How to prepare for the exam in physics. Physics: basic concepts, formulas, laws

First of all, you need to assess your current level of knowledge and understand what you want to achieve. If by “from scratch” we mean complete ignorance of the subject, then before rushing to solve a bunch of tests from all sorts of FIPI books, you need to try to understand the processes and laws of physics themselves, in my opinion, understanding should be the main point that you need to pay attention to . Understanding will greatly help you when solving the part where there is a choice of answer (if there is one, I don’t know). And so, in order to begin to understand something, you need to take a textbook, open the sections of physics in order and read several times, you don’t need to think that reading once will be enough for you, you need to re-read it, so be patient. From books on theory, I would recommend the textbooks of G.Ya. Myakishev, only the profile level, a separate book is devoted to each section. But not for constant reading, but in case of discovering incomprehensible places and reading in more detail, the detail of the presentation often solves the problem of understanding. And for the basic study of the theory:, everything is described there in a moderately concise and sensible manner. I don’t see the point in reading something fundamental like Landsberg, you’ll spend a lot of time, it’s not worth it for the Unified State Exam. Training videos can be an excellent option, but not at all. I STRONGLY recommend the videos of Mikhail Penkin (teacher at MIPT), there are a lot of them on the Internet and I don’t think you can find better ones. His videos may be able to replace all your textbooks; it will be even better if you start with them! Next, about cramming formulas, etc. Don’t cram formulas, try to solve problems where these formulas are used, over time you will remember them; learn to derive formulas yourself, knowing the basic laws, you can get almost anything. Of course, you say that it’s difficult, starting from scratch, but it’s still worth trying. As for solving problems with calculations and detailed answers: start with simple ones, and as soon as you can solve them, increase the level of complexity of the problems. To learn how to solve problems, first of all, you should analyze already solved problems from the sections of interest, because methods, approaches and, in general, an understanding of what to do will not arise on your own, no matter how long you sit on the problem. I recommend the books “Physics Tutor” by I.L. Kasatkina, a lot of analyzed problems, read and understand, try to solve a similar one. If you are ready to pay money, then I do not advise you to go to a tutor, but I recommend the portal, this is not an advertisement. There you can take training courses, the teachers are unique. The most important thing is don’t give up, and don’t think that everything is complicated, as soon as you start to figure it out, you’ll realize that you want to figure it out further. I’ll warn you about the heaps of materials from the Internet, there may be errors everywhere, and a person who has just started is practically unable to distinguish good materials for preparation from the unknown, don’t take for granted the first thing you come across, try to figure it out, question everything, this is the key to progress. And so, if we draw a line:

1) try to understand

2) start with something simple

3) don’t get hung up on solving simple problems, if you understand, it won’t fly out of your head

4) don’t cram

5) use good sources (the ones I cited were personally verified by me)

It’s better that you understand and answer the Unified State Exam with confidence than memorize and solve problems. It is NOT possible to understand everything in a year, believe me, physics is not just an algorithm of actions. But you must have topics that you delve into in order to solve all of them, or almost all of them, with confidence. So, when you “go through” all the sections, you should especially pay attention to those that are better. Good luck!

Physics is an exact and fundamental science that studies the general laws of various natural phenomena, as well as the laws of the structure and movement of matter. All laws and concepts of physics form the foundations of the subject of natural science.

IN high school appears separate item- physics, the main goal of which is to develop students’ knowledge of the subject, style of thinking and scientific worldview. From the seventh to the ninth grade, schoolchildren study a basic course in physics, thanks to which an idea of ​​the physical picture of the world is formed, basic physical concepts, terms and laws are studied, as well as basic algorithms for solving problems, and research and experimental skills are developed. At the end of ninth grade, students take GIA in Physics. By searching the search engine “physics for free” on the Internet you can find various video tutorials, reference books, books and articles , that will help you prepare yourself .

Experimental and theoretical physics

It is very difficult to determine the line where the theoretical part of a physics course ends and the experimental part begins, since they are very closely interrelated and complement each other. The goal of experimental physics is to conduct various experiments to test hypotheses, laws, and establish new facts. Theoretical physics is focused on explaining various natural phenomena based on physical laws.

Physics subject structure

It is quite difficult to divide the subject of physics structurally, since it is closely related to other disciplines. However, all its sections are based on fundamental theories, laws and principles that describe the essence physical processes and phenomena.

Main sections of physics:

  • mechanics - the science of movement and the forces causing movement;
  • molecular physics - section studying physical properties bodies from the point of view of their molecular structure;
  • oscillations and waves - a branch of physics that deals with periodic changes in the movement of particles;
  • Thermophysics is a group of disciplines in theoretical foundations energy;
  • electrodynamics - a section that studies the properties of the electromagnetic field, electrical and magnetic phenomena, electricity;
  • electrostatics - a branch of physics that deals with the electrostatic field, as well as electric charges;
  • magnetism - the science of magnetic fields;
  • optics studies the properties and nature of light;
  • atomic physics - a branch of physics about the properties of atoms and molecules;
  • quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies quantum mechanical and quantum field systems and the laws of their motion.

How to prepare for the State Examination in Physics?

It is necessary to repeat and study the material in accordance with the requirements for the State Academic Examination in Physics. Various reference books, manuals and collections will help with this. test tasks. Will be useful free physics classes with analysis of GIA demo options, which are presented on the website.

You should be interested additional materials and take part in trial testing. While completing test tasks, you become familiar with the features of the questions. It was noticed that students who took test classes ended up gaining higher scores. It is necessary to draw up a plan for independent study, indicating the topics that you plan to learn for GIA in Physics. You can start with the most difficult and incomprehensible ones. Also, you don’t need to try to learn the entire textbook at once or watch all the video lessons. It is important to structure the material being studied, draw up plans and tables that will help better memorization and repetition. It doesn’t hurt to alternate between classes and rest, as well as to be confident in your abilities and not think about failures.

Basic formulas in physics, explanations of formulas, school program And further training, helping schoolchildren study physics, practical application of physics...

Basic formulas in physics for grade 9. Everything you need to know!

From Masterweb

05.06.2018 14:00

Physics is a strict technical science. Sometimes not everyone succeeds in this discipline in school years. Moreover, not every schoolchild has a logical and technical mind, and absolutely everyone is forced to learn physics at school. Formulas from a textbook may not fit in your head. In this article we will look at the basic formulas in physics for grade 9 mechanics.


It’s worth starting with the most basic and simplest laws in physics. As you know, such a broad topic as mechanics consists of three paragraphs:

  1. Statics.
  2. Dynamics.
  3. Kinematics.

Kinematics is studied in 10th grade, so we will not consider it in this article.


It should be studied sequentially, starting with simple static formulas. Namely, from the formulas for pressure, moment of inertia of bodies of rotation and moment of force. Formulas for 9th grade physics with explanations will be clearly presented below.

Pressure is a measure of force acting on the surface area of ​​a body, measured in Pascals. Pressure is calculated by the ratio of force to area, so the formula will look as simple as possible:

The moment of inertia of bodies of rotation is a measure of inertia in the rotational motion of a body around itself, or, strictly speaking, the product of the mass of the body and its radius squared. The corresponding formula is:

The moment of force (or, as many call it, torque) is the force applied to a rigid body and creating rotation. This is a vector quantity that can also have negative sign, measured in meters multiplied by Newton. In the canonical representation, the formula implies the product of the force applied to the body and the distance (arm of force), the formula:


Formulas for physics in grades 7-9 with explanations on dynamics are our next stage. Actually, this is the largest and most significant section of mechanics. All bodies are subject to movement, even when at rest some forces act on them, provoking movement. Important concepts to learn before delving into dynamics are path, velocity, acceleration, and mass.

The first step, of course, is to study Newton's laws.

Newton's first law is a definition without a formula. It says that the body is either at rest or moving, but only after all the forces concentrated on it are balanced.

Second and most famous law Newton speaks about the acceleration of a body depending on the force applied to it. The formula also includes the mass of the object to which the force is applied.

Please note that the formula above is written in scalar form - force and acceleration in vector form can have a negative sign, this must be taken into account.

Newton's third law: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. All you need to know from this law is that every force has in counterbalance the same force, only directed towards reverse side, thus maintaining balance on our planet.

Now let's consider other forces acting within the framework of dynamics, and these are gravity, elasticity, friction and rolling friction force. All of them are vector and can be directed in any direction, and together they are capable of forming systems: adding and subtracting, multiplying or dividing. If the forces are not directed parallel to each other, then the cosine of the angle between them will need to be used in the calculations.

Formulas for 9th grade physics also include in their program the law of universal gravitation and cosmic velocities, which every student should know.

The law of universal gravitation is the law of the already well-known Isaac Newton, which appears in his classical theory. In fact, it turned out to be revolutionary: the law states that any body located in the gravitational field of the Earth is attracted to its core. And indeed it is.

Cosmic speeds

The first escape velocity is necessary to enter Earth's orbit (numerically equal to 7.9 km/s), and the second escape velocity is needed to overcome gravitational attraction in order to go not only beyond orbit, but also to allow the object to move in a non-circular trajectory. It is equal to 11.2 km/s, respectively. It is important that both cosmic speeds were overcome by humanity, and thanks to them, flights into space are possible today. Physics formulas for grade 9 do not imply the third and fourth cosmic velocities, but they also exist.


This article discussed the basic formulas in physics for grade 9. Their study opens up opportunities for the student to learn more complex sections of physics, such as electricity, magnetism, sound or molecular theory. Without knowing mechanics, it is impossible to understand the rest of physics; mechanics is a fundamental part of this science today. Physics formulas for grade 9 are also required to pass the state OGE exam in physics, their summary and writing must be known by every 9th grade graduate entering a technical college. Remembering them is not difficult.

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Everything that happens in our world happens due to the influence of certain forces in physics. And you will have to learn each of them, if not at school, then certainly at college.

Of course, you can try to memorize them. But it will be much faster, more fun and interesting to simply understand the essence of each physical force and how it interacts with the environment.

Forces in nature and fundamental interactions

There are a huge number of forces. Archimedes force, gravity force, Ampere force, Lorentz force, Coreolis force, rolling friction force etc. Actually, it is impossible to learn all the powers, since not all of them have been discovered yet. But this is also very important - all forces known to us, without exception, can be reduced to the manifestation of the so-called fundamental physical interactions.

There are 4 fundamental physical interactions in nature. It would be more accurate to say that people know 4 fundamental interactions, and this moment no other interactions were detected. What are these interactions?

  • Gravitational interaction
  • Electromagnetic interaction
  • Strong interaction
  • Weak interaction

Thus, gravity is a manifestation of gravitational interaction. Most mechanical forces (frictional force, elastic force) are a consequence of electromagnetic interaction. The strong interaction holds the nucleons of an atom's nucleus together, preventing the nucleus from decaying. Weak interaction causes free elementary particles to disintegrate. At the same time, electromagnetic and weak interactions are combined into electroweak interaction.

A possible fifth fundamental interaction (after the discovery Higgs boson) are called Higgs field. But everything in this area has been studied so little that we will not rush to conclusions, but rather wait to see what scientists from CERN tell us.

There are two ways to learn the laws of physics.

First– it’s stupid to learn meanings, definitions, formulas. A significant drawback of this method is that it is unlikely to help answer additional questions from the teacher. There is another important disadvantage of this method - by learning this way, you will not get the most important thing: understanding. As a result, memorizing a rule/formula/law or whatever allows you to acquire only fragile, short-term knowledge on the topic.

Second way– understanding of the material being studied. But is it so easy to understand what (in your opinion) is impossible to understand?

There is, there is a solution to this terribly difficult but solvable problem! Here are a few ways to learn all the forces in physics (and in any other subject):

On a note!

It is important to remember and know all the physical forces (or learn the entire list of them in physics) in order to avoid awkward misunderstandings. Remember that the mass of a body is not its weight, but a measure of its inertia. For example, in conditions of weightlessness, bodies have no weight, because there is no gravity. But if you want to move a body in zero gravity, you will have to influence it with a certain force. And the higher the body weight, the more force will have to be used.

If you can imagine how a person's weight can change depending on the choice of planet, you will be able to quickly understand the concept of gravitational force, the concepts of weight and mass, acceleration force, and others physical forces. This understanding will bring with it a logical awareness of other processes taking place, and as a result you will not even have to memorize the incomprehensible material - you will be able to remember it as you go. It is enough to simply understand the essence.

  1. To understand the electromagnetic effect, it will be enough to simply understand how current flows through a conductor and what fields are generated, and how these fields interact with each other. Consider this using simple examples, and it will not be difficult for you to understand the principles of operation of an electric motor, the principles of burning a light bulb, etc.

The teacher will primarily be concerned with how well you understand the material you have studied. And it’s not so important whether you remember all the formulas by heart. And in the case of solving control, laboratory, problems, practical work or buy RGR they can always help you our specialists, whose strength lies in knowledge and many years of practical experience!

To successfully pass the physics exam, you need to be attentive in class and study regularly new material and have a sufficiently deep understanding of the underlying ideas and principles. To do this, you can use several methods and collaborate with classmates to consolidate knowledge. It is also important to rest well and eat well before the exam, and to remain calm during the exam. If you have studied properly before the exam, you will be able to pass it without any problems.


How to get the most out of your classroom activities

    Start studying the material you covered a few days or weeks before the exam. It is unlikely that you will pass the exam well if you start preparing for it on the last night. Schedule time to study, review, and practice questions a few days or even weeks before the exam to ensure you have plenty of time to prepare for it.

    • Try to understand the required material as well as possible in order to feel confident during the exam.
  1. Review the topics that may appear on the exam. Most likely, these are the topics you covered in Lately in class, and you were given homework on them. Review the notes you took in class and try to remember the basic formulas and concepts you may need to take the exam.

  2. Read the textbook before class. Familiarize yourself with the relevant topic in advance to better understand the material during the lesson. Many physical principles are based on what you have studied previously. Identify any points that are unclear to you and write down questions to ask your teacher.

    • For example, if you have already learned how to determine speed, it is likely that in the next step you will learn how to calculate average acceleration. Read the relevant section of the textbook in advance to better understand the material.
  3. Solve problems at home. After every hour of school, spend at least 2-3 hours memorizing new formulas and learning how to use them. This repetition will help you better grasp new ideas and learn how to solve problems that may appear on the exam.

    • If desired, you can time yourself to reproduce the conditions of the upcoming exam.
  4. Review and correct your homework. Review completed homework and try to re-solve those tasks that caused you difficulties or were completed incorrectly. Please note that many teachers ask the same questions and tasks in the exam that were found in homework.

    • You should review even correctly completed assignments in order to consolidate the material covered.
  5. Attend all classes and pay attention. In physics, new ideas and concepts are built on previous knowledge, which is why it is so important not to skip lessons and study regularly, otherwise you may fall behind others. If you are unable to attend a class, be sure to get your notes and read the appropriate section in your textbook.

    • If you are unable to attend classes due to emergency or illness, ask your teacher what material you need to learn.
  6. Use flashcards to help you remember various terms and formulas. Write down the name of the physical law on one side of the card, and the corresponding formula on the other. Ask someone to read the name of the formula out loud, and then try to write it down correctly.

    • For example, you can write “speed” on one side of the card, and indicate the corresponding formula on the second: “v=s/t”.
    • You can write “Newton’s second law” on one side of the card, and on the second indicate the corresponding formula: “∑F = ma.”
  7. Remember what caused you the most problems in past exams. If you have already written test papers or have taken exams before, you need to pay special attention to those topics that caused you difficulties. This way you will improve your weak spots and you can get a higher grade.

    • This is especially useful to do before final exams, which assess knowledge in many areas of physics.

How to prepare on the eve of the exam

  1. Get some sleep the night before the exam. 7–8 hours . It is necessary to get a good night's sleep in order to more easily remember the material covered and find right decisions tasks. If you cram all night and don't get enough rest, the next morning you won't remember what you learned the day before.

    • Even if the exam is scheduled for the middle of the day, it is better to wake up early and prepare in advance.
    • Physics requires increased attention and critical thinking, so it’s better to come to the exam well rested and well-slept.
    • Maintain your usual sleep schedule - this will allow you to consolidate the acquired knowledge.
  2. Have a good breakfast on the day of the exam. For breakfast, it is useful to eat foods rich in slowly digestible carbohydrates, for example cereals or whole grain bread - this will help you perform more effectively during the exam. You should also eat protein foods such as eggs, yogurt or milk to help you stay full longer. Finally, give your body an extra boost of energy by finishing your breakfast with fruits that are high in fiber, such as apples, bananas or pears.

    • Eating a healthy, filling breakfast before an exam will help you better remember the material you covered.