A landfill is not a landfill! The Ministry of Ecology appealed to the Supreme Court the ban on dumping garbage in Poletayevo. The examination will put an end to it

Not only public control, but also the attention of officials and even law enforcement officers is now required at the new landfill. Waste is now sent to Poletaevo from Chelyabinsk. Let us remind you that on July 1 the city landfill was closed. By the way, its reclamation, according to the region’s Minister of Ecology, will require 3 billion rubles. At the same time, it is necessary to expand the existing landfill, and also ensure that waste is not transported there without permission. Some entrepreneurs are already trying to do this.

The entrance to the Chelyabinsk landfill is cordoned off. Police officers and traffic police inspectors are on duty at the gate. They check permits for garbage imports. Several cars have already been turned away - the drivers were unable to provide the necessary documents. In addition to the police, employees of Rosprirodnadzor and the regional Ministry of Ecology are monitoring the situation.

“It is prohibited to bring any industrial waste here, industrial waste must be disposed of separately. A unit is now traveling to Poletayevo legal entities, which have already re-signed contracts with us, some of the management companies in three regions – Metallurgical, Kurchatovsky, Kalininsky,” comments Vitaly Bezrukov, Advisor to the Minister of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region.

The Chelyabinsk landfill is almost 70 years old and occupies 50 hectares. The volume of accumulated waste, according to some sources, is 16 million tons. Environmentalists assess the damage to the city as catastrophic. The garbage monster produces tens of tons per year, they say. harmful substances, the most dangerous are formaldehyde, phenol and methane. By the age of 21 it should disappear.

Very soon the city landfill will begin to be reclaimed. First, it will be fenced off, covered with a large screen, pipes will be installed to remove gas, and in the end, a green lawn will appear here.

Now all waste from Chelyabinsk is gradually transported to the landfill in Poletayevo. This process will be fully completed by September. At the same time, according to its management, the enterprise will build another “map” - a place for storing solid waste. After expansion, it will be able to receive all Chelyabinsk waste - about four hundred thousand tons. In just two days, the flow of cars here has increased by about half.

“The capacity of the landfill for the year is calculated at 420 thousand tons, this is what was provided for by the project. At the moment, taking into account the state environmental assessment, we are able to accept the amount of waste that the Ministry of Ecology was ready to send to us,” assured Zahid Kamilov, director of Solid Waste Landfill LLC.

According to the Minister of Ecology, the increase in power has already been approved by the state expert. It passed last week.

“We hope that by September we will transfer all flows; now there are all legal grounds to expand it and bring it into such compliance. These are international standards for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills, I think everything will be fine,” says Sergei Likhachev, Minister of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region.

According to Likhachev, garbage from Chelyabinsk will be brought here for two years, after which all waste will be processed or disposed of. And already in 1919 a new, main training ground will be built in Chishma. This is where all the garbage from Chelyabinsk will be brought.

Alexander Naumov. Andrey Kostarev

The desire of the regional authorities to carry out the instructions of Governor Dubrovsky at any cost - to close the Chelyabinsk city landfill without fail by July 1, 2018, transferring a huge flow of waste to the landfill in Poletaevo, creates no less problems and threats for the city, surrounding villages and the population than it solves. These problems will “emerge” in all their glory by the beginning of the SCO summit in the summer of 2020, if the attitude towards the situation does not change right now.

Yesterday, these topics were discussed very emotionally at a round table in the regional ONF with the participation of a large number of regional and city officials (including the acting Minister of Ecology of the region Y. Kuprikova), activists and experts. I think that a detailed release from the ONF executive committee will soon follow, but here I will give several considerations based both on the content of the discussion and on personal communication with specialists and social activists.

The closure of the Chelyabinsk landfill has been discussed for many years; it was supposed to be “finally closed” on January 1, 2018, but local authorities were not ready for this. Most likely, this situation would have continued for a long time if not for the presidential decree on holding the SCO summit in Chelyabinsk. After this, Governor Dubrovsky categorically demanded that the landfill be closed no later than July 1. However, it turns out that there is no real readiness for this, and the desire to report to superiors can lead to serious consequences and provoke a long-term socio-ecological crisis.

What is the essence of the problem?

The main landfill for Chelyabinsk waste is supposed to be created in the Chishma area, but not only have they not started engineering surveys and construction (the time frame is 2-3 years at best), but a competition to select a concessionaire has not yet been held, the matter is constantly being postponed due to constant proceedings in the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and lawsuits are also likely. Therefore, in fact, the only testing site that the regional authorities are counting on after July 1 is near the village of Poletayevo, in the suburban Sosnovsky district.

However, local residents seriously opposed this; their claim is now being considered in court. The fact is that the landfill in Poletaevo was previously created for a volume of 22 thousand tons of waste per year, and now it will have to accept 500 thousand tons Chelyabinsk waste annually. Residents perceive this as an environmental disaster threatening them, worse than the one near Moscow.

Some EIA (environmental impact assessment) data were presented for the currently operating Poletaevsk landfill: for example, with a waste volume of 22 thousand tons per year, the hydrogen sulfide content there may exceed 0.5 MAC (it was the excess concentration in the air of this substance that led to , that in Volokolamsk residents were given protective masks). But this level of maximum permissible concentration will increase at least 20 times, if the expected volume of waste from Chelyabinsk arrives there. How can such a project successfully pass environmental assessment?

Deputy from Poletaevo Yulia Kudashova cited other threatening data (including the risks of pollution of the Miass River and drinking water bodies of Chelyabinsk, because the landfill is located a couple of kilometers from the river), all of which are contained in the lawsuit. IN in this case The important thing is that there is no State Expertise conclusion on increasing the capacity of the Poletaevsky test site (expected by the end of April) and it is not at all a fact that it will be positive. Plus - the trial has just begun. Let us remind you that the Chelyabinsk landfill should be closed on July 1. Where will thousands of tons of Chelyabinsk garbage be transported?
As it turns out, the authorities do not have any realistic “plan B” in case Poletayevo cannot accept them.

The possibility of short-term storage of Chelyabinsk waste (for up to 11 months) at some “preliminary” site in Chishma, voiced by Deputy Minister of Ecology Irina Kharina, timidly claims the role of such a plan, but this is only a hypothetical possibility: it is not clear who and when will build it, if the concessionaire is still no (according to expert estimates, the entire process, including approvals, will take at least a year) and where can I urgently get funds for this?

The absolute unpreparedness of the “Poletaev” version was demonstrated by carriers and transport specialists. The head of the Clean Environment association, Konstantin Smolin, said that every day from 600 to 1000 garbage trucks transport garbage to the Chelyabinsk landfill. Are the existing roads ready to accommodate such traffic flow in this direction? Experts are sure no.

Yakov Gurevich says thatWhen transporting Chelyabinsk waste to Poletayevo, the delivery “shoulder” will more than double, and the operating cycle of the garbage truck will increase by 60%.Accordingly, 60% more transport will be required for waste removal. Its purchase will require more than a billion rubles and at least six months of time. Increasing mileage will correspondingly more than double truck emissions.
In addition, the capacity of the roads (Blyukhera Street, M5 and the bypass road) is clearly insufficient. This will increase traffic jams, further reduce the speed of garbage trucks and require a proportional increase in their number.It will be necessary to build an access road to the landfill in Poletayevo, since the existing primer will not be able to withstand a 25-fold increase in load.
And all this is for the sake of increasing the number of landfills poisoning Chelyabinsk from one to two, the expert says.

Finally, one more important consideration. The emergency closure of the Chelyabinsk landfill, which the regional and city authorities have not really dealt with in all the past years, is being pushed now because it is necessary to somehow clean up the territory and air of Chelyabinsk before the SCO summit, which will be held in the summer of 2020. However, it may turn out that this is not what will happen.

It is in two years (the declared period for the removal and storage of millions of tons of Chelyabinsk waste in Poletaevo) - that is, exactly by the summer of 2020, that the Poletaevo landfill will be overfilled and will begin to actively “smell” (we are not talking about the protest sentiments of the residents). We must be aware that this landfill is located quite close to Chelyabinsk ( see map - diagram). The distance from the Poletaevskaya landfill to the new residential development on the western bank of the Shershnevskoye reservoir is 12 kilometers. At the same time, the wind rose here is such that Chelyabinsk residents and guests of the city will be able to feel all the “aromas” of this landfill (especially in summer) quickly and clearly.

Due to the wind rose, emissions of relatively volatile biogas from the Poletaevsky landfill (with hydrogen sulfide and many other pollutants) will be able to reach new densely populated areas of Chelyabinsk, previously considered environmentally friendly. These include the extreme microdistricts of the north-west - from the Rifey complex to Poplar Alley (these areas are approximately equally distant from the new and old landfills).

Such threats are also real for the areas of the city forest and the regional hospital that are now considered the cleanest in the city. Even the city center, which is two and a half times farther from the new landfill than from the old one (up to 20 kilometers compared to 8 kilometers), is also not immune from such risks. The volume of emissions from the Poletayev landfill when it is loaded by 2020, will several times higher than the current volume of emissions from the Korkinsky mine(it is known that Korkin emissions have repeatedly traveled such a distance, actively participating in the formation of the famous Chelyabinsk smog).

These directions of environmental threats and the main distances from landfills to the mentioned places in Chelyabinsk can be seen in the presented scheme. However, the threats of pollution air environment the matter is not limited to this: the blue arrows on the map indicate the risks for the Miass River (the distance from the Poletaevsky test site is less than 3 kilometers), then the dotted line marks the path to the city water intake, which the water travels in just 6.5 hours.
Also on the map you can see villages on the western bank of the Hornets, in the formerly promising development zone of the Chelyabinsk agglomeration. They are located only 3 kilometers from the Poletaevskaya landfill and could easily end up in an environmental disaster zone.

So why is this whole garden being fenced off so quickly? To report to Moscow that the order has been completed? Maybe it would be better to properly prepare the long-distance solid waste landfill in Chishma - and only then completely close the Chelyabinsk landfill, leaving Poletaev residents and many Chelyabinsk residents alone, without worsening their quality of life?

In fact, what is now happening in Chelyabinsk is exactly what President Vladimir Putin categorically warned against: one terrible landfill is being demonstrably closed, but another, no less harmful, is quietly opening nearby. Let us note in parentheses that the landfill in Poletayevo is private and there are simply no plans for its reclamation after overflow (when, how, at whose expense).

I believe that public discussion of all this on the platform of the ONF performs an important function: the problems are “exposed”, they cannot be silenced . The general conclusion is this: it is necessary to close and reclaim the Chelyabinsk landfill, but it is impossible to close it hastily, “at any cost” by a specific date, thereby posing serious threats to the population in the near future. All risks must be named, assessed and weighed, and control over the situation must be public; The ONF will look into this and return to the topic in about a month.

Nobody needs a second Volokolamsk here, especially one directly related to the SCO summit project: people’s health and the reputation of a presidential event are not things that local officials can juggle.

It is planned to build a waste transshipment terminal almost in the center of Moscow

Just a month ago, the giant freight yard of the Moscow-Ural Railway - also known as Paveletskaya Tovarnaya - was considered a promising area for residential or office development. And now it has become known that the railway terminal remains in operation. But it is being repurposed for municipal solid waste. A waste transfer point will soon appear a 10-minute walk from the Garden Ring and 320 meters from the nearest residential buildings. With garbage truck traffic to match and a consistently excellent smell.

The station address is Zhukov proezd, 20. From Paveletskaya you can get here either through Letnikovskaya Street or along Dubininskaya. In any case, you will have to walk: trams on Dubininskaya most often stand in a dead traffic jam. But there is no transport on Zhukov Proezd, and there is nowhere to park. During working hours there is a continuous stream of cars.

The first question for the waste terminal designers is: has the increase in load on the road network been taken into account? Zhukov Passage, a single-lane street sandwiched between industrial zones, is already overloaded with traffic. What if dozens (or hundreds?) of garbage trucks are added to it every day?..

However, the gates of Paveletskaya Tovarnaya are wide and impressive. Nearby, car service and tire shops, parking lots and tents with shawarma “for their own” have nestled, stuck, and grown. Inside there is a large cargo area with a canopy and loading devices, almost completely cleared of containers. The station stopped receiving cargo in mid-2017.

There’s nothing to re-equip here,” laughs a station employee who came out to smoke. - I think so, at least tomorrow we can bring in dump trucks with garbage...

IN Soviet time(and even until the end of the 2000s) Paveletskaya-freight station was a fairly popular station: there were large enterprises around - such as the Vladimir Ilyich plant, the Krasny Clothmaker factory - and dozens of smaller ones. In the middle of the last century, there was an extensive network of freight trams in this area, connecting relatively small enterprises with the freight station. Large plants and factories had their own railway terminals.

Rumors that a terminal for waste transshipment could be located at Paveletskaya Tovarnaya have been circulating since the beginning of autumn.

Rumors that a terminal for transshipment of solid waste could be located at Paveletskaya Tovarnaya have been circulating in the Danilovsky district since the beginning of autumn, and a tender for engineering surveys was officially announced on October 31. A tender has also appeared for the construction of energy networks for the waste cluster.

The municipality of the Danilovsky district learned about this object from the news, deputy of the district municipal assembly Anna Desyatova told MK. - As I understand, this territory belongs to Russian Railways, so its development does not require municipal approvals or public hearings. Meanwhile, residents are already reacting violently to the news: they are sending requests to various departments. It has not yet been decided whether any protest campaign will be organized.

The Profzemresurs company, which, according to information from Paveletskaya-tovarnaya employees, works at the site, does not report on its official website either about the work profile or completed projects. The contact number published on this site also does not answer. The only thing that the company reports about itself is its legal address, which coincides with the MosvodokanalNIIproekt Institute (Pleteshkovsky Lane, 22). Among the areas of activity of the institute are the development of projects for “structures for systems for the collection, neutralization, recycling and disposal of solids.” household waste and industrial waste."

Several more waste transfer terminals are planned for construction in Moscow. In particular, they are designed in Nekrasovka and at the Boynya freight station (near Volgogradsky Prospekt). The terminal, using the Paveletskaya direction of the Moscow Railway, was originally planned in Biryulyovo, but to meet the needs of the city center, it was decided to move it to Paveletskaya Tovarnaya, a source in the Moscow construction complex told MK.

According to data published by Profzemresurs, the waste sorting technology used by the company (and developed by MosvodokanalNIIproekt) provides for: automated separation of waste into fractions; selection of used batteries, accumulators, fluorescent lamps, waste containing mercury into separate containers; separation of secondary material resources by types and fractions for further briquetting, packaging and preparation of recyclable materials for transportation. At all sites where work in progress with waste, environmental measures are provided. In particular, wastewater treatment, an impervious screen that prevents soil contamination.

It seems there is nothing to worry about - especially since waste storage on the territory of Paveletskaya-commodity is not provided. But two points are still alarming. The first is the wind rose: the Danilovsky district, even without a waste sorting station, is included in the “red” zone of Moscow in terms of air pollution. The second is real estate prices in the immediate vicinity.

The apartment market on Dubininskaya Street is still quite specific,” realtor Svetlana Kontsova told MK. - The station and the street that is always stuck in traffic jams make this area not very prestigious for living, but the abundance of offices of the most different classes makes Dubininskaya and surrounding areas good place to buy housing for the purpose of later renting it out to people working nearby.

A group of social activists from the Sosnovsky district, led by the deputy of the village of Poletaevo Yulia Kudashova, filed a claim with the Chelyabinsk Regional Court against the regional Ministry of Ecology. They demand a revision of the territorial waste management scheme regarding the storage of household waste from Chelyabinsk at the Poletaevsky landfill, as well as recalculation of the tariff for garbage removal. According to the deputy, officials have not sufficiently worked out the scheme, which could result in an environmental disaster for Poletayevo and an exorbitant fee for the removal of household waste for the population of neighboring districts and cities. The regional Ministry of Ecology does not comment on the complaint, since the court has so far suspended consideration of the claim and has not sent documents to the department for review.

A class action lawsuit was filed with the Chelyabinsk Regional Court by five residents of Poletaevsky rural settlement“on recognizing the territorial waste management scheme, including municipal solid waste (MSW), of the Chelyabinsk region as inoperative.” The document was accepted for consideration, but left without progress. According to one of the initiators of the claim, deputy of the Poletaevsky rural settlement Yulia Kudashova, public activists were required to familiarize themselves with the materials of the prosecutor’s claim, after which its consideration would be resumed. “The Ministry of Environment did not respond to our complaints for a long time, sending us to court. More than a year of unsuccessful struggle has passed, we have collected a large number of documents, examinations and now we are going to court. They are trying to assure us that everything is fine, but this is not the case, and we are well prepared and have thoroughly studied all the information. I am sure that the ministry knows much less about this landfill than we do,” Mrs. Kudashova told Kommersant-South Ural.

Residents of Poletayevo have been fighting the project to locate a solid waste landfill near the village for several years now. In February 2017, the landfill was included in State Register waste disposal facilities by order of Rosprirodnadzor.

The statement of claim states that the territorial scheme has numerous shortcomings, in particular, the volume of waste that will be delivered to the Poletaevsky landfill has not been calculated. Initially, according to the deputy, it was not expected that most of the garbage from the Chelyabinsk city landfill, which will begin to be closed in 2018, would be transported there. Mrs. Kudashova claims that “there were no public hearings where such a scheme would have been agreed upon with residents,” especially since, “according to some information, the storage of garbage from Chelyabinsk will not be temporary, but primary.” Residents believe that the landfill will not cope with such a volume of waste, which will also come from neighboring cities and regions included in the Chelyabinsk cluster - Yuzhnouralsk, Yemanzhelinsk, Troitsk and many small villages. In addition, to the statement of claim, the initiative group attached a response from the Nizhne-Ob Basin Water Administration (water resources department for the Chelyabinsk region of Rosvodresurs) to Ms. Kudashova’s appeal regarding the placement of a landfill in areas designated by the Ministry of Ecology. The document says that overload with volumes of garbage threatens water resources- the Miass River and the Shershnevsky Reservoir, since “in case of non-compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation at the solid waste landfill” there is a “probability of pollutants entering” surface and underground water bodies. During a flood, pollutants “can be transformed as diffuse runoff into surface runoff into the Birgilda and Miass rivers.” “We believe that, despite the fact that the placement of a solid waste landfill in the specified location generally complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, it creates a threat to the safety of water supply during the operation of the above water intakes. Considering the fact that the issue of a backup source of water supply for a city with a population of one million has not been resolved, the location of a solid waste landfill may lead to an environmental disaster that will leave drinking water 1.5 million people,” the document says.

Yulia Kudashova noted that the tariff that can be set for cities included in the Chelyabinsk cluster may become unaffordable for most residents, especially if it concerns villages and large families: “The map is simply not drawn, all the roads there are straight lines, that is Logistics have not been calculated at all. And on its basis, the Ministry of Tariff Regulation will formulate tariffs for the population. If garbage needs to be transported 250 km, what will the tariff be? Our current tariff in private homes is 81 rubles. per person, in Sosnovsky district the tariff is generally the highest - 146 rubles. per person. That is, the landfill will earn money, and we will all pay,” the deputy believes.

Press secretary of the Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region Ekaterina Sorokina told Kommersant-South Ural that the department has not yet received documents from the court. “Commenting on rumors and speculation is not entirely correct. We are waiting for official documents to familiarize ourselves with the provisions of public activists,” noted Ms. Sorokina.

According to the co-founder of the environmental project “Let’s Do It!” Yaroslav Magazov, the existing landfill in Poletayevo is so small that it will not be able to accept additional volumes of waste from Chelyabinsk. “Even the one that exists is working with violations; there are already local problems there that can affect the Miass River,” Mr. Magazov told Kommersant-Southern Ural. In his opinion, recycling and separate collection of waste could solve the problem of overloading existing landfills in the Chelyabinsk region. "According to our calculations, this moment It is already possible to recycle about 50% of collected waste - metal, glass, things, perhaps even organics. Due to this, the volume of waste collection and disposal will be significantly reduced, and waste will not need to be redistributed from closing landfills to existing ones,” the expert concluded.

For six months, there have been persistent rumors that the city of Chelyabinsk will eventually stop operating its landfill and transport hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of garbage outside the city. The points where solid waste will be stored are named. And these points are located in the suburban Sosnovsky district. The solid waste landfill in Poletayevo is one of them.

As always, the object has supporters and opponents. The opponents are united, and there are no socio-economic arguments for them. They are simply against it!

Test site director Valery Tkachuk led the delegation to all points of the facility. He explains that from the project to the present day, the landfill has gone through several stages; all the necessary documents have been received from government control, inspection, and sanctioning structures. Entrepreneurs, in particular businessman Alexey Kozhevnikov, who is developing an industrial site near Poletayevo, say that the landfill was built with prospects for the future. This is not just a waste disposal site. This is an industrial complex in which household waste will be sorted. The president of the country put such demands before the regional authorities, demanding that from January 1, 2017 household waste ceased to be an environmental disaster.

Vladimir Tkachuk, director of the enterprise, and businessman Alexey Kozhevnikov show a hangar in which a special installation is installed for waste sorting and briquetting plastic waste, bins for paper, glass, metal. According to the entrepreneurs, organic residues will be removed to a special storage facility located a kilometer from the industrial site.

It seemed to me that public activists had nothing to say against the sorting complex. It exists, tests have been carried out, there are several briquetted packs with PET bottles, there are cardboard, glass containers, beer cans and tin cans shipped into bins. They will bring the garbage here, the conveyor will start working.

The quarry type storage facility was built according to the project. The sides and bottom are lined with a special film, drainage outlets and overflow wells are made, and a special settling pond is dug. Industrial ramps have been laid around the storage facility and clay sides have been poured to facilitate natural drainage. From the slopes facing the waste pit, water rolls into the pit, goes through drains into overflow wells and ends up in a settling pond. There it can be used together with sludge effluents or used in a cycle to irrigate a burial site for organic waste.

Alexey Kozhevnikov believes that today the Solid Waste Landfill in Poletaevo is one of the few facilities with a cycle that is modern and safe for humans and environment technologies.

“We haven’t started working yet,” says the entrepreneur. “We don’t know how organic residues will behave when they are pressed in a pit using special equipment to remove air layers and prevent rapid decomposition.” We assume there will be no smell. There will be no danger to water bodies. We will not pollute sources of groundwater, since the coating manufacturer guarantees a very long life of this coating and sufficient resistance to mechanical damage. And every meter layer of organic matter is planned to be covered with a half-meter layer of soil to avoid spontaneous combustion. But to start working efficiently, it is necessary to ensure processing volumes. For enterprises processing secondary raw materials, our partners, this is very important. For example, PET waste will be used for meal, from which it is made plastic pipes, canisters, added to asphalt mixtures. The glass may be used to make tiles.

Next we talk about the industrial territory. How and why were the lands taken out of agricultural use? I don’t understand this question from the leaders of the social movement. The entrepreneur is developing industrial production and plans to have investors on his site. And the landfill itself is considered an industrial facility, and without transferring the land from one category to another, it is simply impossible to carry out activities. The question would be relevant and understandable if in Poletaevo agricultural producers fought for every piece of acreage. But here, according to the agricultural department, 66 hectares are occupied half and half for vegetables and potatoes.

The director continues to show objects. He takes visitors towards the pond, then introduces them in detail to the staff room. By the way, the premises for workers have a locker room, a clothes dryer, a toilet, showers, a room for office work, and a rest room.

Everything seems to be fine. The road is paved. The map where work is planned has a lighting line. When importing waste, there is a weighing and inspection area.

Those who disagree are left with only one argument: “It stinks, and there is no escape from flies in the summer!” There is no other answer why people are so diligently fighting a very promising project that can improve environmental situation in our region, it did not follow. How a still empty waste receptacle can “stink” and breed insects remains unanswered. People know better because they live here.

What about the experts? Here is the opinion of some of them, who have already spoken out a dozen times on the topic of the work of the Poletaevsky solid waste landfill. In November, Anna Ustimenko, director of Ecoresolution LLC, and Andrey Smagin, Doctor of Biological Sciences (ecology), professor of the Department of Life Safety at SUSU, walked around the site with a group of journalists. They found no flaws in the design or technology. Repeated departure public Council The Ministry of Ecology has planned this spring to monitor the disposal of solid waste during the operation of the landfill.

Activists from the public support headquarters of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region took part in environmental control a new landfill for solid household waste in the Sosnovsky district.

As social activists note, the location for the landfill, the village of Poletayevo, was chosen well. The facility is located on industrial lands five kilometers from settlements and four - from the Miass and Birgilda rivers. The distance to the border of the sanitary zone of settlements and technical water bodies is two kilometers.

Social activist Vitaly Bezrukov, who takes part in the environmental control of the headquarters, says that this enterprise should solve the problem for many villages in the Sosnovsky district. It is necessary to get rid of unauthorized and unequipped landfills, place garbage centrally at special facilities, and introduce deep recycling.

And I agree with this. At all new landfills planned for construction and old landfills existing in our region, there must be deep sorting and, if possible, recycling of household waste. The solid waste landfill in Poletaevo can become not just the first industrial site with a new attitude towards waste, but also an experimental platform for turning waste into income.