How to write motivation for losing weight. How to motivate yourself to lose weight and exercise regularly

Often, even with comprehensive information about effective training and proper nutrition, we put off losing weight and continue to exist, burdened extra pounds and complexes.

This is especially true for representatives of the fair sex, who have repeatedly achieved the coveted slimness, but again and again returned to their original weight category.

To start sticking to a diet and exercise, you need to find inner support. The right motivation will help you adhere to the strictest nutritional system and withstand the most intense workout.

Before working with the body, you need to understand psychological attitudes

None of us like restrictions. And losing weight sometimes consists entirely of various prohibitions. Leaving your comfort zone requires a serious reason; there are no standard solutions.

Everyone must find their own compelling reason to say goodbye to fat. For self-analysis, you should ask yourself: why am I losing weight? Usually this:

  • hope to find a soul mate or remain attractive to a permanent partner;
  • a chance to get rid of diseases caused by obesity;
  • the opportunity to go to a clothing store and with a 100% chance of finding a fashionable new thing in your size.

If the reason for achieving perfect forms is determined, you need to fix the thought and move on to the second stage. You need to find out what is slowing you down on your path to slimness:

  • fear of standing out from the environment and attracting attention;
  • fears that the desire to look better will lead to disagreement with the other half;
  • fear of turning into a curvy beauty and becoming a victim of sexual harassment.

For clarity, it is easier to conduct self-analysis on a piece of paper. If a factor inhibiting weight loss is found, it is better to work with a psychologist or get rid of fears yourself. You need to recognize fat as an obstacle to slimness, beauty and high self-esteem.

Define an achievable goal

In most cases, those who lose weight set global goals for themselves. With initial enthusiasm, the business moves forward, but then the ideal seems unattainable, and the enthusiasm dries up. Therefore, it is better to achieve what you want step by step.

First, you need to determine how many kilograms you need to lose and set an approximate time frame. So, for example, if you need to get rid of 18 kg in a year, you can set a goal to lose 3 kg every 2 months.

Find a partner

Many work more effectively in a team and thus find like-minded people and psychological support. Select a person from your immediate circle or a virtual friend.

It is advisable that you be in the same weight category. Discuss the menu, consult about purchases, share results ─ you can do all this with your new partner and go towards the goal together. If, on the contrary, rivalry starts, get involved in online weight loss duels.

Sign up for classes

When losing weight, the first thing you need to do is limit food intake. But without increasing physical activity it is impossible to achieve success.

There are many group and individual weight loss programs offered today.

The effectiveness of sports based on the personal example of our reader:

Since school, I was prone to being overweight and worried about the ridicule of my peers, but I couldn’t stop overeating on sweets and start moving more. After college I got a job new job and saw Him. Of course, a modestly dressed fat woman could not count on the attention of such a handsome man. But now I didn’t waste time. I signed up for individual training at the gym, learned what BJU is and the calorie range. Six months later, seductive contours began to appear under the layer of fat, and I gained long-awaited confidence in my attractiveness.

Kristina, 24 years old, Voronezh

You can do yoga, Pilates, aerobics, Zumba or exercise on exercise machines. In addition to selecting exercises, the sports instructor will advise on the optimal nutrition program. Pre-paid classes or a gym membership will discipline you and prevent you from deviating from your chosen path.

Come up with a reward system

In the minds of many, a diet is a kind of asceticism with meager nutrition and torture of the flesh. Although this is not true, there are still certain limitations and difficulties. To brighten up your dietary routine, you should reward yourself.

Moreover, your achievements on the scale of other people may seem tiny, but for you they will be huge. Of course, treats cannot be used as rewards. Let it be a good perfume, branded cosmetics, a new handbag, a set of beautiful underwear or a SPA procedure.

How to properly motivate yourself so as not to lose track

No matter how strong your internal motivation to lose weight is, sooner or later you want to give up everything, lie on the couch or try a creamy chocolate brownie or a juicy, spicy hamburger with a portion of fries.

At such moments, peculiar psychological crutches come in handy, relying on which you can pass the “difficult section of the route” on the way to the coveted slender forms.

This could be publishing a daily menu on your blog, when before you eat something delicious, you think a hundred times about how the online community will perceive it. Or an example of a fitness girl who managed to carve perfect shapes out of a 100-kilogram carcass, and you passionately want to repeat her stunning results.

Keep a daily report

Today there are many ways of self-control for those who want to get rid of excess fat. This can be a regular notebook or a virtual journal, where you write down what you eat during the day and physical activity. Maintain a report using:

  • notepad;
  • online diary of nutrition and sports;
  • personal blog.

On websites dedicated to diets, you can immediately calculate the caloric content of your diet and the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and adjust your nutrition system. On specialized resources it is possible to get support and constructive criticism from experienced slim women. On such sites you can create a ruler with a weight reading and visually see your achievements.

Adjust load and nutrition

IN Lately rigid express diets, in the menu of which a single leaf of lettuce is next to a glass of low-fat kefir, are being replaced by proper nutrition.

The system provides a nutritious diet of dishes containing slow carbohydrates, animal and vegetable protein, the right fats in the optimal ratio. Guided by the principles of PP, you need to create a menu that allows you to lose weight, albeit slowly, but only from your own fat reserves.

But after some time, the body gets used to a diet with a certain energy value and sports activity. Therefore, you should periodically review the menu and cut calories. At the same time, it is better to reduce calories at the expense of fats and carbohydrates, and leave the protein content the same.

It is also necessary to increase the intensity and duration of training.

How to turn off negativity

The brain, deprived of a regular influx of fast carbohydrates, begins to whisper seditious thoughts and at times persuades you to quit what you started. In such difficult moments, everything is seen in gray, and a toned figure seems like an unattainable dream.

I want to have fun here and now. But before your hand reaches for the calorie bomb, you need to find a way to switch to positive thoughts. To avoid negativity, the following will serve:

  • photo sandy beaches where you plan to show off your slim figure in a fashionable swimsuit;
  • motivational books, quotes and videos;
  • thematic blogs with advice.

Get inspired by other people's success stories

Allow yourself little weaknesses

A cheat meal, or fasting day, is a dietary slang term for eating high-calorie food. Cheating has a positive effect not only on the emotional background, but also on physiology.

The increased caloric intake kickstarts your metabolism and can even spur weight loss. The main thing is to control that the cheat meal does not turn into a “food binge.” It is better to arrange a loading day at the stage when a person has already entered the rhythm of diet and training, that is, no earlier than 1.5 months after the start of losing weight.

Don't forget about rest

You need to realize that you have a long way to go and you need to properly distribute the load. This is especially true for sports.

The effectiveness of your training will even increase if you do it 3 times a week, rather than every day.

Too intense exercise and drastic dietary restrictions do not always pay off; it is better to get rid of fat slowly but surely.

Useful advice on how to achieve results:

After the birth of the child, she became incredibly fat. Every time, looking at my old photos and things from my previous wardrobe, I experienced not the most pleasant emotions, which I ate up on pizza and chocolate. But the day came when I honestly admitted to myself that I want my growing daughter to be proud of me, I want to be healthy, beautiful and desirable. From this day began my new life. Dietary restrictions no longer brought burdens and were easily tolerated. In a year without sweets, fatty foods and flour, I lost 35 kilos!!!

Tatyana, 36 years old, Volgograd

Food is not just a means of satiation, but also a way to entertain yourself, calm you down and feel protected. That's why it's so difficult for the vast majority of us to give up our favorite foods and start on the path to slimness.

Psychological help will help you understand your motives and bring to light the real cause of overeating. But not everyone can open up to a stranger or do not have the opportunity to pay for the services of a specialist. There are general psychological recommendations that will help you stick to your diet. Here are some of them:

  1. Distinguish between emotional hunger and physiological hunger. Eat mindfully.
  2. Avoid strict, low-calorie diets.
  3. Don't speak negatively about yourself.
  4. Practice visualization. Imagine your new figure and appearance.
  5. Realize what you have to lose if you return to your old lifestyle.

Studies have shown that a person loses weight on any nutrition system. The main thing is that the calorie intake is less than the calorie expenditure. Thus, in the process of losing weight, the decisive factor is the willingness to adhere to the diet and exercise schedule, that is, internal motivation.

In contact with

Any advice on how to effectively lose weight depends on two components: healthy eating and exercise. These are basic methods for correcting your figure and improving your health.

No one can change a person if he himself does not want to change

However go to healthy image life actually turns out to be quite difficult. It is very difficult to give up habits and established daily routines. This is why you need motivation to lose weight every day.

Motivation techniques at the initial stage

First you need to determine the true reasons for the desire to lose excess weight. The reasons make up the goals: what do you want to achieve as a final result?

The simple “female” desire to prepare the body for the beach season often turns out to be an insufficient incentive for every day. You need to look for the really important reasons for diet and exercise.

You may have to admit to yourself unpleasant circumstances and facts. But this will only be beneficial and will strengthen the desire to work on yourself.

The following reasons usually serve as the correct motivation for losing weight.

Changing yourself and your life

This is a very powerful incentive and it does not only concern appearance.

Dissatisfaction with your own life, frequent stress, and depression can be treated not only with psychological conversations, but also with sports.

Be smart)))

Changing the world and life begins with the person himself, so it’s worth reconsidering your diet and physical condition and starting to change for the better.

Health promotion

Diet and exercise are needed not only for beach season, but also to prevent various diseases associated with cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.

If you notice problems with digestion, shortness of breath, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent irritability, then you should think about changing your lifestyle.

Self-affirmation in your appearance

All women have different body types, but beauty standards dictate their own rules and force you to experience complexes.

Uncertainty about your appearance and embarrassment can be used for good and make your body attractive and beautiful. Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but changing shortcomings (getting rid of the belly, tightening the butt, strengthening the leg muscles) is quite possible.

Cultivating willpower

Sometimes a simple challenge is enough for ambitious women“can you do it?” to start acting. Working on yourself strengthens willpower well, and with the end result, pride in yourself appears: I did it, I was able to, I succeeded.

The fear of disappointment in one's abilities awakens passion, which will become an excellent incentive.

Important to remember! Losing weight is a long process that requires dedication and a lot of work on yourself. You should not expect that one emotional decision (“I will lose weight, no matter what”) will magically transform your figure in a month or even in 2 weeks.

Whatever the reasons, You can’t lose confidence in your abilities, you need to believe in yourself to the end.

If a woman goes on a diet, exercises, but does not quite understand why she needs it, and is not sure that she will last even a week, then it is not difficult to guess what result awaits her. That is why goals must be ambitious.

Not just a short goal “I need to lose a couple of kilos” or “I want to fit into clothes a couple sizes smaller in a month”, but the desire to become better, more beautiful, more attractive and, finally, happier.

Setting realistic goals

Daily weight loss motivation won't "work" without realistic goals. You need to be realistic and set achievable goals.

It should be remembered that a sudden transition to a new regime is stressful for the body, so you need to make adjustments gradually and listen to your body.

The goal of “losing 10 kg in 2 weeks” is a whim that is very difficult to satisfy, especially if the woman losing weight does not love sports and is not ready to change. After 2 weeks, the result will be barely perceptible, if at all, and the remaining motivation will completely disappear.

If you need motivation to lose weight every day, set yourself up in advance, prepare everything you need to further improve your figure.

There is no need to rush, you need to set goals according to your own abilities. If you cut your intake to 500 calories a day, you can easily lose half a kilo in a week, so to start, to test your willpower, just set a goal of 1 kg per week.

Blog your exercises

Any notes on how work on yourself is progressing are simply necessary to clearly see the results and adjust the program.

To count calories and the number of exercises (sets), it is recommended to have a separate notebook or diary, as well as a blog on the Internet. Virtual recordings can be seen by friends and girlfriends, and this will become a new incentive to boast about your achievements and improve.

Certainly, You don’t have to write about “uncomfortable” situations, for example, that you missed your second workout in a week or that you ate extra calories yesterday. However, only honesty with yourself can have a positive impact on the results.

Think over a system of punishment and rewards

The system of punishment and reward allows you to keep laziness under control, and turn the whole process of losing weight into some kind of game. The main thing is to set rewards and punishments that are effective for yourself.

How you can encourage yourself (a few examples):

Examples of how to “punish” yourself:

  • giving up shopping and entertainment for a month (or more);
  • daily cleaning;
  • daily contrast shower;
  • additional training instead of rest time;
  • donating part of your salary (to colleagues, husband, friends).

Note! Reward in the form of your favorite treats can also be a motivation for losing weight. However, this is not the best incentive for every day, and it can only be used effectively once every 1-2 weeks. The main thing is to control the possibility of failure.

Old photos and favorite clothes - in prominent places

For many women, old photographs with their image in them will be a good motivation. at its best and beautiful clothes 1-2 sizes smaller.

Old photographs will show that nothing is impossible, because once upon a time the woman wearing them was slim and fit, and her favorite clothes will once again remind you that you can still try to fit into them. You just have to take yourself seriously.

If there are no photos or clothes, you can buy a new thing you like, for example, new trousers or a tight dress, but be sure to go a few sizes smaller. Clothes will become both an incentive and a reward for work at the same time.

Tell everyone about your plans

Losing weight is really difficult both physically and emotionally, so support from family and friends will be needed.

It is worth telling your friends and family about your decision to change. For sure. they will support such aspirations and will be interested in current affairs. Besides, they will be able to monitor their diet and once again hint at the inadmissibility of donuts and soda in the diet.

It will be great if friends and loved ones can join. Losing weight together is much more pleasant than alone.

Think and act positively

Motivation for losing weight every day should be accompanied by “correct”, positive thoughts about your actions and your new figure.

Before starting a weight loss program, you should calm down and tune in to a positive outcome. Thoughts along the lines of “I’m fat, I won’t lose weight” can never help you transform. You should start changing with your general attitude.

Stress is not the best helper for anything.. That is why, first, you need to calm your nerves and look at yourself in the mirror without panic or tears, adequately assess the “field of action” and get in a good mood.

A positive attitude helps you believe in yourself and complete what you start., no matter how long it takes. If it’s difficult to imagine that everything will be fine and everything will work out, it’s worth doing meditation, at least a few minutes a day, finding the positive and attractive sides of yourself.

When the self-deprecating attitude disappears, you need to begin implementing your plans.

Motivation to stick to your diet and exercise routine

Diet and exercise must be encouraged every day, otherwise there is a risk of not lasting a week in the new regime. It is recommended to draw up a summary table based on the system of fines and rewards, from which the “payment” for a productive day will be visible in points.

Each action performed has its own “cost”. Compliance with all points of the daily plan (reducing daily calorie intake, increasing the number of approaches, covering an additional 2 km, etc.) will have its greatest “reward”, for example, 10 points.

Accordingly, to receive an incentive for a week of working on yourself, you must score at least 70 points, otherwise a fine will follow.

As an example, here is a motivational table for a week(the “diet/training” ratio is conditional):

  1. Monday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  2. Tuesday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  3. Wednesday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  4. Thursday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  5. Friday - 500 cal for 2 km, 3 approaches for 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  6. Saturday - 500 cal for 2 km, 3 approaches for 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  7. Sunday - 500 cal for 2 km, 3 approaches for 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points.

You can come up with your own scoring system, for example, for each additional approach +2 points. This will encourage you not only to continue training, but also to increase your load. Also comparison total number points for each week will clearly show the actual work on yourself.

The right pace is the key to losing weight

To successfully stimulate weight loss, you need to take the right pace. It’s worth listening to your body and giving it enough stress, not sparing it, but not overloading it either. This applies to both diet and training.

A sudden transition to a new lifestyle can negatively affect your health, since a new diet and unexpectedly large physical exertion are stressful for the body.

Running 10 km on Monday is not a good option. Even if you manage to overcome such a distance without preparation, then the next morning, most likely, you simply will not want to get up.

It's worth spending a week testing your body's capabilities and finding the pace you need, gradually increasing the load (by 10% every week). If the body is not accustomed to sports, it is necessary to extend the time of exercise.

For example, perform the same exercises the same number of times for 2 weeks. When the body feels that it is not enough, you can increase the load.

Exercise should be fun

Essentially, most people play sports for fun. Exercising promotes a good mood, due to the release of adrenaline and dopamine. But in order to start training, you need to love the sport and want to do it.

For this It is enough to do a few exercises a day. Even easy charging with several strength exercises will give a boost of energy and Have a good mood for a day.

The main thing to remember is that motivation for losing weight is a positive reminder every day to change your life for the better.

That's why Sport should not be perceived as some kind of punishment. A healthy lifestyle should become a good friend, then the result will not be long in coming.

Good equipment and sportswear for training

Beautiful inventory and pleasant sports uniform will help you get involved in sports, because you will definitely want to try new and pleasant things.

New comfortable sneakers, beautiful headphones, a pedometer and heart rate monitor, fashionable sports shorts will brighten up your workout time and become assistants in changing yourself and your life.

"Yes!" - favorite food, but within reasonable limits

The diet does not involve switching only to vegetables without any fats. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats must be supplied to the body every day. The diet provides for restrictions, but not a complete ban.

At the same time, it must be remembered that You can’t suddenly stop eating completely or give up all your usual foods in one day. Firstly, it can have a serious impact on your health. Secondly, a complete ban will ultimately result in breakdown and loss of motivation.

If it is difficult to choose a diet for yourself, you should seek help from a specialist, for example, your trainer, and consult with him in detail about food consumption, taking into account your daily diet and workouts.

Of course, if your favorite food includes chips and sweets with a lot of calories, then you need to give it up. However A simple calorie count will put everything in its place. What's more enjoyable to eat in a day: a full meal with dessert or a pack of chips?

Positive attitude towards diet

Diet can open up more options and tastes. There is a lot of healthy and truly delicious food in the world. It’s enough to find interesting and suitable recipes and start cooking and trying (taking into account calories). The diet should be enjoyable and satisfy all the body’s needs., including taste.

It is worth changing your very attitude towards diet. You need to stop saying the phrases “I can’t do this” and “I’m on a diet.” These phrases limit and make you feel inferior.

It’s enough to say: “I don’t eat this, I eat other food.” This simple phrase opens up many opportunities to try something new, rather than limiting your food choices.

Motivation for losing weight every day: maintaining the result

So that motivation does not disappear anywhere, it is necessary to consolidate and document the results.

There are many ways to remind yourself of the difficult path you have passed.

Weekly photo reports with achieved results

Photos are very helpful in visually comparing before and after.

You need to photograph yourself in the same pose every week of training and dieting.. Captions of photos with parameters of weight and waist and hips can be an additional incentive.

Starting new healthy habits

In order for a healthy lifestyle to start “working,” you need to make it your habit, immerse yourself in the topic of health headlong, and acquire new knowledge. Experimenting with diets will help this, for example, you should try vegetarianism or New Product in your diet.

Also New exercises will help break up your workout routine or new sports hobbies. For example, in addition to visiting the gym, sign up for sports dancing.

Over time, it will turn out that sports and healthy eating have become an integral part of life and you will not want to go back to overeating and laziness.

Don't give up

Overcoming laziness is already a small result, therefore, the very desire to engage, change and continue in the same spirit can be considered a small victory.

The path of change is long and difficult, and moments of regression will definitely come, this happens to everyone. The main thing is not to stop there, don’t give up and continue at the same pace. Even if it takes several months, six months, a year to change your figure, the result will be obvious.

Attention! In moments of powerlessness and thoughts that nothing is working out, it is worth reminding yourself of previous results and desired goals. This helps you overcome all doubts, rise up and continue to improve yourself.

Keep a log of achievements

All your achievements, even seemingly insignificant at first glance, should be written down in a notebook or blog.

These can be either the parameters of a changed figure or new vertices. For example, if today you managed to run 2 km in 13 minutes instead of the usual 15, then it’s worth recording.

Or an excellent reason to take note would be to reduce your weekly diet another 100 cal (provided that this is not written with tears in your eyes).

Say goodbye to oversized items

The strongest motivation to continue what you started will be parting with your old wardrobe.

Old clothes can be donated to charity, second-hand, or simply thrown away. In any case, it is no longer needed, and its absence will provide an opportunity to update your wardrobe.

Motivation for losing weight in pictures

The main incentive is inner desire. You can decorate the room with your attractive photographs and small clothes, buy beautiful sports equipment, create a blog, but there will be zero sense.

No motivation will work without a sincere desire to take care of yourself. and get from it not only results, but also pleasure.

This video will show you what motivation is for losing weight every day.

From this video you will get tips on motivation for losing weight.

Hello readers!

Are you trying to lose weight? Do you stick to diets, exercise yourself physically, but is something missing to achieve an ideal figure? It is quite possible that the right motivation is missing. Therefore, today we will focus on the topic - motivation for losing weight every day.

You will learn how important psychological aspects in the process of becoming slim, what are the important factors for losing weight and what daily motivation looks like.

Finding the motive is half the success

Psychological aspects are important on the path to a slim figure, therefore, when creating a diet for body correction, do not forget to determine the main motive for the desire to change. The following statement does not apply here: “I’m fat, I need to lose weight”– words remain words, but there are no actions.

Psychologists are confident that the question: “Why do you need to lose weight?” the lady with a real motive responds immediately. At the same time, the answer conveys a fighting spirit and confidence in achieving the goal. What is your motive, did you manage to achieve success?

I'm really looking forward to your stories. Share with others, maybe your story will help someone else. On my blog there is a separate section “Stories”. Send us your before and after photos, videos, descriptions and we will be happy to post it.

To achieve the target, make it real. So, you will lose 5 kg before the New Year and start New Year with a new attractive figure is the right decision.

An example of an invalid target: I will lose 10 kg before the New Year, I will prove to everyone that I can, I will be patient, and my favorite cookies will be waiting for me after the holiday. You lose weight primarily for yourself, because it’s the extra pounds that are bothering you.

10 powerful arguments for being slim

Women Those who want to lose excess weight just need to determine why they want to transform. When you find a reason, add 10 more reasons to it that will strengthen your incentive:

  1. I want to get rid of my health problems.
  2. I will be able to wear beautiful clothes that fit a slender body, and not have folds on all sides.
  3. My conscience will be clear, because I will get rid of the habit of overeating.
  4. I will catch admiring glances men (women).
  5. I will gain confidence in the workplace.
  6. I will look a few years younger, because age adds weight.
  7. I won’t have to be shy on the beach and hide my body in a one-piece swimsuit.
  8. I will be more relaxed in bed.
  9. My circle of interests and communication will become wider.
  10. My family will be proud of me.

Important!Before losing weight, considering psychologist's advice, ask yourself a few simple questions. Why do I need this? What are my weaknesses ( strengths)? What do I expect in the end? Which actions can negatively affect my incentive, which ones will strengthen it, etc. When your strengths are really assessed, you can begin to draw up a plan for the reset technique excess weight.

Psychological aspects

Psychology The thing about losing weight is that you don't have to lose weight for the rest of your life. There are many people who have been on diets for years and do not enjoy it, they are tired, but they do not stop.

This is definitely not possible. On the way to ideal figure you don’t need to devote your life to diets, just proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle should harmoniously complement your life.

To figure it out where to get incentive, let's look at simple but practical tips that will help you determine your goal and stay on track:

  • keep a notebook where you will write down your, even very tiny, achievements, it will help strengthen your motive;
  • the first positive result needs encouragement, it is not necessary to pamper yourself with goodies, buy new perfume, a handbag, etc., but be sure to reward yourself;
  • decide on a nutrition correction method and training program, while taking into account the characteristics of your body;
  • start watching films where people achieve the desired results, no matter what the cost, this will strengthen morale;
  • take a weekly selfie, this way you will really evaluate your achievements, and after a month you can easily boast about your “before” and “after”.

Effective weight loss every day

The decisive role in any weight loss process still remains with psychology, so it is important to motivate yourself not only before starting a diet, but every day. Only in this case will you notice a positive result. Let's look at motivation for every day.


How to find motivation? And you try to visualize yourself as you want to be. To do this, imagine your future in a new way, where you are slim, graceful and attractive.

Your new life will change, and so will you; you will be perceived differently. This technique gives a good effect. Have you tried to visualize yourself? What was the result?

I wrote more about visualization and meditation for weight loss in my article

List of advantages

Before you start losing weight, you most likely have identified the benefits slim figure You'll get. Transfer all the positive aspects point by point onto a piece of paper and place it in a visible place, ideally on the refrigerator. Before you want to snack, read the benefits of losing weight, these phrases instantly reduce appetite.

Change your look

Go to a beauty salon, change your hairstyle, get a pedicure and manicure. Transformation has a positive effect on strengthening the stimulus. The only main thing is that you like the new one.

Communication with like-minded people

Your friend also wants to be reincarnated - great, then you will have an ally. Share your achievements, discuss failures. When there are no people who want to lose weight, communicate with those who lead a healthy lifestyle, taking care of their health.

Motivational slogan

Choose the right ones quotes , which awaken your motivation, because the main thing is not the pace of losing extra pounds, but that you don’t stop halfway. Stimuli can not only be written down on paper, but also placed as a screensaver on a computer, phone, etc.

Down with stress

It is important to avoid any stressful situations; they can dull the stimulus, but awaken the appetite. Surround yourself with positivity: watch funny shows, comedies. Walking in the fresh air also has a positive effect on a good internal atmosphere. Anyone who tries to interfere with you or ruin your mood, drive away!

For girls a good motive is someone else’s result: photos of slim models, women who have lost excess weight and share their photos on social networks. Look through these pictures every day so as not to lose the source of your inspiration.


“After giving birth, I became overweight, the baby grew, but the kilograms remained. I realized that excess weight was hindering me not only physically (it’s difficult to bend over, ride a bike, etc.), but also psychologically. The fact is that they wanted to promote me for a long time, but they said: what kind of department head are you, you’re a plump person - and the manager is the face of the department.

The incentive to lose weight became obvious: to change the opinions of others about me, because at heart I am completely different. I hung photos of slim businesswomen, successful women, etc. around the house. During the month of vacation, I gained 8 kg, which affected my shape.

Six months later, I was appointed manager, and the salary supplement gave me the opportunity to go to the gym. I am happy with myself, and I motivate myself daily with compliments for my figure. I wish you success. Svetlana".

Eleonora Dobrynina is a role model

Strong motivation forced the Russian fitness model to transform from a woman who weighed 100 kg into a slender, sculpted girl weighing 52 kg. Eleanor didn’t like her body, she didn’t like herself and decided to change everything radically.

She succeeded, now she loves her body and does not want to part with it, so she eats right and spends a lot of time in the gym. I think not many people like the result of the transformation, but the main thing is that she herself likes it.

What to remember

  1. Psychology plays important role in the process of losing weight.
  2. You can achieve the desired result if you set realistic goals.
  3. The right motivation is half the success.
  4. By applying daily motivation, the effect is more stable and occurs much faster.

Good luck to you and don't deviate from the path! See you in the next article!

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


One of the most global problems, we can safely say - on a global scale, excess weight is a problem for the fair sex. An almost manic desire to “lose weight” haunts every second woman on earth, regardless of whether she is an appetizing plump woman or can already hide behind a mop.

Methods for losing weight in our time are probably already in the tens of thousands, but all of them are nothing if there is no motivation.

What kind of animal is this - motivation, and where to look for it?

Motivation for losing weight - where to start, and how to find your true goal for losing weight?

The term “motivation” is usually used to describe a complex of individual motives that together spur a person to take specific actions.

Success without motivation is impossible, because without it, any attempts to achieve success are just self-torture. It is motivation that gives a charge of vivacity and an impetus to achieve the next step with joy and ease, with the inevitable pleasure from the very methods of achieving the goal.

But the desire to lose weight is not motivation. This is just a desire from the series “I want to go to Bali” and “I want rabbit fricassee for dinner.” And it will remain like this (“I’ll definitely start on Monday!”) until you find your motives for returning your body to a beautiful and healthy state.

How to look for them, and where to start?

  • Identify key tasks . What exactly do you want - to become more beautiful, tighten your contours, achieve powerful relief, simply “lose fat”, etc. Find your incentive to lose weight.
  • Having defined the task, we divide it into stages . Why is it important? Because it is impossible to achieve an unattainable goal, much less simply and quickly. You need to move towards your goal gradually, solving one small problem after another. If you decide to become a champion athletics after 25 years of sedentary office work, you will not become one either tomorrow or in a month. But this desire is quite realistic if you approach its implementation wisely.
  • When dividing a task into stages, you need to focus on enjoying the process. Hard labor will not bear fruit; only work on oneself, which brings joy, brings the truly desired result. For example, it is very difficult to force yourself to run in the morning, but if at the end of the route there is a cafe with beautiful views and a cup of aromatic tea, it will be much more pleasant to run to it.
  • If you have motivation, a decision has been made and goals have been set, start right away. Don't wait for Mondays, New Year's, 8 am, etc. Only now - or never.

Main conclusion: Ten small goals are easier to achieve than one unattainable one.

Video: How to find your motivation for losing weight?

7 pushes that will make you lose weight - starting points in the psychology of losing weight

As we have found out, the road to success always begins with motivation. If you haven’t yet found your “why” and “why” to start acting, then it’s time to reflect on them.

But first of all, make sure that you really need to lose weight so that you don’t have to fight being thin later.

Finding your motivation isn't that hard. The cornerstone of all topics about weight loss is excess weight.

And it is around him that all our motivators revolve:

  1. You can't fit into your favorite dresses and jeans. A very strong motivator, which often spurs girls to begin the process of losing weight. Many people even specifically buy something a size or two smaller, and work hard to fit into it and buy a new one, another size smaller.
  2. A gift to yourself, your beloved, for your efforts. Just a beautiful body is not enough (as some people think), and besides it, there must be some kind of reward for yourself for all the work and torment, which will loom ahead, like a piece of ham that a dog runs after. For example, “I’ll lose weight to 55 kg and give myself a trip to the islands.”
  3. Love. This motivator is one of the most powerful. It is love that makes us make incredible efforts on ourselves and reach heights that we would never have achieved on our own. The desire to conquer a person or keep his love can work wonders.
  4. A good example to follow. It’s good if you have such an example before your eyes - some kind of authority that you want to emulate. For example, a friend or mother who, even at 50 years old, remains slim and beautiful because she works on herself every day.
  5. Losing weight for company. Oddly enough, and no matter what they say about this method (there are many opinions), it works. True, everything depends on the group – the team you work with. It’s great when this group of good friends who go in for sports, devote a lot of time to working on themselves, choose leisure. As a rule, group weight loss “for company” helps to achieve good results. But only in those groups where everyone supports each other.
  6. Health recovery. The problems and consequences of excess weight are familiar to everyone who is looking for ways to lose weight: shortness of breath and arrhythmia, heart problems, intimate problems, cellulite, gastrointestinal diseases and much more. What can we say about cases where life can directly depend on losing weight. In this case, working on yourself becomes simply necessary: ​​sports should become your second self.
  7. Criticism of one's own and ridicule of others. At best, we hear - “Oh, who has become such a chubby little thing” and “Wow, how crazy you are, mother”, at worst - “Move over, cow, you can’t get through,” etc. Such “amenities” are no longer a signal that it’s time to lose weight, but a real alarm bell. Let's run to the scales!
  8. “No, I don’t like swimming, I’ll just sit in the shade and look, and at the same time I’ll guard your things.” Often, losing weight begins with the desire to walk beautifully along the beach so that everyone gasps at your swimsuit and its strong, elastic contents. But, as life shows, losing weight “by summer” is a meaningless process with temporary results if a sports lifestyle does not then become a habit.
  9. Set a personal example for your child. If your child constantly sits at the computer and is already beginning to spread out his body in a comfortable chair, then you will not change his lifestyle except by your own example. In most cases, sports parents have sports children who always follow the example of moms and dads.

Of course, there are many more motivators for losing weight. But it is important to find your own, individual, which will motivate you to great deeds and allow you to “stay in the saddle”, despite possible obstacles.

Video: Super motivation for losing weight!

How to maintain your motivation to lose weight even at well-laid tables and delicious family dinners, and not fall off your diet?

Anyone who has had to lose weight knows how difficult the process can be, and how easy it is to break down midway through the start - or even at the very beginning.

Therefore, it is important not only to find motivation, but also to maintain it without turning off the chosen path to the nearest fast food.

  • We are happy with any result! Even if you lost 200 g, that’s already good. And even if you lost 0 kg, that’s also good, because you gained 0.
  • Let's not forget about reasonable goals. We set only small tasks in which it is realistic to achieve results.
  • We use only those methods that bring joy. For example, you don't need to eat carrots and spinach if you hate them. You can replace them with boiled beef with a vegetable side dish. Moderation and the golden mean are important in everything. Look for a compromise with yourself. If you hate running, then there is no need to exhaust yourself with jogging - find another way of physical activity. For example, dancing at home to music, yoga, dumbbells. In the end, you can rent a couple of exercise machines at home, and then nothing will bother you at all - neither prying eyes, nor the need to drag yourself to the gym after work.
  • Don't expect quick results. And don't think about it at all. Just follow your goal - slowly, with pleasure.
  • Be sure to celebrate your victories. Of course, we are not talking about feasts with a lot of dishes, but about a reward for oneself for one’s efforts. Determine these rewards in advance. For example, a trip somewhere, a visit to a salon, etc.
  • Remove all large plates. Cook in minimal portions and get used to eating from small plates.
  • Use the benefits of civilization to your advantage . For example, applications that will help you in your work on yourself - calorie counters, counters of kilometers traveled per day, etc.
  • Keep a diary about your successes - and the methods of struggle themselves. It is advisable to keep it on the appropriate website, where your works will be of interest to people who are at war with overweight at the same time as you.
  • Don't be too hard and demanding on yourself - this is fraught with breakdown and depression, and then a rapid gain of even more significant weight. But at the same time, don’t let yourself fall short of your diet, workouts, etc. It is better to exercise for 10 minutes a day, but without exceptions and weekends, than for 1-2 hours, and periodically lazily “forgetting” about training. It is better to eat boiled chicken/beef than to suffer from the lack of meat in your diet at all.
  • Don't get hysterical if you find that you've gained weight again. Analyze why you gained weight, draw conclusions and act according to them.
  • Remember that only a few will sincerely believe in you. Or maybe no one will believe in you at all. But this is not your problem. Because you have your own tasks and your own life path. And you must prove that you have willpower not to them, but exclusively to yourself.
  • Don't weigh yourself every day. It's just no use. It is enough to climb on the scale once a week or two. Then the result will be really noticeable.
  • Don’t think that a buckwheat diet alone will give you back the firm butt you had in your youth. Whatever business you take on, it will require an integrated approach. IN in this case, diet should always be combined with physical activity and activity, and lifestyle changes in general.

The main mistakes that in the fight against excess weight lead... to excess weight

Goal and motivation are important for success. And it seems that everything is clear and laid out on the shelves, but for some reason, as a result of this “cruel struggle” with extra centimeters, these extra centimeters are becoming more and more numerous.

Where is the mistake?

  • Fighting extra pounds. Yes, yes, it is this struggle that prevents you from losing those extra centimeters. Stop fighting excess weight - start enjoying the process of losing weight. Look for those methods, methods and diets that will bring you joy. Any “hard labor” in this matter is an obstacle to beautiful body contours. Remember, fighting weight and striving for lightness are two different motivations and, accordingly, tasks, both in goals and in the means of achieving them.
  • Motivation. Losing weight “for the summer” or for a specific number on the scale is the wrong motivator. Your purpose should be clearer, deeper, and truly powerful.
  • Negative attitude. If you are pre-set on a war with excess weight, and are even sure of your defeat (“I can’t”, “I can’t handle it”, etc.), then you will never achieve your goal. Look around. Many people who have successfully lost weight have regained not only ease of movement, but also the elasticity of new contours, because they didn’t just want it, but were clearly moving towards the goal. If it worked for them, then why can’t it work for you? Whatever excuses you come up with now in response to this question, remember: if you are not confident in yourself, then you have chosen the wrong motivation.
  • No need to give up food and then get depressed , greedily look into the plates of cafe visitors and make brutal raids on the refrigerator at night according to the principle “not a single cutlet will survive.” Why work yourself into hysteria? First, give up mayonnaise, bread, fast food and fatty foods. When you get used to replacing mayonnaise olive oil, and rolls with biscuits, you can move to the second level - replace the usual desserts (buns, cakes, candies and chocolates) with healthy ones. When you have an unbearable craving for sweets, you don’t need to rush to the store for a cake - bake yourself some apples with nuts and honey in the oven. Do your teeth constantly itch and want to chew on something? Make crackers from black bread with garlic in a frying pan and nibble to your health. The next level is replacing dinner with a milk-curd delicacy with minimal fat content, and so on. Remember that everything takes a habit. You won’t be able to just give up everything at once - your body will require an alternative. Therefore, first look for an alternative, and only then begin to prohibit yourself from everything - slowly, step by step.
  • High bar. It is important to know that the norm for weight loss, reasonable and healthy, with a long-term effect, is a maximum of 1.5 kg per week. Don't try to lose more! This will only harm the body (such extreme weight loss is especially dangerous for heart patients, as well as for kidney disease, etc.), in addition, the weight will quickly return back according to the “yo-yo” principle.

And, of course, remember that you need a complete and proper sleep schedule. After all, lack of sleep only provokes stress and the production of ghrelin (almost a “gremlin”) - hunger hormone.

Keep calm - and lose weight with pleasure!

  • So what are the incentives?
  • Where to start losing weight?
    • Play some sports
    • Self-discipline methods
    • Emotional methods
    • Visual methods

Excess weight is truly a threat of the 21st century. Next time you head downstairs during your lunch break, look around and count how many eateries there are near your place of work. I would venture to guess that the list will not be limited to one or two. This is because their owners know where it is easiest to find clients - victims of long working hours will not run around the city in search of a vegetable market; it is much easier to go to one of the eateries and eat unexpectedly juicy, greasy French fries.

And we do this day after day, and then we look at ourselves in the mirror and suddenly realize that “one” serving of super-calorie pizza was definitely too much.

The very first one you ate in your life.

Watch the video - 100% motivation:

How to motivate yourself to lose weight

To take on something, you must have an incentive or motive. Essentially, motivation is the search for motivation to do something.

In the case of losing weight, it’s quite easy to find such incentives, but sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to force yourself to move. After all, this is not the first day you’ve been living, you have a certain way of life that you don’t really want to change. Especially if you've worked at the same place for many years and know the prices for pizza and take-out breakfast at all the nearby eateries.

So what are the incentives?

One of the most effective tools for motivating you to lose weight is a mirror. It’s not for nothing that the famous Faina Ranevskaya said: “Darling, if you want to lose weight, eat naked and in front of the mirror.” Looking at yourself, flabby, with flabby sagging skin and belly, you are unlikely to eat with appetite.

Arnold Glasgow, an American scientist, once wittily remarked: “The body is baggage that should be carried throughout your life. The heavier the luggage, the shorter the journey will be.” Cynical, but true: alas, according to statistics, overweight people live less than slim people. The reason for this would be O greater load on the heart than that of thin people, this leads to accelerated wear and tear.

Have you already wanted to lose weight?

Then let's see where to start.

Where to start losing weight?

Set yourself a specific goal

It is always easier to achieve specific goals than vague ones. Set yourself a goal, for example, to lose 7 kilograms in the next 3 months. When you know what result you are striving for, achieving it will be much easier. At the same time, your goal does not necessarily have to be tied to kilograms - you can start from the size of your waist, hips, or, for example, set a goal to gradually eliminate useless and harmful foods from your diet.

Watch the video on the topic:

Avoid starchy and sweet foods

Can't imagine your evening without a cake or a piece of sponge cake?

If you seriously intend to lose weight, you will have to give up starchy foods and sweets first. You don’t have to immediately forget about cookies or croissants - eliminate them gradually but decisively.

Play some sports

No active physical activity The weight loss process can take months or even years. Isn’t it better to speed it up and, overcoming your own laziness, go jogging and/or join a gym?

20 Best Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight

Self-discipline methods

Realize why we are doing this

Think about what you can’t do now, but will be able to do after losing weight? This applies to all aspects of your life, from having more varied sex to buying a favorite skirt or trousers that you are physically unable to fit into right now.

The more activities you remember, the easier it will be to set yourself in the right mood.

Re-read this list regularly

Save it in your phone or print it out and refresh your memory if you start to doubt. Motivation needs to be fueled.

Eat in front of the mirror

Yes, yes, as Faina Ranevskaya bequeathed. Not necessarily naked. You have to think that you won’t eat much, and that’s great.

Set goals that are not directly related to weight

For some, losing 5-7 kilograms in a few months seems unrealistic. If you are one of them, then perhaps it is better for you to set goals in a slightly different format: for example, give up sugar in tea or flour after six in the evening.

A kind of compromise with your own appetite: taking tiny steps away from your previous diet in the direction of slimness and health.

Make a clear plan of your actions

It doesn't matter what goal you are going towards. It is much more important that there must be a clear plan on how to achieve the goal. Having decided on a goal, write down what steps you will take to achieve it, and begin to move towards the desired result.

Don't overload yourself

There is no need to grab onto everything or mock yourself. Our main goal is not just to lose weight, but to lose weight without unnecessary stress on the body, naturally, one might even say with “pleasure.”

If the lost kilograms are suffered through pain, cakes and other sweets will always be associated with something good, which you will secretly dream about while dining on broccoli or cauliflower salad.

Track your progress

Keep a health diary, dividing each sheet into two columns. In the first, we will write down what was planned, in the second, what was actually completed. Don't fool yourself. Any cunning can ultimately result in disappointment when, after quite a long period of time, the desired result is not even half achieved.

Emotional methods

Consult a doctor

Who, if not doctors, knows best how harmful excess weight affects our health?

Make an appointment with a specialist and make sure that your desire to lose weight is not an obsessive desire, but a well-founded need.

Say no to short-term diets

In other words, be patient. It should be understood that short diets are not bridges to healthy eating. Their main goal is to temporarily (!) reduce your weight to a certain norm through forcing excess water. As a rule, these diets are used by athletes before competitions - the so-called “drying” of the body in order to “get into” the desired weight category. But that’s not what you need at all.

Understand that being slim is the key to longevity

The sad fact is that according to statistics, overweight people live less than moderately thin people. Life is beautiful, so is it worth losing several productive years in this world for the sake of an extra cake?

Make an appointment with a nutritionist

Losing weight despite a number of general rules– the process is quite individual.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight as effectively as possible, you should consult a professional nutritionist. A knowledgeable specialist will help you choose a diet that’s right for you.

Don't be satisfied with little

Fact: the first 3-4 kilograms always go away faster than the subsequent ones.

Don't think that the diet will be like an easy walk - there is a high risk of disappointment when weight loss slows down.

Visual methods

Imagine how much better life will be after losing weight

Imagine how much brighter and more interesting life will be when you get rid of the extra pounds. The better your imagination is developed, the more details you can come up with; the higher your motivation will be.

Write a story about life after losing weight

In essence, this is the previous method, but improved and more thorough.

You can re-read the fantasies wrapped in text over and over again.

Look for inspiration in examples

Let the example of other people who have overcome the problem of excess weight inspire you to your own exploits. There are plenty of stories of miraculous transformations on the Internet. There are even entire communities on social networks where people brag about their achievements and thereby motivate others to be more active in their diet and exercise routine. One example of such associations is the group “Before and after weight loss, motivation” ( - join and get motivated along with other sufferers.

Work in front of a mirror

Look in the mirror more often, tell yourself more often that you deserve better, that your life, already full, will become even better when you get rid of excess weight.

Note every detail, praise yourself, but do not forget to call yourself to discipline so that local successes do not push back the desired result, but, on the contrary, bring it closer.

Act like you've already lost weight

Don't be ashamed of your figure, live a full life now. If you like something, do not deny yourself the pleasure of purchasing it - then, when you lose weight and this thing becomes too big for you, you will experience additional satisfaction from your own efforts.

Take a selfie

The more photos you take, the more obvious your progress will be. Looking at the very first photos after three, four, six months, you will be surprised how much you have changed during this time.

Make a collage “Me in the future”

When you not only know, but also see what you are striving for, it is easier for you to motivate yourself to take decisive action. Collage “Me in the future” is one of the tricky and effective ways imagine yourself after losing weight and go towards your goal with even greater persistence.

If you have certain skills in working with graphic editors (in other words, you know how to “Photoshop”), making such a collage will be much easier. If you do not have such skills, let the collage be stored in your head: imagine yourself in the future more often and go towards this image.

Make a “weight loss buddy”

Add a competitive effect to weight loss - incline best friend or a friend to lose weight with you. When you have before your eyes an example of a loved one who is successfully getting rid of extra pounds, you yourself will not want to lag behind.

Choose those methods of motivation that suit you and lose weight effectively! Good luck!

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