My favorite subjects are Russian. Essay on the topic “Why I love the Russian language

Essay on the topic “Why I love the Russian language” 3.70 /5 (74.07%) 27 votes

The Russian language is a great and powerful language, the national language of the Russian people. It is a language of interethnic communication, since Russia is multinational country. I live in Russia, so the Russian language is an integral part of my life: it is the basis of our culture, most of the population of our country communicates in it, it is taught in educational institutions and all the important documents are written on it.

What does the Russian language mean to me? The Russian language for me is, first of all, my native language. From the early childhood My parents spoke to me in Russian, it was in this language that my mother sang lullabies to me and read fairy tales. And now, I study in Russian at school, communicate with people around me, and read books written in it.
Alexander Sergeevich, considered the founder of the modern Russian language, said that the Russian language is “flexible and powerful in its turns and means”, “mutable and communal in its relations to foreign languages”, sonorous and expressive. Indeed, the Russian language is complex and developing language. Compared to other languages, such as English, the Russian language is much more complex, richer and more powerful. Compared to the Russian language, English is simplified and primitive. Take, for example, the English-Russian dictionary: for one English word There are several Russians, which means that in the Russian language there are many more words that are close in meaning, while they reflect different shades of one word.
Also, the Russian language is constantly evolving, many innovations appear in it every year. The appearance of new words, borrowing foreign words and changing existing words, changing stress, introducing professional words - all this is changing and improving the Russian language today.
Why do we all love the Russian language? In particular, the Russian language surprises and attracts me with its infinity and richness. Its detailed study is not given to many, perhaps that is why not everyone understands its true depth and value. The Russian language is somewhat similar to the Russian people. He is just as strong, persistent, and courageous. An incredible feeling of pride covers me when I think about the fact that it was Russian writers and poets, such as Alexander Sergeevich, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Nikolai Vasilyevich, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, who wrote their great, world-famous works. They revealed the soul of the Russian language to readers. And it was with their help that many saw the beauty, richness and value of the Russian language. I.S. Turgenev wrote this: In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! And in these lines we see great love, respect, honor and pride in our language.
The Russian language is so rich and diverse that we can use it to express absolutely all our thoughts and emotions. The Russian language, like a person, can transform into different images. He has a strict, official style for official business and journalistic texts, and an elegant one, with bright, amazing patterns for artistic and colloquial texts. And there is also one more thing - jargon. Sloppy, rude and unpleasant. He expresses not entirely pure thoughts. Such a sloppy form should be used as rarely as possible and then our tongue will look decent.
I love Russian because it is my native language. After all, it contains many good and understandable words for everything. The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is capacious, expressive, and flexible. We must appreciate the fact that the Russian language has been given to us - the Russian people - and to skillfully use the rich, accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language given to us.

At first school year It was very difficult for me to understand the material that we covered in Russian language lessons. But by the middle of the year I began to realize that the Russian language can be learned if you really try. What helped me in this was that we learned to discover knowledge ourselves, and even if I went to competitions, I took a Russian language textbook with me. Remembering the lessons, she began to study herself new material.

I really like writing essays based on paintings famous artists. And even though I’ve never had a 5/5 before, I don’t despair and try to improve my result.

I believe that by the end of the year I began to take my Russian language lessons more seriously and understand the material easier.

(Ryabova Katya)

This year I became more active in class. I like Russian language class because we all work together. Teacher understands us and can help everyone.

We divide into groups and discover new things for ourselves. Previously, for example, essays were easy because we wrote them at home. And now we discuss everything in class. Everyone became more active and more confident.

(Alyosha Osipov)

We have learned a lot this year. In a Russian language lesson, it is interesting to work in a group and draw up a thesis plan. We learned to identify the idea of ​​a painting.

In my opinion, there has been more activity in the lesson, and the interest of classmates in the subject has increased. I started writing better.

(Muravyov Sergey)

I came to this school at the beginning of this year. At the school where I studied before, I did not like Russian. We crammed the rules, and at this school we study new topics in a very interesting way. We work in groups and I have developed an interest in the Russian language. Now Russian is one of my favorite lessons!

(Nazarchuk Sasha)

Compared to the beginning of the school year, I have become better at writing essays. Previously, I was afraid to insert something of my own into the work.

This lesson taught me a lot. Previously, we opened the textbook and read the rules, but now we learn it ourselves without the help of a teacher, working in groups.

(Treskin Sasha)

Over the course of this year, I began to write essays better, and my grades also improved.

During the lesson, everyone became more active, interest in the Russian language increased, we need to listen to the answers of all students, because each group is preparing new material.

Learning Russian has become more fun!

(Tyapkin Dima)

What's special about Russian language lessons? It seems to me that the Russian language gives us a lot of knowledge, we discover new topics. We often work in groups, and I like it. We write thesis plans in notebooks, we learned how to write essays, we ourselves create a plan according to which we will work. We started to become active, the guys started raising their hands more. Compared to elementary school, we have learned to listen to other students. We now have freedom; we don’t hesitate to approach the teacher and ask what we don’t understand.

What has changed for me personally is that I am beginning to understand more and more how complex this subject is. But thanks to Marina Gennadievna, I can handle all the difficulties.

And there is always a smile in our lessons, because we love the Russian language and our teacher!

(Kuprianova Marina)

I have changed a lot this year. I began to like the Russian language. I work actively in class and answer confidently. At first I was reserved, but then everything changed. I began to receive more information not only from the teacher, but also from other students. At first I didn’t have time to do everything, but then I began to have time. My writings became larger and larger.

I really liked Russian in 5th grade.

(Zadvorny Maxim)

We have changed a lot this year. We learned to discover new knowledge ourselves and even the topic of the lesson.

A lot has changed in me, especially my attitude towards the Russian language. Thank you for teaching us!

(Vershinina Anna)

When I entered the fifth grade, I greatly changed my attitude towards studying. Became more serious and self-confident. At the beginning it was a little difficult for me, but then I began to understand the new material better. With our teacher, we discovered a lot of new things and improved our knowledge. It seems to me that the year passed unnoticed, and we studied the material step by step.

Russian language lessons are very interesting. We don't just sit, read the rules and study topics, but study in groups! We make a lesson plan, and the teacher helps us with this. Our lessons are interesting and exciting!

Compared to the beginning of the year, I have also changed. I developed an interest in this subject. I was no longer afraid to make mistakes and learned to freely express my opinion.

When you come to the Russian language classroom, there is always a smile on your face and good mood! Russian language lessons are a great pleasure for me!

(Prokhorova Tanya)

If we remember the very beginning of the year, we can say how squeezed we were, not at all interested in Russian language lessons. And now that we have received a large number of knowledge, became more liberated, choice appeared, and began to feel much better.

We learned a lot in Russian lessons. Now let's open new topic and knowledge itself. But with all this, our teacher Marina Gennadievna helps us.

All the essays that we wrote turned out wonderful, because the theme and even the idea of ​​the picture was revealed by all of us.

I would also like to say that a lot has changed in me. I have lost a lot of flaws, which helps me a lot. I think that with another teacher, I would not be the same as I am now. Of course, there is something that I sometimes miss and upset Marina Gennadievna. I'm very ashamed of this. Sometimes, when I get a C, I realize how all the teacher’s efforts go away. It's a shame!

After all, the Russian language is unusual lesson, but only thanks to the teacher!

(Adaeva Yulia)

In the Russian language lesson, we discover knowledge ourselves, but sometimes it happens with the help of you, Marina Gennadievna. When we study a new topic, everyone is interested in it, because the class itself is trying to find the right answer.

Before describing the picture, everyone expresses their point of view, and then together we find suitable options.

When the kids first arrived in fifth grade, everyone didn’t really want to answer, and by the end of the year they even felt sorry to leave.

We have become more independent. We are very sorry that you are leaving us.

(Aferova Angela)

I remember when we moved to fifth grade, it was scary, everyone was afraid of something. But a year has passed! Everything changed: they started working in class, learned to listen to each other. In general, freedom appeared!

As for me, a love and passion for the subject appeared. True, I sometimes upset the teacher with my results, I continue to try!

(Blinova Nastya)

This year we have learned to discover knowledge ourselves. It becomes interesting for us to find the topic of the lesson. IN primary school We didn't know how to work in a group. And now, our favorite pastime is to unite in a group and try to complete the task ourselves that the teacher offers. Not everyone can do this!

In elementary school, we were bad at writing essays. At our school they gave them to us to take home. In fifth grade we work on composition both at home and in class. We analyze everything very carefully.

In my opinion, a lot has changed in me. Previously, I simply liked this subject, but now I work with the class with great pleasure and interest.

The Russian language teaches us a lot, we always go to class with pleasure. This suggests that everyone wants to learn something.

(Kharchevnikova Angelina)

During my time at school, I often came across statements about the Russian language from many domestic and foreign writers, poets, and politicians in Russian language and literature classes. I liked these phrases, but I began to understand their meaning more and more only now, towards the end of 9th grade, when I myself had accumulated a lot of knowledge about my native language and can apply it in my life. Russian writer K. Paustovsky said: “We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” Now I realize the lexical, grammatical, phonetic riches of the Russian language and completely agree with K. Paustovsky. This is precisely why I love the Russian language and am proud of it!

There are many words in the Russian language whose sound is similar to the action or object named by the word. For example, a beetle. And if you add the word buzzing to it, you get a complete picture of the world, in which there is sound, action and the object itself. And it helps to paint her sound so vividly. The words strum, hiss, snore, and click have the same sound richness. Of many such words, I really like the word babble. No other word can convey so accurately what happens to a small transparent stream. He, of course, runs, hurries, flows, but only the word murmurs conveys his peculiar song, born in his movement forward.

And how precise and expressive our language is in naming objects and phenomena! For example, a tit has bluish feathers on its back; the cuckoo is so named after its cry; the finch arrives in early spring, when there are frosts, so it often gets chilly; the wagtail often bounces its tail; and swallow is nothing more than a diminutive form of the common Slavic “lasta”, which means flyer. This is approximately how things stood with the emergence in ancient times of many names for animals, household items, and natural phenomena.

The most important wealth of any language is its vocabulary. This is where no other language in the world can compare with Russian! One word can have several meanings, and one phenomenon, object or action can be called by several words. And parts of a word form not only new words, but also convey the speaker’s attitude to what was said. For example, the words zarya, zorka, zaryanitsa, zaryushka name one natural phenomenon. In the word dawn we will see the speaker’s neutral attitude towards the appearance and disappearance of the sun, and in the word zoryushka - both love and affection. And how many shades of synonyms can be heard and seen! For example, laugh, giggle, squirt, laugh, cackle, laugh, roll. Almost everyone has this kind of wealth. Russian word! I think that’s why P. Merimee said: “Russian tongue-tongue", created for poetry, it is unusually rich and remarkable, mainly for the subtlety of its shades."

Masters of words especially take advantage of this wealth. I love poetry. But it is not always possible to immediately understand the poet’s words. To accept the thoughts and feelings of the poet, the images he created, you need to think about every word, let it into your heart. In S. Yesenin’s poem I came across the phrase “Only the blue sucks the eyes.” What is the meaning of it? And only after reading about Yesenin’s poetry, I saw the blue endless Russian sky, and the absence of anything else in the eyes and soul of the poet, except for the Motherland. In every corner of the eye, in every point there is only Rus'! Here real love without slogans and loud phrases.

In another poem, I came across many interesting metaphors: “The golden grove dissuaded the birch with a cheerful tongue,” “I don’t feel sorry for the soul of the lilac blossom,” “There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden.” Each Russian poet has his own creative secrets, but each, undoubtedly, managed to take advantage of the riches of his native language. Not every person can achieve such heights in verbal creativity as Pushkin, Yesenin, Akhmatova and others, but every Russian should touch their works created in Russian.

The Russian language quickly responds to changes in the life of society. Throughout the history of our people, the language has been replenished with borrowings from other languages. This is the lot of many languages, since there is always an exchange of experience and information between peoples. So in the time of Peter, in the 18th century, many foreign words appeared in the language. Not all of them took root, some disappeared without a trace, and we began to consider some as Russian words. A. S. Pushkin once wrote that “the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over European languages.” And then the poet was worried that “under the pen of uneducated and inexperienced writers, he is quickly tending to fall.” Another Russian writer I. Turgenev argued that “we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.”

Today, the question of the purity of the language, the preservation of its originality and uniqueness worries many Russian people. The media contains many words that are not only new, but also alien to our culture, hiding the true meaning of a phenomenon or action. For example, the words recruiter, killer. There is no negativity in these words; on the contrary, they name a person’s profession: farmer, dealer, killer. But is it possible in Russian society at any time? historical time Was the profession of a killer, and this is how the word killer is translated? In the culture of my people, a murderer is the worst sinner, therefore this borrowed word destroys the culture and laws of the Russian people, this word is harmful, it must be excluded from the Russian language. There are many similar words in our lives today; they are called Americanisms. I believe that in their sound they are ruder than Russian words, and when you do not yet understand their meaning, irritation arises.

I really hope that the Russian language will survive this difficult stage in its history, discard all verbal garbage, husks and retain its uniqueness, expressiveness, and poetry. Of course, he cannot do this without us, without those whom he serves so faithfully. Therefore, we must recognize it more and more, study it, in order to know that “We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.”

Competition essay

« Why am I

I love Russian language»

9th grade students of Lyceum No. 24

My favorite lesson at school is Informatics .
I really love this subject because it comes easy to me. IN workbook very interesting tasks. A computer is a very complex mechanism and is not easy to study. Vera Valentinovna explains the topic well. When I sit in computer science class, I do well. Vera Valentinovna loves to joke in class, and I like it. I want Vera Valentinovna to remain teaching our class for all six remaining years! She is a very good teacher, and all 5 "B"s love her very much!

Daria K.

My favorite lesson is Russian language . Russian language is the best lesson.
Elena Nikolaevna teaches us everything. She is the kindest and most wonderful teacher. In the Russian language lesson we learn a lot of new things. We very rarely write test papers. Elena Nikolaevna gives us little homework, because we manage to do a lot in class.
At the last lesson of the Russian language, we had a test on word formation, and all the guys in the class wrote it with A's and B's.
The Russian language lesson is my favorite subject, because Elena Nikolaevna explains the material to us in an interesting way, and we understand everything. And that’s why in our Russian language class everyone is doing well and excellently.

Ekaterina S.

Physical training – my favorite subject. In this lesson we run, ski, and warm up before the rest of the lessons. I really like physical education, because in this lesson I understand everything and everything works out for me. The physical education teacher, Sergei Nikolaevich, teaches the lesson very cheerfully and enthusiastically. He is strict enough to scold, and kind enough to praise! Physical education lesson is probably the only lesson where homework is not assigned. I want to become a doctor, but my even greater dream is to become a physical education teacher!

Yulia M.

I like each school subject in its own way. But I love everyone more Russian language and literature .
I believe that these two subjects are very closely related to each other. Every day we communicate using the Russian language, not realizing the beauty and greatness of our native speech. No language can compare with Russian in its beauty and richness. We also know many great, namely Russian writers and poets who admire the splendor of the eloquence of our language.
One day I picked up one of Tamara Kryukova’s books, “Proud Girl.” I was struck to the depths of my soul by how vividly the writer described nature in different time years, how accurately she conveyed the thoughts and feelings of the characters. While reading, I imagined pictures from some of the stories, as if I myself was living life together with the main characters.
Is it possible to describe events so beautifully and clearly without knowing all the wonders of the Russian language?

Tatiana F.

My favorite lesson is mathematics. I like it because solving problems and examples is very easy. I love learning something new. I rarely have difficulties in mathematics, and if I do, I try to overcome them. I also like it because I like to get A's for it. That's why my favorite lesson is math!

Nikina G.

We have a lot of different lessons at school. My favorite lesson is physical training . In this lesson we improve our health and begin to make more friends. After all, when we play volleyball as a team, we learn more about each other, and I also love this lesson because it is taught very good man. Although this lesson is not easy for me, I still love it. I think that my interests in physical education will help me in the future. And I will try and strive to become a physical education teacher. This is a wonderful profession.

Alina Sh.

I study at school No. 183. There are very kind teachers here. All the lessons are very interesting, but my favorite lesson is technology .
In technology they tell me how to use this or that tool, how to make some objects, but the most important thing is that I learn to do some things and when I grow up, it will be easier for me to do or build something. The teacher, when he talks about the topic, can ask questions. This gives an incentive to listen and learn.
This explains why my favorite lesson is technology, which will help me in the future!

Daniil K.

Russian language – my favorite lesson at school.
Our teacher Elena Nikolaevna conducts the lesson in an enthusiastic and entertaining way. Explains new topics well. Gives interesting tasks.
I like to check my mistakes when I write an essay. The rules of the Russian language help me in this work.
We go through parts of speech, word formation, morphology, punctuation. These topics come easy to me. I do my homework without my parents. Elena Nikolaevna gives interesting work at home.
In the future I want to become a Russian language teacher.

Olesya P.

There are many different lessons at school. But my favorite lesson is Informatics .
This lesson is not very difficult and I understand everything. Our class teacher, Vera Valentinovna, teaches foreign languages. She explains so well and clearly that I can easily do my computer science homework on my own.
In computer science we study the computer and its components. We work with different programs, and also draw in different programs.
Computer science is a very exciting subject.
I have a second favorite lesson - this Russian language .
We have a very good and kind teacher for the Russian language. Elena Nikolaevna teaches us not only the Russian language, but also rhetoric, literature, “Istoki”, and foreign literature. I also like all these lessons, but not as much as the Russian language. During class we write a lot and answer at the board.
I study in a class with in-depth study of the Russian language and literature and I am very glad that Elena Nikolaevna teaches our main lessons.
The Russian language will help you write and speak correctly in the future, that’s why I love it.
I really like the Russian language!

Daria F.

I chose this topic for a reason, because I love school, but... I don’t like studying!
My favorite lesson at school is technology. We are always making something there, and we are very interested in how to do it? where to nail it?
Our lessons are always fun! We work very friendly and help each other.
This subject is easy for me: interesting, exciting and fun. I love that in technology class we don't write or have homework!
Using technology, we make interesting things: stools, axes and hammers made of wood. I really like this lesson!
In our technology lesson we have a very kind teacher, Gavrila Matveevich. He is always ready to come and help us. But sometimes Gavrila Matveevich doesn’t help, and we do everything ourselves! Sometimes we do it well, but sometimes it’s clumsy and bad. But I still like technology classes.

Denis Sh.

When I moved from fourth to fifth grade, we got a lot of new educational subjects, among them - Informatics . It almost immediately became my favorite lesson.
Nowadays there is a computer in almost every home, and any job requires computer knowledge. In the future I want to use it not only for games, but I want to achieve something more, for example, create some kind of website.
In class we study from a textbook or do interesting tasks in a workbook. But most of all I love working at the computer, doing tests, for which I always get 5/5 or 5/4.
We work together with my friend Danil and we do the best work: that’s what our computer science teacher Vera Valentinovna says. She is a good teacher, she talks very interestingly, but if we don’t understand something, Vera Valentinovna will always help. It’s just a pity that we have a computer science lesson once a week. I would like it to be done two or three times a week.

Andrey S.

Lessons at school are all different, but I love the lesson Russian language . Our teacher Elena Nikolaevna teaches the lesson in an entertaining way, explains new topics well, and I remember them quickly. She gives interesting tasks, for example: to compose a fairy tale or write an essay.
This lesson is easy for me, and I do it without my mother’s help. In Russian I only get four and five. I also like to write fairy tales. I'm good at them. I can use this knowledge in any job.

Tatiana D.

There are many different subjects at our school, but my favorite literature. I like this lesson because it is taught by a kind and understanding teacher.
I really like to read, so I am writing specifically about the literature lesson. In class I learn a lot of new and interesting things about different writers, I especially like G.Kh. Andersen.
Our teacher, Elena Nikolaevna, talks interestingly and instructively about the wonderful, fantastic and sometimes a little sad works of great writers. In a literature lesson, the horizons of each student develop. When we studied the work of G.H. Andersen, Elena Nikolaevna showed us several wonderful cartoons created based on his fairy tales, one of them was called “The Little Match Girl” - this is a sad story about the life of a small and poor girl who sold long and thin matches. The cartoon touched me to the core. The little girl's short but impressionable life was very sad, but the girl died with a smile on her face.
I want to continue studying this fascinating subject - literature.

Alina Zh.

All the lessons are very interesting, but I especially like natural history . Marina Stanislavovna is a kind teacher.
We learn a lot of new things in class. What happened before our era? How do dinosaurs work? We can learn all this thanks to a natural history lesson. For many people this subject is difficult. This lesson is very entertaining and interesting.
Marina Stanislavovna explains many topics to us very clearly. She rarely scolds us, but we know that she does it lovingly. The workbook contains a lot of interesting and creative tasks.
I am sure that all 5th grades love this subject, and, of course, our 5th “B”!

Nadezhda M.

I chose this topic because I love learning and most of all I like the lesson technologies .
This lesson shows off most of my skills. For example, I am developing my skills in mathematics, and my expanded thinking is gradually increasing. Thanks to this lesson I am increasing my punching power.
We have a very good teacher, his name is Gavrila Matveevich. He always helps us if something doesn’t work out, and if it’s not clear, he will always explain. That's why I love this lesson and rush to it.

Lev M.

Russian language - my favorite subject. It is simple and easy for me. I do homework alone, but sometimes my mother checks.
Our teacher is very good and kind. She teaches the lesson in an informative and interesting way. If I am called to the board, then I get a little worried. And I really want to be like our teacher Elena Nikolaevna!

Ekaterina K.

There are many interesting subjects at school. I like it the most literature .
Elena Nikolaevna teaches the lesson with enthusiasm and explains well. I like to read new works. During the lesson, we seem to fly into the world of the hero, get to know his character, his mood, appearance, dreams, we understand him, we sympathize and rejoice with the hero, we study how the author and those around him treat him.
This lesson comes easily to me. Literature helps me learn a lot of new things about poets, storytellers and writers.

Irina S.

Russian language – my favorite subject. I like this subject because it is very educational. Elena Nikolaevna teaches the lesson in an engaging way. Homework I do it more often on my own, rather than with my parents. But sometimes you can’t do without their help, for example, you need to write an essay. Mom will always help me and correct the text.
The Russian language helps me write correctly, determine spelling and learn a lot of new things.

I talk about my activities, about my choice of profession. About love for the Russian language

". I decided as a child that I would be a teacher. But I decided on the subject later. It turns out that I grew up, but in a different way climbed the stairs to the very top. The pinnacle in my life is to become a philologist. First I studied at teachers primary classes, then got a profession - teacher visual arts and artistic work. It seems that everything was there, but I not only wanted to create and draw well, I also had a great desire to speak and write correctly. And it seems to me that philologists are literate people, and it is very interesting to communicate with them. They know a lot, read books. And books are a storehouse of life."

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“Essay “My subject is the most interesting””

Artamonova Valentina Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MAOU Gymnasium No. 17, Beloretsk

Essay "My subject is the most interesting"

As a child, I decided that I would be a teacher. But I decided on the subject later. It turns out that I grew up, but in a different way I climbed the stairs to the very top. The pinnacle in my life is to become a philologist. First, I trained as a primary school teacher, then got a profession - a teacher of fine arts and artistic work. It seems that everything was there, but I not only wanted to create and draw well, I also had a great desire to speak and write correctly. And it seems to me that philologists are literate people, and it is very interesting to communicate with them. They know a lot, read books. And books are a storehouse of life. They are also the “guardians” of the Russian language. Who would argue - a good speech has never hurt anyone. So, first of all, I instill in children respect for the Russian language. The children and I created a “verbal patrol” that monitors the speech of announcers, teachers, journalists, etc., and analyzes mistakes. Listening to Zhirinovsky’s oratorical exercises, I am not particularly upset, because this is part of his political image as a shirtless guy. But when speech flaws slip into the speech of people I respect, it becomes somehow awkward for them. Over the course of 2 years of work, “Verbal Patrol” and I have come to the conclusion that speech on radio and television has ceased to be exemplary. Lively conversational speech now flows into live. The most common mistakes are in declension of numerals, stress and verb control. The “verbal patrol” also sometimes goes out onto the streets of our city. And there is a lot of work here. The children love this work. And my heart rejoices, I praise them. By finding mistakes in others, they overcome their own. Is this unhealthy?! That's why I consider my subject the most interesting.