Paronims for example. What are paronyms? Paronims in Russian

"Awesome", "Naison" - two words, we confuse so-like ... I want to add: and not only them. Yes, in Russian, rich and complex, there are a great many twin words, or, more precisely, words doubles, which are externally similar, but absolutely different inside. Let's not walk around and about, but let's say directly: we are talking about paronyms. And what are paronyms? Examples of their use, or rather, "collisions" in speech, oral and written .... about this and not only in this article.

On practice

We read the news: "Created in the country single The competent authority to investigate economic crimes. It seems that everything is true. And if so: "Created in the country only The competent authority that will investigate economic crimes "? Meaning changes? And how! The word "single", acting in this context, as "common with inner unity", and the word "only" - "exceptional, only one" - these are two completely different lexical units - the words-paronyms whose interchange can be the same Saying to change is unrecognizable.

Or here is another case from life. IN children's garden In the locker room on the wall hangs a poster: "An autumn contest is announced fake" A spelling error or not, but it turned out a peculiar game of paronyms. "Crafts" is the result of creative work and "fake" - fake, fake thing. What did it led to? Error, serious and funny at the same time. It turns out that children can not only make amazing things with their own hands, but they have already learned and skillfully fake them, and even compete in this "art". This is how the question is what paronyms are in practice. But at least "dry, my friend, theory everywhere, and the tree of life is a magnificent green", the theory is still needed ....

What is "word-paronyms"

So, theory ... What are paronyms and what they eat? In literal translation with greek "Paronym" means "close name" (onyma - name, para - near, nearby). In other words, these are lexemes, close, similar "face" - for pronunciation, in sound, according to the general root, in lexico-grammatical affiliation, but without any "related ties" - partially or completely different in meaning. We will analyze several examples: diplomatic (related to the implementation of external international policies of a state) - diplomatic (skillful, flexible, subtle); draw (write, specify, outline, determine) - draw (make a scheme or drawing); Duck (to be less acute or becoming indifferent, unresponsible) - to eat (do stupid: "Fly knife"). Here is what paronyms. Examples speak for themselves. Close in meaning or, on the contrary, completely different paronyms: to get confused in their use is quite easy. Therefore, if there are the slightest doubts about which of the two similar words it is better to use, do not be lazy and look into the dictionary. What? About it speech will go further.

Problems of paronymy

Dictionaries are different. There is a dictionary of paronims. What is a dictionary of paronyms? In modern Russian, there are not so many paronyms. For the first time, the "Dictionary of Russian Paronimes" was published in Tbilisi in 1971 edited by N. P. Kolesnikov. It contains consonant pairs of words similar in morphological composition, but having different meaning. Later, in 1984, another "dictionary of Russian Paronimes" Vishnyakova OV, in which she allocated about a thousand paronymical rows. Many this or a little - the concept is relative, one thing is important: you can not like their role and value, otherwise we cannot avoid the mass of speech errors and the information of the general meaning of the above or written to zero.

To study the problems of paronymy in Russian linguistics in different years, such scientists as N. P. Kolesnikov, A. A. Evgrafova, O.V. Vishnyakova, Yu. A. Belchikov and many others. But despite the huge amount scientific work, modern linguists still did not work out a single look at many questions. This also applies to the question of what paronyms, the definition also affects the nature of the paronimic phenomena, and the production of certain criteria for the inclusion of certain words into the paronimic rows. In this regard, the question of the classification of paronyms is invariably, a kind of streamlining a considerable number of lexical units.

Structural and semantic separation of paronyms

Immediately, we note that these classifications adhere to such scientists, such as O. V. Vishnyakova, V. I. Red and V. N. Shtybin. According to her, paronyms are four species:

  1. Full paronyms (earthwood - earth, spiritual - brave, stripped - sneak), i.e. it is words that have one root, close in sound, with an emphasis on the same syllable, but reconcitable by value.
  2. Incomplete paronims (comic - comical, dogmatic - dogmatical, dramatic - dramatic), i.e. it is single-corpus words, "in which the semantic spreading of the values \u200b\u200bis not completed completely, which causes them to rapproche", or, in other words, words in this or Other paronymic pair remain synonymous in value.
  3. Partial paronyms (residues - remains, provide - submit), i.e., words are different in meaning, but having one root and similar sounding.
  4. Conditional paronyms (excavator - escalator, drill - trill, antinomy - antimony), i.e., words formed from different roots, but similar in sound, which leads to erroneous consumption.

Functional and semantic division of paronyms

O. P. Antipina proposed its classification. It was she who, in her opinion, quite fully displays such a layer of lexical units, like paronyms, because paronymia is, first of all, the phenomenon is speech. According to the words of the words in speech, two groups of paronyms are distinguished:

  1. Recurrente - these are words-paronyms similar in sound and by value, which leads to their erroneous mixing in speech. They, in turn, are divided into single-cornered and midwelry (handicraft - craft).
  2. Occaissional is paronymis words, similar to sound, but absolutely different in the value that "are created and entered into paronymic relationships only in context." They also have one-angry (removable - shooting) and midlock (envy - to manage).

Morphological division of paronyms

In this classification, three types of paronyms are distinguished:

  1. Suffix - these are paronyms that are formed using such suffixes like -N /---in-one, -Ast, -Sask / -n, - And others (compliant - chase, gardening - gardening, enchanting - enchanting). By the way, most of this group of paronyms is adjectives.
  2. Prefixal - these are paronyms formed by attachment to the root of the words of prefixes, phonetically consonant / pro-, o- /- (Act - misconduct, absorb - swallow).
  3. Roots are paronyms that have different roots and meaning, but similar sound. This group, as a rule, includes nouns (lizard - Lush, dictation - dictate, ignorant - Nevezh).

What is homonyms and paronyms

Paronimov has another name - "false homonyms." Why are false and why homonyms? Omonimi - these are words that have an absolutely identical writing, sound, but different meanings: schedule (work plan) - schedule (artist), smooth (variety of embroidery) - smooth (smooth surface); Spit (instrument of labor) - Spit (braided hair), etc. From examples, it can be seen that unlike homonyms, paronyms are similar, but not the same: artistic - artistic, rocky - stone, mystical - mystical.

False friends translator

And at the conclusion of the topic "What is paronyms" would like to mention another interesting phenomenon, which is called intersective paronymia. In other words, there may be lexical units of not only one language in a paronimic pair. Words from different languages \u200b\u200bsometimes coincide in pronunciation, but have different meanings. Such cases are not uncommon, and especially often they are observed between related languages: Misto (Ukr.) - City, not a place; Godlivius (Ukr.) - Beautiful, not ugly; Sklep (Polish.) - Shop, not a crypt; Nalog (Polish) - bad habit, not tax; Mist (eng.) - Fog, Mist (German) - Manure.

And one more bright example. The Ukrainian poet V. Sosyri has a line "On the Ryas Dzveng Tram". So, once the Russian poet Mikhail Svetlov, when translated into Russian, handed it out as "tram ranks". What sounds beautiful, but it is meaningless, and, as K. Chukovsky noted, "Creative Physiomy Sosura" appeared to readers in very unsightly form. What caused the translator? The answer is one - interlocking paronyms, or, as they are also called, "False friends of the translator." The combination of "Rose" is the proposed case of the Ukrainian word "RІG" - an angle, but no word "Rose".

We hope that the article on the topic "What is paronyms" helped to deal with such an ambiguous issue, and you will be with paronims to keep the Ear Egor ...

Hello, dear blog readers Website. There are so-called "false brothers" in Russian.

These are the same or close to the sound of the word, but which have fundamentally different meanings. Officially, they are called paronyms.

The term is Greek - like many others who are responsible for the beauty of the language, whether it is an allegory (?) Or, metaphor (?) And so on. The literal translation consists of two half: "Para" (nearby, near, equally) and "Onyma" (name), that is, you can say " same name».

What is paronyms on the examples

Paronims are words similar to sound, but differing in meaning and meaning.

Most often we are talking about single words, but which have different consoles and suffixes (this phenomenon is called paronymia). And depending on this, the meaning is changing radically (or only slightly).

  1. Mudret and wise. In the first case, it means to gain a mind, it becomes more intellectually developed, and in the second we are talking about overwhelming ideas. There are even shades of different, positive "mudret" and a negative "wise."
  2. General and General. In the first case, we are talking about a specific military rank, for example, the general order or general uniform, and in the second - the words "main, solid", for example, the general plan or general staff.
  3. Subscription and subscriber. In the first case, we are talking about the right to use anything or document that implies this right. For example, concert or library subscriptions. But the second word is a person who owns this subscription. For example, a telephone network subscriber, a subscriber account).

From these examples, it is also possible to conclude that any parts of the sentence can be paronims. In the first case, this is a verb, in the second - definition, in the third - noun.

There are not one-sided paronyms (this phenomenon is called paronomasia). Many people such words on ignorance seem close to meaning or coinciding. As an example, the name of the popular TV transmission and others:

  1. Let's go and eat - These are two verbs, but formed from different words. The first is derived from "go", and the second is from "eat".
  2. Polis and Pole - The first word means a specific document, and the second is the point on the map or anywhere.
  3. Clarinet and Kornet. - The first is a musical instrument, and the second is an outdated military rank.

The most problematic paronyms

There are a number of similar words that we often use in everyday life. But at the same time, many continue to confuse their meanings, and accordingly, they say not what they wanted. Or look bad in the eyes of other, more educated interlocutors.

Dressed - to wear

Probably the most "painful" paronym. We just need to remember once and forever - we dress someone, but put on yourself. Or differently - a lifestyle is always clothes, but put in inanimate. For example, "Grandma wore grandson" and "Lady put on a hat."

Immigration - Emigration

Entry to another country, and departure from your own. For example, "he immigrated to England" and "he emigrated from Russia."

Address - Address

Both words are associated with postal shipments. Only the addressee is the one who gets. And addict - who sends.

Hygienic - hygienic

Again, the words are similar in meaning and relate to hygiene. But hygienic is about rules and means, such as hygienic cream or hygienic working conditions. And hygienic - about some subject that complies with the rules of hygiene (hygienic shoes).

Diplomat - Discomant

In the first case, we are talking about an employee of the embassy or a variety of a suitcase. But the diplomas call people who participated in some event and received a diploma for it.

Guaranteed and warranty

Guaranteed - this is something approved that it is not doubtful to what can always be calculated (guaranteed income, guaranteed result). A warranty - containing a guarantee (letter, contract, service).

Selective and elected

The first word implies some of something, most often you can hear "selective check". The second is always connected with elections and voting.

Economic, economical and economical

The essence of three words are the same - they mean the ability to spend less, save the means. Only economical is about inanimate objects. For example, an economical kettle, that is, consisting less energy. But economical belongs to people (economical hostess). Finally, the word "economic" characterize global processes (economic crisis).

Paronima dictionary with words

As I said above, there are still in Russian paronyms that are similar on each other's sound. But at the same time they have nothing more common - different rootMiscellaneous meaning. For example:

  1. Excavator and escalator
  2. Virage and stained glass

Often such words can be found, of course, in poetry. Where rhyme is used. For example, Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin:

Nulling Wide Bolivar, Onegin rides on the boulevard.

At the exam, it is important to be able to distinguish all these paronyms and understand their meaning. Therefore, in a separate page, I cite that will be very useful in preparation.

Well, of course, there will be no videos on this topic:

That's all you need to know about paronyms. I hope it was interesting and useful.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Subscription - Subscriber Subscription. Document,

maintaining the right to service, the use of Schollibo, as well as the right of this: Library subscription; Subscription to the theater; Subscription for a concert. Subscriber. He who uses subscription: Library subscriber, telephone network; The subscriber does not respond; Neat subscriber.

Badless - inflated inflated. Unhappy,

deligent (People's Poetic.): Badless man, friend, head, fate, fate, love. Celebrate. Not having talent, meditarian: inflated writer, artist, book, specialist, critic, engineer.

Stray - stray vagabond. Tramping belonging, peculiar to vagabond: Stray appeal, character, temper, friend. Stray. Constantly moving from place to place, nomading: stray () musician, nature, troupe, hunter.

Weekday - everyday life. Not a festive, worker: Weekly (Say, - it) day, time, it's time. Budnic. Designed for everyday, casual, mobular: everyday (s) work, business, event, care, dress, suit; as well as: monotonous, irresponsible, gray, bladder: everyday (s) voice, atmosphere, answer, life.

Inhale (inhale) - sigh (sigh) inhales.

Difficult breathing: breathe fresh air, oxygen, smoke, smell of flowers. In a figurative meaning: inhale the strength in the comrade. Sigh. Make sighs: sigh with relief: as well as: relax, stay: sigh after running.

Military - militant militant.

Hollowed by the military spirit, brave: warlike (- -th, s) people, nomads, country, tribes, state; And also: the characteristic of the Warrior, decisive, ready for a collision: Martial posture, militant attacks, militant character, tone, dispute. *Militant. Active, irreconcilable: Warmland, Humanist, Powers, Idealism, Materialism.

Memories - Reminder Memories. Mysterious reproduction of something, preserved in mind: Memories of the play; wake memories; indulgence And also: Notes or stories about the past: Literary memories, write memories. Reminder. Appeal resembling something: a secondary reminder, a reminder of the director, not waiting for reminders.

Ugly - a gady ugly. Very bad, nasty; Disgust: a nasty person, a deed; Ugly lie, cigar, weather. Thanks. Full disgust, squeezing to Komulichi: a gady gesture, a look: a gady feeling, an animal.

Warranty - guaranteed warranty.

Harmonic - harmonious harmonic.

Harmony (Muses): Harmonic (Muz.) Major, Tones, Sheet, Processing, Style, Escort) as well as: proportionate, filled with harmony: harmonic (- one, - ie) Man, figure, society, proportion, integer, development. Harmonic. The same as harmonic in meaning: proportionate, filled with harmony. Harmonious person; harmonious society; Harmonious performance, verse.

Heroism - Heroic - heroism heroism. Heroic Spirit

an image of action inherent in the hero: Labor heroism; heroism of the people; female heroism; Heroism partisans. Heroic. Heroic content, heroic side in activities, events: heroic of struggle, labor, life, everyday life, era, time. Heroism. Heroian behavior: to show heroism: soldier heroism; True heroism, boast heroism.

Hypothesis - hypothetism of the hypothesis. Scientific assumption, not yet proven: to push the hypothesis: scientific hypothesis; inconsistency of the hypothesis; fantastic hypothesis; Hypothesis about the origin of life. Hypothetism. Estimation: hypothetism of judgment, version, approval, theory.

The main is the title chief. The most important, main: main street, problem, thought, care, role; as well as: senior position: chief physician, accountant. Title. Targetful to the title, the title: title () sheet, page, role, story, letter.

Angry - angry amply. Inclined to anger

hot-tempered: an ammusful person, an old man, a boss, nature, character, creature. Effected by anger: about any man in a state of anger; And also: anger caused by anger, expressing anger: an angry look, tone, answer, protest.

Naked - voice darling. Possessing a strong, sonorous voice: volatile (s) guy, singer, commander, duet, crowd, nightingale. Golamova. Personal: voice ligaments, data, muscles, exercises. Greothawable - proud proud. Expressing his own superiority and dignity, apparent: proud posture, gait, smile, woman, soul. Performed self-esteem: proud person, character, view. Gardeness - Pride Pride. Self-esteem, self-esteem: a sense of pride; National pride; Pride fulfilled, maiden pride. Pride. Exorbitant pride: pride is exorbitant, damned; Pride of attachment, Yunza.

Humanism - humanity humanism. Humanity, humanity in public activities, in relation to people: genuine humanism; Christian humanism; preach, defend humanism; fight for humanism; and: progressive movement of the Renaissance, who had the goal of the liberation of the personality from the feudal and church oppression: Italian humanism; Humanism of France; Supporter of humanism. Humanity. The same as humanism in meaning: humanity, good attitude to the KKOU, or the humanity of the doctor, the winner; tearful humanity; sense of humanity; Herald of humanity.

Humanistic - humane humanistic.

Humanist (in the meanworld: Supporter, representative of humanism); Humanism is characteristic: humanistic (-th, -th, ya), book, dramaturgy, science, idea, thought, society, principles, beliefs, goal: as well as: relating to humanism as the course of the Renaissance: Humanistic ideal, principle. Humane. Human, responsive, cultural: humane man, law, system, principle; Humane thought, science, reform, profession. The car is a gift. Obtained as a gift: a darken thing; Darken horse. Received by gift, free: giving passage, work, carpenter, bread, performance, ticket.

Engine - Engine propulsion. The machine that turns any kind of energy into a mechanical, leading in motion anything: steam engine; internal combustion engine; rocket engine; and also: force promoting growth, development (figurative meaning): work - engine of science and culture; Progress engine; Powerful engine. Propulsion (special). Device that provides movement (aircraft screw, car wheel): automotive vehicle, ship, powerful.

Double - dual - split double. Twice as large: double portion; double care; double price; Also: consisting of two items, parts: double lining; double bottom; Double surname; as well as: dual, dual-friendly: double politics, tactics, game. Dual. Leaning and in one and the other way; Contradictory: Dual attitude, opinion, feeling, behavior. Forked. Divided in half: a split hoof, split chin; as well as: lost internal unity: split consciousness; split character; split thought.

Businesswittered - business - a good business. Explanatory,

serious, enterprising: a business worker; businesslike view; A businesswit gait. Business. Opening activities, work: business, meeting, language, considerations, mystery, qualities, documents. Able to serious work: a good worker, owner, small; as well as: a serious, deserving: a delight project: a similar study; sentence.

Defective - defective defective. Having physical or mental disadvantages: a defective child. Defective. Spoiled, with defect: defective product; Defective copy of the book.

Dynamics - dynamics of dynamics. Section of mechanics

learning laws of motion tel: Gas dynamics; solid dynamics; lectures on dynamics; as well as: the course of development, changes of some kind of nibuddiction: budget dynamics; narration dynamics; process dynamics; as well as: movement, action, development: the dynamics of the plot, events. Dynamicity. Saturation by movement, action: dynamism of dance, actor games, narration, dialogue, rhythm.

Diplomatic - diplomatic diplomatic.

Diplomat and Diplomat: Diplomatic (Aya, - -th) representative, relations, service, corps, etiquette, inviolability, scandal; as well as: finely calculated, clever, evasive: diplomatic response, act, step, move .Diplomatic. The same as the diplomatic in the second sense: a diplomatic response, a deed, step, move; And also: careful, soft, polite: diplomatic person. The long - long-term long. Having a large length; Height: long stick; Long alley; long man (talk); as well as: long-term: long report; Long pause; Long song. Alive. Long ongoing: Long-term, -th, siege) term, struggle, siege, truce, stay, silence, friendship, searches, treatment.

Good - kind good. Benign, durable: good-quality goods, costume, house; As well as: Highlighting High Indicators: Good Vintage, Dinner. Good. Making good, carrier, close, noble: good person, character, look, deed, buddy.

Trustee is a trustful trust.

Showing confidence in someone: confidential tone, voice, gesture, look. Hood. Easily trusting; Based on trust: Hall child, beast, temper, look, gesture, tone, question.

Unit - the only one is a single one. Only one, the only one; Separate: single case, episode, drive. Only. Only one: the only son, friend, subject, day, fact, theater. Single. General, United: Single Gusting, Front, Plan; as well as in negative structures: one: not a single word.

Wanted - desirable desired. Such whom they want to be waiting for: welcome guest; desired news; desired future; And also: Cute, dear: desired friend, son. The desired, relevant desires, interests: the desired solution, event, quality, event; The desired guest, talk.

Stiffness - cruelty rigidity. Hardness, rudeness (about

subject): hair rigidity, fabric; as well as: rigor, unconditional (overrun): rigidity of measures, character, games; rigidity in voice. Cruelty. Ruthlessness, merciless: the cruelty of struggle, violence, truth; tendency to cruelty; Cruelty savages.

Life - everyday life. Referring to the life:

life conditions, contradictions; life experience, process, path; Also: Close to life, to reality: Life image, story; Life scenery: as well as: important to life, socially necessary: \u200b\u200bthe vital question is a vital necessity; Life interests. Body. Famous, peculiar daily life: everyday trouble, weekdays, little things.

Sculished - Zhulic russian. Prone to scamphism: a rogish man; as well as: the sophisticated rogue, Plutovskaya: bung-sized look, laughter. Julic. Relevant to the manifestation of scamphism: Julic (-Al, - OE) trick, business, fraud, trick.

Protective - protective protected. Protection containing: Protective speech. Protecting why: protective armor, mask; as well as: khaki colors:

protective fabric, gymnaster.

Idealistic - idealistic idealistic.

The idealism referring to the philosophical direction is idealistic philosophy, entity. Idealistic. Dreamy, idealizing reality: idealistic man, young man.

Executive - Executive Executive:

Executive: Executive Body, Committee; executive; as well as: diligent: executive worker, secretary. Performing. Relevant to the artistic work (muses, lit., theater.): Performing style, composition; Performing skills.

Constructive - design constructive.

Design to design something: Constructive scheme, detail; Constructive changes: as well as: fruitful: constructive criticism; constructive proposal; Constructive plan. Construction. Designer related to design: Design Bureau, Placement, Decision, Design Project, Tool; Design error.

Lacked - varnishing - lacquered lacquered.

Laccated: lacquered furniture, leather. Varnish. Designed for varnishing: varnishing machine, workshop; And also: the lubricant flaws, embellishing: varnishing film, story, report. Low. Lacquer: varnish production; Also: Laches containing: lacquer paint; And also: brilliant: butterfly lacquer wings, car sides.

Lasted - affectionate. Lask expressing: smear word, name, meaning: a stuffing smile (has a book shade). Gentle. Full tenderness, affection: a gentle man, the beast; affectionate smile, speech; Affectionate eyes: as well as: about nature phenomena, time of day: gentle rain; Affectionate morning.

Forest - forest wooded. Overgrown with forest: woodland, mountain. Located or taking place in the forest: Forest airfield, fire; Forest throat, road; forest plantings; Also: Growing, living in the forest: Forest beast; berries; as well as: referring to forestry: Forest Institute; forestry.

Lyrical - lyrical lyrical. Poetry related to lyrical poet, hero; lyric poetry; Also: imbued with emotions, full feelings: lyrical mood, retreat; lyrical song; and also: Gentle on Tembre (voice): Lyrical tenor. Lyric. Imbued with lyricism, incessing: a lyric tone; lyric work, poem; Lyrique symphony.

Logical - logical logical. Logic as science: logical categories; logical law; Also: based on the laws of logic: logical evidence, thinking; as well as: viable: logical conclusion, end; Logic connection. Logging. The same as logical in value: based on logic laws: logical output; Logical arguments: also: incoming, reasoning correctly, consistently: a logical person; be logical; and also: consistent, reasonable: logical question, move, step, answer; Logical behavior.

Maximalist - maximum maximalist.

Expanding excessive extreme: Maximum demands, slogans, moods, antics. Maximum. The greatest, highest: maximum volume, size, maximum amount, voltage, attention. Male - oil oil. Lubricated, impregnated

oil, blurred by oil: oil pancake; Oil paper, porridge; Oil hands, lips,; Also: flattering, enclosing: Oil smile; Oil voice: as well as: sensual, considerable: butyar look. Oil. Oil-related oil: oil stain; Oil Chad; Also: Oil operating, with oil: Oil pump; Oil lamp; as well as: filled with paints, rascatted on oil: oil painting; Oil painting.

To wear (wear) - wear (wear) Wear. Covering clothing body (i.e. put on yourself): put on a coat, cap, gloves, shoes; as well as: attach, adapt, plant (rubbed or punishing): put on orders, skates, tie, glasses, rifle, backpack, saddle, ring, bait; And also with the pretext of "on" to wear on yourself and on anyone: put on the back of the backpack, the covers for furniture are put on the furniture. To wear. Cover someone's clothing, bedspread: dress a child; put on a blanket; And also: covered with yourself, envelop (about the fog, darkness): to wear asphalt, concrete, foliage, snow, darkness, clouds, fog.

Nevezhi - ignorant of Nevezhi. Rough, non-love man. Low-educated, non-destroyed man.

Unbearable - intolerable unbearable. Unbearable:

unbearable pain, heat; Unbearable hunger, cold; Unbearable grief. Intolerant. Such with which it is impossible to put up: intolerable position, behavior, appeal: as well as: deprived of tolerance, not considered with someone else's opinion: an intolerable person; Intramit to someone else's success.

Anosis - offended offensive. Offensive,

improving: a hurt remark; offensive council; An offensive speech: as well as: annoying, unpleasant (collapse): An offense, inappropriate. Touchy. Easily offending: touchy person, character.

Justify (justify) - to establish (base)

Justify. Suppose to evidence: justify the point of view, the hypothesis, a complaint. Position the beginning, establish: to establish a city, museum, theater; And also: to build on the core - either: to establish views, conclusions, theory, hopes, or either: on knowledge, assumption, misunderstanding, etc.

Danger - dangerous dangerous. Wary

inspective: a danger man, look, gesture. Dangerous. Conjugated with risk: dangerous task; Dangerous road, lowland; and also: able to cause harm: a dangerous enemy, a criminal, beast, conversation, gesture.

Master (master) - to learn (absorb) to master.

It is quite mastered by something, learning to use: master the production, profession, technology; Also: perceive, remember: master the legacy of the past, material, subject, language, message; And also: to commerce, include in the economic source: master the desert, virgin, plot. Make it inherent, habitual for yourself: to learn the new custom, views, habit, tone; Also: Revenge, remember as it should: to learn a book, lecture, theory; as well as: absorbing, recycling in yourself: learning food, vitamins, fertilizer.

Selected - qualifying selected. Selected, Best By Quality: Selecting Goods, Flax, Coal; And also: Eastern: Selected Brand, Rugan. Qualifying. Officer to select someone: qualifying match, tournament; Selection Commission.

Memoful - memorable memorial. Possessing good memory: a memorable person, a student. Preserved in memory, unforgettable: memorable date, meeting, trip; memorable year; as well as: employee for memorization; Reminders, memorable book, memorable icon.

Fire is a fire fire. Flame destroying: forest fire; and also (overrud.): Bright, rapid manifestation, fast and widespread: fire of feelings, fire war. The company. The place where there was a fire.

Covered (cover) - cover (stupid) coat.

Put from above: cover the roof house: cover the baby with a blanket: cover head with a handkerchief. Hide. Close from all sides, to post: hide with a blanket.

Half - half half. Half component: half proportion, price. Half. Deprived of integrity, sequence, not solving fully: half-man; half a decision; Half measure.

Provide (provide) - submit

(Represent) to provide. Return, use: to provide an apartment, loan, credit, freedom, word, possibility; And also: give the right, the ability to do: provide to solve the case, keep an argument, determine the price. Deliver, present, inform: Submit a report, project, characteristic, witness, partner; Also: introduce: to present guests, lecturer; Also: to put forward, offer: submit to the award, to the Order, by the title, for the competition of the premium; Also: cause, Create: It does not represent difficulties. Work is of considerable interest; Also: portray, show: Submit by Crank, Hero; And also: reproduce, depict: to present the singing of birds, gait, mana to speak.

The successor is the receiver successor. Someone's successor; The one who took someone else's place: to choose a successor; The successors of Peter the first. Receiver. Device for receiving signals, speech, images, etc.: detector receiver, radio; And also: the institution where someone is temporarily placed: a children's receiver.

Ancient - noticeable. Observant,

everything is noticed: Ancient man, mind. Spent. The same as noticeable: noticeable appearance, thing, manner: a note man, scientist.

Determination - determination determination. Courage,

readiness to accept and implement a solution: to show determination; determination in the view; determination of the fighter; Decisivity to help: solid determination. Determination. Hardness, inflexibility: the decisiveness of the view, actions, character; with determination to say.

Secretive - hidden secret. An avoiding frankness that does not tell about himself: secretive person, character: as well as: not detecting himself, secret: secretive lifestyle, enemy, well-wisher. Hidden. Not explicitly detected, hidden: hidden meaning, hint, anger; hidden love, enmity; and also: externally inconspicuous: hidden illness, temperament; Hidden opportunities, reserves.

Mortal - mortal death. Having his outcome death: mortal disease, wound; Also: Extremely fierce, leading to full defeat: Apply a deadly blow to the enemy; fatal struggle; Also: Extreme, marginal: deadly horror, cold, enemy; Mortal resentment, fatigue: as well as: accompanying death: deadly agony. Targeted to death (statute): mortal, hour on mortal odds; Also: Affected by death: All people are mortals; Also: impassive life: death sentence, death penalty; as well as: very strong: mortal boredom, heat

Coordination - coherence agreement.

Bringing into the desired ratio, compliance with something; discussion and development of a single opinion; Receiving consent: coordination of actions, decisions, agenda of the meeting; Make without coordination with the director. Agreement. Compliance, unity, mutual agreement, coherence: consistency of the issue, project, movements, efforts; consistency in work, in dance.

Topic - Topic Theme. The subject, the main content: the theme of the novel, the report, film, conversations, dispute. A combination of topics: the subject of modern songs; Scientific topics; literary topics; The subject of the novel, the symposium.

Typical - typical typical. Possessing features peculiar to a person, characteristic: a typical scientist, case; Typical phenomenon, face. Typova. Being type, sample: typical form, project; as well as: corresponding to a certain type, sample; Standard: typical school, furniture, power station.

Fact factor fact. Event, phenomenon, case, reality: state facts; historical fact; Outrageous fact: as well as: the rest - either: the fact of existence, struggle, victory, deception, participation. Factor. Moment, the essential circumstance in a voluntary process, phenomenon: take into account the time factor; Independent factor; Suddenness factor.

Precious - predatory predatory. Predatory, robbers: predatory instinct; predatory lifestyle; predatory trade; predatory capital; as well as: misbehantive, pursuing the goals of the nearest benefits: predatory cutting down of the forest; Predatory fishing fish. High. Eating other animals: a predatory beast; predatory fish; as well as: greedy, bloodthirsty, aggressive: predatory species, ruined; predatory eyes; Predatory nature, gait.

Artistic - artistic artistic.

Artistic artwork, work; fiction; Also: related to art activities: artistic intelligentsia, school; and also: meets the requirements of art, aesthetic taste: artistic advantages of the novel; Artistic taste, image. Artistic. Artist; to the artist's class: artistic genius, labor, club, props; and also: the artist inherent inherent in the artist: an artistic look; Artistic demanding, negligence, processing.

Whole - solid whole. All without seizure, full: whole piece, glass; Also: Significant, large: whole papers; A number of questions; The whole story came out; And also: Credit: All things are intact. From a single substance, pieces, solid: solid stove; One-piece granite: as well as: possessing internal unity, holistic: one-piece person, image, character; One-minded worldview, feeling.

Cyclic - cyclic cyclic. Cycles, completed periods: cyclic development, movement; as well as: component cycle, finished circle, system: cyclic chickening system; Cyclic musical forms. Cyclic. The same as cyclical in the first meaning: cyclical development: as well as: built on repeated circles of operations, works: cyclic organization of work; Cyclical schedule.

Human - human human. Human Society; human culture; human language; Also: a person inherent: human passions, feelings, aspirations, weaknesses, vices; as well as: the same as humans in meanwith: expressing attention, sensitivity, concern for people: human appeal, participation; Human law. Humane. Attentive, responsive, sensitive to other people: human investigator, examiner, man; and also: expressing attention, sensitivity, concern for people: humane law, humane attitude, participation.

Jock - comic joking. Prone to jokes:

joking man, tone, gesture; as well as: having a joke character, fun: joking conversation, story. Comic Presenting a joke, cheerful, funny: comic character, conversation, story, feuilleton.

Economic - economical - economical

Economic. Economic Relevant: Economic Crisis; Economic policy, geography. Economic. Giving the opportunity to save, profitable: economical machine, lamp, technology. Economical.

Especially: economical mistress; and also: promotional savings: economical lifestyle.

Aesthetic - aesthetic aesthetic. Science relating to aesthetic teaching; aesthetic principles; And also: artistic, relating to the feeling of excellent: aesthetic pleasure, feeling, impression. Estetic. Beautiful, elegant: aesthetic appearance, interior; as well as: imbued with aestheticism (the passion for the form in the separation from the content); aesthetic look, approach, performance; Aesthetic painting, design.

Efficiency - effective efficiency.

Effectiveness, performance: efficiency of the method, performances, engine. Effectiveness. Clear: The effect of the phrase, costume.

Obvious - obvious explicit. Not hidden, outdoor: explicit enmity, irony, goal; And also: quite obvious: explicit lie, fake. Well distinguishable, clear: privatic call, noise, trail, smell.

Paronim words: examples, meaning and use

Among the frequent errors encountered in speech and related to ignorance of lexical norms and words of words should be especially highlighted by paronymy, that is, situations where the interlocutors are incorrectly used in their speech-paronyms. Examples of this error can be detected in any of us. This is I. misuse words dress up and wear a wonderful and wonderful painting and signature. Avoiding these errors will help know the knowledge of words, as well as the understanding of the phenomenon of paronymy and the reasons for its occurrence.


Paronimia is a fairly common linguistic phenomenon, in which two or more words have similarities in pronunciation and belong to one part of speech. Often, such words contain one common root, but their value does not match. Situations in which people when communicating, writing or oral, confuse the values \u200b\u200bof word-paronimov, replacing one word to another, called paronymia.

This type of errors refers to lexical and is associated primarily with ignorance of values \u200b\u200bof certain words, the rules of their use in speech. True, in some cases, suggestions with paronims are used in the literature to create paronasia and punctures.


The term "paronym" comes from two Greek words: Para - "Near" and ónyma - "Name". Paronims are words close to sound, but not identical, often one-sized words. They relate to one grammatical category, that is, belong to one part of speech, but at the same time have different lexical values.

Paronyms are not interchangeable in speech, as this leads only to the distortion of the statement. Often, paronimny couples are combined with different words. So, a pair of "full" - "satisfying" is combined with different noun. Rich dinner and fastened child.

The similarity of paronyms can lead to annoying errors, so you should pay attention to their true meaning and choose the right pair. For it, you need to know the meaning of the word. Paronims may also have similar meaning and differ only with a tint.

Improper use of such words is a fairly common lexical error.

In some cases, paronyms can be synonymous. For example, "romantic" and "romantic", "ironic" and "ironic" (smile or remark), "melodic" or "melodic" sound, "patriotic" and "patriotic" act.

The main groups of paronyms are represented by adit and verbs, nouns and no less.

Often, the pair is formed either with the words of the original Russians, for example, "Bolotnaya" and "swampy", or with the words borrowed - "leasing" and "listing".

Types of paronimov

There are several classifications of such words. By birth, root, affixual, etymological words, paronyms allocate. Examples of them we meet every day.

Root paronyms have different, but somewhat similar to the root. For example, "excavator" and "escalator", they do not have a common semantic communication.

Affixes of paronyms have a common root and combined with a common semantic bond, but have a different meaning due to the use of prefixes and suffixes. For example, "Subscriber" - "Subscription", "economical" - "economical".

Etymological are formed in the case when the same word is borrowed by the language of different ways. So, the word "project" is assimilated from Latin, "Progodek" - from French.

Also allocate types of word-forming parlor:

1. distinguishing consoles:

  • typos - prints.

2. Fixed suffixes:

  • unrequited - irresponsible.

3. distinguishing the basis, that is, having a derivative and non-derivative basis:

  • growth is age;

Semantics distinguish paronyms that have one value, but different semantic shades. For example, the "long" - "long", "life" - "Easy". Also isolated paronyms that have a completely different semantics: "nest" - "nesting", "Virage" - "Stained-glass window", "minced" - "farce".

Frequently used paronyms

Note the most frequently used paronymic pairs.

A rather famous paronymic pair can be considered the words "dress" - "Wear". It should be remembered that you can wear someone, and to wear something.

Very often there are proposals with Painting Paronims and Signature. The painting is a written list of something, wall painting, recordings. The signature is the surname's own surname at the end of the document.

Address and address address. The addressee is the one who is addressed to the parcel or letter, the address - a man who sent it.

Archaic and archaic. Archaic - characteristic of the antiquity, archaic - coming out of use.

Democratic and democratic - another couple of words. Democratic - the one belongs to democracy. Democratic call something characteristic of democracy.

Another interesting couple of words is "friendly" and "friendly." Friendly - relating to friends, friendly - based on friendship.

Logical and logical. Logical - the correct, correct, consistent. Logic - related to logic.

It is important to pay attention to the use of word-paronims and avoid errors related to their use.

Causes of paronymia

The main reasons why errors associated with the use of paronyms are allowed in the speech, four:

1. Insufficient knowledge of the values \u200b\u200bof one or another word or even several.

2. The incompetence of the speaker in the sphere of activity to which this word belongs.

3. Banal illiteracy and disadvantage of the vocabulary stock.

4. Reservations in speech.


Paronomasia is a means of enhancing the expressiveness of speech, a stylistic figure, which consists in the deliberate use of consonant words. Most often to create paronasia are used words of paronym. Examples of this phenomenon can be seen in such suggestions:

It would be happy to serve - to serve sick.

He is not wonderful guy, and wonderful.

Paronomasia - pun, evaluate which readers with good language alarm and a sense of humor can. It is often often lies not only sound, but also semantic consonation. Paronomasia is used as headlines to attract the attention of readers, for example: "Self-government or self-government?".

Synonyms Dictionaries

You can avoid annoying errors in speech using literature. So, to find out the value of the paronyms using thematic dictionaries. In them in alphabetical order A list of paronymic pairs is given. In this case, every word included in a couple has its own lexical meaning, as well as examples of regulatory use in speech.

To date, you can take advantage of the following dictionaries:

1. "Dictionary of Russian Paronimes" edited by N. P. Kolesnikov. It was published in 1971.

2. "Dictionary of Paronimes of the Russian Language" edited by O. V. Vishnyak. The book saw the light in 1984.

3. In 1994, by the editor of Yu. A. Belchikova and M. S. Panyushev, another "dictionary of Russian Paronimov" was published. He was reissued in 2007.

These books will help you to get acquainted with the main paronymic ranks, the meaning of the words included in them.


Paronims are words that are similar to sound, but have a different semantic value. In some situations, they can be synonymous. Each of us periodically uses words-paronyms in their speech. Examples of their use: painting and signature, put on and dress.

Speech should avoid abnormative use of words from paronimic couples. You need to pick up what is suitable in this situation. The regulatory consumption of paronyms is a sign of the formation and high culture of speech.

Examples of paronyms?

Greek by the word in the word paronyms (Para-near, Onyma-name) in Russian vocabulary is called single-handed or similar words in the sound of the meaning of the values \u200b\u200band, by virtue of this, having different combinations with other words. In other words, each word-paronym has its own retinue. If, not knowing the exact value of the word-paronym, to use it in speech, you can allow a lexical error - the mixing of paronyms, such as, for example, here:

i dressed a hat (instead of "put on");

In the courtyard is a malicious dog (instead of "evil").

His executive talent was highly appreciated by the jury of the competition (instead of "absorbing").

Examples of word counters:

diplomat - Diploma;

signature - painting;

essence is a creature;

act - misconduct;

escurs - excursion;

base - basis;

educational - educational;

feminine feminine;

crocodile - crocodiles;

critical - critical;

logical - logical;

spectacular - efficient;

practical - practical;

dangerous - dangerous.

dressed (who?) - To wear (what?);

fit (what?) - to pay (for what?);

Boy paid Travel. We are in time separated For utilities.

Verb imagine It is important to "give to familiarize", "introduce". Therefore, it combines with the words:

documents, report, scheme, project, guest, scene from play or cinema, mentally (present).

Verb-paronym provide So "to give in someone's order." It is combined with the following words:

vacation, choice, position, room, place, information, credit, opportunity, word, help.


Paronyms (from Greek. Para - near, Onyma - Name) - This is a very interesting group of words, different in meaning but similar to sound and writingWhat is why people often confuse them.

Examples paronim noun:

Neusalea is ignorant, where Nezena is an unborn person, and ignorant is uneducated.

Scriberer search, where display is a lapt, an assistee is a formal response.

Ball - score, where the ball is a secular event with dancing, and the score is a mark.

Subscription - Subscriber, where the subscription is a document certifying the right to anything, and the subscriber is a person who has a subscription.

Inhale - Sigh, where inhale is a separate air intake into the lungs, and the sigh is a strengthened breath.


Spectacular effective, where it is spectacular, what is impressed by others, and effective - effective, bringing positive results.

Stone - rocky, where stony - coated stone, and stone - made of stone.

Business and businesslike, where business is everything related to the case, and the businesslike is an enterprising, skillful person.

Folding - warehouse, where folding is everything that can develop, and the warehouse is everything that belongs to the warehouse.

Tactical - tactical, where tactful - possessing a tact, and tactical - relating to tactics.


Dressed - put on where to wear yourself, and put on someone.

Breaking - Break, where to break - destroy, bring in disrepair, and break - have a feeling of fragmentation in the body.

To introduce themselves - to be pressed, where to introduce yourself - to name your name, and to be pressed - die.

Assimate - to master where to learn - to do anything clear, but to master it - to learn some kind of ability.

Discern - to distinguish where to distinguish - to recognize with the help of senses, and to distinguish something from something or in value award.

Paronims (from Greek. Para-about, Onyma-name) are words that are partially similar in sound with the full or partial similarity of their values. Some scientists consider paronims Single-darling words belonging to one part of speech, for example, "Young - Twood", "Bolotnaya - Swampy", "Payment-payment - fee", "chief - title" and others. Other scientists belong to paronims Single Words with similar stress, for example, "Advisor - the Counterfeit", or with consonant prefixes: "Dressed - put on". Paronims differ from synonyms (words with a similar meaning) by the fact that they are single-darned, but synonyms - no, for example. "High - the tall (man)."

Virginia Virginia

Paronima noun:

The addressee (a person who is addressed to the letter is addressed) is a addict (a person who addresses the letter).

Delica (product) - fake (something illegal, fake).

The parental (fever) is a parent (mother).

Fastener (defender of serfdom) - serf (peasant).

Pain (sense of suffering) - illness (disease).

Godina (time of some significant events) - anniversary (calendar date of any event).

Self-government (independent organization of any process inside the group) - Self-government (unauthorized actions that do not meet norms).


Leather (made of leather) - skin (resulted to leather).

Irresponsible (not responsible for his actions) - unrequited (one who is unable to answer something).

Mortal (leading to death) - mortal (one who is destined to death).

Iron (made of iron) - iron (having iron in composition).

A plaintive (inspiring pity) is foul (imbued with pity).

The patient (the one who is sick) is painful (susceptible to diseases).

Aromatic (having a pleasant smell) - aromatic (containing fragrant components).

Good (imbued with kindness) - good (reliable, high-quality).


Omit - let go.

Despise - prison.

Towle - cut.

Understand - Turn.

Examine - bleed.


People often make speech errors, not knowing the meaning and values \u200b\u200bof paronyms. They sound, maybe it seems, but only hardly mean the same thing. For example, before confused " horseman"And" horse"But then I remembered the values \u200b\u200bof these words to make no longer wrong. Horseman - This is what is associated with a horse or what acts with its help (for example, horse force, equestrian army). BUT horse - This is what directly belongs to the horse itself (horse meat, horse-tail), also in some cases it is one of the parts of the names in the botanic (horse beans).

So with the words " racing"(The fact that for racing: racing bike, racing skis) and" gryry"(Usually it is about the beast, which serves to deliver something: a hound dog).

Female - feminine

Forest - wooded

Cancer - Rook

And there are about a thousand such steam.


In Russian, there is a fairly large number of paronyms - these words, which, as a rule, have the same root, as well as similar sound, differ from each other with prefixes or suffixes, but the main difference between the paronyms among themselves-in their semantic meaning . Paronyms cannot replace each other. Paronims are 4 species: full, incomplete, partial, conditional.

In some cases, paronyms are quite easy to confuse among themselves, in difficult situations you can look at the "Dictionary of Russian Parons".

Examples of paronyms:





give birth to give birth;


horse racing;



I will not stop on what paronyms are. The question of the examples, which means only them and will give them. The value of each word (if necessary) can be viewed in sensible dictionaries:

Sound - instigator.

The animal is brutal.

Dramatic - dramatic.

Rhythmic - rhythmic.

Pagonaya - Language.

Century - eternal.

Long - long.

Rainy - rainy.

Romantic - romantic.

Businesswittered - business.

Danger - dangerous.


Paronyms are words that are written almost the same, but have different meaning. Examples of paronyms

Warranty and guaranteed

We look at the meaning of words

Kind and good

The value of this pair of paronyms

And we look at a small list of paronyms with complementary words.

They are worth remembering or better to obfine what you want to write, and then insert words into the text


Word-paronims in Russian are not so many. Paragraphs are words that have a similar writing or sound, and the value is absolutely different.

Here are some examples of couples of words-paronyms:


economical economical;

counselor Counselor;


The first word-paronym is the essence - the essence, the second word-paronym - actions - misconduct, the third word-paronym - Escurs - Excursion, the fourth word-paronym - base - basis, the fifth word-paronym - educational - educational, sixth word-paronym Female - feminine.

1.1. Paronims in Russian

Paronima (gr. Para - near + Onima - Name) - These are single words close to sound, but not coinciding in the values: the signature is painted, put on - put on, the main - title. Paronims, as a rule, belong to one part of speech and perform similar syntax functions in the proposal.

Paronims are called different words that are similar to pronunciation, lexico-grammatical affiliation and, as a rule, roaring the roots: the addressee - the address, inhale - sigh, land - earthy and many others.

Paronims are called single-tempered words relating to one part of speech and one semantic field (an extensive combination of words associated with the meaning due to and predetermining each other's values), but having, as a rule, different values. The place of emphasis is insignificant.

Paronims are a very significant layer of vocabulary. Being along with synonyms, antonyms and homonyms - one of the components of the lexical language system, they occupy their special place in it. Unfortunately, there are serious disagreements between scientists in understanding the most essence of the paronymy, which, naturally, is reflected in the existing dictionaries of paronyms.

1.2. Group of paronymov

Given the features of the word formation of paronyms, the following groups can be distinguished:

1. Paronyms that differ in consoles: typos - prints, pay - pay;

2. Paronyms that differ in suffixes: unrequited - irresponsible, being essential; Commanded - traveling;

3. Paronyms that differ in the nature of the foundation: one has an unproductive basis, the other is derivative. At the same time, in a pair can be:

a) words with non-derivative basis and submissive education: growth - age;

b) Words with non-derivative base and smooth words with suffixes: brake - braking;

c) words with non-derivative base and words with a prefix and suffix: cargo - load.

Two groups are found among the paronims in semantics.

1. Paronims that differ in thin semantic shades: long - long, desired - desirable, grivoy - grivy, life - everyday, diplomatic - diplomatic. Most of these paronyms are commented in linguistic dictionaries (intelligent, dictionaries of difficulties, dictionaries of single-drank words, dictionaries of paronyms). Many of them are characterized by peculiarities in lexical combativity: economic consequences - economical management of the economy, a rich inheritance is a difficult heritage; Perform the task is to play a song.

2. Paronima, sharply differing nest - nesting, defective - defective. There are few such units in the language.

The special group of paronyms are such that differ in functional and stylist or stylistic color: to work - to work, live - reside.

The distribution of paronyms in parts of speech is very uneven. In the first place there are an adjective paronyms that are uniting both adjective and communion, which turned into adjectives as a result of the loss of verb signs. Substantive paronyms occupy the second place in size. In third place are verbal paronyms.

Paronimical rows can be both twisted (their majority) and polynomials, in some cases up to six seven or more components. For example: Elite - elite, display - recording, absorb - swallow, watery - water - water, hunger - starvation - hunger strike, bloody - blood - blood-blooded, pay - pay - pay - pay, gambling - playing - playing - playful - Playful - gaming.

1.3. The attitude of paronyms for homonyms, synonyms, antonyms

When studying paronyms, the question of their attitude to other lexical categories is homonyms, synonyms and antonyms. So, some scientists consider paronymium as a kind of homonymy, and paronyms, therefore, as "pseudoomonyms", indicating their formal proximity. Paronims differ from Omonimov with the following signs. First, paronyms have a different writing; For example: dictate - dictation (paronyms), cottage1 - a portion given in one apparatus, cottage2 - a country house, usually for summer holidays, cottage3 - plot of land under the forest (homonyms). Secondly, paronimny words never have a complete coincidence in pronunciation; For example: Paronimny Spitz - Spire and Omonium Stud1 - Hair Harding Device, Studel2 - Slim Heel.

In addition, the semantic proximity of the paronyms is explained by these iteological: initially they had a general root. And the similarity of words-omonyms is purely external, random (except in cases where homonymy develops as a result of the collapse of the meaning of the meaningful words).

The mixture of different words close to pronunciation is observed, as a rule, in speech, since in the language system, most of these words are clearly distinguished by each other, although in some cases there are similar sonorous words are very close to each other and the difficulties of their distinction not Always easily overcome. For example, lyric - lyrical, comical - comic, rainy - crimson modern researchers are called incomplete paronims. The words of this type are brought together with single-colored synonyms, although there are also explicit distinctive features:

A) Paronimary belongs or only to the original Russian words (the ramped - stray, remnants - the remains, pay - to pay, marked - marked), or only borrowed (subscriber subscriber, the essence is a fact - factor). And in the synonymic row can be combined both; For example: Yarm - Yar, Slavery, Kabala, where two are the first - the original Russians, the third - the Old Slavonic borrowing, the fourth - Turkic.

B) Synonyms, denoting the same or close concept, often semantically (the ratio of language expressions) are extremely close, while the paronyms are always indicated by completely different concepts and differ from each other with a clear semantic differentiation.

When delimiting paronyms and synonyms should be borne in mind that the discrepancy in the values \u200b\u200bof the paronyms is usually so significant that the replacement of one of them is impossible to other. Mixing parionims leads to gross lexical errors: "The mother was dressed (it was necessary to put on a child"; "In the lobby of the hotel were traveled" (needed commoded). Synonyms are very often interchangeable. With all the identity of semantic structures, they provide the author to the authorities of a wide choice of the most suitable word, not excluding the synonymic substitution options. At the same time, there are cases of transition of paronims in synonyms. So, relatively recently, the word to accept the meaning to "become humble, submissive, humble", the use of it in the meaning "to reconcile" was considered unacceptable. However, in colloquial speech, this word increasingly began to designate - "I'm accustomed to, reconcile with something": Complete with poverty, to accept the disadvantages. Modern intelligent dictionaries Russian language notes this value as the main one. Thus, former paronyms, as a result of their mixing in speech, can come close to and eventually turn into synonyms. However, it should be borne in mind that the interchangeability of recent paronyms is permissible only if their new importance has been enshrined in the language.

The semantic difference of paronyms does not extend, as a rule, to the limit opposite, i.e. Paronims do not enter antonymic relationships. They can only be opposed in context: "Debt, not a position"; "Serving, not a service" (headlines of newspaper articles). However, such opposition of paronyms is not affected by their systemic links in vocabulary.

1.4. Use of paronyms in speech

Paronims require special attention to themselves, because their mixing is unacceptable in speech. The inaccuracy of the use of paronyms is a consequence of various reasons. In one case, their mixing occurs as a result of rapprochement of the values \u200b\u200bof the type indicated by these words: bottom-bottom, needle - needle - needle, Chara - Charca, Bowl - Cup. It is characteristic that in almost all such words, the sound similarity is insignificant, and their erroneous mixing is possible.

In another case, the cause of the incorrect use of the opposite words is the community of application of the concepts called them, objects, processes, actions, qualities or similarity of emerging associative connections: gross - net, Lancet - tweezers, Lotsman - Boatswain, Varka - jam, shape - molding, baroque - Rococo.

Sometimes the inaccuracy of the use of paronyms is a consequence of the possibility of their synonymous compound and the proximity or identity of the boundaries of lexical combativity: anecdotal (anecdotic) campaign, an apathetic (apathetic) state. Whereas in a number of other cases this rapprochement is impossible, leads to an error: it was a completely anecdotic (instead of anecdotal) story; He always seemed like an apathetic (instead of apathetic).

The occurrence of speech error occurs as a result of not distinguishing the style affiliation of words. Often there is a convergence of books, special words with conversational: antinomy is mixed with the word antimony; words of interstile, stylistically neutral - with conversational or spacious: meaninglessness with a conversational nonsense; Gnilets - with a spaticrous rot; rusted - with colloquial rusted and spacious outdated rusted; toothy - with spoken teeth.

The mixing of paronymic words also contributes to the close semantic ties of word-forming suffixes: -n- and -sk-; -Ob, -On- and -n-; The relationship- and others (inventive - inventive, businesswittered - business, gentle, landscaping - landscaping).

The cause of mixing may not be distinguished by little familiar to the carrier of the language of paronymal words. This is how you can explain the mixture of the speech of the words Ampir - a vampire, a distance - instance, an excavator - an escalator.

Despite the fact that the mixing of paronymic words is often observed, then the phenomenon itself is quite natural.

New paronyms arise in Russian constantly. This contributes to the law analogy actively in the language. As well as the specifics of the author's consumption of subsequent words.

Proper consumption of paronyms is a necessary condition for competent, cultural speech, and, on the contrary, mixing them - a sign of low speech culture.

The analysis of the paronims in the modern Russian press made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

In journalism, the words of paronyms are widely used;

In the frequency of use, paronyms of the correct use prevail

Most often there are such ears of the use of paronyms: to wear - wear, valid - effective, whole - whole, military - military, water - water and others.

Paronim dictionaries

"Dictionary of Russian Paronimes" O.V. Vishnyakova,

"Dictionary of Russian Paronimes" N. P. Kolesnikova and others.

St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named by prof. MA Bonch-Broevich

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies

Report on the topic:

Paronims in Russian

Performed: Chromenkov S. V.

East-12 group

Lecturer: Grocholskaya E.V.

Paronims are divided into root, affixing and etymological.

Root paronyms

Root paronyms have different roots, the external similarity of which is purely random: Rus. excavator - escalator; English live - Leave.; it. fordern - Fördern.. General motivation of general-disabilities such paronyms are not combined.

Affixal paronyms

Affixal paronyms are combined with overall motivation and common semantic bond. They have a common root, but different, albeit similarity-separation affixes: Rus. subscription subscriber, economic - economical - economical; English historic - Historical; it. original - Originell. SuffixalipaliMimia is widespread overwhelmed with a wammedical and wimmologist, where not only roots, but also suffixes are terminological importance. So, for example, suffix -If in chemical terminology denotes a salt, a molecule that is not containing a seal (chloride, sulfidi so on), and -Et., -AT. - salts containing oxygen atoms (sulfite, chlorate, carbonati so on).

Etymological paronyms

These etymological panels are the same word borrowed by the language of different ways several times (through mediation of different languages) and in different values: Rus. project (assimilated directly from Latin) - voekek (learned through the mediation of the French language); eng. cONCERT. (from French) - concerto. (from Italian). Borrowing of rolling languages \u200b\u200b(Russian-Polish-Church Slavonic) or the ancestors (French-Latin, Hindi-Sanskrit) can cause etymological paronymia if the borrowed word is similar to the already existing original word in this language: Rus. powder (invoking russian word with East Slavic Full-Make) - dust (Church Slavonic Word, South Slavico origin). Sometimes the original borrowing and borrowing, subjected to monitoring the company of influence, etymology can be used in parallel: Rus. ordinary - single.

In English due to special history (Roman conquest, Anglo-Saxon settlement, Franco-Norman conquest) there are not only couples, but even the troika and the fourth of etymological paronyms. Examples are REGAL - REAL - Royal, Legal - Leal - Loyal, Place - Plateau - Plaza - Piazza, Captain - Capo - Chief - Chef, Hostel - Hospital - Hotel, Fidelity - Faithfulness - FEALTY, Chariot - Cart - Carriage - Car.

Examples of paronyms in Russian

Among the paronyms a significant place occupy nouns:

    subscriber subscription;


    boatswie Lotsman;

    broth Broulon (Chernovik);

    garant - warranty;

    foil - Goulash;



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Antonyms (Grech.αντί- "against" + όνομα "Name") - these are speech dictionary, various sounds and writing, having directly opposing lexical values, for example: "True" - "Lie", "good" - "evil", " Say "-" silence. "

The lexical units of the dictionary composition of the tongue are closely related not only on the basis of their associative bonds on the similarity or adjacency as lexico-semantic options for multivalued words. Most of the words of the language do not contain a sign capable of opposing, therefore, antonymic relationships for them are impossible, however, in a figurative value they can gain antonym. Thus, in contextual antonimia, antonymic relationships of words with direct values \u200b\u200bare possible, and then these pairs of words carry the emptic load and perform a special stylistic function.

Antonyms are possible in such words, the values \u200b\u200bof which conclude opposite high-quality shades, but at the heart of the values \u200b\u200balways lies with the general basis (weight, growth, feeling, time of day, etc.). Only words belonging to one grammatical or stylistic category can be opposed. Consequently, words related to different parts of speech or lexical levels cannot be the language antonyms.

Our own names, pronoun, numerical injuries.