Cooking feijoa with sugar. Feijoa pureed with sugar

The process of preparing feijoas for the winter is quite an exciting activity. When properly prepared, the delicacy retains the maximum amount of vitamins, iodine and other elements. It is for this reason that it is often used as a medicine. Due to the slight sourness in the fruits, it is recommended to add sugar to the preparation.

Let's start looking at the original recipes.

Classic way

It is recommended to purchase berries in November-December. At this time, active harvesting occurs. The amount of sugar and feijoa is used in a 1:1 ratio. This way the dessert acquires the required consistency, and the shelf life increases. Let's look at the recipe for feijoa pureed with sugar.


  • main ingredient - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse feijoa and dry. Cut off the tails. For convenience, it is allowed to cut into several parts. Grind with a blender until smooth.
  2. Place in a suitable bowl and add granulated sugar. Stir, cover and put in a cool place for improved dissolution of the grains. Don't forget to stir regularly.
  3. Pour the mixture into clean jars, close with a nylon lid and store in a cool place.

With cranberries

The second name for the jam is “live”. Why? It is prepared in a cold way, allowing you to preserve all the beneficial substances in a glass jar. Let's look at another recipe for making feijoa with sugar for the winter:


  • cranberries - 200 g;
  • feijoa - 350 g;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

  1. Wash the main ingredient and add additional boiling water. Remove the tails and divide into 2 equal halves. Place in a blender bowl and puree until smooth.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into a container with a thick bottom and add granulated sugar. Cover with a cloth and leave until the sweet product is completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir the contents regularly.
  3. Sort the cranberries, rinse and place on a clean towel. Rub the berries through a sieve and place the mixture in a container with the feijoa. Stir and leave for 10-15 minutes. Pour into clean containers, cover with a plastic lid and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Jam through a meat grinder

Feijoa is a fleshy, juicy, large berry. To prepare dessert for the winter, it is recommended to first grind it in a meat grinder. Based on this, there is another option for how to cook feijoa for the winter with sugar:


  • granulated sugar - 700 g;
  • feijoa - 700 g.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Wash the main ingredient, dry and remove the tails. Divide into 4 parts. Pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid.
  2. Place the puree in a suitable bowl and combine with granulated sugar. Stir, cover and leave warm for 10-30 minutes.
  3. After the sweet sand is completely dissolved, pour into jars. Close tightly with nylon lids and refrigerate.

No cooking with oranges

How to make something tasty and healthy jam? This is a question many housewives ask. We propose to consider the process of preparing a delicacy without cooking and enriched with vitamin C. The cooking process itself is simple and does not require special skills.


  • feijoa - 500 g;
  • oranges - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • apples - 80 g.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Rinse all prepared fruits and dry on a clean towel. Divide the oranges into 8 equal parts, remove the seeds. Cut out the seed box of the apples, and the stem of the feijoa. For ease of preparation, it is recommended to chop the products into convenient slices or cubes.
  2. Using a meat grinder, grind until smooth. Place in a suitable container and add granulated sugar. Mix and pack into clean jars. Cover with plastic lids and leave in a warm place for 4-5 hours to improve the dissolution of sugar grains. After the time has passed, it is recommended to put the feijoa ground with sugar with the addition of oranges and apples in a cool place.

Five minutes of exotic fruits

The name of the recipe comes from how quick and easy it is to prepare. The berries are cooked for only 5 minutes, which allows them to preserve vitamins, micro and macroelements. The taste is simply extraordinary.

Do you think the harvesting season is over and you can relax? Nothing like this! The recipe for feijoa with sugar for the winter without cooking is my favorite because it is very simple.

Now is the time to stock up on delicious “cold jam”. You don’t have to sterilize the jars or pour boiling water over the lids. There is no need to stand at the stove and watch so that it doesn’t burn. Without cooking, you can do it in half an hour if you try.

The aromatic puree will be perfectly preserved in the refrigerator until the next harvest. The only thing you need is to go to the market and buy a couple of kilograms of ripe emerald berries. Nice bonus: the yield is twice as delicious as the original product!

The feijoa season lasts from October to mid-November. Do not miss!

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How to choose feijoa at the market or in the store?

The quality of the raw materials is the first thing you should pay close attention to. If you take unripe or spoiled fruits, the taste and consistency of the mixture will no longer be the same. Sometimes your work can go down the drain.

Therefore, we slowly walk through the rows and choose carefully 😉

Many people run past this nondescript berry. And completely in vain! Try it, but carefully inspect the fruit before purchasing. ABOUT good quality The product shows the following signs:

  • There are no dark spots, scratches or other damage on the surface.
  • There is no pronounced odor.
  • The skin is green, not dark or yellow.
  • The shape is closer to oval, length from 3 to 7 cm.

Taste the berries by touch. Take the cutest one in your hand. Run your thumb over it and then press lightly. Ripe ones will not be too hard. There are no dense tubercles on its surface.

Often halves are displayed on display. If not, ask the seller to cut one piece. Look what's inside her. The ready-to-eat fruit has translucent flesh with a slightly yellowish tint. It smells nice and has a jelly-like consistency.

One day I was in a hurry and bought unripe feijoa. The dense grains from these tubercles were felt even when ground with sugar. They spoiled all the fun.

Most likely, you will not be allowed to choose feijoas individually. Stop near the display case where there are more large specimens. Do not buy small ones that are too soft or hard. Avoid unevenly colored and dark green ones.

We usually get feijoa from Adler and Abkhazia, so I have no doubts about its environmental friendliness.

In the northern regions of the country, you may encounter imports from South Africa or other countries. It is treated with chemicals. This calls into question the wisdom of leaving the peel on. In any case, take the time to thoroughly wash the berries.

What to do at home?

Before harvesting feijoa for the winter, it must be properly prepared. Failure to follow the basic principles can lead to “jam without cooking” spoiling ahead of time. Here are the main steps:

  • Sort the fruits, discard spoiled and unripe ones.
  • Rinse under running water.
  • Place on a clean napkin and let dry.
  • Remove sepals and twigs.
  • Using a sharp knife, cut into halves or quarters, depending on size.

If you still bought green fruits, it doesn’t matter. Spread in one layer on a flat, dry surface. They will reach the desired state in a couple of days.

When washing, you should not be overzealous so as not to remove the valuable anthocyanin coating. Anthocyanins are water-soluble natural pigments. They are not synthesized in the body and have biological activity.

Preparing cans and other equipment

The dishes must be glass. No plastic or metal! IN as a last resort, take an enamel pan of a suitable size.

Small screw-on jars are most convenient. I take liter, half-liter or 0.75 liters. They should be rinsed in warm water and be sure to dry it. We do the same with lids. There is no need for sterilization.

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If you plan to use a meat grinder, then disassemble it and wash all parts well. Especially if the meat was minced before. Additionally, pour boiling water over and wipe with a kitchen towel. I have a separate device for such purposes, which lies ready and waiting in the wings.

Try to minimize the chance of water getting in, especially wet water. This increases the risk of spoilage.

What is the best way to grind feijoa?

Use the equipment available in the house. For larger quantities, a food processor is suitable. If you want, turn on the blender. And if you just want to prepare a portion for testing, use a regular kitchen grater.

The last option is the most labor-intensive. When rubbed, large pieces remain. Not everyone likes them. I like it to be an even paste.

How to cook feijoa?

In countries where the fruits ripen in abundance, they are used to make not only sweet dishes, but also seasonings, marinades, and side dishes. We won’t complicate our lives and just prepare vitamin jelly. And what’s left will be eaten raw.

Classical feijoa recipe with sugar without cooking

The composition of ingredients is limited to two items. You will need:

  • 1 kg feijoa,
  • 1 kg sugar.

Preparation, step-by-step instructions:

  • Wash the raw materials, dry them, cut off the excess.
  • Grind.
  • Pour a kilo of sugar into a wide bowl and stir with fruit puree.
  • Leave for an hour or an hour and a half until the crystals completely dissolve.
  • Stir again, pour into jars, close, and refrigerate.

Feijoa with nuts

Let's not stop at two ingredients, but add a “zest” to them - nuts. But not ordinary ones, but (for a walk - like a walk!).


  • Prepare the feijoa.
  • Grind and mix with an equal amount of sugar.
  • Chop (or leave as is) 300-500 grams of cashews. Add to mixture. Keep in mind – this will add extra sweetness. Wash the nuts first, heat them in a frying pan, and cool.
  • Stir and transfer to a glass container.

The result is an excellent dessert that you won’t be ashamed to serve to guests. It can be eaten with toast for breakfast or filled into shortbread baskets for festive table. And most importantly - no cooking!

Feijoa recipe with ginger

Delicious option. I see it as therapeutic. I try to use ginger whenever possible to reduce the frequency of attacks.


  • Peel the fresh root, wash it, grate it on a fine grater. I put it through a meat grinder along with feijoa.
  • Measure 2-3 tablespoons and add to feijoa prepared according to the classic recipe.
  • Mix the ingredients.

I don't put citrus fruits here. Berries give sourness even without them. If you want, squeeze out lemon or lime juice.

Puree from feijoa ground with sugar: benefits

A vitamin supplement will diversify the menu, enrich it with new notes, and help you survive. winter months no colds. In the absence of contraindications, it has a positive effect on health:

  • Provides additional supply of ascorbic acid and B vitamins.
  • Improves intestinal function due to the presence of pectins.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties.
  • Slows down the aging process (thanks to antioxidants).

In addition, silicon brings great benefits to the skin of the face. The element strengthens nails and improves hair structure.

Contrary to popular belief, the amount of iodine in feijoa is not “off-scale”, but some... 13.3: 2= 6.75% of daily norm. And only if you eat 100 grams, which, of course, is undesirable. I wrote more about this.

The absence of heat treatment allows for maximum preservation of active substances. Don’t get carried away (I know from experience how difficult it is to stop when there’s such yummy food on the table) and fill up the glasses. 3-4 spoons a day are enough.

Don't forget that half of the product is sugar. And this is a “no-brainer” for those who watch their weight, control blood glucose, or seek to reduce insulin resistance.

Those suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis should take into account that according to official medicine, excessive iodine intake complicates the course of the disease. The product is contraindicated for those suffering from hyperthyroidism and diabetics. In case of hypothyroidism, dessert will not harm in the absence of AIT.

Storage rules

  • Keep the workpiece in a cool place.
  • Avoid freezing.
  • Protect from direct sunlight.

Why does “cold jam” from feijoa turn dark?

When I first saw this, I was wary. After standing, the mass on top for some reason turned brown. But nothing bad happened. The substances simply oxidized upon contact with air. This does not affect the nutritional value, because the bulk of the beneficial elements remain intact.

If you notice any darkening, simply stir with a spoon and eat to your health.

The berries do not last long; the recipe for feijoa with sugar without cooking is very simple. Prepare a healthy mix for the winter. It won't require much effort. On cold days it will delight you with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Bon appetit!

Feijoa is a South American fruit whose aroma and taste resembles a mixture of kiwi and strawberries. But that's not the main thing. This fruit is very healthy. It contains iodine, vitamin C, sucrose, pectin, fiber and organic acids. In our country, these berries appear towards the end of autumn. In order to enjoy the beneficial properties for as long as possible, housewives have learned to prepare them for future use. How to make jam without processing, read the step-by-step recipes.

How to grind feijoa with sugar

The most popular dessert is feijoa ground with sugar. How to prepare such a dish? Easily! Thereby simple way All vitamins contained in the fruit are completely preserved. You need to prepare the berries, grind them using a blender or through a meat grinder, and then add sugar. This delicious puree Used to boost immunity during the cold season. Over time, the product may become sugary, but this will not affect the quality. The composition of such a dessert may contain various additives, to suit your taste - orange, lemon, walnuts or ginger.

Feijoa through a meat grinder

Many people wonder how to prepare this exotic fruit? The simplest method is to pass the chopped fruits through a meat grinder. To obtain a more delicate texture, you can twist the mixture several times. Add sugar to the resulting slurry. You can use walnuts if desired. The skin of the berries is very healthy, so there is no need to cut it off. It contains the most vitamins. To ensure that the taste of the dish does not disappoint you, choose high-quality fruits. They must have a beautiful appearance, uniform green color and be ripe.

Feijoa in a blender

Having a blender on hand, it is better to chop the berries in it. Firstly, thanks to the spacious capacity, this will be more convenient and faster. Secondly, in a blender you can control the thickness of the finished product. By reducing or increasing the processing time for pieces of fruit, you can easily achieve the desired consistency of the delicacy. You can sweeten the mixture immediately in a blender, this will allow the crystals to dissolve faster. If you are planning to make jam for the winter in large quantities, a blender will significantly save your time.

Feijoa with sugar - proportions

The proportions of sugar and feijoa in cooking are very important. Not only the taste of the finished dish, but also the shelf life depends on this criterion. The best ratio is considered to be 1:1. That is, for 1 kg of fruit you need to use 1 kg of sugar. These proportions can be adjusted to suit you. For example, if you don’t like sweets, you can take 700-800 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. If you want to prepare a dish using lemon or ginger, the sugar content should be higher. Each recipe displays the optimal proportions of ingredients, which helps to prepare a tasty and high-quality dish.

Feijoa pureed with sugar - recipe

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes
  • Number of servings: 20 persons
  • Calorie content of the dish: 230 kcal per 100 grams
  • Purpose: dessert

The feijoa jam recipe does not require much time and effort. Cooking this is delicious healthy dish easily. Thanks to the vitamins contained in the berries, the product is useful even for small children. This dessert is recommended for many diseases. The advantage is that sugar puree does not cause allergic reactions.


  • feijoa – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Trim the tops of the fruits, wash them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Grind the berries along with the peel to the required consistency.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Stir thoroughly.
  5. Place the finished mixture in sterile jars.
  6. Store dessert in the refrigerator.

Feijoa jam without cooking

The benefits of feijoa are difficult to overestimate. But in order to preserve the vitamins in full, it is better to consume this fruit raw, along with the skin. Many people are unusual in eating fruits without heat treatment. While the flesh has a pleasant taste, the skin is tart and bitter. It is better to prepare delicious pureed live jam. Due to the fact that the delicacy does not require cooking, it contains all the benefits of these berries. Raw feijoa jam can be stored for no more than three months. You need to keep it in the refrigerator or in the basement. At room temperature the mixture may spoil quickly.

Feijoa recipe with sugar for the winter

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes
  • Number of servings: 25 persons
  • Calorie content of the dish: 310 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: dessert
  • Cuisine: homemade, vegetarian
  • Cooking difficulty: easy

This method is an improved version of the previous recipe. Nuts and orange significantly increase beneficial features, and taste qualities product. This dish can boost the body's immunity. Harvesting feijoa for the winter helps with colds. Feijoa jam with nuts and orange will please everyone - both children and adults.


  • feijoa – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • walnuts – 200 g;
  • orange – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly and remove the stems. Do not remove the peel.
  2. Pour boiling water over the berries and cut them into several pieces.
  3. Peel the orange, remove the seeds and divide into parts.
  4. Soak the nuts in boiled water and leave for about an hour. After this, drain the water and rinse the kernels again.
  5. Grind the feijoa, orange and nuts until smooth. Place the mixture in a saucepan.
  6. Add sugar, mix well with a spoon and cover with a lid. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  7. Place the finished product in jars and hide in a cool place.

Feijoa with lemon

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes
  • Number of servings: 20 persons
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal per 100 g
  • Purpose: dessert
  • Cuisine: homemade, vegetarian
  • Cooking difficulty: easy

Feijoa jam with lemon and sugar is the most successful culinary combination. Lemon perfectly sets off the unusual taste of this exotic fruit and gives the dish some piquancy and richness. In addition, the healing qualities of the product are enhanced. This tasty and healthy dish will please the whole family.


  • feijoa – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg
  • large lemon – 1 pc.;
  • water – 80 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits, separate the tops and tails, cut the berries into pieces.
  2. Peel and pit the lemon and cut into pieces.
  3. Grind the ingredients.
  4. In an enamel bowl, mix the resulting slurry with sugar and water.
  5. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 5 minutes after boiling.
  6. Distribute the hot jam into sterile jars and close them with airtight lids.

Feijoa ground with cane sugar

You can make more than just jam at home. You can make sugar syrup, jelly, compote, and liqueur from feijoa. In any of the recipes described, regular granulated sugar can be replaced with cane sugar. Feijoa with cane sugar acquires an unusual caramel taste and a pleasant amber color. This is clearly visible in recipes with photos. Remember that the amount of ingredients needed remains the same. Feijoa fruits, pureed with cane sugar, can be prepared for the winter or for several times.

How to keep feijoa fresh for the winter - cooking secrets

The best place to eat feijoa is in fresh. To do this, you need to peel the fruit, cut it in half and extract the pulp. It is important that the fruit is ripe. This is indicated by the soft whitish jelly-like center of the fruit. This vitamin product has only been on sale for a couple of months. And you want to eat it during the winter. To do this, you need to store the berries correctly. Fresh feijoa does not last long - about two weeks. Then the fruits wither and lose their taste. To prevent this from happening, you need to make feijoa jam. Live jam can be stored for three months, and heat-treated jam can be stored for six months to a year.

Video recipe for feijoa jam without cooking

Feijoa is the fruit of a small tree that grows in mountainous areas South America. Europeans first saw such plants in Brazil. The fruit was named after its discoverer, a Portuguese naturalist named Joao da Silva Feijo. This happened at the end of the 19th century.

Benefits of feijoa fruit

Feijoa has a unique taste that is unlike anything else. This is due to the high iodine content (from 2 to almost 4 mg per 1 kilogram of fruit). Let us remind the reader that a person of average build needs only 0.15 mg of this substance per day. However, there are fruits that have even higher iodine content. This depends on the distance the trees grow from the sea. The closer to the coast, the greater the value of the fruits. The fruit is rich not only in iodine, but also in other useful organic substances and sugars.

Now doctors advise people who have insufficient levels of hormones produced by the thyroid gland to eat more iodine-containing foods. Feijoa is considered one of the healthiest, and at the same time delicious, foods.

Use in cooking

Feijoa fruits are used in different types. You can eat them raw, make salads and bake pies filled with this fruit, cook compotes, and add to lemonade. Jams and preserves are prepared from feijoa fruits. You can make mixes by combining with other fruits. It is very useful to eat grated feijoa with sugar. We will describe the recipe in the article a little later.

You can mix fruit puree with honey. A delicious jelly is made from the preparations and added to soufflés, or added to tea instead of jam. It is recommended to eat a couple of spoons a day to improve your mood. After all, iodine-containing products not only increase hormone levels, but also make a person cheerful and cheerful. Next, let's look at recipes for feijoa with sugar for the winter. We will also learn how to make the workpiece and where it is best to store it.

Fruit preparation

When buying feijoa, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. The product must not contain dark spots or mechanical damage. The color should be uniform, the color should not be too dark green, characteristic of an unripe fruit, which tastes very tart and bitter. Even a mixture of such feijoas with sugar (read the recipe below) will not correct the taste of the dessert.

The fruits should be as green as in the first photo in our article. The taste is reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries and kiwi. After purchasing, you need to make the preparation on the same day, as the fruits may spoil.

Since the feijoa peel contains the most useful substances, it cannot be cut off. First, wash the fruit thoroughly, then you need to cut off the tops with sepals. Then you need to put the fruits in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them.

What is the best way to grind fruits?

After processing, the fruit must be chopped. To do this, you can use either a meat grinder or a blender, depending on how much feijoa with sugar you decide to make according to the recipe. To make the puree more tender, it is recommended to pass the fruits through a meat grinder several times. If you are making a small amount of mixture, you can easily get by with a blender. When using a blender, you can control the thickness of the puree and choose the consistency that suits your needs. If you like a thick composition, then beat the fruits for a short time, and if you need a liquid mass, then use the blender for a longer period of time.

What makes a blender even more convenient is that you can add sugar to the puree while blending. By using mechanical mixing, the sugar crystals will dissolve better and the mixture will not contain lumps. This cannot be done in a meat grinder. When grinding fruits using this unit, add sugar to the container after everything has been ground and beat the mixture with a spoon or whisk. When mixing this way, sugar crystals may remain, but this is not a problem; later they will dissolve anyway.

What can be added to the recipe?

Feijoa pureed with sugar, according to the recipe, allows the presence of any additional products (ground walnuts, apples) in addition to the main products. The sweet-tart taste of feijoa combines perfectly with citrus fruits. You can add the zest of these fruits, juice and pulp.

According to the recipe, feijoa, pureed with sugar, goes well with pear and ginger. Some housewives even experimented with adding pomegranate seeds and rose petals. You can also get creative and try a mix with your favorite fruits.

Cooking process

Before making feijoa mashed with sugar, you need to measure out the required proportions according to the recipe. According to the cooking technology, they usually take 1:1, that is, 1 kg of sugar is consumed for 1 kg of fruit. But some people don’t like the mixture to be too sweet, so they reduce the amount of sugar. Valid for good storage puree take 700-800 g of bulk product. If you are not allergic to honey, you can use this healthy composition instead of sugar.

After grinding the fruits using a blender or meat grinder, add sugar in parts to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly until smooth. Before starting work, you still need to prepare the glass container. The jars are washed and dried well. The mixture is poured into a sterile container and stored in a cool place. In urban conditions, jars need to be placed in the refrigerator, and in the private sector - in the basement.

Feijoa puree with sugar can be stored (according to the recipe - without cooking) for no more than three months in a cold place. It is quite enough to replenish the seasonal lack of vitamins during the winter. Eat puree in small portions, you can add it to tea and compotes.

Feijoa with lemon and sugar: recipe

For the winter, it is recommended to make preparations of the exotic feijoa fruit, ground in a meat grinder, with lemon, which is already familiar to us. The energy value of 100 grams of this puree is 250 kcal. This successful combination is a storehouse of vitamins. Even one tablespoon a day will boost immunity, and in the case of colds, which so often plague people during the cold season, it will contribute to a faster recovery.

By taste characteristics This dish only wins: the lemon gives the jam some piquancy. Let's look further at how to make jam from lemon, feijoa and sugar for the winter. Read the recipe below:

  1. Prepare necessary ingredients- 1 kg feijoa fruit, 1 lemon, 1.2 kg sugar and some water (approximately 80 ml).
  2. The fruits need to be washed and peeled, cut off all the tails, and cut them into small pieces.
  3. You need to remove the zest from the lemon, remove all the seeds, then cut it into small pieces (as indicated in the recipe for making feijoa with sugar).
  4. Grind the prepared ingredients in a meat grinder. Once is enough, since the structure of the paste will change during the cooking process.
  5. Place the mixture in an enamel bowl and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly with adding water.
  6. After kneading, put the gruel on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  7. The boiled mixture is cooked for only 5 minutes.
  8. After turning off the fire, the jam is immediately poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids, boiled in an enamel pan for 10 minutes.

As you can see, recipes for making feijoa with sugar are simple and quick to follow.

Another variant

Let us offer the reader another option for preparing a dessert made from these two complementary fruits. Lemon not only adds vitamins, but also, due to its acidity, reduces the cloying sweetness of the product. Also, the acidity of citrus fruits has better preservative properties.

For one serving of puree, take 700 grams of feijoa, 200 grams of lemon (some people like a mixture with orange), and also 700 grams of sugar.

Fruits are prepared similarly to the previous method: washed, peeled from the top and sepals, cut into small pieces. If during cutting there are dents or areas with darkening, then they need to be cut out. According to the recipe for cooking with sugar, feijoa is also ground in a blender or through a meat grinder.

The main difference between this recipe and the previous one is the preparation of lemon. It needs to be boiled in boiling water for about one minute before mixing. After cooling, peel the citrus from seeds and grind it, pouring it into the mixture with feijoa. All that remains is to add the required amount of sugar and mix everything thoroughly with a spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then the puree is packaged in sterile jars and tightly closed with lids. The product is stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony in winter.

Feijoa drink

Such a wonderful fruit rich in vitamins can also be added to drinks. Even just cutting a couple of pieces of fresh feijoa into hot tea, we get delicious drink which promotes health.

You can also cook compote separately. To do this, take half a kilogram of fruit, two glasses of sugar, 3 liters of water and just a little citric acid (one third of a teaspoon).

Add sugar to boiling water and cook for several minutes until completely dissolved. Then peeled and washed feijoa fruits, cut into 4 parts, are added to the sugar syrup. The cooking process lasts 5 minutes. At the end, add citric acid.

The fruits are transferred to sterilized jars, poured on top with the syrup in which the compote was cooked, and rolled up metal lids. The canned food is turned upside down and wrapped in a blanket. This is done so that the cooling of the cans is gradual, and the upper part of the workpiece is well warmed up and sterilized. The next day, you can remove the blanket, and turn the jars upside down and put them in a cool, dark place. In winter, your body will simply need such a vitamin drink.


The article describes in detail recipes for preparing feijoa with sugar for the winter. This wonderful fruit is useful not only because of its high iodine content, although this is its main advantage over other fruits, but it also perfectly tones and improves immunity in winter, when the lack of vitamins in the body is especially acute.

Late autumn is the time when strange feijoa fruits appear on the shelves of Russian markets. They surprise with their unusual taste - a mix of kiwi, strawberries and pineapple, contain a lot of iodine, and impress with their vitamin and mineral composition. Let's consider the beneficial properties of feijoa, rules for selection and storage, contraindications and harm, culinary recipes based on exotic fruits.

What is feijoa, where and how does it grow?

Feijoas are evergreen moisture-loving trees or spreading shrubs of the Akka genus of the Myrtaceae family. They were discovered in the mountainous subtropics of Brazil. Named after their discoverer, Portuguese naturalist Joao Da Silva Feijó. The “newcomer” from South America has taken root in Europe, Georgia, Armenia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Krasnodar Territory and Crimea. Since then, the population of these regions has not known problems with the thyroid gland.

Plants can withstand frosts of –10 °C.
In hot climates, yields are reduced. They have a superficial root system. Flowers of white and pink petals are surrounded by red stamens, collected in bunches of 50-80 pieces. Lush flowering bright bushes provide joy for a month and are used in landscape design and as indoor plants.

The fruits are inconspicuous, up to 5 cm long, fleshy and juicy. They look like green plums, but with remnants of sepals at the top and many seeds, so they are classified as berries. The bright green, lumpy peel has a slight waxy coating. Weight ripe fruit reaches 60 g, some specimens up to 120 grams. For all its homeliness, feijoa special taste. The ripe pulp is transparent, light cream in color, and has a jelly-like consistency.

Trees with a rounded crown, hard glossy leaves and complex flowers will decorate the window of the house. They reproduce by seeds. Shoots appear in 2-4 weeks. In summer, a tub with a seedling can be kept on the balcony. If you want to get fruits, it is recommended to grow self-pollinating varieties or transfer pollen from one bush to another using a soft brush. IN wild conditions Fruiting begins at 6-7 years of plant life.

Fruit composition, calorie content

In countries with cold climates in winter, these fruits are a source of vitamins C, PP, A, group B. The mineral composition is represented by salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Organic acids maintain electrolyte balance.

The berries contain a lot (0.34-35000 mcg/100 g) of water-soluble iodine, which is required for the synthesis of hormones and is absorbed by the thyroid gland better than pharmaceutical drugs. True, it is important that the shrub grows on soils with a sufficient level of this halogen. Some sources write about such a condition as proximity to the sea, which is a misconception. There are many biogeochemical iodine-deficient provinces in the world located on the coast (part of the Crimean Peninsula or the territory of Odessa).

The beneficial properties of feijoa have become the basis for its use in cases of slow metabolism, hypotension, mental retardation in children, treatment of endemic goiter with hypothyroidism - pathology of the thyroid gland (develops in areas with iodine deficiency). Daily requirement in halogen:

  • For children: 60-150 mcg.
  • For adults - 150 mcg.

Sea fish contains 3-54 mcg/100 g. In addition to iodine, feijoa berries contain:

  • Phenols – impart an astringent taste to fruits and contribute to their darkening in air. For this reason, it is desirable to reduce the time of interaction of the product with oxygen, which will preserve P-vitamin activity.
  • Leukoanthocin is a compound with antioxidant properties that prevents tumor processes and helps protect against unhealthy ecology.
  • Esters – create the aroma of exotic berries, provide their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Tannins are the cause of the tart taste and help with diarrhea.
  • Pectin or soluble fiber (marmalade and jelly are made from feijoa). Reduces appetite, improves digestion. A stool regulator with a mild laxative effect. Calorie content of ripe berries: 49 kcal/100 g.
  • Amino acids, including essential ones, are required for muscle building.

How to choose and store fruit

Feijoa fruits spoil quickly, so they are collected unripe to minimize damage during transportation. Soft berries of a rich green color without spots, dents and with whole peel are suitable for consumption. Too dark a shell is a sign of overripeness. When purchasing, it is advisable to ask the seller to cut the berry to examine its pulp. It is better to choose the largest specimens. Put it in the bag yourself.

Fresh feijoa can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. At the same time, it becomes sweeter as it loses some of its moisture. Hard fruits need to sit for two days. room conditions, and they will ripen naturally. The berries rot quickly. A spoiled and unripe fruit has brown and white flesh, respectively. Both forms are unsuitable for consumption.

Feijoa fruit can be eaten with its peel, which is rich in phenols, catechins, enzymes, and antioxidants. The latter slow down the aging of the body and inhibit the growth of malignant tumors. Feijoa peel and leaves containing essential oils with the scent of myrtle, can be dried and added to tea. For long-term storage, clean dry fruits or their puree are placed in a bag and frozen. It is advisable to limit the period to 6 months.

Benefits of feijoa for men and women

The beneficial effects of berries are fully revealed when they are regular use for a month. Then you can count on the effects presented below:

  • Myocardial support. Minimizing “bad” cholesterol, preventing heart and vascular diseases due to amino acids and pectin. Arteries and veins become elastic and flexible, which allows you to control blood pressure.
  • Regulating Blood Glucose Levels due to the low glycemic index, it reduces cravings for sweets, which is important for diabetics.
  • Source of available iodine. Macronutrient deficiency leads to gallstone disease, obesity, chronic fatigue, dry skin, blurred vision, brittle hair, splitting nails. Two or three berries a day will relieve euthyroidism, toxic goiter, and hypothyroidism. Before use, it is recommended to obtain the approval of the attending endocrinologist.
  • Normalization of brain activity, neural activity, improvement of cognitive functions, namely the ability to concentrate and remember, reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Feijoa competes with dark chocolate in its ability to lift your spirits and resist depression.
  • Improvement of intestinal motility without unnecessary gas formation and bloating. Berries help in the treatment of mononucleosis, pancreatitis (non-acute stage), liver cirrhosis, gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis.
  • Cystitis therapy, pyelonephritis, renal failure, urolithiasis thanks to the disinfectant and diuretic properties of the fruit.
  • Blood purification and improvement of skin condition with lichen planus.
  • Normalization of thyroid function, regulation of metabolic processes due to iodine.
  • Treatment of anemia, increasing hemoglobin levels due to high iron content.
  • Improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system for arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout.
  • Strengthening the immune system.

Berries are included in the diet of patients with hepatitis, as well as those undergoing a period of rehabilitation. To clean the liver, pour the ground peel with water (1:4) and cook for 5-7 minutes. Drink 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Beneficial properties for men The fact is that the habit of eating these berries prevents prostatitis, pathologies of the reproductive organs, and inflammation of the genitourinary system. Feijoa normalizes hormonal background, reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension, cardiac ischemia, ulcers, pancreatitis. Berries improve mineral metabolism, eliminate problems with female infertility. Phytoflavonoids are designed to maintain the beauty and health of the fair sex. They relieve discomfort during menopause and reduce pain during the premenstrual period.

Use during pregnancy

For expectant mother Feijoa is considered beneficial, causing a number of effects:

  • Strengthening immunobiological reactions, which is important during the season of respiratory diseases.
  • A source of folic acid, necessary for hematopoiesis and fetal formation.
  • Removing toxins from the body.
  • Stabilization digestive system, prevention of constipation.
  • Normalization blood pressure(decrease), strengthening of the myocardium (due to potassium).
  • Hormonal balance.

Feijoa is allowed for pregnant women in the second trimester, when the baby develops nervous system and the thyroid gland. A constant supply of iodine will provide the child with innate immunity. It is important not to overdo it with the valuable halogen, because its excess is no less dangerous than its deficiency. Folic acid will prevent developmental defects in the embryo. A pregnant woman's vitamin supply will be replenished with 2-3 fruits per week.

During breastfeeding berries are included in the mother’s diet when the baby is a little over 3 months old. The fruit is not allergenic, but it is better to start with a small piece of feijoa. If there is no rash, increase the dose to ½, then switch to regular but moderate use. Thanks to the high content of pectins, intestinal motility will improve, which is important for the postpartum period, when hemorrhoids and microtraumas interfere with normal bowel movements. Ascorbic acid relieves existing inflammation.

Contraindications and harm

When getting to know feijoa berries, it is advisable to be careful not to provoke an allergy to any component of their composition. Nutritionists have established the norm for adults: 5 fruits or 300 g at a time. An overdose can cause severe thirst, anxiety, excessive nervous excitability, tachycardia, and elevated body temperature. Patients with hyperthyroidism should not even try feijoa.

Digestive disorders threaten those who combine drinking milk with pectins. Poisoning can occur when eating hard, unripe fruits. The tropical fruit should not be given to children under one year of age. The acids in the berries are not critical, but they harm tooth enamel. To neutralize them, rinse your mouth with water or soda solution.

How to eat feijoa

Clean berries can be cut into 2 parts to make improvised cups, from which the pulp is taken out using a small spoon. The peel is useful for stool disorders; you can simply chew it.

Feijoa recipes

Seasonal fruit dishes have many benefits. By the way, average price 1 kg of feijoa fruits 200 rubles. When preparing different delicacies, it is advisable to consider how the berries harmonize with the other ingredients. They go well with chicken, beets, carrots, and nuts. They can also be eaten with apples, avocados and citrus fruits.

Tropical fruits make an excellent filling for open pies, will complement meat dishes. To prepare a salad dressed with unsweetened yogurt, you can take feijoa, carrots and beets. If you add several halves of dry skin to the tea brew, the drink will have a wonderful delicate aroma and taste. No one can guess the additive.

Feijoa jam for the winter

Feijoa should be eaten raw, that is, grated together with the skin, adding honey or sugar (1:1). You can take less sweet ingredient, about 800 g per 1 kg of berries.

Jam recipe

The fruits are washed, doused with boiling water, the ends are removed, cut into 4 parts, covered with sugar and left for 30 minutes. It should be taken into account that if the jam is immediately put into jars, then it will increase in volume and flow out from under the lid. Therefore, it is better to leave the crushed mixture for a day and only then pour it into sterile jars. It is better to use a wooden or silicone spatula rather than an iron one.

One liter of jam is difficult to eat, even if guests help. That's why the best option jar with a volume of 250 ml. Due to oxidation, feijoa jam acquires a copper tint over time; this does not affect its beneficial qualities and there is no need to throw it away. To preserve the color, the product can be sprinkled with sugar on top. The jam goes well with pancakes, cheesecakes or just tea. It can be added to millet, semolina, oatmeal or rice porridge. It can be an additional sauce for strudel, panna cotta, or berry smoothie.

Jam recipe

If the mixture is brought to a boil, you will get five-minute jam, which can already be sent to relatives even in another part of the country. The composition is perfectly complemented by nuts and orange. When combined with lemon and honey, you get a vitamin “bomb” that can kill any cold. Sugar-free recipes are suitable for those who want to lose weight and suffer from diabetes.

It is better to store the product in the refrigerator. Heat treatment is not recommended to avoid the destruction of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. Mineral salts are retained in full.

Feijoa compote

For vigor and Have a good mood you can brew a delicious drink from 0.5 kg of berries, a glass of sugar, 2 liters of water and a pinch of citric acid (10 minutes). Add quince, apples, mint, rose petals, citrus peel.

Compote is good both hot and cold. Suitable for winter harvesting. To do this, fill a three-liter jar 1/3 full with berries, pour boiling water over it, and let stand for 15 minutes. Drain the water, add 300 g of sugar, boil the syrup, pour over the fruit again and roll up. With slices of one tangerine you will get an Abkhazian version of the drink, neutralizing the iodine taste.

Marmalade recipe

It is prepared in the same way as jam, but with the addition of a thickener. Wash fruits (200 g), cut off their ends. Combine the crushed pulp with 0.2 kg of sugar and 100 ml of water. Dissolve 10 g of agar in the resulting syrup. Pour into molds and leave overnight. In the morning you can serve it with tea, toast, or cottage cheese. This product does not contain preservatives, so it is better to eat it quickly, which is not difficult to do, given its amazing banana-strawberry-pineapple taste.

Infusion of leaves

For preparation you will need:

  • Chopped greens - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Boiling water - glass 250 ml.

Combine the ingredients, leave for 30 minutes, drink the resulting composition in the morning and evening. It treats endemic goiter, and supplemented with honey, it will help cope with nephritis.

Feijoa for weight loss

The fruits relieve excess weight due to its low calorie content, as well as the presence of substances that accelerate metabolism. One berry a day will help increase the effectiveness of any diet therapy and normalize weight.

Feijoa in cosmetology

The fruits smooth out fine wrinkles, slow down aging, and are used to scrub and moisturize the skin, protecting it from environmental influences.

Face masks

The basis is puree made from pulp. By adding various ingredients, you can obtain compositions with a wide range of properties:

  • Honey with vegetable oil will help you rejuvenate.
  • Sea buckthorn with crushed rolled oats flakes will relieve fatigue.
  • Starch, lemon juice (2 drops) will eliminate pigment spots.
  • Cottage cheese with cream will moisturize the skin.

Apply the mixture in a thick layer and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Wipe your face, neck, and décolleté with the pulp of the exotic fruit. The procedure should be done in winter in courses 3 times a week.

Hair masks

With regular use, curls become thick and shiny due to the polishing effect provided by pulp particles and small bones. Tinctures and decoctions from the tart shell will relieve dandruff and cure scalp prone to oiliness.


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