What does vegetable oil contain? What vegetable oils are most useful? Hair care

Most of us use only two vegetable oils, but nutritionists advise keeping at least 6 types at home. Let's talk about the TOP 10 most useful of them.

The content of the article:

Vegetable oils- a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fats are a must balanced nutrition. They fight atherosclerosis, which causes cerebrovascular accident and cardiovascular disease. With the help of oil, you can cure colds, strengthen nervous system, normalize digestion, improve skin and hair condition, and lower cholesterol levels. These properties are characteristic of all oils, but each has individual characteristics.

The most delicious and healthy vegetable oils in cooking - TOP-10

There are many varieties of oils. Some are useful as medicine, while not suitable for cooking. Others produce in small quantities, hence the high price. But each has its own unique characteristics. useful features. Which one to use is up to you. Below we have analyzed the TOP 10 most useful vegetable oils.


  1. Reduces cholesterol levels thanks to linoleic acid. Therefore, oil is used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and normalization of pressure.
  2. Vitamin E helps to rejuvenate the body: it smoothes wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  3. Heals wounds: cuts, burns, ulcers.
  4. Improves the functioning of the digestive system, has a mild laxative effect, improves stool.
  5. It contains choleretic properties, so it is useful for cholelithiasis.
  6. Oleic acid improves the absorption of fats, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, reduces appetite, strengthens the immune system.
  • The color of olive oil is bright yellow, greenish or dark gold. It depends on the variety and maturity of the olives.
  • Higher quality with low acidity (up to 0.8%). The indicator is indicated on the label.
  • Do not heat above 180 ° C, at high temperatures it burns.
  • Stored in a cool dark place in a sealed container, because. quickly absorbs odors.
  • Use 2 tbsp. per day, because the product is high-calorie: in 100 grams - 900 kcal.


  1. The source of lecithin, which forms the nervous system in a child, in an adult - supports the activity of thinking. The substance restores strength during stress and anemia.
  2. Fatty acids support immunity, cell structure and reduce bad cholesterol. They also improve fat and lipid metabolism, which helps to reduce weight.
  3. Improves digestion, improves the process of cleansing the body, has a slight laxative effect.
  4. Vitamin E protects the body from premature aging, improves the condition of hair and skin.
  5. Calms the nervous system.
  • Unrefined oil brings benefits, as it retains all the beneficial properties. When frying, it loses its healing properties and becomes harmful.
  • It is stored in a dark cool place from +5°С to +20°С.


  1. The content of omega-3 fatty acids is superior to fish oil. The acid stimulates the reproductive system (eggs and sperm cells function better).
  2. Useful for atherosclerosis. Reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of blood clots in the vessels, so it is used to prevent stroke and heart attack.
  3. Protects nerve cells, improves memory, brain activity and attention.
  4. It is recommended for oncological diseases, especially breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
  5. In diabetes, it lowers blood glucose and prevents the occurrence of diabetic polyneuropathy.
  6. Recommended for chronic skin diseases: eczema and psoriasis.
  7. Normalizes intestinal motility, cleanses the body of toxins, accelerates fat metabolism, which helps to reduce excess weight.
  8. It has a mild laxative effect.
  9. Improves the condition of hair and skin, the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland.
  • An open bottle is stored with a closed lid at a temperature of +2°C to +6°C for one month.
  • Apply only when cold.
  • To get the benefit, 30 g (2 tablespoons) of oil per day is enough.
  • The lowest calorie of all vegetable oils.


  1. Best of all regulates the exchange of cholesterol in the body, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots.
  2. Derivatives of phosphorus-phosphatides are useful for the brain, nicotinic acid - regulates the conduction of the heart, linoleic acid - is responsible for blood clotting.
  3. Helps break down hard fats.
  4. Improves the functioning of the intestines, gallbladder, liver and nervous system.
  5. Useful for children, pregnant and lactating women.
  6. Nutritionists advise using it for asthma, migraines and skin flaking.
  • The most resistant to oxidation.
  • Sold only in refined form.
  • There is golden (cold pressing) and dark (hot pressing).
  • The recommended daily dose is 75 g.
  • Cures at -10°C.


  1. Contains essential oils that have a bactericidal effect. That's why - natural antibiotic: heals wounds, burns, colds and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Oleic acid stimulates the digestion process and improves liver function.
  3. Preventive agent for tumors in the mammary glands.
  4. Increases elasticity and strength of capillaries.
  5. It has a warming property, so it is used for inhalation for bronchitis.
  6. Vitamin A (antioxidant) ensures the full development of the body, improves vision, participates in the regeneration of epidermal cells, and supports the immune system.
  7. Vitamin D treats skin diseases, improves thyroid function, and helps with multiple sclerosis.
  8. Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, normalizes blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, affects reproduction.
  9. Vitamin K prevents hemorrhage associated with poor blood clotting.
  10. Vitamin B group maintains hormonal balance, the female reproductive system.
  11. Choline improves brain activity.
  • Due to the bactericidal properties, the products are seasoned with oil, retain freshness longer.
  • Daily rate 30 g.
  • Oil can be heated.


  1. Calcium oil champion.
  2. Improves the condition of the thyroid gland and removes harmful salts from the joints in case of gout.
  3. Increases blood clotting (cores and varicose veins should be used with caution).
  4. Useful during pregnancy and hormonal imbalance.
  5. The complex of fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-9 normalizes fat metabolism and blood sugar levels, reduces the development oncological diseases, strengthens the immune system, improves the cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems.
  6. Improves the male reproductive system: erection, prostate function, spermatogenesis.
  7. Useful for the digestive system: neutralizes high acidity, has a laxative, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.
  8. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, making the skin supple and elastic.
  • Oil dark color not suitable for frying. Use only cold. Light - used in both cases.
  • Stored in a dark cool place in a closed glass container.


  1. The best source of zinc, which is more than in seafood, therefore it is useful for male power: produces testosterone, improves the functioning of the prostate gland, helps in the treatment of prostatitis and urethra.
  2. Facilitates disease state during menopause and premenstrual period, normalizes the ovarian cycle.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous, endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular and muscular systems.
  4. Vitamin E improves blood vessels and heart function. Reduces bad cholesterol levels and supports arterial pressure. Useful in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, anemia and coronary disease.
  5. It is indicated for cholelithiasis, viral hepatitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  6. It cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and carcinogens. It has a mild laxative effect.
  7. It has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antitumor properties.
  8. Effective for insomnia, headaches. Strengthens immunity.
  • Quality oil does not burn.
  • Consume cold. Frying is not recommended.
  • Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. You cannot drink water.


  1. The main plus is lecithin, which is necessary for the central nervous system and vision.
  2. The oil reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Recommended for pregnant women, because. it is a source of vitamin E.
  4. Improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of a heart attack.
  • For preventive purposes, use 1-2 tbsp. l. in a day.
  • Suitable for frying.
  • Stored no more than 45 days.


Note: Walnut oil is obtained from different types nuts: pistachios, almonds, peanuts, forest (hazelnuts), pine nuts and walnuts. The composition differs depending on the type of initial natural raw material. But General characteristics the same.

  1. The content of Omega-6 fatty acids is up to 55%. Therefore, the oil helps with inflammatory and allergic reactions, improves the condition of the skin, joints, and moisturizes cartilage tissues.
  2. Linoleic acid with vitamin E contributes to the maturation of eggs and sperm, which helps in reproductive function.
  3. Useful for the digestive, genitourinary, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the brain, the work of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver.
  • Consume up to 25 g per day.
  • Store in the refrigerator to prevent rancidity.
  • Shelf life is long, while retaining all the useful properties.

grape seed

  1. Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acids strengthen the blood and lymphatic walls of blood vessels, reduce their fragility and bleeding. Reduce blood cholesterol levels and the likelihood of thrombosis.
  2. A good remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins veins, cardiovascular system, diabetic angiopathy and retinopathy.
  3. Improves the skin.
  4. Useful in diseases of the digestive system.
  5. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and regenerating effects.
  6. Necessary for women during pregnancy and lactation.
  7. Relieves symptoms of premenstrual and menopausal syndrome.
  • Not to be confused with the oil of the same name, which is used in cosmetology. This is sold in a pharmacy and is not suitable for cooking. Only refined oil bought in supermarkets is used for food.
  • Due to the high calorie content, they consume 1–2 tsp. in a day.

Other Healthy Vegetable Oils

The above products are the most useful herbal products. But there are others that are equally beneficial.


  1. Strengthens the immune system, protects the body from bacteria, reduces the ability of viruses to adapt to antibiotics.
  2. Promotes weight loss, cleanses the intestines, normalizes metabolism, digestion and thyroid function.
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, cleanses the blood vessels.
  4. During heat treatment, it does not emit harmful carcinogens.


  1. Contains oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic and arachidic acids.
  2. Stimulates the immune system, helps with allergic diseases.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of blood clots, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the blood, reduces the amount of cholesterol.
  4. Normalizes the epidermis of the skin.


  1. Regulate cholesterol and fat metabolism.
  2. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, normalizes blood circulation and pressure.
  3. Helps treat the digestive system, removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  4. Useful for the treatment of joints, male and female infertility.
This is not the whole list of oils. There are exotic and not very popular, but no less healing: tomato, apricot, peach, poppy, chili oil, black cumin, etc.

Due to the beneficial substances that make up the oils, almost all types are used in cosmetology. They are included in the composition of balms, creams, masks for skin care, hair, face, body.

Useful video about the 9 most useful vegetable oils:

Despite the common name - vegetable oils - all these products have very different compositions and properties.

Sunflower oil

Our most popular is sunflower oil. Refined tons go to frying, although some manage to use it for food, fragrant "bazaar" - liters in salads. But few people know that natural raw-pressed sunflower oil resembles olive oil in color - with a greenish tint, and differs significantly from it in composition: it contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant,

Olive oil

Linseed oil

“Our” can rightly be considered unfairly forgotten, but now experiencing a rebirth linseed oil. Its benefit is in the content of alpha-linolenic (omega-3) fatty acid and vitamin F, which is not synthesized in the body. Modern studies have shown that eating flaxseed oil reduces the risk of stroke by 37%.

Corn oil

Corn oil is obtained from corn cobs, it has no special advantages over sunflower and soybean, but it contains a large amount of useful accompanying substances. Linoleic acid in it up to 50%. Only refined oil goes on sale. It is used in the baking industry, for the preparation of mayonnaise, for dressing salads and frying foods.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is similar in composition to fish oils - they contain the same polyunsaturated acids. Refined soybean oil tolerates heat easily, so you can cook with it. One thing: most of the soybeans grown are the result of the painstaking work of geneticists, and the debate about the benefits and harms of genetically modified foods is still ongoing.

walnut oil

I would especially like to highlight the delicious nut oil obtained from the kernels of walnuts by cold pressing. Today, nutritionists recognize it as a leader among vegetable oils. But keep in mind - only freshly squeezed unrefined oil has high dietary properties! Oil walnut containing unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, C, B, zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium,

Cedar oil

Not inferior to nut oil, and even surpasses it in its usefulness, cedar oil, obtained from the kernels of pine nuts. This oil is more of a medicine than food product, because it has a high content of fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic - and vitamin E. It has a general strengthening effect, relieves fatigue, and increases efficiency.

Peanut, sesame and canola oils were unfairly considered less useful until they were more thoroughly investigated.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is obtained from the fruit of the peanut (peanut) and is used more often for frying or salads, but it is especially suitable for making fragrant dough. Its main benefit lies in the presence of resveratrol polyphenol, which has powerful antioxidant and antitumor activity, which helps prevent diabetes,

Sesame oil

Sesame (sesame) oil is obtained from sesame seeds. The oil is almost odorless and has a pleasant taste, but it does not contain vitamin A and little vitamin E. The oil is used in confectionery, canning and other industries, as well as for technical purposes. A big plus of sesame oil is its high calcium content, one tablespoon is the daily dose.

Rapeseed oil

Doctors isolated a copy of the female sex hormone estradiol, the “readiness to conceive” hormone, from rapeseed. Thanks to this, rapeseed oil is effective for the prevention of cancer, especially breast cancer. Some scientists believe that this is due to the favorable ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The balance between them in rapeseed oil is 1:2, which is close to ideal.

Palm oil

Let's try to determine the most useful vegetable oils and consider the composition and characteristics of the most common edible oils in stores, as well as oils, the composition of which is often written on packages with the finished product.

In order to determine the most useful vegetable oils, considerthe composition and characteristics of the most common edible oils in stores, as well as oils, the composition of which is often written on packages with the finished product.


Peanut seeds contain up to 40 - 50% oil, reminiscent of almond in taste. In food production, this oil is used mainly in the form additives to margarine butter, chocolate, confectionery pastes and other products, in particular dough products. From 100 kg of raw materials, up to 50 kg of fatty oil are obtained. Peanut butter obtained by direct pressing, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Grape (grape seed oil or grape oil)

It is a vegetable oil obtained by hot extraction of grape seeds. The cold pressing method is rarely used in practice due to the relatively small yield final product. Grape oil has a slight wine flavor. The specific aroma of this oil makes it especially popular in cooking to spice up certain finished dishes.

By nutritional value This oil is not inferior to sunflower. The content of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-9 is high: linoleic - 72%, oleic - 16%. The content of essential omega-3 acids is very low, less than 1%. Also contains a small amount of vitamin E.

Useful properties of grape oil: is cytoprotector, antioxidant and regenerator. Grapeseed oil begins to smoke when high temperature(about 216°C), so it can be used in high temperature food processing methods such as deep frying.


The oil produced from mustard seeds is one of the valuable vegetable oils with a high content of biologically active substances. This oil contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, up to 96%(!), of which: essential Omega-3 - 14% (linolenic), and Omega-6 - 32% (linoleic). Omega-9 - 45% (oleic). Such content indicators superior to many oils, including sunflower.

It should be noted that essential omega-6 acids are found in almost every unrefined oil. But essential Omega-3s are extremely rare: in flaxseed, mustard, camelina oil, and also in fish oil.

Mustard oil has a pleasant light taste. Not bitter, as many people think.

Despite the high biological value, mustard oil on the Russian table is rather an exotic product. Nutritionists call this “imperial delicacy” (Nicholas II preferred mustard oil) a ready-made medicine. However, the effect of this oil on the body is debatable.

Despite the high content of essential polyunsaturated acids, unrefined mustard oil contains erucic acid (an Omega-9 acid), which, as it is currently believed, is not utilized by the mammalian enzyme system, tends to accumulate in various tissues, and can cause cardiovascular disorders. activities and some other disorders. Erucic acid is also found in rapeseed and colza oils. To remove it, oils are refined. The sale of unrefined rapeseed oils is banned in the European Union and a number of other countries.


Obtained from corn germ. According to the content of valuable biologically active substances, this oil close to sunflower. As in sunflower oil, this oil contains little, only up to 1%, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The content of Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids is high (linoleic 40 - 56%, oleic 40 - 49%). It is also high in the antioxidant α-tocopherol (vitamin E).

The beneficial properties of corn oil are similar to those of sunflower oil.

The high smoke point of this oil makes it suitable for frying, including deep frying. The oil is used in the baking industry, for the preparation of salads, mayonnaise and margarine.


Fast drying linseed oil with one of the highest content of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 that are not produced in the body. (Linoleic 15 - 30%, linolenic 44 - 61%), as well as Omega-9 (oleic 13 - 29%). The biological value of flaxseed oil is leader among vegetable and refers to dietary foods. Contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. It has a specific, unusual taste and aroma.

Flaxseed oil is recommended to be added in its pure form to salads, vinaigrettes, cereals, sauces, sauerkraut. In case of cardiovascular diseases, doctors advise replacing sunflower oil with linseed oil. Reduces the level of "bad cholesterol", prevents the development of atrsclerosis, improves blood circulation, has a cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic effect, improves tissue nutrition, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes, is recommended for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, has a positive effect on nails and hair, as well as endocrine system.

Flaxseed oil is obtained mainly by cold pressing and is not refined. Therefore, choose the right this product the store is not difficult.

Flaxseed oil quickly goes rancid, it should not be subjected to heat treatment, but it is better to store in dark cool place. Rancid oil should not be used for food, as toxic substances are formed in it: epoxides, aldehydes and ketones.

Olive (Provencal oil, wood oil)

Olive fruit oil with a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid esters (Omega-9 acids). Is valuable dietary and easily digestible product, contains a complex of vitamins, microelements, as well as essential omega-6 fatty acids. Has excellent palatability and is widely used in cooking.

Olive oil is recommended to be added in its pure form to salads, soups, main courses, eat on an empty stomach. Reduces the level of "bad cholesterol", preventing myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Helps maintain blood glucose levels, strengthens the immune system, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes and the risk of cancer, stimulates the growth of bone tissue, is useful for digestive disorders, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, is antioxidant, slows down the aging process.

The best can be considered unfiltered extra virgin olive oil Extra Virgin Unfiltered Olive Oil, or filtered extra class Olio d "oliva l" extravergine / extra virgin olive oil / virgen extra. Even more valuable is the “drip” extra virgin olive oil. first cold press.

The following grades of oil are considered less valuable and are commercial:

  • Refined - refined.
  • Pomace olive oil - pomace, that is, obtained by extraction using solvents.
  • Pure olive oil or Olive oil is a blend of natural and refined oils.

Palm (Palm kernel oil)

Vegetable oil obtained from the fleshy part of the fruit of the oil palm. The oil from the seeds of this palm is called palm kernel oil. It is not found on store shelves, it is practically not used in its pure form, but it is part of many finished products. Due to the high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, palm oil has a high oxidative stability, therefore, it is able to extend the shelf life of products. Basically, palm oil is modified: the hydrogenated vegetable fat obtained as a result of modification is used in food production for the manufacture of a wide range of products.


The most popular and widespread oil in Russia, obtained from sunflower seeds. This oil contains only 1% Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. But the content of Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids is very high (linoleic 46 - 62%, oleic acid 24 - 40%). Compared to other oilseeds, the content antioxidant α-tocopherol (vitamin E) in unrefined sunflower oil, one of the highest: from 46 to 60 mg per 100 g of oil.

Unrefined sunflower oil, obtained by direct extraction, is a powerful antioxidant, slows down the aging process in the body, lowers cholesterol levels, participates in protein synthesis, strengthens the body's defenses, has a cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic effect, reduces inflammation in the body, improves tissue nutrition, has positive influence for digestion.

Conclusions? Olive oil is positioned in the media as "the healthiest", but this is not entirely true. Comparing the compositions of various oils, we conclude that in order to obtain all the necessary components for the body it is better to combine different oils or alternate their use. For example, in olive oil contains a small amount of tocopherols (vitamin E), while in sunflower this figure is much higher. At the same time, in order to give the body essential and rare Omega-3 acids, you need to use linseed oil, you can try refined mustard oil, fatty oil is also recommended. sea ​​fish or fish oil. The complex of essential Omega-6 acids will replenish almost any oil: sunflower, grape, linseed, olive, corn... Valuable biologically active substances: vitamins and microelements are contained in any unrefined or raw oil obtained by direct extraction.

Friends, what oil do you prefer? What are preferences based on? Do you adhere to strict rules with reading labels or do you not bother about this at all? published

Essential oils and their properties everyone should know modern woman. This material will help you gain new knowledge. It contains all useful features. essential oils which are available for free sale. Learn essential oils, properties and applications to use this knowledge at home.

Since ancient times, women have used essential oils to preserve their beauty. Add a few drops of the oil appropriate for your skin type to your face mask. Thus, you will significantly increase its effectiveness. In addition, all essential oils other than therapeutic action, which they have on the skin, affect the state of mind. Therefore, applying them, you care not only about beauty, but also about your mood. If desired, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to your regular face and body cream.

Table of properties and uses of essential oils

The properties of essential oils in the table tell about what means can be used to solve a particular problem. Essential oils in the application table are arranged in alphabetical order.

Oil name



Rejuvenates, revitalizes, brightens, tones the skin, eliminates acne, skin itching, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates skin flabbiness. Effective for the care of dry, chapped and fat-free skin. Obla-gives anti-cellulite effect. Helps to avoid impulsive acts, calms after stress. This is one of the aromas of meditation, eliminates tearfulness, insomnia. Used in the treatment of angina and runny nose


Hydrates and firms the skin. Helps smooth wrinkles. When used as part of a massage oil, it relieves the feeling of fatigue and tension. Helps smooth the skin, improves elasticity and firmness, eliminates inflammation, irritation, peeling and scars. Smoothes wrinkles, especially under the eyes. Perfectly cares for any type of skin, especially dry, aging, sensitive. Helps with acne, herpes. Great fragrance and deodorant


It has a bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorizing effect. Reduces the number of microbes on the skin. It gives the skin elasticity, normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis. An excellent tool for stimulating the body, increasing resistance to infections. Increases the elasticity of sagging skin. Fights depression and stress, eliminates childish tearfulness and hyperexcitability. Effectively used in combination with lavender, patchouli, clove and citrus oils. Combined with oils: fennel, cardamom, dill, cedar, cumin, coriander, rosewood, noble laurel, petitgrain, mandarin


It has antiseptic, antitoxic, deodorizing, antidepressant properties. Works soothingly and refreshingly. Regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Rich in vitamins A,
B, C. Effectively used in combination with oils of geranium, clary sage, lavender, ylang-ylang and citrus. The aroma of orange tones up the nervous system, relieves depression, increases efficiency, stabilizes mood, fights sadness and anxiety, helps to increase optimism and self-confidence


It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. Recommended for all skin types. Great tonic and refresher


It has a powerful calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing effect. Normalizes the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands in oily areas of the skin, brightens and tightens pores. Effective use in combination with oils of lemon, lavender, juniper-velnica, geranium, citrus oils


It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic action. Baths with the addition of this oil help to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it. Effective in combination with oils of lavender, clary sage, bergamot, ylang-ylang


It has cleansing, tonic, refreshing, antiseptic properties. Effective against cellulite. Lightens and whitens oily skin, tightens pores. Restores the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. Strengthens the nervous system, relieves feelings of fear, irritation

Ylang Ylang

Relieves emotional stress, relieves feelings of anxiety, stimulates sexual desire. Strengthens hair and nails. Helps to slow down the aging process of the skin, stimulates the growth of new cells, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. It is used to care for dry, rough, flaky skin, cleans pores, removing toxic substances. Baths with the addition of ylang-ylang oil are recommended for stimulation immune system. Effective use in combination with rosewood, bergamot oils


Eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, depression, tearfulness. It has antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn, anti-inflammatory properties. Invaluable for skin care thanks to its rejuvenating power. It is used to care for any type of skin, especially for sensitive, skin of the thighs, buttocks, upper part chest. Effective in combination with oils of clove, geranium, patchouli, clary sage, rosemary, citrus


Increases mental activity. Has a calming effect. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties. It cleanses and refreshes acne-prone, oily skin, promotes its regeneration, enhances blood circulation, prevents the appearance of vascular "asterisks". Increases skin elasticity, eliminates stretch marks and cellulite. Effective against itching and irritation from insect bites


Restores strength, has an antiseptic, stimulating effect. Refreshes, awakens the skin, erases traces of fatigue, inadequate sleep from the face. Increases the protective functions of the epidermis, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. It has a cleansing effect on the skin. Effective in the treatment of pruritus, dermatitis, acne, capillary dilation. Baths with the addition of mint oil restore strength, eliminate nervousness. Used for disorders of the digestive system, as well as colds and viral diseases, facilitates recovery from sunburn. Effective for stress, depression, mental strain. Fights fatigue and irritability. The use of peppermint essential oil is especially beneficial for oily skin. Effective in combination with lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, citrus oils


It has a soothing, antiseptic effect. Rejuvenates, revitalizes tired, mature skin, smoothing wrinkles. Eliminates skin irritation, fine vascular pattern. Promotes skin regeneration. Strengthens hair, increases its elasticity


It has antiseptic, regenerating, soothing properties. Recommended for dry, mature and sensitive skin. Smoothes out wrinkles, increases skin elasticity. Revitalizing - revitalizes, smoothes the skin, restores its elasticity


Causes a surge of vivacity and optimism, has an antidepressant effect, stimulates sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antitoxic, stimulating, deodorizing properties. Nourishes, smoothes and renews dry, tired skin, promotes rapid regeneration and epithelialization, eliminates flabbiness of the bust, abdomen and thighs. A bath with patchouli oil has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance to infections. Effective in combination with oils of clove, bergamot, clary sage


Strengthens and activates the nervous system, relieves physical and mental fatigue, apathy. It has deodorizing and tonic properties. Reduces the secretion of sebum, evens out the skin relief, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of vascular "asterisks". It is used to care for oily, acne prone skin. Stimulates the body's defenses. Effective in combination with oils of geranium, lavender, clary sage

Tea tree

Is powerful stimulant mental activity. Helps to restore the body after stress, relieves anxiety, promotes concentration. It has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for pustular skin lesions, acne, to relieve fatigue in the legs, to eliminate unpleasant foot odor, has a regenerating and rehabilitating effect. Baths with the addition of tea tree oil help to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it

Clary sage

It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, tonic effect. It is used to care for any type of skin, restoring life to aging skin. Effective in combination with geranium, lavender, citrus oils


Tones, increases endurance and vitality, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. Contains more than 35 biologically active substances, stimulates the immune system. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action. Baths with the addition of fir oil help to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening and cleansing it. An excellent flavoring agent that eliminates unpleasant odors. Effective in combination with oils of rosemary, lemon, clary sage


Restores psycho-emotional balance. It has antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-herpetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. Baths with the addition of eucalyptus oil help to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it


A strong pain reliever and antiallergic agent. Used for colds. Reduces elevated body temperature. Heals cuts and wounds. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action. Whitens, soothes and eliminates allergic manifestations. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Stimulates hair growth, nourishes, promotes their lightening. The smell of chamomile has a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminates irritability, normalizes sleep


Promotes rapid acclimatization, helps with depression, melancholy, irritability and insomnia. Antiherpetic agent

carrot seeds

Improves complexion, tones, rejuvenates the skin, makes it more elastic. Helps to get rid of age spots. Suitable for dry and aging skin. Allows you to get rid of problems caused by vitiligo (lack of pigmentation), eczema, psoriasis. It has a general healing effect on inflamed wounds, dry and hard skin, scars and calluses. Pairs well with almond oil.
Protects skin from frost and wind. Increases resistance to respiratory diseases. Clears the mind, reduces stress, helps fight feelings of emptiness.
Warning: It is best to refrain from using carrot seed essential oil during pregnancy.


Improves blood circulation, useful for the skin as a rejuvenating agent. Helps fight fungal diseases, stimulates the digestive tract


Provides a surge of strength and positive emotions. Fights depression, promotes concentration. It has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, deodorizing effect. Great anti-wrinkle product. Effective for oily skin and hair. It has a whitening effect, smoothes the skin, softens keratinized skin, brightens the nail plates. It is also recommended for hand care, skin care after epilation. Effective in combination with oils of bergamot, lavender, geranium, orange

Do not forget: essential oils are not used in their pure form, they are added in small quantities to the bases (masks, lotions, creams, base oils, cream, bath salts, etc.).

Full table properties essential oils

Names, list and properties of essential oils

Below is a list of essential oils that you can use at home. The list and properties of essential oils can be used to solve various skin problems. We offer you to find out the names of essential oils to facilitate their selection at points of sale.

Main essential oils:

Orange - eliminates oily sheen.

Bergamot - tightens pores, tones, brightens the skin.

Geranium - tones.

Cloves - restores the structure of elderly skin, anti-inflammatory.

Grapefruit - normalizes the sebaceous glands, narrows and whitens skin pores.

Ylang Ylang - Soothes.

Ginger - tones.

Cypress - eliminates oily sheen.

Lavender - lulls, soothes, wrinkles.

Lemon - tones, wrinkles, removes stains on the fabric.

Schisandra chinensis - tightens and brightens the pores of the skin.

Limett - eliminates oily sheen.

Melissa - tones, soothes, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Myrrh - eliminates oily sheen.

Juniper - tones, has a disinfectant property.

If the skin has been adversely affected and stressed, use essential oils of rosewood, chamomile, rose, neroli, ylang-ylang.

If there are a lot of pimples, comedones on the skin, the pores are clogged, essential oils of lemon, juniper, bergamot, chamomile will help.

Doses of essential oils

To add to carrier oils for face care: for 1 tablespoon of oil 2-4 drops of essential oils.

To enhance the effectiveness of creams and lotions: up to 5 drops of essential oil per 10-15 ml of cream.

For hair care: for 1 tablespoon of the base (mask or oil) we take 4-6 drops of essential oils.

When taking care of the body: Add 6-10 drops of essential oils to 1 tablespoon of base oil.

For rinses: 2-3 drops of oil in one glass of warm boiled water.

For aromatization of the home aroma lamps: 3-4 drops of essential oil (added to the water poured into the lamp bowl) per 15 m2 of area.

For baths: 4-7 drops of essential oils per bath, pre-dissolve in the base (milk, base oil, honey, cream, bath salt).

For massage: 3-6 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of carrier oil.

For sauna and bath: 2-4 drops of essential oil per 15 m2.

Synergy- this is an interaction, strengthening the useful properties of two or more different elements. By mixing essential oils, choosing their combination, you can enhance their beneficial effects.

Next, the main essential oils are listed in bold type, and behind each of them are the auxiliary essential oils that combine with the main essential oil and together give a synergistic effect.

Since ancient times, the properties of the synergy of essential oils have been used not only in soap making, but also in the treatment of diseases, in folk medicine.

Ammi toothbrush
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis var. Decumbens) + ammi tooth (2:1) - used to prevent asthma attacks

Fennel - for dyspepsia

orange bitter

orange sweet
Lavender, Petitgrain - relaxing baths that relieve pain
Marjoram, Rosewood, Lemongrass, Petitgrain, Lavender - rubbing that relieves pain


Laurel noble - analgesic, antispasmodic effect
Lavender, eucalyptus - inhalations to correct immune system disorders (1:1 ratio)
Basil + Monarda (1:1) - recommended for inflammatory processes(furuncle, abscess) ( at the same time, the combination of basil and monarda inhibits the antibacterial activity of these plants by 2 times, which must be taken into account when creating compositions)



Cedar - for itching


Lavender - for skin care
Tansy blue + immortelle (2:3) - a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effective for sunburn. It is recommended as a base Sesame oil(5k mixture per 5ml base)
Ravintsara (camphor cinnamon) - treatment of herpes
Pistachio mastic, Tamanu oil - to eliminate problems associated with circulatory disorders

Lemon eucalyptus, Wintergreen - anti-inflammatory effect

Verbena lemon
Marjoram, Lavender - has a calming effect on the nervous system
Petitgrain, Mandarin - relaxes before sleep and makes it easier

Basil, Peppermint - pancreatic action
Cypress, Pistachio, Nayoli, Tamanu oil - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Cypress, Atlas cedar - effects on the lymphatic system

Marjoram - irritant


Lavender, Sage, Marjoram - anti-tobacco effect
Myrtle - for skin care
Juniper, Lemon, Cedar - thinning silhouette, hydrolipidic effect, withdrawal excess fluid
, effect on cellulite, bumpy skin
Carrot seeds + Geranium + Sweet orange (1:3:2) - swelling, fluid retention
Nutmeg - aphrodisiac action
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - astringent effect on the skin
Thyme chemotype thyme - to act on tired, congested skin

Grapefruit + Lavender + Vetiver (2:3:1) - for insomnia
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1:3:2) - for stress

Elecampane fragrant ( Inula graveolens)
Oregano - mucolytic action

Saro (Mandravasarotra) - mucolytic action
Hyssop ( var. decumbens) - bronchitis
Eucalyptus radiata - mucolytic action (thinning and expectoration of sputum)

Fragrant elecampane - mucolytic action
Oregano ( origanum compactum) + Rosemary verbena - antibacterial action
Cypress - antitussive effect
Cinnamon - antibacterial

Ravintsara - antibacterial action

Tarragon, Petitgrain - antispasmodic action


Spruce black
Black Spruce + Pine + Kidney Absolute black currant- Adrenal exhaustion (kidney massage)
Rosemary cineole - for nervous and physical fatigue

Carrot seeds - regeneration, healing, skin restoration

Ylang Ylang
Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-ylang (2:1:3) - for hypertension
Geranium + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1:2:1) - combination skin care
Lavender - for hypertension

Peppermint - Carminative and Stomach Improver
Rosewood - Stimulation of digestion
Savory garden, Cinnamon, Cloves - aphrodisiac effect

Eucalyptus, Kayaput - various diseases respiratory tract such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu; flower allergy.
Lavender, Geranium - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Hyssop ( )
Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis var. Decumbens) + Ammi toothpaste (2:1) - used to prevent asthma attacks
Elecampane fragrant - bronchitis
Ravintsara, eucalyptus radiata - diseases of the respiratory system

Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1:1:1) - from seasickness

Eucalyptus radiata, Ravintsara, Pine, Spruce - respiratory diseases

Geranium + Lavender + Kayaput - with psoriasis.

Cedar - for acne

Bergamot - for itching
Vetiver - effects on the lymphatic system

Geranium, Melissa - repellent (against mosquitoes)
Kayaput - with acne.
Kritmum sea, Juniper red (Juniperus oxycedrus), Lavender - effects on the scalp
Nayoli - effect on the venous system.
Fennel, Palmarosa, Lemon - effects on cellulite

Red cedar ( Juniperus virginiana)
Cypress, frankincense - skin softening

Bergamot + Cypress + Fennel (1:1:1) - menopause
, effects on the lymphatic system
Oregano - antitussive action

Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, thinning of the silhouette.

Cypress blue
Blue cypress + Nerolina + Tea tree - strengthening antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of action in this direction.

, aphrodisiac action
Fennel - for dyspepsia

Ginger, mountain savory - aphrodisiac action
Peppermint - a general stimulating effect on the body
Oregano - antibacterial

Nutmeg - action on digestive system
Peppermint - carminative and soothing effect on the stomach

Lavender officinalis
Sweet orange - relaxing baths and rubbing that relieve pain

Immortelle - for skin care

Geranium + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1:2:1) - combination skin care
Grapefruit + Lavender + Vetiver (2:3:1) - for insomnia
Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1:2:1) - care for sensitive skin
Ylang Ylang - for hypertension
Geranium + Lavender + Kayaput - for psoriasis
Marjoram, Petitgrain - relaxing effect
Myrrh - healing and analgesic effect
Carrot seeds - regeneration, healing, skin restoration
Rosewood, Tea tree - for problematic skin
Thymol chemotype - respiratory infections
Tea tree-lavender (2:1 or 3:1) - for burns
Clary sage - for hair loss

Spikelet lavender (broad-leaved)

Rosemary verbena - cicatrizing effect
Thuianol type thyme - healing effect on the skin

Laurel noble
Basil - analgesic, anti-spasmodic effect
Carnation, tea tree, spikelet lavender - antibacterial action
Frankincense gum, Ravintsara - antiviral action
Myrrh - anti-infective
Carrot seeds - effects on cellulite, bumpy skin
Peppermint - anesthetic, antiviral effect
Thuianol type thyme - oral infections
Sage officinalis - regulates perspiration

Red cedar - skin softening
Nard, Mirra - relaxing, relaxing effect
Clary sage + cypress + frankincense (1:1:1) - for asthma

frankincense gum
Rosemary verbena - healing effect, stimulating the immune system
Myrrh - healing
Frankincense gum + Myrtle + Spikelet lavender - a powerful tonic effect on the skin
Nayoli - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infective action
Rose damask - astringent action

Basil + Lemongrass + Nioli (1:1:1) - for acne

Bay + Clove + Lemon (2:1:2) - for back pain
Immortelle + Lemon + Myrtle (1:2:3) - from the common cold
Geranium - thinning of the silhouette, hydrolipidic effect, removal of excess fluid
Hyssop - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, thinning of the silhouette

Litsea + Petitgrain + Ylang-ylang (2:3:1) - for anxiety and anxiety
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antifungal action

Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieving pain
Bay + Marjoram + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for headaches and migraines
Lemon verbena - has a calming effect on the nervous system
Gaultheria (winter wintergreen) - irritant
Geranium - anti-tobacco effect, use in aroma lamp and other distributors

Melissa - regulating effect on the nervous system
Petitgrain, Petitgrain, Roman Chamomile - irritant, analgesic effect
Ravintsara - neuro-tonic
Rosemary verbena - a tonic effect on the psyche
Cajuput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.


Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1:2:1) - care for sensitive skin

Atlas cedar - repellent (against mosquitoes)
Marjoram - regulating effect on the nervous system

Lavender - healing and analgesic effect
Laurel noble - anti-infective
Frankincense gum - healing
Lemon Verbena + Verbena Rosemary + Myrrh - endocrine regulating effect

Immortelle + Lemon + Myrtle (1:2:3) - from the common cold
Geranium, palmarosa - for skin care
Frankincense gum + myrtle + lavender spikelet i - a powerful tonic effect on the skin
Eucalyptus, ravintsara, pine, spruce - at infectious diseases respiratory tract
Eucalyptus radiata - antitussive effect

Juniper red ( Juniperus oxycedrus)
Atlas cedar - effects on hairline
Clary sage - for dandruff

Juniper (berries)
Geranium - thinning of the silhouette, hydrolipidic effect, removal of excess fluid
Grapefruit + Juniper (berries) + Red thyme (1:1:1) - from cellulite
Juniper (berries) + Naioli + Sweet orange (1:1:2) - oily skin care
Celery + Frankincense + Juniper (berries) (2:1:3) - arthritis and rheumatism
Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, thinning of the silhouette

Eucalyptus, lemon wormwood - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Basil + Monarda (1:1) - recommended for inflammatory processes (furuncle, abscess) (at the same time, the combination of basil with Monarda inhibits the antibacterial activity of these plants by 2 times, which must be taken into account when creating compositions)

carrot seeds
Geranium, Lavender, Jasmine - regeneration, healing, skin restoration
Red cedar ( Juniperus virginiana), Laurel noble, Palmarosa, Geranium - effects on cellulite, bumpy skin.
Carrot seeds + Geranium + Sweet orange (1:3:2) - swelling, fluid retention
Thyme thuyanol type - regenerating effect on the liver, drainage, blood-purifying property

Rosemary, Garden savory, Geranium, Coriander - aphrodisiac effect
Coriander, Cumin, Cumin - effect on the digestive system

Basil + Black Pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - with a lack of concentration
Bay + Marjoram + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for headaches and migraines
Benzoin + Peppermint + Ravensara (1:2:3) - for colds and coughs
Vetiver - pancreatic action
Clove - analgesic, antiviral effect
Ginger - Carminative and Stomach Improver
Cinnamon - a general stimulating effect on the body
Cumin - carminative and soothing effect on the stomach
Laurel noble - anesthetic, antiviral effect
Marjoram + Black Pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for irritable bowel syndrome
Nioli is a pain reliever.
Tansy blue - antipruritic action
Ravintsara - antiviral and anticatarrhal action
Rosemary of the verbenone type - tonic, stimulating effect

Basil + Lemongrass + Nioli (1:1:1) - for acne
Vetiver - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Cloves - antibacterial, expectorant action
Kayaput + Pine + Nayoli - with bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Atlas cedar - effects on the venous system.
Frankincense gum - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infective action
Juniper (berries) + Naioli + Sweet orange (1:1:2) - oily skin care
Peppermint is a pain reliever.
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Thyme thuianol type - antibacterial action
Tea tree - radio protection.
Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus polybractea cryptonifera), Ravintsara - antiviral action.
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial action

Frankincense - relaxing, relaxing effect
Clary sage - for hair loss

Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-ylang (2:1:3) - for hypertension

Nerolina + Tea Tree + Blue Cypress - strengthening antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of action in this direction.

Clove - antibacterial, tonic effect
Oregano - antifungal action
Atlas cedar - effect on cellulite
Myrtle - for skin care
Carrot seeds - effects on cellulite, bumpy skin
Rosemary verbenone type - antiviral action
Thuyanol type thyme - antifungal action
Clary sage - for excessive perspiration
Elemi + Spike Lavender + Palmarosa (1:3:2) - from the syndrome chronic fatigue

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandalwood (1:1:1) - dry skin care

Black pepper
Basil + Black Pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - with a lack of concentration
Marjoram + Black Pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for irritable bowel syndrome
Black pepper + Peppermint + Rosemary (1:1:1) - for muscle pain
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Sweet orange - relaxing baths that relieve pain
Lemon verbena - relaxes before bed and makes it easier
Lavender - relaxing action
Litsea + Petitgrain + Ylang-ylang (2:3:1) - for anxiety and anxiety

Roman chamomile - soothes the nervous system
Oregano - antispasmodic action

Tansy blue
Immortelle + blue tansy (3:2) - a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effective for sunburn. Sesame oil is recommended as a base (5k mixture per 5ml base)
Peppermint - antipruritic action
Roman chamomile - antipruritic, soothing, anti-allergic effect

Wormwood lemon
Monarda - bactericidal, antiviral properties

Benzoin + Peppermint + Ravensara (1:2:3) - for colds and coughs

Ravintsara (camphor cinnamon)
Immortelle - treatment of herpes
Oregano - antibacterial action
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Laurel noble - antiviral action
Marjoram - neuro-tonic
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Peppermint - antiviral and anticatarrhal action
Nioli - antiviral action.
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia, for nervous and physical fatigue
Linalol thyme - respiratory infections
Thyme thuyanol type - tonic effect on the nervous system, balancing, antibacterial action
Tea tree - antiviral action
Eucalyptus radiata - expectorant action

Immortelle + Rose + Sandalwood (2:1:1) - for depression
Frankincense gum - astringent action
Clary Sage + Geranium + Rose (2:3:1) - PMS

Lemon + Rosemary + Sweet Thyme (1:1:1) - for memory problems
Black pepper + Peppermint + Rosemary (1:1:1) - for muscle pain

Rosemary verbena
Lemon Verbena + Verbena Rosemary + Myrrh - endocrine regulating effect
Oregano ( origanum compactum) - antibacterial action
Spikelet lavender - healing action
Frankincense gum - healing effect, stimulating the immune system
Marjoram - a tonic effect on the psyche
Peppermint - tonic, stimulating effect
Palmarosa - antiviral action
Saro - mucolytic action

rosemary camphor
Wintergreen, Lemon Eucalyptus - anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect
Cardamom, Cumin - for digestive problems, disorders
Dill - action on the production of bile

rosemary cineole
Spruce black, ravintsara - with nervous and physical fatigue
Ravintsara, nayoli, fragrant eucalyptus, fragrant elecampane - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Eucalyptus radiata - expectorant action

Pink tree
Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieving pain
Geranium - use in aroma lamp and other distributors
Ginger - Stimulation of digestion
Thuianol type thyme - bacterial urinary tract infections
Savory mountain - aphrodisiac effect

Chamomile blue
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandalwood (1:1:1) - dry skin care
Immortelle + Rose + Sandalwood (2:1:1) - for depression
Kayaput + Sandalwood + Sweet Thyme (2:1:3) - for bronchitis
Savory mountain - aphrodisiac effect

Celery + Frankincense + Juniper (berries) (2:1:3) - arthritis and rheumatism

Currant buds absolute

Black spruce + Pine + Currant buds absolute - adrenal exhaustion (massage)
Cardamom - respiratory diseases; use in aroma lamp and other distributors
Kayaput + Pine + Nayoli - with bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Cajuput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract

Cajuput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.

Thyme red
Grapefruit + Juniper (berries) + Red thyme (1:1:1) - from cellulite

thyme sweet
Kayaput + Sandalwood + Sweet Thyme (2:1:3) - for bronchitis
Lemon + Rosemary + Sweet thyme (1:1:1) - for problems with

Thyme linalol
Eucalyptus, Ravintsara - respiratory infections;

thyme thuianol
Spikelet lavender - healing effect on the skin
Laurel nobilis - oral infections
Carrot seeds - regenerating effect on the liver, drainage, blood-purifying property
Nayoli - antibacterial action
Palmarosa - antifungal action
Ravintsara (camphor cinnamon) - antibacterial action; tonic effect on the nervous system, balancing
Rosewood - bacterial urinary tract infections;
Tea tree - broad antibacterial action;
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial action
Eucalyptus Smithy - expectorant, anti-catarrhal action;

Nutmeg - effect on the digestive system
Rosemary camphor - for digestive problems, disorders
Roman chamomile - anti-spasmodic and regulating effect on the digestive system

Rosemary camphor - action on the production of bile

Bergamot + Cypress + Fennel (1:1:1) - menopause
Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1:1:1) - from seasickness
Atlas cedar - effect on cellulite
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1:3:2) - for stress
Coriander, Anise - with dyspepsia;
Juniper, geranium, lemon, cypress - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, thinning of the silhouette

Pistachio mastic
Immortelle - to eliminate problems associated with circulatory disorders
Vetiver - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)

Savory mountain
Rosemary, cinnamon, rosewood, sandalwood - aphrodisiac action

Tea tree
Bergamot + lemon eucalyptus + tea tree (1:1:1) - thrush
Lavender - for problematic skin
Laurel noble - antibacterial action
Nioli - radio protection
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)
Ravintsara (camphor cinnamon) - antiviral action
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antibacterial action
Thuyanol type thyme - broad antibacterial action
Tea tree + Nerolina + Blue cypress - strengthening antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of action in this direction.
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial action

Salvia officinalis
Geranium - anti-tobacco effect
Laurel noble - regulates perspiration
Sage officinalis + immortelle + wild rose - for slowly healing wounds

Clary sage
Palmarosa - with excessive sweating
Bay, Lavender, Nard - for hair loss
Juniper red - for dandruff
Clary Sage + Geranium + Rose (2:3:1) - PMS
Clary sage + Cypress + Frankincense (1:1:1) - for asthma

Basil - inhalation to correct immune system disorders (1:1 ratio)
Hyssop - various respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu; flower allergy.
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Monarda - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Thyme linalol and thymol chemotype - respiratory infections

Eucalyptus fragrant
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Eucalyptus radiata - mucolytic action

Eucalyptus polyflorum krypton type
Nioli - antiviral action
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antiviral action

Eucalyptus lemon
Bergamot + Lemon eucalyptus + Tea tree (1:1:1) - thrush
Immortelle - anti-inflammatory action
Rosemary camphor - anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect

Eucalyptus radiata
Cloves - antibacterial action
Elecampane fragrant - mucolytic action (liquefaction and expectoration of sputum)
Oregano - expectorant action
Kayaput - antibacterial action
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Myrtle (CT cineole) - antitussive
Nioli ( Melaleuca quinquenervia CT cineole) - antibacterial action
Ravintsara (camphor cinnamon) - expectorant and antiviral action
Rosemary cineole type - expectorant action
Thyme thuyanol - antibacterial action
Tea tree - antibacterial action
Eucalyptus fragrant - mucolytic action
To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to use in combination with oils containing terpenes.

Eucalyptus Smith
Thyme thuyanol type - expectorant, anti-catarrhal action

Elemi + Spike Lavender + Palmarosa (1:3:2) - from chronic fatigue syndrome

Oregano - antispasmodic action