Fr language. French from scratch: tips, books, personal experience

French is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world. Every month, hundreds of tourists visit the protected places of France and admire its beauty, and business relations with the French, as we know, are a promising business. French is required to travel to France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and Africa


An entertaining channel for those who are starting to get acquainted with the language. Here, the visitor will be quickly and humorously introduced to the most commonly used phrases, vocabulary and basic grammar. Short videos of 3-6 minutes contain the maximum available and interesting information, which allows you to study the language even when there is almost no time for it. The presenters speak fluent French and English. Also on the plus side - excellent quality videos, clear subtitles and visual demonstration of the meanings of words, which facilitates the process of memorization. A good way to cheer up and at the same time gain knowledge about the language.

French for beginners

A channel for those who want to learn French from the very beginning, knowing only Russian. Here is a complete French course, starting with the simplest - the alphabet, gradually increasing the complexity of the lessons. Lessons are taught professional teachers, who have been working in their business for many years and know how to present knowledge.

Learn French With Alexa

The channel is suitable for those who want to learn French in addition to English. The author of the channel gives explanations in English, presenting the material in a fun and interesting way. You won’t fall asleep over the lessons, the theory is presented quickly and very compactly, it’s a good idea to watch such videos. French and English subtitles. Each video is dedicated to a different popular topic.

Alexa Polidoro

Channel for already those who know the language. There is vocabulary, grammar, speaking training. On the channel, the user will find short videos with a teacher who has many years of experience teaching French to adults and children at all levels. The videos will be understandable and interesting to those with an intermediate or advanced level of proficiency. Good quality videos and a live teacher will not let you doze off.

Learn French with Vincent

A popular channel from Vincent, which covers many interesting intricacies of the French language. The channel contains several hundred short, information-rich videos covering phonetics, grammar and the practical application of various linguistic expressions in the French language. An additional advantage is the presence of subtitles in French and English. The lessons are intended for those who know the language at intermediate or advanced levels.

Radio Lingua

The channel contains many interesting video recordings of conversations with passers-by on the streets of Paris, so everyone who has an understanding of the basics of the language and wants to develop further will be able to improve their grammar and vocabulary of the French language. The channel will help not only improve the language, but also understand the mentality of Parisians, penetrate the spirit of the country and language. Also, listening different people, you can compare the accent with which you can speak French.


The videos posted on this channel are based on Power Point presentations. Here are lessons on grammar, vocabulary and communication topics for those starting to learn French. The user will be able to improve grammar, pronunciation, and also receive simple but valuable tips, and the script for each lesson can be found on the organizers’ website. The authors of the channel focused on teaching their visitors the most common situations in the French language.

Polyglot with Petrov. French in 16 hours

French lessons with Petrov using his own methods. During the lessons there are enough advertisements for the lessons themselves, but here French is taught in Russian. According to the methodology of the project’s author, a channel visitor will learn French at a decent level in just 16 lessons. Even entry-level users will understand the lessons. Students are present during lessons, which simplifies the process of understanding the material.


The channel contains materials for those who are just starting to learn the language. The user will find here simple videos on various lexical and grammatical topics. Knowledge is transferred to a virtual board, and explanations are given by a speaker in two languages ​​- French and English. During the lessons, students will study typical situations that may arise, for example, while traveling.

The French language category contains free online video lessons on learning this foreign language. French is a language that belongs to the Romance group and is the official language of France, the province of Quebec, one of the official languages ​​of Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Haiti, etc. One of the official and working languages ​​of the UN and others international organizations. French is one of the most studied foreign languages. The number of people who can speak French is about 270 million people. The French alphabet uses 26 Latin letters, two ligatures and five diacritics. Learning French using video lessons will be useful for both beginners and more experienced translators. You can watch video lessons from the French section for free at any time. Some French video lessons are accompanied by Additional materials for training, which can be downloaded. Enjoy your learning!

Total materials: 16
Materials shown: 1-10

Learn French on your own from scratch. Polyglot course - part 1 of 16. Verbs

Video “Learning French on your own from scratch. Polyglot course. Verbs" is devoted to the question of how to quickly learn French. This is the first lesson of the training course. There will be 16 of them in total. Here you will learn the basics of the French language. This training program is intended for beginners. If you have a desire to learn French at a fluent level, then you have come to the right place. When people take up learning a language, each of them has their own motivation and...

Teaching French for beginners. Lesson 7. Stressed pronouns

Video “Teaching French for beginners. Lesson 7. Stressed pronouns" is devoted to the question of how to learn to speak French, understanding what others are saying and freely answering the questions of your interlocutors. This is the seventh part of the course, which will help you achieve your goal. At the beginning of this lesson, the material covered in the previous lesson will be repeated. These are pronouns that answer the questions Who? Whom? To whom? These pronouns are placed before the verb, i.e....

French language learning program - Polyglot. Lesson 6. Pronouns

This video lesson explains how to learn French on your own using the Polyglot learning program. This is the sixth lesson of this course, at the beginning of which you will be reminded of the basic scheme of working with verbs. The majority of verbs obey these rules, but there are exceptions, the so-called Irregular Verbs, but there are not many of them. Then another one will be considered important topic, this is a pronoun. A pronoun is a word indicating the person making...

French for beginners - Polyglot. Lesson 2. Times, etiquette

Video lesson “French for beginners - Polyglot. Lesson 2. Times, etiquette" is devoted to the question of how to learn French in 16 hours. This is the second lesson, which talks about some more points related to the verb. Namely, you will learn how to put a phrase in the present, future and past tense. In addition, you will become familiar with new words that are related to etiquette, i.e. words thank you, please, phrases on how to politely say hello and goodbye, good morning wishes...

French course for beginners. Lesson 3 of 16. Questions

This online lesson tells you how to learn French on your own and speak it fluently. This is the third lesson of the Polyglot training course, in which the topic of verb conjugation will first be repeated, using the previously studied scheme. Along the way, new verbs will be studied, each of which must be conjugated according to the table already completed with a scheme for the formation of present, past and future tenses, forms of affirmation and negation. Then you will learn how to ask questions...

Polyglot - French from scratch. Part 16. Completing the course

This video lesson tells you how to learn to speak French well in a short time. This is the final sixteenth lesson of one of the most effective French language courses - Polyglot. This technique allows you to quickly master the basic rules, basic structures of the language and learn the words necessary for simple communication. Much of this session will be spent talking about a variety of topics. Of course, it won’t be possible without learning a few more words...

French in 16 hours - Polyglot course. Lesson 15

Online lesson “French in 16 hours - Polyglot course. Lesson 15 is devoted to the question of how to learn French at the level of fluent communication in a short time. Here you will learn how to write and read ordinal numbers. The rules by which ordinal numbers are formed are quite simple and you will quickly master them. It consists in the fact that the same ending is added to ordinary numerals. The only exception is the word - the first one, which needs to be remembered. IN...

Learning conversational French from scratch. Part 14. New words, colors

This video is devoted to the question of how to master the basics of the French language and communicate fluently in 16 hours. This is the fourteenth lesson of the polyglot course, which will help you with this. There is very little time left until the end of the training program. It's time to take stock and test your knowledge. Ask yourself: Have you managed to bring the basic structures of the French language to automaticity and is yours sufficient? vocabulary to communicate on simple topics. Knowledge of basic rules and...

Did you know that French is the official language of 29 countries on five continents? You will find French speakers not only in France, but also in Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and many African countries. By speaking French, you can boost your career and expand your job opportunities.

French is not the easiest language to learn for a native Russian speaker; pronunciation is especially difficult. However, it has many similarities with Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, especially in grammar. So learning French will allow you to discover new world and will help you learn other Romance languages!

Remember that learning a foreign language is not an easy task and long term goal. We are always here to help you fulfill your dream faster and with the least amount of effort. This will not happen right away, but once you learn a language, you will know it for the rest of your life!

What can you achieve with our course?

It doesn't matter if you are going to visit beautiful Paris, are you looking for new perspectives for career growth or learning French to make an impression, we are always here to help! Our lessons cover levels from Beginner to Upper Intermediate. You can start at any lesson or level and even earn a McGraw-Hill Education certification as you move to the next level. Learn to introduce yourself in French, order croissants with perfect French pronunciation, tell locals about your career and hobbies, and share your opinions on various topics.

Sample topics in our course

  • Initial A1: how to greet people, phrases for everyday communication, hobbies, food and drink and basic grammar
  • Elementary A2: communication, work, school, shopping and meeting friends
  • Middle B1: interviews, vacations, culture, news and travel
  • Above average B2: entertainment, world news, media and opinion exchange

French course for travel

If you are planning to travel to France soon and do not have time to complete the full course, we also offer a French course for travel. In it you will find the necessary phrases that will help you abroad. Learn to ask for directions, buy tickets and get advice from locals.

French pronunciation course

If you can't explain the difference between é, è, ê and ë, a pronunciation course will help you. There are four diacritics in the French language, and we will tell you about each of them. This will make your speech sound like a native French speaker. Unpronounceable letters, nasal vowels, and the differences between "u" and "ou" are just some of the topics covered in our course. You can test yourself and see if you can pronounce sentences correctly with our speech recognition exercises."

This material was sent to us by our regular reader Sanzhar Surshanov (his Twitter is @SanzharS), who shared very interesting ways to learn a new language for you.

Since the beginning of this year I started learning French. I do this with the help of the English language, since I began to speak English confidently, one might say I found the key to numerous Internet resources.

Below I would like to list and describe how I learn French:

1. Duolingo

The site was founded by the creators of CAPTCHA and RECAPTCHA, students of Carnegie Mellon University. By the way, every time you enter recaptcha, you help digitize thousands of old books. The main idea is for people to simultaneously learn languages ​​and translate the Internet into different languages.

All material is divided into different categories.

After you finish the exercises, you will be given real material taken from the Internet for translation. At first simple sentences, as you study, more and more complex. By translating sentences you strengthen your knowledge and help translate web pages. You can also look at the translations of other users.

Exercises include text translation, speaking, listening. There is no emphasis on grammar as such.

In addition to French, you can study Spanish, German, English, Italian and Portuguese.

Audio lessons go like this: 2 students come to him who don’t know French. It turns out that you become the 3rd student. Michelle talks to the students and this is how they learn the language. He explains the difference between English and French, first talks about new words, then asks to translate from English into French.

The main difference and rule of the Michel method is no need to try to memorize words, phrases, etc.

I don’t know how to explain, but after the first lesson, on an intuitive level, you yourself begin to guess how it will be in the language you are learning.

I personally really like this method.

3. Memrise

To improve my vocabulary, I use the memrise website.

You can find a lot of different courses on the site, you can even learn Morse code. I'm learning - Hacking French.

By learning new words, you are “growing flowers.” Plant seeds, water, etc.

The main trick is that you create memes for unfamiliar words and make an association with English language. I did not create the memes themselves; I use the creations of other users.

You grow flowers something like this: first, remember the meaning of the words, then repeat them several times. Click on the correct answer, write the translation yourself, and while listening to the phrase, select the correct answer from the list. This ends the first part.

After 4-5 hours, you receive a notification via email that you need to repeat what you have covered. Repeat the above; if you make a mistake in the translation, the word is repeated. This is roughly how it all happens.

4.News in slow French

Thanks to Twitter, I just recently found a link to another wonderful resource.