Beauty secrets of Ani Lorak. Ani Lorak revealed the secret of a slim figure Ani Lorak secrets of beauty and health

Ani Lorak has long established herself as the queen of the Ukrainian stage. Her talent, beauty and unsurpassed style always delight. Famous singer She's 35 years old, but she doesn't look her age at all. What are the secrets of Ani Lorak's beauty and sexuality?

Ani Lorak style

Ani Lorak's stage style is always dazzling, brilliant and bright. The singer loves to surprise with elaborate outfits that are memorable and discussed for a very long time. Rhinestones, sequins and iridescent stones are her main accompaniments on stage! But in Everyday life The Ukrainian diva also loves to dress beautifully and stylishly. You will never see her in shapeless, boring clothes. Her clothing style is as varied as she is, she looks great in either formal or romantic clothes. business style. The images of Ani Lorak are a real work of art, and it is not surprising that millions of fans imitate her!

Ani Lorak's hairstyle

One of the most important beauty secrets of Ani Lorak is well-groomed thick hair. Today the singer wears a haircut called a “multi-stage cascade”. Professional hairdressers and stylists try to create interesting hairstyles and styling every time, without changing the haircut. For example, in Lately Carolina has repeatedly appeared with a high babette hairstyle in the style of the 60s.

Carolina knows the characteristics of her body very well, so you will never see her in damp weather with her hair down, because the dandelion hairstyle will probably never be in fashion. In such cases, the artist makes a ponytail and wears long earrings.

The Ukrainian pop diva believes that beauty is, first of all, the harmony that reigns within! No amount of diets, cosmetics or clothes will fill the emptiness in your heart. Therefore, Ani Lorak wishes all women to love and be loved!

Nutrition principles of Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak adheres to the principles of fractional nutrition. Eats 5-6 times a day in small portions, and has dinner no later than 7 pm. She has breakfast with an omelet or oatmeal, and for lunch she usually eats soup and grilled fish. For dinner, as a rule, he takes cabbage salad and chicken. She prefers nuts and dried fruits as a snack (she even carries them with her in her purse). Lorak makes an exception to his healthy regime for fried potatoes and favorite sweets ( waffle cake or custard cakes). True, he consumes all this in the first half of the day so as not to gain a lot of extra calories.

Ani Lorak workouts

Ani is a true sports fan; she assures that she does it every day. Her sports arsenal includes warm-ups and exercises, stretching and exercises for the abs, arms and legs. If she doesn’t feel like doing physical exercise at all, then the star watches the Victoria’s Secret show. According to the performer, the models’ ideal bodies motivate her to run to the gym and continue to work on herself. Let’s take note of this life hack!

Skin care from Ani Lorak

The singer's morning begins with exercise and a contrast shower - this is how she recharges for the whole day. The singer jokes that no one has yet come up with anything better than Soviet gymnastics, so she starts her day with bends, squats, turns, and “mill”. She does not overload her skin care with unnecessary products: she uses toner, serum and moisturizer. In addition, the singer regularly makes nourishing face masks.

Makeup Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak's makeup is ideal radiant skin and emphasis on the eyes. For her looks, she uses foundation, bright blush, false eyelashes, contouring product (to emphasize the cheekbones), eyebrow gel, eyeliner and multi-colored shadows. Sometimes the emphasis shifts to the lips and then the star wears red lipstick or gloss.

Ani Lorak plastic surgery

Fans believe that the star’s cheekbones and lips have changed over time, but the performer herself denies all rumors about surgical intervention. In general, Lorak never worried about her appearance; the only thing that worried her in childhood was her short height (162 cm). But then I found out that her favorite artists (Madonna and Elizabeth Taylor) were about the same height as her, and I stopped being upset.

Anya’s lips are very voluminous with a clearly defined contour; apparently, there were injections of hyaluronic acid. Facial care is not complete without Botox injections and mesotherapy. But in general, the singer’s appearance is harmonious, there are no obvious signs of surgical intervention.

Yuri Dikov, plastic surgeon

Ukrainian pop star Ani Lorak is recognized not only as one of the most talented, but also one of the most beautiful women in the country. Recently, the almost 33-year-old singer became a mother, and even in the last months of pregnancy she continued to appear at social events and participate in photo shoots. Read our article for beauty recipes from Ani Lorak...

To love and to be loved

Ani Lorak considers love to be her main secret: “You need to love, and to be loved! After all, you can be loved and not have love in your heart. But a person cannot be happy when he does not give out his positive emotions. This especially applies to us women. Love is the secret of female beauty!”

Healthy restful sleep

The Ukrainian pop star is sure that absolutely any girl can look like a real queen. “Of course, stylists and cosmetologists help me take care of myself,” admits Carolina. But I have a few of my own beauty rules.” And the first law of beauty for her is to sleep 8-9 hours. “When you sleep, everything rests - your body, your face, and nervous system. Therefore, every time before a concert I set aside time for proper rest. Then and appearance, and I feel wonderful.

Skin care

“I can also say that no matter how lazy I am, I will never go to bed without first washing off my makeup. After all, the next morning it will look terrible. In addition, it is also very harmful, as the skin pores become clogged,” says the singer. Carolina believes that you should not spare money on skin care - it is your “investment in the future.”

“You can, of course, tighten everything up, polish it, smooth it out... However, youth cannot be returned, and therefore it must be preserved as long as possible,” says the singer.

Moderate nutrition, not a diet

The singer does not hesitate to say that she loves to cook and eat delicious food. But she does not accept diets, following rather the principle “eat everything, just a little.”

“I'm an omnivore! I would like to say something different to make myself look better... But I am a real Ukrainian! I have never been a supporter of diets; I think it’s harmful to restrain yourself. Well, I can’t help but eat a small piece of meat and the same lard, which, by the way, is very useful for “lubricating” the vocal cords. I just listen to my body and give it what it asks for, but in small quantities. I don't overeat at night.

I also love fresh fruits, vegetables. I try to stick to healthy eating. If possible, I avoid harmful products. For example, in our dressing rooms we have a standard set: sweets, sandwiches, cookies, coffee, tea. This is not very healthy, and I always carry an orange, apple, and carrot in my bag.

Regular training

Ani Lorak has been recognized more than once as the sexiest and most beautiful woman in the country. She herself says: “My beauty secrets? I’m just taking care of myself.”

No matter how busy her schedule is, she devotes half an hour a day to training. “I have so little time that I can’t afford regular trips to the fitness club. However, on such days I try to study at home. I do the splits and pump up my abs. This all keeps me in shape."

"Star" fitness

  • Let's start with the head. We make 7 circular turns in one direction and then in the other direction. The body remains motionless. Then we make circular movements with our shoulders, then with our whole body. Make sure your pelvis is still.
  • Keeping your back straight, do about 20 squats.
  • We do push-ups from the floor 10-15 times.

Ani Lorak parameters

  • Height: 162 cm
  • Weight: 48 kg
  • chest: 88 cm
  • waist: 58 cm
  • hips: 90 cm

The singer records successful music albums, acts in films, voices cartoons, writes poetry and publishes children's books. And also Ani Lorak- mother of a wonderful 7 year old Sofia.

Ani Lorak told how to always stay in shape and look great in an interview with Glamor magazine. The most important thing, according to Anya, is to eat on time and correctly.

Instagram @anilorak

I prefer fractional meals. This means that I eat often, but not much. Of course, my diet includes vegetables, chicken and fish. The only exception to my healthy diet is fried potatoes, which I love very much and cannot give up. Small meals are good because the stomach receives food more often, gets full, but does not stretch. This way you get the required amount of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins throughout the day. “I have already learned how to properly build my routine: if I know that today there will be a lot of rehearsals, then I have a very heavy breakfast,” says the singer.

Instagram @anilorak

Daily diet from Ani Lorak:

Breakfast: Omelette with vegetables and cheese
Lunch: Soup, salad, chicken or fish, grilled vegetables, sometimes potatoes
Dinner: Warm salad with shrimp or fish
Snack: Nuts or dried fruits
You need to drink a lot of water.

Instagram @anilorak

The singer also told how she got into shape after giving birth:

It took me a long time to get back into shape. The stage helped me - I immediately got involved in work, I had concerts, projects, preparation for filming a video, where I danced a lot. And, of course, proper nutrition. As soon as I stopped breastfeeding, I started eating differently. I gave up all the treats and switched to healthy foods. With such efforts and daily work on myself, I was able to achieve results.

Instagram @anilorak
Instagram @anilorak

Ani does not like diets and believes that it is necessary to follow a diet and sleep schedule, because sleep is the first law of beauty. The star mother tries to live in harmony with herself and considers this the main secret of attractiveness. She advises engaging in spiritual development and loving yourself.

Instagram @anilorak

Ani Lorak is also involved in fitness and is happy to share the secrets of her workouts with fans. Sports activity should be a joy, the singer believes, then the result will not be long in coming. We have already shown about the star’s favorite fitness exercises that will help you get rid of your tummy.

Instagram @anilorak , @anilorak

The “Superwomen” project on the website portal continues to introduce you, dear readers, to exclusive first-person details of the life and work of singer Ani Lorak. Ani has already revealed herself to us as a talented artist. Today the star will tell us about the beauty rules that can make a woman a superwoman. Every secret of slimness and attractiveness is tested by the singer personal experience!

– Ani, how do you start your day? What exercises do you do in the morning to maintain your figure?

“The first thing I do when I wake up is throw my hands behind my head and begin to slowly raise my legs 90 degrees, always straight and with pointed toes. I came up with the idea for myself that the number of “swings” should be equal to my age. So when I'm 80 years old, I'll do 80 lifts! (Laughs.) In general, a toned tummy is the first sign of a young figure, so you should definitely pump up your abs. Then I crawl out of bed and tell the world “Good morning!” and little by little I begin to wake up the body - I do bends, squats, turns, “mill”. Yes, this is the well-known “Soviet” gymnastics, but nothing better than the classics has yet been invented. It is important to practice every morning and for at least 20 minutes, but you can always find them. After exercising, I go to the shower and only then start preparing breakfast for my husband and taking care of my daughter.

– What about the notorious glass of water on an empty stomach?

- Yes, a glass of water room temperature required. This is another rule of mine: if you want to eat, drink water first. The stomach will be full and a satiation effect will occur. In addition, the body simply needs two liters of fluid per day.

– You once said that you can eat borscht for breakfast...

– Personally verified: you can have a very hearty breakfast, even borscht, if you want, you will still burn calories. But in the evening it’s better to limit it baked apple or kefir, fruit or vegetable salad in vegetable oil.

– Does the “Ani Lorak diet” exist?

- No. I don't go on diets and I don't arrange fasting days. Instead, I prefer separate meals, eat in small portions, and have dinner no later than seven o’clock in the evening. I completely eliminated fast carbohydrates, which are immediately deposited on women’s barrels, and I satisfy the need for sweets healthy honey. If you are determined to lose weight, there can be no compromise with sweets. Also on the black list are sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices, mayonnaise and a variety of baked goods.

– But the stricter the diet, the higher the risk of failure. How are you coping?

– Sometimes you need to cut yourself some slack and allow yourself culinary joys in the form of a piece of cake, a slice of dried bran bread or a plate of your favorite fried potatoes. Otherwise, instead of the pleasure of being thinner, you will get psychosis and depression. But such indulgences should be made rarely and should not be added to the usual menu, but rather replaced with dinner or lunch.

– Many women unsuccessfully struggle with the extra pounds gained during pregnancy... You coped with this difficult task brilliantly.

– When I was expecting Sofia (the singer’s daughter, who gave birth in 2011. – Note ed. website), gained 15 kilograms. I looked at myself in the mirror and simply didn’t understand who it was. It is unpleasant for any woman when she is clearly out of shape. And for an artist whom the public examines from all sides, almost under a microscope, it is doubly and even triply unpleasant. I convinced myself that while I was breastfeeding, I could not return to the usual system of separate meals, but then I would catch up. This system has always worked flawlessly. And when I got the opportunity to eat as I needed, and not as a child, of course, I expected quick results. However, for some reason the weight did not go away. I was perplexed: I’m eating less and less, but the scales “don’t notice” this! The shift occurred only after three months proper nutrition and physical training, and overweight finally started to melt.

– Have you ever worried about being short?

- In my youth - yes. Only over time did I realize that being short is a plus for a girl. After all, little women are created for love, so that men can carry them in their arms! And when I found out that my favorite artists Madonna and Elizabeth Taylor were also short, I believed in myself even more. By the way, when a girl has self-confidence, she is already pleasant to look at.

– What is the minimum amount of cosmetic products you always have on your dressing table?

– There are dozens of tubes at home, but I really only use three proven products: a moisturizing day cream, a serum that activates the action of the cream, and a wonderful oil-based makeup remover toner. All my care, due to my busy schedule, is on the run, in the “express” style.

– Probably, hair care is also your “fad,” judging by how luxurious your curls are?

- But no. I get by by professional means: shampoo and quick mask. Nothing special, I left it on for five minutes and washed it off. I repeat, to look good, you need to start not with creams and masks, but with nutrition: normalize it, and the condition of both skin and hair will immediately improve.

Photo: from the personal archive of Ani Lorak

– Do you have a favorite type of fitness?

– Perhaps it’s dancing. They perfectly tighten and shape the figure - both classic and modern. If, while “pumping iron,” you work muscle groups one by one, then in dance everything works simultaneously. True, I don’t go to the dance hall on purpose either: choreography for me is work. When I prepare a solo program, I dance for 3–4 hours a day. In addition, I regularly do fitness at home, always setting aside at least 20–30 minutes for it.

– Is it true that you were offered to remove moles?

– Yes, but, as you can see, I refused. Why get rid of what nature gave you and made you unlike anyone else?

– So you don’t agree that beauty requires sacrifice?

– A woman should decorate this world, take care of herself, because she was born a woman. She simply must be attractive and not be ashamed of doing this, including for the sake of men! But you can’t do things with your body that worsen your mood and deprive you of harmony with yourself and the world. If a certain diet or some kind of sport does not please you or constantly causes inconvenience, then it is not for you and something needs to be changed.

The final interview with Ani Lorak will be released next week. We asked our heroine of the month to talk about what is often left behind the scenes of interviews: life principles and observations, interests and impressions, sources of inspiration and secrets of recuperation. Don't miss a new meeting with the singer!

“This may seem strange to some, but I am sure: all our external problems are from bad thoughts. I was jealous, I didn’t forgive someone, I got angry - so you get wrinkles and pimples. Our body is a map that reflects our internal state. If you begin to sincerely, and not formally, wish someone well, to rejoice for someone’s success, you yourself will change, you will become more beautiful and younger. You will see how beautiful you are!