Preparing the wife for the first channel. Erogenous zones of a woman

Girls are mysterious creatures, they have their own quirks. Yesterday your significant other was all upset, today she is already having fun, and tomorrow - who knows what she will be like tomorrow.

However, no matter what happens in a woman’s head, her mistress still remains a tender, sentimental, vulnerable person. If any event/activity is planned, you need to know how to prepare a girl to such a plot twist that there are no unpleasant surprises.

Take your time

Cases on last moment It’s better not to delay, but you shouldn’t rush, so as not to make people laugh, as one famous proverb says. First, think about how the girl might react to your decision/news, be it a statement that you need to break off the relationship, or the news that your mother is coming to your home to stay. Does it depend on in this case something from her or are there some external forces that she cannot influence? Will she cope on her own? Will she need help? You definitely need to answer these questions for yourself, and then draw the appropriate conclusions.

Explain from a rational position

For girls, feelings usually play the “first fiddle”; they easily succumb to them, so it is necessary to explain how significant this or that event is from a rational position. This way there will be a greater chance that your listener’s mind will override her feelings. Put everything on your shelves for her: what, how, where, when and why.

Put pressure on feelings

If your reasoning does not prevail over your feelings, then you need to act differently. Pressure on feelings Women do it best, but what can you do - you should learn this technique too. If this is not useful in life, then it will not be superfluous either. Show what pain the current situation can bring, and also tell how you want to get out of it.

How to prepare a girl for first sex

If we are talking about how to prepare a girl for first sex, we must remember that any pressure is contraindicated, since the effect can be the opposite. The guy should do the opposite - Provide every possible support to the girl, be as delicate as possible. She may be stopped from first intimacy by fear of pain. I must say that a lot depends on you. Be as gentle and restrained as possible - then your partner will only enjoy the first sex. AND don't forget about trust V

For lovers, the whole body is an area of ​​sexual arousal. The mere sensation of gentle touches of hands evokes a feeling of pleasure in most women. The pleasant sensation is enhanced if particularly sensitive areas are caressed, but caresses with the hands are not comparable to what can be achieved with the mouth, tongue, and lips.

Conventionally, these zones are divided into weak, medium and strong. You should start caressing from weaker areas, moving to stronger ones. Starting caress immediately from a strong erogenous zone can reduce the sensitivity of a weaker one. And, on the contrary, when systematically influencing any zone, its sensitivity increases and it is even possible to develop the sensitivity of a previously non-responsive zone.

Weak areas.
Hair, their light stroking, stretching, winding on the fingers causes light impact. For some, the parietal region is effective, for others - the occipital region. Ears. When the tongue touches the edge of the ear or climbs into it, when the lips are pressed against the ear, when the lips play with the earlobe - all this arouses desire in a woman. Women who easily respond to caressing the ear are of the easily excitable and passionate type. By the way, women wearing earrings is an indirect reminder of the role of the ear, especially the lobe, as an erogenous zone.

Kiss on closed eyes– this type of caresses has almost disappeared. Vision, touch, smell - everything can react as an erogenous zone, but more often to a specific and desired person.

There are erogenous zones of the neck: one of them is the front surface, which descends like a promontory between the mammary glands. This shape is usually used to make cutouts on dresses. Moreover, one zone may be less. The other is more pronounced.

Hands. Especially the woman’s palms, soft fingertips. The back of the hand and the inner side of the forearm also belong to weak erogenous zones.

Middle zones.
Lips and oral cavity, Moreover, the tongue is more erogenous, then the lips, and the mucous surface of the oral cavity. There are many types of kisses. A man needs to find out what his wife prefers and improve his kissing technique. There are kisses with which the love game begins. Kisses that precede the merging of bodies in a paroxysm of passion differ from kisses of subsiding passion. A kiss of gratitude, after which the lovers calm down peacefully. WITH Ancient East Poetic names of kisses have come down to us, for example: “tender”, “chaste”, “bashful”, “passionate”, “plucking the petals”, “enjoying the bud”, “nectar”, “playful”, “royal kiss of the winner”, kiss “ Peccue" from the French word "pique" - lip cutting. To do this, the tip of the tongue is made sharp and thin. Barely sticking it out of the mouth, light punctures are carried out along the perimeter of the lips. “Kiss of the soul” or “French” - a kiss on the mouth, touching the palate, tongue, and mucous membrane of the mouth with the tongue. But some women do not accept such affection. Perhaps we have lost the habit, sometimes we are not satisfied with the manner of conducting it. Sometimes men celebrate their wife’s discreet “station” kiss. The reason is often a lack of skill and habit. The reason may also be unhygienic maintenance of the mouth, unattractiveness, painful appearance of teeth, or bad breath.

Female breast is the most obvious symbol of femininity. This is one of the receptive erogenous zones. The mammary gland itself reacts more to gentle massaging movements. The nipple halo and breast nipples are responsive to soft touches, and not only when a man caresses them, but often to his own caresses.

Some girls bring themselves to orgasm by tickling their nipples. For nursing mothers, the baby also causes excitement, sometimes leading to orgasm. All this is quite natural. The sensitivity of this zone varies from warmth without passion to intense arousal. Nipples respond to finger caresses.

Stroking, pulling, twisting nipples. At the same time, their erection occurs, that is, an increase in size and elasticity, which indicates the beginning of a woman’s arousal. Excitement is much stronger if caressing with hands, kissing the nipples. Often, from such caresses, a woman’s emotions are manifested by increased intermittent breathing, trembling, shaking of the body with a feeling of trembling in the genitals. The reaction of the mammary glands does not depend on their size.

WITH small breasted a woman often reacts more passionately than a full-breasted woman. To maintain the shape and attractiveness of the breasts, women should choose the right bra and massage regularly.

The next excitable zone is side surfaces chest, waist, which are especially sensitive to touch from the mouth, and the abdominal area. Excitation occurs directly in the genitals. The groin area is generally less sensitive than the mammary glands. True, if a woman is not at all sensitive to the caress of her breasts, then she groin area provides various opportunities to stimulate the senses.

Back, "cat's place"- the area between the shoulder blades, the area along the spine. The buttocks, which were highly revered by ancient peoples, have a great arousal effect on men. The Italian sculptor Antonio Canova paid special attention to the treatment of women's buttocks. IN Ancient Greece a temple was built and dedicated to Aphrodite Kolibega (which means beautifully buttocked).

We have heard about effective male stimulants, take Viagra. But about women... Of course, there are various drugs on the market, so-called aphrodosiacs, but they are very far from the effectiveness with which Viagra acts on men. But this drug is a completely different story...

After a woman has taken Forte Love, she has no chance to resist a man who this moment is nearby. Forte Love begins to act 5-10 minutes after administration and its effect lasts about 5-6 hours. The action of Forte Love does not have a negative effect on the female body.
On the contrary, women's libido is stimulated, blood circulation improves, and their outlook on the world becomes more positive!

Strong erogenous zones.

Inner thighs responds especially well to hand caress and to the touch of a tongue running from the knees to the groin, which usually causes strong excitement for both partners.

Crotch– location area anus and up to the labia minora. Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of the location of sensitive nerve endings, it is a very excitable zone, and a woman can hardly achieve discharge without caressing this zone. The impact of a finger on the anus area, combined with other caresses, or when moving the penis into the vagina, removes the problem of satisfying such women.

The most active part in the formation of sexual arousal takes clitoris, labia minora, vaginal opening. The clitoris is a small papillary-shaped protruding organ that, in a calm state, is hidden under the fold of the labia at the top, at the place where they meet.

When women are excited, the clitoris is in a state of erection, like the penis of an excited man, the head of the clitoris becomes clearly noticeable, the body of the clitoris pulls up the labia minora, thereby increasing the entrance to the vagina. Touching the excited clitoris usually gives a woman great pleasure, the most exquisite, the most acute of all the sensations emanating from the caressed erogenous zones.

Some men, however, find it difficult to find it, since they touch the woman’s genitals before she is sufficiently excited by preliminary love play. When not erect, the clitoris is often not palpable or visible, but sometimes it protrudes significantly above the vagina, and in some women it is not visible even with an erection. But there are women. For those whose clitoris is not an erogenous zone or is weaker than others, for others, caressing the clitoris causes an orgasm without inserting the penis into the vagina.

Vagina, the lower third of it, especially the front wall, Cervix, responding mainly to the deep impact of the penis. But this area is weaker than the clitoris area. The vagina, in addition, at a certain moment becomes part of the birth canal, and nature has prudently placed the most sensitive nerve endings outside it. However, in some women, the vagina may be sensitive without the clitoris or clitoris responding. Enhances the sensation itself psychological factor merging of bodies in this area of ​​the genital organs, joining with a loved one into one, awareness of the exclusivity of the role.

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Many experts call this phase a stage, others - the majority of them today - consider it a legal and integral part of sexual intercourse. The fact is that, although at this stage there is no penetration, no woman - even a fantastically temperamental one - can enter into intimacy without words, caresses, stroking and touching. Of course, there are women so excitable that a minimum of words and affection is enough for them, but this is still necessary. Therefore, the expression “foreplay”, common 20-30 years ago, is practically not used by specialists today, and the beginning of sexual intercourse is counted precisely from the arousal phase.

Most men don’t need words, touches or strokes - just the sight of a naked (or better half-naked!) partner gives us an erection. But this is the interaction between a man and a woman, and we know that beautiful ladies need 3-5, or even 10-15 minutes of the first stage. We men carry out this stage mainly for our partners (what can we do - that’s how they, these women, are designed!), although after 40 years, as a rule, we ourselves need it.

At this stage, the woman is adequately stimulated, as a result of which her sexual arousal awakens, forms and increases. By adequate stimulation we mean words, caresses, touches, stroking and other actions that this particular woman needs in a given situation. The range of sexual influences here is unusually wide: most representatives of the fair sex need gentle words about love for her and her beauty, touching, stroking and kisses.

For the minority - tight hugs, passionate expressions of desire to possess her rather than love, strong kisses that leave marks on the skin. A very minority (but this, by the way, is every eighth woman!) need remarks that are not at all censored (but at the same time sexy!) and caresses that outwardly resemble aggression. It is important to keep in mind that both the one and the other, and the third way to excite a woman can be called adequate if it matches the sexual style of a particular partner. Thus, the most gentle stroking with the most affectionate speeches (You are my good one... You are my sweetheart... You are my beloved girl...) will not become adequate stimulating actions for a woman who feels the need for strong, painful, compression of the chest and sharp passionate words.

What needs to be taken into account when preparing for such an important event?

  1. When a girl wants to start sex life, her main task is to take care of the safety of sexual intercourse. It’s good if her man is already experienced and takes care of this himself. But this doesn't always happen. Therefore, in such a situation, it is better not to rely on a guy and prepare contraception in advance. It's best if it's a condom. This may not be the most romantic approach to such an important event, but it is necessary. After all, it is unlikely that pregnancy after the first sex will please anyone. For this purpose, it is still better to play it safe.
  2. It is best to discuss all the features and details of first sex with your man in advance. Probably such topics have not yet been discussed with him. However, there is nothing to be ashamed of, because such a conversation will only further unite the two loving people. It is not only methods of contraception that should be discussed. The guy should make it clear that he needs to behave very gently and affectionately, reverently and lovingly. After all, it is the very first sex that will remain for a girl for the rest of her life the main basis for the development of future, emerging sexuality. And if the partner begins to do everything quite rudely and carelessly, the development of such sexuality will greatly slow down or will not occur normally at all. It is very important to have a sincere conversation with a loved one. Otherwise, the first sex may not leave the best memories.
  3. To prepare for such a decisive day and an intimate date with your loved one, you should definitely give yourself time and try to calm down as much as possible, relax, and relieve the fear of any pain. In truth, for the vast majority of girls, the process of defloration occurs with quite moderate or very mild pain. Excessively noticeable pain can occur precisely in those situations when the girl has a strong fear of penetration and terrible anxiety. When a girl has at least a faint idea of ​​what should be done in case of loss of virginity, expects such an event with joy and gives herself completely to the guy without fear, there simply shouldn’t be much pain.
  4. Strong pain can occur precisely when all the vaginal muscles are overly tight. This happens when young girl she is overly afraid of the defloration process or is still absolutely not ready for it. Therefore, you should try to forget about fear and concentrate on sensations, emotions towards your partner and the thought that sex is perfect and beautiful. If it doesn’t work, you should stop, give yourself some time and after a while try again
  5. In order for the very first sex to leave only amazing memories, you should definitely take care of the conditions in which it will happen. So that nothing distracts the young couple, the atmosphere of what is happening should be very romantic, gentle, peaceful and relaxing. A small, cozy room with a comfortable bed is ideal for this purpose. It would also be nice to buy a beautiful bedding set, delicate linens, buy red and white candles, and prepare a playlist with romantic tracks. It goes without saying that the first sex can happen under completely different circumstances. But it is slowness and complete psychological comfort that play a huge role in it. In tension that is in no way conducive to relaxation, things are unlikely to go well. And the first sex, arranged quickly or almost forcefully, can completely cause a complete disgust for the intimate sphere of life.

So, summing up the main nuances of preparing for first sex, I would like to emphasize the following important features:

  • Alcohol consumption should be limited. The ideal dose would be a glass of quality wine for the purpose of relaxation.
  • Everything around should be gentle and beautiful: bed, bedding, linen, bathroom. An aroma lamp and candles, music and flowers are not unnecessary details for such a day.
  • No one should disturb the first sex. Therefore, you should worry in advance about the absence of uninvited guests or the sudden return of parents.
  • Sex must be safe. Condoms are good for this. They will prevent both pregnancy and unwanted infections.
  • You should always remember about good foreplay - preliminary and very tender caresses. In this regard, there simply cannot be too much: you can start with slow kisses and caresses, slowly undressing each other. Strong hugs and breast caresses, clitoral stimulation, and any types of oral caresses are perfect, which will gradually prepare both for penetration. By the time of intercourse, both partners should be very aroused.
  • An important point There are also sincere conversations between the couple about who likes what. During the process, it is also important to share your feelings, preferences and desires. This will make you even more relaxed and help you explore each other.
  • For every girl, the main condition has always been and remains one rule - the first sex will be the best with your loved one!

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The force of friction can cause microtraumas, cracks and abrasions. Therefore, you need to spend at least 15 minutes on foreplay, scientists have calculated. This is approximately how long it takes to relax intimate muscles, and production sufficient quantity natural lubrication. It contains squalene - natural substance, which has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.


Inexperienced lovers should choose the most comfortable and relaxed positions. You should start with the missionary position. In a horizontal position, it is easier for the body to relax. Penetration in this position does not reach its maximum, so it is less traumatic for the female body.


Young people under the age of 24 make up a quarter of the country's sexually active population. But they account for approximately 50% of sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, take care of contraception in advance. It is best to choose a condom. It protects against infections, and at the same time slightly reduces sensitivity. This helps the inexperienced partner to better control the process.

Also, take care of the correct lighting in advance. Twilight will not only create a romantic atmosphere, but will also help overcome awkwardness.

What flowers bring intimacy closer? Secrets of a perfect night for men. What do you need to take with you on a date? And also all the subtleties of preparing for the first sex!

The first intimacy remains in memory for life. Here's what will help raise the level of romance:

  • Rosewood oil. Its aroma relaxes and creates a loving mood.
  • Figs The fruit contains amino acids that increase libido.
  • Strawberry with champagne. Bubbles carbon dioxide accelerate the breakdown of fructose, and this increases the level of female sex hormones.
  • And some types of frogs. Their glands produce bufadienolides. When contacted with human skin, these substances cause hallucinations and sexual arousal.

Let's find out how to properly prepare for a romantic date if it happens for the first time.

The first one went!

American scientists have found that 18 years is the ideal age for first sex. During this period, the body matures not only physically, but also psychologically. Today we will learn how to properly prepare for the beginning of an adult intimate life.


Sexologists have calculated best time for first sex. It comes after the fifth date. If you decide on intimacy earlier, psychological discomfort will hinder you. But after 5 meetings, potential partners will get used to each other and will be able to relax. Moreover, the interval between meetings can be almost anything: from one day to a week. But the most important thing is, of course, desire and psychological readiness.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that stimulate sexual desire and activity. Therefore, do not neglect creating a romantic atmosphere. Make sure you have romantic candles on hand in advance. Even a bouquet of flowers will help you get into the right frame of mind. Choose roses, they contain substances that stimulate the production of pleasure hormones in the brain.

The force of friction can cause microtraumas, cracks and abrasions. Therefore, you need to spend at least 15 minutes on foreplay, scientists have calculated. Approximately this amount of time is required to relax the intimate muscles and produce a sufficient amount of natural lubrication. It contains squalene, a natural substance that has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

You can get very worried, and everything will end before it even begins. Or, accordingly, he simply won’t succeed. In this case, of course, the girl should behave calmly. After some time, the excitement will pass, and he will be able to experience full intimacy.


Inexperienced lovers should choose the most comfortable and relaxed positions. You should start with the missionary position. In a horizontal position, it is easier for the body to relax. Penetration in this position does not reach its maximum, so it is less traumatic for the female body.

Alisa Metelina - psychologist specialist in the field of relations between men and women

If you feel like you are having a so-called panic attack, there is a simple way to bring yourself to your senses - this is to breathe in a square. This is when you breathe for a couple of minutes, inhale once or twice, hold your breath once or twice, exhale once or twice, and inhale again once or twice. How would you draw a square like this?
