Lusher color test is a complete version of the technique. Preventive work of a psychologist at school

Experienced doctors can even use early diagnosis using fingernails to determine the condition of the body, because concave, convex or too flat nail plates cannot be considered healthy. Such deviations indicate certain problems, sometimes requiring serious treatment. Medicine confirms that the condition of the nail plates directly depends on human health. They are used to diagnose fungus, lung problems, anemia and other pathologies. There are several criteria for determining the disease by fingernails.

Diagnosis by fingernails

Even ancient people associated the appearance of nail plates with the state of a certain internal organ. Today this has been proven by medicine, so it is often used to diagnose the body. Several characteristics are studied: color, structure, shape, hole and spots on the nail plate. Deviations for each of these criteria indicate a number of specific pathologies.

What does a healthy person's nail plate look like?

A nail plate without any cracks, tubercles, grooves, or spots is considered normal. It has an even pink color, a smooth surface, and a slight shine. The plate itself is slightly transparent, and the tips are white or ivory. The nail of a healthy person is moderately flexible, hard, and dense. At its base is a crescent-shaped lunula. Its color ranges from white to pale pink. The shape of the nail plate can be different, as it depends on hereditary factors.

Structure of the nail plate

When diagnosed, the surface of a healthy plate does not have pits, dents or bumps, is smooth, and evenly colored. It consists of dozens of layers of translucent smooth keratinized cells that are located close to each other. Thanks to its porous structure, it absorbs all substances that fall on its surface. This helps treat fungal diseases through local medications. When diagnosing, you can see several parts of the plate:

  • eponychium is living skin at the base;
  • hyponychium, or subungual plate - consists of spinous and basal cells;
  • free leading edge – protrudes beyond the edge of the finger;
  • lunula, or lunula, is a white area at the base in the shape of a crescent.

What organs are the fingernails responsible for?

One of the most “talking” parts of the body is the nail plates. Each of them reflects the state of a specific organ. Nail diagnostics are based on this principle. Organs for which each finger is responsible:

  • lungs, bronchi, brain - thumb;
  • teeth, mouth - index finger;
  • heart, blood vessels - medium;
  • nerves, kidneys – ring finger;
  • intestines, female reproductive organs - little finger.

How to determine the disease by fingernails

To determine the health of your fingernails, you need to carefully examine the plates. Knowing their normal state, you can notice some deviations. During nail diagnostics, changes in the following characteristics indicate the presence of problems in the body:

  • plate colors;
  • shape or relief of the nail surface;
  • lunula states;
  • structures of the nail plate.

Nail color and disease

A healthy nail plate is pink. If it suddenly begins to change its shade, then this is a clear sign of a problem in the body. In this case, diseases of the fingernails are identified by the following diagnostic signs:

  1. Two-color plate. Its upper part is much darker than the lower part, which indicates kidney disease and renal failure.
  2. A dark stripe dividing the nail in half. Talks about the development of a malignant human skin tumor – melanoma.
  3. Brown shade. Is a signal of diabetes mellitus, diseases endocrine system, renal failure, Addison's disease.
  4. Leukonychia is the appearance of small white spots on the plate. Develops against the background of a lack of calcium, iron and zinc. The body also lacks vitamins C, E and A. When spots grow and take the form of stripes, this indicates protein deficiency, poor circulation, kidney failure, and problems with the colon.
  5. Sineva. Indicates to a person pathologies of the respiratory system, including infectious diseases lungs. If Blue colour appeared at the base of the plate, then the diagnosis may be diabetes mellitus.
  6. Completely white nail plate. Appears in patients with liver cirrhosis or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Yellow coloring of nails. They acquire this shade in case of liver disease and poor digestion, pathologies of the lymphatic system or lungs.
  8. Redness of nails. Occurs when the number of red blood cells – erythrocytes – increases.
  9. Cloudy yellowish color. It speaks of a fungal infection if, against the background of a change in shade, there is a thickening of the plate and its separation from the bed.

Shape and relief of the nail plate

In addition to color changes, some diseases may cause deformation of the plate. Diagnosis of fingernails allows one to identify the following associated ailments described in the table:


What pathologies are indicated?

Convex nail that looks like a watch glass

Is a sign of chronic liver disease or heart weakness. It is also observed in blood diseases, thyroid diseases, congenital pulmonary tuberculosis, hepatitis, colitis, and malabsorption in the intestines. In rare cases, may indicate the onset cancer.

Concave nail that looks like a spoon

It is a sign of iron deficiency in the body.

Flat nail plate, split at the end

Indicates a helminthic infestation.

Triangular nail

It is a characteristic sign of spinal diseases.

Hole nail

Indicates pathologies of the spleen.

Short flat nail with elevation

Indicates organic heart disease.

Longitudinal grooves

Appear against the background of the development of rheumatism or inflammation of the teeth and sinuses.

Transverse frangible grooves

They signal pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, symptoms of spleen diseases. Often, transverse grooves appear due to a lack of zinc in the body.

Arced lines

They develop due to a lack of protein.

Small dimples throughout the plate

They talk about the beginning of inflammation in the joints, accompanying psoriasis.

Nail hole

When diagnosing nails, the condition of the lunula is also taken into account. Its absence on at least one finger and a pale nail bed are a sign of decreased hemoglobin and red blood cells. These are diseases such as anemia and anemia. If the hole has become thinner or completely disappeared on a certain finger, then this also indicates problems in the body:

  1. On the thumb. The hole here reflects the state of the skull and brain. If it disappears, then the person has serious problems with his head.
  2. On index finger. On it, the hole disappears in diseases of the liver, lungs, large intestine and gynecological problems.
  3. On average. The disappearance of the hole here indicates diseases circulatory system, problems with blood vessels and pressure.
  4. On the nameless one. The hole on this finger reflects the state of the lymphatic system and metabolism.
  5. On the little finger. Here the lunula reflects problems with the small intestine and heart rhythm disturbances and other heart diseases.

Grooves and stripes

Transverse grooves detected by diagnostics are often a sign of improper hand care. In addition, they may appear due to stress, an infectious or other disease. Lack of zinc in the body and poor nutrition also manifests itself as grooves on the nail plates. Longitudinal lines do not appear as often. Their causes may be:

  • acute malnutrition;
  • severe arterial disease;
  • arthritis;
  • lichen planus;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • lack of iron.

Diagnosis of diseases using fingernails when a pattern appears

Problems in the body are indicated not only by a change in color, but also by the appearance of various patterns in the form of spots, lines, bruises, etc. In a normal state, this should not be observed. A healthy nail plate has a uniform pink color. The appearance of any pictures on it indicates the following diseases:

  1. White spots. They talk about low hemoglobin, reduced immunity, symptoms of neurosis, and lack of vitamins.
  2. Black spots. Appear against the background of endocarditis.
  3. Pairs of horizontal stripes. Observed when there is a lack of protein in the diet. He is in large quantities excreted from the body in case of kidney disease.
  4. Divided crosswise into 2 halves of different colors - milky and normal. Indicates kidney pathology in an advanced stage.
  5. A line that did not appear due to mechanical impact. Appears in case of fever and high temperature. Indicates previous illnesses.
  6. Brown or beige stain. Is a warning about the development of cancer.
  7. A brown or yellow spot at the edge of the nail plate indicates psoriasis.
  8. Crumbling grooves or white flake-like spots. They are a sign of fungal diseases.
  9. Bruising. Observed when there is a mechanical impact on the nail plate. The reason is the rupture of the blood vessels underneath and hemorrhage into the soft tissue.

Problems with fingernails and nutrition

The main cause of nail problems is poor nutrition. Based on specific changes in the plate, you can easily diagnose a deficiency of certain microelements or identify an unbalanced diet. As a result, the nail plates become fragile and often break. Their beautiful, healthy appearance can be restored only after identifying the cause of the deterioration. Diagnosis of fingernails with signs that indicate a lack of microelements or nutritional imbalance will help with this.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Healthy nails grow without hangnails and there are no cracks around them. With a lack of vitamins of a certain group, some deviations from the norm appear:

  • cracking along and across the plate, nail plates bend and peel – due to a lack of vitamin C;
  • deep hangnails – with a deficiency of vitamins A or E;
  • numbness of the fingers – due to a lack of B vitamins;
  • white spots – with low zinc levels;
  • slow growth - with a lack of calcium;
  • brittle nails – due to magnesium deficiency.

Imbalanced diet

An excess or lack of certain foods in a person’s diet also affects the condition of the nails. In this case, the following changes may be observed:

  • white spots on the plate - excess sugar in the blood;
  • horizontal dents - a sharp change in diet;
  • concave plates are a sign of anemia (iron deficiency);
  • vertical grooves – poor absorption of nutrients;
  • any changes in shape and color indicate insufficient protein.

Diagnosis of toenails

Similar to the diagnosis of fingernails, the health status of the feet is also studied. In this case, the following signs are taken into account:

  • absence of lunula - decreased number of red blood cells in the blood, anemia;
  • two-color nail (light at the base, dark at the edge) – kidney failure;
  • discoloration and dark longitudinal stripe – skin cancer (melanoma);
  • yellow color against the background of delamination and separation from the nail bed - an advanced stage of a fungal disease.

Deterioration in the appearance of nails

Sudden deterioration appearance nails can manifest themselves in different ways. More often their growth slows down. In addition, they become too brittle and brittle. The phenomenon of delamination and splitting of the plate is not uncommon. All this indicates problems in the body. If you take timely measures, you can restore the condition of the nail plates, returning them to a healthy appearance with an even, smooth structure, matte pink color, and pale pink lunula.

Why is this happening?

If the nail plates become brittle and brittle and grow slowly, then the main cause of this condition is a metabolic disorder. Such changes may result from:

  • lack of iron, vitamins B, A;
  • deterioration of the thyroid gland or kidneys;
  • poor blood supply.

When the nail peels or splits, the cause is energy depletion digestive system. This is also observed with poor blood circulation. Other causes of delamination:

  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • problems with the genitals;
  • regular application of varnish, removal of the coating with a liquid containing acetone;
  • dry air, gap between the temperature of the street and the house;
  • circumcision with pliers or scissors;
  • using household cleaning products without gloves.

What to pay attention to

The first thing that fingernail diagnostics advises you to pay attention to is your diet. If you are deficient in vitamins, you should include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your menu. When cleaning the house or washing dishes, be sure to wear gloves and wipe your nails after contact with aggressive agents. apple cider vinegar. Hands should be given a break from polish at least once every 2 weeks. For filing, it is better not to use a metal plate, because it severely damages the nail plate.

Nails and body diseases with photos


Child and color. Color diagnostics of children to determine personality types. Coloristic methods as an additional tool for diagnosing children (and adults) and determining their personality types. Relationships between certain colors and socionic functions.

According to colorism, which was started by the German poet (philosopher and scientist) I.V. Goethe, the color environment influences human character. That's why there are color diagnostics and even color therapy. If you carefully observe what colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, and colored paper a child uses in his games and drawings, you can learn a lot about his character. As he grows up, the preferred colors may change. Their choice is also affected by the child’s current mood: joy, sadness , creative inspiration and aggressiveness. Conversely, the working color environment can determine the state, performance, business and communication qualities of a child, and this can and should be used as a positive stimulus for his physical and intellectual development.

Using coloristic methods as an additional tool for diagnosing children (and adults) and determining their personality types, we noticed clear relationships between certain colors and socionic functions. The preference that a child has for a particular color, for quite a long time and regardless of his current states, indicates the dominance in the structure of his personality of a function that is creative. The combination of several colors, predominantly chosen by the child, allows one to draw a conclusion about his personality type or correlate it with a group of types (four) that have similar enhanced functional qualities.

"Yellow" children most predisposed to creativity. In the language of flowers, yellow means spirituality (yellow halo above the heads of saints in paintings and icons, yellow-gold domes Orthodox churches, yellow-orange robes of Buddhist monks). As a rule, “yellow” people are “free, liberated, original, dissident and therefore dangerous for those who prioritize unshakable order, unlimited power and for whom the main moral principle is “not to stand out and not to be smart.” On the other hand, a “yellow” person is a dreamer, a dreamer, a storyteller. In his fantasies, he is often inclined to get off the ground, wishful thinking, and mystify others. Such children can be good storytellers and inventors, a center of attraction for peers and younger children and an object of ridicule.

IN early childhood The “yellow” child loves to play alone and transforms his toys into any characters using the power of his imagination. As an adult, such a person prefers interesting, varied work. He always believes in something, hopes for something, lives more in the future than in the present, and in the present he is unadapted, impractical, “not of this world.”

Thus, the yellow color most closely corresponds to such a socionic function as intuition of possibilities, and “yellow” children themselves are “intuitive extroverts”, most often, ILE “Innovator” and IEE “Inspirer”.

"Purple" children live a rich inner world. They are often distinguished by artistry in their behavior. The color violet means night, mystery, mysticism, disguise, play, contemplation, identification, integration, suggestibility (in relation to oneself and others), aesthetics and unaesthetics, modesty and the desire to shock others, abstinence and attraction to all kinds of vices, martyrdom and messianic trends. Such children (adults are no exception) are almost constantly torn apart by contradictions in feelings, desires, relationships, activities, etc.

“Violet” people are sensitive, suggestible, they are easy to hypnotize, they are easily excitable, they strive to impress others and at the same time they are able to look at themselves from the outside. They are very vulnerable and need support, encouragement, and encouragement more than others.

The function closest to the purple color is “intuition of time,” the most mysterious and not yet entirely understood function. It is most clearly manifested in the EIE “Mentor” and EIE “Experimenter” sociotypes.

"Red" children most open and active. Red is the color of blood, health, life, expansion, energy, sexuality, aggressiveness, strength, power, war, revolution. “Reds” are “usually leaders in their environment,” both formal and informal. Submitting is not in their rules. Such children are more likely to do the opposite, “out of spite,” when they are asked or ordered to do something. It is necessary to awaken and stimulate the child’s own desire or go from the opposite, thereby provoking him to do what is necessary. Here parents will need greater flexibility, patience and diplomacy. Forceful methods will only embitter the “red” child. After all, it is from children of this kind that improper upbringing Adults with antisocial tendencies and a penchant for crime are being formed.

It is very difficult for educators to deal with a “red” child, a fighter who is lively, restless, breaks toys and does not listen to anyone. When he grows up, his high performance and entrepreneurial spirit will be stimulated by the desire to make a career, achieve prosperity, power over things and people. Hence the “prevalence interests of today, assertiveness and selfishness. The most prominent politicians and leaders, military men and criminals are “red.” After all, even the traditional clothing of kings, generals, cardinals, and executioners was red. The flag of the revolution had the same color.

The red color corresponds to the function of volitional sensory. It is most pronounced in extroverted sensory types “SLE” Leader and SEE “Politician”.

"Green" children extremely dynamic and determined to receive material returns. Green color is an indicator of a person’s intensity and performance. Such children are great pragmatists, but they achieve everything through their own physical efforts and this differs from the “red” ones, who prefer to “go for a ride at someone else’s expense” either through physical coercion, or by manipulating the feelings and attitudes of the people around them. "Green" children are open in their intentions and actions. Their weak point is a weak nervous system. Such children are easily unbalanced and provoked into aggression. They are very touchy and vulnerable, but not vindictive. If you admit your guilt and demonstrate goodwill and compliance towards the “green” child, he will quickly “move away”. As you grow older, these characteristic features“green” children, as confidence, perseverance, even stubbornness contribute to the development of good performing qualities in them. They are very hardworking and work tirelessly for the benefit of their loved ones. Green color "is the color of living nature, the color of leaves, grass, unripe fruits. Therefore, "green" children and adults love to dig in the ground, grow something, they know how to use the gifts of nature, but not by robbing it, but by skillfully handling it and care.

The expression “young-green” speaks of such qualities of “greens” as a penchant for fun, humor, healthy sensuality, enthusiasm, optimism, “in short, all the signs of a person standing on the threshold of life and enjoying it.

Green color is the color of sensory sensations, the presence of naturally well-developed senses: hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch. These qualities are best expressed in the ESE “Communicator” and “LSE” Manager sociotypes, for whom this function is goal-setting.

In describing “colored” children, we spoke only about the extroverted representatives of the young cohort, and before moving on to the other half of the “introverted”, we note that the above colors can also be considered extroverted colors, causing the spread of personality energy outside of it, expanding the field of activity and contacts with people and things. Let's list these four basic colors: yellow, purple, red and green.

"Brown" children are often at odds with themselves. It is caused, on the one hand, by the desire to act, to be useful, to make contact with others, and on the other, to withdraw into oneself, show petty selfishness and capriciousness, fall into melancholy and depressive states. Prone to sudden mood swings, such children are often unsociable , among their peers they are considered proud and arrogant. The isolation of the “browns” is often caused by their reluctance to blend into the crowd, to be “sixes” or executors of the will of the “red” children, leaders and ringleaders in the classroom and on the street.

Another reason for the isolation of “browns” among their peers is their intellectuality. They are very erudite, experience a constant hunger for information, satisfied by swallowing a huge number of newspapers, magazines, books, even just reference books, encyclopedias and... advertisements on the streets. At school and in the yard they don’t really like “very literate” people, and they often simply beat them “so that they don’t become arrogant.” For this reason, brown children may actually develop a sense of superiority over others, or its opposite, an inferiority complex.

Under unfavorable conditions in the family and school, “brown” adolescents develop and become quite firmly entrenched in such qualities as: negativism, a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and others, inadequate perception of others’ attitude towards oneself, apathy, internal restlessness, avoidance of problems, fear and avoidance of stress, suspiciousness, suppression of sexuality, etc.

On the contrary, under favorable life circumstances, “brown” children grow up to be quite proactive and enterprising individuals. They think not only about their own, but also about the public good, and are reliable partners with a developed sense of mutual assistance. They are "excellent consultants and experts in a wide range of areas of activity" manufacturing and non-manufacturing. Pragmatism, feeling common sense They tell them the most optimal ways to solve everyday problems and develop a philosophical and critical worldview.

Brown color as a reflection of the desire for expediency of actions, stability in business and relationships, it is closest to the function of business logic and is characteristic of the sociotypes OR “Critic and SLI” Master.

"Blue" children“the exact opposite of the “reds.” It is useful for psychotherapists, neurologists and pediatricians to know that “red” children and adults can be calmed with blue, and “blues” can be cheered up with red. By nature, “blues” are: calm, balanced; they like to do everything slowly, in detail, they try to analyze, reflect, think about it. They can be confidently attributed to people who live primarily with their minds, and not with their hearts. It is not for nothing that the blue color represents the calm night sky or the sea. This is “order, law, thought, reason.”

"Blue" children are rarely leaders among their peers. Nevertheless, they are often respected by others for their strength of character, lack of capriciousness, and arrogance. They are not selfish by nature, but they come to the rescue only when asked. They themselves are not inclined to seek support even in difficult situations; they steadfastly endure any adversity and deprivation.

They rarely have a spirit of enterprise or adventurism. In companies they tend to keep to themselves. They are not bothered by loneliness. The Blues always know how to keep themselves busy with something. They do not like to take on several things at the same time, but spend a long time and carefully working on one thing and always strive to finish what they start.

Parents and teachers often note a fair amount of coldness and severity in the character of “blue” children. If the environment contributes to the development of these qualities, in adults they subsequently manifest themselves in harsh treatment of others, especially those who are dependent on them. They make good administrators, especially where discipline, hierarchy, the ability to “keep a low profile,” and subordination of one’s individuality to the opinion of management or the entire team are valued. "Blue" "always good specialists and performers, but in one narrow area or profession.

Such children are more “technical” in their thinking than humanists, although they can do equally well in all subjects. They are very diligent, patient and can sit for hours at textbooks, read useful books, tinker with construction sets, and help their parents around the house. They learn very early what is possible and what is not and tend to remain within the narrow framework of their ideas and beliefs. If a “blue” child believes in something, it is almost impossible to dissuade him with words. Only obvious facts force him to change his mind.

Blue color best corresponds to the qualities of structural logic, which is clearly manifested in two rational introverts “LII” Analyst and LSI “Inspector”.

"Pink" children"the softest. The pink color most closely corresponds to the infant period of human development. It is the "color of infantility, naivety, tenderness, weakness, sentimentality, shyness, and pleasantness. If differentiated by gender, pink is considered a “girly” color. The boys' inclination towards it is a sign of the femininity of their character. In childhood, such boys can play with dolls, love to dress up, twirl in front of the mirror, and flirt. Growing up, they most often take a passive position in various “domestic or industrial” situations. “Pink” ones are followers, not leaders, in the family and at work, regardless of gender. In childhood, these are the prettiest children and boys are often confused with girls.

Among their peers they are loved for their constant friendliness, gentleness, and compliance. “Pink” children reduce the aggressiveness of “red” ones and make “blue” ones more pliable. They are great conformists by nature and often act on the principle of “both ours and yours.” Almost always agreeing with others or promising to do something, “pink” people can immediately change their opinion to the opposite and “forget” to fulfill someone else’s request. They are quite lazy and prefer contemplation to action.

Internally, they are quite vulnerable and sensitive, but they try to hide their grievances. Such children sense the mood of others very well and try to change it accordingly. better side. "Pink" "are good harmonizers and diplomats, flexible and skillful in relationships, subtly and unobtrusively negative emotions and create positive ones, improving overall psychological comfort. They themselves fall into melancholy quite easily, but they also come out of it just as easily and quickly if they feel that this is negatively affecting their relationships with others.

“Pink” children are subconsciously drawn to stronger and more interesting peers. You can often notice a “pink” boy among desperate, “tough” guys, pugnacious and uncontrollable, who, despite the “alien” color, accept him into their midst. With this contrast, the masculinity of the “reds” is better highlighted, and the “pink” ones soften the climate in such aggressive groups.

Most often, “pink” children include introverted irrational ethics “SEI” Mediator and IEI “Lyrik”.

"Gray" children the most undemonstrative. They prefer not to stand out among their peers, do not pretend to be leaders, and do not show initiative or enthusiasm. The gray color in color is sometimes interpreted as the absence of color or its neutrality. According to Luscher's eight-color series, the following qualities are attributed to gray: isolation, separation, freedom from obligations. They are usually very kind-hearted and have a very strong sense of empathy. They cannot refuse others' requests. The help of the “grays” is always of an altruistic active nature and this is often abused by others, shifting their problems onto them.

Adults “gray” are the most honest and efficient workers on whom you can always rely. Both in childhood and in adulthood they work modestly, and other, more expressive colors often enjoy the fruits of their labors. Their quiet, timid character and isolation do not allow them fight for a place in the sun. Although, as regards their inner world and personal space, the “grays” can be uncompromising and uncompromising. They are principled in defending their views, they do not like to bend their hearts and deceive.

Such children are very serious, obedient, and good helpers in everyday affairs. They love to do manual labor and are thorough and careful in their work. They are less likely than other children to cause problems for their parents and teachers. “Grays” may not “grab” the stars from the sky,” but they also do not lag behind. They exhibit such qualities as: constant self-control, a tendency to depressed states, withdrawal into themselves, increased sensitivity and vulnerability, suppression of their natural needs.

In adulthood, these tendencies often manifest themselves in a passive life position, stereotypical thinking, and self-isolation. Being sensitive by nature, “gray” children worry about various conflicts and troubles in their environment. Peace and well-being in the family are their main motivation in life. Quarrels and divorces of parents hurt “gray” children the most and affect their well-being and health.

The most characteristically described qualities are manifested in types with the dominant function of the ethics of relations "ESI" Guardian and EII "Humanist".

Finishing the topic of color, we repeat that introvert colors include the following: blue, brown, pink and gray.

Author: A.A. Ovcharov. Source of material:,
Published: “Family World”, Kyiv, 2001, May;
Repeatedly: "Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relations", 2003, No. 4.
Literature used:

  1. Alekseev A.A., Gromova L.A. Psychogeometry for managers. L., 1990.
  2. Alekseev A.A., Gromova L.A. Do not misunderstand me. St. Petersburg 1993.
  3. Augustinavichiute A. The dual nature of man (manuscript).
  4. Augustinavichiute A. Model of information metabolism. Lithuania, 1980.
  5. Augustinavichiute A. "Sotsion"; "Theory of intertype relations." "Department of Manuscripts of the Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 1982.
  6. Burns R. Development of self-concept and education. M., 1986.
  7. Vorobyov G.G. Youth in the information society. M., 1990.
  8. Gulenko V.V., Molodtsov A.V. Fundamentals of socioanalysis. K., 1991.
  9. Gulenko V.V., Molodtsov A.V. Introduction to Socionics. K., 1991.
  10. Darid Keirsey, Marilyn Bates. Please Understand Me. Gnosology Books Ltd. 1984
  11. Dodonov B.I. "In the world of emotions", Kyiv, ed. Political literature of Ukraine, 1987.
  12. Leongard K. Accented personalities. K., 1989.
  13. Meged V.V., Ovcharov A.A., “The concept of energy exchange in model “A” and the construction of subtypes,” // “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology,” 1994, No. 1.
  14. Ovcharov A.A. Socionics "the path to personality. K.-Novosibirsk, 1993.
  15. Ovcharov A.A. Extraversion-introversion of the program function // "Socionics, mentology and personality psychology, 1995, No. 3.
  16. Gifted Children (collection of works by foreign authors), M., 1991.
  17. Sokolova V.I., Yuzefovich G.Ya. Fathers and sons in a changing world. M., 1991.
  18. Jung G.K. Psychological types. M., 1992.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely every person. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight.” In other words, anxiety does not arise out of nowhere, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but a mechanism developed by evolution that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the lives of anxious people.

The Luscher color test is based on the experimentally established relationship between a person's preference for certain colors (shades) and his current psychological state. The Luscher test is also based on the assumption that the choice of color often reflects the subject’s focus on a certain activity, mood, functional state and the most stable personality traits.

Luscher's technique is characterized by the fact that it can, in a short time (less than 10 minutes), give a deep and extensive, and free from the conscious control of the subject, characterization of his psychological state.

Foreign psychologists use the Luscher test for career guidance in personnel selection, staffing production teams, and in ethnic groups; gerontological studies, with recommendations on the choice of marriage partners. The meanings of colors in their psychological interpretation were determined during a comprehensive examination of a large contingent of different test takers.

Luscher color test (Full version of the method):


Choose the color that is most pleasing to you now. We ask you not to associate the color of the card with the color of your clothes or car, to distract yourself from them. Then, from the remaining seven colors, choose the most pleasant one. Repeat the procedure with the remaining six colors, then five and so on until the end. Write down the colors in the order you chose them from most pleasing to least pleasing. After 2-3 minutes, return to the 8 color cards again and do the same. In this case, you do not need to focus on the layout order in the first choice; choose colors as if it were your first time.

Stimulus material.

Key to the Luscher test

Characteristics of colors (according to Max Luscher) include 4 primary and 4 additional colors.

Primary colors:

1) blue - symbolizes calmness, contentment;

2) blue-green - a sense of confidence, perseverance, sometimes stubbornness;

3) orange-red - symbolizes willpower, aggressiveness, offensive tendencies, excitement;

4) light yellow - activity, desire to communicate, expansiveness, cheerfulness.

In the absence of conflict, in the optimal state, the primary colors should occupy predominantly the first five positions.

Additional colors: 5) purple; 6) brown, 7) black, 8) gray (0). They symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief. The meaning of these colors (as well as the main ones) is largely determined by their relative position, distribution by position, which will be shown below.

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizes the desired state, the second - the actual one. Depending on the purpose of the study, the results of the appropriate testing can be interpreted.”

As a result of testing, we get eight positions; the first and second are a clear preference (denoted by + +);

third and fourth - preference (denoted x x);

fifth and sixth - indifference to color (indicated by = =);

seventh and eighth - antipathy to color (indicated - -)

Based on an analysis of more than 36,000 research results, M. Luscher gave an approximate description of the selected positions:

The 1st position reflects the means of achieving the goal (for example, the choice of blue indicates the intention to act calmly, without undue tension);

The 2nd position shows the goal that the subject is striving for;

The 3rd and 4th positions characterize the preference for color and reflect the subject’s feeling of the true situation in which he is, or the course of action that the situation suggests to him;

The 5th and 6th positions characterize indifference to color, a neutral attitude towards it. They seem to indicate that the subject does not connect his state, mood, motives with these colors. However, in a certain situation, this position may contain a reserve interpretation of color, for example, blue (the color of peace) is temporarily set aside as inappropriate in this situation;

The 7th and 8th positions characterize a negative attitude towards color, the desire to suppress any need, motive, mood reflected by this color.

+ + X X = = - -
3 4 1 0 2 5 6 7

The selected colors are recorded using a list of numbers in order of preference, indicating positions. For example, if you select red, yellow, blue, grey, green, purple, brown and black, you write:

Zones (+ +; x x; = =; - -) form 4 functional groups.

Interpretation of test results

As noted, one of the methods for interpreting the results of a choice is to evaluate the position of the primary colors. If they occupy a position further than the fifth, it means that the properties and needs they characterize are not satisfied, therefore, there is anxiety and a negative state.

The relative position of the primary colors is considered. When, for example, No. 1 and 2 (blue and yellow) are located nearby (forming a functional group), their common feature is emphasized - the subjective orientation “inward”. The combined position of colors No. 2 and 3 (green and red) indicates autonomy, independence in decision-making, and initiative. The combination of colors No. 3 and 4 (red and yellow) emphasizes the “outward” direction. The combination of colors No. 1 and 4 (blue and yellow) enhances the representation of the subjects’ dependence on the environment. When colors No. 1 and 3 (blue and red) are combined in one functional group, a favorable balance of dependence on the environment and subjective orientation (blue) and autonomy, “outward” orientation (red) is emphasized. The combination of green and yellow colors (No. 2 and 4) is considered as a contrast between the subjective desire “inward”, autonomy, stubbornness and the desire “outward”, dependence on the environment.

Primary colors, according to Max Luscher, symbolize the following psychological needs:

No. 1 (blue) - the need for satisfaction, tranquility, stable positive attachment;

No. 2 (green) - the need for self-affirmation;

No. 3 (red) - the need to actively act and achieve success;

No. 4 (yellow) - the need for perspective, hopes for the best, dreams.

If the primary colors are in the 1st - 5th positions, it is believed that these needs are satisfied to a certain extent and are perceived as being satisfied; if they are in the 6th - 8th positions, there is some kind of conflict, anxiety, dissatisfaction due to unfavorable circumstances. A rejected color can be seen as a source of stress. For example, the rejected blue color means dissatisfaction with the lack of peace and affection.

Max Lüscher took into account the possibilities of assessing performance during the analysis of color choice based on the following premises.

Green color characterizes the flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult conditions activities, which ensures the maintenance of performance.

Red color characterizes willpower and a feeling of satisfaction with the desire to achieve a goal, which also helps maintain performance.

Yellow color protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in an activity (sometimes without a clear understanding of its details), and orientation towards further work.

If all these three colors are at the beginning of the row and all together, then more productive activity and higher performance are likely. If they are in the second half of the row and separated from each other, the prognosis is less favorable.

Anxiety indicators. If the main color is in 6th place, it is indicated by the sign -, and all the others that are behind it (7th - 8th positions) are indicated by the same sign. They should be considered as rejected colors, as a cause of anxiety and a negative state.

In the Luscher test, such cases are additionally marked with the letter A above the color number and the sign -, for example:

Compensation indicators. If there is a source of stress or anxiety (expressed by any primary color placed in the 6th and 8th positions), the color placed in the 1st position is considered as an indicator of compensation (compensating motive, mood, behavior). In this case, the letter C is placed above the number occupying 1st place. It is considered a more or less normal phenomenon when compensation occurs due to one of the primary colors. At the same time, the very fact of the presence of an indicator of stress and compensation always indicates a suboptimal state.

In those cases where compensation occurs through additional colors, the test results are interpreted as indicators of a negative state, negative motives, and a negative attitude towards the surrounding situation.

! !! !!!
2 1 4

Indicators of anxiety intensity are characterized by the position occupied by the primary colors. If the primary color is in 6th place, the factor causing anxiety is considered relatively weak (this is indicated by one exclamation point); if the color is in the 7th position, two exclamation marks are placed (!!); if the main color is in the 8th position, three signs (!!!) are placed. In this way, up to 6 signs can be placed characterizing sources of stress and anxiety, for example:

Similarly, the Lüscher test evaluates cases of adverse compensation. If the compensation is any of the primary colors or purple, no marks are placed. If gray, brown or black occupy the 3rd position, one exclamation mark is placed; if the 2nd position, two marks (!!), if the first position, three marks (!!!). So there can be 6 of them, for example:

!!! !!! !
+ + +
6 0 7

It is believed that the more “!” signs, the more unfavorable the prognosis.

Taking into account the test results obtained, it is advisable to organize measures for regulation and self-regulation mental states, autogenic training. Repeated testing after such events (in combination with other methods) can provide information about reducing anxiety and tension.

Of particular importance when interpreting test results is the assessment of the color in the last 8th position (or in the 4th functional group if there are two colors with a - sign). If the colors in this position are marked with exclamation marks, then the likelihood of the subject developing a state of anxiety is quite high.

Pay attention to the ratio of the first and eighth positions, is there compensation, is it built according to a normal scheme?

The relationship of colors in the second and third positions (desired goal and actual situation) can also be analyzed. Is there any conflict between them? For example, red in the second and gray in the third position symbolize the conflict between goals, motives and self-esteem of one’s actual state.

When analyzing and interpreting the results of the Luscher test, the obtained psychodiagnostic information should be compared with materials from questionnaires, observations, conversations, and study of documents about the subjects. Only with such a comprehensive study of personality can one make any serious conclusions about personality traits and its psychological characteristics.

The same should be said about the prospects for using test results to assess state, in particular emotional state, tension, and anxiety. However, the coincidence of the color test indicators (choice of colors No. 6, 7, 0 in the first position) and the survey and observation data allows more confidence judge the development of various negative states in subjects.

Interpretation (decoding) of color pairs according to Luscher

Positions “+ +”. The first color is blue

1+2 (blue and green) - a feeling of satisfaction, calmness, desire for a calm environment, reluctance to participate in conflicts, stress.

1 +3 (blue and red) - a sense of integrity, an active and not always conscious desire for close relationships. Need for attention from others.

1 +5 (blue and purple) - slight anxiety, need for a subtle environment, desire for aesthetics.

1 +6 (blue and brown) - feeling of anxiety, fear of loneliness, desire to escape conflicts, avoid stress.

1 +7 (blue and black) - negative state, desire for peace, relaxation, dissatisfaction with the attitude towards oneself, negative attitude towards the situation.

1 +0 (blue and gray) - negative state, the need to get rid of stress, the desire for peace and relaxation.

The first color is green

2 +1 (green and blue) - positive state, desire for recognition, for activities that ensure success.

2 +3 (green and red) - active desire for success, for independent decisions, and overcoming obstacles in activity.

2 +4 (green and yellow) - slight anxiety, desire for recognition, popularity, desire to impress.

2 +5 (green and yellow) - slight anxiety, desire for recognition, popularity, desire for super impressions, increased attention to the reactions of others to one’s actions.

2 +6 (green and brown) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, fatigue, overestimation of the importance of the attitude of others towards oneself.

2 +7 (green and black) - a feeling of resentment, anger, desire for rigidity, authority in relationships.

2 +0 (green and gray) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, a desire for recognition, a desire to impress.

The first color is red

3 +1 (red and blue) - business excitement, active desire for activity, impressions, pleasures.

3 +2 (red and green) - business excitement, active pursuit of goals, overcoming all difficulties, desire for a high assessment of one’s activities.

3 +4 (red and yellow) - businesslike, slightly increased excitement, passion, optimism, desire for contacts, expansion of the scope of activity.

3 +5 (red and purple) - increased excitement, not always adequate passion, desire to impress.

3 +6 (red and brown) - negative mood, grief due to failure, reluctance to lose the benefits of a pleasant situation.

3 +7 (red and black) - negative mood, anger, desire to get away from an unfavorable situation.

3 +0 (red and gray) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, an orientation toward risky action.

The first color is yellow

4 +1 (yellow and blue) - generally positive mood, desire for positivity emotional state, mutual endurance.

4 +2 (yellow and green) - the mood is generally positive, the desire to find the first solutions challenges, the desire for self-affirmation.

4 +3 (yellow and red) - slightly increased business excitement, desire for a broad active

4 +5 (yellow and purple) - slight euphoria, desire for bright events, desire to impress.

4 +6 (yellow and brown) - negative mood, sadness and the need for emotional release and rest.

4 +7 (yellow and black) - a very negative mood, a desire to get away from any problems, a tendency to make necessary, poorly adequate solutions.

4 +0 (yellow and gray) - negative depressed attitude, desire to get out of an unpleasant situation, a clear idea of ​​how to do this.

First color is purple

5 +1 (purple and blue) - uncertain mood, desire for agreement and harmony.

5 +2 (purple and green) - wariness, desire to impress.

5 +3 (purple and red) - some excitement, enthusiasm, an active desire to impress.

5 +4 (purple and yellow) - excitement, fantasy, desire for bright events.

5 +6 (purple and brown) - excitement, focus on strong emotional experiences.

5 +7 (purple and black) - negative state.

5 +0 (purple and gray) - tension, the desire to protect oneself from conflicts and stress.

The first color is brown

6 +1 (brown and blue) - tension, fear of loneliness, desire to leave an unfavorable situation.

6 +2 (brown and green) - a feeling of anxiety, a desire for strict control over oneself in order to avoid mistakes.

6 +3 (brown and red) - active desire for emotional release.

6 +4 (brown and yellow) - loss of faith in positive prospects, the likelihood of rash decisions (“I don’t care”).

6 +5 (brown and purple) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, a desire for comfort.

6 +7 (brown and black) - negative state, disappointment, desire for peace, desire to get away from activity.

6 +0 (brown and gray) - a very negative state, the desire to escape from complex problems rather than fight them.

First color black

7 +1 (black and blue) - a very negative state, the desire to get away from problems (“they would leave them alone.”

7 +2 (black and green) - excitement, angry attitude towards others, not always adequate stubbornness.

7 +3 (black and red) - strong excitement, affective actions are possible.

7+4 (black and yellow) - a very negative state, despair, suicidal thoughts.

7 +5 (black and purple) - tension, dreams of harmony.

7 +6 (black and brown) - excitement, setting unrealistic goals, the desire to get away from restless thoughts, unfavorable situations.

7 +0 (black and gray) - a feeling of hopelessness, doom, the desire to resist everything, inadequacy.

The first color is gray

0 +1 (gray and blue) - negative state, desire for a calm situation.

0 +2 (gray and green) - a negative state, a feeling of hostility from others and a desire to isolate oneself from the environment.

0 +3 (gray and red) - negative state, high demands on others, not always adequate activity.

0 +4 (gray and yellow) - a negative state, the desire to escape from problems rather than solve them.

0 +5 (gray and purple) - a feeling of anxiety and wariness, the desire to hide this feeling.

0 +6 (gray and brown) - very negative standing, the desire to get away from everything complex, difficult, from excitement.

0 +7 (gray and black) - a very negative state, resentment, a feeling of depression, the likelihood of inadequate decisions.

Positions "- -". The first color is gray

O -1 (gray and blue) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, emotional tension.

O -2 (gray and green) - emotional tension, desire to get out of an unfavorable situation.

O -3 (gray and red) - irritation, feeling of helplessness.

O -4 (gray and yellow) - anxiety, lack of self-confidence.

O -5 (gray and purple) - slight controlled excitation.

O -6 (gray and brown) - anxiety, lack of self-confidence, but at the same time excessive demands, the desire to achieve recognition of one’s personality.

0 -7 (gray and black) - denial of any limitations of one’s personality, active desire for activity.

The first color is blue

1-2 (blue and green) - strong tension, desire to get rid of a negative stressful state.

1-3 (blue and red) - strong tension, feeling of helplessness, desire to get out of an emotional situation.

1-4 (blue and yellow) - a state close to stress, emotional negative experiences, a feeling of helplessness.

1 -5 (blue and purple) - a state close to stress, the complexity of relationships, a feeling of limited capabilities, impatience.

1-6 (blue and brown) - emotional dissatisfaction, self-restraint, search for support.

1 -7 (blue and black) - a state close to stress, emotional dissatisfaction, the desire to leave a psychogenic situation.

1-O (blue and gray) - somewhat depressed state, anxiety, feeling of hopelessness.

The first color is green

2 -1 (green and blue) - depressed state, lack of faith in one’s strength, desire to get away from an unpleasant situation.

2-3 (green and red) - strong excitement, painful experiences, considers relationships with the environment to be hostile, affective actions are possible.

2-4 (green and red) - a state close to frustration, a feeling of disappointment, indecision.

2 -5 (green and purple) - a state close to stress, a feeling of insulted dignity, lack of faith in one’s abilities.

2 -6 (green and brown) - a state close to stress, inappropriately increased self-control, an unreasonable desire for recognition.

2 -7 (green and black) - a state of frustration due to the limitations of ambitious demands, lack of determination.

2 -0 (green and gray) - state of frustration, irritation due to a number of failures, decreased volitional qualities:

The first color is red

3 -1 (red and blue) - suppressed excitement, irritability, impatience, searching for a way out of negative relationships with loved ones

3 -2 (red and green) - a state of stress due to inadequate self-esteem.

3-4 (red and yellow) - suspiciousness, anxiety, inadequate assessment of the environment, desire for self-justification.

3 -5 (red and purple) - a state of stress due to unsuccessful attempts to achieve mutual understanding, a feeling of uncertainty, helplessness, a desire for sympathy.

3-6 (red and brown) - strong tension, sometimes caused by self-limitation of libido, lack of friendly contacts, lack of self-confidence.

3 -7 (red and black) - a state of stress due to deep disappointment, frustration, a feeling of anxiety, powerlessness to solve a conflict problem, a desire to get out of a frustrating situation by any means, doubt that this will succeed.

3 -0 (red and gray) - restrained excitement, a feeling of lost perspective, the likelihood of nervous exhaustion.

The first color is yellow

4 -1 (yellow and blue) - a feeling of disappointment, a state close to stress, a desire to suppress negative emotions.

4 -2 (yellow and green) - a state of indecision, anxiety, disappointment.

4 -3 (yellow and red) - a state of stress accompanied by excitement, doubts about success, claims not supported by real opportunities, self-justification.

4 -5 (yellow and purple) - emotional disappointment and feelings of anxiety, anxiety, disappointment.

4-7 (yellow and black) - tension, feelings of uncertainty, wariness, desire to avoid outside control.

4 -0 (yellow and gray) - tension, a feeling of fear of losing something important, missing out on opportunities, tense anticipation.

First color is purple

5 -1 (purple and blue) - a feeling of dissatisfaction, stimulating activity, a desire for cooperation.

5 -2 (purple and green) - stressful conditions due to unrealized self-affirmation.

5 -3 (purple and red) - a stressful state due to failures in active, sometimes rash actions!

5 -4 (purple and yellow) - wariness, suspicion, disappointment, isolation.

5-6 (purple and brown) - stress caused by disruption of desired relationships, increased demands on others.

5 -7 (purple and black) - tension due to limitations in independent decisions, the desire for mutual understanding, frank expression of thoughts.

5 -0 (purple and gray) - a manifestation of impatience, but at the same time the desire for self-control, causes some emotional arousal.

The first color is brown

6 -1 (brown and blue) - a negative state, a feeling of dissatisfaction due to insufficient recognition of merit (real and perceived), the desire for self-restraint and self-control.

6 -2 (brown and green) - a negative state due to excessive self-control, a stubborn desire to stand out, doubts that this will succeed.

6 -3 (brown and red) - a stressful state due to suppression of erotic and other biological needs, the desire to cooperate to overcome stress.

6 -4 (brown and yellow) - the tension of the desire to hide anxiety under the guise of confidence and carelessness.

6 -5 (brown and purple) - a negative state due to an unsatisfied desire for sensory harmony.

6 -7 (brown and black) - the desire to escape subordination, a negative attitude towards various prohibitions.

6 -0 (brown and gray) - a stressful state due to the suppression of biological, libido needs.

First color black

7 -1 (black and blue) - a state of anxiety due to a hidden desire to receive help and support.

7 -2 (black and green) - a state close to frustration due to the restriction of freedom of desired actions, the desire to get rid of interference.

7 -3 (black and red) - a stressful state caused by disappointment in an expected situation, emotional arousal.

7 -4 (black and yellow) - a stressful state due to fear of further failures, refusal of reasonable compromises.

7 -5 (black and purple) - search for an idealized situation.

7 -6 (black and brown) - a stressful state due to unpleasant restrictions, prohibitions, the desire to resist restrictions, to escape mediocrity.

7 -0 (black and gray) - the desire to leave an unfavorable situation.

The first color is gray

0 -1 (gray and blue) - some tension, a desire to resist negative feelings.

0 -2 (gray and green) - negative state due to overstrain, overwork.

0 -3 (gray and red) - suppressed anxiety, the possibility of affective actions, irritability.

0 -4 (gray and yellow) - feelings of anxiety, uncertainty.

0 -5 (gray and purple) - tension due to the suppression of sensory experiences.

0 -6 (gray and brown) - the desire to get out of an unfavorable situation, somewhat inflated self-esteem.

O -7 (gray and black) - the desire to get out of an unfavorable situation, hope for good prospects in the future.

Max Luscher compiled a special table in which combinations of colors in different positions are noted, suggesting a reflection of the conflicts experienced by the subjects (without touching on the causes or motives of these conflicts). The first two and last two positions with a set of colors reflecting serious conflicts:

Positions 1,2 7,8
0 4 XX 0 1 XX
0 6 XX 0 2 XXX
0 7 XXX 0 3 XX
1 7 XX 0 4 XX
2 7 XX 1 2 XXX
3 7 XX 1 3 XXX
4 0 XX 1 4 XXX
4 6 XX 2 0 XX
4 7 XX 2 1 XXX
6 0 XX 2 3 XXX
6 4 XX 2 4 XXX
6 7 XXX 3 0 XX
7 0 XXX 3 1 XXX
7 1 XX 3 2 XXX
7 2 XX 3 4 XXX
7 3 XX 3 5 XX
7 4 XX 4 1 XXX
7 5 XX 4 2 XXX
7 6 XX 4 3 XXX
5 3 XX
6 3 XX
7 3 XX