UN specialized organizations are. UN Currency Organizations System

As the UN. Its members are almost all countries of the world, but few people know what functions it performs.

The UN structure includes 6 main divisions, whose employees are engaged in those or other issues. The main goal of this organization is to maintain security and peace on our planet. In addition, the UN contributes to the approval of friendly relations between different countries, favors the development of comprehensive cooperation (social, economic, humanitarian, cultural). Arriving in 1945. The UN system works to help people land in a wide variety of areas and questions.

The main constituent document of this organization is its charter. It lists the responsibilities and rights of its members, allowing to achieve common goals.
The UN structure is designed to achieve the widespread compliance with all the rights of peoples and humans. To carry out the organization's activities, each participating country deducts mandatory contributions. The basic principle is that the richer is the country, the more deductions to the UN budget it produces. So, according to the latest estimates, more than 82% pay for the 16 richest countries of the Earth. This money is sent to each UN division to implement them their duties and powers.

The UN structure includes such main bodies as the Security Council, the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Council for the Obpea, Economic and Social Council, international Court. Each of the listed bodies is engaged in a wide range of issues, so they have many auxiliary and advisory bodies.

The UN structure is so difficult that the list of all its divisions will take not one page. Below are the leading units of its main organs:

1. The Security Council is subject to the following subsidiary bodies:
- Committee on Sanctions;
- Compensation Commission;
- international tribunals;
- Military Staff Committee;
- Committee for Peacekeeping;
- Counter-Terrorism Committee;
- permanent committees;
- Committee 1540;
- Working groups on children and armed conflicts.

The Council has 5 permanent (China, Russia, United Kingdom, USA, France) and 10 members elected every 2 years. It functions continuously. Each of his member presides 1 month. This body has broad authority in concerning security and peace. Council resolutions are mandatory for all countries. Meetings are carried out regularly, and if necessary, extraordinary are convened.

2. Includes specialized agencies and organs:
- Postal Union;
- World Bank Group;
- meteorology, intellectual property, tourism);
- international organizations (maritime, civil aviation, currency fund, telecommunication union, agricultural development);
- Organizations on education, science, culture and industrial development;
- World Trade, Agricultural and Food Organization;
- International Agency for Nuclear Energy;
- Organizations for the prohibition of chemicals and nuclear tests;
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to Combat Desertification, Climate Change;
- Democracy and International Partnership Funds.

Head of the Secretariat Secretary Generalwho is elected for 5 years on the recommendations of the Security Council.

3. General Assembly includes the following organs:
- Committees;
- Advice;
- Commissions;
- agencies;
- Working groups.

At the General Assembly, the member countries are represented by 1 vote. This body holds annual regular sessions and conducts work with the complex structure of its subsidiary bodies. For emergency sessions, the Assembly is collected in 24 hours.

4. At the Council of Obpea consist of 5 members. It oversight over non-controlling territories.

5. The Economic and Social Council has such commissions:

In development and population;
- on narcotic drugs;
- on the position of women;
- on science and technology;
- on sustainable development;
- in crime and justice;
- by social Development;
- statistics.

This Council includes regional economic commissions:

In Europe;
- in Asia and the Pacific Ocean;
- in West Asia;
- in Latin America;
- in Africa.

This Council also includes various committees, special and expert bodies.
6. The International Court consists of elected for 9 years 15 judges - representatives different countries. His powers ensures the Security Council.

The UN structure includes other various specialized institutions. It also includes peacekeeping forces.

A universal international organization that is engaged in all that can only be. Most developing countries are associated with economic relations with other states. Among the objectives of the UN - 2.1 - "Resolution of Economic and Social Problems"; GL 9 - International Economic and Social Cooperation (Art. 55 - UN promotes the level of social stability and permits the problems of the economic and social plan); GL 10 is dedicated to Ecosos engaged in

cooperation in the economic and social sphere.

Control over international economic and social cooperation is carried out by the UN General Assembly, under the guidance of which ECOSOS operates (see Art. 60 of the UN Charter).

Art. 13. Competence of the General Assembly: in ____ Research and recommendations in terms of cooperation between states in economic and social fields.

Practical activities of the UN on the reorganization of these provisions. Cooperation is conducted as t. N "Development participation" \u003d development strategies for certain decades, programs were assumed to specific activities (for example, the construction of hospitals ...). They are conducted only at the request of the states themselves! Receptions can be the embodiment of the determinants of the population (youth, women, migration issues ...)

The accumulation of funds for these programs is carried out by UNDP (UN programming), which performs administrative control over the implementation of programs. UNDP financed even the most necessary projects from which others refused. Leads the UNDP-OP executal (34 member), consisting of developed and developing countries; At the chapter - the UNDP administrator manages several funds:

1) Capital Development Fund (provision of a loan and loan ....)

2) Fund of Special Events

3) Redemption Fund (resource research)

In the framework of UNDP since 1971, there is a "volunteer program". They are sent to developing states. There is a system of imprisonment of biennium contracts with volunteers.

Specialized agenciesOong Economic and social cooperation, meaning financial international organizations. They are expecting features compared to other UN agencies. They are:

a) International Monetary Fund

b) the World Bank (this is the only name that unites several organizations of the Financial Direction)

but) IMF. The decision about him - in 1944 in the Braton-Budde. Really, it has existed since 1945. IMF goals:

· Promoting world cooperation through the consultation mechanism and concerted actions on foreign exchange operations;

· Promote a balanced growth of international trade;

· Provide the creation of a multilateral payment system for current operations.

All IMF Member States are obliged to follow the rules developed:

· Changes in the ratio of the currency value of the national currency to other currencies - only in exceptional cases and only coordination with the IMF.

· There should be no practice, the cat is not permitted by the Foundation.

· There may be borrowing currency in exchange for its national or gold under certain interest to stabilize the situation in the country.

IMF organs:

The Executive Board - consists of 24 executive directors, 8 of which are permanent members (RF, USA, United Kingdom, France, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, China). Decisions in financial institutions are accepted by the so-called "weighted vote": each member state has 250 votes + 1 vote for every $ 100,000 contribution, i.e. States have a different number of votes (most of all in the US, about 20%; Japan - 4.5%)

The number of IMF employees is 2700.

b) World Bank.

Created at the same time as the IMF.

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development gradually increments new organs \u003d\u003e Now another + 5 international organizations:

International Financial Corporation;

International Association development (loans the poorest countries, long-term loans for 50 years);

International Fund for Agricultural Development;

International Investment Guarantees Agency;

International Center for Solving Investment Disputes.

The Bank provides loans only for production purposes only and only on a specific project (the loan must be guaranteed by the Government of the country). Previously, they were given for 10 to 20 years, and now - for 25 to 30 years under 7%. The bank controls the use of all means to effectively use them.

Organs of this bank:

The Board of Manager (annual sessions) is the body of the full composition;

Directors - managers (22 people);

Chairman - Chapter (President) of the Bank.

1) those who pay contributions for convertible currency (64% of votes);

2) Those who pay 10% in convertible currency, and the rest in the national (in this US system has 26% of the votes, the United Kingdom - almost 11%).

  • International human rights law
    • Formation of international human rights law as a branch of international law, its concept
    • Principles and sources of international human rights law
    • Universal International Legal Norms on Human Rights Protection
    • UN system for protecting human rights
    • Regional International Legal Manual
    • Protection of human rights in the system of international judicial institutions
  • International Environmental Law
    • Essence of international environmental law
    • The concept and subject of international law of the environment
    • Principles of International Environmental Law
    • Sources of international environmental law
    • International organizations and their role in environmental protection
    • UN Program on Environment (UNEP). Legal nature, goals and objectives, structure
    • The role of international conferences in international environmental law
    • Marine environment as an object of international legal protection
    • Water as an object of protection in international environmental law
    • Security aerial, climate and ozone layer of land
    • Animal I. vegetable world International Environmental Law
    • International legal regulation of hazardous and toxic waste
    • Environmental protection during armed conflicts
  • Right international security
    • International Security Law at the Contemporary Stage
    • The concept and principles of international security rights
    • Sources of international security right
    • Modern system international security rights
    • Disarmament and restriction of weapons
  • International Humanitarian Law
    • Concept, principles and sources of international humanitarian law
    • Legal regulation of the beginning of hostilities
    • Participants of armed conflict
    • Theater of war
    • International Humanitarian Law on the Protection of War Victims
    • Protection of civil objects
    • Prohibited methods and means of warning war
    • International legal regulation of the end of military operations and war
    • Norms of International Humanitarian Law and Russian Legislation
  • Population in international law
    • The concept of the population
    • Citizenship and international law
    • Legal status of bipathrides and aparters
    • Legal status of foreign citizens
    • The regime of illegal migrants
    • Refuge right
    • Legal position of refugees and forced migrants
  • International Economic Law
    • The concept of international economic law
    • Sources and methods for regulating international economic law
    • System and Principles of International Economic Law
    • Subjects of International Economic Law
    • International Organizations in Economic Cooperation
    • Subproduces of international economic law
  • The right of external relations
    • The concept and sources of the right of external interchange
    • State bodies of external intercourse
    • Diplomatic missions
    • Consular institutions
    • Permanent representation of states under international organizations
    • Special missions
    • Privileges and immunities in the right of external interchange
  • The right of international organizations
    • The concept, history of the emergence, signs and types of international organizations
    • The procedure for creating international organizations and termination of their activities
    • The procedure for the adoption and legal force of solutions of international organizations
    • International Organizations: Classification, Procedure
    • Orthodox and implementation of functions of international organizations
    • Membership in international organizations
    • UN: Charter, goals, principles, membership
    • Specialized UN institutions
    • International organizations included in the UN system
    • Regional international organizations
    • International legal regulation of the protection of employees of international organizations
    • International non-governmental organizations
  • Territory in international law
    • International Legal Classification of Territories
    • Legal Nature of State Territory
    • Composition of state territory
    • State borders
    • Legal reasons for changing state territory
    • International rivers and their legal regime
    • International Territory of General
    • Legal regime of the Arctic
    • International Legal Mode of Antarctic
  • International Maritime Law
    • The concept and principles of international sea \u200b\u200blaw
    • International legal status and marine space regime
    • Sea spaces under the sovereignty of the coastal state
    • Sea spaces under the jurisdiction of the coastal state
    • International Marine Spaces
    • Sea spaces with special legal status
  • International air law
    • Definition of international air law
    • Sources of international air law
    • Basic principles of international air law
    • Legal status and legal mode of airspace
    • International legal framework for flights in airspace
    • Air traffic control
    • Legal regulation of international air services
    • Legal status of aircraft
    • Legal status of the crew of the aircraft
    • Fighting acts of illegal interference in aircraft
    • Giving help aircraft
    • Administrative formalities for international air navigation
    • International Aviation Organizations
    • Responsibility in international air law
  • International Space Law
    • Concept, objects, subjects and sources of international space law
    • International legal regime of outer space and celestial bodies
    • Legal status of space objects
    • International legal regime of geostationary orbit
    • Legal status of cosmonauts
    • Peaceful and safe use of outer space
    • Remote sensing Earth
    • Intellectual Property Rights in International Space Projects
    • Protection of outer space and earth environment from technogenic space pollution
    • Interaction of International and National Space Law
    • Responsibility in international space law
    • International cooperation in the study and use of outer space
  • International nuclear law
    • The concept of international nuclear law
    • Principles and sources of international nuclear law
    • Legal regulation of development, testing, placement nuclear weapons
    • International legal protection against radioactive infection
    • Responsibility for nuclear activities
    • Control in international nuclear law
  • International criminal law
    • The concept of international criminal law
    • Principles and sources of international criminal law
    • Concept and types of international crimes
    • The concept and types of transnational crimes
    • Legal assistance in criminal cases
    • Issuance (extradition) of criminals and the transfer of convicts for serving sentences to the state of citizenship
    • The role of international crime control organizations
    • International Criminal Justice
    • On international criminal procedure law
  • International legal regulation of scientific and technical cooperation
    • Scientific and technical cooperation: the concept and principles
    • Sources of legal regulation of international scientific and technical cooperation
    • Types of international scientific and technical cooperation and the form of its implementation
    • UN and International Scientific and Technical Cooperation
    • Regional International Scientific and Technical Cooperation

Specialized UN institutions

Specialized UN agencies (and only 16 of them) are intergovernmental organizations of a universal nature that cooperate in special areas and related to the UN.

Article 57 of the UN Charter lists their characteristic features:

  1. intergovernmental nature of agreements on the establishment of such organizations;
  2. extensive international responsibility within their constituent acts;
  3. implementation of cooperation in special areas: economic, social, cultural, humanitarian, etc.;
  4. communication with the UN.

The latter is established and is issued by the agreement, which is an ecosos with the organization and is approved by the UN General Assembly. Such an agreement is legal basis UN cooperation with a specialized institution. Currently, there are 16 UN specialized agencies.

The UN Charter provides that the Organization makes recommendations on coordinating the policies and activities of specialized agencies (Art. 58). So, Ecosos is authorized: to coordinate the activities of specialized agencies through consultations with them and recommendations to them, as well as the General Assembly and members of the organization; take measures to receive from them regular reports; Provide mutual representation of the Council and institutions to participate in the discussion of the Council, its commissions and in specialized agencies.

Specialized agencies can be divided into the following groups: social organizations (ILO, WHO), cultural and humanitarian organization (UNESCO, WIPO), Economic organizations (UNIDO), financial organizations (IBRD, IMF, Mar, IFC), organizations in the field of rural Economy (FAO, IFAD), organization in the field of transport and communications (ICAO, IMO, UPU, ITU), organization in the field of meteorology (WMO). Russia is a member of all specialized institutions, except FAO, IFAD, Mar and IFC.

International Labor Organization (ILO). Created in 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference as an autonomous organization of the League of Nations. Her charter was revised in 1946. The UN specialized institution since 1946. Headquarters is located in Geneva (Switzerland).

The goal of the ILO is to promote the establishment of a lasting world by promoting social justice, improving the working conditions and the living standards of workers.

A feature of the ILO is a tripartite representation in its bodies: governments, entrepreneurs and workers (trade unions). According to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ILO creators, this should contribute to the dialogue between the workers and entrepreneurs through the mediation of governments (the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial partnership).

The main authorities of the ILO are the General Conference, the Administrative Council and the Secretariat - the International Bureau of Labor. The General Conference can be collected for the next (annual) and special (as needed) session. Each state is represented by four delegates: two - from the government and one by one - from entrepreneurs and trade unions. The conference is developing the convention and recommendations on labor issues (more than 300 such acts have been developed), in the order of control considers state reports on the application of Ratified ILO Conventions, approves the Program and Budget of the Organization.

World Health Organization (WHO). Created in 1946 on International Conference Health care in New York. The charter entered into force on April 7, 1948

The purpose of WHO is "achieving all nations possible higher Level Health. " The main directions of its activities: the fight against infectious diseases, the development of quarantine and sanitary rules, social problems. WHO provides assistance in establishing a health care system, training, combating diseases.

The High Authority of WHO, which determines its policy is the World Health Assembly, which presents all members of the organization. It convenes annually.

The WHO Executive Committee, consisting of representatives of 30 states elected by the Sodium Assembly, is collected at least twice a year. The administrative authority is the Secretariat led by the Director General.

In the framework of the Six Regional Organizations: Europe countries. Eastern Mediterranean, Africa, North and South America, Southeast Asia, Western Pacific Ocean.

Organization of the United Nations on Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). Established in 1945 at the London Conference. Her charter entered into force on November 4, 1946. Since December 1946, UNESCO is a specialized UN agency. Headquarters is located in Paris (France).

UNESCO puts its task to promote peace and security by development international cooperation In the field of enlightenment, science and culture, the use of media, the further development of the national education and the spread of science and culture.

The highest authority is the General Conference, consisting of representatives of all Member States and convened at regular sessions once every two years. It defines the policies and the general direction of the organization's activities, approves its programs and budget, elects members of the Executive Board and other bodies, appoints the Director General, solves other issues.

The Executive Board is the supervisory authority of UNESCO between the sessions of the General Conference. The charter of UNESCO requires representatives to be appointed by persons competent in the field of art, literature, science, education and knowledge of knowledge and possessing the necessary experience and authority. Administrative and technical functions performs the Secretariat led by the Director General appointed for six years.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Established in 1967 at the conference on intellectual property held in Stockholm. The Convention (1967) on the creation of WIPO entered into force in 1970. The UN specialized institution since 1974 is headquartered in Geneva.

The purpose of the organization is to promote the protection of intellectual property all over the world, to facilitate the implementation of international agreements in this area, to carry out administrative management of various unions in the field of intellectual property protection, without violating their autonomy (for example. Bern union for the protection of works of literature and art. Paris Union on the protection of industrial property, etc.). WIPO also deals with the preparation of projects of copyright protection agreements, developing a new patent classification, the implementation of technical cooperation in the patent region.

The high authorities of WIPO are the conference, which includes all Member States of WIPO, and the General Assembly, consisting of those Member States that are also members of the Parisian or Berne Unions. The conference discusses issues of common interest to all WIPO member states in the field of intellectual property, and accepts recommendations on them, defines the WIPO budget. The General Assembly defines the policies and the general direction of the organization's activities, approves its budget, appoints the general director of WIPO.

The IMF and the IBRD were created at the Bretton Woods conference (USA) as specialized financial institutions of a financial nature. The fund began to function since 1945, the Bank - since 1946 IFC was established in 1956, and Mar - in 1960 as branches of the IBRD. Location - Washington (USA), the IMF has offices in Paris and Geneva, at the IBRD - in Paris and Tokyo.

Members of the IBRD can only be members of the IMF, and members of two branches are only members of the IBRD. The central place in the system of financial organizations is occupied by the International Monetary Fund. Its objectives are the coordination of the currency and financial policy of Member States and providing them with short-term and medium-term loans to resolve balance of payments and maintain exchange rates.

The highest body of the Fund, determining his policy, is the Board of Governors, which includes one managing and one of its deputy from all Member States. The Council is convened annually at the session. Everyday work is carried out by the Executive Board as part of the director-manager and 22 executive directors elected for two years. The manager director is the chairman of the Directorate and the Chief Administrative Face of the Secretariat.

The objectives of the IBRD will include the promotion of the reconstruction and development of the economy of the bank member states, the encouragement of private foreign investments, the provision of loans for the development of production and others.

The highest IBRD authority is the Governing Council, organized at the same principles as the Board of Management Fund. Executive directors (22 people) form the executive body of the bank. The President of the Bank leads the staff of his employees.

Mar and IFC, which are branches of the bank, are mainly created to promote developing countries. They have the same bodies as the bank.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Created in 1945 at a conference in Quebec (Canada). The organization aims to improve nutrition and raising the standard of living, improving the productivity of agriculture, improving the food distribution system, etc. When carrying out these goals, FAO facilitates investments in agriculture, the preservation of natural resources, creates special programs in the fields of its activities, together with the UN leads the world Food program.

FAO authorities: a conference in all members, collected every two years to determine the policy, budget approval and FAO program; Council - the FAO governing body between the sessions of the Conference, consisting of 49 Member States; The Secretariat led by the Director General. FAO headquarters is located in Rome (Italy).

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) - The UN specialized facility, aimed at mobilizing additional funds for the development of agriculture in developing countries by implementing projects and programs intended for the poorest rural population. The year of foundation - 1977

As of January 1, 1985, 139 states were members of the IFAD, among which developed countries are members of the OECD, developing countries of OPEC and developing countries receiving assistance from these countries. Russia does not participate in Ifad. The Credit Policy of the Fund and the criteria for providing assistance to Member States provide that its funds should be used to implement projects aimed at achieving the following interconnected purposes: an increase in food production, employment and additional income for poor and landless farmers, as well as improved food and food distribution . 55% of the initial capital of IFAD make up contributions developed countries - members of the OECD, 42.5% of emergence member countries, 2.5% of other developing countries. A complex formula for the distribution of votes within data categories of countries, depending on the size of the contribution, as well as the unequal number of countries included in each of these categories, lead to the fact that the key positions in the IFAD are occupied by the OECD member countries and the countries of OPEC. The highest body of the IFAD - the Board of Governors - consists of representatives of all member countries. The executive body is the Executive Board, consisting of 18 members elected by the Board of Governors for three years. It leads all the practical activities of the IFAD. At the head of the Fund's executive services is the president, which is both the chairman of the Executive Board. Location of the IFAD - Rome (Italy).

World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The main provisions on which the activities of the Hydrometeorological Service are being built and are being developed and approved by the World Weather Service, which coordinates the World Meteorological Organization. WMO arose as the world community of meteorologists in 1873. WMO exchanges meteorological information between all services, monitors compliance with the unity of observation methods, takes care of the dissemination and exchange of research results in the field of meteorology.

The need for international cooperation in the field of meteorology has become apparent for scientists at the beginning of the XIX century, when the first weather cards were compiled. The atmosphere has no state borders, and the weather itself can function and be effective only as an international service, organized throughout the globe.

In the early 70s. XIX century (1872-1873) The International Meteorological Organization (MMO) was established, which after World War II became the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations (UN), the charter of which was signed on June 26, 1945.

On March 23, 1950, the World Meteorological Organization Convention entered into force, and the former non-governmental organization MMO was transformed into intergovernmental - WMO.

Meteorologists of different countries work, guided by uniform recommendations (technical regulations) WMO. WMO members are more than 150 countries of the world. The High Organ WMO is the World Meteorological Congress, which convenes every four years. At Congress, the Secretary General of WMO and his deputies are elected. At the Congress of the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva on May 20, 2003, the head of the Federal Service for the next four years, the head of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rostromet) Alexander Ivanovich Himbitsky was elected (1947.). The representative of Russia first took this high post.

WMO has six regional associations on geographic areas, coordinates the activities of members within their geographic areaswhere Africa includes, Asia, South America, North and Central America, South-West of the Pacific Ocean, Europe.

The main practical activity of WMO is carried out by eight technical commissions: on aviation meteorology, atmospheric sciences, hydrology, climatology, marine meteorology, main systems, devices and methods of observation, agricultural meteorology. WMO headquarters is located in Switzerland, in Geneva. The WMO budget consists of contributions from members of the organization in proportion to the size of the national income of each country.

Meteorological services of different countries of the world, remaining national on the structure and tasks, solved within their country, work on international standards in accordance with WMO Recommendations.

Meteorological services are involved in the implementation international programs, for example, the worldwide climate program. World Climate Knowledge Program, Meteorology and Ocean Development Programs, "Agricultural Meteorology", "Hydrology and water resources" and etc.

The largest WMO program "World Weather Service", the basis of which are three global systems: observations (GOS), data processing (HSOD) and television communications (GST). According to this program, three categories of meteorological centers are functioning: national (NMC), regional (RMC) and world (MMC). Currently, the centers for receiving and processing satellite information are successfully functioning.

National centers (their more than 100) collect and disseminate meteorological information from the territory of one country and enjoy the necessary information from the territories of other countries.

Regional centers (more than 30 them, including in Russia there are RMCs in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk) highlights the meteorological data of large territories, covering the collection system, processing meteorological information if necessary.

World centers - in Moscow, Washington and Melbourne - collect data from all over the world, including information of the meteorological satellites of the Earth.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) He is a specialized agency of the United Nations, the efforts of which are focused on the fight against poverty by improving productivity. UNIDO provides assistance to developing countries and countries with economies in transition in their fight against marginalization in modern conditions of globalization. The organization mobilizes knowledge, experience, information and technologies and thereby promoting productive employment, the development of a competitive economy and ensuring environmental sustainability.

UNIDO was created in 1966, and the United Nations specialized agency was in 1985, within the framework of the United Nations General Nations, UNIDO is responsible for assistance in cooperation with 171 Member States of the Industrial Development of all developing countries. The central institutions of the Organization are in Vienna, and in the field of UNIDO is actively working with the help of its 29 country and regional offices, 14 branches of promoting the investment and transfer of technologies and a number of offices for specific aspects of its activities.

The UNIDO Global Forum accumulates and distributes information on industry issues and provides the basis for various participants in development activities - persons responsible for making decisions in public and private sectors, organization civil society And the international community as a whole - could strengthen cooperation, keep dialogue and develop partnerships to solve the tasks facing them. As an institution on technical cooperation, UNIDO develops and implements programs to provide its customers with support for industrial development, and also proposes specialized programs for the development of programs, taking into account individual needs. These two main functions are simultaneously complementary and interdependent.

The main tools of technical cooperation are complex programs (KP) and framework frameworks (RSU). UNIDO's financial resources are completed from regular and operational budgets, as well as special contributions to technical cooperation activities. The regular budget is formed from the accrued contributions of Member States. Technical cooperation is funded mainly due to voluntary contributions of donor and institutions, as well as the United Nations Development Program, the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, the Global Environment Facility and the Common Fund for Commodity Products. The volume of UNIDO operations for the biennium 2004-2005 It is about 356 million euros.

The organization consists of three departments, each of which is headed by the Director-Manager. In the central institutions and in other existing branches, UNIDO has 645 employees. In addition, UNIDO annually enjoys the services of more than 2,200 international and national experts who work within projects in various countries of the world.

International Maritime Organization (IMO) - The International Intergovernmental Organization, is a specialized UN agencies, serves as an apparatus for cooperation and exchange of information on technical issues related to international trade shipping. The IMO activities are aimed at repealing discriminatory actions affecting international trade shipping, as well as the adoption of norms (standards) to ensure safety at sea and prevent pollution from environmental courts, primarily marine. It has a staff of about 300 people.

IMO was formed on March 6, 1948 in Geneva with the adoption of the Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Advisory Organization (IMKO) (English Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, IMCO). The Convention entered into force on March 17, 1958, and the newly created organization began its practical activity.

At the 9th session of the Assembly of this organization (resolution A.358 (1x)), its name was changed and from May 22, 1982 acts the current one. Headquarters is located in London.

In a certain sense, the IMO is a forum in which the member states of this organization exchange information discussing legal, technical and other problems relating to shipping, as well as pollution from environmental courts, primarily marine.

The main functions and structure of IMO: acts as a United Nations Agent (UN); is a consultative and advisory organization; is responsible for organizing security to the sea and environmental protection, as well as a decision of legal issues related to international shipping; contributes to facilitating the interaction of government governments for technical issues to achieve the highest safety standards for the sea and prevent pollution; Accepts and improves mandatory and recommendatory international conventions, codes, resolutions, protocols, circulars and recommendations.

As of June 30, 2005, IMO members had 167 states. The highest authority of the organization is the Assembly of the so-called Contracting Governments. Assembly collected twice a year. The first session of the Assembly, then I imko took place in January 1959. There is also a Board of IMO, consisting of 32 states, including Russia.

In addition to the Assembly within the framework of IMO, there are five committees:

  • Maritime Safety Committee Safety Committee (Maritime Safety Committee, Msc- CBM);
  • Committee for Protection marine environment (Marine Environment Protection COMMITTEE, measure - CMS);
  • Legal Committee (Leg - Yurkom);
  • Committee on Technical Cooperation (K HP);
  • Committee to facilitate the formalities of shipping, as well as nine subcommittees and the Secretariat led by the Secretary-General.

All regulatory and legal documents prepared in subcommittees and discussed at the sessions of the Committees are considered and accepted, as a rule, at regular sessions of the Assembly of the Organization. The most serious, strategic decisions can be made by decisions of diplomatic conferences.

IMO decisions are declared in the form of resolutions of the organization, which, if necessary, newly adopted documents (codes, circular letters, amendments to the current documents - the Convention, Code, etc.) may be attached. Taking into account the refractive terms and terms of entry into force, such decisions should be implemented by administrations.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Established in 1944 at the conference in Chicago. The 1944 International Civil Aviation Convention, which is an ICAO constituent act, entered into force on April 4, 1947, ICAO headquarters is located in Montreal (Canada).

ICAO was created in order to develop the principles and methods of international air navigation, ensuring flight safety on international airlines, promoting planning and developing international air transport.

The Supreme Organ of ICAO - Assembly, consisting of representatives of all Member States and convened every three years to determine the ICAO policy and budget approval, as well as discussing any issues that are not transferred to the Council.

The Council is an executive body of ICAO, consisting of representatives of 33 countries elected by the Assembly from among the states with the most developed air transport and taking into account the fair geographical representation.

World Postal Union (UPS). Created in 1874 at the International Postal Congress in Bern. The World Postal Convention, adopted by the Congress, entered into force on July 1, 1875. Its text was repeatedly revised by world postal congresses. HDS headquarters is located in Bern (Switzerland).

UPU aims to ensure and improve postal relations. All countries - members of the PPU form a single postal area on which three basic principles operate: the unity of the territory, freedom of transit and a uniform tariff. UPU is developing rules for the international shipment of all types of postage based on the World Postal Convention and multilateral agreements.

The highest authority of the UPU is the World Postal Congress, consisting of representatives of all Member States and convened every five years. Its functions include the revision of the World Postal Convention and additional agreements. In the period between Congresses, the Executive Council has been operating within 40 members, which manages all the work of the Union. Advisory Council for Postal Studies (35 members) is engaged in technical and economic issues of postal service. The International Bureau led by the Director General is the permanent secretariat of the Union.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - international organization defining standards in the field of telecommunications and radio. The ego, probably the oldest of the currently existing international organizations, it was founded in Paris on May 17, 1865, called the International Telegraph Union. In 1934, ITU received its current name, and in 1947 he became a specialized agency of the United Nations.

Currently, ITU includes 191 countries (as of September 2008). ITU standards are not binding, but are widely supported, as they facilitate the interaction between communication networks and allow providers to provide services around the world.

The governing body is a Plenipotentiary Conference, which convenes every four years and elects the ITU Council as part of 46 members who conduct their meetings annually. Representatives of all ITU member states at the Telecommunications Standardization Conference determine the main activities of each sector, form new working groups and approve the work plan for the next four years. ITU covers next questions: in the technical field: promoting the development and productive operation of telecommunication (telecommunications) to improve the efficiency of telecommunication services and their accessibility for the population: policies: promoting the dissemination of a wider approach to telecommunication problems in the global information economics and society: in development: Promoting and providing technical assistance to developing countries in the field of telecommunications, facilitating the mobilization of human and financial resources necessary for the development of telecommunications, promoting access to the benefits of new technologies for the population of the entire globe.

Mainly ITU is engaged in the distribution of radio frequencies, the organization of international telephone and radio communications, standardization of telecommunications equipment. The aim of the Union is to ensure and expanding international cooperation in the regional use of all types of communication, the improvement of technical means, their effective operation. Now ITU is officially a specialized UN agencies and has headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland) near the UN building. In December 1992, its new structure was identified: Telecommunication Standardization Sector; radiocommunication sector; Telecommunication development sector.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) - created in 1944. In accordance with the solutions of the Brettonvuda Conference as a mechanism for monitoring the system of exchange rates and gradually transformed into the most influential international. Org-yu regulating interddes macroek-ku. Headquarters IMF Nah-Xia in Washington. The structure of the IMF: The Governing Council is the highest authority, the Interim Committee, the Executive Board, leadership, personnel - citizens of more than 100 countries of the world. In order to achieve stability in the interface. The IMF economy performs the next land. Fun-and: 1. Sandor for exchange rates and macroeconomy. policies of member countries and the development of interface. Economy as a whole. Member States are required to provide the IMF to request detailed information about real den., Budgetary and external sectors, as well as the structural policy of the right-BA. Chapters. The purpose of supervision is to identify dangerous macroeconomy in a timely manner. Imbalances that can affect the stability of currency currency, and, using the best global experience, give the government to the Government of the Recommendations for their correction; 2. Financial assistance - the use of financial resources of the IMF member countries that have difficulties with the financing of the balance of payments and submitted to the IMF the reform program showing the actions of the right to overcome these difficulties. All types of access to the financial resources of the IMF are based on the implementation by countries of certain conditions, the CO is developed jointly by the IMF experts and the rights of the country under the Economy program, but carrying out a tough credit. Politicians, on the Cy, insists the IMF, is often perceived by countries as pressure on them.; 3. Technical assistance - promoting IMF Member States in the field of money., Monetary policy and banking supervision, budgetary and tax policies, statistics, Finnish development. and economy. legislative and training of personnel. The specific function of the IMF, entrusted to it by the international community, is the replenishment of the InterMA. Reserves using the release of the SDR. For each new member of the IMF, its quota in the capital of the Fund in the monetary unit used in the IMF is determined. Currently, these quotas exceed 210 billion sd. SDRs - special borrowing rights introduced in 1969. The cost of one unit of the SDR is calculated on the basis of a basket consisting of 4 main currencies ($, euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling), specific weight k-x Revised 1 time in 5 years. The quota value depends: the number of country's votes in the IMF, Maxim. The amount of resources, the country can be obtained if necessary, the share of the country during the distribution of the SDR, as well as the procedure for representation in the Fund management bodies. Each member of the IMF has 250 basic votes plus 1 voice for every 100 thousand. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. The size of the quota is of particular importance, since when considering issues in the IMF, a different decision-making principle is used: for the NAB. Rentally, 85% of the votes, less important - 75%, the rest of the percent majority. Russia is a member of the IMF since 1992.

In parallel with the IMF, the International Bank of Reconstruction and Deeds - the IBRD and its branch was created and began - the IBRD and its branch. The Association of Development (MAR), which generate World (World War) Bank (WB). The structure of the WB also includes an interface. Fine. Corporation (IFC), a multilateral investment guarantee agency (magicians), InterPA. Center for the settlement of investment disputes (MCUIS). MBRD Educated in 1945 and its main task is to stimulate economic Development Member States of the IBRD, promoting the development of international trade and maintaining balance of payments. The highest IBRD authority is the Board of Governors. Current activity is carried out by the Directorate. Capital MBRD is formed from the contributions of Member States. The main activity of the IBRD is to provide long-term loans to both public and private enterprises under the guarantee of their governments.

IFC Created in 1956. As an independent institution, the means of cat are separated from the IBRD. The MFC is aimed at stimulating the economy. The growth of the private sector in developing countries (lending operations for private enterprises), as well as in countries with economies in transition, and the mobilization of capital resources (internal and external.) To implement the task. MFCs are not based on state guarantees, and is based on the market. principles.

Mar. - Created in 1960. To assist economy. The progress of less developed countries, the K-E could not fulfill the strict requirements of the IBRD. These are countries where the level of GDP per capita is lower than a certain limit. This level is regularly revised towards an increase in accounting by economy. Growth. MAR resources are made up of contributions from member countries, as well as due to the return of loans issued in the previous period. A certain part of the funds comes from the IBRD budget. Mar provides Fin. Resources only governments, the average repayment period of loans (they are not charged%) - 30-40 years, but the service is charged for the service - 0.5% of the loan volume used. In 1988 A branch of WB was created - Magi.The main task of which is to stimulate investment in member countries by providing guarantees to foreign investors against possible losses caused by non-profit risks, as well as the provision of consulting services to member countries in order to create a favorable investment. Climat and an adequate information base. Mtsus - was established in 1966. A certain role in the global economy play regional development banks (Inter-American, Asian, African), as well as the European Investment Bank, Europe. Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Islamic Development Bank, etc.