Lamps. Ceiling lamps

“Electric lamps” - The beginning of the history of electric lighting. P.N. Yablochkov. Introduction. In 1879, Edison became interested in the problem of electric lighting. Davy. In the fall of 1875, Yablochkov conducted an experiment in the electrolysis of table salt. J.B. Foucault. The first consumer of electrical energy was the electric lighting system.

“Incandescent lamps physics” - Tariff 2.1 rub/kWh. All energy-saving lamps are harmful because... contain mercury vapor and are not environmentally friendly. Saving money. Incandescent lamp. Myth No. 1. Energy-saving lamps. Analysis of electricity consumption statistics by month. Before. In Russia, a similar law comes into force in 2011. A plant for the production of energy-saving lamps is opened in St. Petersburg.

“Lighting” - Basic requirements for industrial lighting systems. Emin = 0.5 lux at night at ground level. The contrast is large at K > 0.5; average at K = 0.2 – 0.5; small at K< 0,2. Контраст объекта с фоном К: K = (Lф? Lо)/Lф. Искусственное освещение. Аварийное освещение разделяется на освещение безопасности и эвакуационное.

“History of the incandescent lamp” - Plan History Internet resources used. The path to the development of artificial lighting was long and difficult. In 1844, French physicist Jean Bernard Foucault (1819-1868) replaced charcoal electrodes with retort charcoal electrodes. Increasing the current caused more intense light output until the melting point was reached and the lamp went out.

“Energy-saving lamps” - Most likely, it’s simply a matter of lack of basic housekeeping. Reasonable savings. Incandescent lamps heat up approximately 4 times more than energy-saving lamps. Rationale for my topic. Reasonable savings (continued). Research has proven that an energy-saving lamp consumes 5 times less energy.

“Incandescent lamp” - Let’s check your attention... B). What is the purpose of fuses? A). The light bulb does not have one single inventor. Frontal testing. Torch flame; splinter; oil lamp; candle; kerosene lamp. 1879 Inventor - Thomas Edison - “Incandescent lamp”. What do the numbers on the base or bulb cylinders mean?

There are 10 presentations in total

Lamps Ceiling lamps. Chandeliers

  • Ceiling lamps are usually used for general or combined lighting of a room. Lamps suspended from the ceiling diffuse light throughout the room, visually increasing its volume. IN long corridors, extended rooms with a large area may require the installation of two ceiling lamps. The purpose of uniform distribution of light is multi-arm and compact chandeliers with several light elements on one rod, and crystal chandeliers. Ceiling lamps are appropriate in the hallway, corridor, bathroom and toilet on the stairs. In the kitchen or living room they are usually also present, but they create only background lighting, while individual functional areas and work surfaces are illuminated using wall, table, and spotlights. In the bedroom, wall lamps such as sconces can be used for general lighting. Above the dining table in the dining room, the lamp is hung at a distance of approximately 2.3-2.5 m from the floor so that the light source is above the eye level of a standing person. It is advisable to purchase a pendant lamp of a design that will allow you to lower the light source lower during meals, at a distance of at least 75 cm from the plane of the table
Table lamps Spotlights
  • Spotlights are very convenient because they can be combined with almost any other lamps, take up little space, can be recessed and built into the ceiling, shelves, alcoves, and racks. Depending on the light source and reflector, they can produce both a narrow directional beam of light (from a halogen lamp) and diffuse light (from an incandescent lamp). Consequently, with their help you can organize both general and directional lighting. Recessed spotlights are almost invisible, good in those rooms and corners of the apartment where voluminous, bright chandeliers are inappropriate, attract too much attention, and there is nowhere to put a lamp. They are ideal for lighting dressing rooms and illuminating the interior of built-in wardrobes. Recessed spotlights are ideal for installation in a room with a suspended or suspended ceiling.
Wall lamps - sconces
  • Wall lamps create local lighting. They provide a directional flow, designed for high illumination of a relatively small part of the space. Such lamps are attached to the wall in the hallway (on both sides of the mirror, near the telephone), in the corridor, in the bathroom, at the head of the bed. Lamps with a light beam directed upward use the ceiling as a reflector and illuminate the adjacent surfaces of the walls and ceiling with diffused light.
Desk lamp
  • Table lamps are used to illuminate work surfaces, are sources of local working lighting, and, as a rule, require a movable design of the optical part. The design of lamps for desks is extremely functional, although not without attractiveness, since their main task is to create directional illumination of the table surface.
Floor lamps
  • The purposes of combined lighting are met by floor lamps and table lamps with voluminous lampshades made of translucent materials. They are placed on coffee tables, dressing tables, on consoles, cabinets, floor lamps near a sofa or armchair, at the foot of the stairs (with the flow of light directed upward), etc. Such lighting fixtures usually have a distinctly decorative design: bright, oddly shaped lampshades, curly supports and so on.
Decorative lamps
  • Decorative lamps: a) a lantern lamp reminiscent of one of those gas lamps that were mounted on horse-drawn carriages, appropriate in the kitchen or hall (candles or a low-incandescent lamp can be inserted inside);
  • b) the lampshade of this original lamp is made of crumpled tissue paper stretched over a heart-shaped frame
When choosing a lamp for a specific room, be sure to think about its purpose, shape, color, style (interaction with the interior of the room is necessary). Go to the store only after you decide what kind of lamp you want: emitting a powerful stream of light upward, towards the ceiling, suitable for local (for sewing, knitting, reading) or background lighting. Otherwise, seduced by the beauty and variety of lamps, floor lamps and night lamps, you risk spending twice as much, purchasing a beautiful, but completely useless thing in your apartment.
  • When choosing a lamp for a specific room, be sure to think about its purpose, shape, color, style (interaction with the interior of the room is necessary). Go to the store only after you decide what kind of lamp you want: emitting a powerful stream of light upward, towards the ceiling, suitable for local (for sewing, knitting, reading) or background lighting. Otherwise, seduced by the beauty and variety of lamps, floor lamps and night lamps, you risk spending twice as much, purchasing a beautiful, but completely useless thing in your apartment.
  • Compiled by
  • Skripina Elena Valerievna, teacher of the SBO of the Dmitrov special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type

Ceiling lamps are usually used for general or combined lighting of a room. Lamps suspended from the ceiling diffuse light throughout the room, visually increasing its volume. In long corridors and large rooms, it may be necessary to install two ceiling lamps. The purpose of uniform distribution of light is multi-arm and compact chandeliers with several light elements on one rod, and crystal chandeliers. Ceiling lamps are appropriate in the hallway, corridor, bathroom and toilet on the stairs. In the kitchen or living room they are usually also present, but they create only background lighting, while individual functional areas and work surfaces are illuminated using wall, table, and spotlights. In the bedroom, wall lamps such as sconces can be used for general lighting. Above the dining table in the dining room, the lamp is hung at a distance of approximately 2.3-2.5 m from the floor so that the light source is above the eye level of a standing person. It is advisable to purchase a pendant lamp of a design that will allow you to lower the light source lower during meals, at a distance of at least 75 cm from the plane of the table

Spotlights Spotlights are very convenient because they can be combined with almost any other lamps, take up little space, can be recessed and built into the ceiling, shelves, alcoves, and racks. Depending on the light source and reflector, they can produce both a narrow directional beam of light (from a halogen lamp) and diffuse light (from an incandescent lamp). Consequently, with their help you can organize both general and directional lighting. Recessed spotlights are almost invisible, good in those rooms and corners of the apartment where voluminous, bright chandeliers are inappropriate, attract too much attention, and there is nowhere to put a lamp. They are ideal for lighting dressing rooms and illuminating the interior of built-in wardrobes. Recessed spotlights are ideal for installation in a room with a suspended or suspended ceiling.

Wall lamps - sconces Wall lamps create local lighting. They provide a directional flow, designed for high illumination of a relatively small part of the space. Such lamps are attached to the wall in the hallway (on both sides of the mirror, near the telephone), in the corridor, in the bathroom, at the head of the bed. Lamps with a light beam directed upward use the ceiling as a reflector and illuminate the adjacent surfaces of the walls and ceiling with diffused light.

Table lamps Table lamps are used to illuminate work surfaces, are sources of local working lighting, and, as a rule, require a movable design of the optical part. The design of lamps for desks is extremely functional, although not without attractiveness, since their main task is to create directional illumination of the table surface.

Floor lamps - floor lamps The purposes of combined lighting are met by floor lamps and table lamps with voluminous lampshades made of translucent materials. They are placed on coffee tables, dressing tables, on consoles, cabinets, floor lamps near a sofa or armchair, at the foot of the stairs (with the flow of light directed upward), etc. Such lighting fixtures usually have a distinctly decorative design: bright, oddly shaped lampshades, curly supports and so on.

Decorative lamps Decorative lamps: a) a lantern lamp resembles one of those gas lamps that were mounted on horse-drawn carriages, appropriate in the kitchen or hall (candles or a low-incandescent lamp can be inserted inside); b) the lampshade of this original lamp is made of crumpled tissue paper stretched over a heart-shaped frame

Slide 2

Justification of the problem and need that has arisen.

  • Definition specific task and its formulation.
  • Identification of basic requirements for products.
  • Development of ideas, options.
  • Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option.
  • Selection of materials.
  • Selection of tools, devices, equipment.
  • Sequence of product manufacturing.
  • Safety precautions.
  • Economic justification.
  • Slide 3

    For the school canteen, I decided to make a DIY gift “Russian style lamp” so that they could use it in practice.

    I cut the basis from wood base, and made of plywood petals for the lamp and decorated with paintings with floral patterns.

    Slide 4

    Before starting work, I defined a number of parameters and constraints that my project must meet.

    Products must meet the following requirements:

    • The completed work must be beautifully presented
    • The appropriateness of the chosen color combination
    • Originality and uniqueness
    • Workmanship
  • Slide 5

    Wood painting

    Wood painting is one of the oldest types of decorative and applied art. Since ancient times, decorating various wooden products with color painting has been highly valued, and every house certainly had several painted boards or plates. Today, interest in wood painting is being revived, and the Land of Soviets will tell you about the main features of this type of painting.

    Slide 6

    Preparing a wooden product for painting

    Preparing a wooden product for painting begins with sanding (“sanding”) the surface to be painted. Sanding is necessary so that in the future the coloring pigments will better “adhere” to the wood and the painting will be more durable. For sanding, experienced craftsmen recommend using at least 2 types of sandpaper: first with a coarser grain, and then with a finer one. Sanding is always carried out in the direction along the grain of the wood.

    The next stage is applying a protective coating to the surface of the wood. As a rule, such a coating is stained: alcohol, water, oil. Stain helps the wood to store better. The stain should be applied to the surface of the wood product according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    After applying the protective coating, begin priming the wood surface. The primer ensures a more uniform application of paint during painting. The primer composition is applied to the product either with a wide flat brush, or, if the surface is large enough, with a roller.

    Finally, it’s time to do the painting itself.

    Slide 7

    • I chose to paint floral patterns. The composition is placed in the center.
    • Colors used: red, yellow, green.
  • Slide 8


  • Slide 9

    Slide 10

    Slide 11

    Safety precautions

    1. Firmly secure the workpiece in a vice.
    2. Perform the work only with serviceable, well-adjusted tools.
    3. Do not check the quality of the treated surface with your fingers,
    4. Use carpentry tools only for their intended purpose.
    5. To avoid injury, be sure to:
    • tools (files, etc.) with pointed shanks must be equipped with wooden, tight-fitting handles of the established shape without splits or cracks;
    • do not be distracted while working;
    • When working with a hacksaw, use tools when making cuts.
  • “Characteristics of vegetables” - Vegetables. Conditions for processing vegetables. Sunflower seed cutlets. Radish. Eggplant. Zucchini. Seed. Turnip. Useful tips. Parsley. Vitamins. Characteristics of vegetables. Pumpkin. Cabbage. Spicy. Pepper.

    "Toast" - Toasted pieces of bread. Ingredients. Croutons in onion oil with dill. The history of the origin of each product. The history of salt. The history of milk. Salad “Sardine with croutons”. The history of the chicken egg. Croutons with cheese. Various dishes with croutons. The history of bread.

    “Ornament of Russian folk embroidery” - Ornament. Sun signs. Meaning. Setting an artistic task. Solar signs. Wedding towel. Geometric symbols. Types of towels. Towel elements. Images and motives. Build an ornamental composition. Silhouette pattern. Color. A pattern based on rhythmic alternation. Respect for the past.

    “Dresses and suits” - Costume of the second half of the 19th century ROCOCO style. A fashionable women's suit has acquired elaborate shapes. The skirt has become wider. The corset laces tightly at the back. Costume from the Restoration period 1825-1850. Style ROMANTICISM. A narrow bodice with a corset came into fashion. Skirts were decorated with frills, soft folds, and draperies.

    “Crafts from fabric” - Holiday - Mother's Day. Painting techniques. Manufacturing sequence. I see the feminine principle in everything. Wisdom. Product requirements. Free painting technique. Creativity: traditions and modernity. Mother is the soul of the world. Mother Russia. Ideas. Elaboration best idea. Economic justification.

    “Professional kitchen equipment” - What might a professional kitchen look like? (“Molteni”). The connecting power is approximately 34 kW. Example 4. Induction cookers only heat food, not their own surface and air. 1. Small professional restaurant equipment. We supply a wide variety of equipment (both by price and by manufacturer).