How to make animals out of geometric shapes. Applications of animals

Application is an old method of developing children of all ages, which includes a huge number of varieties: from geometric shapes, from fabric, from natural materials, subject, plot, decorative and so on.

Applique classes will bring an exceptionally positive contribution to the development of the child:

Preparation of the workplace and materials

Whether it is a simple application of geometric shapes or pasting a long story using the data provided, Due attention must be paid, first of all, to the organization of the child's workplace:

  • scissors (light, small, comfortable for a child's hand, always with blunt ends);
  • base, which will become the base for the applique (for example, a white sheet of paper, cardboard, wooden block);
  • glue (preferably glue - a pencil that will not spread, spill or stain, unlike the usual liquid form);
  • working material (what the applique will be made of: colored paper, fabric, cereals, foil, flowers and so on).

Working with templates

For the correct organization of applique classes with children, it is important to work out every little thing, in particular the templates. Applications for the smallest (3-5 years old), for example, from geometric shapes, leave no questions about creating templates for them. In this case, you need to create a drawing, indicating on it the places where the baby should glue the pre-cut elements.

In situations with preparing for applications for older children, certain difficulties may arise if the organizer does not have good drawing skills. The described situation is due to the need to create more complex sketches, tracing and cutting out on their own, which children will be able to get the necessary components of the future crafts.

The algorithm for working with templates is identical for each type of application:

  • create a sketch in color;
  • copy the original drawing;
  • cut (for children 3-5 years old) or divide with bright lines (for children from 5 years old) the image copied in color into the constituent parts of the future work;
  • glue the elements onto the prepared base.

Shape templates for the younger group of kindergarten

Geometric appliques - the most suitable a way of developing fine motor skills and creative thinking in younger children kindergarten:

Figure Templates for Senior Kindergarten

Application of geometric shapes, complementing the plot of the picture, "drawing up" pictures of animals, birds, by gluing them eyes, paws, wings, and so on - the main types of applicative activities with children 4-5 years old:

Kindergarten Kindergarten Shape Templates

Assignments for children over 5 years old, as a rule, mean not only cutting and gluing, but also independently preparing a template for application:

Shape templates for class 1

The applique of geometric shapes will surely lend itself to schoolchildren who know how to carefully handle scissors.

Pupils are given complicated tasks with a large number of templates - circles, polygons for cutting out which will require strength, perseverance, accuracy.


Shape templates for class 2


Shape templates for grade 3


Shape Templates for Grade 4


Application on the theme "Summer"

Applications of the forest, sun, mushrooms, trees, grass, made from geometric shapes of various materials, will perfectly reveal the topic of summer in a child's work:

As a result of the work, the child receives an image sunny day with all components summer period.

Application on the theme "Autumn"

When working on "autumn" applications, you can, as an option, use natural material:

As a result of the simplest manipulations, the child will receive an application that illustrates the details of the autumn season.

Application on the theme "Winter"

Winter-themed work can be done from a variety of materials: cotton wool, paper, fabric, and so on. The most useful from the point of view of the development of fine motor skills in children is an application consisting of small pieces of paper. The child should not cut these components, but tear the paper as small as possible. It is better to use a dark blue sheet of colored cardboard as a base.


  1. To begin with, children need to prepare templates for houses, trees, consisting of geometric shapes. (rectangles - houses; squares - windows of houses; elongated rectangles - tree trunks; triangles - roofs of houses).
  2. After gluing the received details of the applique into place, you can start the process of tearing the paper.
  3. Small pieces of white paper, obtained as a result of the work done, are randomly attached to the roof, branches, ground, depicting snowfall or drifts.

As a result of creativity, an image of a winter city is obtained on a sheet of paper.

Application on the theme "Space"

When working on a "space" application, you can invite your child to "compose" constellations:

As a result of creativity, a variety of constellations of the night sky should be obtained: Ursa Major / Ursa Minor, Gemini, Great Dog, and so on.

Drawing patterns from geometric shapes

Drawing up a pattern from geometric shapes helps to master or consolidate knowledge about their names in children, develops fine motor skills, creative thinking, and imagination. This type of activity consists in gluing the simplest shapes in a chaotic manner to obtain a pattern or classifying the components by size, shape, color, and so on.

To generate interest in a child in this kind applications, an adult invites him to decorate a napkin.

Having provided the student with templates, it is necessary to show him a sample, a copy of which should be the result of the work. An alternative to the pattern can be cooperation with a teacher, where, hearing the name (color, size) of a geometric figure previously cut according to a template, the child must choose the one and glue it to the specified place.

It is important for an organizer of application classes to remember the need to:

  • equip competently workplace"Student": remove unnecessary, prepare the necessary;
  • in the classroom, resort to play techniques in order to keep the child's interest;
  • use a variety of materials for applications in order to best develop the tactile sensations of children;
  • choose a topic that matches the interests of a particular age group;
  • ask the child to express his personal opinion after the work done for further analysis of mistakes in the organization of the process;
  • do not limit the child's imagination and allow him to finalize the lesson plan with applications in the course of work.

Applications made in the style of the simplest gluing of pictures from geometric shapes, along with more complex options, should, first of all, bring joy to children.

Unambiguously, the "teacher" should interest the children before formulating the assignment, praise them in the process, and evaluate the merits of the work already completed. While enjoying the lessons, the child will not only develop, but also have a pleasant time in the company of peers or parents, which means that applique classes will take root in his life for a long time.

Video: applique from geometric shapes

Applications from geometric shapes in the video:

Find out how to create an applique with animals in the video:

Do you know how to make animals from geometric shapes?

Never tried it?

Then you should look at the pictures on the site, where various animals are made of geometric shapes. Offer these drawings to your children: they will surely appreciate their originality.

Geometric world

In everything that surrounds us, you can find elements of geometry.

The table can be round or square, our houses are parallelepipeds, etc. Haven't you watched the artists draw? They first outline the contours of an object with a base of geometric shapes, and only then draw smooth lines around them. They see the world as geometric, and smooth or soft lines only hide the real essence of things.

In pedagogy for children preschool age there is even a whole area where children are taught to see pure geometric shapes in everything. This is Maria's pedagogy. She believed that clean geometric shapes contribute to the better development of children and their orientation in the world. This is not to say that this system is ideal, but it found its supporters.

Now let's remember the works of artists of the era of modernism and postmodernism. Paintings filled with squares, triangles, circles, trapezoids and all sorts of shapes painted in different colors rise before my eyes. So painters new era saw the world, and there had to be a foundation for it. They tried to convey this world untouched by human hands. Their aspiration was to show that all of us and all objects around us are composed of geometric shapes. Our whole world, if you look closely, is solid geometry.

How to use pictures in working with children

It is quite understandable that the question arises: artists are one thing, but why do children need such a vision of the world?

Of course, pictures with animals from geometric shapes are not intended to impose an extraordinary vision of the world on the baby. However, why not show that such an interpretation of everything that surrounds us is possible.

From the pictures, you can learn the names of geometric shapes in an interesting and exciting way. From a simple demonstration and repetition, the child quickly gets tired and begins to give up classes, even if the mother spends them at home. It is another matter if the figures are to be found in animals. Here genuine curiosity awakens.

When you fully study the names of the figures and their appearance, ask your child to express their vision of the world. Let's take an animal or any object as an example.

Ask: what geometric shape does it look like.

Such exercises:

  1. - develop observation skills;
  2. - improve logical and spatial thinking;
  3. - contribute to the vision of an object hidden behind the outer shell.

The kid learns to see and observe what others cannot or cannot see... Is this not the upbringing of an artist and creative personality?

Or you can play the reverse game. Imagine that you are abstract artists. Have one of you draw something consisting of geometric shapes, and the other will try to guess what is drawn. Postmodern painters often encrypted their drawings on a canvas filled with squares, rectangles, trapezoids ... the same puzzles were previously offered by children's magazines.

You yourself can create such a puzzle: you just need a little imagination and a view of the world through the prism of geometry.

Click on the picture to download this exercise book for kids for free.
Examples of pages of a notebook with applications for children from 1 to 3 years old.

Applications for children from 4 to 7 years old. Click on the picture to download this book.

Dear mums and dads, what could be better than cutting and pasting figures, patterns or whole pictures from pieces of paper? It should be remembered that the development of creative thinking in children of any age is facilitated by a variety of interesting, colorful and unusual applications from colored paper. Using scissors, glue, colored paper and adding a little imagination, you can create an original and unique applique together with your child.

Application- cutting and gluing (sewing on) figures, patterns or whole pictures from pieces of paper, fabric, leather, vegetable and other materials on the base material (background). As a rule, the base material is cardboard, thick paper, wood. The application is associated with cognitive activities and has a huge impact on the development of mental and creative abilities of children.

Piglet applique

All children are very fond of the fairy tale about the three pigs. Do you want to revive it for your baby? Our site, which has a piglet applique, will help you with this. You can use it easily. To do this, you just need to save the diagram that is provided on our website. How do I save the schema? Right-click on the diagram and click save rice how? This is a very easy-to-do craft, your kid can easily do it with his own hands. Therefore, give him such an opportunity, even if he does not get the piglets' applications a little the first time, but this will also make the fairy tale humorous.

Cow applique

"Children drink milk - be healthy!" Is this phrase just a phrase for your child? Does he really hate milk? Then create a fairy tale for him about how milk is made. To do this, you first need a cow. No, not at all not live, but an application of a cow. Let the kid do this craft with his own hands. To do this, he will be greatly helped by a diagram of how to make a cow applique, which you can simply download and print. Having made such a craft, tell us how a cow eats grass and she has milk, which is very useful for children. Make a cow applique and maybe the baby will soon ask for milk himself.

Kitty applique

The cat applique suits the smallest creators, as it has a very simple scheme.

First, let's prepare the necessary material:

Colored paper, scissors, glue, black felt-tip pen and base sheet.

If you decide to make a cat of the same color as ours, then you will need three shades of gray paper. Two identical circles must be cut out of them - this is the torso and the head. Then two semicircles - legs or base and tail. The ears will be two triangles. There are two small circles left - these are the eyes and one slightly larger - the nose. The following work can be done by a child with his own hands. Looking at the hint diagram, he only needs to correctly position and glue the details of our cat on the sheet. And the mouth and mustache can be drawn with a black felt-tip pen. Here is such a simple cat applique.

Cut out patterns and make your favorite appliques.

Application Fur seal

A cheerful fur seal will not leave indifferent any kid, and a simple application scheme will make its execution easy and affordable.

For this craft we need:

scissors with which we will cut out an oval and a triangle from black colored paper, which will later turn into the body and tail of a fur seal. The gray paper oval cut in half are his flippers. Light gray circle - head. Cut out the crown from yellow paper.

Our fur seal performs in the circus, so he needs a pedestal. To do this, cut out three identical triangles, two of which will be of the same color. Then the child himself will be able to glue all the details of a cheerful fur seal on a sheet of paper. Do not forget to finish drawing the eyes and mustache for our circus performer at the end of the work, as well as cut and glue the nose. The colors of the geometric shapes can be changed as you like.

Applique doggy

The doggy applique is very easy to make. Even a pupil can do such a craft. middle group kindergarten.

For this craft you will need: colored paper, glue, scissors, a black pencil or felt-tip pen and an album sheet.

Adults cut out two identical circles - in the future, this will be the body and head of a faithful four-legged friend. And also four semicircles will be needed. From two we will make ears, from one - a tail. Let's put the puppy on a bump - the last semicircle. Now we will give the baby a job. Have him carefully glue all the details onto the album sheet. At the end of the work, help your child draw the eyes, nose and mouth of the dog.

The application of the dog is ready. This puppy will guard the baby's sleep and will become his faithful friend.

Circus Magician Applique

Everyone loves the circus. Therefore, we propose to make the Circus Magician application with your own hands, who could always cheer up and amuse. For him, you need to cut out a circle on light paper and draw eyes and a smile on it. Cut out hands from paper of the same color. Let's dress our Circus Magician in a formal black suit. To do this, cut out an oval and four triangles from black paper. His hat will be the same color - an oval cut in half and a rectangle. We make big shoes - we cut the oval into two parts. Collar - yellow star. And, of course, the magic wand is another five-pointed star shape. It remains to correctly place the details of our application on a sheet of paper, glue everything and make a wish.

Applique bird

Have you ever fed the birds with bread crumbs in the park? Remember how your child enjoys this process. And every day he asks you to go to the park to feed the birds. And if it's raining outside? What to do? And everything is very simple! Make an applique for the bird that the baby will give crumbs to. The kid can easily do this craft with his own hands.This scheme will help the kid not to get confused in the actions, since the scheme will be in front of him all the time. Having made the applique, you can feed the bird with bread crumbs. Also, the kid will be happy to play with this craft and the bird will never fly away from him.

Crab applique

We bring to your attention a crab applique. It is very easy to perform, so the kid can do it himself.In order for the child to easily and quickly complete the crab applique, you cansave the diagram. Right-click on the diagram and click save rice how?And let the applique assembly become fabulous for your baby!

Chicken applique

Applications are interesting fakes that even small children can make with their own hands. And this is very good, since the applications help children in the development of fine motor skills, the development of perseverance and attentiveness. Who will the kids want to do first? Of course, those animals and birds that they learned to portray first. And among them, of course, are small chickens. Therefore, invite your child to make a chicken applique, believe me, he will willingly agree. For the application of the chicken, you only need colored paper, scissors and glue.

Duckling applique

"They want to be like funny ducklings, they want to be like, not in vain, not in vain ..." Does your kid like to dance to this song? Then make this dance more interesting, like theatrical action. To do this, you will need appliques for ducklings that will dance with your baby. The kid will do this simple craft with his own hands.

Applique horse

If you want to develop your child correctly, do it with the help of crafts that the kid can do with his own hands. Applique horse is such an easy-to-do craft. It is very easy to make it. To do this, you only need colored paper, scissors and glue.Your little one will be happy to play with horses.

Bunny applique

Kids will like the hare applique for its simplicity and ease of making. Its scheme is quite simple. Two circles of the same size will become the head and body of our hare. The yellow star shape will serve as a beautiful collar. The ears of this little animal are an oval cut in half. And to make the hare's legs, it is enough to cut the oval into two unequal parts. The smaller part will become the front legs, and the larger one will become the hind legs. Now you need a sheet of paper on which the child will glue the finished parts of the hare. The eyes and nose can also be cut and glued, or you can simply draw them with a black felt-tip pen. And don't forget the mustache. So our do-it-yourself hare applique is ready.

There are many fun ways to fill the time, but geometric applique is going to be one of the funniest hobbies because it allows you to create real masterpieces of art. After that, she can decorate the interior of the home, creating a special atmosphere for relaxation or doing household chores.

Colored paper applique became very popular in preschool and school educational institutions... It allows you to develop a child's skills in a complex, improving his basic abilities:

  • motor skills;
  • thinking;
  • fantasy;
  • agility;
  • accuracy and others.

Types of application

Depending on the type of projects being created or crafts on paper, this hobby can be divided into 2 types:

What can be made from colored paper geometric shapes?

There is no single standard, like educational programs for children, to make various applications from colored paper, because every person's imagination is very different.

The main task is to develop all the basic skills in them. In most cases, the teacher independently decides which pictures the children will compose or gives them the opportunity to independently choose what they want to do. This is how not only motor skills develop, but also thinking, since the child chooses the character he likes.

Simple compositions

Simple ones are mastered first. flat figures... For example, a locomotive applique will be a great option for boys. It can be made up of several regular geometric figures that the teacher or the child himself will cut out, depending on age.

Children begin to confidently hold scissors in their hands only by the age of 5-6, and cut out complex figures of irregular shape in the first grade. In fact, it all depends on the development of the child, his activity and abilities. therefore the train will be a great start.

It will require:

  • 3 rectangles of different colors and sizes. 1 will become a platform, 1 - a driver's cabin, 1 - a water tank;
  • the semicircle will be the front of the tank;
  • an inverted isosceles triangle can become an exhaust pipe;
  • a couple of circles - with wheels;
  • a long rectangle - a rod for an eccentric connection of the wheels.

The child learns from the materials presented to fold the image on a sheet of paper, spread glue evenly and evenly combine the details together. Fine motor skills of hands, thinking, imagination develop, if you offer him to make a train without an example.

Another rather simple version of a paper masterpiece is a bird applique. It will require one large circle for the body, a pair of semicircles for the wings, several small triangles for the legs and beak.

You can create pictures of various animals from geometric shapes, allowing the child to independently think about whom he can make.

Volumetric applique from colored quilling paper

After developing the skills of creating flat compositions, they proceed to volumetric applications from colored paper. Such crafts will be more difficult to master, therefore, they are used in teaching for older children. For example, in the 4th group of kindergarten or 1st grade. Guys with good abilities can be identified in a circle.

At the first stages, it is better to master volumetric compositions easier. For example, applique house with cutting patterns, like a good option... The wall can be flat, and the windows, roof and exhaust can be protruding.

The way to add volume is different. Parts made of paper can be bent, or they can be glued on an additional leg to the background of the same dimensions, creating a 3D effect with a shadow.

Butterfly applique is one of simple options, which many children will be able to master, even when making a composition in volume.

To do this, you can cut 2 identical parts. Glue one completely, and the second - bend in half and glue in the center. This will create wings. The head is formed from a circle, and the body from a strip.

Volumetric compositions from simple shapes

For younger children, you can offer to make an applique from circles of colored paper. With the presence of imagination, both flat compositions on a white sheet and volumetric ones are made of them.

With circles, abstract thinking will develop well if you invite the child to complete an arbitrary picture.

When the children's imagination is already somewhat developed, they move on to more difficult tasks... For example, mosaic applique, as a good option for further development of skills.

Give the pupil a set of cuttings of different or one shape so that he can come up with a composition on his own. If it will be enough colors, you can get quite colorful pictures.

Cutting templates

If you do not know where to start the development of the child, then use a ready-made bunny template for applique or other animals.

There are many interesting sets with which you can comprehensively develop skills in children. In any case, all applications contribute to the formation of such qualities as:

  • figurative and spatial thinking;
  • perseverance;
  • exposure;
  • fantasy;
  • dexterity and motor skills of the hands;
  • accuracy.

As you reach a new level, the tasks for creating compositions can be complicated.