This turtle swims its limbs perfectly. Approximate calculation of areas

The most popular domestic reptiles in our country are turtles. Many owners of such animals are confident that keeping turtles is less burdensome than, for example, lizards or iguanas. This is the main reason for buying such a pet for children or simply as a beautiful living “toy” to satisfy aesthetic taste. However, the unpretentiousness of turtles is a myth, and when getting such a pet, it is important to know everything about the peculiarities of its life.

Turtles are certainly beautiful and interesting in their behavior animals of the order of reptiles. The main feature that distinguishes this type of reptile from other animals is the presence of a shell. This strong and “practical” armor consists of a lower part - the plastron and an upper part - the carapace. The shape, size, number of scutes and shell pattern are important species characteristics of turtles.

It was the shell, despite its heaviness, that helped this reptile survive for 175 million years. All modern turtles have retained their shell, although its shape and color differ from various types and depends on the habitat and method of existence of the animal. For example, sea turtles lack a significant part of their shell, which is why these animals have learned to move quickly. Soft-bodied turtles have a round, frying pan-like shell that allows them to easily burrow into mud.

Over many millennia of existence, these beautiful animals have not changed much, but the numbers of some species have reached a critical level in recent centuries. That is why it is important not only to carefully monitor the health of your pet, regularly showing it to a veterinarian-herpetologist, but also to pay serious attention to the maintenance of the turtle, its diet, maintaining the temperature in the terrarium, and bathing. You cannot get a turtle without first preparing a specially designated place for it and without studying all the features of a turtle’s life.

The most common “domestic” reptiles are land and freshwater turtles. When breeding such animals, you need to know that most land animals are herbivores, and freshwater animals are predators and omnivores. Therefore, the former should not consume animal proteins (meat, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.). Their diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, berries, dandelion grass, clover, plantain. Conversely, the diet of freshwater animals should consist mainly of “animal food” such as snails, fish, squid, bloodworm shrimp, etc. For freshwater turtles, unlike land turtles, the industry produces a number of good dry foods (Sulfur, Tetra, etc.)

Freshwater turtles

The habitat of freshwater turtles is ponds, rivers, lakes and swamps. Such animals spend most of their time in the water, only occasionally climbing onto land to bask in the sun. The most popular types of turtles as pets are: Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta); European marsh turtle (Emys orbicularis); Chinese trionix or Far Eastern turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). When purchasing such reptiles, you need to know their characteristics and differences from each other.

The red-eared turtle can most often be found in aquatic terrariums. This is a very beautiful reptile with bright red, yellow and orange spots that are located on both sides of the head, resembling ears, for which the turtle earned its name. Young individuals up to six months have the brightest coloring than their older relatives. The upper part of their shell has a color from yellow-salad to emerald green. Over the years, it becomes olive or yellow-brown. In addition, on the shell there are patterns of bright yellow stripes and green circles.

This is a fairly active turtle, not only in water, but also on land. In addition, this beauty has very strong and sharp nails, which it often uses for self-defense. When removing a turtle from the terrarium, you should be wary of its hind legs; with them it will try to push off from your hands. And in general you should not bring it to your face or open areas of the body.

This is an aquatic turtle that prefers shallow water. She swims well, quickly moving her paws, and hides at the bottom, under stones, burrowing into the silt. Like most aquatic turtles, the European marsh turtle is a predator.

This turtle has an oval, smooth, dark olive-colored shell covered with yellow stripes and spots. The head, paws and neck are also dotted with large yellow dots; the shell is usually dark brown, less often yellow. The turtle has a long tail, which is approximately half the length of the shell, it serves as an additional “rudder” when swimming, the main tool for this is the hind limbs, and the fingers have rather long and sharp claws.

This turtle is an excellent swimmer and diver and can remain underwater for a long time. However, every 15-20 minutes, she needs to float to the surface to stock up on air. On land, European marsh turtles are not so active, but they still move faster than land turtles. On land they bask in the light for a long time, but at the slightest danger they hide in the water.

This turtle has a greenish-brown shell with a glossy surface. It reaches 25-30 cm in height, covered on top with soft skin without horny scutes. In young individuals, the “back” is covered with tubercles, which gradually disappear with age, and the shell takes on an almost flat appearance. Trionix's neck is very mobile and long, and its muzzle is elongated into a proboscis, at the end of which there are clearly visible nostrils. The powerful jaws of this predator have sharp cutting edges, which can cause serious injuries to the turtle, which makes it quite dangerous. Wounds after such “bites” do not heal well, so you need to be very careful when handling this pet. In addition, there are sharp claws on three toes, which also pose a threat. Unusual feature Trionix is ​​additional skin respiration, along with pulmonary respiration.

According to amateurs, Chinese Trionix is ​​a very suitable candidate for keeping in a terrarium, since the ratio of water to land should be 5:1, and it is very convenient to observe the behavior of the turtle. However, it must be kept separately, since Trionix can pose a threat not only to its owners, but also to other soft-shelled turtles.

Land turtles

Land turtles live in steppes, forests and deserts. At a sufficiently high temperature, these animals actively move, since the processes in their body occur normally, and closer to winter they fall into suspended animation, that is, hibernation.

Such turtles feed on plant foods - any edible fruits and berries, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots (grated or thinly sliced), lettuce, dandelions, clover, some cruciferous plants (leaves, flowers), young tree leaves, but sometimes they also eat insects - earthworms, snails. Externally, land turtles are all similar, their differences being the coloring, shape of the shell, number and type of scutes and claws. The most popular as pets are:

Central Asian or steppe tortoises (Agronemys horsfieldii), Mediterranean tortoises (Testudo graeca), Balkan tortoise (Testudo hermanni), Egyptian tortoise (Testudo kleimanni).

As a pet, this is the most accessible animal of all reptiles; it can most often be found in terrariums. The size of such a turtle reaches 18-30 cm, its shell is relatively wide and round, colored in gray and green-yellow shades, the tail is thin and bony, in males it is much longer than in females. The forelimbs of such animals have four toes, and the toes of the hind paws are fused. These turtles are quite slow and very resilient to unfavorable conditions. environment This is probably what makes them the most popular.

Central Asian turtles rarely drink water, because in nature they have practically no access to it. If there is excess moisture, they urinate, but if there is no moisture, they can get by without excreting urine. At the same time, a humid environment can provoke the development of pathogenic bacteria in such animals, so it is enough to bathe such a turtle occasionally. Central Asian turtles love to dig holes, so it is best for them to lay the ground with large pebbles in a layer of at least 6-7 cm. Also, these turtles have great “claims” to light and ultraviolet radiation, which must be taken into account when creating a place of residence for them.

The shell of such a turtle is convex and high, it has a round-oval shape, usually slightly jagged at the edges. The size can reach 30 cm. The carapace has dark spots on a light olive or yellowish-brown background, which increase with age. Sometimes the spots merge, and the entire turtle acquires a dark, almost black color. There is one horny tubercle on the back side of the shell. The front feet of these turtles have five toes with claws. The tail is short and blunt. The head is covered on top with large symmetrical scutes. Interesting difference These turtles have "spurs" on the backs of their thighs.

Mediterranean turtles live in dry steppes, semi-deserts and mountain slopes covered with bushes; this must be taken into account and added to the “interior” of the terrarium, for example, sprouted cereals, which are also eaten with pleasure by such a turtle. This animal is less “burrowing” compared to the Central Asian one, so the soil layer can be thinner, about 4-5 cm. Such turtles are active only in the morning and evening, at night and in the middle of the day they hide and even bury themselves.

There are two subspecies - western and eastern, they differ in size, the eastern Balkan tortoise is much larger. The main difference between these animals and their relatives is the conical spike at the tip of the tail, which is also slightly longer than that of other turtles. The high shell of such reptiles is usually 14-16 cm, but in rare cases reaches 20 cm. In young representatives of this breed, the upper part of the shell is colored brownish-yellow; in adults it darkens, and only a bright yellow border remains along the edge. Adult males are smaller than females, but their tails are longer and thicker.

In nature, the Balkan tortoise lives in dry steppes and bushes, which should be taken into account when creating living conditions for it in captivity. A very important factor for a comfortable existence is the humidity of the air and soil in the terrarium; the soil should not be allowed to be moistened by spilled water. drinking water. Such turtles are very active; in the spring, summer and autumn, in the mornings and evenings they move around their territory in search of a stranger. Balkan tortoises tend to live together, they even climb on top of each other, forming a pyramid, while the males like to “sort things out” by getting into a fight.

The Egyptian or Kleimann's tortoise is the smallest of them all. land turtles. Its size is a maximum of 14 cm, while the length of the shell itself is 9-10 cm in length. Males are slightly smaller than females. The carapace is very convex yellow-green with a black stripe along the edges of the segments. There are black spots on the ventral scutes; such turtles have five toes with claws on their front paws.

The Egyptian tortoise is also original in its way of life. Unlike most turtles, it is active in winter and hibernates in summer. This is due to the fact that in the summer in the homeland of Egyptian tortoises there is intense heat, which they do not tolerate well. These animals prefer a diurnal lifestyle and can be kept in groups of several in a terrarium. Such reptiles live on average up to 30 years.

1. Palettes are applied to the figures. Calculate approximately the area of ​​these figures if the area of ​​each cell is 1 square. units

2. Place tracing paper on checkered paper and make a palette (e=1cm2). Draw some closed line on a piece of paper and find approximately the area of ​​the figure bounded by this line.

3. Draw a circle with a radius of 4 cm with a compass and use a palette to find the approximate area of ​​the resulting circle.

4. Quiz “I want to know everything.”

a) On the islands Pacific Ocean giant turtles live. They are so big that children can ride while sitting on their shell. Unscramble the name of the world's largest turtle by arranging the answers of the examples in descending order and matching them with the corresponding letters.

b) This turtle swims beautifully; its limbs have turned into flippers. Find the mass of the giant turtle in kilograms by calculating the sum of the roots of the two equations:

(x 6 - 956) : 4 = 70 and 328 - (y + 6) : 4 = 228.

c) Express the mass of the turtle in centners, in grams. What other units of mass do you know?

Summary lesson

on this topic


in 5th grade

Mathematic teacher

MBOU Gochitskaya Secondary School

Republic of Buryatia

Togoshieva Valentina Baldanovna

Lesson Objectives : repeat and systematize students’ knowledge of the material covered, development logical thinking and cognitive interest in the subject.

Lesson plan:

1.Updating basic knowledge.

A) Oral work.

B) Answers on the board.

B) Individual work.

2. Solving the problem

3.Independent work in pairs.

4. Lesson summary. Homework No. 736

Organizational moment

Far, far away, where even airplanes cannot fly, is the Country of Mathematics. In this unusual country there is an amazing city - the City of Numbers. In this wonderful city there is one unusual street called “Natural Numbers”. And today we will walk along this street again, see all its sights, and the walk will go according to this plan (the teacher introduces the lesson plan).


The most important thing on this street is equations. Therefore, 3 people. go to the board to work on the cards.


a) Tell me the rule for finding the unknown term and solve the equation.

B) Tell me the rule for finding an unknown factor and solve the equation.

Card No. 2.

a) Tell me the rule for finding an unknown subtrahend and solve the equation.

B) Tell me the rule for finding the unknown minuend and solve the equation.

Card No. 3.

a) Tell me the rule for finding the unknown dividend and solve the equation.

B) Tell me the rule for finding an unknown divisor and solve the equation.

At this time, oral count No. 634. After the oral count, we will hear the respondents at the board.

Then the teacher’s generalization from the table.

The solution of the problem.

Giant turtles live on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. They are so big that children can ride while sitting on their shell. This turtle is an excellent swimmer; its limbs have turned into flippers. Jewelry is made from turtle shells, and eggs and meat are used for food.

Solve the equation: 8x-3683=1117 and you will find out the mass of this turtle in kg.

Answer: 600kg.

Independent work in pairs.

1. Largest land animal African elephant. Find out:

A) height in cm, solving the example: 125*4-(125+25)= cm.

B) body length in cm, solving the example: 65*5+65+60= cm.

B) mass in kg: 6500-2000+1500= kg.

2 . On globe There are birds that are the unmistakable compilers of summer weather forecasts. The name of these birds is encrypted with tasks. By completing them and replacing the answers with letters, you will read the name of meteorological birds.












3. “It’s true, children, I’m good, I look like a big sack.

In the past years I overtook steamships across the seas. Who am I?".

In order to solve the riddle, complete the tasks and replace the answers with letters.







7) 8x+7x=105




4.Once upon a time, a thunderstorm broke out in the English county of Cumberland; strong winds tore out trees with roots, forming craters. In one of these craters, residents discovered some kind of black substance. The name of this substance is encrypted in the tasks:


2) 701960+85971=



5) y-708=194






Checking independent work.

After the test, the teacher tells. Shepherds began marking their sheep with pieces of graphite, and merchants wrote inscriptions on baskets and boxes. This happened in 1565. The first pencils had two drawbacks: they stained your fingers and quickly broke. Pieces of graphite began to be wrapped in braid and fabric, and for strength they were mixed with sulfur, resin, and antimony. Later they began to add clay and the mixture and fired it in a kiln. The pencil we write today appeared at the end of the 18th century.

Lesson summary.

Our walk is coming to an end. I hope you liked it, and the results are as follows:….

Homework: No. 736.

Lyceum /2007 academic year Teacher Rudakova T.F. Saratov 2007

Quiz “I want to know everything” Giant turtles live on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. They are so big that children can ride on their shells. To decipher the name of the world's largest turtle, solve the given examples and arrange the answers in descending order. E) :67; D) :42; C) 18450:246; X) 30240:63; M) 38640:48; P) 51750:25; I) 7912:86; L) :729; O) 24325:35 E) :328 DERMOCHELIS

At the board: X: 3 – 71 = 32 X:2=32+71 X:2 =103 X=103*2 X= :2-71=32 32=32 Answer: 206 Independently: (Y+6):4 =100 Y+6=100*4 Y+6=400 Y=400-6 Y=394 (394+6):4= =100 Answer: =600 Express the mass of the turtle in c., grams: 600 kg=6 c. , 600kg=g.

Solution to problem 207 Two cars left cities A and B, located 185 km from each other, simultaneously in opposite directions. One of them is at a speed of 95 km/h, the other is 90 km/h. How far apart will these cars be 6 hours after they start driving?

Analysis of the task: Is it possible to immediately answer the question posed in the task? Which car and why will it cover the greater distance? Solving a problem on the board using an expression. Task transformation. So what is the distance between the cars? (how far the CMs have moved away) Create a new condition on the moving diagram. How long will the cars take to travel?

Turtles have earned respect for many reasons. These reptiles are one of four species that have lived on planet Earth for about 220 million years. They are capable of traveling thousands of kilometers ocean voyages, contented with the lack of food for months. What about its dimensions? Fossil remains of an archelon (a seafaring turtle) weighing more than 2 thousand kg and with powerful beak 5 meters in total length.

Now turtles have become smaller, but their dimensions are still quite impressive. Among all types biggest turtles are leathery creatures that live in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans (shell caliber is about 1.7-8 meters, weight is about 400 kg). Lichens can grow on their shells, which is logical - since their lifespan is approximately 200 years.

Those reptiles that live in water will be larger - among freshwater reptiles you can find specimens with a shell caliber of approximately 2 meters. However, this is far from the limit: for your attention - the largest turtle in the world.

The largest turtle in the world is the leatherback turtle

Thanks to science, a specimen was examined that was caught on the West Coast of Wales, with shell diameter 2.5 meters, weighing 915 kg and the span of the front flippers is approximately 5 meters. He had the following characteristics:

  • The formation of this animal differed from its relatives. The shell of this reptile is made up of small horny scutes (small ossifications). The largest ones are formed into longitudinal ridges, and the shell itself consists of fused bony plates. This type of reptile has nowhere to retract its head, however, such a giant has absolutely no need to hide from its opponents. In the mouth bone spines are located, with which the animal grinds food, and, if necessary, is able to completely bite through a large stick.
  • The leatherback turtle's body shape is best suited for swimming - it can reach speeds of 35 km per hour. This reptile has many other achievements, one of which is the fastest aquatic reptile. This turtle is an excellent diver: its diving record is 1280 meters. In addition, she is able to stay under water for 70 minutes.
  • Its skin and muscles consist of a very strong layer of fat. It is known that 100 years ago people used it to impregnate the seams of boats. During museum preservation, fat invariably continues to be released from a stuffed animal, and this leads to a large number problems.
  • With its help, as well as thanks to the dense cover, turtles are endowed with the ability to maintain a constant body temperature, but for this it needs to continuously feed.
  • The leatherback turtle's habitat is the tropics, but the reptile can be found in northern and temperate latitudes. Data was recorded when the turtle covered a distance of 20 thousand km - from the coast of the United States to the coast of Indonesia over the course of 2 years.

Due to the possibility of not consuming water and food for a long time, sailors in the Middle Ages used turtles as “live canned food.” In this way, some species that lived on the islands were completely exterminated. Despite the fact that turtle meat is edible for humans, it has been noted intestinal infections. Due to eating poisonous jellyfish, their toxins, harmless to turtles, become dangerous to people.

As for the offspring, the leathery reptile breeds its offspring once over several years. During the breeding season, the female is capable of hatching about 700 eggs. To do this, with the help of her strong paws, she digs holes in the ground, which can be one and a half meters deep, fills them with eggs and buries them. Among the eggs there may be unfertilized ones; under the weight of the layer of sand they crack, thus creating space for the babies.

After hatching, the turtles crawl up, while rake sand with fins just like what happens when swimming. The path to the water is the most unsafe time for children, because crabs and birds are already lying in wait for them on the beaches, wanting to feast on the young. But despite all of the above, once they reach the water, their chances of survival increase exponentially.

Please note that the male of this turtle species is the only one who poses a real danger to people. Cases have been observed when, during mating season he perceived the swimmer as a female and for a long time did not let him out of the turtle’s embrace.

It is also surprising that the leatherback turtle is the largest in the world, it can deal with a shark, but it itself dies from opponents ten times smaller than it. On land, these are, for example, rats, goats, and also pigs, which previously simply did not live in the places where eggs were laid. More recently, there was a case when one subspecies was transferred from endangered to vulnerable, however serious danger still remains. Another enemy of turtles, from which they have no escape. sea ​​water- it's plastic. The reptiles perceive the colorless material as jellyfish, after which they swallow it and die in agony.

What do leatherback turtles eat?

What's on the menu of the world's greatest turtle? These are invertebrate inhabitants of the sea. For example, jellyfish are considered the favorite delicacy of these turtles. It's strange that the most huge turtles feeding generally not the most nutritious food. They have to consume large numbers of jellyfish in order to extract all the necessary nutrients to maintain their own weight.

To make eating jellyfish comfortable, turtles have a lot of sharp spines in their throats, aimed at reverse side, through which animals can hold the body of a jellyfish, which resembles jelly, in its own mouth.

How long do leatherback turtles live?

Confirmed data regarding the average and maximum age of turtles does not yet exist. It is clear that turtles live a very long time, but the exact answer to the question regarding this species of turtle remains a mystery. This turtle may be the longest living reptile in the world.

The best diver

The largest turtles in the world perform the most deep dives in water, which are 1280 meters. And they have every chance of staying under water for 70 minutes. Experts still cannot explain why they dive so deep, since their feeding zone for jellyfish is located at a depth of about 300 meters. Evolution states that animals adapt to new living conditions, as well as feeding conditions. In the given case, everything happens differently. Turtles descend deep into the water in places where there is not enough water, and where living conditions are even worse than on the surface.

The largest habitat area for representatives of one species

Thanks to its own unique structure this type turtles is located on the greatest terrain. They live in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. Due to its own large body weight, large amount of fat and special circulatory system they can store body heat exceeding habitat water temperature. These turtles migrate serenely to places where the moisture can be cooler. The residence of leatherback turtles has been recorded from the coast from the satellite North America and all the way to the southern point of Africa - the Cape of Good Hope.

Biggest migration

Pacific leatherbacks are involved in the greatest, most extreme and largest migratory route. Turtles have the strength to overcome a distance of 10,000 - 20,000 thousand km. In terms of time, this takes them up to 12 months. What is also amazing is the fact that they travel this distance in order to return exactly to the same beach where they were born.

Additional interesting information

The turtle of this breed is considered a mesothermic animal, being neither truly cold-blooded nor truly warm-blooded. It is worth paying attention to the fact that mesothermic animals also include the following:

In times of danger, the turtle vigorously defends itself, striking with strong flippers, and also using its sharp jaws. When wounded, the reptile traditionally emits a sonorous cry, described as a roar, groan or moo.