Types of large caterpillars. What butterflies and their caterpillars look like

The caterpillar is a larva - an interesting furry creature that undergoes a transformation and becomes a beautiful butterfly or moth. The process of this transformation is fascinating, and its result is delightful.

What does a caterpillar look like?

The caterpillar is a small, long insect. The larva, depending on the species and family, grows from a few millimeters to a maximum of 12 cm. Their body is longitudinal. Consists of a head, 3 thoracic and 10 abdominal segments. Their whole body is soft - not covered with a protective, hard shell. But the caterpillar has peculiar bristles. They can differ in their density and location depending on the species.

Different larvae have a different pattern. It is believed that caterpillars are exceptionally green. In fact, it is not so. In nature, you can find larvae, the color of which is very variegated and contains almost all the colors of the rainbow. Basically, all caterpillars move smoothly, rearranging the legs one by one. However, there are also species that fold like an accordion when moving. Thanks to this way of moving, these larvae were called land surveyors.

Characteristics and structure

Each larva immediately upon hatching from the egg has 3 pairs of legs in the front part of the body. Their size immediately corresponds to the size of an adult insect, that is, throughout its life, these organs will not grow in a caterpillar. Some species also have false legs. They are found in the abdominal part of the body. Basically, there are up to five such pairs. The hairs that cover the entire body of the caterpillar are not harmless. They contain toxic substances. If they come into contact with the skin, they can severely burn the skin or be injured.

The caterpillar's mouth is capable of biting off and chewing food, which cannot be said, for example, of butterflies, since they feed through the proboscis. The larvae are capable of evaluating food with special antennae, which are located next to the mandibles. Caterpillars are well developed. digestive system... The insect has several sections of the intestine. The larva also has spinning glands and nerve nodes. There are small holes along the body - breathing holes.

caterpillar coquette photo

When a caterpillar is born, it is so hungry that an abandoned egg becomes its first meal. Caterpillar development can take several years. When the larva has gone through all the stages of molting and has reached maturity, it transforms into a pupa, from which a butterfly appears. Caterpillars molt Newly hatched caterpillars begin to eat a lot. Soon, their body seems to them to be small, since the skin cannot stretch. In this regard, the larva ceases to eat food for some time and sheds its cover. Scientists have called it molt.

As soon as the caterpillar has a new skin, it begins to lead the same life as before, until this skin hardens. Thus, the larva moult more than once. There are usually 5 such processes. Losing its covers and building up new ones, the caterpillar thereby grows and develops. It can reach adult size in four weeks.

Where caterpillars live

For most caterpillars, the habitat is land. However, there are also species that prefer aquatic life, for example, broad-winged moths. In nature, there are also larvae that can easily live both on land and in water. Biologists divide these insects into two subgroups: secretive larvae and larvae that lead an open life.

caterpillar harpy photo

The first group includes:

  • Listovers - these insects go through all life stages in the wrapped leaves of trees.
  • Carpophages - hide in fruits.
  • Xylophages - live in the bark of trees, in the trunks of plants.
  • Miners - with the help of their growth, they break through small passages and live in dense leaves, buds or in the skin.
  • Gall-forming agents - settle in plants and cause pathological growth in them.
  • Underground - inhabit the top layer of the earth. Aquatic - live in fresh water.

The second subgroup settles openly on plants.

What do the larvae eat

The first "dish" in the life of a caterpillar is the egg from which it hatched. Most of the larvae are considered herbivorous. However, even here the caterpillars can be categorized according to their preference:

Regardless of the species, each larva is capable of secreting silk threads. They serve to anchor to surfaces and move the tracks. During movement, a thin thread of silk stretches behind the insect. This track is even capable of saving a caterpillar if it falls off a branch.

silkworm caterpillar photo

Silk thread is very strong and can hold the spinner. The caterpillar spins the thread using a special organ. It is a complex apparatus made of a papilla-tube and a plate - a sclerite. It is placed slightly below the oral cavity.

The resulting silk slowly leaves the labial glands. The substance acquires the shape of the thread only after pressing. Biologists are still studying the hardening process of the silk matter. However, they are confident that this is not due to air drying. Since even water caterpillars form hard silk threads directly in the aquatic environment.

Types of caterpillars

  • Cabbage caterpillar;
  • The moth caterpillar;
  • Large Harpy Caterpillar;
  • Redtail;
  • Silkworm;
  • Woody wood is corrosive;
  • Caterpillar of the lady's bear;
  • Swallowtail.

Poisonous caterpillars

In nature, you can find a poisonous species of this insect. The touch or bite of such a caterpillar causes chemical burns and discomfort, although sometimes the consequences can be much more serious.

burning rose photo

Local itching or rash may also result from contact. Allergy sufferers have symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, feeling unwell, and indigestion. Many people are unaware of the danger behind the bright colors.

Which insects are best left untouched:

  • Caterpillar-yoke. It looks like a fluffy animal. Poisonous thorns hide under its wool.
  • "Burning Rose". The cover of this caterpillar is very bright: bright and yellow spots cover dangerous bulging bumps.
  • Oak caterpillar. Green insect with longitudinal red stripes. It has small thorns on the sides.
  • Walking silkworm. The black and brown insect is covered with a million small harpoons.
  • "Lazy Clown". Perhaps one of the most dangerous caterpillars. Its poison, having penetrated the human body, can be fatal. Its thorns are like spruce thorns. The slightest touch to them causes internal bleeding.
  • Volnyanka caterpillar. The bright red head immediately betrays this caterpillar. Her body is translucent with long spines.

Caterpillar control

In garden plots, people are not happy with such guests as caterpillars. After all, this gluttonous insect can harm many plants and fruits in the garden. People have come up with many ways to deal with this pest. Get rid of the larvae with caterpillar glue. This mechanical method is considered the most environmentally friendly, as it does not affect the plants themselves.

Whitewashing trees or digging in an area so that insects fall into grooves and cannot reach plants. Treatment of trees with chemical solutions. These include: malofos and antio emulsion. V last years biopreparations are becoming popular, which do much less harm to plants than chemistry.

The most unusual and beautiful caterpillars

  • Hubbrad "s Small Silkmoth. The night caterpillar, thanks to its amazing color, is good at hiding from predators.
  • Blue Morpho. The habitat of this larva is Central America. This insect is dangerous to other insects, due to the fact that it accumulates strong poison in its body. Sometimes these caterpillars engage in cannibalism.
  • Cerura Vinula. This caterpillar knows how to defend itself perfectly. Active life butterfly leads in the dark.
  • During the first 2 months of life, the caterpillar gains weight, which exceeds its initial 20 thousand times.
  • If you unfold the caterpillar cocoon, you can get a silk thread, the length of which is 300-900 meters.
  • The caterpillar can live up to 15 years. The larvae are able to withstand temperatures up to -70 degrees.

Thus, caterpillars are unusual insects. A dangerous predator can lurk behind their colorful appearance. For many gardeners, this insect will always be on the pest list.

Today we will continue this topic and talk about the most dangerous caterpillars that can be found in Russia.

Immediately I hasten to calm down a little, in our country there are no deadly poisonous caterpillars, well, such, for example, as Lonomia obliqua, and death from their poison does not threaten us. However, in our homeland there are caterpillars, which should be treated at least with caution! After all, their hairs soaked in poison can bring quite a few troubles!

The video version of the article can be seen here (below is the continuation of the text):


Camping pine silkworm (Thaumetopoea pinivora)- earned his name thanks to his love of collective travel, and he also loves pine needles, which he eats! In June, the silkworm moves mainly along pine branches and needles, huddling together when the temperature drops, but towards the end of July - beginning of August it goes on a journey. Lining up with relatives in long rows, literally marching on earth, asphalt and other surfaces to get to a suitable, sandy place. Then they pupate burrowing in the sand.

Looking at the lifestyle of the marching pine silkworm, it becomes clear that it is most likely to be found in young pines, with more or less sandy soil. As the caterpillars grow older, they become more and more dangerous, and the outfit of the caterpillars also changes. The hairs from a small fluff develop into a magnificent outfit, which, however, a completely mature caterpillar, as it were, grinds with special grooves in the body. As a result, dust is formed from the hairs, which causes itching and burning when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes of a person! It's not something to touch, it's not recommended to be near such caterpillars !!! Allergic reaction from volatile hairs invisible to the eye, in different people can manifest itself in different ways! Usually on the attacked skin areas are observed inflammatory processes, it is covered with red blisters that itch irresistibly! When it gets on the face, most often the picture is complemented by swelling, eyes can swell and close. The inflammatory processes themselves can last for several weeks! If you are unlucky enough and you develop an allergic reaction, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Camping Pine Silkworm Caterpillar


Oak marching silkworm (T. processionea)- a relative of the above described comrade, just as dangerous, somewhat different appearance and lifestyle (feeds on oak foliage)!

Oak marching silkworm caterpillar


Caterpillar Goldtail (Euproctis chrysorrhoea)(goldfish or silkworm golden) also has poisonous hairs! Distributed almost throughout Europe, including Russia. He loves orchards and parks, where he most often occurs! It is dangerous because, if touched, it can cause a variety of inflammatory processes, rashes or scars on the skin. Breathing problems are also possible, and if hairs get into the eyes, conjunctivitis.

Caterpillar Goldtail


Redtail (Calliteara pudibunda) or as it is also calledWoolfoot bashful, may have a different color of "coat" (lemon, pink, brown, gray) but it always has a constant reddish tail in the back. The caterpillar is not capable of causing any serious damage, however, you should not touch it with your hands, unless, of course, you want to get an allergic reaction in the form of a rash! Prefers oak forests, found throughout Eurasia, except for the far north.

Red-tailed caterpillar


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The caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly, moth or moth - insects from the order of Lepidoptera.

Caterpillar - description, characteristics, structure and photos. What does a caterpillar look like?


The length of the caterpillar, in accordance with the variety, varies from a few millimeters to 12 cm, as in individual specimens of the Saturnia butterfly (peacock eyes).

The body of a caterpillar consists of a well-defined head, thoracic, abdominal sections and several pairs of limbs located on the chest and abdomen.


The caterpillar head is represented by six accrete segments that form a rigid capsule. Between the forehead and the eyes, the region of the cheeks is conventionally distinguished, at the bottom of the head is the occipital foramen, which looks like a heart.

A round head shape is typical of most caterpillars, although there are exceptions. For example, many hawk moths have a triangle-shaped head, others have a rectangular head. The parietal parts can protrude strongly above the head, forming a kind of "horns". Small antennae-antennas, consisting of 3 successive articulations, grow on the sides of the head.

Oral apparatus

All caterpillars are distinguished by a gnawing type of mouth apparatus. The upper jaws of the insect are perfectly formed: their upper edge contains teeth intended for gnawing or tearing food. Inside there are bumps that perform the function of chewing food. The salivary glands are transformed into specific spinning (silk-separating) glands.


The caterpillar's eyes are a primitive visual apparatus containing a single lens. Usually, several simple eyes are located one after another, in an arc, or they form 1 compound eye, merged from 5 simple ones. Plus 1 eye is located inside this arch. Thus, the caterpillars have 5-6 pairs of eyes in total.


The body of the caterpillar consists of segments, separated by grooves, and is clothed in a soft shell, which provides the body with maximum mobility. The anal opening is surrounded by special lobes with varying degrees of development.

The organ of respiration of insects - spiracles, is a stigma located on the chest. Only in species living in water, spiracles are replaced by tracheal gills.

Most caterpillars have 3 pairs of thoracic limbs and 5 pairs of false abdominal legs. The abdominal limbs end in small hooks. On each thoracic limb there is a sole with a claw, which the caterpillar retracts or protrudes when moving.

Absolutely naked caterpillars do not exist: the body of each is covered with various formations - outgrowths, hairs or a well-overgrown cuticle. Cuticle outgrowths are star-shaped, spikes or granules that look like fine hairs or bristles. Moreover, the bristles grow in a strictly defined way, characteristic of a particular family, genus, and even species. The outgrowths consist of raised skin formations, tubercles, similar to flat, round or oval warts and spines. Caterpillar hairs are represented by thin individual filaments or tufts.

Life in a cocoon

In order to survive during the period of “inactivity” and defenselessness, caterpillars find a suitable leaf, branch or tree trunk, to which they can imperceptibly “stick” with a strong silk thread, which they secrete from the abdomen.

To understand how a caterpillar turns into butterflies, one should delve into its ability to properly prepare oneself for this.

Having glued to the selected surface, the caterpillar hangs on a silk thread and begins to wrap itself around the body. This happens gradually, but what is important, when wrapping, the caterpillar gives its cocoon the appearance of a leaf, bud or stem of the plant it has chosen.

The similarities are so obvious that only a very observant eye can detect a cocoon on its surface. This is done so that the defenseless caterpillar is not found and eaten.

How the caterpillar turns into a butterfly inside the cocoon can be seen only by making shooting with special equipment in laboratory conditions. This process is so slow and secretive that it is impossible to observe it in nature.

The reserves that the caterpillar managed to deposit in its body is quite enough for the strength to transform it into a butterfly.

Types of caterpillars - photos and names

Among the great variety of different caterpillars, the following varieties are of greatest interest:

  • Cabbage caterpillar or cabbage butterfly caterpillar(cabbage white) (lat.Pieris brassicae) lives throughout the territory of Eastern Europe, northern Africa to the Japanese islands, and also brought to South America. The caterpillar is 3.5 cm long, has 16 legs and is distinguished by a light green body covered with black warts and short black hairs. Depending on the weather, the caterpillar stage stays from 13 to 38 days. These caterpillars feed on cabbage, horseradish, radishes, turnips, turnips, and shepherd's purse. They are considered the main pest of cabbage.

  • Caterpillar of the moth (surveyors)(lat.Geometridae) is characterized by a long thin body and undeveloped abdominal legs, due to which it differs in an original way of movement - it bends in a loop, while pulling the abdominal legs to the chest. The family unites more than 23 thousand species of moths distributed around the world. All types of caterpillars of this family have well-developed muscles, therefore, they are able to strengthen vertically on plants, perfectly imitating broken branches and petioles. The color of the caterpillars is similar to the color of foliage or bark, which additionally is an excellent camouflage. They eat pine needles, currants and hazel.

  • Great Harpy Caterpillar(lat.Cerura vinula = Dicranura vinula) lives throughout Europe, in Central Asia and in northern Africa. Adult caterpillars grow up to 6 cm and are distinguished by a green body with a purple diamond on the back, bordered by a white outline. In case of danger, the caterpillar inflates, assumes a threatening pose and sprays out a caustic substance. In the caterpillar stage, the insect stays from the beginning of summer to September, feeds on the leaves of plants from the willow and poplar families, including the common aspen.

  • Red-tailed caterpillar(bashful woolfoot) (Latin Calliteara pudibunda) is found in the forest-steppe zone throughout Eurasia, as well as in Asia Minor and Central. The caterpillar up to 5 cm long is pinkish, brown or gray. The body is densely covered with individual hairs or tufts of hair, at the end there is a tail of protruding crimson hairs. This is a poisonous caterpillar: when it comes into contact with human skin, it causes painful allergies. These caterpillars eat the foliage of various trees and shrubs, especially hops.

  • Caterpillar silkworm (Latin Bombyx mori) or silkworm. Lives in East Asia: in the north of China and in Russia, in the southern regions of Primorye. The length of the caterpillar is 6-7 cm, its wavy body is densely covered with blue and brown hairy warts. After 4 molts, completing the 32-day development cycle, the color of the caterpillar turns yellow. The food of the silkworm caterpillar is exclusively mulberry leaves. This insect has been actively used in sericulture since the 27th century BC. NS.

  • Corrosive Arboreal Caterpillar(lat.Zeuzera pyrina) from the carpenter family. Found on the territory of all European countries, except for the Far North, as well as in South Africa, Southeast Asia and North America. It hibernates twice, during this time it changes color from yellow-pink to yellow-orange with black, glossy warts. The length of the insect is 5-6 cm. Caterpillars live inside the branches and trunks of various trees, feeding on their juices.

  • Lady Bear Caterpillar(Latin Callimorpha dominula) or female bear lives in the Eastern, Western Europe and in the southeast of Asia. It hibernates once, differs in black and blue with yellow stripes and spots. Lives on nettles, geraniums, willows, raspberries, strawberries, and feeds on them.

  • Swallowtail caterpillar(lat. Papilio machaon) lives throughout Europe, Asia, northern Africa and North America. One of the most colorful caterpillars: at first it is black, with scarlet warts, and as it grows, it becomes green with black transverse stripes. Each strip contains 6-8 red-orange spots. A disturbed caterpillar secretes an odorous orange-yellow liquid. It feeds on carrots, celery, wormwood, parsley, and sometimes alder leaves.

  • The smallest caterpillar in the world Is a member of the moth family. For example, the caterpillars of the clothing moth (Latin Tineola bisselliella), which have just emerged from the egg, reach a length of only 1 mm.

  • The largest caterpillar in the world- this is a caterpillar of a peacock-eye atlas (lat.Attacus atlas). The bluish-green caterpillar, as if dusted with white dust, grows up to 12 cm in length.

Poisonous caterpillars - description, types and photos.

Among the caterpillars, there are quite poisonous specimens, so the bite of such a caterpillar or accidental touching it can cause unpleasant sensations. Usually, such contact ends with pain at the place of contact, redness and swelling of the skin, less often an itchy rash may appear. There are frequent cases of drowsiness, headache, gastrointestinal upset, increased blood pressure and temperature. In short, do not be fooled by the bright and spectacular appearance of these creatures - sometimes they are dangerous.

The most famous poisonous caterpillars, ready to defend themselves from enemies and protect their food from encroachment with the help of a "poisonous cocktail", include:

  • Caterpillar-coquette (lat.Megalopyge opercularis)
  • Sibine stimulea
  • Caterpillar "burning rose" (lat. Parasa indetermina)
  • Spiny oak slug caterpillar (Latin Euclea delphinii)
  • Caterpillar of the crosswort bear (lat.Tyria jacobaeae)
  • Caterpillar marching silkworm(lat.Thaumetopoea pityocampa)
  • Hickory bear caterpillar (lat.Lophocampa caryae)
  • Caterpillar "lazy clown" (lat. Lonomia obliqua)
  • Caterpillar Saturnia Maya (Latin Hemileuca maia)
  • Volnyanka caterpillar (Latin Orgyia leucostigma)

Poisonous caterpillar-coquette(lat. Megalopyge opercularis) is an insect that looks pretty cute and resembles a miniature fur animal. However, this caterpillar is one of the most venomous caterpillars found on the North American continent and Mexico. The color of the "fur coat", under which there are poisonous thorns, varies from light gray to golden or red-brown. The length of the caterpillar does not exceed three centimeters, the width of the body is 1 cm, but even such modest dimensions make it very dangerous. After contact with an insect, after a couple of minutes at the point of contact, acute throbbing pain and noticeable redness of the integument of the skin, up to bruising, appear. Later, there is painful enlargement of the lymph nodes, shortness of breath and chest pain.

Saddle caterpillar(Latin Sibine stimulea) - the caterpillar is bright green, both ends of the calf are brown, the middle of the calf has a brownish spot enclosed in a white edging, which makes this area similar to a saddle. The length of the caterpillar inhabiting the North and South America, is 2-3 centimeters, two pairs of fleshy horn-appendages are equipped with hard hairs, which contain a fairly strong poison. The prick of these sting-hairs causes severe pain, skin swelling, rash and nausea lasting several days.

Poisonous caterpillar "lazy clown"(lat. Lonomia obliqua) - an insect that lives in large quantities in Uruguay and Mozambique, has the most powerful of all natural toxins known today. The caterpillar can reach 6-7 centimeters in length, has a greenish-brown color, the poison accumulates in herringbone-shaped spines. Loves shade, so the caterpillar usually lives in the foliage of trees, but often moves to the courtyards of the residential sector. As a result of contact with this insect, painful hemorrhages appear on the skin, caterpillar venom can act on internal organs, causing renal colic, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary edema and even disorders of the nervous system.

Fighting caterpillars: means and methods.

Many types of caterpillars are pests and eat fruit trees, fruits and vegetables.

There are many methods for dealing with caterpillars, combined into 3 main groups:

  • mechanical means of struggle with caterpillars folk methods consist in manually collecting and shaking off caterpillars from plants, as well as cutting off wintering clutches. A proven method is trapping caterpillars using trapping glue belts and various traps with bait liquid.
  • biological control methods aim to attract natural enemies caterpillars, primarily birds. For this, comfortable conditions for their nesting are created in the gardens (birdhouses, nest boxes, feeders) and with a small number of caterpillars are completely destroyed.
  • chemical methods of control with caterpillars are considered the most effective, but addictive in caterpillars, therefore, poisonous drugs (biological and chemical) should be alternated. Rovikurt, Karbofos, Lepidocid, Kilzar, and Karate are considered to be well-proven means.

If the invasion of caterpillars is not significantly threatening, you can try decoctions and infusions of plants as a fight: black henbane (against cabbage caterpillars), hemlock (against all leaf-eating caterpillars), as well as red elderberry and peppermint.

  • Entomophagy, or insect eating, has flourished since prehistoric times. Caterpillars of more than 80 genera of butterflies occupy an honorable place in the gourmet menu. Caterpillars are eaten raw or fried, dried over hot coals, boiled, salted, added to omelets and sauces.
  • The silkworm has a huge economic importance for a number of countries - silk producers. Indeed, from 100 kg of cocoons, it is possible to isolate 9 kg of silk thread.
  • The coloring of any caterpillar to one degree or another imitates environmental conditions and is the best means of camouflage and protection.


The caterpillar is one of the developmental stages of a butterfly.

Before becoming a beautiful butterfly or moth, it is in the larval or caterpillar stage. The life of a caterpillar is very short, but very interesting.

Description, characteristic

A caterpillar is a larva of any insect from the order of Lepidoptera. The dimensions of the tracks are different: it can be from a few millimeters to 15 cm. Some of them are life-threatening to touch. They are poisonous.

The body of a caterpillar has a head, breast and abdomen. There are several pairs of limbs on the chest and abdomen. The whole body has several rings, separated by grooves. Pulling up the rings, the caterpillar moves and moves the legs.

Caterpillar breathing is carried out through stigma. There are several of them on the body. The head and chest have a hard shell. The rest of the body is soft and loose. The head is formed from several rings fused together. The shape of the head can be round, rectangular, pith. The parietal parts can protrude forward and even form "horns".

The mouth apparatus of the caterpillars is highly developed. They can gnaw through any material and get their own food with the help of their outer jaws. Inside there is an apparatus for chewing food with salivary glands. The eyes are simple in structure. There are several pairs of eyes on the head. Sometimes merged into one big eye. The entire body of the caterpillar is covered with hairs, scales, warts and other protrusions.

Types of caterpillars

  • There are also many types of caterpillars, as well as species of butterflies and other lepidoptera.
  • Cabbage butterfly caterpillar. It grows up to 3-4 cm. It has a yellow-green color with black spots on the back and long white hairs.
  • Surveyor. It looks like a thin brown twig. The limbs are not developed, moves in "loops".
  • Big harpy. It reaches 6cm in size and has a green color. On the back there is a purple spot. There is a pink "frame" around the head. The limbs and horns on the torso are striped in black and white. When protected, it sprays a caustic substance.
  • Peacock eyes. The largest representative. Grows up to 12cm. has a bluish green color. Throughout the body, instead of hairs, there are outgrowths in the form of horns.
  • Caterpillar of a bear. It is black and yellow in color and has tufts of hairs.
  • Silk caterpillar. Any caterpillar can produce silk, but only the silkworm was domesticated by humans centuries ago. The caterpillar is called the silkworm. She is white in color with many blue warts. At the end of the cycle, it changes color to yellow. The caterpillar develops and lives for about a month. Pupating, it spins a cocoon of threads up to 1500m long. The color can be white, pink, yellow, green. To obtain natural silk, the pupa is kept for a couple of hours at a temperature of 100C. This temperature makes it easier to unwind the cocoon and use the silk in production.

Poisonous caterpillars

To distinguish a poisonous caterpillar from a "peaceful" one allows coloring. The brighter the color. It is all the more likely that the caterpillar is poisonous. Contact with it for a person can cause a tooth, skin redness, shortness of breath, various pains and develop diseases.

  • Caterpillar-yoke. Lives in Mexico. Very similar to a hamster. Fluffy brown beauty 2-3cm long. on contact may cause chest pain, shortness of breath.
  • Saddle caterpillar. It has a bright color: the back is poisonous green and has a large brown spot in the middle. The head and end of the abdomen are brown with thick horns. There are coarse hairs on the body. There is a strong poison at the ends of these hairs.
  • Lazy cleaver. Lives in Uruguay and Mozambique. The short length of the caterpillar is 3-4 cm. It has a black and white color with green tufts of hard milky-green hairs. Her poison can disrupt nervous system cause bleeding of internal organs.
  • Burning rose. The main color is yellow with red and blue stripes. Thick horns have venom-laden thorns. On contact, the thorns break off, and a rash appears on the skin.

Caterpillar development

Its development can last very quickly, or it can drag on for several decades. When hatching from an egg, the caterpillar undergoes several stages. Some of them are accompanied by significant changes, molting and other metamorphoses. The caterpillar itself grows and reaches adult size.

Some species make several molts and change color. This is typical for silkworm caterpillars. At the end of their life span, they look for a place to pupate and prepare their home.

stinging rose caterpillar photo

Caterpillars molt, molt is characteristic of them. Depending on the type, the caterpillar can shed from 2 to 40 times. Most often, during its life span, the caterpillar sheds 4-5 times. The record holder for the number of molts is the mole. She can shed up to 40 times, and females do it even more often.

Caterpillars - miners shed least of all. Only 2 times. The reasons for molting may be the tightness of the already grown larva in the old body. According to scientists, molting is accompanied by the fact that the respiratory system does not grow with the caterpillar and only changes with new "skin". In the head of the larva there is a pheromone, which gives signals for skin shedding.

Where do caterpillars live?

The limited mobility of the caterpillar does not allow them to move quickly and change their habitat. Most often, caterpillars live on the ground, leaves, plants. Some species live underwater. Depending on the lifestyle, secretive caterpillars and openly moving ones are distinguished. The hidden species include those who practically do not appear on the surface of the earth, but are in the bark, underground.

They are divided into the following representatives:

  • Listovers. They live in the leaves of trees, making a tubular house.
  • Carpophages. They live in the fruits of plants and berries.
  • Xylophages. They live inside tree trunks, under the bark.
  • Underground maggots live underground
  • Aquatic caterpillars live in water bodies.
  • Miners. They live in roots, leaves, buds.
  • Future butterflies lead an open lifestyle. They live where they feed: on the leaves of flowers, plants.

What do caterpillars eat?

Most caterpillars are vegetarians. They prefer plant leaves, roots, flowers. Some make their way to their treats and lay their eggs there. Such pests include moths. She loves honey. At night, the moth sneaks into the hive and lays eggs in the combs. The hatched larvae eat wax and honey.

In general, the caterpillar is very voracious. To become a chrysalis, she must gain mass. The caterpillar of the apple moth can devour all the leaves on the apple tree and not "eat". If there are no other trees nearby, it pupates even when it is “hungry”.

There is also exotic food, depending on the type:

  • The cork moth feeds on algae and fungus in wine barrels and beer vats;
  • The moth caterpillars live on the sloth's body and eat algae that grow on the fur;
  • Fireflies eat construction material ants - paper;
  • The caterpillars of the scoop and bluefly eat ants, while the ants adore the juice that it produces and live together;
  • Predatory caterpillars feed on small insects and other caterpillars.

Fighting caterpillars: means and methods

Caterpillars can harm a person's crops and devour his land. To preserve the harvest, some control methods are used. Sometimes he uses everything in turn:

  • Collecting caterpillars. Collect caterpillar colonies every day, destroy pupae and eggs.
  • Chemicals. Industry and botany create various formulations to preserve the harvest and get rid of unwanted visitors. This is a good way to start. After that, the caterpillars get used to the drugs.
  • In the fields and large lands, birds do this job. They are very fond of eating a caterpillar. By building birdhouses, you can get rid of non-buddies.
  • Infusions of herbs and foliage. The tops of tomato, tobacco, chamomile, wormwood, herbs, potatoes are very effective.

  • Caterpillars are eaten by humans throughout their entire existence. More than 20 types of caterpillars are consumed in the diet
  • Medicinal tinctures are prepared from pupae of caterpillars of some species
  • The Chinese use caterpillars infected with a special fungus in the treatment and Tibetan medicine
  • The caterpillar blends well with environment
  • All caterpillars produce silk during their lifetime.
  • In the Arctic, the caterpillar lives up to 13 years, hibernating before each winter

The caterpillar takes its place in nature. Her life seems inconspicuous and short. But without her we never saw beautiful butterflies... Many species feed on caterpillars, especially birds. The unusual color allows her to disguise herself or warn the enemy of a threat.

Butterflies, lepidoptera, fossils of which have been known since jurassic, are currently one of the richest species of orders of insects - there are more than 158,000 species in the order. Representatives of the order are distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

Butterflies go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and imago. It is believed that the butterfly is always superior in beauty to the caterpillar from which it was born.

Let's see if this is so. Interactive photos.

This is a moth of the Corydalis family. Caterpillar stage: June - September. An adult caterpillar is up to 6 cm long, green in color. When disturbed, it assumes a special threatening posture: inflates and lifts the front end of the body, then pulls it into the enlarged first segment of the abdomen. Click:

They live in deciduous and mixed forests. Caterpillars feed on various broadleaf trees such as oak, elm, citrus. Click:

Papilio troilus is a North American sailing ship, the closest relative of our swallowtail and podalirii. The adult is black with iridescence and an elegant pattern of white spots, and the caterpillars are unusually funny: green or yellow with bright fake eyes that scare away predators. Caterpillars feed different kinds bay leaves. Click:

The Atlas Peacock Eye is considered one of the largest butterflies in the world. Wingspan up to 24 cm! In India, this species is cultivated: caterpillars secrete silk. Click:

This species is found from Mexico to Argentina, during wet forests... The wingspan of Greta oto is from 5.5 to 6 cm. The tissue between the veins on the wings of a butterfly is transparent, because it is devoid of colored scales. Click:

The wingspan of this butterfly ranges from 6 to 9 cm. The female has reddish-brown front wings and legs, while the male has yellow front and hind wings, body and legs. Click:

This is a genus of diurnal butterflies from the Nymphalida family. The color of the wings of most species is blue or light blue, with a metallic sheen. There are species with mother-of-pearl and pearl-white wings; with a black-blue or red-brown pattern. Shiny with a metallic reflection of the wings, the color is entirely optical, it is based on the refraction of light. Click:

Another butterfly of the genus True sailboats of the Sailboats family. It is found throughout North America, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It is a large butterfly with a wingspan of 8-11 cm. The upper side of the wings is mostly black. Caterpillars in the first stages of development (up to 1.5 cm in length) are black with a white stripe in the middle, with white bristles with a light brown ring at the base. Click:

The largest moth North America and one of the brightest. Usually at the end of autumn, after passing four molts, the caterpillars of cecropia, which managed to grow up to 10-12 cm, are wrapped in a cocoon. In it, they pupate, spend the whole winter and are born in the first warm days of summer. Click:

Butterfly cabbage Pieris brassicae

Caterpillar up to 3.5 cm long, 16-legged, greenish-yellow, covered with sparse and short black hairs and black dots; along the back and on the sides, above the legs, there are 3 yellow stripes; head and last segment of body dorsally gray with black dots.