Who is Yana Meladze's husband now? Ex-and new wife of Konstantin Meladze - photo, biography, personal life, children

Konstantin Meladze is a famous composer who has earned the reputation of one of the brightest and most talented producers of our time. His hits are played on many radio stations in the CIS countries, and therefore today probably everyone knows his name. But what else do we know about this multifaceted and special composer?

What lines of fate led him to the world of Ukrainian and Russian musical art? Collect detailed information about life famous Georgian we'll try today.

Early years, childhood and family of Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze was born on May 11, 1963 in the Georgian resort city of Batumi. As noted in most Internet sources, in childhood our today's hero was a very calm and even quiet guy. That is why he and his younger brother Valery Meladze were often pitted against each other. Valera was a bully, and Kostya constantly admonished him. Something similar happens from time to time today.

In addition to his younger brother, the now famous composer also has a sister, Liana, who is currently also working fruitfully in the world of Ukrainian show business. However, today we will leave this question out of the question.

As for the love of music, it appeared in the life of a young guy quite unexpectedly. After watching the film “Oginsky’s Polonaise,” Kostya firmly decided that he wanted to connect his life with music. At first he tried to learn to play the violin, but some time later, after his mother sent him to music school, he decided to try out the piano.

However, at first nothing worked with either one or the other instrument. Moreover, the music school teachers unanimously said that the guy had no hearing or sense of rhythm. That is why at some point the classes had to be abandoned.

The young guy decided to turn to music again after a guitar appeared in his house. Konstantin nevertheless mastered this instrument, and therefore very soon began to often play for friends and acquaintances. His musical skills were once noted by one of his friends. So, our today’s hero ended up in the student group “April”, which became for him the first step to the world of musical art.

Subsequently, Konstantin said that it was this period in his life that allowed him to understand what he wanted in life. Trying to develop in his chosen profession, Konstantin Meladze worked on himself for a long time, learning the basics of musical literacy and mastering new instruments.

In 1989, Konstantin and his brother Valery began performing together. As part of the joint project, they managed to make several semi-professional recordings of their songs, which soon fell into the hands of the famous composer Kim Breitburg. He became interested in their work and soon invited the guys to his group “Dialogue”. Subsequently, Konstantin and Valery took part in the recording of one of the albums of this musical group. The record became quite popular, however, despite this, in 1993 the Meladze brothers left the Dialogue group.

Konstantin Meladze Another snowstorm

From that moment on, Konstantin and Valery began working on their own project again. Our today's hero wrote the music and lyrics, and his younger brother performed it all from the stage.

Star Trek by Konstantin Meladze

While writing songs for his younger brother, Konstantin Meladze took part in the recording of several of his solo records. The project turned out to be very successful, and therefore very soon both brothers became quite famous in the world of Ukrainian and Russian show business.

However real success came to Konstantin Meladze a little later - in 2000. During this period, our today's hero began to work fruitfully on creating songs for the Ukrainian group "Via Gra", of which he was the creator. Together with this group, the composer created a huge number of wonderful hits. Over time, the composition of the group and its status on the post-Soviet scene changed, but only one thing remained unchanged - the corporate style of Via Gra, which the group owed specifically to Konstantin Meladze.

Subsequently, our today's hero also showed himself excellently in some other industries. In 2001, Konstantin Meladze acted as the author of songs presented in the musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. This project of the Ukrainian channel “Inter” became very popular in Ukraine, and then was also shown in Russia and other CIS countries. After this, our today's hero began to often work as a songwriter for television musicals.

Secular cuisine: Konstantin Meladze is getting divorced

IN different years our today's hero wrote many songs for the musicals “Cinderella”, “Sorochinskaya Fair”, as well as some others. In addition, Konstantin Meladze also worked fruitfully as a songwriter for cinematic films. His track record includes music for the films “Hipsters,” “The Irony of Fate-2,” “Cinderella” and the television series “The Thaw.”

Konstantin Meladze today

In addition to everything else, the famous Ukrainian-Georgian composer also worked as a producer on such projects of Ukrainian TV channels as “Star Factory-3”, “Voice of the Country”, “Ukraine Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “Voice. Children”, as well as over the Russian “Star Factory-7”.

Over the years, such Ukrainian and Russian groups and solo performers as Vera Brezhneva, Yin-Yang, BiS, Sofia Rotaru, Anastasia Prikhodko, Verka Syurdyuchka and some others turned to his services.

In 2013, the “I want to go to Via-Gru” project was launched in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, within the framework of which a new line-up of a popular girl group was formed. The producer of the show was again Meladze. The show was a success, and a year later Konstantin launched its “boy” analogue “I Want to Meladze”. As a result of the musical reality, the group MBAND was created, thanks to Meladze’s skillful production, which became the most popular boy band in the post-Soviet space.

Personal life of Konstantin Meladze and other facts

In 1994, Konstantin Meladze married a woman named Yana Summ. As part of this union, three children were born - daughters Alice and Leah, as well as son Valery. Despite the fact of having three children together and nineteen years of experience life together, in 2013, Konstantin and Yana decided to break up. The composer left for Moscow, his ex-wife remained with the children in Kyiv.

One of possible reasons The rupture refers to an incident that occurred in December 2012. As a result of an accident on the Kyiv-Obukhov highway, a famous composer hit a thirty-year-old woman who died right on the spot. It was subsequently determined that the victim was crossing the road from behind a minibus, and the producer did not have enough time to brake.

As a result, the case was closed due to lack of evidence of a crime. However, the producer undertook to support her minor children until they came of age.

The passions that boiled in last years around the personal life of the Meladze brothers, divided the army of fans into two parts. Some condemned the brothers for their divorces, sympathized with the wives, while others reasonably declared: “Excuse me! But this is VIA Gra! This is Vera Brezhneva! How can we resist here?

The first wife of Konstantin Meladze

It's really hard to resist. Konstantin has long had a weakness for spectacular Ukrainian girls. The first wife of Konstantin Meladze was a beautiful long-legged blonde with model appearance, eighteen-year-old Yana Summ. She was born and raised in Ukraine. After school, the girl received a higher legal education. Participated in the beauty contest “Miss Ukraine -92”.

After meeting Konstantin Meladze, after several meetings, the composer admitted that he would like to see Yana as his wife. Yana agreed, and in 1994 the young people got married.

The Meladze family lived and lives in Kyiv; Konstantin and Yana had three children in their marriage:

  • 2000 daughter Alice was born;
  • 2004 – daughter Leah;
  • 2005 long-awaited heir Valery, whom the couple named after his famous brother.

Family life with a public person is always a challenge, and in the case of Kostantin, the matter was aggravated by the specifics of his work. One of his most successful projects, the women's group "VIA Gra", which involves the participation of girls with hypertrophied sexuality, is not just a temptation, it is a challenge.

Konstantin was credited with having affairs with many of his participants - with Eva Bushmina, and with Nadezhda Meikher, and later with Polina Gagarina.

The composer and producer invariably answered all questions from journalists: If they attribute something to me, then that's normal..

However, no one could have imagined that the modest, creative Konstantin had a long-term affair with the bright, charming and sexy Vera Brezhneva.

Yana Summ admitted in an interview that she guessed about her husband’s relationship with Brezhneva, and even asked her directly about it, to which she heard the same: “No, no, we’re just friends.”

Yana received her first confirmation of deception in 2005, when she was pregnant with her son. I was able to forgive the betrayal, but the relationship became worse every day. In 2013, Yana initiated a divorce. According to her, Konstantin did not want a break, but she insisted that he pack his things and leave their house. Meladze himself also admitted to reporters that the divorce was not easy for him and refused to comment.

Konstantin moved to live in Moscow, and Yana stayed to live in a luxurious country mansion on the outskirts of Kyiv with three children.

Interesting notes:

Soon, the bright and spectacular woman remarried businessman Oleg and is raising children. The youngest son, Valery, has autism, and Yana makes a lot of efforts to correct the boy’s behavior and make his life easier. She opened a special center for applied behavior analysis in Kyiv, where assistance is provided to children with the same diagnosis.

The secret becomes clear

According to Yana Summ, the affair between Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva lasted 10 years, and all this time they carefully hid it. To all the journalists’ questions, Konstantin answered that this was all complete nonsense, and attributed the talk about their relationship to people’s sick and meager imagination. He insisted that he was happily married.

As for Vera, her personal life was also eventful. At the age of 18, she gave birth to a daughter, Sonya, from Vitaly Voichenko, with whom she lived in a civil marriage. The relationship did not work out, and the couple broke up. Voichenko was very worried, and even went to the tundra, where he lived for a long time. Now Voichenko is a successful official, married and has a child from his second marriage.

In 2006, Vera married businessman Mikhail Kiperman, one of the richest people in Ukraine. After the wedding, she took her husband's last name. In 2009, the star again had a daughter, Sarah, but this marriage did not survive. Among the reasons for the divorce, the husband’s debts to Alfa Bank were cited, and Kiperman’s jealousy of one very famous singer, and they said that the divorce was fictitious and Kiperman was simply taking his assets out from under him...

According to her ex-husband, Vitaly Voichenko, Vera divorced because she didn’t love her. Or fell out of love. " If I loved you, I would go to the trash heap for food out of lack of money, but I wouldn’t leave my husband“This is how Vitaly speaks about Vera’s personal qualities.

The affair with Meladze continued, perhaps with periodic breaks and reunions. Until 2014, both Konstantin and Vera denied their relationship. In 2015, the news of a quiet wedding in Italy spread like a bolt from the blue., played by Konstantin and Vera.

IN Honeymoon the young couple went to Venice, and already in 2016 they appeared together on the television program “Tonight” with Andrei Mlakhov.

During the broadcast, Konstantin admitted that Vera greatly influenced both his worldview and his creativity. " I was like a snail, living in my shell, and Vera was able to pull me out».

It’s no secret that Konstantin Meladze and his ex-wife have a growing son, Valerian, whom doctors diagnosed with a severe form of autism seven years ago. To help her only son, Yana is constantly looking for the latest treatment methods, attending special seminars and lectures. Moreover, she opened an ABA therapy center in Kyiv (Applied behavior analysis - applied analysis behavior) who work with autistic children. This is how Yana Summ helps other families with a similar problem. By the way, the famous supermodel, whose sister is also, founded the Naked Heart Foundation for Children to help children with this problem. Particular attention to the problem of autism was drawn to my sister Vodianova.

This is how Yana Summ recalls the difficult time when she noticed that her child was having problems:

Until the age of two and a half, Valerian was an ordinary active and inquisitive child, like his peers. He crawled, ran, sang and even spoke. And we attributed small oddities to character traits. There were no signs of trouble. I remember how Kostya came home from work, the children ran to meet him. Dad threw them up one by one, and Valeryasha kept repeating: “And then Valera, and then Valera...” One day, while walking with her son past a memorial stand, one doctor told him: “The doctor was smart, he treated people.” Since then, he uttered this phrase every time he found himself in that place. And by the age of three, regression began, but we did not immediately understand it. They thought he was being capricious, but he was losing his acquired speech and communication skills and couldn’t even look after himself. Later they explained to us that Valeryanchik’s speech was unconscious. Absolutely all children under three years of age work like a voice recorder, repeating words after those around them.

After numerous studies, Valerian was diagnosed with autism. On this moment Yana not only works with a 10-year-old child every day, but also exchanges experience with other parents with the same problem, and attracts Western and Israeli specialists. The center founded by Yana works according to the ABA therapy method, invented in America. Now this method is recognized as the most effective among methods of behavior correction. The star mom says that in addition to the education and development of autistic people, the moment of socialization is also important. Now Valerian is already demonstrating his first victories:

Communication and interaction with other people is almost impossible for boys and girls with autism spectrum disorder. But, imagine, a year and a half ago my son finally made a friend. Ivan and Valeryan have the same diagnoses, and the fact that the guys were able to establish communication is a real miracle. True, at first I had to work with Vanya a little, work on his behavior. In general, he showed us where crayfish spend the winter.

This is what Yana Summ has to deal with every day. But it must be said that not only Konstantin Meladze arranged his personal life,... 2 years ago, Yana married a businessman and now communicates with Meladze purely on children’s issues. By the way, a friend of an abandoned woman, the ex-wife also demonstrates strength of spirit: she is now engaged in business and is not just happy with what is happening in her life. At the moment, her heart is not free, although she is in no hurry to advertise her new relationship.

Johnny Depp's wives

In 2012, the actor fell in love with his young co-star in The Rum Diary, Amber Heard. The actress became the reason for his separation from Vanessa Paradis, who received $160 million from the cheater. The couple was never officially married, but no one could have imagined that this family would one day cease to exist. Magazines devoted articles beautiful story love between Vanessa and Johnny, and the latter, in turn, passionately talked about his feelings for the mother of his two children. But what struck us most was the fact that after 14 years civil marriage with Vanessa and refusal to walk down the aisle, Depp officially married Heard after a couple of years of romance! In May, it became known that Amber filed for divorce after 15 months of marriage, citing “irreconcilable differences” as the reason.

Yana Sexte and Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Wives of Maxim Matveev

The heart of Elizaveta Boyarskaya remained free for a long time, despite the enviable number of fans. The girl waited patiently for her one and only - and she did. Once on TV she saw the film “Vise” with Maxim Matveev and immediately lost her head.


In 2010, the actors starred together in the melodrama “I Won’t Tell,” which was about the fading feelings between the characters. IN real life A flame broke out between Maxim and Elizabeth. Boyarskaya was not stopped either by distance (Max lives in Moscow, and Lisa in St. Petersburg), or by the wife of her chosen one, Latvian actress Yana Sexte. A love fever also gripped Matveev, who quickly divorced and a few months later was already heading down the aisle with Elizabeth.

If you believe the interview, the couple has been happily married for five years, but the yellow press still does not remove the femme fatale label from Boyarskaya, constantly attributing to her affairs with colleagues - with Konstantin Khabensky, Pavel Trubiner, Grigory Dobrygin.

Robin Moore and Oksana Grigorieva

Wife and lover Mela Gibson

Pianist Oksana Grigorieva became a real test in the life of actor Mel Gibson. At first, it seemed to him that life was taking on a new meaning: he left his wife Robin Moore, who had been with him for 28 years and bore him seven children; began producing Grigorieva’s music album and waited for her to give birth to a daughter. But new life cost the actor dearly. A few months later, he broke up with his young passion, who through the court demanded money for constant beatings and for the maintenance of his daughter Lucia. As a result, the actor gave $400 million to his ex-wife, $60 thousand to his former mistress and almost became bankrupt, because in Hollywood they stopped offering the bully work.

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt's wives

The story of how Jolie stole her husband from Jennifer Aniston allowed T-shirt manufacturers to make good money in 2006 (remember T-shirts with the words Team Aniston and Team Jolie?). And although the culprit of the scandal herself always claimed that Pitt, tired of his marriage to Aniston, himself came into her arms on the set of the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” this is hard to believe.

Before meeting Pitt, Angelina was a famous thief of men's hearts. Playing fatal beauties on screen, Jolie was famous in real life for her two sudden marriages and her ability to beat off other people's boyfriends. So, in 1999, her victim was Billy Bob Thornton, a colleague in the film “Flight Control.” Love instantly broke out between the partners, but actress Laura Dern was left behind: Thornton promised his friend a wedding for three years, but eventually ran away to Angie.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Alisa Kazmina

Wives of Andrei Arshavin

Julia lived with football player Andrei Arshavin for 9 years, devoting herself to her family. At the beginning of the relationship, for the sake of her beloved, she dropped out of school, and then moved to London with him. In narrow sports circles, Yulia was known only as Arshavin’s modest common-law wife and mother of his two children. But when the girl was pregnant for the third time, the athlete cheated on her. Arshavin did not even deny the fact of his campaigns “to the left”! And a few months after the birth of the boy, Arseny completely left the family for model Alisa Kazmina, with whom he is now in official marriage and awaits the birth of the first common child. Having unexpectedly found support among fans, Julia decided to forge her own happiness, without relying on a traitor. Baranovskaya began to build a career as a model and TV presenter. Instead of shedding tears on yet another talk show dedicated to unfaithful husbands, Yulia released an autobiographical book called “Everything is for the Better” and became an independent media person.

Irina Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

Wives of Valery Meladze

It all started even before Albina began singing in VIA Gre - the unmarried backing vocalist gave birth to a son, Konstantin, but she did not disclose the father’s name.

Thanks to producer Konstantin Meladze, the girl ended up in VIA Gro, where she stayed for 8 years. At the end of the 2000s, rumors began to circulate in the press about Albina’s secret relationship with Valery Meladze, which was confirmed by trio member Tatyana Kotova. Kotova also said that she had to leave the group in 2009 because of Dzhanabaeva, who began to be jealous of the new member of her man.

Most of all in this love affair, the public was outraged that Meladze led a double life for more than ten years: in addition to Albina, his wife Irina was in his life, who gave birth to three daughters in marriage.

In 2014, Valery filed for divorce from his wife and began to live openly with Albina, who gave birth to his second son, Luka.

Valery admits that his daughters from his first marriage do not communicate with his sons from Dzhanabaeva, and this greatly upsets him.

Yana Meladze and Vera Brezhneva

Wives of Konstantin Meladze

They started talking about the romance between Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva about 10 years ago. In 2002, the blonde joined Konstantin’s project - the VIA Gra group. Then Vera, at one of the concerts, expressed a desire to sing with the trio on stage and impressed the team from the very first time. Two years later, Vera replaced Alena Vinnitskaya. Apparently, the new Vera worked so well with her boss that even then rumors began to appear about a connection between the producer and his ward. Despite the fact that the celebrities carefully hid their romance, the crowd still started talking about their mutual sympathy. The intensity of the situation was added by the fact that all this time Meladze Sr. was married to Yana Summ, and Vera in 2006 became the official wife of businessman Mikhail Kiperman, whom she divorced in 2012. A year later, Konstantin Meladze also left his wife. Soon after the divorce, Vera purchased an apartment in the center of Kyiv, which she shared not only with her daughters Sonya and Sarah, but also with her secret lover. Last October, on October 22, Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze got married in Italy.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya and Tatiana Navka

Dmitry Peskov's wives

The presidential press secretary was married to Ekaterina Solotsinskaya for 20 years. The family had three children: daughter Lisa and sons Mika and Denis. However, a couple of years ago it became known that figure skater Tatyana Navka gave birth to a daughter, Nadezhda, from Peskov, and a year later the couple got married. Catherine healed her emotional wounds and returned to active life. Now the woman lives in Paris, travels and spends a lot of time with her children. Navka admits that she is grateful to Ekaterina for coming to terms with the situation and letting her husband go new family. “I understand how difficult it was for Katya, because I myself was in a similar situation. And when I let my daughter Sasha go to ex-husband Alexander Zhulin and his current wife Natasha, did not feel any jealousy. I understood that this was necessary,” says the athlete in

Yana Summya is the ex-wife of the famous Soviet and Ukrainian composer, as well as music producer Konstantin Meladze. The couple had been married for 19 years.

Yana Summ: biography

Born on February 4, 1974 in the city of Nikolaev, Ukraine. At the age of eighteen, the girl met a young man named Konstantin, who at that time was studying at the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute.

After graduating from school, after six months of dating, Yana married Meladze Sr. In 1992, she participated in the Miss Ukraine beauty contest. It is also known that Meladze’s ex-wife is a lawyer by profession.

During family life with Konstantin, he was credited with numerous affairs with members of his female group “VIA Gra”, as well as with his ward Polina Gagarina.

The Ukrainian composer was married to his wife for almost 20 years. The couple had 3 children. After breaking up with the famous producer, Yana Summ began raising Alisa, Leah and Valery on her own.

Ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze - Yana

About 4 years ago, in August 2013, it became known that a married couple decided to file for divorce. This happened after it became known that Meladze Sr. had a romantic relationship with Vera Brezhneva. The initiator of the divorce proceedings was Yana. It was with the help of her legal education that the woman was able to begin the dissolution of her marriage with a popular composer, which ended successfully for her.

After the divorce, Konstantin moved to the capital of Russia - Moscow, and his ex-wife remained with their children to live in a luxurious country cottage on the outskirts of Kyiv. However, according to Konstantin, he was against the divorce, but his wife insisted that the popular composer leave their home.

In the fall of 2015, Meladze Sr. officially formalized his relationship with the Ukrainian singer Vera Brezhneva, with whom, according to rumors, the popular producer began a romantic relationship back in 2005. In one of the interviews, the woman said that she never understood why Konstantin deceived her for 10 years, hiding his affair with the young singer.

After Konstantin Shotaevich got married to Vera Brezhneva, a question arose about the communication of Alice, Leah and Valera with his father’s new wife. However, Yana Summ did not allow her children to see and talk with the young singer. The woman does not want Vera Brezhneva, who destroyed her family, to now communicate with her children, whom she was able to leave without a father.

History of an accident

At the end of December 2012, Konstantin Shotaevich hit a 30-year-old woman who was the mother of two children. The music producer was sober and immediately after the incident he himself provided first aid to the victim, after which he called an ambulance. However, despite this, the woman could not be saved. Two small children were left orphans. According to Yana Summ, the accident with her ex-husband further alienated them from each other. This reaction on Yana’s part is due to the fact that she herself is a mother and understands how difficult it will now be for the children of the injured woman. The ex-wife could not forgive Meladze Sr. for his participation in the tragic incident.

But as it became known, Konstantin Shotaevich did not abandon the children who became orphans from the moment of the accident. He transfers a certain amount of money to the account every month for their maintenance.

Children of Yana and Konstantin Meladze

All fans know that Meladze and his ex-wife Yana have three children. However, not everyone knows that the youngest son of the famous composer, 12-year-old Valery, suffers from a severe form of autism. The ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze is raising a “special” child.

Yana and Konstantin learned about the boy’s illness when the child was 3 years old. Until the age of 2.5 years, the baby grew up as an ordinary active and inquisitive child, like his peers. He ran, played, sang and even talked. The parents attributed some oddities in behavior to the boy’s character traits.

However, when little Valera was 3 years old, he began to regress, but Yana and Konstantin did not immediately notice it. They thought that these were the whims of the baby. But the child constantly lost his acquired speech and communication skills. The boy underwent examinations, but doctors were unable to find out the true cause of the inhibition in the child’s development.

Personal life of Meladze's ex-wife

Now Yana communicates with Konstantin Meladze exclusively on issues related to raising children. A popular producer helps his former family financially. It is known that in Lately Changes also occurred in Yana Summ’s personal life. Having experienced a series of humiliations regarding the unpleasant situation of her husband’s betrayal, the woman decided to tie the knot once again.

In the summer of 2014, Yana Summ and her new husband, Oleg, we had a wedding. The children were ambivalent about the solemn event in their mother’s life. The eldest daughter Alice was apprehensive and anxious, since at first she was a little jealous of her mother of her stepfather, and the youngest daughter was with great pleasure. The girl happily took part in the gala event, which was dedicated to the wedding of her mother Yana.

Wedding of Yana and Oleg

Yana Meladze’s husband is a 43-year-old man who runs a business. The idea to legalize the relationship came to the couple at the same time. As the hero of the occasion told the media, the wedding took place without a magnificent celebration. The newlyweds went to the painting without witnesses. And at the festive event itself there were only the closest people.

Now Oleg provides all possible assistance to Yana in raising three children. According to the ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze: “Alice, Leah and Valera love her husband very much, and he spoils them endlessly.” According to Meladze’s ex-wife, her new husband is only glad that there are already children in their family. The new dad, entrepreneur Oleg, often travels with him and Yana on vacation to Israel.

The woman herself assures that she is grateful to Konstantin Shotaevich for the fact that he was able to leave her life, since otherwise she would never have met her true love, and also did not know true female happiness.

Activities of Meladze's ex-wife

Not so long ago, Yana Summ opened an ABA therapy center in Kyiv for working with autism, with the goal of helping other families with sick children. Specialists from the center work using the ABA therapy method developed in the United States of America. There is an opinion that this method is one of the most effective ways behavior correction.

Yana works with her son every day, and also exchanges experiences with other parents whose families have a similar problem with children. The woman is also trying to attract specialists from Israel to the existing problem.

Yana Summ argues that in addition to the education and development of sick children suffering from autism, the moment of socialization is extremely important. Valera already has her first victories: the boy has a friend with a similar diagnosis, whose name is Vanya. The guys play and communicate with each other.