Newspaper style in English. Language features of English newspapers Information Style in English

The newspaper language certainly has a certain specificity that distinguishes it from the language of art or scientific literature, from colloquial speech. This is a consequence of a long selection of language expressive funds most relevant to that social task that performs the newspaper as a major media. The desire for the shortest possible time to inform about the latest news is reflected, both in the nature of communicative tasks and in the speech of their embodiment. The newspaper is designed for, the heterogeneous numerous circle of readers and should attract attention. The reader does not want to spend a lot of time on reading a non-sociable mass newspaper, so newspaper information is organized so that the message is transmitted compressed to render a certain emotional impact on the reader. And due to the fact that the initial information function of the newspaper is increasingly pushed out by the other - affecting the style of the newspaper language more and more turns into a kind of journalistic style. But the special conditions for the release of the newspaper are a short time of preparation of material that does not allow it to carefully stylistically work, the repeatability of the subject and the limited circle of topics - lead to the fact that the journalistic style in the newspaper is often simplified, standardizes, undergoing a well-known lexical decline. And the availability of the standard generates newspaper stamps, so characteristic of newspaper speech. The language of newsprints historically established in the English literature system has a number of common features vary from era to epoch, as well as many private features inherent in separate newspaper genres, publications. But no matter how divena, the system of language means used in different newspaper genres, newspaper style still stands out among other styles of speech by a number of essential common signs. Newspaper messages are usually prepared and read quickly, so the journalist, and the reader is convenient to use a repeating vocabulary, which gradually

turns into newspaper stamps, or cliché. Thus, one of the features of the newspaper style is the presence of repeating words and phrases. Many of them can be found not only in the newspaper, but also in other speech styles, but the probability of the appearance of one or another stamp is different. For example, expressions a Champion of Peace, Cold War, Vital Issue, A Policy of Non-Alignment, General Disarmament, Nuclear Free Zone, Arms Race and many others most likely to meet in the newspaper than in the artistic work.


As is known, neologisms are words and phrases created to designate new concepts of political, scientific or common nature, formed according to word-forming models and laws or borrowed from other languages. By its structure and method of education neologisms in the language of newspapers are represented by several options. The most characteristic ways of the formation of neologisms in the English newspaper language are word formation (character, affixation, conversion, reduction), changing the values \u200b\u200bof words and borrowing from other languages. Each of them has its own characteristics, so they should be disassembled separately.

1. Called formation.

The phrase as type of word formation is a fusion of two or more foundations for the formation of a new word. For English complex words, the most frequency are the formation consisting of two bases. Recently, in the English language and especially American newspapers, there have been a large number of nouns formed by the conversion of the phrase of the glorification from the combination of verb and adverb. Some of them have a clear repeatability of the second component, which in some cases gives reason to believe that a certain relationship is planned between the model and its value. Therefore, it is often possible to predict a value (or the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of the value) of each new, formed by this model of the word. But often for the whole group of such forecasts it is impossible, which makes it difficult to understand the new word. Examples of the words of this type are: Stay-in - Picketing; RIDE-IN - protest against discrimination against African Americans in buses; Fish-in - protest against the restriction of the fishing territory by American Indians; Apply-in is the requirement of equal opportunities when hiring to work; SIT-IN - Sitting strike, for example: Electricians sitting in ON Two North Sea Oil Platforms Were Flown Oft BY.

Recently, nouns with component -in, combined by the overall value of the competition, competition, competition, tournament, and conferences, competition, competition, tournament, conferences: Read-in - Readers' contests began to appear in the press. Recite-in - Competition of the declamators; Sail-in - Regatta, for example: Illegal Break-Ins for Purposes of Planting Listening Devices and Stealing Documents.

Conversion is the transition of words from one part of speech to another, leading to the formation of a new word without changing its initial form. This is another source of neologisms in English. Educated in conversion, they are widespread in newspaper vocabulary. High frequency of words formed by conversion is one of the distinguishing features of the newspaper style. Most often these are verbs formed from nouns, and nouns formed from verbs. It is appropriate to note that in the newly educated word, values \u200b\u200bare often developing, only indirectly related to the word-based. For example, in a pair to Hit - a Hit, you can observe an interesting development of the value in the name of the noun. As a result of a number of transfers and rethinking, the HIT value began to mean the success or what is successful. In the newspaper vocabulary, especially in the part of its part, which relates to political events, advertising, often found partially substantive words - this is a type of conversion, in which the word acquires only some signs of the noun, such as an article or the form of a plural. For example: The undemployed

unemployed; The Needy - needy; Casuals - comfortable shoes for every day;

Reducing is another type of word formation, which is also a source of neologisms. The abundance of abbreviated words, especially common in the headlines, is a characteristic feature of the newspaper. It should be noted that if the abbreviations were widespread in the 20th century in all European languages, then in English they are especially numerous.

2. Change word values.

Another way to form neologisms in the newspaper language is to change the meaning of words. It is associated with a change in valence bonds of words or the possibility of their use in different contexts. Since newspaper messages are focused on the mass reader, the change in words of words is often based on the rules of spoken speech, and these words are used in a portable, often hyperbulous value. Interesting the development of the meaning of the word Lobby and its derivatives. Its first meaning is an entrance hall. In the past century, Lobby began to use as a political term for the designation of parliamentary sidelines. In the US, this term began to call a person, "processing) members of the Congress in favor of the adoption of the right boss of the draft law. Later, a new noun Lobbyist was formed with a meaning of a person who collects information in political sidelines for his owner and secretly holds his policies. Soon it penetrated the Great Britain's newspaper political vocabulary, but here it was reflected. It began to designate a journalist with the right to priority in the publication of materials on the activities of Parliament. At present

the time in the word Lobby develops a new meaning - appeal to parliament or another state body with any requirement. This value switched to the verb to Lobby formed by conversion. For example: The Marchers "Route Took Them Past The Department of Education and Science Offices and The Greater London Council Offices, Where a Large Force Of Police Barred The Marchers from Actually Passing the Main Entrance and a Group Waiting to Lobby Councillors.

3. Borrowing from other languages.

The third by the appearance of neologisms in the newspaper is borrowing from another language. Such words due to multiple repetitions are gradually absorbed by the language. Their appearance is caused by various reasons. For example, French Detente (weakening international tensions), which is now often used in the English and American press, appeared as a result of a peace-loving policy Soviet Unionwho proclaimed the weakening of international tension by preserving peace all over the world. German blitzkrieg (blitzkrieg, lightning war) became everyday life after the failure of German fascist designs<молниеносной> wars. As examples of borrowed words, you can also bring: Tycoon (Japanese Prince\u003e) is used in the value of the industrial tycoon, rareled; Pundit (from the Hindi language, where it refers to a Hindu who knows Sanskrit, philosophy, jurisprudence) through the Time magazine entered the press language with the value of the sage, clench; German words LuftWaffe (fascist Air Force) and Putsch (coup, coup); Russian NYET ^<нет>) To designate the negative attitude of the Soviet Union to the militarist and non-colonialist policy of reaction governments, etc.

Newspaper stamps

As noted above, in order to maximize and simplify reading and understanding of newspaper text, words and phrases are used in the language of newspaper messages, repeated from the room in the room.

They constitute a kind of newspaper style terminology and, in fact, are newspaper stamps, or clichés. They, as nothing else, reflect the traditional maneru of the presentation of the material in newsstands, for example: Cold War Propaganda, War Hysteria, Well-Informed Sources, Danger of War, Economic DiffiCulties, Overwhelming Majority, Peaceful Coexistenstence and others. Clichés are needed in newspaper style, Since they cause instantaneous needy associations and do not allow ambiguousness. Newspaper stamps can be divided into two groups:

  • a) phrases that are always used in one composition;
  • b) phrases that allow the variability of the composition.

The first group is represented by a large variety of structures.

An (adjective + noun) - International Relations-- International relations; International Tension - International Tension; Orbital Station - orbital station; Joint Research - joint research; Peaceful Means - peaceful means; Legitimate Interests - Lawful interests Big Business - a big business.

V (a) n (verb + noun) - to Strengthen Peace - Fix the world; To Ban Nuclear Tests - to prohibit nuclear tests; to Stop The Arms Race - Stop (stop) Arms Racing; to Maintain Peace - support the world; To Have Priority - use the advantage, priority.

NN (noun + noun) - Arms Race - Arms Race; Blanket Ban is a common, latch ban.

Vprepn (verb + preposition + noun) - to be in efficect - to be in action; To Sit In The Cabinet - to be a member of the government.

complaint - complaint; to Lodge a complaint, to register a complaint - to declare a protest, complaint; Notice-- Warning of dismissal; to Give Notice - prevent dismissal; to Give A Short Notice - warn shortly before dismissal; Without notice - dismiss without warning; To Give 90 Days Notice - to warn about the dismissal in 90 days; To Receive A Lay-Off Notice - Get a warning about dismissal.

Combinations with adit - Vital - Issue, Interest, Importance, Field, Gap, Effect; Major - Area, Part, Break-Through, Result, Field, Progress, Problem, Source Of Employment, Source Of Information; Part-time (Full-Time) - Worker, Employment, Pay; Racial - Policy, Discrimination, Hatred, Tension.

The newspaper functional style in the English literary language has passed a long way of development and formation. The NEWS OF THE PRESENT WEEK was established in 1622 the first English newspaper in 1622. However, until the end of the XVII century, newspaper style was not formed. The reason for this was a ban on the use of a printing machine without the permission of the king. It created insurmountable barriers to newspaper. In 1695, when the term of this law has expired, many different sheets have appeared. So, a certain Harris, who had before unsuccessfully tried to publish a newspaper called Intelligence Domestic and Foreign, now stated that said newspaper, prohibited 14 years ago because of the "tyranny", again begins to go out in London. Following this newspaper, the first issue of the newspaper English Courant was then served by Packet Boat From Holland and Flanders newspaper, The Pegasus, The London Newsletter, The London Post, The Flying Post, The Old Postmaster and others.

Since that time, the history of the English newspaper begins. "Gradually produces a special manner of using English, due to the very characteristic features of communication and specific conditions in which this goal could be implemented." [Galperin 1958: 354]

However, only from the mid-XVIII century, the English newspaper acquires approximately the appearance that it is currently. It contains information about the events of the country's internal life and abroad, a large number of ads of all kinds (supply of services, sale, purchase, service of servants, etc.) and articles in which events of the day are commented.

The essential point of studying this topic is the theory of functional styles or functional and stylistic stratification of the language. It is considered generally recognized that the language does not exist as a single amorphous whole that there are certain varieties of language, which are determined by specific goals and the features of communication. By definition, V.V. Vinogradova, "Style is a socially conscious and functionally due, internally combined set of techniques of use, selection and combination of speech communication tools in the field of one or another common, nationwide language, correlative with the other methods of expression that serve for other purposes performs other functions in the speech social practice of this nation. " [Vinogradov 1955: 73]

There are a number of classifications of functional styles. Most scientists allocate the two most important functional style of the language - spoken and written. Some scientists, such as R.A. Budagov, allocate two pairs of language styles: conversational - written and scientific - artistic. M.N. The skin distinguishes the styles of the language:


and speech styles:

) colloquial


) Publicistic


I.V. Arnold allocates such functional styles as: oratorical, spoken, poetic, journalistic and newspaper, business, scientific. [Arnold 1973: 55]

The most famous classification of I.R. Halperin. It allocates the following functional styles:

) Scientific prose style or scientific style;

) the style of official documents or official style;

) newspaper style;

) journalistic style;

) art style

Touching the controversy regarding the highlighting of the newspaper style and defining its status, it is necessary to rely on such main functions as communication, a message and the impact in the communicative act. In this regard, it can be agreed that the newspaper style is an independent functional style with a certain social purpose, a combination of language functions that owns its main goal of the message, call and belief (impact). [Galperin 1988: 176] At the same time VL Naper relates a newspaper style to Mass Communication Megastil along with Publicistic and Religious.

I.R. Halperin highlights two types of newspaper style: a) style of newspaper posts, titles and ads, which make up, from its point of view, the essence of newsprint, and b) style of newspaper articles, which is a type of journalistic style, which also includes a spectrian style and essay style . [Galperin 1977: 310]

The social situation of communication for the newspaper is very specific. The newspaper is a means of information and a means of belief. It is designed for massive and moreover a very inhomogeneous audience, which she must keep, make himself read. There is a need to organize newspaper information to pass it quickly, compressed, to inform the main one, even if the note will not be done to the end, and to render a certain emotional impact on the reader. The presentation should not require a preliminary preparation reader, dependence on the context must be minimal. At the same time, along with the usual, constantly repeating theme in the newspaper, almost any subject appears, for some reason, which is relevant. Then these new situations and arguments also begin to repeat. This repetition, as well as the fact that the journalist usually does not have time for careful material processing, lead to frequent use of stamps. All this creates an identity of styrene-forming factors of newspaper text.

Considering the style of the newspaper Language as a holistic set of stylistic-functional phenomena, V.G. Kostomarov allocates the unified stylistic design principle of the newspaper - the dialectical association of its leading signs of expression and the standard understood in the broad sense of the word as estimated and intellectual principles in opposition to each other.

Despite the heterogeneity and transparency of the materials of the newspaper, all articles in the newspaper are combined with such non-rigorous means as graphics of the text itself, illustrative, specific placement of articles on a newspaper sheet (columns, headings, for example: Home News, Foreign News, Sport, Culture, ETC). So, considering the essay in the newspaper and referring it to a publicistic style, we, nevertheless, we see the influence of the newspaper style in the newspaper essay: the expression of elements of such informational genres, as a report and a note, the presence of a number of style features of newspapers, such as political conclusions and Generalizations, Humor and Satire Faketon, etc.

Due to the main features of the newspaper style (informativeness and evaluation), pure newspaper materials are distinguished: Chronicle (Brief News Items), reportage (Press Reports, Parliamentary Reports, Court Proceedings), purely information articles (Articles), Advertising and ads (Advertisements and Annoucements ), advanced article.

The newspaper is a means of information and a means of belief. It is designed for massive and moreover a very inhomogeneous audience, which she must keep, make himself read. The newspaper is usually read in conditions when it is fairly difficult to focus: in the subway, in the train, for breakfast, resting after work, at lunch break, filling for some reason the freed last period of time, etc. From here the need to organize newspaper information to transmit it quickly, compressed, inform the main one, even if the note will not be done until the end, and to render a certain emotional impact on the reader.

Newspaper and journalistic style performs the functions of the impact and messages (informing). A journalist reports facts and gives them an assessment. The main functions of the newspaper style are: intellectual-communicative, emotive, voluntative, approlective, at the same time aesthetic and contact functional functions have a special character in the newspaper and is carried out with the help of graphic agents: strokes, headlines, strip division, distribution over various pages. A.N. Vasilyeva highlights 5 basic functions: 1) informative; 2) analytical; 3) propaganda; 4) organizational; 5) entertaining. [Vasilyeva 1982: 38] These functions in various versions and combinations form fitted: officially informative and unofficially informative.

The main features of the language of the newspaper include:

) Saving linguistic means, conciseness of presentation in informative saturation;

) Selection of language facilities with installation on their absoluteness (newspaper - the most common type of media);

) the use of socio-political vocabulary and phraseology, rethinking the vocabulary of other styles of particular, terminological vocabulary) for publicist purposes;

) use of speech stereotypes characteristic of this style;

) genre diversity and related diversity of the stylistic use of language funds: multigid words, word formation resources (author neologisms), emotional expressive vocabulary;

) Combining a journalistic style feature with features of other styles (scientific, official-business, literary-artistic, conversational), due to the diversity of topics and genres;

) The use of finely expressive means of language, in particular, the means of stylistic syntax (rhetorical issues and exclamations, parallelism of construction, repeat, inversion, etc.).

The language of newspaper articles is often emotionally saturated, which brings him to the language of fiction. We meet in it figurative comparisons, metaphors, idioms, elements of humor, sarcasm, irony, etc. In addition to all this, the newspaper article usually has a certain political orientation.

At the same time, newspaper text has a number of characteristic lexico-syntactic traits. Newspaper text is abundantly saturated with special terms associated with political and state life; We encounter the names of political parties, government agencies, public organizations and terms associated with their activities, for example:

House of Commons - Council Community Chamber - Security Council of Good Will - Old War Good Will Mission - Cold War, etc.

For newspaper text, the following specific features are characterized:

) Frequent use of phraseological combinations that bear the nature of a kind of speech stamps, for example:

oCCASION OF - NO Case The Decision of - NO Solution Reply To - In response to a statement of - in the Reference to - Drawing to the Conclusion - come to the conclusion of Attach The Importance - Take Into Account - Take Attention

) Use of the design of the type "verb + that" in the presentation of someone else's statement, commenting on applications political figures etc., for example: The Paper Argues That This Decision Will Seriously Handicap The Country "S Economy. The newspaper believes that this decision will cause serious damage to the country's economy.

) Eating phraseological combinations of the type "verb + noun", for example:

  • 4) the use of neologisms formed by some productive suffixes, for example:
    • - ISM (Bevinism)
    • - IST (GAULLIST)

iTE (Glasgovite)

iZE (to atomize)

ation (Marshallization)

and prefixes: (Anti-American Campaign) (Pro-Arab Movement) (Inter-European Relations)

5) Wide use of impersonal revolutions as the introductory part of the messages, for example:

it is generally believed that ... no generally belief ... Is Officially Announced That ... Officially reported that ... is rumoured that ... rumors have been rumored that ... is reported that ... report that ... is suggeted that ... suggest that ... etc.

6) Frequent use of abbreviations, for example:

M.R. \u003d Member of Parliament

T.S. \u003d Trades Union Congress \u003d Television \u003d United Nations Organization \u003d North Atlantic Treaty Organization \u003d European Economic Community \u003d Transport and General Workers Union \u003d Foreign Office \u003d Prices and Incomes Board

In general, the newspaper text is characterized by the desire for compression and conciseness of the presentation, and this feature manifests itself especially bright in newspaper messages, on which we will stop somewhat more.

In the syntactic relationship newspaper text is much easier than the language of scientific and technical publications; It is less common in complex grammatical structures and revs.

The most frequently used the following designs:

Complex proposals for a developed system of departing offers

Outgal structures (infinitive, involved, gerundial and design with exclusive noun)

Syntactic complexes, especially nominative in combination with infinitive. These structures are often used in order to hide the source of the information received or not to take responsibility for published material.

Prepositive and postpositive definitions, which are usually expressed by nouns or gerundium with a pretext, involved in the turnover, infinitive, or a proposed syntactic complex with gerundia.

The functions of the newspaper style are carried out with the help of basic text categories, such as informativeness, integrity (continuum), segment, cohesion (connected), modality [Galperin 1981: 87-95]

Informativeness is expressed in 3 types of information:

  • a) meaningful factory
  • b) meaningful-conceptual
  • c) meaning-subtext

These species are in different ways are implemented in the message, description, reasoning, letter, resolution, contract, article, note.

Integrity or coherence is carried out using such rules of newspaper text, as zinch, details, decoupling (using keywords, thematic words synonyms, unions, certain articles, coronalization).

Cugezzia, which in the newspaper, as a rule, grammatical (words denoting the beginning of thought, transition to another subject of speech, transfer, generalization, explanation, rephrase).

The logical type of cohesion in newspaper texts is expressed in the sequence of temporary, spatial causal relations. Another type of cohesion is a composite-structural manifests in messages in the form of single-tailed subtitles, logical unifying masters into a single text and contributing to a simpler understanding of the text. There is also a semantic type of communication at the lexical level (the substitution of words by pronvious, adverbs, substantive adjectives, communion and numerical, keyword recovery), the syntactic type of communication (with the help of unions and viewed forms of verb and word order).

Clearness, that is, the definition of the most adequate type of text associated with the general composition of the text in the newspaper style is more often a volume-pragmatic type of membership. Taking into account the attention of the reader, the text is divided into paragraphs, the master, superflasional unity. Contextual-variable segment is expressed in crushing text structure by 1) the speech of the author; 2) someone else's speech; 3) improper-direct speech that appear in the newspaper text in the form of an eyewitness quotation in text or title.

Modality, or target communicative installation of the author and the rating category also inherent in the newspaper style in such types of text as the editorial. All these categories in the text are interrelated and are complex convergence, in various types of text: chronicle, report, editorial, advertising and in the newspaper essay.

Speaking of newspaper functional style, it is important to mention the pragmatic aspect of this issue. Pragmatics is largely implemented through information. Content and subtext information acquires in newspaper texts, as a rule, the evaluation character, thereby contributing to the implementation of the pragmatic installation, although it is rare in this type of text.

The affecting characteristics of each individual newspaper text are individual, therefore, for the purposes of more accurate description, an attempt was made to allocate more specific types of pragmatic installation, namely:

) Installation on a positive / negative estimate of the described phenomenon, or an estimated

) Installation on an estimate of the phenomenon as a desired / undesirable, necessary / probable / unlikely, for brevity and as a synonymous substitution in the text also uses the term "model installation"

) Installation on the assessment of statements as a true or false

) Installation to attract the attention of the reader

) Installation for prompting to action

From pragmatic installation as the characteristics of the whole text, all the many estimated, modal and other types of judgments, calls, which are usually present in the texts of sufficient length, should be distinguished. Each such judgment is almost a separate link in the affecting of the text content, a separate impassive moment. By the nature of the impact, such moments can be divided into four types, similar installation species: estimated, modal, motivating and truth. The affecting moments can directly form a pragmatic setting of text, but they can only be associated with it, the title is used by the criterion for determining the text setting.

1.3.1 newspaper style in English

M.N. Lapshina highlights the following styles in English:

1. Style of artistic speech;

2. Publicistic style;

3. Oratoric speech;

4. Scientific and technical style;

5. Official business style;

6. Newspaper style;

7. Free-conversational style.

The journalistic style in this classification is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality and expressiveness. Its main forms are essays, essays, reviews of analysts in which the author's opinion plays a very important role.

Newspaper style - style, the main task of which is an objective transmission of information, without bringing a subjective or emotional-evaluating nature into it.

In general, the system of functional styles constantly undergoes any changes, and the boundaries between the styles are blurred, and sometimes it is not easy to distinguish the style from the genre. Especially these difficulties are noticeable in the style of newspapers.

Ppm Kuznets and Yu.M. Scraper, the authors of the "Stylistics of English" noted that various speech styles are also being implemented in various newspapers - and officially business, and scientific, and sometimes in articles are even given excerpts from artistic works.

It is still possible to highlight the features of the newspaper style, and in this aspect it is very close to the newsprint-journalistic style in Russian. The newspaper is a means of information and a means of belief. The specific situation is very important - the newspaper is usually read in the subway, for breakfast. In this regard, even if the article or note will not be done to the end, it should impress and fulfill its main goal. Hence the need to transfer information quickly and compressed. The use of stamps is everywhere, as it facilitates the perception of the reader, and facilitates the task of the journalist, which usually has very little time to prepare the article. Also, the presentation should not require a preliminary preparation reader, dependence on the context must be minimized.

The newspaper style is celebrated a large percentage of use of their own - toponyms, anthroponyms, the names of institutions and organizations, as well as numerical and dates. There is a large number of internationalism and abstract words.

Newspaper style in English also characterize the following features.

1. Abundance of quotes and direct speech.

2. Replacing the verb is a steady combination, often in passive form, (for example, make contact with, be subjected to, Have the effect of, exhibit a Tendency to, Serve The Purpose of; Greatly to Be Desired, A Development to Be Expected).

3. The use of gerundia is preferably the proposed revolutions (for example, by Examination Of - by Examining).

4. Simple short words are replaced by more complex turns with pretexts (having regard to, in view of).

5. Features of the order of words - often the circumstance of the time is placed between the subject and faithful, which concentrates on the attack (A Group of Tory Backbenchers of the Cand Easter Peace Demonstration).

1.3.2 Newspaper style in Korean

The functional styles of the Korean language remain a low-developed area of \u200b\u200bthe stylistics. Theoretical provisions and principles that may be based on the basis of the study of a functional and stylist variety of literary Korean languages: artistic prose, newspaper texts, journalistic performances, scientific texts, official documents. In Korean linguistics, the study of the functional styles of speech was not formed into a special linguistic liding problem, so, the functional stylist as an independent section of this science is not allocated. However, the problem of speech style itself is currently being actively developed from the position of the theory of communication.

As for the types of texts and composite-speech forms, this problem is mainly engaged in literature and semiotics specialists. The genre variety of speech works is studied and the framework of the theory of text types.

Despite the fact that functional stylistics as an independent section of science is not allocated, the problem itself is actively investigated by the problem of various "expression methods". At the same time, the speech style corresponding to one or another communicative conditions is considered in terms of its effectiveness in achieving the goal.

Usually allocate five main "basic" functional styles: scientific, official-business, journalistic, artistic and colloquial-household. The closest to this classification of styles gives Linguist Pak Eshong: socio-political style, official-business style, scientific and technical style, newspaper style, artistic style and helpful style.

As for the chalflection of newspaper style, in the vocabulary of this style, there is a large percentage of their own, numerical, dates, the abundance of Hanube vocabulary, borrowing from the English language, cliché and so on. The Korean language newspaper is highlighted by the use of hieroglyphics, most often hieroglyphs are used in headlines.

The expressiveness of the speech is implemented in the style of "Novelty Effect", in the desire for unusualness and freshness of phrases, as well as in the desire to avoid the repetitions of the same words (in addition to terms), the wide use of verbal imagery, for example, such phrases, like ° y ѕa "Μґsh (take the first steps), № №С іС ° ibzґch (transferring the relay), Ії іё| ґuѕzhbtsґh (give wings).

Collectivity as a linguistic sign of newspaper style finds an embodiment in the originality of the category of faces (use of the 1st and 3rd face in a generalized meaning), in the increased frequency of pronoun, їїё® (we, our). Collectivity as an expression of the spirit of collectivism creates the impression of the monumentality of statements, its significance.

The information function is implemented by multiple means of different levels. So, the text of the newspaper often uses scientific, official-business, socio-political terminology; Special vocabulary of different areas of knowledge and professions; There is a wide use of the abbreviations and the philanthropists of the terminological nature borrowed from English: APEC (Organization for Economic Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region), EU (European Union), OPEC (Organization of Oil Exporting Countries) and others.

Based on the material studied, it can be argued that the newspaper and journalistic style covers all areas of life of our society, so it is often in the texts of this style you can find a vocabulary and from other styles. The prevailing functions in the texts of the newsprint-journalistic style are information - a message about a new fact, an event - and affecting the belief of readers in something. The newspaper and journalistic information group is represented by such genres as a note, chronicle, report, interview and report. Each of these genres has its own stylistic features. Also in the texts of the information type, four types of information feed are being implemented - officially informational, information and informal and infaturation and expressive.

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It is known that the system of functional styles is in a state of continuous development. Styles themselves are separate in different degrees: the boundaries of some of them are not easy to determine, and styles are hard to separate from genres ...

Department of Higher and Middle Special

Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbek State University of World Languages

For manuscript rights

Normurodova Nosia Zaripovna

Stylistic aspects of newspaper style in English and Uzbek

Specialty: 5a 220102

Linguistics (English)


For academic degree

Master of English philology

The work is also considered by the supervisor:

It is allowed to protect the d. F. n. Professor

Head Department, Ph.D. Ashurova D. U.

G.Sh. Atahanova Opponent: Ph.D.

"___" __________ 2009 G.Sh. Athenova

Tashkent 2009.

Introduction ................................................................................................................. ...... 3-5

Chapter I Features of Newspaper Text as one of the functional styles

    1. The concept of functional style in modern linguistics ... .......................... 6-22

    2. The specificity of the stylistic aspects of the newspaper article, in contrast to the artistic text .................................................................................... ..... 22-32.
Conclusions……………………………………………………………………....................... ..... 33-36.

Chapter II Stylistic Characteristics of Newspaper Text

2.2. Formation characteristics of the newspaper article in English and Uzbek ................................................................................................ .............................. 60-75

2.3. Specific features of the title in English and Uzbek .............................................................................................. .............. 75-97

Conclusions…………………………………………………………………........................ ...... 97-100

Conclusion ..................................................................... .......................... .... 100-102.

List used literature ............................................................................... 103-108

Application…………………………………………………………........................... ..... 109-113


Integration of Uzbekistan into the world community, the rapid growth of international economic, political and cultural ties involves a radical restructuring in studying and teaching foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages, both practical and theoretical aspect, enriches the spiritual world of man. It is science that is one of the factors of successful mastering the language, the development of education, improving the personnel training system. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan notes: "Science should become a means of force moving forward the development of society" [Karimov, 1999,150].

Relevance Studies are due to insufficiently studied stylistic aspects of newspaper and journalistic text. Problems of text, features of the impact and perception of the text, in our case, newspaper and journalistic, always in the center of the attention of researchers, which also testifies to the relevance of our research.

Working hypothesis. Newspaper and journalistic style, performing informative and affecting functions, is characterized by stylistic marking, which has specific characteristics.

Purpose The dissertation research is the study of inter-level stylistic means of newspaper - journalistic text. Achieving the goal requires solving the following tasks:

  • Consider the concept of functional style in modern

  • Describe the specifics of the stylistic aspects of the newspaper article in contrast to the artistic text;

  • Carry out the inter-level categorization of stylistic funds in the English and Uzbek newspaper text;

  • Consider the word-forming characteristics of the newspaper article in English and in Uzbek;

  • Determine the specific features of the title in English and Uzbek;

In the course of the study used complex research methods, comprising a descriptive method, contextual-situational, analysis of dictionary definitions, semantic and stylistic analysis, comparative comparable method.

Object Research is newspaper and journalistic articles in English and Uzbek.

Subject Research is the stylistic features of newsprint-journalistic articles and their specific characteristics in each of the languages \u200b\u200bunder consideration.

Scientific novelty The dissertation study is that the work discusses little issues:

  • Stylistic aspects of newspaper and journalistic text

  • The specificity of the newspaper and journalistic style is in English and in Uzbek.
Reliability Research results are provided by such factors as a scientific research base, research methodology and its methods, complexity and degree of compliance of the theoretical concept, as well as obtaining new results and formulation of new problems.

Theoretical The importance of the study is determined by the significance of the subject matter under consideration for modern linguistics, in particular text linguistics. Conclusions can contribute to the development of the theory of functional styles, stylistics and comparative-stylistic typology.

Practical value The dissertation works is that the results obtained can be used when reading the stylistics courses of the English language and the interpretation of newspaper text, as well as a variety of special courses on text linguistics. Research materials can be used when writing coursework and final work.

Methodological basis Research is the fundamental work in the field of stylistics I.R. Galperin, I.V.Anold, V.A. Kuishchenko, Scraper, Razinkina, Naur V.L., E.G Rizel, M.N. Skin, Brands, G.G. Molchanova, L.S. Barhudarov, V.V. Vinogradov.

Research material served by modern English, American and Uzbek newspaper texts (The Times, International Herald Tribune, The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, The World News, The Economist, The Economic Review, Diyonat, Ma'Rifat, ISHONCH, O'ZBEKISTON ovozi, Xalq ovozi, Qadriyat, Mulkdor, Shifo, Oila va Jamiyat), as well as monolingual and bilingual dictionaries (Macmillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners, English Russian Phraseological Dictionary, Neologizmlar tasnifi lug'ati, Oxford English- Russian Dictionary).

Provisions Defended:

  1. Newspaper and journalistic text performs two functions: informative and affecting.

  2. Newspaper and journalistic text has a specific character of stylistic marking.

  3. Stylistic marking in the newspaper and journalistic text manifests itself at all levels of the language, i.e. It has an inter-level character.

  4. In each of the languages \u200b\u200bunder consideration, newspaper and journalistic text is characterized by specific features that are manifested at levels:

  • Lexical units;

  • Stylistically marked units;

  • Syntactic structures and grammatical forms;

  • Word formation;

  • Phraseological units.
Structure of work. The thesis consists of administration, two chapters with conclusions at the end of each, conclusion, a list of used literature and applications.

Chapter I. Features of newspaper text as one of the functional styles.

1.1. The concept of functional style in modern linguistics.

The problem of functional stylistics as a special direction of linguistic studies began to pay attention to the beginning of the twentieth century such Russian scientists as Boduen de Courta I.A., Polyvanov E.D., Vinogradov V.V., Yakubinsky L.P. The ideas about functional styles have made a great contribution to the functional stylist as a language system. Scientists Galperin I.R, Arnold I.V, Akhmanova O.S, Naer V.L. Kukhanedko V.A. Rizel E.G., Spelin M. N. And other scientists. The problems of the functioning of the language in various spheres of human social activities have become the subject of many subsequent studies. The problem of the functional-style differentiation of the tongue began to increasingly attract scientists due to the fact that the language cannot be considered as something single and absolutely homogeneous in its functional-style, genre composition, excluding internal parallelism and intersection of its components. The variability of the language is manifested in its functioning corresponding to a specific communicative task. Such a compliance ensures the uniqueness of the functional style (FS) as the system of language tools used to perform a specific functional task in a specific communicative environment. Speech styles depend on the social context in which the communication process takes place. The word can approach or not fit for a specific situation. The stylistic characteristic of the word allows you to use it in any of the functional styles.

I.V. Marnold considers the functional styles "Language subsystems, each of which has its own specific features in vocabulary and phraseology, in syntactic structures, and sometimes in phonetics. Each style is a system of closely related lexical, grammatical and phonetic drugs. [Arnold, 1981, 45].

Famous domestic Angrup N. M. Razinkina, which is engaged in functional style, determines the FS as "a set of texts, written and oral, characterized by a more or less defined target orientation and presence of language funds (at various levels), for which special selection and specific processing are typical. [Reninkina 1989,182].

M.N. Kozhina, a leading specialist in functional style believes that "functional style is a peculiar nature of a speechless or other social variety, corresponding to a certain sphere of social activities and a compliance with it, created by the features of functioning in this area of \u200b\u200blanguage tools and specific A speech organization that creates a certain overall stylistic color / Macro-Crack / "Derobintsev, 1982, 49]. All these numerous definitions combine, first of all, the accounting of the extrallinguistic factor in the allocation of functional styles. It is the purpose and objectives of communication in a particular field of communication determine the choice of language funds, although the situation factor is not the only criterion for such a selection.

In English, it is customary to allocate the following functional styles (Classification I.R. Halperin):

Scientific prose style or scientific style;

The style of official documents or official style;

Newspaper style;

Journalistic style;

Art style.

Some of these styles have their own lit. For example, artistic style combines the language of poetry, prose and drama.

I.R. Halperin highlights two types of newspaper style: a) style of newspaper posts, titles and ads, which make up, from its point of view, the essence of newsprint, and b) style of newspaper articles, which is a type of journalistic style, which also includes a spectrian style and essay style [Galperin, 1977, 307].

I.V. Arnold includes colloquial, poetic, business and oratorical classification as separate styles [Arnold, 2002,302].

The functional styles system is an object and stylistic studies. Communication scope also includes circumstances accompanying the process of speech production in each individual case. There is professional communication, informal conversation, lecture, official letter, telephone conversation, etc. All these situations can be generally divided into formal and informal.

I.R. Halperin offers the following stylistic classification of the lexical units of the English language used in formal and informal situations that are "serviced" by various functional styles:

1. Neutral, overhangivers and colloquial vocabulary;

2. Special literary vocabulary;

Scientific prose style or scientific style.

Scientific style has a number of general traits that are manifested independently of the nature of certain sciences (natural, accurate, humanitarian) and differences between the genres of statements (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specificity of the style as a whole . At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts in physics, chemistry, mathematics are noticeably different in the nature of the presentation from texts by philology or history. Scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of links between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors to accuracy, compression, unambiguities while maintaining the saturation of the content [Lazarev, 1989, 21].

Logic- This is the presence of semantic links between sequential text units. Sequenceit has only such a text in which the conclusions flow out of the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic sections, reflecting the movement of thought from private to common or from common to particular. ClarityAs the quality of scientific speech, suggests understandability, availability. According to the degree of accessibility, scientific, scientific and educational and popular texts differ in material and in the method of its language design. Accuracyscientific speech implies unambiguousness of understanding, the lack of discrepancies between the meant and its definition. Therefore, in scientific texts, as a rule, there are no figurative, expressive agents; Words are used primarily in direct value, the frequency of terms also contributes to the uniqueness of the text. The hard requirements of the accuracy presented to the scientific text make a limit on the use of generic language: metaphor, epithets, artistic comparisons, proverbs, etc. Sometimes such funds can penetrate scientific works, as the scientific style seeks not only accuracy, but and to persuasiveness, evidence. Sometimes figurative means are necessary for the implementation of the requirement of clarity, the accuracy of the presentation. Emotionic, like expressiveness, in a scientific style, which requires an objective, "intellectual" presentation of scientific data, is expressed differently than in other styles. The perception of the scientific work can cause certain feelings from the reader, but not as a response to the emotionality of the author, but as awareness of the scientific fact. Although the scientific discovery is affected independently of the method of its transfer, the author of the scientific work itself does not always refuse to have an emotional and appraisal attitude towards the issued events and facts. The desire for limited use of the author's "I" is not a tribute to etiquette, but the manifestation of the abstract-generalized style feature of scientific speech reflecting the form of thinking.

The characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their saturation terms (in particular, international). However, however, to overestimate the degree of this saturation: on average, the terminological vocabulary is usually 15-25 percent of the overall vocabulary used in the work. The use of abstract vocabulary [Arnold, 2002, 318] plays a major role in the style of scientific papers.

The vocabulary of scientific speech is three main reservoirs: common words, general scientific words and terms. In any scientific text, commonly consuming vocabulary is the basis of the presentation. First of all, words with a generalized and distracted meaning (Genesis, consciousness fixes, temperature) are selected. With the help of general scientific words, phenomena and processes are described in different fields of science and technology (system, question, value, indicate). One of the features of the use of general scientific words is their multiple repetition in a narrow context.

The term is a word or phrase, accurately and uniquely called the subject, the phenomenon or the concept of science and the content revealing. The term carries a large amount of large volume. In sensible dictionaries, the terms are accompanied by a "special" mark.

Morphological features of scientific style - the predominance of nouns names, the widespread dissemination of disturbed nouns (Time, Condition, Appearance), the use of multiple number of nouns that do not have multiple numbers in the usual use of the unique number for generalized concepts, consumption of almost exclusively forms of present In a timeless meaning indicating the constant nature of the process. In the field of morphology, the use of shorter form options is observed (which corresponds to the principle of linguistic assessment), the objective nature of the presentation, the use of "we" instead of "I", the passage of pronouns, the narrowing of the circle of personal forms of verb (3 person), the use of the forms of the suffering time of the past time , reprehensive, impersonal predicative forms.

The scientific style dominates the logical, book syntax. Typical complicated and complex structures, narrative offers, direct word order. Logical certainty is achieved through subordinate unions (SO, AS, SO That ...), input words (first, second, in consequence of). For communication parts of the text, special means (words, phrases and suggestions) are used, pointing to the sequence of thoughts (AT The Beguinning, Then, At First of All, Beforehand), on the connection of the previous and follow-up information ("Above-Mentioned, AS WE SAID , as it is marked), for causal relationships ("But, Because, In Thanks of, at the Result of, in the Relations of), to a new topic (Consider IT NOW, Let's Take ITO Consideration), on Proximity, identity of objects, circumstances, signs (IT IT, The Same, Here, There). Among the simple proposals are the widespread design with a large number of dependent, successively limited nouns in the form of a genitive case [Galperin, 1977, 320].

Types and genres of scientific style

There are three varieties (litig) of scientific style: actually scientific line; Scientific training line; Scientific and popular line. Within the framework of the scientific line, such genres, as a monograph, dissertation, report, etc. The subtile is different in general, the strict, academic manner of the presentation. It combines scientific literature written by experts and intended for specialists. This litter is opposed to a popularly popular subtile. Its function is to popularize scientific information. Here, the author of the specialist addresses the reader who is not familiar with this sufficiently with this science, so the information is presented in affordable, and often in an entertaining form.

A peculiarity of the scientific and popular line is the compound in it of polar style features: logicness and emotionality, objectivity and subjectivity, abstractness and concreteness. Unlike scientific prose in popular science literature, significantly less than special terms and other scientific funds actually.

The scientific and educational subtile combines the features of the scientific line and popular science presentation. With the actual scientific line, it is relative to the terminology, systemic in the description of scientific information, logicality, evidence; With scientific and popular - availability, saturation of illustrative material. The genres of the scientific and educational line includes: tutorial, lecture, seminar report, the response to the exam, etc. You can allocate the following genres of scientific prose: monograph, magazine, review, textbook (textbook), lecture, report, information message (about the conference held, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at the conference, symposium, etc.), dissertation, scientific report. These genres belong to the primary, that is, the author created for the first time. To secondary texts, that is, the texts drawn up on the basis of existing ones are: abstract, abstract, abstract, abstract, abstract. When preparing secondary texts, the information is coagulated in order to reduce the volume of the text [Arnold, 1990,261]. The genres of the educational and scientific line includes a lecture, a seminar report, term paper, a reference message.

The style of official documents or official style.

This fs is not homogeneous and is represented by The Following Substyles or Variants: Official-Business Style, is used for communication, informing in an account (sector of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This FS is not homogeneous and submitted by the following options (SUB STYLES):

  • Language of business documents;

  • language of legal documents;

  • Language of diplomacy;

  • Language of military documents.
Like other styles of the language, this style has a specific communicative goal and its own system of interrelated language and stylistic. The main purpose of this type of communication is the state of the conditions of the mandatory two parties and the achievement of an agreement between the two contracting parties. The most common appointment of the style of official documents predetermines the features of the style. Most characteristic feature is an special system Stamps, terms and expressions are installed with which each sub style can be easily recognizable. All these varieties are the use of abbreviation, conditional designations and abbreviations, for example, deputy of parliament (member of the Parliament), Ltd (Limited). Reducing especially many military documents. They are used not only as ordinary characters, as well as signs of military code [Galperin, 1971,326]. Another feature of the style is to use words in their logical literal sense. There is no place for implementing any other sense. This style exists solely in the writing of speech, the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The view is speech-often monologue, the type of communications is public. Style features - imperativeness (redefining), accuracy, preventing inetopling, standardized (strict text composition, accurate selection of facts and methods of their feed), no emotionality.

Art style.

Language of fiction is sometimes mistakenly called literary language; Some scientists consider it one of the functional styles of the literary language. However, in reality, all language funds can be used for artistic speech, and not only the units of functional species of the literary language, but also elements of the surprise, social and professional jargues, local dialects. The selection and use of these funds the writer subordinates the aesthetic purposes, which he seeks to achieve the creation of his work. In the artistic text, various means of language expression are melted into a single, stylistically and aesthetically justified system, to which the regulatory estimates attached to the individual functional styles of the literary language [Brandes, 1971,200].

The way in the artistic text combines a variety of language tools, which stylistic techniques use a writer, as it "translates" concepts into images, etc., is the subject of the stylistics of artistic speech. The most bright and consistent principles and methods of this scientific discipline are reflected in the works of Academician V. V. Vinogradov, as well as in the works of other Soviet scientists - M. M. Bakhtina, V. M. Zhirmunsky, B. A. Larina, O. Vinorur and others.

So, V.V. Vinogradov noted: "... the concept of" style "in the application to the language of fiction is filled with other content than, for example, in relation to the styles of business or stationery and even styles of journalistic and scientific ... The language of fiction is not quite correlated with other styles, It uses them, includes them in itself, but in peculiar combinations and in the transformed form ... "[Vinogradov, 1969, 65].

Artistic literature, as well as other art types, is inherent in a specific-figurative representation of life in contrast, for example, from abstracted, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. For the artistic work, perception is characterized by feelings and rewarding reality, the author seeks to pass on its own personal experience, your understanding and understanding of one or another phenomenon. For the artistic style of speech typically, attention to the private and accidental, followed by typical and general. The world of fiction is "rendered" the world, the reality depicted is to a certain extent the author's fiction, and therefore, a subjective moment plays a major role in the artistic style of speech. All surrounding reality is represented through the vision of the author. But in the artistic text we see not only the world of the writer, but also a writer in this world: His preferences, condemnation, admiration, rejection, etc. Emotionality and expressiveness are associated with this, metaphoricity, meaningful multi-artistic speech style.

As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms expressed by language and extralyinguistic means. Artistic speech Along with the uneximiced constitute two levels of the national language. The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs nominative-visual function.

The lexical composition and functioning of speech-style words have their own characteristics. The words that make up the basis and creating the image of this style are primarily included in the figures of the Russian literary language, as well as words that implement their value in context. These are the words of the wide sector of use. Luxury-specific words are used to a slight degree, only for creating artistic reliability in describing certain parties to life. In the artistic style of speech, speech multitude of the word is very widely used, which opens additional sense and semantic shades in it, as well as synonymy in all language levels, so that it becomes possible to emphasize the finest shades of values. This is explained by the fact that the author seeks to use all the wealth of the language, to the creation of its unique language and style, to the bright, expressive, shaped text. The author uses not only a vocabulary of a codified literary language, but also a variety of visual means from spoken speech and spacious [Zadornov, 1986, 32].

The framework of the artistic text overlook the emotionality and expressiveness of the image. Many words that in scientific speeches act as well-defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and publicistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech act - as specific sensual performances. Thus, styles are functionally complemented by each other. For artistic speech, especially poetic, inversion is characterized, i.e. The change in the usual order of words in the proposal to strengthen the semantic significance of any word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic color. The syntactic system of artistic speech reflects the flow of shaped-emotional copyright impressions, so here you can meet all the variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates the language means to fulfilling its ideological and aesthetic problems [Solknik, 1997, 251].

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms caused by artistic updating, i.e. The author of some thought, ideas, features important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms. Especially often this technique is used to create a comic effect or a bright, expressive artistic image.

For artistic style, it is characterized by the use of a large number of stylistic figures and trails (speech revolutions in which the word or expression is used in the portable value). For example:

1. Paths: · Epitheet - fashion definition; · Metaphor - the use of words in a figurative value to determine the subject or phenomenon similar to it with separate features; · Comparison is a comparison of two phenomena, items; · hyperbole - exaggeration; · litters - denial; · periphrase - replacement of a single-catching name by a descriptive expression; · Allegory - allegory, hint; · Protecting - transfer of human properties to inanimate objects.

2. Stylistic figures: · Anaphor - the repetition of individual words or revolutions at the beginning of the sentence; · Epiphara - the repetition of words or expressions at the end of the sentence; · Parallelism - the same construction of proposals; · antithesis - turnover, in which the concepts are sharply opposed; · Oxumor - comparison mutually exclusive concepts; · Nezvuzie (asindandon) and multi-joint (polysindone); · Rhetorical issues and appeals.

Thus, according to a variety, wealth and expressive capabilities of language means, an artistic style is above the other styles, is the most complete expression of the literary language.

With respect to the conversational style, there are opposite points of view, some researchers allocate a conversational style (SM.M. SM.), Others believe that there is no conversational style, and there is a written and oral form of speech (Galperin I.R.). It is still presented to the allocation of a conversational style with legitimate, as it is characterized by specific language and out-of-language characteristics. The conversational style serves to directly communicate when allocating with their thoughts or feelings, exchange information on domestic issues in an unofficial situation. It often uses spoken and spacious vocabulary. It is very important to imagine the ratio of spoken style with a form and a view of speech [Scraper, 2003, 87]. Crane style is generated by the oral form of speech, and its specific features depend on oral speech. But the forms and style of speech are not identical, and the possibility of using a conversational style in writing is not excluded. It is found in private advertising correspondence. As for the species of speech, that is, a dialogic or monological species, a dialogue defining the formative, although the monologue is not excluded. In literary works, it is predominantly an internal monologue. Stylish factors for a conversational style are the function of the language implemented in the conversational speech, and all the functions of the language except for aesthetic are implemented in the conversational speech. However, the exclusion of aesthetic function is subject to a certain extension, and it would be possible to lead cases. When it is implemented, it is simply characteristic of this function here. Than in other styles, and its role here is much less than the role of the contact and emotive function.

The stylistic structure of spoken speech is thus heterogeneous. This includes various socially determined littered, which interact in it.

In the last decade in connection with the intensive development of advertising business in linguistics, research devoted to the style of advertising also appear. Since advertising is characterized by specific language and out-of-language characteristics, the highlighting of an advertising style as an independent functional style seems to be fully justified. We note some features of the advertising style. The purpose of advertising is usually reduced to convince potential buyers in the utility of goods and lead to the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying it. In a simplified form, the advertising message is reduced to the formula: "If you buy something and something, you will get such a benefit ...".

The power of advertising exposure depends on such a factor as the repeatability of information. It should be striving to ensure that the suggestive message repeated several times, and each time it was made something new, the methods and forms of maintenance were changed. It is known that the advertising message is rarely noticed and reads to the end from the first time [Ilyin, 2005,5]. Even less often it is absorbed and remembered after the first reading or listening. Therefore, with the first meeting with an advertising, a person should receive such a momentum of psychological impact from it, which exceeded and overcoming him inertia in receiving information. Otherwise, the process of perception of an advertising message may interrupt or stop at all. The intensity of the impact of the advertising message is in close connection with the so-called "information forgetfulness". Human memory has developed specific methods for coding, processing and storing information. Of the rather large volume of the processed information in memory, only a very limited part remains. A significant part of the information is remembered for a short time - to successfully solve the tasks of current activities. This is the so-called RAM. Most often, advertising message immediately after its perception is forgotten.

  • to attract attention;

  • maintenance of interest;

  • manifestation of emotions;

  • conviction;

  • decision-making;

  • action (shopping);
So, each stage of the psychological impact of advertising on consumer consciousness requires the use of certain methods and methods of advertising impact capable of ensuring the greatest psychological effect [Mokshantsev, 2007.87].

Title - the most important component of the verbal part of the advertising. Usually actualizes the strongest advertising motive and the main advertising argument. As a rule, about 80% of the heading read is not interested in the main advertising text and do not get acquainted with it. Therefore, the most important function of the advertising header is to draw the attention of potential consumers and cause their interest in reading advertising text. For this, the title must have such characteristics as:

  • Laconicity and at the same time meaningfulness

  • Emotionality, brightness

  • Rationality, informativeness.
The header volume is much larger than the slogan. More often complex sentences With several apparent, less often - simple sentences. Examples of advertising headlines that met in English newspapers:

Join The Revolution- Autumn / Winter Collection .be Part of this Season's Red Revolution, Get The Look Stand Up and Be Counted Striking Flame Red Lips. Be Beatiful; Beauty is More Than What We See, It's Also What We Feel and Who Are We We WE. Nivea - That's What Beaty; . Be Like No Other Sony Color That Suits Your Style. Look. Try Be sure. Your Skin Is Ideal. Idealist - Skin Refinisher»; .

With all the conciseness, the headlines have an emotional orientation, which is necessary for the impact on the recipient.

Journalistic style.

The function of a journalistic style that distinguishes it from other speech styles can be formulated as follows: Impact on the reader or listener in order to convince it in the correctness of the provisions of the provisions or cause it in it the desired reaction to what has been said not so much logically informed argumentation, how much power, emotional expression tension, The show of those features that can most effectively be used to achieve the goal.

Published style occupies an intermediate place between the style of scientific prose and the style of artistic speech. With the style of scientific prose, it brings the logical sequence in presenting the facts, the exploration of statement, more or less strict division on logical segments (paragraphs). On the other hand, the journalistic style has a number of common features with a style of artistic speech. The imagery of speech, and, in particular, emotional elements of the language are very characteristic of journalistic style. In this style, the pattern of speech is established. Metaphors, comparisons, periprases and other means of emotional impact are taken from the general language fund of expressive funds. Another feature, brings closer to this style with the style of artistic speech, is the manifestations of individual limited features of the style itself. Another feature of the journalistic style is the shortesty. In some of his varieties, this feature acquires the character of a special reception. So, in the essay, the summary of the presentation takes the form of the city [Pelevina, 1980,270]. Consider certain varieties of this style.

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