Maximum ski speed. What speed develops the skier going down on the highway

Speed \u200b\u200bskiing or high-speed skiing on a straight mountainside is the fastest of inspext sports on land. Skiers regularly exceed an indicator of 200 kilometers per hour, which even more speed of the free fall of the parachute - about 190 km / h.

Speed \u200b\u200braces are carried out on specially designed tracks with one kilometer long. Such trails are about thirty around the world. There are routes, as a rule, in the highlands to minimize air resistance.

The track is divided into three plots. On the first 300-400 meters the racer tries to dial speed. The maximum speed is measured on the next 100 meters - the time zone. And for the last 500 are designed to slow down and complete the stop.

Skiers participating in speeds for speed use special suits from hermetic latex and aerodynamic helmets to reduce air resistance. They should also provide certain protection in the event of a fall. Special skis must be 240 centimeters in length and no more than 10 centimeters wide. Pair weight should not exceed 15 kilograms.

Records speed

The first official competitions in Speed \u200b\u200bSkiing were held back in 1930. The author of the first record in the same year became Austrian Leo Gasperl (Léo Gasperl) dispersed to 139 km / h. In the sixties, the Italian star of Cervinia became "Mecca" of the high-speed ski. Every year the best masters came here, regularly improving speed records. Italian Luigi Di Marco reached 175 km / h, Japanese Morishito - 180.

Technical progress did not stand in place. In the seventies, new tracks appeared, significantly increased speeds. In 1978, on the highway Portillo in Chile, American Steve McKinny (Steve Mc Kinney) overcame, which seemed unsaveted, an indicator of 200 kilometers per hour.

In the eighties, the French ski resort of Lez-Arch turned into a new "Mecca" of the high-speed ski. Here, as well as on another French highway, Var, the speed records have repeated many times. Today, records belong to, among the Italian Simone Origon - 252,454 km / h and, among the Swedish athlete Sanne Tidstrand - 242,590 km / h.

In 1992, lez-arch in 1992 was the demonstration performances in the discipline "Speed \u200b\u200bSkiing" within the framework of the Olympic Games in Albertville.

Skiing - One of the types of skiing. It is a descent from the mountains on special devices (skiing) according to pre-trained tracks. Extremely popular as one of the types of outdoor activities, especially in winter. Ski disciplines are distinguished:

Downhill (English. Downhill - "Down the Hill") - the passage of a specially prepared route (which is laid on the natural relief of the slope, and provides for passing through the gate guides, overcoming the springboard, turns, bugs, ridges, etc.) for the shortest time segment . The track is marked with two sides with colored lines on the snow or bright flags, there are guide gates on it - dual treks with the flags of red and blue color rectangular shape. Athletes in some cases can develop speed up to 140 km / h, the length of the flight at jumps can be from 40 to 50 m. This type of skiing is included in the winter program olympic Games.

Slalle (from Norv. "Descending Next") - the most fast descent from the mountain on skis, in which the athlete must necessarily drive through the whole gate (if the skier missed the gate or crossed them only one ski, it drops out of the competing). The length of the track is from 450 to 500 m, the height difference between the starting and finish point is from 60 to 150 m; The width of the gate installed on the track is from 3.5 to 4 m, the distance between them can range from 0.7 to 15 meters. Skiers develop speeds up to 40 km / h, when summarizing, the results are taken into account, demonstrated by athletes during the descents along two different routes. Since 1931, slalom and high-speed descent for men and women are included in the world championship championships in skiing.

Giant slalom (giant giant) and supergigant - The descent from the mountain skiing is carried out in compliance with the rules of slalom. The difference is that the length of the track is from 800 to 2000 m, the height difference between the start and the finish is 200-500 m, the width of the gate installed on the track is 8 meters. Overcoming the distance, skiers can develop speed up to 65 km / h, when summing up the final results, the results of two descents (for men athletes) or one (for women) are taken into account.

Mogul (from the word Mugl, which in the Viennese dialect of the German language has the meaning of a "small hill") - one of the types of ski freestyle - a descent with a fairly steep hillside and performing jumps on the tramplines. Bugras (moguls) on the slopes are formed in the process of performing small radius turns (most often on the tracks that cannot be aligned due to steepness, the presence of obstacles, small width, etc.) or are specifically built using technical means (for example, randa) for competitions. Mogul is included in the program of the Winter Olympics since 1988.

Ski acrobatics - Splitter of the ski freestyle - the execution of skiing tricks. Olympic sport since 1994.

New Skul (from the English New School "New School") is one of the directions of freestyle, allocated in the late 90s of the last century. In style this species Skiing resembles snowboarding, and, unlike freestyle, is free from the restrictions of the complexity of the elements performed. Initially, representatives of this area rode exclusively in snowboarding parks, later moved to specially trained tracks and even to city streets (riding on the railings, boxes, walls, walls (Vraisse, from English. Wall - "Wall" and Rclasse - "Ride") and Relaim ( From English Rails - "Railing, Hedge").

Nowadays, New School is divided into such subspecies:

HAFPAIP (English Half-Pipe - "Drainage Groit") - riding in a U-shaped semi-drone;

Bigair (from English Big-Air - " big air") - the athlete accelerates and performs a jump from a springboard, while performing various tricks. The flight length ranges from 5 to 30 m;

Slopestile (from English Slope - "Slope, Mount for Catania" and Style - "Style") - competition consisting in the virtuoso performing jumps and acrobatic tricks on a specially equipped track (springboards, pyramids, railing, counter-blocks, etc. .);

Ski-Cross (from the English Ski - "Skis" and Cross - "Cross") - skiing race on a specially equipped track (springboards, waves, devices, etc.). At the first stage of competitions (qualifications), skiers pass the track one by one. In accordance with the results shown, they are distributed to groups of 4 people to participate in the final race passing through the Olympic scheme (with departure);

SpeedSyinging (from the English Speed \u200b\u200b- "Speed" and SKI - "Ski") - Competitions for skiing in a straight line, well-trained track. The goal is to pass the distance with the maximum speed. Features of equipment - Lead plates are placed on ski socks, handles are installed before the fasteners, which make it easy to maintain the position of deep quits, an inflatable fairing is fixed on the athlete's shoulders. The maximum speed, developed by a skier with this form of descent, was registered in 1999 - 248.105 km / h. This achievement belongs to an athlete from Austria Harry Egger.

Telemark (from the English. Telemark - "Rotate with Skiing") is the type of skiing, originated in the province of Telemerc (Norway) thanks to the efforts of Norceim (Aversen), which managed to systematize knowledge and technology descent from the mountains. In factory for a telemarket, except for traditional skis with telescopic sticks, a special pole (Lurg) is included.

Freeride (from the English. Free Rclasse - "Free Riding") - a descent, carried out on the mountain skiing outside the trained tracks (best of all by untouched snow). The main dangers of this type of riding are the danger of avalanche and difficulties in providing medical care in case of injury. Therefore, the freerider's athlete must be not only well prepared physically, but also appropriately, acquainted with the rules of behavior on the mountainside. In some cases, an experienced guide services are required.

Types of skiing:

Lightweight freeride - Athletes rose to the mountain on the lifts, after which they descend on the untouched snow;

Beckkantia (from the English. Back Country - "Remote Locality") - Descent on the tsidy snow, which is preceded by climbing on the mountains, not equipped with a lift;

Ski-Tour (from English Ski - "Ski", Tour - "Travel, Hike") - a hike, providing for the periodic climbing on the mountains and a descent on snowy virgin on special lightweight skiing;

Heli-Ski (from the English. Heli - "Helicopter" and SKI - "Ski") or Helibording (from Eng. Heli - "Helicopter" and Board - "Board") - skiers throw to the top of the mountain on the helicopter. In some places, this type of freeride is prohibited;

Snowmotobording - skiing on snow using a snowmobile (motorcycle) as a major force (the principle of water ski).

Also allocate such skiing styles:

Tourist skating (Allround - English. "Universal", recreation - eng. "Rest, restoration of forces, entertainment") - not divided into levels, not characterized by well-pronounced technicians. Most often, people choosing this style of skiing do not seek to achieve sporting results, and simply try to extract the maximum benefit and pleasure from the most skiing process from the sparkling whiteness of the snow-covered slope;

Freeride - skating outside of the trained tracks. Two directions of freeride are distinguished: freeride actually involving riding in all conditions (on soft and hard snow, ice, stones, etc.) and "Powder" (from the English. Powder - "Powder") - descent on deep fluffy snow. Sometimes in the process of descent, freeriders not only jump with various kinds of elevations, using them as a springboard, but also perform a variety of acrobatic tricks;

Fancarving or Extreme Carwing (From English. Carving - "cut") - descent from the mountain on special carving skiing, including steep turns (not only on the sides, but also in a circle). Differences in the technique - strictly cutting turns, widespread skiing with a deep tilt inside the turn, refusal to use ski sticks.

New Skul Freestyle, Freestyle "New School", Modern Freestyle - Skating, providing for the implementation of various kinds of tricks, jumps from springboards, riding in a groove (hafpipe), riding on the railing and rails.

Mountain skiing is the most traumatic sport, especially for children. No, in the children's skiing injuries, the injuries are extremely rare, since the equipment experienced trainers are correctly selected, and go down the slope of young athletes one by one (which eliminates the potential collision with another skier). At a higher level, athletes older injury really take place. There are several reasons: incorrectly selected and customized skis mounts (after all, most often lovers are engaged in this independently, considering themselves fairly competent, the result - dislocation and fractures after falling); revaluation of their forces; The poor organization of movement on the slope, as a result of which riding faces at full speed. That is why both novice athletes and professionals are obliged to comply with FIS rules: to be attentive to other skiers; control the speed and method of descent, and correctly choose the trajectory of movement; Avoid stops in poorly visible bottlenecks, take attention to signs. At the same time, according to statistics, the skiing sports is much less effortful than, for example, hockey or football.

Slalom originated in Norway. Indeed, the descent on the mountain slopes since ancient times was extremely popular in Norway - the locals have long been competing among themselves in the skill of the high-speed descent from the mountains in Hopmencollen near Christiania (now - Oslo city). At the competitions that were held in 1767, 4 prizes were played out among the skiers, who were faced with the task: to go through the slope, the peeling bushes and trees, trying not to fall and do not break the skis. For another 6 prizes, the mobby struggle, descended from a steep slope without the help of ski sticks. In those days, there was no distinction between ski and skiing - the ski ski technique began to develop a little later, in the Norwegian province of Telemerc. In 1875, the world's first ski club was founded in the same Norwegian Christian, and in 1877, a ski school opened at the club. In 1879, the first ski competitions were held on Mount Gusby not far from Christiania. However, some specialists believe that residents of Austria were the founders of the skiing sports - after all, it was in the Alps since 1905 official competitions on this sports discipline began.

Ski freestyle appeared at the beginning of the last century. Indeed, it is customary to consider the date of birth of this type of skiing in 1930 - it was then that the Norwegian skiers began to include acrobatic tricks acrobatic tricks in the training program. However, some researchers insist that the first acrobatic ski jump was performed in 1860. This can be added that I developed a ski acrobatics in the 50s of the last century Stein Erickson, and freestyle competitions, as an alternative to traditional ski disciplines, began to be conducted since the beginning of the 60s. In the 60-70 Gg ski freestyle (first called "hot dogging") continued to evolve, and soon from one discipline involving the demonstration of the technique and the execution of tricks on its own selection, three modern directions - Mogul, ski acrobatics and ski ballet.

First, a new riding style appeared - carving, and then the corresponding inventory. This is not true. Initially, skis were created with a new (carving) geometry, and only a few later people appeared, trying to use all the capabilities of the new model of a special form, sometimes equipped with lifter plates, allowing to raise the boot over the surface of the snow by 8-10 cm, which is ideal for extreme extreme Carving.

Equipment of the skier is extremely road. Of course, professional athletes spend quite impressive sums on equipment. A novice skier is enough to buy a strong helmet, high-quality ski boots (maximum 100 €) and comfortable warm clothes. Skis, sticks, fasteners, etc. At first, you can not buy - all this is provided in sports schools and sections. Over time, by taking experience, you can purchase your own inventory, the cost of which is about 250 €, and if the kit is used - then and at 50 € you can meet.

It is best to start engage in skiing from 11-12 years old. There is no age limit in this form of sports. It is possible to start in 4-6, and in 11-12, and at 14-15 years. Yes I. retirement age By no means a hindrance for skiing.

Only healthy people who have great physical strength and endurance can be engaged in skiing. Of course, if we are talking about extreme skating, without good training can not do. And for the mastery of the Aza of this sport, physical data is not important (in some cases, people with almost completely atrophied muscles rose on skis, rather respectful age - and they achieved considerable success) - the intellect is much more important. In ski schools, as a rule, accept everyone, and only from the person itself depends on how much it will be in mastering all the subtleties of this sport.

Mountain skiing is a lesson for the rich. On the contrary, it is one of the most democratic sports. In many ski schools and training sections, free or are not so expensive (although there are really transcendental prices in some "promoted" places of prices), and all pupils fall in the mountains in the mountains, regardless of the thickness of the parents wallet. True, official sports schools are not always conveniently located, but gentle schedule allows you to put up with this problem. The only minus - in order to ride all year round, really should have a fairly large amount of money. If there is no such - you have to get used to seasonal breaks in training.

Sport skiing are considered the most prestigious. Of the entire diversity of sports skiing (skis for slalom, slalom-giant, supergigant, high-speed descent, freestyle) for amateurs suitable skis for slalom-giant, although with appropriate training skiers who prefer high speeds and not afraid of hard slopes can take advantage of the slalomous skiing And skiing for Mogul (descent on the shoots). It should be remembered that sports skiing is usually calculated, as a rule, at high speeds, candy tracks, because there will be no unprofessional riding on them. The easiest way is to purchase universal skiing, which have in design all sports attributes (for example, lettering Competition, Equip, Racing, etc.). Products of this kind are easily manageable, allow you to develop a fairly decent speed during descent and, at the same time, serve as a means of satisfying the ambitious owner.

Tourist skis are suitable for fans and novice athletes. This is true, but it should be noted that this type of sports inventory is divided into several groups:

skiing for children and juniors - are distinguished by high handling at low speeds and ease of rotation;

skiing for progressive skiers are designed specifically for aggressive skiers, the purpose of which is self-improvement in this sport;

skis "Expert" are suitable for descent on various routes with different states of snow cover. They are highly stable, stable in turns, and are designed for quite experienced skiers;

skis for amateur athletes and skiing for buffrous tracks are characterized by good handling (even hard snow) and less sensitivity to technical errors compared to sports models. However, on candies, at high speeds, such skis show themselves worse than sports;

special types of ski ski - specially designed maximum lightweight products for skiing hikes (ski round), for extreme descents on steep slopes (ski-extreme), for descents on virgin slopes and for telemerc technology.

When choosing skis, you need to consider the length, rigidity and specification of the product, the remaining parameters of the value do not have. This is not quite so. To avoid some annoying misunderstandings in the future, besides the above-mentioned parameters, you should pay attention to the lateral cutting radius, which is most appropriate for your favorite skating method.

For radical carving, it is best to purchase skis with a minimal side cut (desirable about 10 m), the perfect choice - skiing for krav-slalom, radical carving, or a softer model, whose geometry in general corresponds to skiing for special slave. Ski sticks in this sport are almost not needed, but gloves with a reinforced kevlar palm will be very useful;

For ski-cross, slalom, slalom giant should be chosen on the product, the radius of the side cut from which is at least 15 meters (if, of course, you do not set a goal to pass the slalomes with the maximum speed - in this case you have to use skis With a radius of 10-12 m). And in order to achieve the width and smoothness of outlining arcs, you need to buy a model with a radius of 16-18 m. Good, of course, to purchase the latest, improved model, however, keep in mind that such skis are extremely demanding to the track and to ride them, you should have enough high levels skill;

If your choice is a snowpark or new cheekbone, - when buying skis, give preference to the model with curved heels and a minimum one's own radius. However, it should be noted that the smaller the radius - the harder landing after the jump;

For universal riding on broken uncivilized slopes (freestyle) outside of specially laid tracks, skis for freeride and universal models for carving (for example, Allmountain - from English "Ski for the whole mountain). The radius of the lateral cutout of the model should not exceed 20 m, so that when switching to the prepared slope you did not have to change the skis;

For Mogul, it is preferable (but it is not necessary) mighty skis with a sufficiently soft toer, mean stiffness, narrow, having a side cut radius from 20 to 25 m.

Best of all at the beginning of learning to give preference to skiing shorter. Not necessary. When choosing a ski, in addition to the level of training of a skier (newcomer, mid-level, athlete), its complexion and the physique (strong and chunky or thin and high) are taken into account (strong and chunky or thin and high), age, gender, as well as intentions. For example, short skiing (mini) are best suited for an evolutionary (consistent) learning, providing for frequent ski shift from length 100-135 cm to 160 cm.

Compact skis (compact), the length of which is from 150 to 190 cm., Different with high maneuverability even on deep snow, a narrow waist, which gives a lot of advantages on turns, and therefore are ideal for the development of cut slide. In addition, it should be noted that the shortest skis are the most manageable, but longer skis are preferably preferred at high speeds.

Selecting the ski length, be sure to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations. In accordance with the nomogram, you can easily determine the length of the product you need, simply by reading the line through the indicators corresponding to your growth and weight. At the same time, a correction should be made to the level of preparedness (a novice skier must stop his product, located on the line below, experienced and aggressive - on the string above the parameters obtained) and the floor (women will suit the skis located on two lines below the nomogram for them Growth and complex).

The most expensive skis are sports. Most often it is true. However, sometimes the price of the tourist ski class "Expert", when creating the latest achievements in the production technology of this type of sports equipment, can be higher.

For the first steps in the development of Freiride, specialized skiing "Initial Level" will be suitable. This is not quite so. The success of the process of exploring freeride largely depends on the quality of the equipment used. A high-quality equipment for this type of skiing, in particular, the younger freeride models, are little suitable for learning, and for ordinary skiing on the prepared slopes. Therefore, at the initial stages, the freeride-freestyle (FR / FS) category can be stopped, quite suitable for the development of skating outside the tracks and easy riding. Moreover, it is recommended to choose skiing smaller Rostovka than is specified in the nomogram for your physical parameters - the newcomer will be easier to cope with them.

Ski stiffness is the same over the entire length of the product. On the stiffness itself is distributed along the length of the ski in different ways, depending on the type and purpose of the sports equipment. For example, the Slallo and Sport Ski is the central part (horse) softer than the ski for slalom giant. And the tourist central part is tougher, and the sock and the back are softer than at sports skis. Such design features are due to the specifics of the slopes, on which certain skis will be used (say, tourist skis are designed for skiing on a softer snow cover, sports are designed for slipping along a more rigid, well-striking surface of a specially trained track). And the softer heel and sock sock for a snowpark are designed to make landing after jumping as comfortable as possible.

An inexperienced skier is difficult to determine the quality of the skis and correctly select the desired stiffness of the product. Indeed, at first it is best to turn to the experienced instructor in the section, a ski club or a tourist base. But ways to check the quality of the product exist, and even a novice athlete is obliged about them. First, skis should be even, not deformed. If with a sharp squeezing of skis, put on each other with sliding surfaces, deaf sound is heard - in front of you good quality. Ski softness is also easy to check. To do this, put them with vertically sliding surfaces to each other and the big and index fingers of one hand try to squeeze skis in the central part. Usually, with normal hardness of such an effort enough to contact products. However, it should be remembered that this method it is impossible to determine the distribution of rigidity along the length of the ski, and this is precisely this factor affects their maneuverability. For example, soft skis (especially equipped with soft toes) are more maneuverable, and more tough is just a discovery for an energetic skier.

Experienced athletes feel even a small difference in ski design. This is true. It has been established that a good specialist is quite capable of feeling even such changes as 5% of rigidity, 2% of length and 4% of the product width. Indeed, with a decrease in the length of the skiing by 10 cm, its weight is reduced by almost 130 grams, the width decreases by 1mm, and the rigidity increases by 3%. However, even novice skiers may experience the difference between high-quality and mediocre products.

All skis bent just in front. No, there is a twin-type lighten (English. Twin Tip - "two ends"), by design, resembling snowboard and bent both in front and rear. This feature of the design allows you to slide both face and back. Most often, the Twin-type is used in Mogul and some varieties of freestyle.

Buying the most expensive skis - the key to achieve success in mastering the skills and skills of skiing. This is not true. For money you can buy a good inventory and hire a professional trainer, but knowledge, skills and skills come in the process practical training, and for quite a long time.

Skiing can be riding in any clothes, if only it was comfortable and warm. At the initial stages of training, you can really dress as you like. However, later, when the increased level of skill will allow you to pay for a long time to pay for quite a long time, you should take care that such classes take place in the most comfortable conditions, which directly depends on the proper selection of equipment. For example, underwear from cotton absorbs sweat well, as a result of which it remains raw long. This leads not only to discomfort, but also to supercooling. But underwear from synthetic fabrics (polytec, polyester) has less hygroscopicity, therefore, more suitable for skiers and snowboarders. Choosing socks, it is also best to give preference to products from polyamide, polypropylene, polyacryl, or combinations of wool with elastane (lycra). In addition to the above parts of the equipment, you should purchase a warm flies sweatshirt, and when buying a suit to trace the lining to be made from the Windblock or WindStop class, in this case, you will be reliably protected from cold wind.

It is very expensive to ride in the Alps, because the ski resorts of the Caucasus should be preferred. Indeed, the visit to the Dombaya will cost you about two times cheaper equal to the duration of the trip to the Alps. However, we take into account the difference in the service. After all, any skier, whether it is a professional or a lover, goes to the mountains, by and large, for one thing - to ride. Consequently, the accommodation and time of skiing should be paid. How are things at different ski resorts? At the Alpine Resorts, the athlete will distribute approximately as follows: 10% - standing in line, 45% - lifting on the slope, 45% - descent. And in the Caucasus, due to the huge queues on the lift, time is distributed as follows: standing in the queue - 30 minutes (ie 60%), the rise is 10 minutes (20%), descent - 10 minutes (20%). Of all over the foregoing, we conclude: in the Alps, the time of pure riding is almost twice as follows in the ski resorts of the Caucasus. It is also worth adding a variety of alpine trails and a highly organized service for children than domestic resorts, alas, until they boast.

Being on ski resortYou need to start riding the first day. This is not true. Note that in the mountains more hot air, therefore, at least one day should be closed, giving the body the ability to adapt to the lack of oxygen. In addition, be sure to arrange yourself holidays, devoting their excursions or visits to health procedures.

If you regularly visit the gym or fitness club, you will not feel discomfort in the ski resort - because the muscles are thoroughly prepared for alleged loads. Unfortunately, this is not so. The fact is that in sports, some muscle groups are training, and when a person is on skiing (snowboarding) - others are engaged in the work, most often not particularly trained muscles. Therefore, on the second day after riding pain in the body, many novice athletes are observed. To reduce the aforementioned pain effect to a minimum, it follows on the first day to ride no more than 60 minutes, in the following days the extension time of staying on the slope is 30-50 minutes. If the pain still originated - some medical preparations will help. For example, AE-VIT, neutralizing agents that cause muscle pain. Also a positive impact will receive a visit to a sauna or the adoption of a hot bath with marine Solu, with subsequent trituration of the body and applying anti-inflammatory ointments ("Finalgon", "Fastum gel", etc.). The above methods will help the maximum after 2 days to eliminate pain in the muscles.

Those who do not know how to ski, go to the mountains. Like any other resort, the skiing, except for skiing, provides a fairly wide range of additional services: skating and sledding, horseback riding and hiking, spa treatments, etc. In addition, a few days of staying in the fresh air, among the picturesque nature will help you strengthen health, get rid of stress, to forget about the alarms and household problems, routing the routine of the day.

"The trail of the skier left on the slope" is the translation of the word "slalom" from Scandinavian. He who thinks that skis invented recently is mistaken. Even on the Norwegian Island of Roda, a skiing hunter was depicted. Perfectly preserved ancient skiings were discovered in the wetlands of Scandinavia. These finds are from the so-called splasing skis. The first sliding skis appeared at the Finnish and Lapland hunters in the sixth century. And in the Russian annals on these adaptations, first mentioned in 1444, due to the campaign against one of the Tsarevichi Golden Horde. Folk fun, playing, fun and even competitions on skiing sincerely pleased

Modern competition

There is no limit to human fiction! In addition to familiar skiing competitions, including races, slalom, high-speed descent, freestyle and others, in last years Extreme fun with skis appeared:

  • flying on Deltaplane with skis;
  • parachute jump with skis;
  • high-speed ski descent to overtake the race car driver;
  • jump from the aircraft on skiing without a parachute;
  • ski skiing on sand dunes;

These very demonstrative and interesting competitions are not yet included in official programs.


Skiing categories:

1. Alpine - all types of high-speed descents: slalomes (giant, supergigant and just slalom), high-speed descents (downhill), combination of two descents (slalom and high-speed).

2. Freestyle is a free unknown descent on skis with the simultaneous execution of ski acrobatics, a kind of ski ballet.

3. Northern - jumping from a springboard, race, sports orienteering competitions, two-board (jump from a springboard and a subsequent race).

4. Snowboard descent.

5. Biathlon (ski racing with rifle).

6. Ski-Arch (ski races with archery).

7. Ski-tour is one of the categories of sports tourism.

8. Ski-mountaineering. This is a free and risky high-speed ski descent, the speed in which is developing very high. It can be compared with a height jump.

About gigantic slalom

In competitions for slacham athletes at huge speeds should literally fly through a certain number of checkpoints (gate) in the minimum time. For male and female races, the number and width of the gate are different and depend on the type of slalom. The checkpoint cannot be cross and skip, otherwise disqualification is inevitable. Usually, the athlete is in the cost of the athlete for two attempts.

Slelom supergigant (high-speed skiing) The name has received its name for the increased amount of the gate, the distance between them and the length of the track.

Supergigant is an intermediate discipline between giant and downhill (high-speed). Objective one - speed. The distance between the control flags that this high-speed skiing is allowed by the rules is 30 meters. Only one skier 'arrival is evaluated.

Features Trails for Competitions

For all high-speed ski slopes, only routes with natural reliefs are used. First of all, the differences of heights are important, how kind of winding relief is what the length of the track. Flags and gatebands are set up by coaches in compliance with all rules. It is important to avoid hidden areas of relief capable of leading to serious drops and injuries.

  • The tracks of about 450 m long and the difference in heights of 140 m and are more suitable for competitions on ordinary sloth. The smallest distance between the flags is 75 cm.
  • Giant slalom is carried out on the tracks, the length of which is 1 km or 1.5 km, the height differences are up to five hundred meters, the width of the gate is 13 m.
  • In the supergigant glomaxy flags are placed at a distance of thirty meters from each other. The length of the track is up to 2.5 km, height differences - up to six hundred meters.
  • Downhill high-speed skiing is carried out on perfectly direct tracks, without springfalls, bugs and bumps. The best indicators are achieved by athletes on high mountain ranges with rarefied air. Skiers in aerodynamic suits using a special body position, develop huge speeds in this form of competition. Accepted by the jump (with a large slope of the track), athletes, performing high-speed skiing, the speed record has shown the impressive: more than 200 km per hour.

Several wildlife wishes beginners (and not only) skiers

A person involved can achieve the highest results in the high-speed descent.

Seld tips:

  • In order to fall less, it is worth learning to slow down.
  • Any bruises, scratches and even moral injuries are healing.
  • The higher the speed, the faster the mountain ends.
  • It is stupid to hope that people who are randomly shot down or lean on the descent, will not pay the same, giving you the next time.
  • Whatever the results of the descent, the bottom is waiting for warm coffee and friends at the bottom, at worst - ambulance.

Speed \u200b\u200bdescent in skiing - the most spectacular, spectacular view that requires an athlete of excellent technology, excellent physical data, endurance of an impeccable reaction and, of course, courage, courage. Of course, slalom, a giant slalom (Slalle-supergigant), from which, actually, in the XIX century, a skiing sport began, also attracts complex technique and good speeds, but the scope is still smaller. In the high-speed descent, the maximum manifests itself professional quality ski. After all, this kind of mountain ski is associated with the passage of the longest and complex tracks. It is here that the highest speeds - a skier can develop speed up to 120-130 km per hour (by the way, the maximum speed in the history of this species reached and 200 km per hour in terms of highlands), and individual "flights" of a skier exceed the length of 40 meters. On the highway highway for 2 - 3 minutes there is a bright struggle. Athletes on one pass the distance once. In the process of descent, the athlete does not have information about his own time and speed of the route, it cannot compare its results with the results of other riders, for example, as in Formula 1. In general, at the competition athletes need to overcome two tracks, out of the sum of the results folds the final time. The fastest and most resistant to the conditions and stress athlete wins competitions.

Main stand High-speed descent requires well-developed thighs, back and neck muscles. Skier's back is rounded, the torso is parallel to skis, the head is raised for best Review. Skisi diluted on the width of the pelvis. Such a statement of bark, hands and feet requires exceptional coordination, a subtle sense of equilibrium, sustainability. Skier rack playing important roleBut still the ability to ski, achieving the best slip, is the main task in the high-speed descent.

Speed \u200b\u200bcontrol is carried out partially by changing the position of the legs, the athlete rack. Bent legs and inclined torso with knitted ski sticks pressed to it with a parallel ski run at a distance of 30 cm (depending on the body structure) - such a rack with good review The routes make it possible to save forces, and most importantly, descend with minimal air resistance.

To conquer high positions In this sport, a long, systematic training is needed, a large amount of training descents on different routes, calculated by thousands of kilometers, high training intensity. As a result, success will depend on the athlete itself: its ability to analyze the characteristics of the track, the descent process, choosing the correct tactics of descent.

/ Speed \u200b\u200bski

Speed \u200b\u200bski

Skiing - It is a descent on skis with a steep mountain. The skier's athletes involved in them are among all injuries. Therefore, skiing is rightfully one of the extreme sports.

Skiing for skiing have a special structure. They are much longer and already than ordinary skis. The rear shoe is fixed with tensioned fastening, sock - clamped into the iron bracket. For a uniform distribution of human weight across the entire ski area, smooth defditions are made (weighing brains). To preserve the equilibrium, a special chute passes during movement in the center of each ski.

In order to increase the strength of the skis, it is made of a combination of several layers of wood. different breed - ash, beech, birch or hickory. For better clutch with snow, skis edges are edged with dense wood varieties (oaks) and thin iron sheets. Skiings are attached special high and hard plastic shoes.

Among the methods of performing a descent from the mountain distinguish:

"Telemarc" - when one of the legs are bent greatly and advanced. It serves as a "steering wheel". Another leg is relied with a sock and knee into ski. Hands are widely placed, keep balance. At high speed, the way is unreliable.

"Christians" - during the descent, the athlete strongly squats, while one of his hands slides over the snow, performing the function of the "steering".

This technique allowed athletes to develop high speeds during descent, reaching 150-200 kilometers per hour. Currently, the speed record belongs to the French athlete Philip Gathshel. He managed to achieve a record speed, equal to 250.7 kilometers per hour.

/ Speed \u200b\u200bski