The meaning of two earrings in a girl's ear. How to combine different earrings

Today, jewelry in the ears of men no longer surprises anyone. A stylish addition to your look, which is available not only to women. And if you remember in history, men have long worn various accessories, including earrings, to clearly demonstrate your status. In the USSR, the fashion for male piercings disappeared, giving way to the image of a hard-working man without unnecessary decorations. And at the beginning of the 21st century, earrings began to be worn by golden youth and people of creative professions.

What does an earring in a man's left ear mean?

  1. Today, wearing an earring in one left ear or both at once no longer in any way hints at gay orientation.
  2. Seeing a man with an earring in his left ear, one can assume that he is a sailor, since this a long tradition among sailors - wear an earring as a talisman when going to sea.
  3. Some doctors consider ear piercing to have a healing effect on the body, Although this fact not proven by research.
  4. Piercings are worn by gypsies who believe in various mystical mysteries. The people are conservative and still adhere to the primordial traditions of fortune telling on cards, giving special meaning to the earring.
  5. The Cossacks always believed that an earring in the left ear meant the only and last surviving heir.
  6. The people carefully preserve their customs and sincerely believe in them, never removing their earrings throughout their lives. Many magicians and fortune tellers believe that piercing will protect you from dark forces
  7. and will give you strength to overcome difficulties in life. Men of Slavic appearance wear an earring in their left ear
  8. as a talisman against misfortune and death.
  9. Since the 60s, musicians and fans of hard rock began to pierce their left ears, as adherents of their views and beliefs in life. For ordinary youth this is a symbol of emancipation and freedom of one’s thoughts

, ideas and moral beliefs.

  • Earring in right ear Usually Russian men get their right earlobe pierced.
  • . And not the least influence on this was the stereotype “earring in the left ear = gay.”
  • A piercing in the right ear is a good luck talisman for people in high positions. You can find weirdly shaped earrings

among young people who attach some mysterious intimate meaning to them.

Of course, people with conservative views on male attractiveness may cast a judgmental glance or two at young man with piercings. But there are fewer and fewer of them.

The meaning of earrings in old times

  1. IN Ancient Greece earrings were worn by slaves. Earrings were especially popular among men of easy virtue - kineds.
  2. Men living in European territory mainly wore earrings to demonstrate their status and wealth. Models made of gold with large ones were popular.
  3. Jewelry has long been worn by sailors and pirates. Each new earring on a pirate meant a successful capture of the ship. And the gold earring could serve as payment to the sea spirits for the liberation of the soul if it died on a journey. Sailors wore the earring against the evil eye and illness, and also as proof of overcoming certain difficult routes.
  4. Back in the 11th century, during the period of serfdom, men wore something similar to an earring, thereby demonstrating their belonging to one class or another. During the reign of Elizabeth 1, courtiers sported earrings. And during the reign of Peter 1, the Don Cossacks thus showed their courage and invincibility in battles.
  5. In Rus', an earring has always been a symbol of wealth and well-being. Of course, ordinary people did not have money to buy gold jewelry, but they wore wooden or copper jewelry own production. Rich people, merchants and courtiers wore more expensive models made of gold, silver and even platinum, inlaid.
  6. Gypsies pierced the earlobe of their sons if the previous child was stillborn before their birth. They believed that this particular ritual would bring happiness to the newborn and protect him from troubles in the future.

The Orthodox Church, of course, is not a supporter of such fashion today, believing that you can’t experiment with your body and it’s best to remain the way God created you.

Today it is no longer possible to determine at first glance the purpose of wearing earrings for men. Even homosexual orientation in the form of a pierced earlobe has lost its relevance. For most men, it's just a decoration, a description of their image, or a desire to stand out among the crowd.

Fashionable men's looks with earrings

Types of men's earrings

The most popular models of modern men's earrings include: rings, washers, snakes, nails and crosses made of gold, silver and platinum. The traditional type of earrings are small studs or rings, giving the image restraint, elegance and brutality.

Earrings are classified according to their types:

  • Tunnels with a large through hole, in order to show everyone else your individuality and uniqueness.
  • Carnations (studs)– small earrings of various designs. They can be either with or without stones.
  • Rings, which men from the criminal world still prefer to wear today, were previously worn by robbers in order to instill fear and horror in those around them
  • Plugs (closed tunnels) – decoys made of synthetic or natural materials. Such decorations, like through tunnels, look bold and youthful and are unlikely to be suitable for business meetings.
  • Crosses- usually made of silver or surgical steel, which are worn with pleasure by young people who love fantasy and mysticism.

How to choose jewelry

When choosing men's earrings, you should take into account the shape, oval of your face and clothing style. For example, small studs are best suited for plump men, while rings suit the stronger sex with angular features.

When buying jewelry, you should pay attention to the shape of your ears, which will determine the shape of the earrings.

All decorations play a significant role, as well as the material used:

  1. For young people You don’t have to be afraid of experiments: colored stones, different materials of accessories and their sizes. Earrings in the form of small crosses and rings are very popular.
  2. If a man is a leader or businessman, then it is better to choose strict and laconic models made of precious metals.
  3. For businessmen with a beard, stud earrings are suitable, and for athletes and creative people - with the symbols of the profession.
  4. For those who want to highlight their style Gold and silver studs with jewelry stones are suitable.

Inexpensive plastic models also look interesting. Although, of course, silver, gold and platinum are beyond competition.

It is important that accessories match your clothing and highlight your individuality. If you or your partner are still looking for your own personal style, then take a closer look at the images of your idols. Finding similar earring models will not be so difficult.

How to wear earrings

From a medical point of view, earrings should be worn for the purpose of calming nerve endings and even treating a number of diseases.

Don't forget that cheap jewelry is not suitable for frequent wear. If you have a favorite earring model, then purchase an accessory made of medical steel or precious metals.

The best option remains small and neat carnations. Still, there is no need to hang heavy, bulky accessories on your ears that evoke ambiguous thoughts among passers-by.

Rings, for example, can be worn in combination with casual clothing. Carnations are suitable for brutal guys with fashionable jeans or a business suit. The main thing is to observe the limits of decency and rules of behavior in society in clothing and accessories.

Please tell me what does one or two earrings in the left ear mean?? and got the best answer

Answer from Fill[guru]
Previously in Rus', and later among the Cossacks, it was a sign of distinction, soldiers in the ranks turned their heads to the right and showed their left ear, whoever had an earring in his ear was the only son in the family, and the “commander” did not send such people to the front line. This is where the command "Be equal" comes from.

Answer from radiation[active]
It seems like nothing to me))

Answer from Boiled[guru]
The fact that a person made one or two holes in his left ear and inserted earrings there.
I have 2 pieces there.

Answer from gallop[guru]
The same as three on the left and two on the right - NOTHING. A matter of taste

Answer from Bringing[guru]
One is normal in each ear, if in women, two are a race for the fashion that someone set. And a man also has a passion to keep up with the one who once 1 of the stronger sex of this world decided to stand out from his peers like this!

Answer from Vegetarianism[active]
one or two holes

Answer from convincing[guru]
On the left - like, nothing. And in the right one (if one ear is pierced) to which sexual minorities do you relate (if a girl has 1 or 2 earrings on the right, then she is a lesbian, if she has a m/h, he is gay). But that's what I heard. I could be wrong

Answer from Incident[master]
in a girl - creativity, in a boy - increased levels of female hormones

Answer from Tasty[newbie]
The Cossacks, as far as I remember, have 1 earring in the left ear - the only son in the family or clan...
For everyone else - I don’t know!

Answer from tropics[guru]
Previously in Rus', a gold earring in the left ear (for men) meant:
There is only one son in the family, and such people were protected in battle!

Answer from abrasion[master]
Doesn't mean anything. Everyone decides for themselves why they need it.
My husband, for example, had one earring at first - he pierced it together with his son when he doubted whether he should get a tattoo or an earring. The husband convinced him that it would be more difficult to get rid of the tattoo later, and you could simply take out the earring if you got tired of it. So they pierced him with him for greater convincing... Then the second son was born... And it became a tradition - they pierced him again for both his son and his father. Now my husband has two earrings in one - just small empty rings.))

Answer from Down jacket[guru]

Answer from cassock[active]
Toko show off

Answer from cowardly[guru]
I think it’s cool, I have 6 holes in one ear and 3 in the other, it’s also cool for guys to have their ears pierced, this is bullshit about orientation, everyone has the right to wear what they like)

Answer from Boiled[guru]
in the left ear there is nothing in either men or women... but in the right ear, only musicians and gay men dare to wear an earring

First, let's look at classic version, in each ear there is one hole.

If the punctures are made in both lobes exactly in the middle, the holes are located at the same level with each other, this means that the girl is balanced, responsible and intelligent, and in addition, has a strong will. You can rely on such a friend, but she is quite difficult to get along with.

When the piercing in one ear is higher than in the other, this is a bad sign.

Probably, such a person has a poor understanding of people, is unbalanced, and does not know what she wants. Most likely, this is a dual nature, sometimes the girl is cheerful, witty, sociable, and at times cynical, irritable, envious.

Holes located at the same level, but above the middle of the lobe, indicate a strong and decisive personality. Very often such people suffer from arrogance, have a poor understanding of people, and are very concerned about their appearance.

Girls who have piercings below the middle of the lobe most often do not make a great impression from the first meeting. In fact, they are very smart, sensitive and charming, although they are somewhat shy and embarrassed in front of strangers. Sometimes such punctures are evidence of slowness.

If in one ear the piercing is made very close to the inner edge of the earlobe, and in the other very close to the outer edge (this does not happen often), this is a sign of a well-developed imagination. Girls with such piercings are independent, practical, and not without optimism and humor. They are characterized by a love of life, sincerity and clarity, and are pleasant interlocutors.

Quite rarely there are punctures located at different levels, one higher, the other lower, and also very close to the outer edges of the earlobes. Such girls sometimes strive for loneliness, some of them are prone to mysticism and love secrets. In some cases, they are distinguished by a rare understanding of people, sometimes they are easily vulnerable and give the impression of dreamy natures.

If the punctures are located exactly the same as in the previous example, but very close to the inner edges of the lobes, this in most cases indicates that the girl is very susceptible to the mood of others, is overly cautious, but can be a good friend and is not prone to adventures.

Sometimes punctures made in this way indicate that the girl is often disappointed in people due to high living standards and increased criticism.

Now let's talk in detail about those charming girls who have several piercings in their ears.

Those girls who have two piercings in each ear or only one, in almost all cases have a cheerful disposition, are sociable, but at the same time are far from frivolous. These are responsible people, although they can be a little lazy. Almost all girls with two ear piercings attach a lot of importance to their appearance.

If a fashionista has two piercings in one ear and three or more in the other, this indicates her imbalance. She is most likely inclined to make casual acquaintances, rarely listens to advice, and is able to maintain her individuality, despite outside influence.

It is very difficult to judge extravagant cuties who have three piercings in one or both ears, but in most cases they understand people well, although they themselves remain not fully understood. The presence of so many holes in the ears speaks of an extraordinary, often strange nature.

Girls who have more than three holes in one or both ears may or may not be loved by those around them, but it is difficult to be indifferent to them. Such persons have passion and intelligence at the same time. They can be very responsible, striving for knowledge, but they like to get into arguments and do not tolerate defeat. In most cases, such girls are very proud and at the same time can commit rash acts for the sake of others. Almost all representatives of the fair sex with such ears are very sociable, characterized by a cheerful disposition and optimism.

The character traits mentioned in the previous case are especially clearly manifested when the girl has, in one way or another, not only the lobe, but also the cartilage of the outer rim.

However, be careful and do not rush to conclusions. Ear piercings are not an innate appearance characteristic. So, when analyzing your observations, compare them with the characteristics of a person that are inherent to him by nature.

The times when earrings were considered exclusively women's jewelry have sunk into summer. Today, young guys indulge in accessories, including earrings, to complement their look. The main thing is to know on which ear men wear earrings. Carnations or rings in a discreet design look very stylish, but the choice today is very wide.

Men wore earrings long before this jewelry became considered feminine. Today, this original and daring men's accessory remains in demand in fashion circles. Modern man casual and at the same time elegant, he follows his style and fashion, which is why you can most likely see a stylish earring in his ear. Do you know the meaning of an earring on a man’s ear? Then today we'll talk about it.

If you ask yourself why men wear earrings, then we can say that they wore them since the dawn of civilization. What do earrings mean for men?

There were times when this accessory distinguished a noble person from the crowd, at other times it was used to mark the chosen one’s membership in the clergy. The decoration in the pirate's ear indicates that he is the captain of the ship, and gypsies put an earring on their son if the previous child died for some reason.

For reference! In Rus', from the times of the ancient Slavs until the 12th century, men wore odintsy - that’s what single men’s earrings were called. But in the era of the boyars, ear piercing was abandoned. During the reign of Peter the Great, men also did not decorate their earlobes, since no one would have seen the jewelry anyway due to their long wigs. It was only during Elizabeth's reign, when wigs became shorter, that court dandies began wearing earrings again.

What models are they wearing?

Today, models of men's earrings are no longer limited to one or two shapes.

Let's look at the most common and popular options. These include:

  • Carnations. They are considered men's classics. The main advantage of this form is that it matches any suit and occasion. These models have a discreet, laconic design, so you can wear them in both ears and not worry about it looking provocative.
  • Rings. Another interesting option men's jewelry. Capable of complementing any, even the most contradictory image. A ring in a man’s ear complements the rebellious style, while emphasizing masculinity and fortitude.

Important! In order for a men's earring to have a discreet and laconic appearance, it is recommended to pay attention to the material from which it was cast. The best materials for men's jewelry are considered to be metals with a cool, calm shine: platinum, white gold, silver.

  • Tunnels and plugs. Both options are most often chosen by young people. In order to put on the tunnels, you will have to make holes of an impressive diameter in the earlobe. In this way, young guys try to stand out. Plugs - black earrings look like tunnels, but in order to wear them there is no need to cut off your ears.
  • Clips or cuffs. This is a choice for those men who love accessories, but do not want to get their ears pierced in the first place. Clips look like carnations, and cuffs are very original products that are attached to the upper or middle part of the ear and do not cause discomfort.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

The shape of men's earrings has great importance. Often, golden carnations with bright stones do not fit into a guy’s overall style and irritate those around him. If you are not as stylish as Cristiano Ronaldo or Timati, then it is better to abandon bright, provocative models and give preference to a small-diameter platinum ring.

What do earrings mean for the stronger sex?

Which ear should a man put an earring in without causing a negative reaction from society? To be honest, in terms of fashion and etiquette, there are no special rules regarding which ear guys should wear earrings in, but there are certain nuances.

Advice! A man's earring should look neat and laconic so as not to be conspicuous. That is why massive jewelry should be chosen only if you have a powerful build and large facial features.

In the left ear

An earring in a man’s left ear indicates that he adheres to a traditional sexual orientation. If you dig a little history, then everything goes back to pagan times. The ring was worn in the left ear so as not to accidentally touch it during the battle, and since there was a lot of fighting, such caution was very useful. Today, almost no one remembers this theory, but everyone knows the orientation rule. That's why men wear an earring in their left ear.

On the right

An earring in a man’s right ear indicates that he belongs to a sexual minority. In other words, he's gay. In ancient times, the last young man in the family wore an earring in his left ear, and the last in his family wore an earring in his right ear, but this will also take a long time to prove to others. Anyone who sees an earring in the right ear will think about the first statement.

In both ears

Some artists, musicians, directors and even football players who are blessed with creative roots prefer to decorate both lobes. Two earrings , according to fashion critics, it is stylish and bright.

Do you wear earrings in both ears?


You can wear a piece of jewelry in the shape of a wolf's fang in your lobe to attract the attention of others in a club or at a party, but for everyday wear nothing more neat than a silver or gold ring has been invented. The simple design of this shape will suit any face type and any hairstyle, and will not attract a lot of unnecessary glances from the outside.


Today, a man with an earring is not considered something unusual. Now you know what an earring in a man’s left ear means and what it means in his right. These jewelry are worn not only by stars, but also by creative personalities who want to complement their style. At the same time, it is interesting that girls are more attracted to “bad” guys with an earring than good boys. Bikers and representatives of emo and goths love to decorate themselves in this way. But, in fact, any ordinary guy who knows what earrings mean in a man’s ears can get his ears pierced!