What should proper nutrition be like? Proper nutrition for weight loss What nutrition should be.

The fact that proper nutrition is one of the main foundations on which health is built is known, if not to everyone, then to many. Correct usage“good” food will prevent many problems and solve existing ones.

Constant adherence to the principles of proper nutrition will allow you to maintain optimal weight, strengthen your immune system, and normalize metabolism, the functions of the digestive and other systems. This will prolong youth and preserve, and sometimes even restore, the health of the body.

Rules for proper nutrition

There are many nuances and subtleties in organizing proper nutrition, which can only be fully comprehended and understood over time. However, there are basics of proper nutrition that need to be followed.

  • Diet. During the day you need to eat at least three times, but four, five or even six are better. All meals should be organized so that they take place at the same time. This diet provides many benefits. Firstly, it will protect you from overeating. Secondly, it will reduce the load on the digestive system. Thirdly, it will allow you to avoid unnecessary snacks and distribute the calorie content of your meals. And most importantly, eating at the same time will improve the absorption of food. must be organized no later than three hours before going to bed.
  • Caloric content of the diet. The total caloric content of the diet must be taken into account, even if you are not trying to lose weight. Its daily norm for women is on average 1600-2000 kcal, for men about 2200 kcal. However, these figures are very arbitrary, since each person spends a different amount of energy. The caloric content of the daily diet must be calculated individually based on age, gender, body type and level of physical activity. For example, a person who is actively involved in sports spends more energy than an office worker who has forgotten even where his sneakers are. The menu should be designed so that the number of calories coming from food and consumption are balanced. If there are few calories, the body will weaken. If there are more of them, the body will begin to store excess in reserve in the form of cholesterol and fat. It is recommended to reduce calories through carbohydrates.
  • Distribution of daily ration. It is recommended to organize meals so that breakfast and lunch are the most nutritious, and snacks and dinner consist of light and digestible foods. For example, with four meals a day, the total calorie intake should be about 25-35% for breakfast, about 30-40% for lunch, about 10-15% for a snack, and about 15-25% for dinner.
  • Varied diet. The menu should contain different products. The more there are, the more nutrients the body will receive. The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:4. Make sure that the menu only includes healthy foods, which can provide the body with everything it needs. Proper balanced nutrition involves consuming large quantities of fruits, herbs and vegetables (and there should be more of the latter than the former), and smaller quantities of meat, dairy products, fish, cereals and poultry.
  • Moderation in food. Overeating is one of the most common reasons overweight and digestive problems. To avoid overeating, it is recommended to stop eating when you still feel a slight feeling of hunger. Don't eat while reading books, sitting at the computer or TV.
  • Eat slowly. Give yourself enough time to eat. Chew your food thoroughly to avoid overeating and ensure that more nutrients enter your body.
  • Drink more water. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water per day. The main part should be drunk before 6 pm. It is advisable to avoid drinking liquids for half an hour before and after meals. This is due to the fact that the liquid changes the concentration of gastric juice and disrupts digestion.
  • Follow the right combination of foods - this will help avoid problems with food absorption.
  • Simple and fresh food. Try to eat freshly prepared food while cooking simple dishes, consisting of a maximum of 4 ingredients. For example, a portion of stewed eggplant will be healthier than a stew of meat and a lot of vegetables. To make your life easier and increase the “healthiness” of your diet, introduce more foods that you can eat without heat treatment - cottage cheese, berries, vegetables, yogurt, herbs and fruits.
  • Avoid fried foods. In addition to fried foods, salty, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. You can’t completely give up fats because it’s bad for your body. Try to replace most of the animal fats with vegetable fats.

Sources of fiber and many other useful substances will be fresh greens, all types of cabbage, onions, garlic, root vegetables such as radishes, celery, parsnips, beets, horseradish. Vegetables will be very useful - eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes, squash, asparagus, fruits, berries and seaweed.

Proteins are best obtained from poultry, lean meats, seafood, eggs, fish and, of course, dairy products. The body's fat needs can be met by unrefined vegetable oils and nuts.

Unwanted Products

  • Flour products, especially those made from premium flour, such as pasta, bread, and baked goods.
  • Confectionery, sweets.
  • Store-bought juices.
  • – about a tablespoon per day is allowed.
  • Salt in minimal quantities.
  • Smoked meats, sausages, canned food.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.

These products should not become the basis of the diet; it is better to exclude them completely or consume them only occasionally.

There are also strictly prohibited foods from which the body certainly will not receive any benefit - these are a variety of snacks, fast food, store-bought sauces, sweet soda, alcohol and other products that contain many additives and preservatives.

According to nutritionists, not all foods can be consumed during one meal. This is explained by the fact that the joint consumption of certain types of food leads to disruption of the digestive processes and interferes with the normal absorption of substances.

  • Two different types bek, for example, milk and fish.
  • Carbohydrates with acidic foods.
  • Proteins with acidic foods.
  • Proteins with fats.
  • Proteins with carbohydrates, for example, bread, potatoes, are best combined with plant foods - vegetables, fruits or berries.
  • Pasta or bread should only be combined with fats and vegetables.
  • Do not eat a lot of starchy foods at one time; if you eat porridge or potatoes, avoid bread.

The diet of a pregnant woman can be compiled in accordance with general principles healthy eating. The only one important difference is the daily calorie intake. For pregnant women, especially in the second half of pregnancy, it should be higher, about 3200 kcal. In no case should you increase the calorie content of your diet through sweets, bread, candies, pasta, fats, etc. Porridge, fish, meat, vegetables, berries and fruits will help with this.

Pregnant women are advised to consume only high-quality products. In the first trimester, the daily calorie intake should remain the same as before pregnancy. On early stages It is worth increasing the consumption of proteins, as well as fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Try to eat protein foods for lunch and breakfast. Keep your evening reception as light as possible.

Proper nutrition. What it is

Proper nutrition is a set of systems and principles, recommendations and diets for each individual person, based on his state of health, national and cultural background, as well as personal preferences. Proper nutrition can be a universal and irreplaceable healer. In any case, you can choose a therapeutic and restorative diet that will normalize the body’s metabolism, replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, and increase immunity. It should be balanced and consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Moreover, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food taken should correspond to that amount. Protein products of animal origin are most often recommended to us as the most beneficial.

Beef is one of the main suppliers of complete proteins in the human diet, and it is especially useful for older people. Beef helps to successfully cope with fatigue, is useful for iron deficiency anemia, and is rich in microelements and vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system. British doctors advise men who have high levels of bad cholesterol to eat about 200 g per day of lean beef, cholesterol is reduced by almost 20%. Beef liver is rich in vitamins: A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, etc. Beef liver is also a supplier of mineral salts: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, copper, zinc, etc. The highest content iron, detected in beef liver in relation to other similar products and is 8.4 mg.

Turkey is a tasty, healthy, dietary meat. Turkey is rich in microelements such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, sodium, selenium, potassium, manganese, iodine, as well as vitamins: B2, B6, B12, PP. Since turkey is rich in protein, it gives us much more vital energy than any other meat. Turkey is rich in phosphorus no less than fish. Turkey meat contains the so-called vitamin PP, a deficiency of which can cause cellulite, vitamin deficiency, and brain disorders.

Chicken meat is rich in proteins, linoleic acid, which stimulates the immune system, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, so it is important for the heart, as well as glutamine, which is a stimulant of the central nervous system. nervous system and strengthens the body.

This same group includes fish and seafood, which also need to be consumed regularly. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish and seafood will really help increase the body's defenses, in addition, Omega-3 is a structural substance of the brain and retina of the eyes, which is why we need to take it daily, especially for those people who work all day with a computer. Very a good product Omega-3, already prepared, with a selected preventive dosage, is available from the NSP company, try it and you will see how high-quality the product is, made by squeezing the meat (not the liver) of fish from the cold seas (they declare it from salmon). They will also help boost immunity and quail eggs. Try drinking several of them raw on an empty stomach (rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron and other microelements) - 5 pieces correspond to 1 chicken.

Protein is also found in plant products such as peas, soybeans, beans, beans and nuts, as well as in dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese.

For a balanced diet and good immunity, you can, and sometimes should, include the following fats in your diet.

Lard is animal fat; the body needs it just like vegetable fat. Normally, you can eat 30 g of lard per day. Lard is contraindicated for diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Butter is a concentrated product made from milk fat. The oil is a valuable source of phosphatides (complex lipids that are part of all living cells and play important role in life processes), polyunsaturated fats and vitamin L. Milk fat in butter has a beneficial effect on the condition immune system, skin and visual acuity.

The third component of a balanced diet is carbohydrates. They should also be present in our diet. Carbohydrates are different - quickly digestible (sugars), slowly digestible (starch), ballast (fiber). What food can fill this section? This is, first of all, our original Russian food - grain porridge with various vegetable or fruit additions.

Buckwheat- an excellent low-calorie product that contains a large number of magnesium, which brings many benefits to people suffering from diabetes. There are also a lot of vitamins in buckwheat porridge.

Rice porrige. Rice is a real storehouse of fiber, high-quality starch and B vitamins. However, the greatest benefit is folic acid, which is found in large quantities in rice porridge.

Millet porridge It is very useful for people with cardiovascular diseases. This porridge perfectly removes excess salts from the body, so it beneficial features will be appreciated by people seeking to lose overweight. Millet promotes the rapid removal of antibiotics from the body, which helps to quickly recover from serious illnesses.

Corn porridge useful primarily due to its ability to remove from the body harmful substances, such as radionuclides and toxins. And thanks to the fact that corn porridge contains a large amount of fiber, it regular use in food helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins accumulated in it.

Pearl barley porridge. The main wealth of pearl barley is phosphorus and fiber. In terms of their content, pearl barley is almost twice as high as other cereals. Phosphorus is not only necessary for normal metabolism and good brain function, but is also considered the main microelement for athletes, because it is phosphorus that ensures the speed and power of muscle contractions

Semolina- these are crushed particles of wheat grain, whose size does not exceed 0.75 mm. Due to its size, semolina cooks quickly, which allows it to retain as much useful substances as possible, and there are many of them. Semolina contains proteins, starch, vitamins E and group B, and a significant amount of minerals, including calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. At the same time, there is very little fiber in semolina, which allows it to be used for dietary nutrition people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even after operations on the intestines and stomach.

Barley porridge- the product is not particularly high in calories and contains only 325-330 kcal per serving, and the porridge itself is rich in such useful substances as vitamins A, D, PP and from group B, a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt, bromine, iodine, chromium and other minerals, pantothenic, folic and other amino acids, as well as very valuable natural fiber. Therefore, the benefit from barley porridge noticeable primarily to those who suffer from disruptions in the digestive system, especially with chronic diseases of the small intestine and stomach.

When planning your diet, do not forget about vegetables and herbs that are essential for our body.

Daily consumption of vegetables and other greens is a necessary element of replenishing natural vitamins and microelements in our body. The benefits of vegetables cannot be underestimated, because when we eat cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers or tomatoes, add parsley, dill, celery, etc., almost everything enters our body healthy vitamins and microelements

Naturally, all vegetables should be consumed in fresh, because this is the only way they retain their full usefulness. The most beneficial benefits of fresh vegetables are found in the form of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Only with the help of vegetables when eating meat will it bring the desired benefits

Ham, cold cuts in vacuum packaging, sausages, sausages (boiled and smoked), semi-finished products (cutlets, fish sticks), dumplings, pates, stew, fish (cold and hot smoked), crab sticks, ketchup, mayonnaise, refined oils , margarines, butter fat content less than 80%, processed cheese, all pickled (containing vinegar) products, all store-bought juices, cold bottled teas and energy drinks, brewed tea bags, soda, instant coffee, lightly salted herring in jars, crackers, chips, salted

nuts, imported jams, glazed cheese curds, yoghurts with a shelf life of more than 10 days, kefir and milk with a shelf life of more than 7 days, salads and other dishes prepared in supermarkets, seasonings and sauces in cubes and bags containing monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer) , yeast, yeast bread, beer.

Rules for a healthy balanced diet

To be beautiful, healthy and stay in shape, you don’t have to make prohibitively great sacrifices, give up all imaginable pleasures and eat exclusively green leaves. You can eat almost anything, the main thing is to remember in moderation.

1) Don't skip meals. This is especially true for breakfast - the most important injection of energy during the day.

2) Don't exclude carbohydrates from your diet! You need to eat enough carbohydrates every day.

3) Every major meal (lunch or dinner) should contain vegetables - raw, boiled or steamed.

4) Be sure to arrange intermediate snacks - lunch and afternoon snack. Preferably they should consist of 200 g of fruit.

5) Despite the delicious taste and our great love for them, cheeses are a very fatty food. Try to reduce their consumption to 2-3 servings per week. It’s even better to limit yourself to one.

6) Fish is the most important ingredient in almost any healthy nutrition system. Use it 2 times a week!

7) Include vegetables, eggs and tuna in your weekly diet - such a combination of various foods allows you to get all the necessary elements, stay fit and stay healthy.

8) Choose boiled or steamed vegetables as a side dish or vegetable salads. Tomatoes, zucchini, carrots and leaf salad- this is a worthy addition to meat dishes.

9) High-calorie meat dishes in sauces (such as stew, beef stroganoff and others) can be eaten only once a week, and accompanied by vegetable side dishes, and not cereals, pasta or potatoes.

10) Avoid combining foods with the same composition in one meal. For example, it is not recommended to combine meat with cheeses, bread with pasta, or potatoes with bread.

11) Cooking should be as simple as possible: boiling, steaming, grilling. You should avoid prolonged cooking in oil and sauces.

12) Limit the amount of oil (both vegetable and butter) when cooking. It is preferable to stew dishes in water, vegetable broth, or tomato juice.

13) If you still cook with oil, then choose olive oil, and no more than 5 teaspoons per dish.

14) You can eat sweets, but in moderation and better in the first half of the day.

15) You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, and you will have to give up carbonated sweetened drinks and alcohol.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Proper nutrition Healthy food is one that contains everything necessary for our body and is free of everything harmful: pesticides, nitrates, herbicides, dyes, “food” additives. Sufficient quantity food - holds you. Your feet will have to bear the excess. Saadi

2 slide

Slide description:

Nutrition must be balanced. A balanced diet provides the optimal ratio for the human body in the daily diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and vitamins.

3 slide

Slide description:

Average daily requirement nutrients Carbohydrates – 400-500 g Proteins – 100-110 g (1/3 of proteins should be of animal origin) Fats – 60-80 g (1/3 of fats should be of plant origin) Minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium etc.) – provide bone structure, are regulators of many physiological processes; Vitamins – necessary for the regulation of metabolism and vital processes Vitamin C (50-100 mg), Vitamin B (1.5-2 mg), Vitamin A (1-2 mg), Vitamin D (2.5 µg)

4 slide

Slide description:

Healthy products Porridge is our mother, bread is our breadwinner. Bread contains proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Porridge improves digestion and liver function.

5 slide

Slide description:

Healthy products A hymn to milk Milk is a healthy product, Everyone likes it very much, We have known it since the cradle, I drink it and eat it! There are so many vitamins in it - And there is no tastier product! The cow gives it to us to strengthen the immune system. Children drink milk at school or at home, remember my advice and be healthy! When the Azerbaijani centenarian Majid Agayev, who had crossed the hundred and forty-year mark, was asked what he eats, he named milk, feta cheese ( homemade cheese), curdled milk and vegetables.

6 slide

Slide description:

Healthy Products They say I'm bitter, they say I'm sweet, I grow in the garden like a green arrow. I am the most useful, I give you my word, Eat me in every way, you will be healthy! With orange skin, similar to a ball, but in the center it is not empty, but juicy and tasty. It’s not very easy to guess - This is the kind of fruit I know - It’s not about a coconut, It’s not about a pear, it’s not about a plum, - There is also such a bird, They call it the same - ... I’m a drop of summer on a thin leg, They weave boxes for me and baskets He who loves me is happy to bow down. And the name was given to me by my native land. The centipede boasts: “Am I not a beauty?” And all that’s left is a bone and a little red blouse! He dragged the Fox out of his mink by his curly tuft. It feels very smooth to the touch, it tastes like sweet sugar.

7 slide

Slide description:

Stop, my friend, stop! Refuse this food! Currently, in order to give products color, taste, aroma, the desired consistency and increase shelf life, they use nutritional supplements, which are dangerous to human health. The king of flavorings - monosodium glutamate -E 621 - enhances taste perception, affecting the pleasure centers. E621 - negatively affects the brain, disrupts the psyche of children, worsens the condition of patients with bronchial asthma, leads to destruction of the retina and glaucoma.

8 slide

Slide description:

Sparkling water: to drink or not to drink? Dyes E110, E124, E133 are often added to foods and drinks, which have a mutagenic, allergenic, carcinogenic effect and are dangerous. We conducted an experiment with carbonated drinks. White eggs were placed in carbonated drinks of various colors for 2 hours. Result: the eggs are colored. Decide for yourself!

Levina Nina Gennadievna

Biology teacher

Municipal educational institution Tsninskaya secondary school No. 1

Tambov district

Tambov region

Topic: “Proper nutrition is the key to health”, 8th grade

The purpose of the lesson: Develop skills rational nutrition.

Lesson objectives:

Educational - show the influence of food on normal human life; to form among students the concept of “rational nutrition”; reveal the connection between balanced nutrition and human health.

Educational - bring up careful attitude to your health.

Developmental - continue to develop skills in applying biological knowledge in practice; ability to draw conclusions and analyze; develop students’ speech, develop their opinions during the discussion.

Lesson type : learning new material


    computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation “Proper nutrition is the key to health” 8th grade,

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

II. Lesson topic message

Lesson topic:“Proper nutrition is the key to health.” (slide 1)

Epigraph of our lesson:“We do not live to eat, but we eat to

in order to live" (Socrates)

III. Setting learning objectives

Questions(slide 2)

What do you think is proper nutrition?

What kind of nutrition is rational?

What principles and norms of rational nutrition exist?

Are your height and weight appropriate for your age?

At the end of the lesson you will answer these questions yourself.

IV. Learning new material

A) Working with text.

There is text on your tables. Get to know him and say: “What influences the nature of nutrition?”

Trainers' answers: (slide 3)


    physical development

    neuropsychological development

    hematopoietic process


    sexual development

    maintaining normal skin condition

    protective function of the body (resistance to infections, aggressive effects external environment, heavy metals, radiation exposure and other adverse effects)

B) Protection of projects.

There are different power systems. You have prepared projects: vegetarianism, raw food diet, separate nutrition, mixed nutrition.

C) Groups giving presentations.

We listened to all the speeches and, taking a rational grain from each, I bring to your attention a Draft set of rules for proper nutrition for schoolchildren: (Slide 4)

1. Eat regularly, preferably 4–5 times a day. If you follow these recommendations, you will not feel hungry and, when you sit down at the table, you will be completely satisfied with a small portion.

2. Chew food thoroughly, do not overuse salty and peppery foods.

3. Food should be varied. Be sure to include fruits, milk, dairy products, fish, vegetable oil, vegetable salads. These products contain substances necessary for a growing body. You should eat less flour and sweets.

4. Nutrition should be balanced and energetically justified.

D) Discussion.

V. Physical education minute.

Starting position: sit straight, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, hands on the belt. On the count of one or two, we smoothly tilt our head back, bend our back in the thoracic region, and move our elbows back. On the count of three or four, we tilt our head forward in the thoracic region, moving our elbows forward. Repeat 5-6 times (to relieve fatigue from the muscles of the back, neck, and shoulder girdle).

Have you rested? Now let's continue working.

D) Work in notebooks.

What do you think are the principles of rational nutrition that we can identify?

The basic principles of rational nutrition are as follows: (slide 5)






Students write the principles in their notebooks.

What proverbs and sayings about nutrition and products do you know? (slide 6)

Where there are feasts and teas, there are illnesses.

A hundred diseases enter through the mouth.

Eat right and you don't need medicine.

Chew it well and swallow it sweetly.

The most accurate clock is the stomach.

Shorten dinner - lengthen life.

Dinner is not needed, it would be lunch.

Don't go to bed full - you will become healthy.

Eat to your heart's content, and work until you sweat.

There are a thousand delicacies, but only one health.

Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.

VI. The importance of proper nutrition.

What main components of food do you know?

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the main components of food and the main sources of energy.

Messages from trainers (slide 7-9)

The importance of fats in nutrition.(Appendix 2)

The importance of proteins in nutrition.(Appendix 3)

The importance of carbohydrates in nutrition. (Appendix 4)

In what units is energy measured in nutritional science?

The amount of energy in nutritional science is measured in kilocalories (Kcal).

For example, 1g of fat gives a person 9 kcal, 1g of protein or carbohydrates - 4 kcal. Using these numbers? doctors calculate the need different people in energy and determine the calorie content of daily rations. Caloric intake must correspond to energy expenditure for different kinds activities performed during the day, as well as to maintain the vital functions of the body.

Currently, on any food product packaging, in addition to indicating the composition, information is provided on the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and its calorie content in 100 g of the finished product.

VII. Search and research work.

1) Practical work.

Look at the packages you brought to class. Look for calorie information on your packages. (Several students voice the information.)

These properties of products are used to create a diet. Now we will create a daily food ration. You will work in pairs. You have task cards on your tables.

2) Independent completion of tasks (work in pairs)

Students are divided into pairs, each pair completes three tasks.

Exercise 1.

It is known that to replenish energy consumption per day, 14-17 year old boys should consume an average of 2900 kcal from food, girls – 2600 kcal. Using the data in Table 1, calculate how many kilocalories you spend per day (you can round up to half an hour).

Task 2.

Calculate your daily diet based on your own calorie needs. The most optimal is four meals a day. Remember that the calorie content of breakfast and dinner should be 25% of total number kilocalories per day, lunch – 35%, afternoon snack – 15%. To create a menu, use the data in Table 2. The daily volume of food (along with the liquid you drink) should be within 2.5 -3 kg.

When creating a menu, remember that it is useful to eat milk porridge or another dairy product for breakfast; lunch, if possible, should include an appetizer (fresh vegetable salad), a first course (any soup), a second course (meat or fish with a side dish) and a third course (juice, compote or drink); Be sure to eat several fresh fruits throughout the day.

Task 3.

Determine the optimal time for taking it, taking into account that physiologists advise that the interval between meals should not exceed 4–4.5 hours, and the minimum break should be at least 3 hours. In addition, keep in mind that the interval between dinner and going to bed should not be less than 2 hours. Write the data in the table. 4 and compare them with the recommended ones.

Checking the completion of tasks.

3) Drawing up rules for the human diet.

Guys, you completed the tasks correctly. Formulate the rules that must be followed when compiling a daily diet.

When preparing a person’s diet, one should adhere to following rules: (slide 10)

The calorie content of the diet should correspond to daily energy expenditure;

It is necessary to take into account the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for people of this type of work (and for children - age);

The best diet involves four meals a day (the first, morning, breakfast should be 10-15%, second breakfast 15-35%, lunch 40-50% and dinner 15-20% of the total calorie content);

Protein-rich foods (meat, fish, eggs) are more rationally used for breakfast and lunch. For dinner you should leave dairy-vegetable dishes:

About 30% of the diet should consist of proteins and fats of animal origin

Now let's find out what your body weight corresponds to, your height and age. (slide 11)

4) Individual work.

Calculate body weight corresponding to your height and age using the formula:

Body weight (in kg) = 50 + 0.75 (T-150)+(A-20)/4

T – height in cm; A – age (in years)

Compare your results with actual data. Does your weight correspond to your height and age?

VIII. Reflection.

Proper nutrition ensures the normal physical development of the child, prevents the occurrence of such abnormalities as stunting, the development of rickets, anemia, obesity, allergic manifestations, and digestive disorders. Nutrition also has a decisive influence on the development of the central nervous system, intelligence, and performance status. In our time-time large overloads, a significant flow of information, an accelerated pace of life, the possibility of stressful situations - it should be remembered that proper nutrition largely contributes to the formation of an organism capable of overcoming the difficulties of life.

IX. Analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the lesson goal.

Can you answer the questions you asked at the beginning of the lesson? (slide 2)

X . Information about homework. (slide12)

To consolidate knowledge about healthy eating and diet planning skills as a homework You can offer schoolchildren to develop a menu for the next day; calculate the calorie content of your daily diet, estimate its calorie content.

Annex 1.

The importance of nutrition in human life is reflected in the expression of G. Heine

“A person is what he eats,” thereby emphasizing the exclusive role of nutrition in the formation of both the body and human behavior. The nature of nutrition affects the growth, physical and neuropsychic development of a person, especially in childhood and adolescence. Proper nutrition is an absolutely necessary factor for ensuring normal hematopoiesis, vision, sexual development, and maintaining the normal condition of the skin. It should be noted that healthy eating determines the degree of expression protective function the body, increasing children’s resistance to infections, aggressive environmental influences, heavy metals, radioactive radiation and other adverse effects.

Appendix 2. The importance of fats in nutrition.

Dietary fats are not only a source of energy, but also supply material for the biosynthesis of lipid structures, in particular cell membranes, in the body. Fats have the highest energy value. When burning 1 g of fat, 37.7 kJ (9 kcal) of heat is released (when burning 1 g of protein or carbohydrates - only 16.75 kJ (4 kcal)). There are animal and vegetable fats. They have different physical properties and composition. Animal fats are solids. They contain a large amount of saturated fatty acids, which have high temperature melting. Vegetable fats, unlike animal fats, contain a significant amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential nutritional factors. Fat products, in addition to fats consisting of glycerol and fatty acids, contain sterols, phospholipids and fat-soluble vitamins that have a pronounced physiological effect.

Appendix 3. The importance of proteins in nutrition.

Proteins play an extremely important role in human nutrition, since they are the main integral part cells of all organs and tissues of the body. The main purpose of food proteins is the construction of new cells and tissues that ensure the development of young growing organisms. In adulthood, when the growth processes are already completely completed, there remains a need for the regeneration of worn-out, obsolete cells. For this purpose, protein is required, and in proportion to the wear and tear of the tissues. It has been established that the higher the muscle load, the greater the need for regeneration and, accordingly, for protein. Proteins are complex nitrogen-containing biopolymers, the monomers of which are amino acids. Proteins in the human body perform several important functions: plastic, catalytic, hormonal, specificity and transport. The most important function of food proteins is to provide the body with plastic material. The human body is practically deprived of protein reserves. Their only source is food proteins, as a result of which they are considered essential components of the diet.

Appendix 4. The importance of carbohydrates in nutrition.

Carbohydrates, as essential components of the diet, not only determine the main energy homeostat of the body, but are also essential for the biosynthesis of many carbon-containing polymers. Over the course of a lifetime, a person consumes on average about 14 tons of carbohydrates, including more than 2.5 tons simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main component of the human diet, as they are consumed approximately 4 times more than proteins and fats. Under normal conditions mixed diet Carbohydrates provide about 60% of the daily energy value, while proteins and fats combined provide only 40%. Carbohydrates in the body are used primarily as a source of energy for muscle work. The more intense exercise stress, the more carbohydrates are required. With a sedentary lifestyle, on the contrary, the need for carbohydrates decreases. About 52-66% of carbohydrates are consumed with grain products, 14-26% with sugar and sugar products, about 8-10 with tubers and root vegetables, 5-7% with vegetables and fruits

Table 1. Energy expenditure for various activities

Kind of activity

Table 2. Energy value of some foods and dishes

Name of product, dish

Table 3. Daily ration nutrition


Table 4. Meal hours


Source Information sources:

    Bezrukikh M.M. etc. Proper nutrition formula: Workbook/ M.M.Bezrukikh, T.A.Filippova, A.G.Makeeva. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2007. – 80 p.

    Domostroy / Comp., intro. Art., trans. and comment. V.V.Klesova; Compiled texts by V.V. Rozhdestvensky, V.V. Kolesov and M.V. Pimenova; Artist A.G. Tyurin. – M.: Sov. Russia, 1990.- 304 p.

    My dear fellow countrymen. From the history of the Etkul region. /Aut.-state V.I. Sosenkov./ Chelyabinsk: “Forum-publishing”, 1994.-174 p.

  1. Personal memories of Kostina N.P.

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Now we need to answer the questions: when is there? What should the food be like? How to cook it? As it is?

So when is it? One second-grader once answered this question innocently: “Whenever you want!”

What do scientists say about this?

Some guys, not wanting to gain weight, try to eat less often. So what happens? They usually eat more in two meals than the body can absorb, and then some of the undigested food turns into fat. A person not only does not lose weight, but gets even fatter.

If you always eat at the same time, the whole body prepares for food intake in a timely manner: gastric and intestinal digestive juices are secreted. As a result, food is well digested. But if it’s time for lunch and the person hasn’t eaten, digestive juices will be wasted, and this is harmful to the body.

So, the first rule: try to always eat at the same time.

Now, what should the diet be like? You, of course, have heard that food contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, and water. And all of them are very necessary for the body. Proteins contained in animal products, meat, fish, are called animal proteins. A growing organism especially needs them. Animal proteins are used to build muscles, skin, brain, and internal organs.

Animal proteins contained in milk and dairy products are very well absorbed in children. That's why milk must be in your diet.

Plant proteins are found in peas, beans, and some bread.

Children walk, run, jump, work in their garden or in the school garden, in a word, they spend a lot of energy. And of course, the body needs to replenish it. And carbohydrates and fats help with this. Carbohydrates are found in cereals and bread, potatoes and other vegetables.

Remember how hungry you feel after a hike or a football match. Well, what if a person moved little, sat still, and ate some extra soup and two more bowls of porridge? What will happen then? The body will process food and store it as fat reserves.

Perhaps you have noticed that in spring and at the end of winter, your skin dries out, your lips become chapped, and it becomes more difficult to study. This is a lack of vitamins in the body.

Of course, you are familiar with boxes and jars of vitamins. Some guys will buy sweet tablets containing vitamins and eat almost the entire pack at once. Then, suddenly, out of the blue, nausea begins, headache... This is “hypervitaminosis”, the body lets you know about the increased content of vitamins.

Remember that vitamin preparations can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor or, at least, with the permission of an adult.

The composition of the human body includes a variety of substances, including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. - a whole periodic table DI. Mendeleev. But most of all in the human body... water. The brain, for example, contains 80 percent, the muscles 76 percent, and the bones about 25 percent.

This is why humans need mineral salts and water so much. We drink water when we are thirsty, and it enters the body with juices, soup, compote, milk, and other foods. Some contain a lot of water, for example, cucumbers and watermelon. There is water in cutlets, bread, and even breadcrumbs. Without water, no life processes can occur: food will not be digested, the heart cannot work.

A person can live for weeks without food, but only a few days without water.

How do minerals get into the human body?

It turns out that mineral salts are contained in the most common food products: in cabbage, apples, milk, fish.

Now let's write the second one very important rule nutrition. You need to eat a variety of foods. And at the same time try to consume the most healthy foods: milk, meat and vegetables. It is better to drink a glass of milk with black bread than sweet tea with a donut. All kinds of vegetables are highly recommended: carrots, beets, turnips, rutabaga, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers. Guys often don’t like black bread, preferring white. And in vain, black bread is much healthier. Try to drink at least 0.5 liters of milk per day. But you shouldn’t get carried away with pasta, cookies, candies and generally flour and sweets. No more than 6-7 spoons of sugar per day.

In the spring you need to eat food, more rich in vitamins: sauerkraut, jam, early green salads. It is useful to drink at least a glass of juice a day.

Since vitamins are greatly destroyed during prolonged cooking, soup, for example, should be cooked exactly as long as necessary for it to be ready. Doctors advise following the sequence of adding products, taking into account that sauerkraut is cooked for an hour and a half, fresh cabbage - 20-25 minutes, carrots - 15-25 minutes; potatoes - 12-15 minutes, fresh tomatoes- 6-8 minutes, beets - about an hour, and meat - one and a half to two hours.

And also remember that up to 20 percent of vitamins are lost in an open pan, and only 3-5 percent in a closed pan.

Potatoes, for example, lose a lot of vitamins if they are peeled, cut, or covered with water long before cooking. It is healthier to boil it in its “uniform” (unpeeled) and put it in boiling water.

Now let's move on to the fourth question: how should you eat?

I came running from the street and was hungry. He grabbed a piece of bread, drank a glass of compote, and put the soup on to heat up. I didn’t want to wait, so I started scooping out the meat with a spoon. More dexterous with your hands. And my hands are dirty, because I was playing with a ball. I ate some cold potatoes. As if full. Spent five minutes for lunch and then went outside again.

I ate like this once, twice, three times... And then the stomach pains began.

Please remember: be sure to wash your hands before eating. Reheat what should be eaten hot.

Eat from a plate, not from a pot or pan. And don't rush. Food must be chewed thoroughly. Of course, you know how to use a knife and fork and a napkin correctly. When the dining table is beautiful, you enjoy eating more and the food is better digested.