Marine inhabitants and interesting facts about them. Undersea world

Shipbuilders like to speculate that their field of mechanical engineering is one of the most conservative. However, from the outside, everything seems the other way around - there are all sorts of ships: catamarans, trimarans, hydrofoils, air cushion, with sailing rigs, with outboard engines. Even ekranoplanes are classified as ships. Therefore, the words of the sales director of the Finnish company Aker Arctic Arto Uuskallio that shipbuilding professes conservative thinking and it is difficult to prove the advantages of an innovative approach did not evoke the proper response in us.

True, Artaud spoke not just about ships, but about icebreakers, unusual ships, which have many things that are different from their brothers. For example, they move equally well both bow and stern forward, and the thickest ice passes just astern. There are only two companies in the world with a powerful research base that invent and develop new icebreaker concepts: the St. Petersburg Krylov State Research Center and the Finnish company Aker Arctic. But it was the Finns who, in 1996, came up with the idea of ​​a new icebreaker capable of working bow or stern forward, as well as at an angle to the centreline. The idea was tested using a conventional icebreaker, which was pulled by a lag. The test results were positive, and at the end of 1996 a new triangular hull shape was developed. And in 1997, the idea of ​​an icebreaker operating at an angle won an innovation prize from the Norwegian giant Kvaerner, which, by the way, made a sea platform for the Sea Launch space project.

Triangular icebreaker

However, the project stalled - there were no orders for the triangular icebreaker. The Scandinavians refined the idea: in 2002, they decided to use the asymmetrical hull shape not only for breaking ice, but also for combating oil spills and conducting rescue operations at sea. The convex left side was adapted for breaking ice, and the flat right side was intended for collecting oil. It didn’t matter to the new icebreaker which way to sail - three asymmetrically located rotary rudder columns were designed for it, one of which was located in the bow. The result was a multifunctional rescue icebreaker vessel, but no one needed it either.

But then, fortunately for the Finns, our relations with the Baltic states began to worsen, and the Russian government decided to redirect cargo flows from the Baltic ports to Russian ones - in particular, to Primorsk - the most modern sea trade port in the Baltic, capable of receiving ships with a displacement of up to 150,000 tons with maximum draft, which can enter the Baltic Sea from the ocean. (Due to the limited depths in the Danish Straits, supertankers cannot enter the Baltic.) This option is good for everyone, except for one thing: Primorsk is located significantly north of the Baltic ports, and its waters must be cleared of ice in winter. When transporting tankers to the port on ice, a channel about 50 m wide is needed, which requires two traditional icebreakers. This is where the Finnish idea came in handy - an asymmetrical icebreaker could lay channels 50 m wide in one pass, moving “sideways forward”. In October 2011, a contract was signed between the Russian Maritime and River Transport Agency, the Kaliningrad Baltic Shipyard Yantar and the Finnish Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, and in the spring of 2014 the world's first asymmetric icebreaker, called Baltika, was launched.

Jack of all trades

The Baltika is not a specialized icebreaker, but a multifunctional vessel capable of extinguishing fires, collecting oil after emergency spills, and rescuing both people and ships. The vessel has a standard built-in system of brush collectors, with the help of which oil is separated from water. The vertical side of the vessel acts as a cleaning barrier, which directs oily waters onto the vessel through the port. The oil is collected in holding tanks, and the purified water is pumped back into the sea. The ship has a helipad for evacuation operations, equipment for firefighting and towing. Thanks to three rotary rudders, the Baltika has unique maneuverability and, as a port tug, can give a hundred points ahead to traditional tugs. Well, it clears the ice in the port waters no worse than a real janitor. According to Igor Zubakov, who is leading the Baltika construction project at the Yantar plant, the ship is capable of moving as desired: forward, backward, with a log at an angle of 90°. Tests have shown that the most optimal option is when the Baltika turns its hull 30-40° from the course and moves stern forward. On thin ice, up to half a meter, the ship calmly turns on the spot and breaks the ice with its bow. As Igor Zubakov says, the asymmetrical body has significantly expanded its capabilities. For example, a ship is capable of turning around on the spot, although “classically” icebreakers turn in a “star” pattern.

In fact, the seven-megawatt Baltika, designed for the Baltic Sea, turned out to be a trial balloon for a new icebreaker design. And quite successful. Now the Aker Arctic company is actively offering potential customers an asymmetrical, powerful 25-megawatt icebreaker for work in the Arctic. It is quite possible that he will also receive registration in our country. Such powerful ice, like ours, we still need to look.

Ivanna Yakovenko

Integration of educational regions: "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development".

Target: to introduce children to the understanding of beauty underwater world of the Black Sea.



Expand children's understanding of the sea and its inhabitants;

Learn design Make a figurine of a fish from paper using the origami technique, strengthen the ability to fold paper in different directions.


Continue to develop coherent speech, enrich lexicon using comparisons, figurative expressions;

Develop constructive creativity through paper.


Cultivate a desire not only to be an observer of beauty, but also to create beauty around you.

Activating the dictionary: undersea world, journey.

Preliminary work: conversations “What the sea gives us”, “How to take care of marine life”, looking at the photo album “Animals of different seas”, reading literary works on the topic, drawing.

Equipment: Picture with picture seabed on Whatman paper, photographs of the inhabitants underwater world, colored paper, scissors, glue, recording "Noise" seas".

Course of the lesson

Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

Today we will go on a trip. Do you know the name of the place where we live? (children's answers).

What sea surrounds our peninsula on three sides? (children's answers).

Today we will become travelers and go down to the bottom Black Sea to admire the beauty underwater world and get to know its inhabitants. What can you use to go underwater? (children's answers).

Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are underwater boat and sink under the water, lower and lower. Through special windows - portholes, we observe this beautiful and mysterious world.

The recording "Noise" plays seas".

This is the sea, without end, without edge

Waves rush onto the sandy shore.

The wind on the sea will stop being angry

Will it become clear who is hiding in the depths?

Guys, what do we see in deep sea? (children's answers).

What grows there at the bottom of the sea? (children's answers).

Why do you think they are called that? (children's answers).

They come in different colors - green, brown, red. Who knows what the shells on the bottom are called? (children's answers)

And what is this star at the bottom, as they call it? (children's answers)

She moves very slowly along the bottom and picks up food leftovers from other animals. Does this animal look like a spider, what is it called? (children's answers)

He walks sideways and sometimes goes ashore. But some sea inhabitants got scared when we appeared and hid. For them to appear again, we must solve riddles.

1. The waves carry a parachute to the shore - not a parachute

It doesn’t swim, it doesn’t dive, just touch it and it burns. (Jellyfish)

Small jellyfish that look like saucers can be picked up with your hands, but large ones with tentacles cannot be picked up - they can burn you.

2. What kind of wonderful horse is this? Very strange habits:

The horse does not sow or plow; it dances underwater with the fish. (Nautical

They are very similar to horses, only very small. They cling to algae with their tails and swim like that.

3. This is the fish, just a miracle! Very flat, like a dish.

Both eyes are on the back, and lives at the very bottom. (Flounder)

She buries herself in the sand so that she is almost invisible and waits for her prey.

4. C he was friendly with sailors for which he is still famous.

Of the sea animals, which one in the world deserves a monument? (Dolphin)

Dolphins often accompany ships at sea and show the way. There were cases when they saved drowning people. Well done! That's how many inhabitants have appeared in our sea! And some residents hid so well that we couldn’t find them. Who do you think it is? (children's answers) The sea without them is boring and uninteresting. What do we do? (children's answers). I suggest we make fish out of colored paper using the origami technique and place them in our sea.

The teacher demonstrates how to perform origami “Fish”.

And before work, let's do some exercises for fingers:

The fish splashed happily

In clean warm water

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Children's work as shown by the teacher.

Now let’s “release” our fish into the “sea”, smear the fish on one side with glue and glue it to the drawing.

This is how beautiful our sea is, how many inhabitants there are in it. You like?

Guys, do you know what is necessary for the fish and other inhabitants to have a good time in the sea? (children's answers)

That's right, first of all they need pure water. How should people behave so that the water in the sea is always clean? (children's answers)

if people do not scatter garbage, do not pour waste into the water, then sea inhabitants will always have good conditions and they will make people happy.

Marine animals are very diverse. These include both huge giant whales and microscopic plankton. Captures the diversity of the inhabitants of the deep sea.

Photos of whales

The largest animals in the sea are whales. However, not only at sea, but also on land, whales have no equal in size.

In total, there are about 130 species of whales left on Earth, and approximately 40 extinct species of whales are known. Depending on the species, the length of whales ranges from 2 to 25 meters. The world's largest species is the blue whale.

Whales live in all oceans and almost all seas of our planet. IN northern waters whales feel great thanks to a thick layer of fat.

Most whales feed on small fish and plankton. But there is more predatory species whales that hunt large animals is the killer whale. This is one of the most beautiful whales.

Although killer whales are similar in appearance to dolphins, they are very different from them. The most noticeable distinctive feature Killer whales are characterized by their contrasting black and white coloring.

Killer whales hunt for everything they can catch and are quite voracious. If killer whales lead a sedentary lifestyle, they feed on fish and small sea animals. Migrating killer whales can even attack sperm whales. There are known cases of killer whales attacking a herd of elk crossing a pond.

Photos of sharks

Another type of large marine predator is sharks. These are mainly large predatory fish that have remained virtually unchanged for billions of years. appearance in the process of evolution.

Like whales, sharks live in almost all oceans and seas. There are sharks that feed on fish, but there is also a species that feeds on plankton - the whale shark.

Photo of moray eel

Another genus of sea predatory fish- moray eels. They live in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, Mediterranean and Red Seas.

Moray eels can be confused with snakes; they are very similar in appearance. But the appearance of moray eels is very disgusting, although there are terrible lovers of these fish.

In ancient European mythology, the moray eel became the prototype of huge sea ​​monsters. Some ancients believed that moray eels are juvenile sea monsters; when they grow up, they swim far into the ocean.

Photos of dolphins

Probably the most beloved sea animals by people are dolphins. There are also many types of them in different sizes. Dolphins accompany various ships and bring joy to people with their jumps from the water.

Dolphins are mammals, not fish.

The life of dolphins in captivity is halved, but in the wild they live up to 50 years. Probably melancholy and despondency in captivity oppresses them.

Dolphins love to communicate with people; they are kind and social animals by nature. but these sea animals are tactful and never impose themselves.

Photos of seals

Seals live in the northern seas and oceans. These are carnivorous pinnipeds that establish colonies on coastal rocks. Such places serve as a refuge for them from predators.

Their main food is fish, but they do not mind eating shrimp or other crustaceans and mollusks.


One of the most voracious seals is the leopard seal.

This species of seal got its name because of the unique shape of the male’s nose and because of its enormous size. Males of this species can reach six meters in length and weigh more than four tons.

Another one lives in northern Russia close-up view seals - bearded seal. The largest sea hares weigh 360 kg.

But despite its size, the bearded seal can become prey for a polar bear.

Photo of a walrus

Other pinnipeds that inhabit the seas are walruses. They have powerful tusks.

Only males have tusks. They use them as weapons during fights for females during the mating season.

Walruses can fend for themselves, as they are very large animals. But killer whales and polar bears are a threat to them.

Let's finish with pinnipeds and move on to mollusks.

Octopus photo

"Eight legs" - that's what they called him sea ​​creature V ancient Greece. And the octopus lives up to its name.

Octopuses inhabit tropical and subtropical seas. In total there are more than 200 species.

Octopuses are able to change their color to camouflage themselves from other predators and use camouflage to wait for their prey. They can even take on the appearance of a predator and copy its behavior.

Photo of cuttlefish

The cuttlefish, like the octopus, is a cephalopod.

The cuttlefish has a beak-like mouth. It's hard to see behind the tentacles in the photo, but believe me, it can bite through a crab's shell.

Like octopuses, cuttlefish can change color and blend into an area in order to hide from an enemy or lie in ambush.

In total, approximately 30 species of cuttlefish are known. The smallest species measures 1.5-1.8 centimeters.

Photo of squid

Squids are another cephalopod. Squids inhabit all seas and oceans, including the northern ones. Northern species of squid are somewhat smaller and are often colorless. Other species also rarely have bright colors.

It is unknown how many species of squid live on our planet. Many species live at great depths, which makes them difficult to study.

Usually the size of squid is 25 - 50 cm. But there is a unique species - giant squid, its size can reach 18 meters. Some deep-sea species of squid are able to glow, so they attract prey in the pitch darkness of the deep sea.

Many types of squid have wing fins on their sides. These organs act as a balancer when swimming, and using them the squid can accelerate and jump out of the water to escape a predator.

Photos of crabs

From cephalopods we move on to crabs. These are representatives of the class Crustaceans.

These marine animals have five pairs of paws, one of which has evolved into claws. A crab can lose a claw in a fight, but it then grows back, like the tail of a lizard.

There are many types of crabs and they are very diverse in size and color. Different species feed completely differently; the diet may consist of algae, crustaceans, small fish or mollusks.

Lobster photo

Large crustaceans live in the oceans and seas: lobsters and lobsters. Lobsters are similar to regular crayfish, only they have larger claws.

Mainly the color of the lobsters different types very simple, camouflage. This is caused by the presence of a large number of enemies in these animals. But sometimes there are mutant individuals with an unusual color.

This is a blue lobster, a very rare specimen. One in two million lobsters has this color. Yellow, red, white or two-color lobsters are even more rare.

Photos of lobsters

Another large crustacean is lobsters. These crustaceans prefer warm waters, unlike lobsters, which are also found in cold waters.

Lobsters do not live at depths greater than 200 meters. They try to settle in places where they can find refuge. Many predators don't mind eating lobster.

Lobsters are loners. Lobsters spend their entire lives, except for the breeding season, in solitude, without communicating with members of their genus.

Marine animals also include seabirds. For example, penguins are peculiar seabirds living in the Southern Hemisphere.

Penguins live not only in Antarctica. There are large colonies of these birds in southern Australia and South America.

There are 18 known species of penguins. They vary in size and there are some differences in color. but the main color is contrasting black and white.

Who lives in the Black Sea? By species composition marine animals on the west coast are different from other areas of the Black Sea. The bays and creeks are small, the bottom is mostly sandy, the water is saltier than near the southern and eastern shores. From commercial fish Black Sea shark (katran), mullet, horse mackerel are often found. Sea cats and flounders lie on the sandy bottom, and mullet graze.

Jellyfish appear near the shore at the height of the swimming season, and the warmer the water, the more of them there are. There are two common types of swimming jellyfish in the Black Sea: aurelia And cornermouth. Both of them consist of 98% water, are not consumed by anyone and seem useless. But it is not so. Jellyfish can be a harbinger of a storm. They pick up the infrasound of a still distant wind and swim away from the shore in 12-15 hours. By straining out plankton, the jellyfish purifies the water.

Flat, colorless aurelia is safe for us, because human skin is not sensitive to the action of stinging cells. And yet, there is no need to pick it up unnecessarily, much less throw jellyfish.

Cornerot is larger, more voluminous than aurelia, and has a bluish stripe around its circumference. There is no need to touch this jellyfish, because it stings almost like nettles. This is not dangerous, however, you must admit, not everyone will like it. There are fewer cornetworms on the South Bank, more on the West Bank. This is a caring nanny for horse mackerel fry: up to a hundred small silver fish swarm around each one, which, at the slightest danger, take refuge among the mouth lobes and under the dome of the jellyfish.

Who will be indifferent to the glow of the sea on quiet and warm August nights? The blades of oars on boats, the arms and legs of swimmers, air bubbles - everything that moves under water - turns silver. And there are nights when the entire motionless surface of the sea flashes with lights, as if reflecting the stars. This glow in the Black Sea is caused by noctilukisingle-celled organisms, possessing the properties of plants and animals at the same time.

During the day they absorb solar energy, and at night they again convert it into light. This cold glow is accompanied by chemical reaction oxygen compounds with a substance – lucefirin, which is produced by noctilucs.

On sandy beaches often carries pinkish-yellow shells in storms scallops . This mollusk lives on the seabed, about 20 kilometers from the coast. It is able to move by opening and closing shell doors, like jet engine. True, it does not develop high speed. At rest, the scallop releases from under the shell a fringe of sensitive tentacles, between which are hidden dozens of small and very complex “eyes”. Seeing danger, the mollusk removes its tentacles and escapes.

Oysters have long been considered a delicacy, but we had few of them before, because they prefer more salt water. Pacific predators that accidentally moved into the Black Sea rapana settled in a new place, multiplied, eating oysters, and reduced their reserves to almost zero. Now rapana eat mainly mussels, and this is also not very good.

Mussels They live attached to coastal piles, stones, rocks. By filtering the water, they breathe oxygen dissolved in it and feed on what is suspended in the water column. organic substances. Thus, mussels cleanse the sea. It is not difficult to tear them off from underwater rocks and piers, you just have to wear gloves, because mussels have sharp shells.

Fried mussels are tasty and nutritious, however, sand often gets caught between the pulp and the inner pearlescent layer of the shell. Over time, these grains of sand become enveloped in nacre - this is how small Black Sea pearls are formed. Rapana are mobile, they crawl onto mussels, open their valves and eat away the flesh. But their own meat is also edible.

On the shores of the Black Sea, people began to collect and eat bivalves gastropods a long time ago. Archaeologists determine this from the fossilized remains of mussels and oysters found on the shores.

At night, irreplaceable beach orderlies come ashore crabs. Once upon a time, you could come to the beach early in the morning and see so many crabs that you could not help but think about an environmental disaster. They literally collected crabs by the bucketload! Now this only happens on the deserted coasts of Tarkhankut. But it is prohibited to catch crabs because there are few of them, and without crabs the beaches will be dirty.

On the Evpatoria coast you can often find grass crab. It buries itself in the sand right next to its eyes and sits motionless, waiting for prey - small invertebrates, and sometimes fish.

It is easier to survive among fish on sandy soil for those who know how to burrow into it. Malek flounder not too different from the fry of other fish. But, after spending six weeks at the surface of the water, it descends into the depths to lie on the bottom with its right side. There, amazing transformations occur to him: the right eye moves to the left side, the mouth bends, and the pelvic fin moves to the side.

Slothfish fish are masters of changing the color and even the pattern of their skin, repeating the pattern and color of the soil. Swimming over a well-known bottom, the flounder disguises itself as it in a few seconds. It takes more time to match the color to a new background, but in the end it can even match a chessboard. To do this, the fish compresses and expands special pigment cells. But the right side, on which this ancient fish lies, remains colorless forever.

The most unpretentious of our commercial fish - mullet. It lives and spawns in the coastal zone to a depth of 75 meters, but can also breed in the open sea. It can withstand temperatures from +0.5 to +38 degrees Celsius, salinity up to 80 ppm (grams per liter), but also lives in semi-fresh water. Tolerant to a lack of oxygen, in the open sea it even penetrates deep layers with “rotten water”, where hydrogen sulfide bacteria live. Mullet are not afraid of polluted water and often winter in ports under the pier.

In recent decades, the Crimean mullet species (mullet, singil, sharpnose) have been oppressed Far Eastern view- pilengas. Hardy and active, it became a staple and filled the markets.

red mullet no larger than a horse mackerel, but a slightly different shape - blunt-headed, with two “antennae” extending from the lower lip. With their help, she digs in the sand, usually at shallow depths; it can also be seen floating on the surface through a mask. Red mullet was the favorite fish of the Turkish sultans, since then it has been called “sultanka”.

Most dangerous fish The Black Sea is sea ​​dragon. He lives at the bottom, half buried in the sand. The little dragon looks like a horse mackerel and, unfortunately, sometimes falls for the bait.

Alexander Kuprin in the story “Listrigons” talked about cases with Balaklava fishermen, when removing fish from a hook or taking them out of a net, they pricked themselves on poisonous spines on the gill covers and in the black dorsal fin.

It’s just as unpleasant to meet sea ​​cat from the family of stingrays. The cat prefers to lie on the bottom and, by the way, reacts rather sluggishly to the appearance of a person - it swims away a few meters and lies down again. And you don’t need to touch it, much less step on it. When caught, wounded, or even simply disturbed, the sea cat bends and hits the offender with its tail, on which there is a poisonous spike! The consequences are the same as after an injection from a dragon. However, this does not scare the fishermen; they catch stingrays. Therefore, you will most likely see a sea cat not in the sea, but at a fish counter.

Not so poisonous sea ​​ruffe(scorpionfish), and yet, before gutting and cleaning it, you need to cut off the spines.

And here black sea shark, oddly enough, is harmless to humans. Unlike most fish, sharks and rays have a soft, cartilaginous skeleton. Together with ichthyosaurs, they inhabited the sea a hundred million years ago, during the era of the dominance of giant lizards, and can be considered relics of the Mesozoic era.

Black Sea sharks swim in the coastal zone near the bottom (at a depth of up to 90 m) Katranas. They feed on small fish, shellfish, and crustaceans, and grow up to two meters in length.

Katranas do not spawn; the female gives birth alive to a dozen sharks, which are capable of hunting from the first minutes of life. True, they do not become adults soon - after 15-17 years. Like any shark, the katran has an excellent sense of smell and increased sensitivity to water fluctuations, which are used to find prey.

The katran never attacks large animals or people. In general, the danger posed by all sharks is exaggerated due to their terrifying appearance and monstrous gluttony. Even a harpooned shark can grab a piece of meat or fish in the water. She is insensitive to pain, and it is difficult to kill her due to the small size of the brain that needs to be hit.

I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up! I can be golden Come on, look into a fairy tale FISH

Don't you know me? OCTOPUS I live at the bottom of the sea. A head and eight legs, that's all I am...

What peoples lived on the shores of the Black Sea in ancient times? Taurians, Khazars, Scythians, Turks, Circassians, Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Tatars, Italians. What countries are located on the shores of the Black Sea? Russia, Türkiye, Bulgaria, Rumy Georgia, Ukraine

What cities are located on the shores of the Black Sea? Sochi, Crimea, Tuapse, Batumi, Sukhumi, Gelendzhik, Yalta, Gagra, Novorossiysk, Anapa. What fish living in the Black Sea are of commercial importance? Beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, herring, anchovy, red mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel, sprat, sprat, tuna.

What does color depend on? aquatic organisms? The color of organisms depends on environment. What swimming devices do fish have? Fish have air sacs inside; fins, tail; body streamlining

What swimming devices do jellyfish have? 90% of a jellyfish's body consists of water, they push water out with their dome. What is the industrial significance of algae? In terms of vitamin content, algae are not inferior to apple pineapples. Soups, salads and side dishes are prepared from algae. Raw algae is added to chocolates, pastilles, sauces, syrups, etc. They are used in the manufacture of cosmetic products and a number of medicines.

What is the area of ​​the Black Sea? 422 thousand sq. km What is the greatest depth of the Black Sea? 2245 m What is the greatest and shortest extent of the Black Sea? 580 km, 265 km At what depth of the sea is there no life? Why? From 150 m, hydrogen sulfide