What is the implantation of the embryo in the uterus? Embrycotia implantation: the main symptoms and sensations after the attachment of the fetal egg

The most significant transformations of the fetus occur on early timing pregnancy. In a few days from the moment of conception, it from one cell - zygotes - turns into a millimeter embryo. The formation of a fetal egg begins immediately after the spermatozoa fusion and the egg cell in the phallopyaipe tube. After that, the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. Is it possible to feel the moment of implantation of the embryo into the body of a woman?

How is the conception?

In order to conceive, the participation of two heams - spermatozoa and eggs are necessary. In the first half menstrual cycle Oocytes ripen - under the influence of Gonadotropin FSH, it is formed in the follicle of the ovary. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, usually on the 14th day, the dominant follicle bursts and a ripened egg is coming out of it. This phenomenon is called ovulation.

Coming out of the follicle of the ovary, the egg board heads into the Fallopiev pipe. If on this day or 2-3 days before that, sexual intercourse occurred, then some spermatozoa could reach the phallopyaipe tube. It is there that men's gamets are waiting for women to merge with her and fertilize her.

If there is no spermatozoa in the egg, the egg flow continues its movement, descends into the uterus, dies away and goes out with menstrual blood. If male games are present, then they all begin to attack the surface sheath of the egg - the radiant crown. One spermatozoa cannot destroy it, the effort of several is necessary. However, it fertilizes the oocyte only one who is the first will be able to get to the inner layer - a brilliant shell.

Implantation of zygotes with natural conception and eco

As a result of the merger of the sperm and egg cell, the zygote is formed. This is a single-cell stage of the embryo existence, which lasts 26-30 hours. Then, as a result of mitotic division, the zygote begins to crush. By the 4th day of pregnancy, the embryo consists of 12-16 cells, and by the 5th day already out of 30. At this stage of development, it is called blastocyan.

At what time of blastocyst is attached to the wall of the uterus? During the first 5-6 days, the embryo moves along a phallopyaipe tube and falls into the uterus. During this time, progesterone, which is secreted by a yellow body, has time to prepare the endometrium of the uterus to the implantation of the fruit egg - it becomes more loose. The cells of the surface layer blastocysts - trophoblast - throw away the financing processes and cling them for endometrium. Thus, the embryo implantation occurs.

Implantation with vitro in vitro fertilization is different and most often is late. The transfer of the fertilized egg is made after 3 or 5 days after the merges. Because of this late transfer, the process of introducing blastocysts in the uterine wall is delayed. That is why after the transfer of eco-germs there is a late implantation of the embryo. At the same time, such symptoms such as cargo sections, implant bleeding, as a rule, is not.

How to understand that the embryo attached to the wall of the uterus?

Are there any signs of the implantation of the fetal egg in the endometrium? Despite the fact that this stage of gestation can pass asymptomaticly, some women according to certain signs can determine what are pregnant, before the delay of menstruation. The process of implantation of the embryo is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • bloody issues;
  • pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • change basal temperature.

Blood allocations are not menstrual

Approximately 7 days after the unprotected intimate contact, the woman notices the separating red-brown allocations on the underwear. Even before the delay of the monthly, this symptom indicates that the fertilization occurred and the introduction of blastocysts occurred successfully.

The nature of the selection during the implantation of the embryo:

  • scanty, cargo bleeding;
  • last no more than 48 hours;
  • color of different intensity - from pink to brown;
  • there is no unpleasant smell.

Why attaching the embryo to the uterus is accompanied by bloody strokes? This is due to the fact that in the process of introducing blastocysts into the surface layer of the uterus, the smallest capillaries of the endometrium are traumatized. It is not worth worrying, the microtrauma is very quickly healing.

Implantation bleeding is not all women, but this does not mean that the implantation of the fetal egg did not take place. Women who passed through the ECO procedure are looking forward to these signs, but more accurately determine whether the embryo has taken place, allows ultrasound diagnostics.

Basal temperature

Another symptom of the attachment of the fetal egg is changes in basal temperature. Basal called body temperature in a state of complete calm. On it you can track ovulation. The basal temperature is measured immediately after awakening, women recommend keeping a thermometer by the bed to not get out of bed behind him. At the time of increasing the value of 0.2-0.4 degrees, a woman has ovulation, this is the most favorable period for sexual intercourse, if a couple have a desire to conceive a child.

The same changes occur at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg in the endometrium. The thermometer indicators are 37.0-37.3 ° C. Usually a woman does not feel ailment, as for fever during a cold, because the body temperature is quickly normalized.

Nausea, weakness, pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen

Some women have very high sensitivity. They feel the moment of breaking the follicle when an egg is coming out of it, the separation of endometrial elements feel. Also with the attachment of blastocysts - the future mother physically feels like this happens.

Similar sensations in implantation of the embryo can manifest itself in the form of nunning, pulling pain at thenime of the abdomen, closer to the pubis. Some marked what begins to pull in the lower back of the sides.

Usually, toxicosis appears later, but, despite the fact that there are general norms of the flow of gestation, each woman has a pregnancy with its individual features. That is why immediately after fertilization, pregnant will feel weakness, drowsiness, feeling of lethargy. Some begin to nausea in the morning, taste preferences change.

Mood swings

With the beginning of pregnancy in the body of a woman changing the hormonal background. After ovulation, progesterone begins to flow into the blood, the concentration of which does not decrease after 2 weeks, as during the usual menstrual cycle, and continues to rise. After implantation of the embryo, the chorion begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin. Hormones influence all organism systems, including on the central nervous system, which affects emotional state women.

In the morning, a pregnant woman has a joyful and increased mood, which without visible reasons is replaced by angrily and irritability, and in the evening she becomes a fad and sad. Such sudden mood changes may accompany a woman throughout the gestation, but can and pass after it adapts to a new state for itself.

When does the occurrence of pregnancy show a test?

All existing pregnancy tests react to the maintenance in the urine of hCG, which begins to secrete only after attaching the fetal egg. Previously, home analyzes are meaningless, they will give false results.

How much time it is better to wait before the test and what day can you do it? A week after unprotected Koitus to do the test early, because the concentration of hCG will be insufficient to find it reagents. Depending on the type of dough, it needs to be done 2-3 days before the expected delay or immediately after it.

There are several varieties of pregnancy tests:

  • Strips-strips. The cheapest and affordable test, at the same time he is one of the most unreliable. However, this does not mean that the strip gives false results, the probability of error is only 4-5%. It has low sensitivity so that the strip has discovered hCG in the urine, the hormone concentration should be at least 20 MME / ml, which is achieved in the timing of 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse.
  • Tablets. This test is a cassette with a winding hole and a window, which shows the results, and a pipette for the fence of urine. This analysis is close to laboratory and reveals a hormone at a concentration of 15 MME / ml.
  • Electronic device. It is considered the most accurate method of testing pregnancy at home. Susceptibility - 10-15 MME / ml. It is allowed to analyze 10 days after intimate contact, but the longer the time passes between the Koitus and the test, the higher its accuracy.

Why maybe the embryo may not entrenched in the uterus?

Some women face a problem when the fertilization itself is successful, but the embryo cannot entrenched in the uterus and is displayed out. The reasons for which the attachment of the embryo does not occur:

  • Violation of hormonal background. To the attachment passed successfully, should be generated sufficient number progesterone. He prepares the uterus for the reception of the baby, reduces the immune response to the alien organism so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. When progesterone is not enough, the conditions for attachment are not created, and the embryo comes out. The reason may be insufficient yellow Body or his absence. Such a condition is treated with the help of hormone therapy, such as urezheptan or duphaston.
  • Changes endometrial. It happens that the embryo simply does not find a suitable place to gain a foothold in the uterus, because the endometrium surface is dotted by scars. This state of the endometrium may be a consequence of abortion with scraping, operations in the uterus, inflammatory, infectious diseases. Late implantation at the uterine seva can be a consequence of such pathologies.
  • Tumor processes. Neof-formations in the uterus - polyps, misa, fibromes - prevent blastocyst in the cavity.
  • Genetic anomalies. Due to the mutations of the genital cells during fertilization, a non-visual zygote is formed. For example, at the same time, two spermatozoa or one of the hemes does not carry genetic information. This germ does not develop, can not attach, miscarriage occurs before its introduction.

After the ECO procedure, the doctors carefully track whether embryos took root. At this stage of the development of medicine, not all embryos are coming up, so patients do artificial insemination Repeated

Often, the miscarriage before implantation occurs asymptomatic, and the woman may not understand that she was pregnant. Usually, such patients turn to gynecologists with infertility problem, not knowing that the problem is not in conception, but in the ability to implantation. The doctor can help solve the problem, pose a suitable method of treatment.

Pregnancy begins from the moment when the fertilized egg was introduced into the uterine wall. From the very day, the development of a fetal egg, the formation of an embryo and future kid occurs. Therefore, at the planning stage, many are interested when the embryo implantation occurs, on what day after ovulation, what sensations arise with this process? From how carefully the attachment will be, the development of pregnancy depends.

Phases Embriogenesis

After ovulation and the exit of the egg, it enters the phallopy tube, where it is found with a spermatozoa. The zygote will move back on it for another week until it turns out in the uterus cavity. Moving along the pipe, there is a continuous division of the zygota, forming the cells that will become a shell for the future fetus.

The generated embryo or blastocyst, hitting the uterus, should normally attach it to its walls to obtain beneficial substances and oxygen. But not always this process can occur after each ovulation.

The chance to get pregnant from a healthy woman every cycle is only 25%, which is even more declining if there are additional negative factors. For example, various diseases that impede embryo implementation, hormonal imbalance or inferiority of zygotes.

Average embryo implantation

The path of the zygota to the uterine cavity after ovulation lasts about 7 days. For the introduction of eggs, it takes from 3 to 72 hours. At this time, the zygota is introduced into the uterine cavity, then with a greater, at a lower rate, therefore, signs of implantation after ovulation can be unstable.

The process depends on the functional state of the body of the future mother, the shape and length of the uterine pipes, the viability and the status of the zygota. In medicine, it is considered an average that the implantation of a fetal egg occurs in the tissue of a degenerate organ within 6-12 days after ovulation.

The greatest probability of implantation is 9-10 days from the moment of ovulation, it is 37%. For successful development of pregnancy, the process of embryo embryo after ovulation is a key point. With good fastening and arrangement of a fetal egg, more chances of favorable completion of pregnancy and less risks of complications.

If the embryo is weak and sick, in most cases there is its rejection by the body, most often until the moment when the woman saw the cherished stripes on the test. The term of implantation depends on the characteristics of the body of each woman. Ovulation may be early or late, depending on the length of the monthly uterine bleeding.

On average, at 28 days, ovulation occurs on 14 days, and the embryo implementation on the 21th day of the cycle. With the length of menstruation in 45 days, the process of ovulation is carried out on the 31 day, and its severity in the mother liquor occurs only on 40 days.

Independent definition of implantation

The process when the embryo is attached is usually impaired for a woman. But still there are methods for self-definition, which indirectly can indicate a successful implantation after ovulation.

To one of these methods, drawing up, which for more accurate definitions, should be conducted at least 4 cycles. Measurements are carried out rectally at the same time from the first day of the cycle.

The temperature before the exit of the egg is not more than 36.5 degrees, after which there is a sharp rise of temperature up to 37 degrees. With successful fertilization and the introduction of zygotes in uterine fabric, implantation occurs.

What day after ovulation appear signs? The fall on the chart is 1.5-2 degrees, and then its increase speaks about a successful conception, in addition, some at that moment there may be minor blood discharges.

Determination of implantation after ovulation using basal temperature is one of the exact methods. However, this requires a clearly observed actions, otherwise there is a great risk of error in measurements.

Is it possible to feel the implantation on symptoms

Usually, the moment of introducing the embryo woman does not notice and does not even know about the successful conception. But still there are some indirect signs to be paid attention to:

  • and tingling during the day;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • implantation bleeding - on the daily you can notice a few drops of blood, which is associated with violation of the integrity of the vessels in the introduction of a fetal egg;
  • heat, chills, temperature rise to 37.4 degrees.

But it is worth considering that such symptoms can talk about other processes in the body. Also, often women are looking for missing signs by winding themselves.

Violations when fixing the embryo

Often, when the egg cell was successfully fertilized, but it did not occur in the uterine cavity. This could contribute a number of reasons:

  • endometriosis;
  • insufficient endometrial thickness;
  • failures at the genetic level;
  • the presence of antibodies, adversely affecting pregnancy;
  • embryo rejection of mother immunity;
  • low perfects of progesterone.

Pathological processes in the women's childbearing organ and pipes may cause pregnancy outside the uterus, requiring surgery.

Which represents implantation bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding caused by embryo introduction is small clots, minor oscillations or several blood droplets that appear in 5-9 days after ovulation. Such a sign means a successful conception, while it is manifested not in every woman.

After the embryo is attached to the uterus, the woman planning pregnancy can notice a small amount of blood or a small clutch on the gasket. Isolations have pink or dark brown, which depends on the functional state of the body.

Options for implantation are usually accompanied by unsalted thumbs in the abdomen, and ailment. Many women do not pay attention to such signs and learn about interesting position Only after a few days of delay.

What day does it occur and how much lasts

When planning a child and long unsuccessful attempts, women are looking for signs of successful conception. Therefore, many are interested, after how many days after ovulation it is implantation.

Since the introduction of the embryo usually occurs from 5 to 9 days after ovulation. Much less often you can find an implantation for 12 DPOs. The duration of bleeding takes from 1-2 hours to several days, while the last variant with abundant discharge can be regarded as a pathological phenomenon.

Sometimes this symptom is confused with the beginning of menstruation or a collection on the hormonal level. Urgent appeal to the doctor is required if bleeding lasts more than two days, poor well-being, decay, dizziness, temperature rise, and there are also abundant sections.

Preparation for implantation

For successful toaling pregnancy, doctors recommend to prepare before conception. First of all, it is necessary to take a complex of vitamins for several months, including groups B, E and folic acid.

With eco for better embryo engradment, stronger preparations are used: aspirin, heparin, gestagens. Sedative preparations on a vegetable basis are prescribed to normalize the overall condition and tranquility.

  • avoid visiting people;
  • temporarily refrain from sex contacts;
  • not nervous, avoid stressful situations;
  • every day there are vegetables and fruits;
  • do not visit the solarium, do not be under the scorching rays for a long time;
  • reduce the use of smoked, roasted salted dishes;
  • include ferocular products in the diet;
  • more rest, fully falling out.

Such rules do not guarantee 100% of the fullness of implantation after ovulation, but increase the chance of successful to wear.

Embryo implantation with eco

Unfortunately, become pregnant in a natural way, it turns out not everyone, in this case, artificial fertilization comes to the rescue. The process of introducing a fruit egg to the uterine cavity in eco and natural attachment is practically no different. In both cases, women may have characteristic features indicating a successful conception.

But still artificial fertilization has its own characteristics. After taking the oocyte in a woman and fertilizing it in a test tube, for 6-9 days after ovulation, the cell is carried out in the uterine cavity. Since the process of fertilization occurred outside the body of a woman, after the approach, the germine takes time to get used to new conditions.

Therefore, only in 35% of cases it is possible to successfully implement, often the body does not accept and reject the embryo. Typically, signs of successful procedures appear later. To increase the chances of successful pregnancy, some rules must be followed:

  1. more relax;
  2. eliminate physical exertion;
  3. avoid stressful situations;
  4. more often located in the fresh air;
  5. avoid shaking in vehicles;
  6. do not take a hot shower or bath;
  7. eliminate sexual relationships;
  8. do not heal.

What future mom Must take care of itself, perceived as a capital truth. But few know that during pregnancy there are periods when the risk of all kinds of health with health is significantly increasing. Observing in the "critical moments" increased caution, a woman will be able to "progress" in time and avoid unnecessary problems.

Pregnancy lasts 9 calendar or 10 obstetric months * (its average duration is 280 days from the first day of the last menstruation to childbirth). During this time, there is a complex process of turning the fertilized egg into a ripe fruit capable of self-existence outside the womb. For 9 months there is a rapid division of cells, the formation of organs and fabrics of the fetus, ripening functional systems, establishing a connection between them, thanks to which the newborn can be adapted to external environment, live independent, separate from the maternal life.
* 1 The obstetric month consists of 4 weeks.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of any fetus intrauterine life period. But during pregnancy there are several critical deadlines, when the risk of its spontaneous interrupt (miscarriage or premature birth), the emergence of the complications of the course of pregnancy, the anomalies of the development of the embryo and the fetus. It is about these deadlines and will be speech.

The following periods of development of the fetus are distinguished during pregnancy:

  • pre-implative (from the moment of fertilization of the egg cell with sperm before the introduction of a fertilized egg to the mucous membrane of the uterus);
  • implantation (attaching a fertilized egg to the uterus wall);
  • organogenesis and placenta (the period of formation of all organs and fetus tissues, as well as placenta);
  • fetal - The period of growth and development of formed organs and tissues.

Implantation period - attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus

This period also passes before the alleged menstruation, most often when the woman also does not suspect his pregnancy. Finding into the uterine cavity, the embryo is already consisting of 16-32 cells, but it is not immediately embedded in the mucous meter, and is in a free state within two days. These two days from the date of entering a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity before it is attached to the wall of the uterus make up the implantation period. The place of implementation depends on a number of circumstances, however, most often it is anterior or rear wall of the uterus.

The food of the fruit egg during this period occurs due to the local dissolution of the mucosa of the uterus with the help of enzymes secreted by a fruit egg. After 2 days, the fruit egg is introduced into the mucous membrane, which contains in large numbers enzymes, glycogen, fats, trace elements, protective antibodies and other biologically active substances necessary for further growth of the embryo.

The second critical period of pregnancy - implantation, that is, attaching a fetal egg to the wall of the uterus. If implantation fails, the pregnancy is completed under the mask menstruation (in fact, this is not a diagnosed miscarriage on very small terms). Since there is no, the woman does not even imply about pregnancy.

On the process of implantation big influence Hormonal factors are provided: the concentration of such hormones as progesterone, estrogens, prolactin (hormone of pituitary gland, located in the brain), glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones), etc.

The preparedness of the uterine mucous membrane to implantation is of great importance, the preparedness of it is to take a fruit egg. After abortions, scraping, prolonged wearing intrauterine spiral, infections, inflammatory processes can break the receptor (perceiving) Endometrial apparatus, that is, the cells sensitive to hormones located in the mucous membrane of the uterus incorrectly react to hormones, because of which the mucous membrane is not enough to prepare upcoming pregnancy. If the fetal egg is not active enough, it does not allocate the desired number of enzymes that destroy the mucous membrane, it can be embedded in the uterus wall in the lower segment or in the cervical uterus, resulting in a cervical pregnancy or an abnormal placenta (placenta overlaps the output from the uterus is partially or completely ).

The presence of battles (synech) in the uterus after inflammatory processes, scraping, as well as uterus, can also prevent normal implantation.

The period of organogenesis and placentations - the bookmark of all organs and fabrics of the fetus

This period continues from the introduction of a fruit egg to the mucous membrane of the uterus before, when all organs and fabrics of the fetus are fully formed, as well as the placenta (child seat - a link between the fruit and the parent organism, with which the flow processes, metabolism and respiration of the fetus occur In the womb). This is a very responsible period of intrauterine life, because in it time runs Bookmark all organs and fabrics of the fetus. Already on the 7th day after fertilization of the egg cell, the mother's body receives a signal of pregnancy due to hormone - chorionic gonadotropin (xg), which is released by a fruit egg. Xg, in turn, maintains the development of a yellow body in the ovary. Yellow body highlights progesterone and estrogens in an amount sufficient to maintain pregnancy. At the initial stage of pregnancy, before the formation of the placenta, the yellow body takes on the function of hormonal support for pregnancy, and if for one reason or another the yellow body works defectively, then the threat of miscarriage, miscarriage or undivided pregnancy may occur.

The whole period of organogenesis and placentations is also critical period of intrauterine life of the fetusbecause The fruit is highly sensitive to damaging effect ambient, especially in the first 3-6 weeks of organogenesis. This critical period of development of pregnancy is especially important, because under influence adverse factors Embryo Environment can die or may have anomalies of development.

In these periods, the influence of the embryo environmental factors is especially dangerous, including:

  • physical (ionizing radiation, mechanical impacts); This may be an action of ionizing radiation, for example, in a technogenic catastrophe atomic objects, Mechanical effects in the form of vibration and so on. in relevant industries or at the time of sports training;
  • chemical: Phenols, nitrogen oxide, pesticides, heavy metals, etc. - These substances can also get into the body of pregnant, if it works in the relevant industries or during repair in the room where a woman is located long. Chemical substances include nicotine, alcohol, some drugs, such as used to treat oncological diseases, etc.;
  • biological (for example, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, virus, etc.).

It must be emphasized that in critical periods, harmful effects lead to the most severe consequences - the death of the embryo or the formation of coarse defects.

According to French researchers, if a pregnant woman first collided with cytomegalovirus - The causative agent causing a disease that in adults can flow as a banal ARS (acute respiratory disease) during pregnancy (which can be seen on the study of blood on immunoglobulins to CMV), especially in early terms, then in 1/3 cases, malformations of the fetus may occur. . If it has already been infected before pregnancy, the body includes protective mechanisms to combat the virus,) this probability is reduced to 1%. The same can be said about the virus of a simple herpes.

Of particular danger represents rubberi virus If you infect them in the early periods of pregnancy. A woman in such cases recommends an artificial interruption of pregnancy, because High risk of birth of a child with such malformations, like a microfthalmia - eye developmental vice, microcephalus -Surisseable vice brain development; Deafness, congenital heart defects, etc.

Of chemical compounds Particularly adversely affect the legacy of the propeller, mercury, benzene, nicotine, carbon oxides and other substances that can cause malformations of development.

Some medications Especially contraindicated during pregnancy (for example, antitumor antibiotics); If they were accepted, then the abortion of pregnancy in the early stages is recommended. When receiving some drugs, consultation of genetics, careful observation during pregnancy for the state of the embryo and fetus (ultrasound, blood test to chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-fetoprotein, estriol, which allow to suspect the presence of malformations of the fetus - analysis is carried out).

Women working on chemical productionDuring pregnancy, you must translate into other, less dangerous workshops. As for the influence of radiation, if it affects a woman before the implantation of the embryo (in the preplantation period), in 2/3 cases, the embryo dies. During organogenesis and placentations, malformations often occur or the intrauterine death of the embryo or fetus occurs.

The opposite development of the yellow body in the ovary is common: figuratively, the ovaries are transmitted by Chorion (the future placenta) the function of hormonal support for pregnancy, and if the chorion is not developed enough, it is not active, the threat of pregnancy interruption arises.

- It is also a critical period for the development of pregnancy. Very often, miscarriage, undeveloped pregnancy or threat of miscarriage (bleeding out of sex tract, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and the waist) appear on this time. If this happened, the woman needs hospitalization. In the hospital use various drugs that will help save pregnancy, if possible.

So, as we have convinced, 1 trimester of pregnancy almost completely consists of critical periods, so at this time it is especially important:

  • if possible, eliminate the negative impact of harmful production;
  • change the complex of physical exercises in active workouts in the period before pregnancy, postpone classes with extreme sports for the postpartum period;
  • conduct enough time in the fresh air;
  • a sufficient amount of time (8-10 hours) to devote to sleep;
  • do not take an active part in the repair of premises;
  • refuse harmful habits, especially such as the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking.


The fruit period of the intrauterine life of the fetus begins, which lasts up to 40 weeks. At this time, the fruit is already fully formed, but physically immatched.

Dates of pregnancy 13, 20-24 and 28 weeks are critical For patients with a high content of men's sex hormones - due to the start of the production of the fetal hormones. In these times, it is necessary to check the level of hormones and adjust the dose of drugs that are assigned to reduce the number of men's sex hormones (dexametlsone, methip-ed, etc.). At the same time, the doctor monitors the state of the cervix, since the increase in the number of male genital hormones can lead to its premature disclosure.

The fruit of males begins to produce his own testosterone - a male sex hormone, the production of cortisol and male sex hormones begins the fetal adrenal cortex, as a result of which a woman with hyperandrogen can be the next rise of male sex hormones, which will lead to the interruption of pregnancy.

The hypophysis of the fetus begins to synthesize the hormone, stimulating the work of the adrenal glands, is an adrenocorticotropic hormone, as a result of which the production of men's sex hormones increases, which can also lead to the interruption of pregnancy. If necessary, on this period, the doctor will adjust the dose of drugs.

So, the effect of adverse factors in critical periods of pregnancy can lead to the most adverse consequences. Therefore, a woman in continuation of the whole day of the child's waiting, and especially in critical periods, you need to avoid the action of adverse factors and with any "malfunctions" to contact the doctor. I would like to advise future mothers to conserve yourself, especially since the pregnancy lasts only 9 months, and the health and life of your baby depend on its flow.

What should be the reason for anxiety?

If the effect of adverse factors in critical deadlines led to the threat of abortion, women complain about pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the lower back - pulling or grapple-shaped. Pains may be accompanied blood discharge From genital paths. Such symptoms can not be left without due attention, because Following them, massive bleeding may occur due to incomplete spontaneous miscarriage, in which pregnancy can not be saved.

It is very important at the first symptoms of a threatening miscarriage immediately turn to the gynecologist, go through the necessary research, including inspection on the chair, ultrasound, hormonal blood tests on female sex hormones, men's sex hormones, thyroid hormones.

Jasmine Mirzoyan
Doctor obstetrician gynecologist
Cand. honey. Sciences, Moscow

Often a woman who decided to pregnant asks the question of how attaching (implantation) fertilized egg in the uterus. What symptoms and sensations happen when attaching an embryo? What to do during this period not to interrupt pregnancy?

A little about conception

Time and egg comes from the ovary. Next, it moves along the phallopyan (uterine) pipe towards spermatozoa. They are trying to overcome her dense shell. This is a serious barrier on the spermatozooid paths. Therefore, they begin to distinguish a substance intended for dissolving the membrane of the egg. As soon as the shell weakens, the most agile and strong spermatozoa will fall inside the egg. So the fertilization occurs - the birth of life.

Further fertilized egg, in which cell division has already begun, moves closer to the uterine tube. At this stage very important role Estrogen and progesterone hormones play. It is they who regulate the normal movement of the eggs in the fallopian tube.

After a day after fertilization in the egg, the rapid cell division begins. Through four days, the embryo has already 32 cells in himself. Embrying in the uterus will occur after 96 hours (4 days) after fertilization. The embryo is attached to the uterus.

In the case of Eco, the egg cell "get" from the follicle using puncture (piercing thin needle). This process is described in more detail and is shown here. After the egg extraction is extracted, it is placed in a special medium in which fertilization occurs. The sperper donor may be a husband or donor material can be provided by the Cum Bank.

The fox of the embryo occurs only on 3-5 days. Then it remains only to wait when the embryo attaches to the uterus.

Embryo implantation

Implantation next stage of pregnancy. When moving in the uterine tube, substances are accumulated inside the embryo, these substances are needed for a well-safe attachment to the uterus wall and subsequent development. The embryo appears for villi. Vile is needed embryos for nutrition at the implantation stage. In parallel with the movement and development of the embryo in the body of the mother, changes occur. Hormones begin to prepare the surface (mucous membrane - endometrium) uterus to implantation of the embryo.

The embryo attachment itself to the uterus begins 96 hours after fertilization. Implantation consists of 3 stages.

How exactly the attachment occurs, 3 stages of implantation:

  1. The embryo gets into the uterus, accession occurs. The embryo clings for the mucous membrane of the endometry of the uterus. After attaching the uterus is filled with liquid. So the fruit egg is better grudging to the wall of the uterus.
  2. Next takes place (adhesion). The uterus and embryo begin to interact with each other with a villion on the embryo.
  3. In the third stage of implantation begins invasion (penetration). Embryo joins K. blood system Mother, such a embryonic kidney is formed.

Attaching the embryo to the uterus

Symptoms of attachment

Women are often wondering what day the symptoms of the attachment of a fetal egg to the uterus begin. Most of the women do not feel anything. The attachment of the embryo passes painlessly. It is not possible to notice the increase in the concentration of hormones in the body.

Rarely, but symptoms can be felt, here are some of them:

  1. The stomach hurts and pulls down. Read more about drawing pains at the abdomen with eco read.
  2. Small tingling in the chest.
  3. During the first week there may be allocations as during menstruation. Selection can be red, pink, brown or yellowish color.
  4. Nausea (especially in the morning).
  5. Sometimes an increase in body temperature (not higher than 38).
  6. Strong irritability.
  7. Weakness.
  8. Dizziness.

What can be felt when implantation of the embryo on weeks

Here are the most common sensations initially attaching the embryo to the wall of the uterus (endometrial). This stage of pregnancy is very important, like all the following, but implantation - very dangerous period For embryo. It is important to comply with the right attitude, not to be nervous, avoid stressful situations.

7 week after attachment

During Eco, after the transfer of the embryo, the same symptoms are observed as in ordinary pregnancy. Watch video with recommendations when transferred. In this video, the reproductist will tell in detail about what is happening after transfer with vitro incense.


During the attachment of the embryo to the uterus, it appears, they are called implanting bleeding. Such discharges (similar to menstruation) is the norm. Options at the attachment stage are not every woman. No need to be afraid of such discharge. Each woman has in different ways, they can be abundant and small.

Selection color can be different. It can be yellow, red, brown and pink shades. Implanting bleeding must pass 48 hours later.. It rarely happens a little later. Often such allocations are simply accepted for ordinary monthly.

Important! The presence of blood clots in the discharge should be alerted, with normal implantation there are no.

If the highlights are red with blood clots, it is better to call a doctor. Perhaps the bleeding began, in this case, miscarriages may occur. Other reasons are possible: endometrium penetrated, the inflammatory process in the uterus cavity, hormonal violation, and even oncology began.

This is a very serious situation, to figure out which only the doctor is capable of. Only it can correctly indicate the cause, diagnose violation and choose a suitable treatment.

Why is the embryo not attached?

It is best to plan and properly prepare for future pregnancy so that the attachment of the embryo has passed successfully. Pregnancy will pass smoothly, without trouble if you are ready for her.

The reasons for which the Fetal Egg may not attach:

  1. The implantation of the embryo may not occur after the previously suffered abortion, miscarriage or inflammation of the small pelvis organs.
  2. Receiving hormonal drugs and subsequent violation of the hormonal background.
  3. Application of intrauterine spirals.
  4. Incorrect mother meals.
  5. Harmful, destructive habits.

For proper training, visit the gynecologist. He will prepare a pregnancy program. As a result of preparing for conception and pregnancy, the risk of such negative factors can be avoided.

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