What is the speed of the snake? The fastest snake: structure and methods of movement

Today, scientists know a species of snake that can rightfully be called the fastest in the world. We are talking about a reptile living in Africa - the black mamba. Few European residents know which snake is the fastest and that it lives on the southernmost continent of the world. However, local residents are familiar with it firsthand.

The fastest snake, whose speed can exceed 20 km/h, prefers life in savannah and steppe conditions, but often visits the homes of people living in African countries. It is noteworthy that existing myth The idea that a black mamba can pursue a victim for a long time is just a fiction. She can move at great speed, but only for short distances. In this article we will look at what is the fastest snake in the world where it lives, its methods of movement and body structure.


The black mamba is exceptional African species snake. It is distributed throughout Africa, but its most preferred areas are the arid areas of the southern and eastern parts of the continent. The main habitats are savannas and woodlands. Mostly the fastest snake leads a terrestrial lifestyle, but sometimes climbs trees. The black mamba has a very wide habitat. These reptiles are often found in Namibia, KwaZulu-Natal, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique, Congo, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania. In addition, experts claim that encounters with this reptile have been recorded more than once in the territories of Rwanda and Burundi.

The black mamba is not adapted to life in trees, so it lives in savannas, among small bushes. Often, in order to bask in the sun, she climbs a tree, but spends most of her life on the ground. In rare cases, the reptile settles in termite mounds and tree hollows. In addition, there are numerous cases where the fastest snake settled in people's houses. As a rule, it is attracted to small rodents adjacent to humans.


What is the feature of the fastest snake on land that gives it its name? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. This reptile got its name not from its body color, but from a feature of its mouth that gives it an eerie appearance and mortal danger to humans. The size of the fastest snake makes it the second largest poisonous snake in a post-King Cobra world. It can reach 4 meters in length, but this is maximum size. The standard length of the average individual is from 2 to 3 meters.

Although this reptile bears this name, its color is far from black. It got its name from the unusual coal-black color of its mouth. The snake's body itself is dark olive shade with a metallic sheen. At the same time, the back part, closer to the end of the tail, is darker than the rest of the body. The abdomen of the black mamba has a light Brown color. Adults have a darker body color, while juveniles are much lighter.

Black mamba skull

Like other species of snakes, this reptile has a diapsid-type skull with reduced temporal arches. In addition, it is also kinetic, which indicates the possibility of moving bones apart. This function is especially important when swallowing food. The bones of the skull are divided into a number of types: quadrate, temporal, squamosal and maxillary bones. The jaws, both upper and lower, are separated by ligaments that have good elasticity. They are also movably connected to each other, thanks to which the black mamba is able to swallow prey that exceeds the size of its mouth.

Jaws and teeth

The black mamba has well-developed teeth, which are present on both the upper and lower jaws. The teeth are 6.5 millimeters long. They have a thin shape and are very sharp. This is necessary to gradually push food into the esophagus.

It is noteworthy that the jaws and teeth of this reptile, like those of other species of snakes, are not intended for chewing function. In addition to small sharp teeth that serve as food guides, the black mamba has long poisonous teeth. They are hollow and directly connected to the glands that produce poison. When a bite occurs, poison is injected into the victim's body through the poisonous teeth. Interesting fact The point here is that the black mamba, unlike other poisonous snakes, does not make one bite, but a series, during which it is capable of injecting up to 450 milligrams of poison. The lethal dose for humans is 10-15 milligrams.

One of the main features of the black mamba is the shape of its jaws. If you look at it carefully, it may seem that the reptile is smiling. But this smile does not add to her cuteness. When encountering this creature, you need to be extremely careful. A black mamba bite to the leg area can kill a person in 2 hours, but if it is in the vein area, the poison will be fatal in a few minutes.


Since this reptile does not have developed limbs, there are no specific sections in its spine. It has increased flexibility, uniformity and great length. It is noteworthy that the vertebrae are all absolutely identical and the same identical ribs are attached to them. Their number depends on the size of the snake. It is reliably known that the fastest snake can have up to 430 vertebrae. It has no sternum, like other species of snakes. Thanks to this feature, the snake can curl into rings as much as its length allows.


Like other species, the limbs of the world's fastest snake are atrophied. However, experts who examined several individuals from different parts of Africa found that the snakes that live in the northern part of the continent have minor rudiments of the pelvic bones. They are more pronounced than those of the southern inhabitants.

How does a black mamba move?

The black mamba, like many other species of snakes similar to it, moves in two main ways. The first method is the so-called accordion movement. The reptile gathers its entire body together, then, burying its tail in the surface of the earth, pushes off and thanks to this moves forward. After this movement, she pulls up the back of her body, gathering herself into a ball again.

The second method of movement is moving with a caterpillar. Using this method, the black mamba moves in a straight line and overcomes various crevices. It is noteworthy that it is precisely when moving on a flat, straight surface that it is able to develop its record high speed. When a snake moves in this manner, it uses its ventral scales, sinking them into the ground. When the scales are underground, the reptile uses muscles to move them towards the tail. As a result, the scales are repelled in turn from the surface of the soil and set the snake’s body in motion. According to experts, this method resembles rowing with oars in its movement of scales.

MOSCOW, January 13 - RIA Novosti. For the first time, biologists have accurately measured the speed at which a viper or rattlesnake throws out its head and bites its prey. The snake accelerates to 100 kilometers per hour in just 79 milliseconds, according to Scientific Reports magazine.

“In nature, all encounters between predators and prey are unique - they are much more diverse than what we can see when they interact in the laboratory. Modern technologies"allowed us to understand what determines a successful hunt or escape from a predator, and move closer to uncovering the evolutionary factors that drive predators and their prey," said Timothy Higham from the University of California, Riverside.

Since the Middle Ages and even earlier eras, vipers, rattlesnakes and other representatives of the Viperidae family have been considered a symbol of lightning-fast reaction, ultra-high speed and almost guaranteed accuracy of attack on the victim.

All these snakes hunt small mammals and reptiles from ambush, jumping out at great speed, opening their mouths 180 degrees and literally “driving” their fangs into the flesh of the victim. Higham and his colleagues decided to study this process in detail by traveling to the Mojave Desert in the southwestern United States, where rattlesnakes live in abundance.

Scientist: a chameleon's tongue accelerates to "hundreds" in a hundredth of a secondThe tongue of microchameleons turned out to be one of the fastest and most powerful objects in the living world - it accelerates to 100 km per hour in a hundredth of a second, survives overloads of 260 free fall accelerations and produces approximately 14 kilowatts of energy per kilogram of mass.

Having placed camera traps, the scientists connected them to a computer and centrally monitored the hunting of snakes, whose favorite prey is American kangaroo jumpers (Dipodomys merriami) - large rodents similar to jerboas and moving along the sand in the same “jumping” manner.

To film the snakes, scientists used high-speed infrared cameras capable of capturing 500 frames per second in 3D, as well as special systems thermal "backlight".

Observations immediately dispelled one of the myths: it turned out that snakes quite often miss, flying over or not reaching the rodent, especially if it managed to last moment spot a predator. On the other hand, it turned out that snakes actually move very fast.

Scientists have dispelled the myth about the existence of “singing” vipers in AmericaMythical “singing” vipers, the existence of which is often talked about by residents Latin America, in fact are tree frogs croaking inside the hollows in the trees.

On average, a snake bites a rodent within 60-70 milliseconds after it comes within the throwing radius. During this time, the snake's head flies about 12-16 centimeters, moving at a speed of three and a half meters per second and accelerating its movement by 170-506 meters per second per second. This corresponds to a g-force of 50g - the maximum a person can experience - and is approximately the same speed as the deployment of an airbag in a car.

Despite such impressive speeds and acceleration, the hunt of snakes for rodents ended in success only in half of the cases - in the rest, the jumpers managed to react to the snake’s throw and escape using the muscular “springs” in their legs. In some cases, even this was not required, since the snake made a mistake in calculating the “ballistics” of the throw and missed.

As Higham explains, an evolutionary "arms race" forced jumpers to learn to store energy in their tendons and release it sharply in critical situations. When a snake lunges at a rodent, it quickly jumps up greater height, and the viper flies through the place where he stood 30 milliseconds ago.

100 great records of wildlife Nepomnyashchiy Nikolai Nikolaevich


With a speed of 19 km/h, the black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is the fastest snake in the world. It can sting even at head level. The snake reaches more than 4 m in length. Adults are dark brown or black on top, and the ventral side is light brown or off-white. Young specimens are green in color.

The black mamba is distributed from Senegal to Somalia and from Ethiopia to South-West Africa. However, it does not penetrate into tropical rain forests Congo Basin. This snake is less adapted than other species to life in trees and usually lives among sparse tree or shrub vegetation. When irritated or disturbed, the black mamba opens its mouth wide, using this as a threatening technique.

Mambas are the true scourge of Africa. Neither cobras nor vipers are feared here as much as these, mainly arboreal, snakes. There have been cases where people died 20 minutes after being bitten. In the branches of trees, this snake is perhaps even more swift.

“Those born to crawl cannot fly!” - said Maxim Gorky. But the classic was wrong. Thin, big-eyed snakes from the genus Chrysopelea (a subfamily of false snakes), living in Indonesia, the Philippines, Southern China and Sri Lanka, cover a distance of 60–80 m in the air. However, they do not have wings! These wonderful creatures start from the tops of tall trees, along whose branches, by the way, they jump no worse than squirrels. And one more remarkable fact: they fly irregularly, but only when they are overcome by unbearable hunger.

It has long been known that some snakes hear perfectly and react vividly to music. It is on this ability that the “snake spell” is based (again, we are talking about cobras) in the countries of the East. Previously, it was believed that poisonous reptiles were deeply indifferent to what melody the “trainer’s” flute played. However, recent studies have led to sensational results: snakes feel music very subtly and treat the compositions performed differently, as evidenced by their behavior during the session. To the soundtrack of classical works by Mozart, Handel and Ravel, the cobras dance with obvious pleasure, eyes closed; rock compositions make their movements sharp and nervous; and Russian pop music causes lethargy and apathy.

Everyone knows that the snake is an emblem of medicine. Which one exactly? Ancient myths name as such a half-meter-long grayish-yellow Aesculapian snake with white spots on its back, living in the south of Europe. The terrible plague epidemic that raged in Ancient Rome, stopped when the embassy of the Eternal City delivered this snake to its homeland from the Greek Epidaurus, where it lived in the temple of the god Asclepius. The Romans immediately declared the glorious animal sacred and associated it with medicine for centuries.

The worst enemies of poisonous snakes are known: man, mongoose, hedgehog, secretary bird... But the worst thing, probably for snakes... is a pig. Rattlesnakes were once a nuisance to American farmers. They found a way to fight them by accident, after noticing one day how one pig trampled and ate a snake, whose bite is fatal to humans, bulls and horses. Therefore, before plowing a new field, the owners allowed a herd of pigs into the field and after that they calmly cultivated the land in full confidence that there were no rattlers left.

American researchers claim that the same biblical tempting snake that began the history of mankind is the Asian apple snake - the only snake that eats apples and climbs trees. By the way, today there are almost no such snakes left in nature - they have been exterminated.


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When something happens too quickly, we say that we didn’t even have time to blink an eye. A person blinks in 202 ms; a rattlesnake's throw lasts no more than 90 ms. Long time Texas rattlesnake Crotalus atrox- the pride and favorite object of study of American biologists - was considered a champion in lightning-fast throw. This opinion was formed back in the 19th century, although no one has bothered to check it since then. In 1954, the throwing speed of rattlesnakes was measured using high-speed photography and found to be somewhat lower than thought, but the primacy of these reptiles was still unchallenged until chance intervened.

Louisiana State University assistant professor Brad Moon tasked his graduate student David Penning with determining whether a snake's throwing speed depends on its size. The graduate student got to work (he was helped by student Baxter Souvel) and discovered an amazing thing: gray climbing snakes Pantherophis obsoletus, with whom young herpetologists worked, the throwing speed was no less than that of a rattlesnake. At first Penning decided he had made a mistake and checked his calculations many times. Having made sure that there was no mistake, the researchers began targeted experiments, in which, in addition to 14 predatory but non-poisonous snakes, representatives of the viper family took part: 6 water snakes Agkistrodon piscivorus and 12 Texas Rattlers ( Biology Letters, 2016, 20160011, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2016.0011 ).

For measurements, the reptile was placed in a terrarium with a scale grid, into which a soft-stuffed glove was inserted on a wooden rod. The snake attacked this glove, and the researchers filmed everything that happened on a video camera that took 250 frames per second. Each snake was forced to make four to eight throws. Based on the video recordings, we calculated the distance between the snake’s muzzle and the target before the attack, the duration of the throw, maximum speed and acceleration. The calculation results are presented in the table. For comparison, the researchers added literary data about other representatives of the viper family. From the table it follows that the gray snake attacks faster than many poisonous snakes.

Snake Throw Parameters

View Acceleration, m/s 2 Speed, m/s Distance, cm Duration, ms
Gray climbing snake Pantherophis obsoletus 191 2,7 17 75
Aquatic Cottonmouth Agkistrodon piscivorus 175 3,1 14 66
Texas rattlesnake Crotalus atrox 157 2,7 11 69
Noisy Viper Bitis arietans 72 2,6 21 87
Bothrops Bothrops sp. - 1,23 12,6 81
Shendao Cottonmouth Gloydius shedaoensis - 1,32 13 -
White-lipped keffiyeh Trimeresurus albolabris 62,1 1,52 12 85

All three species studied hunt small, nimble mammals and suffer from attacks by predators: raccoons, red-tailed hawks, foxes and coyotes are not averse to preying on snakes. To feed and survive, these snakes must act very quickly. It is not surprising that their throwing parameters are similar, only Texas rattlers attack from a closer range. The maximum speed values ​​during the attack ranged from 2.1 to 3.53 m/s, and acceleration - from 98 to 279 m/s 2 .

If the snake misses, it does not pursue the prey; it is more profitable for it to bite the victim before it starts to run. It takes 14 to 151 ms for a mammal to activate skeletal muscle, and at least 60 to 395 ms to make a noticeable movement. The 50–90 ms that the snake spends on the throw should be enough for it to attack: the animal has not yet had time to really understand anything, but it has already been bitten. However, in natural conditions everything is more complicated than in an experimental terrarium, and snake hunting is not nearly as effective as theoretical calculations suggest. A snake or rattlesnake often has to rush at an animal that has already begun to move, and manages to overtake it thanks to the acceleration that the snake develops. It is the magnitude of this acceleration, and not the fact that the gray snake is not inferior in attack speed to rattlesnakes, that is of the greatest interest.

The maximum accelerations that the researchers observed during the experiments - 274 m/s 2 for the snake and 279 m/s 2 for the rattlesnake - are approximately an order of magnitude greater than the acceleration that the black-tailed hare develops in a jump, and 30% more than in the kangaroo rat, in which, perhaps, such a reaction was formed during evolution precisely under the threat of a snake attack.

It is not only the snake’s ability to accelerate so quickly that is amazing, but also its amazing endurance. People cannot withstand such overloads. Pilots jet fighters, taking off from aircraft carriers, experience accelerations of 27–49 m/s 2 . Without a special suit, they lose consciousness at accelerations slightly above 50 m/s 2 . Even in a special anti-gravity suit, pilots cannot rise from a sitting position at an acceleration of 30 m/s 2 and are unable to move their limbs at 78 m/s 2 . Snakes do not have a spacesuit, their head is far enough from the heart, which makes blood supply difficult; with such an acceleration, the blood flow to the brain can stop completely, but the snake is obviously saved by the short duration of the throw.

IN last years snake attacks have attracted the attention of many researchers. They find out which muscle activity allows fairly heavy snakes to rush at a target with such speed, how rapid braking at the end of an attack and the inevitable collision with the victim affects them. It turned out, by the way, that the speed of a throw determines a lot, but not everything. It is also important to attack from a certain angle and close your mouth in time ( Journal of Experimental Zoology A, 2005, 303A, 476–488, doi:10.1002/jez.a.179 ). The aquatic muzzle, which leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle and hunts both fish and small rodents, operates more successfully on land, although the attack speed in both environments is the same - the maximum acceleration reached approximately 75 m/s 2 . The difference is that on the ground, when attacking, a snake raises its head much higher, opens its mouth wider and slams it shut faster.

Snakes are still amazing creatures. It turns out we haven't studied them very well. Some will be more interested in the behavioral features that made snakes such successful hunters, while others will be more interested in their ability to withstand monstrous overloads without visible consequences.

Here is a black mamba - the fastest snake in the world. Its movement speed reaches 23 kilometers per hour or 6.4 m per second, but only over short distances. True, the reptile uses its speed more often to escape from enemies, since it hunts while sitting in ambush, waiting for its prey.

Mamba is found from Senegal to South West Africa. It lives on the ground among bushes and grass. It crawls onto trees extremely rarely, as it is poorly adapted to life on them. At the same time, it often settles in fields among deep thickets. Since the lands are often cultivated by workers, and even manually, they are attacked by a snake. Almost no one survives.

The average length is 2.5-3 m, although sometimes specimens up to 4.5 m long are found in nature. Young animals are greenish in color, while adults are black or brown, with a white or light brown belly . It is famous for its aggressive character - it usually attacks first. Leaning on its tail, it raises the front part of its body and makes an instant throw towards its victim, immediately inflicting a bite.

Snake venom is incredibly toxic. Contains dendrotoxins, cardiotoxins, neurotoxins, blockers of voltage-dependent potassium channels of nerve fibers and blockers of muscarinic cholinergic receptors. In one bite, it injects about 100-150 mg of poison, in rare cases - up to 400 mg. At the same time, the lethal dose for humans is only 10-15 mg, and for an animal it is even less. If the antidote is not administered within the first minute, the probability of death can reach 100 percent.