What, according to the author, determines deviant behavior? (Give two provisions in the text that answer this question.)

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24

On November 5, 1986, two prisoners made a daring escape from a federal prison in Pleasanton, California. We are talking about 42-year-old Ronald McIntosh, convicted of fraud, and 37-year-old Samantha Lopez, guilty of bank robbery. They were lovers, they were immediately dubbed "lovebirds" as soon as the report of the escape appeared in the press.

Here's how it happened. McIntosh managed to hijack a helicopter. A former military pilot, he bravely rushed down into the prison yard, landed, grabbed Lopez in his arms, and the helicopter sped off. The guards did not dare to shoot at the helicopter; it could have crashed into the yard and killed many people. The lovers hid from the police for 10 days. But in the end they were detained while trying to cash a check on the territory shopping center in the suburbs of Sacramento. They were heading to a yacht anchored off the coast in Washington State; probably wanted to escape to Canada. 

Obviously, the described case is a clear example of deviance: two criminals, whom the court found guilty, escape from prison... But when reporters interviewed prison officials, crime experts and passers-by, completely different opinions were expressed about this “deviant” act.

Some considered the fugitives to be cunning, intelligent people who managed to outwit the law. One said that he would willingly do the same, while another expressed the hope that the lovers would never be caught. Some even perceived them as folk heroes of sorts. Other commentators have criticized Pleasanton Federal Penitentiary for lax security and lenient treatment of inmates; they compared the prison to a “country club”, and even to some extent believed that people were doing the right thing by escaping from there.

One of the lawyers who defended the criminals after they were caught near Sacramento told a judge that the escape was "justified."

The case of McIntosh and Lopez demonstrates how difficult it is to evaluate actions that can be called manifestations of deviant behavior... Our assessments depend on what we expect - compliance with legal norms or heroism? In short, deviance is determined by the conformity or nonconformity of actions with social expectations. Should the employees of the Pleasanton Country Club be considered deviants for being too soft? We cannot answer this question because there is uncertainty about how harsh or lenient prison security practices should be. Was Lopez's past bank robbery a deviant act? Most of us would answer this question in the affirmative, since Lopez's act is a violation of criminal law, and there is general agreement on the appropriateness and necessity of such a law.

The criteria for defining deviant behavior are ambiguous. They are often controversial and it is difficult to pin down exactly what types of behavior should be considered deviant in our society. The most striking examples of deviance would probably be inhumane acts that are almost always condemned, such as rape and murder.


The correct answer may contain the following characteristics:

1) the criteria for deviant behavior are ambiguous;

2) criteria for deviant behavior often cause disagreement.

Answer: None

Analyze whether the escape of the two people mentioned in the text was an example of deviant behavior. How does the author answer this question? Do all persons mentioned in the text agree with the author? What do you think about this? (Confirm the answer to each question with the author’s or your own formulated judgment.)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

2) the opinions of some other persons did not coincide with the opinion of the author - some observers believed that the described act deserved approval and was not at all deviant (“Some even perceived them as a kind of folk heroes”);

3) own opinion and its confirmation, for example:

Other relevant considerations may be given.

Answer: None

Subject area: Social relations. Deviant behavior and its types

Based on the text and knowledge from social studies and history courses, describe a situation in which the same act could be considered both negative deviation and heroism. (Describe the situation and formulate one judgment each that reflects the negatively deviant and heroic nature of the act.)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) a description of the situation, for example, the challenge posed by Joan of Arc to the Catholic Church;

2) a judgment about the negatively deviant nature of her act, for example: “The act of Joan of Arc was a serious crime for the era in which it was committed; she was burned at the stake as a heretic”;

3) a judgment about the heroic nature of her act, for example: “For people striving for freedom and independence, the act of Joan of Arc was considered a great feat, arousing the universal admiration of subsequent generations; she was subsequently rehabilitated by the church and canonized.”

Other situations and adequate judgments may be given.

Answer: None

Subject area: Social relations. Deviant behavior and its types


The correct answer must include the following:

1) disclosure of the concept, for example: deviant behavior - the behavior of an individual or group deviating from generally accepted norms.

2) Two provisions of the text:

- “our assessments depend on what we expect - compliance with legal norms or heroism”;

- “deviance is determined by the compliance or non-compliance of actions with social expectations.”

Answer: None

Subject area: Social relations. Deviant behavior and its types

Social science

5 - 9 grades

Social deviations play a dual, contradictory role in society. On the one hand, they pose a threat to the stability of society, on the other, they support this stability.
The successful functioning of society can be considered effective only if order and predictable behavior of people are ensured. Everyone should know (within reasonable limits, of course) what behavior he can expect from others, what behavior is expected from himself, and what social norms children should learn. Deviant behavior disrupts this order and predictability of behavior. If there are numerous cases of social deviations in a society or social group, people lose their sense of expected behavior, and social order is disrupted. Moral standards no longer control people's behavior, fundamental values ​​may be rejected, and a person loses a sense of security and confidence in his actions. Therefore, a society will function effectively only when the majority of its members accept established norms and act largely in accordance with the expectations of other people.
On the other hand, deviant behavior is one of the ways culture adapts to social changes. There's no such thing modern society, which would remain static for a long time. Even communities isolated from world civilizations must change their behavior patterns from time to time due to changes environment. Birth explosions, technological innovations, changes in the physical environment - all this can lead to the need to adopt new norms and adapt members of society to them.
New social norms are born and develop as a result of the everyday behavior of people, in the collision of constantly emerging social circumstances. The behavior of a small number of individuals deviating from old, familiar norms may be the beginning of the creation of new normative patterns. Gradually, overcoming traditions, deviant behavior, containing new viable norms, penetrates more and more into the consciousness of people. As members of social groups assimilate behavior containing new norms, it ceases to be deviant.
(S.S. Frolov, text adapted)

Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

What conditions, in your opinion, must new social norms meet in order for them to be accepted by society? (Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, indicate any three conditions.)

There is an opinion that any mass social deviations useful for the development of society. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

1) How do you understand the phrase “culturally approved deviation”?

Deviant behavior is always assessed from the point of view of the culture accepted in a given society. This assessment is that some deviations are condemned, while others are approved. For example, a wandering monk may be considered a saint in one society, but a worthless slacker in another. In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, i.e. elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation. Each of us has our own ideas about the concept of exaltation. The same can be said about group performances. Additionally, rankings of great people change over time. For example, when there is a need to protect society, brilliant commanders come first in importance; at other times, the greatest may become politicians, cultural figures, scientists. We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

2) How are deviant behavior and the process of exalting a person related?

In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, that is, elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation.

We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

(1) Increased intelligence can be considered as a way of behavior that leads to socially approved deviations only when reaching a limited number social statuses.

(2) Special inclinations allow one to demonstrate unique qualities and specific talent in very narrow, specific areas of activity.

(3) Overmotivation. Many scientists believe that intense motivation often serves as compensation for deprivations or experiences experienced in childhood or adolescence.

(4) A happy accident can contribute to the manifestation of a person’s abilities in certain types of activities. Great achievements are not only a pronounced talent and desire, but also their manifestation in a certain place and at a certain time.

4) Explain why the exaltation of superintelligent people is possible only in a few types of activities.

Because few professions are suitable for super-intelligent people. For example, the professions of a plumber, builder, welder, mechanic, etc. do not require special mental abilities, and vice versa, the professions of a mathematician, economist, scientist, etc. suitable for highly intelligent people, as there is great potential in these professions; You can develop in them for a very long time.

5) Give an example of a specific personal talent.

There are people who are able to distinguish odors very subtly, and their talent is used in the perfume industry.

6) Give an example of a figure whose exaltation was helped by a happy accident.

The great Suvorov only became Suvorov because he once ordered the walls of the monastery to be stormed in order to train soldiers. Catherine found out about this eccentricity and from then on Suvorov’s affairs went up (this is his own opinion).

From Guest

Give answers to questions

Social deviations play a dual, contradictory role in society. On the one hand, they pose a threat to the stability of society, on the other, they support this stability.

The successful functioning of society can be considered effective only if order and predictable behavior of people are ensured. Everyone should know (within reasonable limits, of course) what behavior he can expect from others, what behavior is expected from himself, and what social norms children should learn. Deviant behavior disrupts this order and predictability of behavior. If there are numerous cases of social deviations in a society or social group, people lose their sense of expected behavior, and social order is disrupted. Moral standards no longer control people's behavior, fundamental values ​​may be rejected, and a person loses a sense of security and confidence in his actions. Therefore, a society will function effectively only when the majority of its members accept established norms and act largely in accordance with the expectations of other people.

On the other hand, deviant behavior is one of the ways culture adapts to social changes. There is no modern society that remains static for a long time. Even communities isolated from world civilizations must change their patterns of behavior from time to time due to environmental changes. Birth explosions, technological innovations, changes in the physical environment - all this can lead to the need to adopt new norms and adapt members of society to them.

New social norms are born and develop as a result of the everyday behavior of people, in the collision of constantly emerging social circumstances. The behavior of a small number of individuals deviating from old, familiar norms may be the beginning of the creation of new normative patterns. Gradually, overcoming traditions, deviant behavior, containing new viable norms, penetrates more and more into the consciousness of people. As members of social groups assimilate behavior containing new norms, it ceases to be deviant.

(S.S. Frolov, text adapted)

2. What social phenomena, according to the author, may make the emergence of new social norms necessary? Using the content of the text, identify three phenomena and explain the connection of any two of them with the emergence of new social norms.

3. What conditions, in your opinion, must new social norms meet in order for them to be accepted by society? (Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, indicate any three conditions.)

5. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

6. There is an opinion that any massive social deviations are useful for the development of society. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

1. Write down the definition of the concept.

Deviant behavior - Deviant behavior- this, on the one hand, is an act, the actions of a person, that do not correspond to officially established or actually established norms or standards in a given society, and on the other hand - social phenomenon, expressed in mass forms human activity that do not correspond to officially established or actually established norms or standards in a given society. Social control- mechanism of social regulation, a set of means and methods social impact, as well as the social practice of their use.

Deviant behavior is a kind of social choice: when goals social behavior are incommensurate with the real possibilities of achieving them, individuals can use other means to achieve their goals. For example, some individuals, in pursuit of illusory success, wealth or power, choose socially prohibited and sometimes illegal means and become either delinquents or criminals. Another type of deviation from norms is open disobedience and protest, demonstrative rejection of the values ​​and standards accepted in society, characteristic of revolutionaries, terrorists, religious extremists and other similar groups of people actively fighting against the society within which they are located.

In all these cases, deviation is the result of the inability or unwillingness of individuals to adapt to society and its requirements, in other words, it indicates a complete or relative failure of socialization.

2. Fill in the blanks in the diagram.

Deviations from social norms can be:

Positive, aimed at overcoming outdated norms or standards and associated with social creativity, contributing to qualitative changes in the social system;

Negative - dysfunctional, disorganizing the social system and leading to its destruction, leading to deviant behavior.

Illustrate with examples each type of deviant behavior you have indicated at the personal level, social group, states. Fill out the table.

A striking example is the international charity campaigns of the American entrepreneur and public figure George Soros (born in 1930). In Russia alone, the Soros Foundation spent more than $350 million in ten years (1987-1997). Or another, smaller, but significant example is the selfless behavior of a man who gave shelter to homeless animals in his apartment.

Deviant behavior can be depicted as a straight line with two extreme points.

On one half of this line there will be negative actions, actions and habits:



Drug addiction, etc.

On the other half - positive deviance:


creative insight,

Superintelligence, etc.

3. Read the text and complete the tasks.

Deviant behavior is always assessed from the point of view of the culture accepted in a given society. This assessment is that some deviations are condemned, while others are approved. In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, that is, elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation. We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

(Based on the book by modern sociologist S. S. Frolov)

1) How do you understand the phrase “culturally approved deviation”?

Deviant behavior is always assessed from the point of view of the culture accepted in a given society. This assessment is that some deviations are condemned, while others are approved. For example, a wandering monk may be considered a saint in one society, but a worthless slacker in another. In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, i.e. elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation. Each of us has our own ideas about the concept of exaltation. The same can be said about group performances. Additionally, rankings of great people change over time. For example, when there is a need to protect society, brilliant commanders come first in importance; at other times, political figures, cultural figures, and scientists can become the greatest. We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

2) How are deviant behavior and the process of exalting a person related?

In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, that is, elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation.

We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

1) Increased intelligence can be considered as a way of behavior that leads to socially approved deviations only when a limited number of social statuses are achieved.

2) Special inclinations allow one to demonstrate unique qualities and specific talent in very narrow, specific areas of activity.

3) Overmotivation. Many scientists believe that intense motivation often serves as compensation for deprivations or experiences experienced in childhood or adolescence.

4) A happy accident can contribute to the manifestation of a person’s abilities in certain types of activities. Great achievements are not only a pronounced talent and desire, but also their manifestation in a certain place and at a certain time.

4) Explain why the exaltation of superintelligent people is possible only in a few types of activities.

Because few professions are suitable for super-intelligent people. For example, the professions of a plumber, builder, welder, mechanic, etc. do not require special mental abilities, and vice versa, the professions of a mathematician, economist, scientist, etc. suitable for highly intelligent people, as there is great potential in these professions; You can develop in them for a very long time.

5) Give an example of a specific personal talent.

There are people who are able to distinguish odors very subtly, and their talent is used in the perfume industry.

6) Give an example of a figure whose exaltation was helped by a happy accident.

The great Suvorov only became Suvorov because he once ordered the walls of the monastery to be stormed in order to train soldiers. Catherine found out about this eccentricity and from then on Suvorov’s affairs went up (this is his own opinion).

4. When discussing the problem of deviant behavior of adolescents, the opinion is often expressed that parental control can prevent a teenager from violating social norms.

Give some arguments for and some arguments against this opinion.

1) If a parent controls the child, he will be able to prevent deviant behavior in time.

1) All people are different. And it may happen that the teenager may not understand parental control. This can lead to a quarrel with parents and to the fact that the teenager will more covertly violate norms of behavior.

I think everything is good in moderation. To prevent deviant behavior, do not control the child all the time. It still won't work. Parents need to instill morality in their child from childhood, teach him how to live. Then there will be no problems with deviant behavior.

5. Research on the motivation of adolescents to take up drugs, conducted in schools in one of the regions in this academic year, found the following motives (the lexical features of the answers are preserved):

They help take your mind off personal troubles;

It’s nice, they make you “go crazy”;

All my friends are trying, I don’t want to be the “black sheep”;

Using a drug is “cool”;

At a disco you have to do what everyone else does.

Write a short message to your peers with any of these motivations and explain why drugs should not be taken.

To the last argument - it is not always good to do what everyone else does. If everyone jumps from a bridge, you won’t jump like everyone else.

There are many other ways to distract yourself from troubles, and drugs entail much greater troubles than those from which you will try to distract yourself.

Get Nobel Prize- this is cool, but drugs are a vice, most people do not respect and despise drug addicts. So drugs are far from cool, they are scary and terrible.