New diets for weight loss. The most effective diet for weight loss

New development Australian nutritionists. It is designed to make your figure slimmer in a fairly short time, while minimizing harm to health. The name of the diet was chosen with an eye to the fact that it will become popular next year, 2016.

  1. Red (banned most of the time)
  2. Blue (allowed once every 3 days)
  3. Green (always allowed)

Permitted and prohibited products

As you guessed, this labeling has nothing to do with the color of the food. So, a list of products that should never be on your menu:

  • Fast food
  • chocolate
  • Cookies
  • Sweet soda
  • Dried fruits
  • Of bread
  • Honey
  • Sahara
  • Chips

During the diet, they are completely excluded with the exception of cheat meals (more on that below). The following is a list of partially permitted foods (blue), which can be eaten once every 3 days. These include:

  • Fruits
  • Potato
  • Berries
  • Pork
  • Low-fat milk
  • Fatty fish
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley)
  • Low fat cheese
  • Sausages or sausages without carbohydrates

As you can see, the menu is more than lenient. But the majority of your diet should consist of so-called green foods:

  • Any vegetables
  • Lean poultry (chicken, turkey)
  • Lean meat (rabbit, beef, veal)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Eggs (no more than 2-3 yolks per day)
  • Lean fish and seafood
  • Protein shakes
  • Low-fat kefir

Diet rules and menu 2016

It is advisable to cook all food without oil (in a non-stick frying pan) or, at worst, fry it in olive oil. Be sure to drink 2-3 liters of water per day, and if your weight is more than 100 kg, then 3-4 liters.

Water is drunk between meals. Salt is allowed. Once every two weeks, a cheat meal is allowed - when you can eat whatever you want for one day, even pizza, even cakes. So, let's create a menu based on our product lists:

Day 1

Breakfast: fresh vegetable salad, scrambled eggs from 4 eggs (1 yolk and 3 whites)

Breakfast 2: fried fish with vegetables

Dinner: chicken steak, cucumber and two tomatoes

Afternoon snack: protein shake

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, fresh vegetable salad

Day 2

Breakfast: fried chicken fillet, cucumbers

Breakfast 2: can of tuna and canned peas

Dinner: boiled fish, fresh carrots

Afternoon snack: 2 cups kefir

Dinner: pack of cottage cheese, vegetable salad

Day 3

Breakfast: 2 apples, a plate of oatmeal or rice

Breakfast 2: mashed potatoes, pork steak

Dinner: Greek salad, grilled sausages

Afternoon snack: 1 banana, a piece of hard cheese

Dinner: salmon steak, fresh vegetable salad

Indeed, the third day can hardly be called dietary. But there is also a cheat meal, when you can eat whatever your heart desires! But this approach works, as thousands of volunteers have already seen. Of course, losing weight will not be as fast as on strict diets, but you will steadily lose 2-4 kg per month, which is physiologically acceptable for health.

Steaks are allowed in the 2016 diet!

We have presented only an example menu, but you can create dozens of your own options, based on the fact that on the first and second day you eat foods from the “green” list, and on the third - from the “blue” list. Naturally, the diet may differ radically from the above. Also, do not forget to use pharmacy vitamins during the diet, because any weight loss is stress for the body - therefore, the lack of nutrients in the menu can result in a decrease in immunity.

Menu for every day for weight loss

To lose weight you need proper nutrition. A well-designed menu for every day will help you get rid of extra pounds that negatively affect your overall health. Posted by: Anaid
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09.03.2019 / 10:55

Beta alanine: method of application and effect on the body

Beta Alanine is included in the list of sports supplements. This product has not yet gained popularity, but is being actively studied. It was first isolated in 1911 during research on carnosine. And in the period from 2007 to 2015, active research was carried out on the effect of alanine on the human body different types employment. Beta-alanine itself is a modified version of an aliphatic amino acid synthesized with the help of nitrogen. Posted by: foshka88
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06.03.2019 / 13:33

Acetyl l-carnitine: difference from l-carnitine, instructions for use

Acetyl l-carnitine is a substance that improves the cognitive abilities of the brain. It is often confused with l-carnitine. Both compounds have similar chemical structures but differ in their mechanisms of action. Acetylcarnitine is generally well tolerated. However, there are contraindications to its use. The connection can also cause side effects. Before taking acetyl carnitine, you need to study in detail what it is, its properties, and what it is needed for. Posted by: foshka88
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04.03.2019 / 14:29

L-carnitine harm and side effects for health

Everyone involved in sports experiences stress, in order to withstand it, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, minerals and energy. Disputes often arise about which supplement is healthier and does not cause harm. One of these dietary supplements is L-carnitine, a natural amino acid found in free form in red meat and dairy products, including cheeses. It is produced in the body with the help of other substances - lysine and methionine, they belong to the B vitamins. Posted by: foshka88
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01.03.2019 / 13:20

Why and who needs protein?

There is a misconception that proteins are anabolic steroids and cause concern, but these are the same proteins, similar to natural microelements synthesized in the human body. This is a mixture of biological macromolecules combined with fats (lipids), sugars (carbohydrates), nucleic acids that support metabolism and build muscle mass. They are well absorbed and help increase loads. Posted by: foshka88
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26.02.2019 / 12:13

Basic principles rational nutrition

Proper nutrition and adherence to the regime is the key to health, beauty and longevity. You need to take care of your body on time by playing sports, taking vitamins and following correct mode nutrition - basics healthy image life. No additional vitamins or medications can replace the necessary microelements obtained from food. The basic principles of rational nutrition are the same for everyone. But the menu is compiled depending on the purpose. Posted by: foshka88
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27.01.2018 / 14:35

Lose weight without hunger: secrets of proper nutrition

To get rid of excess weight, you need to adhere to a properly balanced diet. It's not always bland buckwheat and dry chicken breast. You can eat nourishingly, deliciously and at the same time lose weight. You can eat nourishingly, deliciously and at the same time lose weight. Proper nutrition is not a grueling diet for 1-2 weeks with short-term results, it should be a way of life and a healthy habit. Posted by: Ksune4ka
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16.01.2018 / 10:47

An effective protein diet for a week - simple and quick way lose weight

Often, due to an irrationally designed menu, training schedule, or even switching to a low-calorie diet, they lead to a return to the lost kilograms, which can even double. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is worth switching to a balanced diet based on protein. Posted by: Milovica
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22.12.2017 / 09:37

Lose weight in a week: fast and effective method

There are diets designed for months. But what to do if you need to lose weight in a short time and so that the kilograms do not return immediately after finishing the diet? There are also such ways - express weight loss forever. Posted by: Ksune4ka
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28.05.2017 / 00:38

Ginger for weight loss: simple recipes with photo

Many girls use ginger to lose weight and make their figure more ideal; this spicy root has a unique effect, it helps improve metabolic processes in the body, and also burns fat faster, which allows you to lose weight quite quickly. Below we will tell you in more detail about how ginger is used for weight loss according to the recipe. Posted by: Anaid
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29.03.2017 / 12:29

Weight loss porridges that burn fat in a week

Many people have heard about the usefulness of cereals since childhood. They ate at home, then in the garden; at school they also often served porridge, especially for breakfast. Are there any porridges for weight loss that burn fat? It is clear that it is cereal that is nourishing, tasty and most importantly healthy breakfast. But what weight loss porridges that burn fat can you eat?

These tricks are for those who don't want to reduce portion sizes and constantly monitor their calorie intake. Experiment with new tips that will help you avoid gaining weight and help others lose weight.

Trick 1. Lemon juice

Don't underestimate the power of natural lemon juice for weight loss. It is a natural fat burner. Add lemon juice (freshly squeezed) to vegetable or fruit salads, as well as desserts. Lemon juice also helps you feel full for a long time.

Trick 2. Goat's milk cheese

Replace regular cheese with goat cheese. This product has fewer calories. Besides, goat cheese contains the amount of protein necessary for the body. Add goat cheese to your breakfast, make sandwiches and salads with it. If you can’t find goat cheese on sale, then at least switch to Feta cheese or feta cheese - this is also a healthy alternative hard cheeses high in fat. In general, anyone soft cheese more preferable than hard cheese (soft cheeses are not processed cheese!).

Trick 3. Milk

Do you want your metabolism to always work at its best? maximum speed? Drink skim milk in the afternoon. Milk will provide the right amount of protein without the extra calories. Make skim milk your drink of the day, it will keep you from feeling hungry and body fat will disappear.

Trick 4. Exotic flavors

Doctors from the Chicago Research Foundation say that exotic tastes signal to our brains that we are full. Use a variety of spices to complement your daily meals to become leaner. Snacks and meals will become tastier and richer for you; you will not automatically increase portions, which happens very often when you get used to certain foods.

Trick 5. Bananas

It is wrong to think that bananas make you fat. They are, of course, high in calories and contain sugar. But scientists say that bananas can still help you lose weight quickly. One study (Chicago Research Foundation) confirms that bananas help you control your appetite by sending a signal of satiety to the brain very quickly. It is better to have a snack with a banana than with a sandwich, since a banana, as a rule, is limited to a snack, the body is immediately satiated, and after the sandwich the feeling of hunger still remains, and you have to “get it.”

Trick 6. Cauliflower and green beans

Try preparing dishes by combining these two simple ingredients. Dishes made from cauliflower and green beans increase metabolism and burn fat. You can make a whole day on these two foods, but first, find 3-4 recipes online to keep your meals varied and without the need for snacks.

Trick 7. Persimmon

Incredible delicious fruits! And they contain only 70 calories. Persimmon can be an excellent dessert, and not at all dangerous for your figure, even if you eat such a “dessert” in kilograms. Persimmons can also be added to salads. The only pity is that this is a seasonal fruit and cannot be found on the shelves around the clock.

Trick 8. Yellow vegetables

Everyone has heard that green vegetables are the healthiest. But not only. It turns out there is, by at least, two yellow products worth checking out. First of all, these are yellow tomatoes. Yellow tomatoes contain only 15 calories, their unusual color will help diversify the menu, and taste qualities- the same. Also pay attention to the yellow beans. It helps burn fat, provides essential fiber, and is not as high in calories as white beans.

Trick 9. Champignons

Champignons can be turned into a low-calorie dish from an ordinary dish. Add them to salads and side dishes. Champignons contain only 26 calories (per serving) and are rich in healthy minerals and carbohydrates. But the main thing is that they allow you to lose weight.

Trick 10. Flounder

There is no need to remind you about the benefits of fish dishes. But for some reason we often ignore flounder. But this is one of the cheapest fish. But for little money you get the omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and proteins necessary for the fat burning process.

Trick 11. Give yourself 2 weeks

Our kidneys need time to adapt to any new eating behavior. Therefore, they will not be comfortable right away vegetable dishes, if you've been eating pasta and cutlets all your life. Once the kidneys get used to rich in vitamins food, you will immediately notice that you can eat more healthy food every day than before. It takes at least 2 weeks for the kidneys to adapt.

Trick 12. You can have chips, but not all of them

Chips lovers don't have to give up these products. You just need to replace store-bought ones with homemade chips. After all, additives, flavorings, unknown oil and salt make store-bought chips harmful. Homemade chips may not have all this, but homemade chips are no less tasty. For homemade chips, you will use only the best vegetables, quality olive oil and remove excess oil on a napkin. Try making homemade beets, carrots, potato chips and celery root or parsley chips.

Trick 13. Poultry instead of pork

Remove unfavorite dishes from the menu, not healthy foods. For example, you can leave bacon and fried meats in your diet, but replace pork with chicken or turkey. Chicken is lower in calories and contains less fat, but still gives sufficient quantity squirrel. Your loved ones will not even realize that the menu has changed, just make a healthier replacement.

Trick 14. Healthy sauces

If you use healthy dressings, you won’t have to worry too much about the large amount of fat you eat. Read trick #1 about lemon juice again. By combining lemon juice with herbs, adding low-fat yogurt, you get good sauce for meat. Season instead of mayonnaise olive oil with mustard.

Trick 15: Rinse canned vegetables

Canned beans, corn, green pea- delicious components of salads and side dishes, but they contain a lot of salt and sugar. Just rinse them in a colander before cooking. About one-third of the salt, sugar and flavorings can be reduced this way. And this is a good help for losing weight.

Many people want to lose weight and lose excess weight However, not everyone has the desire to regularly exercise, control their diet and carry out various procedures. All these methods do not give quick results and require a lot of time, patience and willpower. Therefore, scientists, doctors, pharmacists and other specialists are constantly coming up with something new in losing weight.

New weight loss products are released regularly, among them are:

  1. Microcrystalline cellulose. This product is fiber with the addition of microelements and vitamins. It is available in tablets. Helps normalize digestion, removes toxins, reduces appetite and cleanses the intestines. The advantages of this product include: relatively low cost and quick loss of several kilograms. Disadvantages: the need for fasting, that is, depriving the body of necessary elements, harm to health, weight gain after stopping use.
  2. Drugs that suppress hunger. They are released in various types: capsules, tablets, preparations, aromatic mixtures, etc. The advantages of taking such drugs: reducing single portions of food without feeling discomfort from this, when combined with physical activity - improving your figure, changing eating habits and behavior. The disadvantages of using such drugs include the danger of taking drugs for health, the presence of caffeine, which negatively affects the heart.
  3. Thai pills based on phentermine. This substance has a psychotropic effect, weight loss is a side effect.
  4. Various teas for weight loss. The vast majority of these teas have a diuretic and laxative effect. They usually contain horsetail, senna, lingonberry, burdock, activated carbon, beetroot concentrate and other similar components. When using such products, water is removed from the body, which gives the effect of quickly losing kilograms. However, along with water, minerals are removed from the tissues, which can lead to cramps. Such drugs usually give short-term unstable results; after stopping use, the weight quickly gains again.
  5. Fat burners. Remedies that are promoted as activating metabolism will only work with significant physical activity. In addition, such drugs are quite expensive.
  6. Protein shakes. At regular classes sports, such means promote faster muscle growth, which affects metabolism and has a positive effect on the figure. The advantages include relative harmlessness, and the disadvantages include the need for physical activity.
  7. Sculptural means. They are produced in the form of creams, serums, and gels to target problem areas of the body. They contain algae extracts, caffeine, substances that increase skin tone, and retinol. They are used for massages. For greater effectiveness, it is worth using such products every day, as well as using various massagers, hard washcloths and other devices. Some products are designed to be applied to problem areas. The effect of them is not too noticeable, but there is no harm from their use.
  8. Special underwear. Its action is based on micromassage using a special fabric and creating a greenhouse effect. Wearing special underwear gives noticeable results when playing sports. At the same time, gynecologists do not recommend wearing such underwear, as it leads to increased proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and overheating of the female genital organs and kidneys.

New diets for weight loss

Junger's diet

Among the new diets for weight loss, one can highlight the diet proposed by nutritionist Alejandro Junger. The methodology he proposed is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Eliminates toxins and harmful substances. Junger recommends avoiding synthetic clothing, substances that cause allergies, and harmful cosmetics.

Limiting or completely eliminating foods that negatively affect the mucous membranes. These include eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

Special regime. To prevent food from stagnating, fermenting and rotting, it is recommended to take a break of at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast.

Varied food.

Meditations. Junger says they need to be done every day.

Sufficient amount of clean drinking water, at least two liters per day.

Cleansing the body with enemas.

The Junger diet is divided into 2 stages. The first of them is called preparatory. It involves preparing a person for the principles of diet, healthy eating and good habits. It takes from 3 days to several weeks. At the main stage there is a complete transition to a diet. Junger divides foods into those that are allowed and those that need to be excluded. The first group includes seasonings, fruits and berries, buckwheat, millet, juices diluted with water, low-fat fish, chicken, lamb, nuts, seeds, etc. It is recommended to exclude cream, potatoes, oranges, strawberries, chocolate, tea and coffee from the diet, alcoholic drinks, ketchup, margarine, smoked meats, sausages and other similar products. During preparatory stage It is recommended to eat permitted foods, but at a person’s usual time. In the main period, they prepare three times daily: in the morning - a liquid dish, at lunch - a second dish, for example, turkey with a side dish, for dinner - again a liquid dish. Snacks between meals can contain fresh berries, fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Paleo diet

The name of this one is relative new diet for weight loss comes from the name ancient period, although it was already invented in modern form. The Paleo diet involves eating only natural products: berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs. Meals should be small in volume, and your lifestyle should be active. It is recommended to give up fast carbohydrates, restaurant meals, and fast food. You can also eat meat, but it should be as low-fat as possible.

In other words, the principles of the Paleo diet are to create conditions similar to those in which ancient people lived. However, it is worth noting that such a diet is not suitable for people with digestive problems. In addition, if you follow it, you should regularly drink vitamins and microelements.

The benefits of the paleo diet include normalizing metabolism, lowering cholesterol, and increasing resistance to stress.

New drugs for weight loss

IN last years Many new weight loss drugs have been released.

  1. Reduxin. This drug reduces hunger and improves mood. Its advantages include its rather low price, and its disadvantages include addiction, a large number of contraindications.
  2. Xenical. Manufacturers claim that this drug prevents the absorption of fats, but in practice it has been found that the absorption of fats when taking this drug only decreases by a third. Xenical is not addictive, but it impairs intestinal function and can cause indigestion.
  3. Yarislim. The drug reduces weight, improves metabolism and reduces appetite. At regular use it helps normalize liver function and strengthen the immune system.
  4. Meridia. It increases the body's calorie intake and reduces appetite. The disadvantages of this drug include addiction, psychotropic effects and possible serious side effects, including death. Therefore, the product can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Monastic collection or tea for weight loss. The effect of the product is not very pronounced and is based on the presence in the composition of various medicinal plants, selected in such a way that they enhance each other’s effects.
  6. Bomb No. 1. Manufacturers claim that this drug can reduce body fat. However, it has quite a lot of contraindications and side effects, such as vomiting, weakness, stool disorders, nausea, headaches.

New weight loss methods

Drinks for weight loss

One of the new methods of losing weight is a drink released by the company Coca Cola. It contains caffeine, green tea and calcium. According to the manufacturer, the components of the drink promote fat burning, but this has not been scientifically confirmed.

Injections for weight loss

Another new method of losing weight is special injections. When the drug is administered, the flow of blood and, consequently, nutrients to the adipose tissue is disrupted, which leads to its death. This method may harm the kidneys and cause other side effects.


This method of losing weight is based on the fact that a person is sewn in just below chest a special electrical stimulator that creates a discharge that gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach. As a result, a person eats less and loses weight.


Modern science helps you control your diet and count its calorie content. Today, all you need to do is simply take a photo of a dish, and your phone will calculate the calories it contains. The phone is also capable of tracking daily calorie intake.


This new method weight loss is based on the destruction of fat cells when exposed to low temperatures.

New weight loss techniques

Scientists have long been looking for a way to easily and quickly lose weight. As a result, more and more new weight loss techniques are appearing. Some of the latest are the following:

Molecular weight loss

The technique is based on the activation of the lipase enzyme responsible for the breakdown of fat. As a result, this enzyme can be activated at the right time, and it will burn all incoming fat. This technique is still in the testing stage and has not yet reached the masses.

Losing weight with scents

The essence of the technique is that there are no dietary restrictions, but all food must be smelled for some time before consumption. You can also inhale the smell of special flavors that suppress appetite. Flavors that reduce hunger include rose, apple, banana, lavender and mint. This technique is quite unusual.

Money diet

This weight loss technique involves asking a group of people who want to lose weight to put together a certain amount of money. After this, they begin to lose weight. Based on the results of the month, the person who has lost the most, or those who have lost the agreed amount of kilograms, receives the money. This method of losing weight is suitable for gambling people.

For weight loss today - the samurai diet. It is not only the most effective, but also the most radical, the fastest and at the same time the healthiest.

Invented this diet Reginald Grünenberg, born in 1963; author, publisher, businessman, traveler, inventor and expert on Japan.

He lived for many years in Japan, where he invented the method fast weight loss and tried it on myself!

And at the same time, in 3 weeks I lost 16 kg of excess weight.

While in Japan, Reginald heard a legend from the 16th century about the samurai Matsumoto, who did not deny himself anything, but when he had to fulfill his duty, he

  • I became slim, strong and resilient in just 3 weeks!

The most effective diet for weight loss is the samurai diet

3 main pillars of the diet: fast, (with dumbbells)! - Short, tough and the most effective diet!

1. Not only very short period You can lose weight, but after the diet you can get stronger and become more resilient!

2. Having lost weight using the samurai diet, you don’t have to be afraid that the lost kilograms will return!

Even you are on whole year If you forget about diets and enjoy life, you will be guaranteed a stable weight for the whole year. But even if you gain a few extra pounds, you have at your disposal the knowledge of how to achieve this quickly and effectively!

3. And one more positive point - the more often you repeat the diet (no more than once a year), the easier it is to stick with it.

The samurai diet is very simple:

  • Fast for 2 weeks
  • 1 hour of running per day
  • 30 minutes of gymnastics
  • drink a lot

The result is amazing:

  • hunger disappears
  • energy appears
  • the body becomes stronger and healthier

10 kg in 2 weeks - weight loss!

Features - absence of any features, no recipes, no mental attitudes...
What is required, as the inventor of the diet himself says, is:

  • overweight (just kidding!)
  • a pair of sneakers
  • strength of will
  • and no disease required!

He is confident that muscle building occurs solely due to the burning of internal fat.

He is convinced that “As long as a person runs, he will not go hungry!”

His argument is quite convincing:

Those who eat less experience less hunger.

And yes! - the one who fasts, muscle mass contracts - but only if the body is at rest. He recommends running every day and lifting dumbbells.

This starts the processes:

  • burning body fat,
  • muscle building
  • and stimulation of all organs, including the brain.
  • At this time, the entire metabolic system is rebuilt.

And more positive aspects: the diet is very cheap, you will have a lot of time - you don’t need to cook!

Cons of the Samurai Diet

  • This diet can only be recommended to a limited circle.
  • For people who are very overweight, have illnesses, or are unsportsmanlike, it’s better not to think about it!

For whom is the samurai diet suitable - and for whom is it not suitable?

The samurai diet is a challenge for body and spirit.

1. It is not suitable for people with very heavy weight;
2. Not suitable for people without sports experience;
3. Fundamentally, you must be healthy!

Be sure to do the research and tell your doctor about your intentions!

  1. Ideally, a person already has running experience. Or played another sport.
    If a person is healthy, but has not been involved in sports, then this deficiency should be leveled out with the help of an eight-week preparatory phase, including a sports program: running and gymnastics.
  2. Women should pay attention to their cycle when dieting as a samurai.
    The ideal start to the samurai diet for women is between the 5th and 10th day after the last menstrual period.
  3. During pregnancy, the samurai diet should never be practiced! The same is true during breastfeeding.
  4. If during the diet you feel pain in the joints or attacks of weakness, then the diet should be interrupted!

But if you have already started, then...

No exceptions! One apple and that's it! You ruined everything! - the body has stopped rebooting its metabolism.

Worth taking note!

1. During a diet, a person fasts. Movement is important during fasting.

Fasting does not harm the body or heart of healthy people.

Study participants at the Charité in Berlin engaged in moderate exercise during a 21-day fast.

At the beginning and at the end, the endurance and strength of the heart muscle were examined - it increased by 20%.

2. During fasting, cholesterol levels rise.

Reason: Fasting means hunger and stress. The body releases more cholesterol and allows it to use fat instead of sugar as an energy source.

3. Having a bowel movement makes a lot of sense at the beginning of a fast.

The body “knows” then that it needs to switch to nutrition from within, and the feeling of hunger disappears.
With laxative salts or sauerkraut juice, bowel movements will occur without problems.

4. A good mood rises during fasting.

A hormone is produced Have a good mood serotonin, and the level of the stress hormone cortisol decreases.

Samurai diet

I. You can eat and drink: