Weight loss cocktail for breakfast. What cocktails are good to drink for breakfast for weight loss? Healthy smoothies in a blender for breakfast

Minimum calories! Maximum benefit!

Healthy and amazingly tasty! Save it to your wall! It will come in handy!

1. vitamin drink “Sweet Sin”.
A jar of canned pineapples - 1 piece.

Banana - 1 piece.
Yogurt - 1 glass (without filler).

Milk - 1/2 cup (low-fat).
The basis of this cocktail is fruit puree from pineapples and bananas. Place the pieces of these fruits in a blender and blend for a minute or more until you get a fluffy, homogeneous mass. Squeeze the juice out of the orange without removing the pulp, or use quality juice from the supermarket.
Add the juice and dairy products to the puree and whisk thoroughly again until the smoothie is fluffy and light.
Pour the vitamin drink into glasses, garnish with a slice of citrus or a berry and immediately serve “Sweet Sin” on the table - the delight of everyone you treat is guaranteed!

2. banana mocha smoothie.
Vanilla yogurt with low content fat - 150 grams.
Brewed coffee - 1 cup.
Banana - 2 pieces.
Cocoa powder - 4 teaspoons.
Ice cubes - 4 pieces.
Peel the bananas, cut into pieces and place in a blender. Add coffee, cocoa, yogurt and ice. Turn on the blender for a few seconds and it will blend it all for you until smooth. Pour the cocktail into a glass and garnish it with a Cherry.

3. morning drink.
Pineapple juice - 475 milliliters.
Banana - 2 pieces.
Vanilla yogurt - 490 grams.
Strawberries - 145 grams.
Wheat germ - 30 grams.

4. peach vitamin drink.
Peaches - 2 cups (chopped frozen).
Orange juice - 1 glass.
Peach and mango juice - 1 glass.
Banana - 1 piece (large chopped frozen).
Peach yogurt - 1 glass.
Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth and creamy.

5. vitamin drink made from prunes and apples.
Vanilla yogurt - 1 cup.
Prunes - 8 pieces.
Apple concentrate ( Apple juice) - 1/2 cup.
Lemon without zest - 1/4 piece.
Ground cinnamon - 1/8 tbsp. Spoons.
Fresh mint leaves - 3 pieces.
Ice - 5-6 pieces.
It's always good to have freezer cubes of frozen fruit concentrates or juices. But it doesn’t matter if you didn’t have time to freeze apple concentrate - fresh apple juice with pulp will do just fine.
We recommend soaking the prunes if they are too dry, and be sure to remove the pits.
Place all the ingredients of the drink in a blender this way - juicy ingredients on the bottom, hard and dry ingredients on top. Beat the mixture until it becomes completely homogeneous.
Serve your vitamin drink immediately after preparing it to ensure you and your loved ones get the full benefit of the vitamins and minerals it contains.

6. vitamin drink made from strawberries.
Strawberries (can be frozen) - 600 grams.
Banana - 1 piece.
Yogurt - 250 grams.
Milk - 1 glass.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. Ice cube spoons - 2 cups Place all ingredients in a blender bowl, fill it almost to the brim crushed ice and mix all ingredients until smooth.

In order to prepare vitamin green smoothies in a blender for weight loss, choose green vegetables and fruits. Depending on the recipe, the drink may include fresh cucumbers, celery stalks, kiwi, green apples, pears, spinach, cabbage or broccoli, zucchini and any greens, such as mint, parsley, cilantro or basil. As a base, use clean drinking water, skim or soy milk, low-fat kefir, unsweetened natural yogurt, green tea.

With cucumber

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 38 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: diet drink for weight loss.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A green smoothie for weight loss with cucumber and apple can be prepared for breakfast or drunk before bed when it is not recommended to eat heavy food. Cucumbers, which are 95% water, are among the so-called zero-calorie foods - 100 grams of these vegetables contain only 15 kcal. Green apples and kiwi are rich in vitamins and macroelements; they will add sweetness and freshness to the smoothie and make the taste balanced. If desired, you can add other ingredients to the composition - a pear, half an avocado, a stalk of celery, parsley or a little fresh mint.


  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • kiwi – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fresh cucumber and remove the hard peel. Cut into large pieces.
  2. Peel the kiwi. Cut into several pieces.
  3. Peel the apple, remove the core and stem. Cut into slices or large cubes. Apple pieces can be sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice to prevent the flesh from darkening.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl.
  5. Beat the mixture until smooth (at least 30 seconds).
  6. Pour the prepared cucumber-apple smoothie with kiwi into glasses.
  7. Serve chilled.

You need to start your day with a glass warm water, maybe with lemon. You should eat food 20-30 minutes after this. This the best option, allowing you to start metabolic processes, wake up the body and prepare it for the coming day.

At the core proper nutrition lies the principle of calorie counting. The approximate permissible volume of a morning meal should be oriented at 300 kcal. If you don’t know what to cook to fit into this limit, study the simple and delicious recipes we present with photos and calories.

Be sure to consider that the ideal breakfast could be:

  • Protein. Protein is the main source for building muscles. To digest it, the body needs a lot of energy, which it will take by breaking down body fat. This process can only be started if there is a deficiency of fast carbohydrates. What protein foods can you eat for breakfast to lose weight? The list of dishes is extensive, including omelet, chicken, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, etc.
  • Carbohydrate. In this case, you must bet on complex carbohydrates, and this is porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat), durum pasta, toast. They are slowly absorbed and nourish the body with useful substances, without being deposited on the sides, stomach and thighs in the form of fatty deposits.
  • Vegetable. Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber. It is beneficial for the body, but does not overload the stomach. If you want to make your morning meal as light as possible, you can eat a salad for breakfast. A light meal is also suitable if you are planning a business lunch or second breakfast.

PP breakfasts are perfect for those who are watching their weight, for men, pregnant women and in general for the whole family. Think over the menu for tomorrow in the evening, or better yet, select options for every day with calorie content and nutritional supplements for the whole week.

What's prohibited?

Breakfast should never be skipped. If you remain hungry from the very morning, there is a high risk of breakdown and overeating, consuming high-calorie unhealthy foods. It is important to understand what foods you should not eat in the morning.

The prohibited list includes:

  • flour and baked goods (rolls, white bread);
  • sweets;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty, fried and smoked.

Important to use correct methods heat treatment. It is better not to cook in a frying pan, as the fats used will negatively affect nutritional value with KBJU dishes. We also do not recommend cooking in the microwave. It is better to give preference to baking in the oven, steaming or cooking in a slow cooker.

Among the positive aspects of taking diet cocktails for the purpose of losing weight, the following are particularly highlighted:

Breakfast cocktail for weight loss with rolled oats. Rules for losing weight with smoothies

It is necessary to ensure a smooth transition from the usual diet to a dietary one in order to relieve the body of stress. This is a must when losing weight with cereal desserts. Preliminary preparation begins 2-3 days before the diet and looks like this:

  • drink at least 2 liters of clean still water per day;
  • eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • eat small meals every 2-3 hours.

A delicious oatmeal smoothie is not a magic elixir that will instantly rid you of extra pounds. The liquid drink is so tasty that you want to drink it in one gulp, but you can’t do that. Such an error will lead to the fact that the signal of saturation from the stomach to the brain arrives late and there will be a temptation to eat something else. There are other significant nuances that are worth remembering when losing weight with oatmeal smoothies:

  1. Some berries and fruits are high in calories. Such products are absolutely not suitable for preparing a weight loss drink.
  2. You cannot add sugar to the drink. For improvement taste qualities use a vegetable sweetener (stevia), honey, sweet fruits and berries.
  3. Smoothies with oatmeal should be eaten with a small spoon and slowly, as a last resort- drink in small sips. Otherwise, you will have time to eat something before your brain receives a signal that you are full.
  4. On a diet, eat small portions every 2 hours. In between meals, you can drink water or green tea. It is important to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
  5. Dairy products used to make smoothies should contain no more than 1% fat.
  6. If you are on a non-strict diet, you can add low-calorie cereals and low-fat broth to your diet.
  7. While losing weight, you should not eat fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, cheese, sugar, or sweets. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks (black tea, coffee, energy drinks).

Compliance simple rules will help you achieve the desired result, get rid of excess weight. The diet is suitable for those who play sports. Nutrients will improve your workout results. The oatmeal smoothie diet is contraindicated for certain kidney, liver and stomach diseases. You should not use smoothies with rolled oats for weight loss during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A diet cocktail for weight loss, prepared on the basis of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, cleanses the intestines, freeing the body from harmful toxins. A green smoothie is absorbed much better than a salad with a similar composition. The advantage is that the cell membrane of the ingredients is destroyed by the blender. Nutrients are absorbed faster.


Banana smoothie contains 81.5 kcal per 100 g of finished drink. Smoothie ingredients:

  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 150 g;
  • honey - a teaspoon.

Fat burning cocktail with kiwi: 100 g – 34.03 kcal. Components:

  • kiwi – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 2 mugs, with peel;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • honey - teaspoon;
  • parsley, mint.

Drink with grapefruit. The composition of this cocktail, containing 46.5 kcal per 100 g, is simple:

  • grapefruit (large);
  • honey - a tablespoon.


Celery is often used in drinks based on vegetables and herbs. It regulates metabolism, contains a lot of fiber, eliminates excess carbon dioxide, accumulating in the body. To prepare, you will need to squeeze out the juice of a large celery root. Composition of the drink (79.09 kcal per 100 g):

  • celery, juice – 50 ml;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.

Green cucumber smoothie. Low-calorie drink, it contains only 26.5 kcal. Ingredients:

  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • green peas – 100 g;
  • ginger – a teaspoon of ground, or 3 strips of fresh;
  • broccoli – 3 inflorescences;
  • parsley.


  1. Puree using a blender.
  2. If the drink is too thick, dilute with kefir or yogurt.

Find out more smoothie recipes for weight loss.

Video Super Breakfast Shake - Protein Carbohydrate Shake

Protein shakes are an effective and tasty way to gain weight. muscle mass. They are sold as sports supplements and can be prepared by the athlete himself. The latter option requires knowledge of recipes for the correct balanced ratio of all ingredients of a nutritious drink.

Athletes who prefer ready-made solutions should carefully select a product. It is necessary to purchase cocktails for muscle growth only from trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves on the positive side. The best foreign companies are considered to be companies such as Optimum Nutrition, MusclePharm and Weider. Among domestic manufacturers, the brands King Protein and Pure Protein deserve attention. They are much cheaper than their foreign counterparts and are of good quality.

Store-bought protein shakes, especially foreign ones, are a perfectly balanced product with carefully selected ingredients. In contrast, homemade drinks for weight gain must be prepared independently, choosing the right ingredients and standards.

What ingredients are used for weight gain cocktails?

The basis of homemade protein shakes is kefir or milk with a medium fat content. Cottage cheese or eggs are used as a source of protein, and carbohydrates with sweeteners - sugar, honey, ice cream, jam, fruit.

It is best to purchase fresh ingredients for each new serving of drink. After preparation, you should drink the cocktail within the first two hours. To obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency, you must use a blender. Without this household appliance, achieving such a result will be quite labor-intensive and difficult.

Protein shake recipes for mass gain

Protein shake with fruit


  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • milk - 250 ml (1 glass);
  • strawberries with sugar - 150 g.

All components are placed in a blender and mixed thoroughly. The sweetener, which is used as sugar, should be added at your discretion.

Protein chocolate shake


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • cocoa powder.

Cocoa should be taken in the amount that suits your taste the most. Finding the optimal ratio will allow you to prepare several servings with different amounts of this component. The main thing is to remember that a drink for mass gain should contain the maximum amount of calories, achieved by adding sugar or honey.

Protein Banana Shake


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • banana - 1 or 1.5;
  • jam - 2-3 tsp.

Bananas and chocolate are two of the most popular ingredients for making shakes, the taste of which is very popular among bodybuilders. Regarding this drink, it is banana and jam that provide high-calorie nutrition for muscle mass. Their ratio in the cocktail can be changed up or down to provide the required amount of energy value and improve taste.

Store-bought sports supplements or homemade shakes?

Ready-made supplements allow the athlete to have a complete understanding of the composition of the product, the number of calories, proteins and carbohydrates in each serving. The athlete does not need to spend time purchasing components and preparation. This option also has a drawback. If you purchase a supplement with a flavor you don’t like, you won’t be able to return the product. And if we take into account the fairly high cost of ready-made ones, homemade protein shakes are much more attractive in this regard.

The time spent making your own cocktails pays off in significant savings. Money. In addition, the athlete has a chance to experiment with taste and the ratio of various components in order to increase the energy value of the drink. If you try hard enough, you can always have your favorite protein drink freshly prepared.

When and how to drink protein shakes?

The daily consumption rate of a protein shake to increase muscle mass is from 250 to 300 milliliters. It is recommended to drink one serving approximately 60 or 70 minutes before training, and the other half an hour after training.

Proteins give impetus to muscle growth and protect muscle tissue from catabolic processes. The cocktail should also be drunk an hour before bedtime. This technique involves reducing the calorie content of the drink to a minimum. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining excess fat.

What makes oat smoothies an ideal breakfast option is, of course, their main nutritious ingredient – ​​oatmeal. It has long become a classic breakfast porridge not only here, but also in the West. And this did not happen by chance. Enveloping, satisfying, light oatmeal retains all its advantages in an oat smoothie - a thick cocktail of homogeneous or almost homogeneous consistency, in which dairy products, juices, tea, fruits and vegetables are added to your favorite porridge in various combinations.

This smoothie is a dietary product, can replace a full meal and is balanced in the content of microelements.

Most often, oatmeal smoothies are considered as one of the breakfast options, but they can also become an energy snack, a healthy dessert, and even dinner.

Oatmeal smoothies have a beneficial effect on digestion and normalize metabolism. This is a complete meal healthy diet, which corresponds to all canons rational nutrition. Most often, smoothies with oatmeal are included in weight loss programs aimed at normalizing weight. But they also have other advantages:

  • they cook quickly and can save time at breakfast without losing nutritional value;
  • Everyone likes such smoothies, even children - they are just a variation of the familiar breakfast with oatmeal, but in a simpler and more easily digestible form;
  • despite the apparent boringness, such smoothies can be very different in both consistency and taste;
  • they allow you to experiment with a boring breakfast and create hundreds of variations.

Oatmeal smoothies can be sweet and neutral, complex in composition and two or three components, with or without spices. Even in consistency, they are not so similar: some prefer a homogeneous smoothie, similar to a thick cocktail, others prefer a coarsely ground smoothie. And most often, the consistency and nature of the smoothie - gentle or rougher - depends solely on how you prepared the oatmeal.

Creamy milkshake with coffee liqueur flavor. A truly unforgettable taste! The recipe is somewhat labor-intensive due to the long “varnishing” of the rice with liquor, but believe me, it’s worth it! For some, the ideal occasion will be a romantic breakfast, and for others, the morning of a long-awaited Saturday. Prepare “liquor” rice in advance, and more, more!


  • 100 g puffed rice without additives
  • 130 g Kahlua coffee liqueur
  • 200 ml milk
  • 200 ml cream 20% fat
  • 180 ml vodka
  • 2 tsp. Sahara


In a bowl, stirring constantly, mix the rice with 45 ml of liqueur. The rice should not have time to soak in the liquor, but should be completely moistened with it. Place the rice in an even thin layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Dry the rice for 1 hour in the oven at 55°C. Pour it into a bowl, add 45 ml of liqueur again and soak the rice in alcohol again. Dry the rice again at the same temperature for 1 hour.

Repeat step 2, but do this now for 8-10 hours. As a result, the rice should be dry and shiny.

Mix vodka and sugar in a shaker. Fill it to the very top large ice(made from delicious drinking water) and shake vigorously several times to cool the alcohol and dissolve the sugar. Strain the drink and pour it into 4 jars.

Add a quarter of the milk and cream mixture to each. Stir with a bar spoon and add about 25 g of rice. Serve immediately.

Diet green smoothies are suitable for weight loss. You can prepare milkshakes for breakfast in a blender in a matter of minutes. These smoothie recipes are also great for children. Look at the recipes and choose the one that suits you for a healthy diet.

I offer you healthy, vitamin-rich and delicious cocktails from fruits and vegetables. The cocktails are prepared from fresh vegetables and fruits, such as bananas, kiwi, pumpkins, celery, etc., with the addition of gadji berries, milk and yogurt.

Smoothie with mango and yogurt

This great smoothie is simple, healthy and a good breakfast alternative.


Mix all ingredients together and let sit for a while. If desired, add ½ cup raw oats or almonds.

Banana and mango milkshake

This sweet smoothie is perfect for a quick breakfast.


Place the chopped fruit in a blender, add milk or yogurt, blend until smooth. Top with bee pollen and goji berries. You can substitute your favorites, such as oats. Enjoy!

Milkshake with avocado and banana

With this cocktail you will get more energy throughout the day.


Mix all ingredients except pollen in a blender. Add a little water if you don’t want a thick cocktail. Pour into glasses, add bee pollen. You can pour into a deep bowl and add more fresh fruit or granola and eat with a spoon. Enjoy your breakfast!

Green smoothie.

Try starting each morning with a green smoothie. You'll feel great, energized, and your skin will look amazing.


Place everything except the avocado in the juicer, adding the avocado last. If you don’t have a juicer, use a blender. Turn it into a homogeneous mass. Pour into a glass or bowl. Add dried fruits. Have a nice mood!

Pumpkin milkshake

Sweet, creamy and healthy smoothie.


Mix all ingredients except pollen and dried fruits. Use a blender to puree. Pour into a glass and add dried fruits and pollen.

Cocktail with persimmon

Fresh, full of vitamins.


Peel and cut fruits and vegetables into pieces. Chop spinach and celery. Put everything in a blender and turn everything into a puree at high speed for 40-45 seconds. Pour into a glass, throw in 6 ice cubes and enjoy. You can leave the second glass and drink it within 24 days.

Mango and green tea cocktail

A cocktail to start a good day


Start by brewing green tea bags and refrigerating them while you prepare the mango.

Peel the mango, remove the seeds and chop. Place in a blender, add ice and banana. Add 1 tablespoon honey if desired. Then add cooled green tea and blend until smooth. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Cocktail of blood oranges, milk and sparkling water

This unusual combination may surprise you and your guests.


Preparation of syrup: Pour water into a medium saucepan and add sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring until all the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat, add orange juice.

Pour in up to ½ cup of sparkling water, about 2 tbsp. syrup and ¼ cup coconut milk. Add straws, stir and garnish with a mint leaf. Enjoy!

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

It starts our metabolism. And you've most likely heard about this 100 times already.

Yes, he is one of the reasons why we, even if we follow all the other rules.

But still, despite this, about 10-15% of people in a developed society still neglect these rules. They constantly skip breakfast.

I wonder what the reason is, do you know?

I think most are just Sony.

They just don't want to get out of their warm bed in the morning. That's the whole reason.

Then, I’m sure that the rush begins and you don’t have breakfast again. Look for excuses all you want, but I know for sure that you are wrong to skip breakfast.

If you are one of those people who don't have enough time to eat breakfast, then these breakfast smoothie recipes are for you.

Most of these recipes can be made on a quick fix, literally for some two minutes, especially if you have prepared some ingredients the night before.

And all of these smoothie recipes are packed with superfoods. This means that you will have energy for a long time.

Free Bonus: Want more smoothie recipes? Download 17 best recipes smoothie from my blog and use them for quick cleansing and healthy weight loss.

Super quick breakfast smoothie recipes

Are you ready to enjoy these cool recipes?

I want to say right away that all these recipes can be changed. You can make them however you want in terms of taste, texture and color. Just don't overdo it with sweetness. Don't give a lot of honey or dates for example.

After all, even natural sweeteners in large quantities harmful!

Now enjoy...

1. M... Smoothie with Strawberries and Goji berries

Look, he's just... super-duper...

Ingredients (for 2 cups):

  • 2 tablespoons goji berries
  • 10 medium strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon honey or a couple of dates
  • 300 ml almond milk
  • 2-3 bananas (depending on size)
  • Ice (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. In a small bowl, combine the goji berries and 1 tablespoon water and let sit for 15 minutes to soften the berries. (Note: this can also be done in advance - in the evening, if desired).
  2. Then blend the goji berries and other ingredients in a blender until smooth.

2. Kale Pineapple Smoothie Smoothie

This green smoothie recipe with pineapple is called shock because it is fantastically healthy and amazingly tasty!

From a protein perspective, this is a serious breakfast for even the most active people. If you turn on the calculator and do the math, you'll see that one smoothie contains an incredible 27 grams of protein (approx.), thanks to kale, yogurt, milk and peanut butter.

Pineapple is one of the richest sources of the bromelain enzyme in the world! As we have already discussed with you in one of the articles, bromelain is simply incomparable in the fight against certain forms of cancer and helps digestion, and also easily fights allergies, asthma, joint pain and infections.

This tropical fruit also a rich source of manganese, which is important in the development of strong bones and connective tissues. Just the quarter cup we use in this smoothie contains 20% of our daily value.

You know, I really like to make green tea instead of coffee to enjoy the taste of a nice warm drink.

It is full of antioxidants; fights cancer and fat, is good for heart and brain health, and also promotes oral hygiene.

Honestly, this is my go-to drink, along with water, if I'm thinking about melting my fat! 🙂 What do you think about this, write in the comments!

However, when I first learned that green tea could be used as the base for a green smoothie, I was amazed. So if this is your first time hearing this, congratulations! You've discovered a great alternative to many other liquids that can be used in smoothies.

Fortunately, even some sites provide good recipes, in particular Eda.ru.

However, I have found a better breakfast smoothie. It is more valuable from a nutritional point of view.

By the way, this recipe even uses cayenne pepper (chili can be used). Do you know what this means? It's just a bomb, not a cocktail!

Sometimes you probably really want to enjoy breakfast at a leisurely pace, so sometimes it’s difficult to even make yourself a healthy smoothie. But, if you look at this recipe, you will definitely get up five minutes earlier to taste all its delicacies...

It's exactly what it sounds like! You can thicken it and eat it slowly with a spoon, enjoying every drop of this berry puree.

You can also add some toppings for a little chew. Chewing will increase your feeling of fullness, this is what it tells the brain that we are full and prevents overeating.

You can add any berries that catch your eye to this smoothie.

Learn how to prepare sweets, drinks, sauces, salads and other recipes based on healthy eating rules

For example, cherry. It has low sugar levels when compared to many other berries and fruits. And this a good choice for diabetics. They are also good for rejuvenating the body.

It is also suggested to add some hemp seeds. They have a great range of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are really important for overall health. They also contain all 20 amino acids... Amazing! ... including 9 essential ones that our bodies are not capable of producing.

I can't help but say about the pomegranate. Connections found only in pomegranates, will help your health heart and blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Ingredients (for one serving):

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen cherries and other frozen or fresh berries (raspberries, blackberries, currants, red or black)
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 banana, fresh
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (can be replaced with flax)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut flakes
  • 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds


  1. Add frozen cherries, banana, hemp seeds and almond milk to a blender. Mix until smooth and pour into a bowl.
  2. Then, simply whip up a smoothie with chopped bananas, raspberries, blackberries, chia seeds (flax), coconut flakes and pomegranate seeds until smooth.

6. Chocolate avocado smoothie for breakfast

Who said that you can’t eat dark chocolate on a diet or for breakfast! Have you heard this opinion?

This creamy recipe Avocado-based is not only an excellent vegetarian breakfast, but also a dessert in a glass. Look at this beautiful picture above...

I found this recipe on the website delicious recipes Yummi.club, however, has improved it a little.

By the way, this cocktail is another way to fall in love with avocado, if you are not too friendly with it, and fill your body. Avocado makes this breakfast so darn creamy, but is one of the main smoothie ingredients in our diet.

Healthy fats from avocados are known to help prevent osteoporosis and some degenerative eye diseases, as well as aid in weight loss and digestion.

Cocoa is a rich source of flavonoid antioxidants. As we wrote earlier, it reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases and death from them, especially in older men, and they also improve blood flow to the brain and heart. It’s not for nothing that they say that chocolate is good for the brain, right? ... One small tablespoon of raw cocoa powder provides a dose of manganese and copper that we need so much.

Copper is an often overlooked mineral that is important element for collagen formation for healthy skin, as well as energy production and iron absorption by our body.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1 avocado
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1/2 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen (if not available, substitute other berries)
  • 1-2 tablespoons cocoa powder (unsweetened, please note, but raw)
  • 2 cups almond or coconut milk

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

7. Impact smoothie recipe with plum and quinoa for breakfast

Have you tried adding quinoa to a smoothie? ... Now let's try!

Quinoa was used as an energy drink by the Inca warriors, so this drink is sure to fill you with energy before a busy day. These seeds are also a rich source of iron

Cinnamon, like many spices, has strong antioxidant activity. Compared to other herbs and spices, cinnamon bypasses everyone.

This spice also mimics sweetness, meaning it can be used instead of sugar to satisfy sweet cravings.


  • 1 - 2 large ripe plums, pitted and cut into pieces
  • 1/2 large frozen banana
  • 1/4 cup cooked quinoa
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (not vanilla sugar!)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 4 - 5 ice cubes

  • If you think about green smoothies for breakfast, then this recipe is perfect.

    YES, he doesn't look handsome at all. You could say it looks like a swamp. But it is very useful.

    First of all, there is broccoli. YES, if you haven’t tried adding it to smoothies yet, now is your chance. It is an excellent source of fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals that can even fight some cancers.

    Spinach is the other green ingredient in this drink...and it makes the smoothie even healthier. Spinach in the morning can keep you full for longer and promote weight loss. By the way, you can use others too...

    A smoothie with turmeric is a super remedy for rejuvenating the body, which many stars and models love. Are you ready to become a star?...

    The StopKilo website gave a very high-quality recipe that will really help you start your working day perfectly.

Giving up sweets is one of the most difficult challenges that anyone who loses weight has to face. Fortunately, there are many delicious cocktails that can satisfy your sweet tooth without harming your figure.

Such cocktails are not just dietary, but also healthy. They contain many substances and components that are valuable for health, speed up metabolism, and, therefore, help you lose calories. Drinking such drinks for breakfast will have a positive effect on the body and give good mood for all day.

They will be an excellent treat for breakfast, a healthy snack during the day when it is not possible to eat anything healthy for your figure. You can take cocktails prepared in a blender with you to work or school.

The proposed recipes for cocktails and smoothies have a balanced composition that has a fat-burning effect. Thanks to the inclusion of such “desserts” in the weight loss menu, the diet ceases to be associated with a painful feeling of hunger and tasteless food.

Recipes for delicious diet cocktails

You will need:

  • banana;
  • 1/2 cup chopped cabbage;
  • 1/3 cup prepared oatmeal;
  • almonds, blueberries, cocoa.


Fill the blender with water to the maximum level. Add all the listed ingredients and beat to a puree consistency.

You will need:

  • scoop of chocolate protein shake;
  • 1/2 cup each low-fat milk and peanut butter;
  • six ice cubes.


Blend everything for about two minutes or until the lumps of butter are completely crushed.

Can be prepared with peaches or strawberries.

You will need:

  • peeled carrots, banana and orange;
  • half a glass of spinach;
  • 1 spoon of hemp seeds;
  • 5 spoons of pumpkin seeds.


The components are beaten either with water or with skim boiled milk.

This drink allows you to lose weight. You can lose up to three kilograms in a week.

You will need:

  • pear and apple without peel;
  • banana with cabbage;
  • a full spoon of flaxseed.


Place the ingredients in a blender filled to the maximum level with water and blend until smooth.

You will need:

  • 5 ice cubes;
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee;
  • 2 spoons of chocolate flavored protein mixture;
  • half a glass of cold water.


Beat all ingredients in a blender for one and a half minutes.

A drink that energizes you for the whole day, recommended for consumption in the morning.

You will need:

  • (skimmed) lean milk;
  • fresh yogurt and ripe bananas.


Beat yogurt with bananas in a blender, pour in a small amount of milk.

You will need:

  • cold water or 8 ice cubes;
  • a glass of blueberries;
  • half a glass of peaches, raspberries, low-fat vanilla yogurt;
  • a couple of teaspoons of vanilla extract;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.


Place everything in a blender and blend for one minute. Blueberry mania is ready.

You will need:

  • peeled and chopped medium pitaya;
  • 2 chopped medium plums;
  • 1/2 cup coconut water and 1/4 cup crushed ice.


Beat everything in a blender until a puree forms.

You will need:

  • chopped half of peeled grapefruit;
  • half a glass of chopped watermelon pulp;
  • coconut water;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • a teaspoon of squeezed lime juice.


Pour coconut water into the blender bowl to the maximum mark, add fruit and ice, blend for several minutes.

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup each chopped pineapple and melon pulp;
  • half a chopped orange;
  • sprig of mint.


Place all the fruits in a blender bowl filled to the maximum with water and blend for no more than 12 seconds. Serve the drink with an orange slice and mint.

A drink with a very piquant taste, giving a feeling of fullness.

You will need:

  • tomato and carrot;
  • half a small beetroot and a stalk of celery;
  • a glass of spinach and a quarter glass of parsley;
  • one and a half glasses of water.


Add all ingredients and beat for about 30 seconds until smooth.

It is prepared with “dahi” - yogurt passed through a cloth to remove whey, also called Greek or filtered.

You will need:

  • 450 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • a teaspoon of lecithin;
  • half a glass of dahi;
  • a couple of spoons (teaspoons) of vanilla extract;
  • scoop of vanilla protein mixture.


Mix all the listed ingredients for half a minute or a little more.

You will need:

  • half a glass of pineapple pulp and a mixture of strawberries and blueberries;
  • spoon of vanilla protein mixture;
  • 6 pieces of ice cubes;
  • a glass of unsweetened vanilla milk.


First, beat the berries with pineapple and the protein mixture for half a minute, and then add ice and milk to them and beat again for about a minute.

You can use not only citrus fruits, but also pineapple. The drink contains fast carbohydrates, but promotes weight loss.

You will need:

  • Greek yogurt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • peeled grapefruit.


Combine yogurt with grapefruit and grind in a blender, sweeten.

A refreshing drink that gives a feeling of fullness and promotes weight loss.


  • half a carrot, paprika, celery stalk;
  • a couple of cilantro leaves;
  • 1/4 lime and onion each;
  • a glass of spinach;
  • tomato;
  • one and a half glasses of water.


Beat everything for about 40 seconds.

Drink immediately after whipping.

You will need:

  • orange and three strawberries;
  • a quarter of grapefruit and two handfuls of spinach;
  • 1/4 cup raspberries;
  • spoon of chia seeds.


Beat the ingredients with one and a half glasses of water until smooth.

Gives a positive charge of energy, invigorates, saturates and is great for those who want to lose weight.

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon chlorella algae;
  • 5 mint leaves;
  • 1/2 cup cabbage;
  • half an avocado.


Fill the blender bowl with water, add all the ingredients, beat for a minute until the consistency becomes homogeneous.

The best smoothie recipes for weight loss

Eighteen excellent thick drinks from vegetables and fruits, prepared in a blender, will diversify your menu and help you get rid of extra pounds.

  • approximately 1.2 centimeters of ginger root;
  • half a pear and a stalk of celery;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 3 leaves of fresh parsley;
  • a drop of apple cider vinegar.


Beat all ingredients until pureed. This takes about half a minute.

Use fresh - immediately after preparation.

You will need:

  • half each chopped and peeled banana and pear;
  • skim (lean) milk;
  • half a cup of strawberries, halved.


In a couple of seconds, mix everything in a blender. Serve with strawberry and pear slices.

You will need:

  • half a peeled and chopped banana and an apple;
  • chopped kiwi without peel;
  • a quarter glass of crushed ice;
  • 1/2 cup almond milk.


Pour milk and fruit into a blender, add crushed ice to the bowl. Mix the mass for 10-12 seconds.

You will need:

  • medium sized kiwi, diced;
  • half a glass of chopped broccoli;
  • half a peeled and chopped pear.


Place fruit and broccoli in a bowl filled with water. Mix everything for 10-12 seconds.

You will need:

  • half a chopped carrot;
  • a couple of celery stalks;
  • half a glass of tangerine slices.


Fill the blender bowl to the brim with water and blend for at least 15 seconds until a puree forms.

IN summer heat This thick drink can be topped with ice.

You will need:

  • a couple of glasses of honey melon pulp;
  • 0.5 liters of unsweetened almond milk with vanilla flavor;
  • a glass of steamed young cabbage;
  • a teaspoon of chia seeds and a banana.


Blend the ingredients in the blender for two minutes to form a thick drink.

You will need:

  • grated carrots;
  • chopped pear without peel;
  • orange with seeds removed;
  • 240 ml unsweetened almond milk;
  • a quarter of a glass of dry oatmeal flakes.


First, pour the milk into the blender, and then add the remaining ingredients. Beat the ingredients for half a minute at high speed until pureed.

You will need:

  • banana and orange;
  • a glass of frozen blueberries;
  • chopped apple;
  • 6 ice cubes.


Blend the fruits and berries in a blender until a smooth consistency is formed.

You will need:

  • half a grapefruit and a peeled pear;
  • half a glass of fresh cherries with pits removed;
  • 125 ml skim milk.


Pour milk and add all ingredients. Mix the drink for up to 12 seconds. Serve the smoothie with a cherry or a slice of grapefruit.

You will need:

  • half a peeled and chopped apple;
  • half a glass of chopped zucchini;
  • medium kiwi fruit;
  • coconut water.


To make this nutritious diet drink, simply blend the fruit and zucchini in a blender filled with coconut water for 10-12 seconds.

Served with apple slices.

You will need:

  • a glass of chopped cabbage;
  • chopped banana and apple without peel;
  • coconut water to the top of the bowl.


To get this drink, add all the ingredients and whisk. 12-17 seconds is enough.

You will need:

  • chopped banana half;
  • a glass of frozen strawberries.


Fill the blender to the maximum line with coconut water. Add all ingredients and beat for about 10-12 seconds.

You will need:

  • chopped banana;
  • 1/4 cup oatmeal flakes;
  • 1/2 cup each of skim milk and yogurt;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • a couple of dessert spoons of honey.


Beat all products until you obtain a puree-like consistency. Serve with banana.

A tasty and nutritious drink allows you to enjoy your diet and lose excess body weight. Make it regularly, serving it with grapes.

You will need:

  • chopped medium apricot;
  • half a glass of seedless grapes;
  • 1/2 cup almond milk;
  • 1/4 cup crushed ice.


Place the listed ingredients in a blender and blend for 10-12 seconds.

This thick drink is served chilled.

You will need:

  • a small piece of celery;
  • half a glass of young spinach;
  • half a peeled apple, chopped;
  • half a chopped medium cucumber.


Fill a blender full with coconut water, add fruits and vegetables. Beat for a few minutes until smooth.

You should drink this thick drink immediately after preparation. It can be served with raspberries or chopped pineapple.

You will need:

  • half a glass of pineapple pulp;
  • half a banana;
  • a quarter of a glass of frozen raspberries;
  • a full glass of ice cubes;
  • half a glass of water and skim (lean) milk.


Place all of the listed products in a blender. Beat until you get a mass with a homogeneous consistency.

If you don’t have enough time in the morning to prepare light porridge, which, as you know, is the basis of any balanced diet, then a healthy milkshake or fruit shake with healthy ingredients may well be a worthy alternative. It can be prepared from low-fat ingredients rich in vitamins and beneficial minerals. A light and at the same time nutritious breakfast shake can be used to maintain weight after a diet. In a word, start the day with a vitamin shower for the body - drink a delicious cocktail for breakfast!

To prepare a healthy morning cocktail, you can use the most different ingredients: skim milk or kefir, low-fat yogurt, wheat germ, fiber-rich fruits and berries, etc. But you should avoid sugar - honey can be used as a sweetener in moderate quantities. Here are some recipes for morning cocktails:

Strawberry banana smoothie

Ingredients: Two ripe bananas, 200 grams of fresh or frozen strawberries, 100 grams of yogurt, several ice cubes.

Preparation: Peel and cut bananas into slices. Grind and beat all ingredients in a blender. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.

Morning smoothie with basil

Ingredients: One cup low-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 tablespoons fresh basil leaves.

Preparation: Thoroughly beat all ingredients with a blender and pour into glasses. That's it, our cocktail is ready!

Healthy smoothie for breakfast

Ingredients: one ripe banana, a glass of low-fat milk or kefir, a tablespoon of ground rolled oats, a teaspoon of honey (to taste), a third of a teaspoon of vanillin.

Preparation: Place all of the above in a blender and beat. A wonderful breakfast instead of cereals and sandwiches is ready! Bon appetit!

Soy shake for weight loss

Ingredients: 100 grams of soy cheese, a glass of orange or pineapple juice, half a glass of fresh fruit.

Preparation: Place cheese, fruit and juice into a blender. Mix everything until smooth. It is recommended to take this cocktail on an empty stomach after waking up.

Fruit and Cereal Smoothie for Breakfast

Ingredients for making 3 servings of cocktail: two bananas, three peaches, two oranges, two whole grain breads, 5 teaspoons of honey, two tablespoons of sesame seeds.

Preparation: Place all the fruits and honey in a blender, mix everything until smooth, pour into glasses, sprinkle with sesame seeds. This surprisingly satisfying cocktail can easily replace a full breakfast.

Morning smoothie for weight loss

Ingredients: a glass of natural yogurt without sugar, one ripe banana, one tablespoon of fiber.

Preparation: beat everything in a blender and pour into glasses. After drinking this cocktail for breakfast, you can safely go to the gym for fitness. The banana in this easy morning smoothie will give you the energy you need.

A morning cocktail is a boost of energy for the whole day!

After it you don’t feel like eating for a very long time.

It is very simple to prepare, beat one banana in a blender with a glass of milk, you can add another tbsp. spoon oatmeal or a teaspoon of cocoa powder, but this is at everyone’s discretion.

A quick, low-calorie and delicious breakfast.

  • A morning cocktail is a boost of energy for the whole day! Recipes

    A morning cocktail is a boost of energy for the whole day! Ingredients: Milk - 1 glass Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l./Cocoa powder 1 tsp. Banana - 1 pc. Preparation: It is very simple to prepare, beat one banana in a blender with a glass of milk, you can add another tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal or a teaspoon of cocoa powder, but this is at everyone’s discretion. A quick, low-calorie and delicious breakfast. Bon appetit! #drinks.appetit

  • Carrot-cranberry cocktail Recipes

    Carrot-cranberry cocktail Ingredients: Carrot juice 400 ml Cranberry juice 100 ml Lemon juice 50 ml Sugar 2 tbsp. Water 200 ml Cranberry 50 g Preparation: Mix all the juices, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add sugar. Add cranberries to the finished drink. The cocktail with a charge of vigor and vitamins is ready. Bon appetit! #drinks.appetit

  • Diet for a week Recipes

    Diet for a week This diet is designed for one week. During this time you can lose from 3 to 4.5 kg. It goes without saying that for any diet you should choose only ripe and unspoiled foods. Freshly squeezed juice or cocktail should be drunk immediately after preparation. First breakfast - mix 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat with 4 tablespoons of oatmeal and finely chopped fruits: kiwi, grapefruit and green apple. Pour low-fat kefir or yogurt over everything. Second breakfast - in a blender, beat peeled kiwi, a little lemon juice, mint leaves and kefir. Lunch – semolina porridge with skim milk without sugar. You can add a little honey and fruit for taste. Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese whipped with kiwi and a cocktail from the same fruit. *consider the characteristics of your body before starting a diet. #fitness.appetit

  • Morning cocktail with oat bran Recipes

    Morning cocktail with oat bran The beneficial properties of bran for the human body include a high content of fiber, B vitamins, various minerals and proteins. It is known that this food supplement must be combined with fluid intake. At least beneficial properties fruits have. To get double the health benefits, you can make smoothies from fruits with bran. Orange - 1 pc. Banana - 1 pc. Whey - 500 ml Oat bran - 5 tbsp. Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp. Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l. Preparation: 1. Give yourself a delicious fasting breakfast, prepare a morning cocktail with oat bran. 2. Place a peeled banana, orange pulp (cut crosswise, scoop out the pulp with a spoon), a pinch of cinnamon, and powdered sugar into a blender glass. Grind the fruit into a puree, add whey and bran, and whip up an energy shake. 3. Pour into glasses, sprinkle a mixture of bran + cinnamon + powdered sugar on top. Bon appetit! #drinksrecepti

  • Healthy chocolate shake Recipes

    Healthy chocolate shake Ingredients: 1 tablespoon honey 1 medium banana 2 tablespoons peanut butter 1.5 tablespoons cocoa powder 1/2 cup milk (almond is used in the original) Preparation: Place the honey in the microwave for 5-10 seconds. Then blend all ingredients until pureed in a blender. #drinksrecepti

  • The most delicious milkshakes. Recipes

    The most delicious milkshakes. Strawberry milkshake milk – 400 ml strawberries – 100 g ice cream – 2 tbsp. strawberry yogurt – 4 pcs. How to make a strawberry milkshake: 1. Wash the strawberries and cut them into small pieces. 2. Mix strawberries, yogurt, and ice cream in a blender bowl. 3. Pour in milk and beat with a blender. 4. Pour the cocktail into glasses. A delicious strawberry milkshake is ready! Cocktail “Mint Cloud” A pleasant cocktail with mint flavor will be indispensable in the sultry heat. To prepare the Peppermint Cloud cocktail we will need: milk - 100 ml homemade ice cream - 100 ml whipped cream - 50 g mint syrup - 20 ml mint leaves - 10 pcs. How to make the Peppermint Cloud cocktail: 1. Mix milk, ice cream and mint syrup in a blender bowl. 2. Pour the cocktail into glasses and add cream on top. 3. Decorate each cocktail with fresh mint leaves. A pleasant cocktail “Mint Cloud” is ready. Cocktail “Milk and Chocolate” Chocolate lovers will love the taste of the wonderful cocktail “Milk and Chocolate”. To prepare the “Milk and Chocolate” cocktail we will need: milk – 200 ml chocolate – 40 g cocoa – 1 tbsp. ice - to taste How to make the “Milk and Chocolate” cocktail: 1. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater. 2. Mix milk with cocoa and crushed ice in a shaker. 3. Pour the cocktail into glasses and sprinkle chocolate chips on top. The delicious “Milk and Chocolate” cocktail is ready. Strawberry milkshake with cheese An unusual strawberry milkshake with cheese will be a great addition to a festive evening. To prepare a strawberry milkshake with cheese we will need: milk - 200 ml strawberry syrup - 2 tbsp. cheese – 2 tbsp. strawberries – 3 pcs. How to make a strawberry milkshake with cheese: 1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. 2. Mix milk, syrup and cheese in a blender bowl. 3. Pour the cocktail into glasses and garnish with fresh berries. Strawberry milkshake with cheese is ready. Cocktail “Milk and Avocado” Avocado is very healthy

  • Super breakfast!! Recipes

    Super breakfast!! Tasty and invigorating for the whole day :)) For coffee we need: Milk - 200 grams Ground coffee Water Sugar to taste. Brew coffee and pour into ice cube trays. When the coffee has cooled, heat the milk. Place ice coffee in a glass and pour hot milk over it. DONE! For the sandwich: A piece of grain bread; Peanut butter - 1 tsp Banana - for the entire piece of bread. Spread the bread with the paste. Cut the banana into pieces and place on the bread with the paste. Everything!! VERY TASTY! EXCELLENT BREAKFAST FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS:))))

  • Banana blueberry milkshake Recipes

    Banana-blueberry milkshake Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 5 minutes Ingredients: frozen blueberries (fresh if available) milk condensed milk banana Preparation: Pour milk into a blender, add condensed milk (to taste, I added 1 teaspoon), banana and add blueberries too, set them to the highest power. Ready!

  • Morning drink for health and weight loss Recipes

    Morning drink for health and weight loss This drink is recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. It invigorates, cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system. What you need: ground cinnamon; honey; lemon; hot water. How to cook: put a slice of lemon in hot water and add ground cinnamon. Let it brew and at the same time cool the water a little. When the water has cooled down a little, add a spoonful of honey and drink. The effect is noticeable after a week of regular use. #drinksrecepti

  • Making protein shakes! Recipes

    Making protein shakes! Put it on your wall so you don’t forget! Cocktail No. 1 -For the cocktail you will need 250 ml of milk, 1 banana, yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey, oatmeal, ice cream. Also mix everything and grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 2 - 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of milk, 1 banana, a tablespoon of honey, 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal. Cocktail No. 3 -2 bananas, 500 ml milk, 100 ml cream or ice cream, a bag of vanilla sugar, a little cinnamon to taste. Mix everything and grind with a blender Cocktail No. 4 - A glass of milk, one teaspoon of sugar, 1 egg. Cocktail No. 5 - 200 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of kefir, 100 g of juice, persimmon or banana. Cocktail No. 6 - 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of cherry juice, egg white, a little sugar. Cocktail No. 7 - 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of chopped walnuts, pour a glass of kefir, beat with a mixer. Cocktail No. 8 - 200 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of honey, 60 g of egg powder diluted with milk, or 4-5 eggs, a spoon of sour cream. Grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 9 -500 ml milk, 250 g cottage cheese, 10 quail eggs, 50 g honey or jam, 100 g milk powder, 100 g sour cream, raisins, dried apricots. Grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 10 -250 ml baked milk, 250 g cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon wheat germ or oat bran, 1 tablespoon linseed oil

  • Natural energy cocktails Recipes

    Natural energy cocktails Cocktail No. 1 -For the cocktail you will need 250 ml of milk, 1 banana, yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey, oatmeal, ice cream. Also mix everything and grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 2 - 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of milk, 1 banana, a tablespoon of honey, 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal. Cocktail No. 3 -2 bananas, 500 ml milk, 100 ml cream or ice cream, a bag of vanilla sugar, a little cinnamon to taste. Mix everything and grind with a blender Cocktail No. 4 - A glass of milk, one teaspoon of sugar, 1 egg. Cocktail No. 5 - 200 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of kefir, 100 g of juice, persimmon or banana. Cocktail No. 6 - 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of cherry juice, egg white, a little sugar. Cocktail No. 7 - 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of chopped walnuts, pour a glass of kefir, beat with a mixer. Cocktail No. 8 - 200 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of honey, 60 g of egg powder diluted with milk, or 4-5 eggs, a spoon of sour cream. Grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 9 - 500 ml milk, 250 g cottage cheese, 10 quail eggs, 50 g honey or jam, 100 g milk powder, 100 g sour cream, raisins, dried apricots. Grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 10 - 250 ml of baked milk, 250 g of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of wheat germ or oat bran, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil. #drinksrecepti

  • Making protein shakes at home Health Recipes

    Making protein shakes at home Cocktail No. 1 -For the cocktail you will need 250 ml of milk, 1 banana, yogurt, 2 spoons of honey, oatmeal, ice cream. Also mix everything and grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 2 - 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of milk, 1 banana, a tablespoon of honey, 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal. Cocktail No. 3 -2 bananas, 500 ml milk, 100 ml cream or ice cream, a bag of vanilla sugar, a little cinnamon to taste. Mix everything and grind with a blender Cocktail No. 4 - A glass of milk, one teaspoon of sugar, 1 egg. Cocktail No. 5 - 200 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of kefir, 100 g of juice, persimmon or banana. Cocktail No. 6 - 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of cherry juice, egg white, a little sugar. Cocktail No. 7 - 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of chopped walnuts, pour a glass of kefir, beat with a mixer. Cocktail No. 8 - 200 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of honey, 60 g of egg powder diluted with milk, or 4-5 eggs, a spoon of sour cream. Grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 9 - 500 ml milk, 250 g cottage cheese, 10 quail eggs, 50 g honey or jam, 100 g milk powder, 100 g sour cream, raisins, dried apricots. Grind with a blender. Cocktail No. 10 - 250 ml of baked milk, 250 g of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of wheat germ or oat bran, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil.

  • Cocoa for vigor Health Recipes

    Cocoa for vigor 1 tbsp. cocoa powder; 1 tsp brown cane sugar; 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon; nutmeg on the tip of a knife; 1 tbsp. boiling water; 1 cup milk; a little vanilla extract or vanilla sugar; If you have it, you can add a few drops of almond extract. Pour cocoa, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg into a large mug. Add hot water and stir well. Pour in hot milk, stir again and add vanilla.

  • How to prepare cocoa correctly Recipes / Desserts, drinks

    How to prepare cocoa correctly Unlike tea and coffee, cocoa contains a very small amount of caffeine, which, if prepared correctly, will avoid adverse reactions. After all, cocoa is not only a tasty, but also a healthy drink, both for children over 2 years old and for mothers. It would seem that there is something special about the preparation of this delicacy. Dissolve cocoa powder in hot water and drink to your health. But! To make cocoa tasty, tender, aromatic and give a boost of energy, it is better to cook it with milk, not with water! Recipe for making cocoa: 1. To prepare a drink from cocoa powder, you will need milk or water. 2. To prepare 1 liter of cocoa, you need to bring 1 liter of milk to a boil. 3. Cocoa powder should be mixed with sugar and diluted with a small amount of cold milk/water. In a separate bowl (for example, a large glass), dilute 5 dessert spoons of cocoa and 5 teaspoons of sugar with hot milk so that a thick, mushy mass is obtained. 4. After boiling milk/water, add diluted cocoa. Bring to a boil again, remembering to stir. Cocoa can be drunk both cold and hot. It is best to serve cocoa with not too much sweet pastries(biscuit, cookies). Cocoa is recommended for use for enhanced nutrition, for example, after a debilitating illness. Then the drink is enriched with egg yolks: grind the yolks with sugar, then add warm cocoa; Heat the drink, but do not bring it to a boil, and beat with a whisk. Yummy is ready! In the morning, cocoa will give you vigor and energize you; in the evening, you can drink a cup of cocoa to lift your spirits. As mentioned above, cocoa can be given to children over 2 years of age in quantities of no more than 50 ml per day and 4 cups per week. It is best to cook it for breakfast. It will come in handy if your child doesn’t eat well in the morning. You can offer honey and dried fruits along with cocoa as a dessert.