What is Borax? Homeopathy for Infertility: Comprehensive Program Borax 30 homeopathy.

Borax - sodium borate.

The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing. The pathogenesis is found in Hahnemann's Treatment of Chronic Diseases.

Physiological action

The lesions produced by Borax are shallow; it superficially changes only the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and genital organs; Only aphthae and membranous dysmenorrhea are characteristic.

On the contrary, subjective symptoms occupy an important place in the pathogenesis of Borax: anxiety, peculiar hyperesthesia, agitation.


Worse: when bending over, with sudden, even slight noise.

Better: from pressure, after stool.

Predominant side: right.


  1. Fear of any forward movement: going down stairs, down a mountain, going down an elevator. Consequently, no oscillatory motion (boats, rocking chair) is tolerated. The child screams every time he is tilted to be put into bed, clings to whatever he can and literally screams if they want to lull him to sleep or rock him.
  2. Hyperesthesia of all senses, mainly hearing: the slightest noise, scream, sneezing, gunshot, lighting a match causes the patient, especially a child, to experience an attack of fear and anxiety.
  3. Aphthae in the mouth and tongue; the baby does not take the breast.
  4. Leucorrhoea, between menses, thick, sticky, with a sensation of “hot water running down the thighs.”
  5. Sensation of cobwebs on the face, exclusively on the right side.
  6. When breastfeeding, pain in the mammary gland on the other side.

Pain: sharp and shooting, usually worse in cold and damp times and always relieved by pressure.

Chair. Diarrhea usually accompanies aphthae. The stool is “frequent, light yellow, foamy.”

Menstruation: premature, very profuse and very painful, preceded by characteristic leucorrhoea.

Main indications

STOMATITIS IN INFANTS: aphthae, the oral cavity is painful (stomatitis with dryness - bryonia; with salivation - mercurius; with inflammation - arum).

Pasty, corrosive DIARRHEA in children; stool always contains mucus; Along with diarrhea, aphthous inflammation is observed. Stitching pains in groins during menses.


Severe COUGH in the morning when getting out of bed or in the evening when lying down, with expectoration of sputum, with the taste and smell of mold, accompanied by sharp pain in the right upper part chest(kali carbonic).


From the first decimal to the 6th hundredth.


The most characteristic feature of Borax is the fear of downward movement, a symptom which occurs in all cases in which this remedy is indicated.

Aphthae or aphthous stomatitis. Beli. Epilepsy.

The drug Borax is prepared in homeopathy on the basis of a natural mineral compound located deep in the bowels of the earth, which evaporates seasonally on the surface of salt lakes.

The dissimilarity of the symptoms of Borax exposure - nervous diseases, mucous membranes and female infertility explained by the composition of natural components.

Composition and release form

Homeopathic remedy Borax is a preparation based on sodium tetraborate - a substance consisting of boron, sodium, water and oxygen with chemical formula Na2B4O7x10H2O. For medicinal purposes it is available in the following forms:

  • trituration (powder) with dilutions D3, C3, C6 and higher;
  • drops with dilutions D3, C3, C6 and higher.

In addition to D and C dilutions, LM potencies are produced; the most widely used in homeopathy is the C-30 potency.

pharmachologic effect

In the pathogenesis of Borax, the determining factor is the effect on the psyche. The reasons for prescribing the drug are anxiety and agitation, manifested when moving down the stairs, in the elevator, or the hysterical state of the child when being let down or put into bed.

Severe anxiety manifests itself in mountainous areas, when being in the sea with slight rolling, being on attractions - all events that accompany the descent in any manifestation, not only physically, but also mentally.

Next characteristic feature- flinching at the slightest, even distant noise, followed by an increase in anxiety, turning into a phobia.

The effect on the physical membrane is shallow, affecting the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and oral cavity.

Borax effectively eliminates ulcerations in the oral cavity in the form of stomatitis rashes, in the vagina and anus in the form of rounded erosions with an inflammatory rim and aphthae resulting from acute inflammatory processes genitourinary and digestive systems.

IN " Chronic diseases Hahnemann writes about Borax that “it is an old folk remedy for aphthae in children; in addition, it makes it easier cramping pain lower abdomen in pregnant women."

Borax is one of the invaluable "small" remedies with very characteristic symptoms and a selective affinity for certain tissues. Once you become familiar with the features of this medicine, it is not easy to forget it. In a wide variety of ailments, the thought of Borax usually brings to mind “great fear when moving downward.” The effect of this remedy on the head manifests itself in the form of dizziness when moving downwards. The hair is affected in a very unusual way: the ends become tangled and form into lumps, and after cutting the hair, this pattern soon repeats itself. The effect on the eyes is manifested in the fact that the eyelashes curl inward (entropion) and, of course, this causes constant irritation of the eyes, and the outer corners of the palpebral fissures are especially affected. The lower eyelids may be completely rolled inward.

Note: “young ladies have a red nose.” In addition, a pale, sallow face that expresses suffering, especially in children; herpetic eruption around the mouth, resembling Natrium muriaticum and Sepia. Borax can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. A characteristic symptom is aphthae in the mouth, which is so painful that the child refuses to feed. Or we are talking about chronic ailments that occur after eating. Borax interferes with normal digestion in the stomach, causing vomiting of mucus; causes pressing and pinching pain in the abdomen and diarrhea; produces inflammation in the rectum and anus up to persistent spasm, and this condition is accompanied by burning and aphthae. But Borax does not spare not only children, it causes a lot of trouble for pregnant women and nursing mothers (aphthous lesions of the nipples, which makes breastfeeding unbearable; milk becomes too abundant or too thick; the child refuses the breast because it has an unpleasant taste ).

Borax is one of the remedies for pleurisy, when, like Bryonia, "the patient is unable to move or breathe due to sharp stitches in the chest."

Guernsey: “Great fear when going down. Afraid to go down stairs; cannot rock in a rocking chair or ride a horse. The child starts suddenly when put to bed; or he can sleep peacefully, when suddenly, for no apparent reason, he suddenly wakes up and starts screaming, holding the edges of the cradle with his hands.

Tousled, tangled hair; eyelids turned inward; bloating after every meal; stool on the eve of urination. Dull, unhealthy skin color; tendency to develop ulcers in injured areas. Smoking can cause diarrhea."

Farrington says: “Borax, as a medicine, gained its first laurels in pediatric practice, where it was long used in the treatment of painful cracked nipples and canker sores in children. Like all popular drugs, it has been greatly abused. Homeopathy freed borax from the confines of official pediatrics and offered it to medicine as a very valuable remedy, explaining when it should and should not be used. The basis of stomatitis, which seems to be the key indication for Borax, is a disorder of nutrition of the whole body or constitution, which allows disease of the oral mucosa to arise. Therefore, the child becomes pale, his skin acquires an earthy tint; tissues are flaccid and flabby. He often cries while feeding, screams shrilly in his sleep and, when he wakes up, grabs his mother as if he was dreaming of something terrible. A child can be so nervous that the slightest noise, even the simple rustling of paper or distant sharp sounds wakes him up and frightens him. This nervous excitability leaves its mark on the Borax pains. For example, in the case of otalgia, you will find that the next attack of pain causes the child to flinch nervously.

Borax differs from other drugs - Belladonna, Pulsatilla and Chamomilla - by shuddering from pain and the slightest noise, paleness of the face and another symptom mentioned above and very reliable - “terror of downward movement”. It is not every movement that wakes up the baby - the baby will wake up only when moving downwards. It is the latter circumstance that interrupts sleep. The reason for this may be so-called cerebral anemia; the downward movement makes the child feel as if he is falling somewhere. You will also find that ladies who have suffered from a serious, debilitating illness cannot use a rocking chair because whenever the chair leans backwards, they feel as if it is going to tip over.

Aphthous stomatitis occurs as a circumstance accompanying diarrhea. Mouth is hot; the mother notices this when her baby latches onto the nipple. The baby releases the breast, screams in pain and frustration and generally refuses breastfeeding.

Bryonia also causes and cures stomatitis in children. However, the characteristic symptom of this remedy is this: the child refuses to feed and because of this becomes excited, but as soon as his mouth is moistened, he immediately takes the breast and sucks vigorously.

Mercurius differs in that in case of stomatitis the child develops profuse drooling.

Arum triphyllum can be easily distinguished from Borax by the severity of the symptoms: in this remedy the course of stomatitis is accompanied by pain and the appearance of crusts around the mouth and nostrils.

On the advice of a doctor, nurses should be warned against frequent use of borax powder for stomatitis in children. If this remedy is not indicated, it may be harmful. From the words of the doctor: “I had to see, or at least it seemed to me, that after using borax, intestinal disorders arose, the child became pale and wasted away literally before our eyes, and this was not observed before the inappropriate intervention of the nurse.”

Kent (abbreviated): “Borax is one of the folk remedies, which has long been used to treat all kinds of local lesions as a softening and healing medicine. For stomatitis in a nursing mother and child, borax was used in the form of a mixture with honey or in the form of lotions... It is quite obvious that under the influence of borax, stomatitis quickly disappears, and there is nothing strange in the fact that during drug trials Borax causes aphthous lesions of the oral cavity , which spreads to the mucous membranes of the throat and even the stomach. This remedy cures aphthous irritation in the genital and anal areas.”

The word “infertility” sounds like a death sentence, but you shouldn’t give up. In many cases it is correctable and curable. Quite successful with homeopathy combats the problem of infertility. These are soft, gentle methods of influencing the body, natural preparations that mobilize the body’s own forces, awakening its hidden reserves for self-healing.

Every year, an increasing number of young couples are faced with the problem of infertility. And this is not surprising: the deteriorating environment, the abundance of unnatural food components (preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.), the intense rhythm modern life, constant stress does not contribute to improving reproductive function.

The inability to have children falls heavily on the shoulders of spouses who passionately want to become parents. One of the spouses who has been diagnosed with infertility suffers from a feeling of guilt, his self-esteem decreases, and the second partner, on the contrary, may experience a feeling of disappointment, even anger. This situation is fraught with psychological and sexual disorders, and often leads to divorce.

The study of the problem of infertility has been going on for a very long time, and medicine in Lately has made significant progress on this issue.

However, in many cases, allopathic treatment does not bring the desired result, and after all efforts long-awaited pregnancy doesn't come. Then many turn to alternative methods of treatment.

But not all methods of combating infertility are safe and effective. The safest and most effective option for such treatment is. Homeopathic programs use the most complete holistic healing system, which gives especially noticeable results if you approach this issue responsibly and seriously: conduct a full examination and carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

It is even better if the couple resorts to gentle and even before using medications, without immediately resorting to taking aggressive drugs to promote conception and harsh hormonal therapy.

Homeopathic programs for both partners

Homeopathy, like official medicine, distinguishes between male and female infertility. Following homeopathic programs, both partners can undergo a course of treatment and recovery. By definition, it does not treat any one disease, it offers a comprehensive and as natural as possible approach to overall health and then achieving a specific result for the problem of infertility. A gentle restoration of all body functions, healing not only the body, but also the soul and mind, leads to a general improvement in the health of partners. Psychological discomfort disappears, immunity increases, tension subsides.

A complex of homeopathic remedies helps maintain the body in optimal condition for conception. A healthy endometrium, stable ovulation, the ability of the cervical glands to secrete mucus that is more fertile and favorable for sperm before ovulation - these are the components of success in conception for the female body. Equally important is the number of sperm and their motility in male sperm. The homeopathic approach aims to maintain and, if necessary, restore these functions.

The human body is influenced by many factors throughout life - physical and emotional trauma, infectious diseases and their consequences, taking stimulants, toxic drugs, various allergies, hereditary diseases. And all this does not pass without a trace. The role is to help the body get rid of the consequences as much as possible negative impacts, heal a person on all levels: physical, emotional, mental.

The time it takes to heal depends on the initial level of health of both partners.

What is a homeopathic program

The homeopathic program is based on the daily intake of one or more individually selected remedies during the day, on certain days menstrual cycle. The program is selected individually depending on the initial health status of the partners and the need to restore certain body functions. The first day of taking medications is considered the first day of the menstrual cycle. You need to be careful: with some gynecological diseases, menstruation may be preceded by spotting bloody issues. This may last for several days, however these days will refer to the previous menstrual cycle. Only on the day when heavy bleeding begins can you begin counting the days of your cycle.

What to Expect

You should be aware that when you start taking it, temporary effects such as tearfulness, headaches, nausea, and nasal congestion may occur. This occurs as a result of cleansing the body of toxins that have accumulated over many years, contained in medications, products with additives, and polluted air. Don't be scared - it should pass quickly.

Homeopathic programs for the treatment of infertility in women

Exists several homeopathic programs used for infertility. One of the most famous is the technique developed by homeopath Liz Lalor in 1998 in Melbourne.

This program is recognized all over the world, and hundreds of homeopathic doctors using this technique to treat infertility have achieved success in 80% of cases.

You should stick to the program for at least 4 months and try to get pregnant during this time.



Taken on the 10th day of the cycle in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th months

This drug stimulates ovulation, which is especially important for those who suffer from delayed or absent ovulation or ovarian dysfunction. Stimulating the production of healthy eggs is very important when preparing for IVF.



The product is recommended for those who have scanty menstruation, ovarian polyps, absence or disturbances of ovulation due to the use of birth control pills. often prescribed as the main remedy for the treatment of infertility, the drug helps to get rid of pain during menstruation, polyps, venereal warts, too frequent and prolonged menstruation.


Taken on the 14th day of the cycle in 1,2,3,4 months

This remedy is very helpful for candidiasis and inflammatory conditions of the genitals and pelvis.

Weekly remedy


Take one dose once a week in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th months

This remedy is indicated in cases of termination of pregnancy, miscarriages, emotional depression, as well as poor quality of cervical mucus. It helps with painful menstruation, lower back pain, and migraines that occur before or after menstruation.

Daily Remedies


Taken in one dose once a day in the morning at 1, 2, 3, 4 months

This remedy is often prescribed for vaginal candidiasis, unhealthy mucous discharge that creates a too aggressive acidic environment for sperm. It also helps with membrane dysmenorrhea.


Take one dose, once a day at night in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th months.

If necessary, the homeopathic program can be simplified.

You need to take:

  • Follicilinum 200C (Folliculinum 200C) on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle
  • Borax 30C (Borax 30C) from 8 to 16 days of the cycle
  • (Pulsatilla 12C) every morning
  • (Sepia 6C) every evening
  • (Natrum muriaticum 30C) on day 7, 14, 21, 28

Other homeopathic medicines used in the treatment of infertility

These remedies are not included in the homeopathic program for infertility from Liz Lalor, but they are also very effective in the fight against infertility. They can be used as part of homeopathic programs to restore reproductive function, they can be selected taking into account the individual needs of a woman.


This remedy should be taken on the 4th day of the menstrual cycle, one dose, for severe, long periods(more than 7 days). It is a constitutional remedy that produces a detoxifying effect. It is not included in the fertility program, but is often used to support liver function and restore hormonal balance after menstruation. It will also help those who suffer from endometriosis and fibroids.


Both of these agents promote the resorption of scar tissue. Take twice daily for at least 6 months. These drugs are intended for women with scars on the fallopian tubes who have previously had ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy or any abdominal surgery. These products promote the resorption of sutures and scars.

THIOSINAMINUM 6X - affects internal scars, and SILICA - on external ones. In addition, SILICA supports immune system, helps with a lack of pantothenic acid (signs: brittle nails, loss of skin elasticity and healthy appearance).


This remedy should be taken 4 tablets twice a day. Prescribed for fibroids, hypothyroidism, uterine displacement, varicose veins. This remedy can also be taken during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks, maintain healthy teeth and gums, and eliminate the lack of mineral salts. This remedy helps prepare the uterus for those who are planning to use the IVF method. In this case, the drug should be taken 4 times a day during embryo transfer for their successful implantation.


Used to prevent miscarriages, irregular, scanty and painful periods, heaviness in the ovarian area, pain in the sacrum, and the front of the thighs. In some cases, the remedy may help restore fertility.


This remedy is prescribed for tumors and neoplasms in the uterus, as well as for its inflammation and increase in size.

Auxiliary homeopathic program for infertility

There is also an auxiliary homeopathic program, the purpose of which is to support ovulation and conception at each stage of the cycle.

  • Hypophysinum (1st day)
  • Folliculinum (8th day)
  • Ovarinum (15th day)
  • Luteinum (22nd day)

The program can be adjusted according to the indications for a particular patient and according to the characteristics of her menstrual cycle.

Homeopathic medicines to improve sperm quality

There are homeopathic remedies that improve the quality of male sperm and help restore potency. A qualified practicing homeopath will help you choose the optimal remedy for a particular case.


Zinc is one of the essential minerals needed for male fertility. This remedy helps the body better absorb zinc. The drug is used for very weak potency and is taken daily for several months.


Vanadium helps enrich the blood with oxygen and is involved in regulating the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improves arterial pressure. The drug is indicated for detoxifying the liver, cleansing it of excess fat deposits. Used for very weak potency, taken daily for several months.


The drug promotes better absorption of selenium, increases potency, and improves sexual function. Selenium is necessary for the body to produce healthy sperm and seminal fluid. Used for low potency, taken daily for several months.


This drug improves sexual health and increases potency. It helps rid the body of the effects of past infections that have affected reproductive function. The product helps with gonorrhea and white mucous discharge from the penis. This drug helps improve the quality of seminal fluid and the number of healthy active sperm, so it is classified as a means of combating male infertility. The product is used for average and high level potency and taken weekly or monthly as needed.


Increases sexual stamina, increases potency, helps improve sperm quality. It is used at an average level of potency and is taken daily for several months.

The role of herbs and vitamins in homeopathic programs

Homeopathic programs for the treatment of infertility should be carried out in combination with the intake of folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, as well as minerals: calcium, zinc, magnesium.

These programs work especially well in combination with taking herbs that have a beneficial effect on the uterus and increase the level of female hormones.

Menstrual cycle calendar and specific days for conception

During treatment, it is necessary to keep a calendar or chart of the menstrual cycle, so that when trying to get pregnant, you will know exactly the period of ovulation and choose the optimal time for having sex.

It is better to have sex every day from 10 to 18 days of the cycle. But three days before this there should be no ejaculation - this will help increase the number of healthy active sperm.

Treatment of infertility with homeopathic methods, according to many doctors, has no less effect than the use of traditional medicine. In addition, homeopathy is more humane, it has a gentle effect on the body and does not have those destructive side effects, which are characteristic of most medications. In conclusion, I would like to add that here, as in traditional medicine, the choice of the attending physician is very important, because you trust him with the most valuable thing - your health.

Borax - sodium borate. The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing. Pathogenesis is found in Hahnemann's Treatment of Chronic Diseases Characteristic 1. Fear of any forward movement: going down the stairs, down the mountain, going down in the elevator. Consequently, no oscillatory motion (boats, rocking chair) is tolerated. The child screams every time he is tilted to be put into bed, clings to whatever he can and literally screams if they want to lull him to sleep or rock him. 2. Hyperesthesia of all senses, mainly hearing: the slightest noise, scream, sneeze, gunshot, lighting a match causes the patient, especially a child, to experience an attack of fear and anxiety. 3. Aphthae in the mouth and tongue; the baby does not take the breast. 4. Leucorrhoea, between menses, thick, sticky, with a sensation of “hot water running down the thighs.” 5. Sensation of cobwebs on the face, exclusively on the right side. 6. When breastfeeding, pain in the mammary gland on the other side. Pain: sharp and shooting, usually worse in cold and damp times and always relieved by pressure. Chair. Diarrhea usually accompanies aphthae. The stool is “frequent, light yellow, foamy.” Menstruation: premature, very profuse and very painful, preceded by characteristic leucorrhoea. Summary The most characteristic feature of Borax is the fear of downward movement, a symptom which occurs in all cases in which this remedy is indicated. Aphthae or aphthous stomatitis. Beli. Epilepsy.

indications for use

Main indications STOMATITIS IN INFANTS: aphthae, the oral cavity is painful (stomatitis with dryness - bryonia; with salivation - mercurius; with inflammation - arum). Pasty, corrosive DIARRHEA in children; stool always contains mucus; Along with diarrhea, aphthous inflammation is observed. Stitching pains in groins during menses. INFERTILITY. Severe COUGH in the morning when getting out of bed or in the evening when lying down, with expectoration of sputum, with the taste and smell of mold, accompanied by sharp pain in the right upper part of the chest (kali carbonic).

effect on the body

Physiological action The lesions produced by Borax are shallow; it superficially changes only the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and genital organs; Only aphthae and membranous dysmenorrhea are characteristic. On the contrary, subjective symptoms occupy an important place in the pathogenesis of Borax: anxiety, peculiar hyperesthesia, agitation. Peculiarities Worse: when bending over, with sudden, even slight noise. Better: from pressure, after stool. Predominant side: right.