How to get rid of school forever. How to get rid of the shortcomings of school education and system

The article will talk about legitimate alternatives. don't go to secondary schools Almost! And at the same time get a certificate.

Schoolboy's opinion:

If in modern school You do not like a lot, there is a way out - family education.

Family education is distributed in 45 countries around the world and every year becomes more and more popular. In the US, 2.5 million children study at home and their number is increased annually by 5-12%.

Family learning in Russia It was the norm until the middle of the XIX century. Hoolers were engaged in the education and training of children in the noble and merchant families (often foreign).

After the revolution, education fell under the strict control of the state. Learn at home It was allowed only to children with disabilities.

In the 1990s, the legislation reappeared family education. But truly in demand in Russia it becomes only now. More 100 thousand families annually give preference to obtain education outside the organization. Family learning experience has already received more 1.5 million people.

What is family education

In the network, an out-of-school form of study is called differently: family education, home learning, animation, homeskling. Not always under these terms is meant the same. Therefore, let's first decide on the terminology.

According to Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 "On Education in Russian Federation", In Russia there are two forms of receipt of education:

  • in organizations implementing educational activities (full-time, correspondence or part-time training in public and private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums);
  • outside such organizations.

In the latter case allocated two forms of education: Family education and self-education (for children over 15 years old).

Family education is training outside the school. Parents independently organize educational processAnd children master the curriculum.

From English-speaking sites to us came and rooted the term "Home Training" (from English Homeschooling). The essence is the same, so further in the article terms "Family / Home Training" and "Family Education" will be used as equivalent.

What should not be confused Family training, so it's with home learning, external and animation . Children with disabilities are studying at home, with de jure they are fixed for educational institution. Just teachers come home or lead Skype lessons (On the Office, this is called "with the involvement of remote educational technologies").

Externate is a form of certification for those who study outside any institutions, but ankleng. (from English Unschool) - just not limited to the school curriculum without intermediate certification.

Studies of the school system:

  • In ordinary schools, teachers pay little time to a separate student. If the child understands the material faster, no one will allow him to get up and leave or read the book on the back. He is forced to repeat what already knows, since someone does not understand the material in the class. It falls the motivation, and he gradually becomes a "middle manner" in order not to stand out. Study is good if there are 4-5 students in the class and in all subjects high-class teachers, if you can engage in your pace, ask questions. But to provide a place in such a school of each child, the country would need 3.5 million teachers for each subject. This, of course, is impossible.
  • Reverse Situation: The class goes according to the program, and the child does not have time to record a teacher at the lesson, slowly understands the subject, asks. There is more and more gaps in the subjects.
  • The excellent relationship of the teacher to you will depend on your performance and love for the subject in general.
  • You are constantly evaluated as a thing.
  • They are forced to study, even if your destination is not related to this subject. It leads to laziness, apathy and psychological problems in future.
  • You must be surrounded by people who are not close to you in spirit and sometimes become a victim of violence and bullying.
  • Solid lies. Nobody needs certificates and diplomas. Moral and physically obsolete programs and books.
  • You are laid in stereotypes and programs that are beneficial only to your state and rank.
  • Low learning efficiency. Worse than the urgent cool system there is nothing.
  • You do not give to solve the tasks with your original way.
  • Of you make slaves.

Why do parents choose family education

In accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the main general education In our country is mandatory.

The same is enshrined in Article 44 of the Federal Law "On Education".

Educate, as well as "lay the foundations of physical, moral intellectual Development The child is obliged to parents. Not a state, not a school - parents. That is why by law they have the right to choose the form of obtaining education and the form of training.

Family education is usually chosen by the following reasons:

  1. Rejection state system Education. Many parents are convinced that the general education program does not give the children of real knowledge, it sips them and stifles the creative principle. They believe that the school is mired in bureaucracy and corruption, and take away children from there because of shavers and conflicts with the director, heading or teachers.
  2. Features of the child. Some children are simply incompatible with the school. They can not sit from call to call in lessons. Make tasks too fast or, on the contrary, too slow. They are bored with teachers and classmates. Family learning allows you to adjust the curriculum and do at a convenient pace with a comfortable load.
  3. Health problems. Opening training at school is possible only if the child is recognized as a medical and social expertise with disabilities. If he is just weak health, he often sick and misses school, family training will come up.
  4. Family needs. Everyone adds life in different ways, and family learning is often not a whim, but the need. For example, if the family lives abroad, but plans to return to their homeland or just wants the child to have a Russian certificate, or if the dad military and family often moves.
  5. Professional sports or music. When 5-8 hours spend on the court or at the piano, when every month fees or tours, there is no time to go to school. Children professionally engaged in sports or music, family training allows you to get high-quality knowledge of "without separation from production."
  6. Religious views. School - the establishment of secular, with all the consequences arising from here. Parents living on religious standards prefer family learning.

What are the advantages of the school system?

  • Most will get a flock that will just swim. Which will produce resources, work and not ask extra questions and do not seek to change something.
  • It is cheap. Even for free. Your training pays the state.
  • No need to strain and think yourself. Neither your parents nor you.

"If the minister was I"

Alexey Roshchin, Social Psychologist, Consultant, Polittechnologist

It is believed that all the misfortunes of Russian education are because of the vile Minender with fools-ministers, a stupid exam, constant underfunding, activated by obscurantism, poor teachers, etc., in the word - due to power. This look is optimistic in its own way, as it allows you to think: well, now everything is bad with the school, it becomes even worse - but it is worth changing power, cancel the exam, to drive Popov - and Oh-go, immediately the case will go to the amendment!

I think the problem is deeper. And it seems to me that many teacher practices will agree with me.

Our school is sick, but the main problem is inside it. It manifests itself in an unresolved, unresolved and, worst of all, in every way the question: "What to do with those who do not want to learn?" This question is like a rat, desolation somewhere under the hollows in the school class: what benefits and smart boards are neither buying, as a class do not separate, how much teacher is not paid - but still work and learn from every day everything is unbearable.

Let's put at least this question. In fact: legislation guarantees all citizens of the Russian Federation universal secondary secondary education. But we have studies - this is not only the right; This is also the duty! That is, you want do not want, and the "certificate of maturity" you, a citizen, to get is obliged, at school their study hours, be kind, and see!

That's where the problem arises. Some studies want and can, others - can not, but still want, others do not want, although they can, and the fourths - if they can, with a very big desire (which they usually do not). The question is what to do school with the last two categories? Let's put yourself in place of teachers and school principals. Think together.

Hone to hell? It is impossible. They have the right to learn! Enchanting, by the way, the Constitution.

Then what - to let the bobs? First, from a certain age, this kind of "disciples" becomes to give a damn on the estimates, and secondly - what is the point? See paragraph 1 - to expel something from school is still impossible. And there is not a particularly advertised "third third" - a teacher who has placed two, thereby evaluating his own work on "unsatisfactory" - in the eyes of verifier. Asks - on the hell of such masochism to the teacher?

And what else - cause parents? So the parents have a bunch of excuses: they are "busy", and they "once", and they "do not know how to influence the obtus", and, finally, "you are a school, this is your duty, not ours!"

However, here we took extreme case Frank breaking, which does not want to learn at all (by the way, the option is not so rare). However, in the last time, the time was extremely disseminated by another "subspecies" of the student - "Razbai" sample ". Now, in schools, there are a huge number of students who themselves (obviously many not without the influence of parents) almost a class with the fifth invent "specialization" - like "I study here, I do not study here."

The kids now almost from the diaper already "know exactly" what kind of knowledge they will "need in life", and which no, never. Everyone, I am sure, many times heard from various young chad phrase - "Oh, math to me in life will never need, I will be a humanitarian", "Oh, I don't need biology", "Why do I need chemistry," "Nafiga this Russian and all These rules, for me, all the same commas put a computer ", etc. etc.

Again, the question is what to do with this teacher of the same chemistry, for example? If in each class there are several razolbayev who do not want to learn anything in principle, as well as the minimum of the Polclass, as it were, "normal students", but who are sacred that it is chemistry (Russian, mathematics, biology and anything) to them in life Will not useful ??

Let's mentally put yourself in place of such a teacher. What, actually, does he have means of exposure?

Yes, no, frankly speaking.

Of course, the inborn Makarenko somewhere can sing the nightingale and flutter the bumblebee at the board with such a terrible force that the last hooligans and rags will become, spending the delight of languages, put chemical experiments. Of course, the unicumes are everywhere, and the pedagogical geniuses are not going anywhere.

However, mpage cannot be built on geniuses. Genius because the genius is that they are one per million. It is asked how to be Middle teachers, just - just ending with good estimates of any ped? What to do what?

The problem is by no means not only that the teacher is not able to transfer necessary knowledge In the same chemistry, an unmotized student; The problem is and maybe even more acute - that students who do not want to learn are not allowed to get knowledge to those who really want! An unmotivated student in the lesson is tritely boring, and he from nothing to do begins to have fun.

Thatened now in many classes in the lessons there is a non-mercable hum. Part of the class - the smaller - trying to do something, respond to the questions of the teacher; The rest is most - talking, spits, playing with the phone, go in class, etc.

This is usually seen guilt of "modern teachers." However, what to blame them? What are their means of impact on violators? The older classes are, as a rule, they become unguarded. And this is, apparently, an objective process. The more freedom in our society, the smaller the means of coercion, the less "mutual" students become.

This is a reality, gentlemen. She likes us or not, but the current school is this, and where there is no - she will soon become like that.

Now let's look at the eyes of the Minema. Yes, yes - play the game "If I had the minister." How to react? How to get a dead roof from the underground?

Personally, I also actively like all these innovations of the ministry with new "education standards". I do not like that in high schools make sure that one almost one physical culture is made, and almost all other items are translated into the category of optional, that is, "you want - learn, you want - do not teach."

The next step of the Minema - and it is almost done - also clear: to do all these "electives" - that is, physics, chemistry, biology, literature and other subjects - paid. It looks and sounds gnusfully, yes. But the logic is understandable: unload the school class from the "unmotivated" disciples. From the ballast who chats with a neighbor and plays the game, because "Chemistry will not need in life."

I don't like it all, but I understand their logic. I see that all these Furser Ministers are still not infernal monsters, which act exclusively for the considerations of the Russophobia and the speedy retail of the Russian people. The guys decide the task - as they see the solution. Maybe they really believe that better solution simply no.

And therefore, the criticism, which is leading to their address "Expert" and especially respected by me of privalov, I seem not to the end of convincing. Privov refers to the experience of advanced schools and superlitsev. Yes, of course, they have "relaxation" of the educational standard for nothing, only interfere. But in terms of gymnasiums, the macarenks teach! But because there are exactly motivated students who want to learn and seek.

And what about the rest? With ordinary schools and ordinary students?

If we want to really stop the degradation of our education - we need to give a clear answer to the question: what to do with unmotivated students. If we believe that our children are all children! - Should still know chemistry, physics and literature, let's find the answer to the question:

As with the help of which the school will make them learn.

There are several options:

a) cancel universal education;

b) to revive bodily punishment at school (let's say, Roga);

c) actively involve the police to the process (let's say, maintain order in class);

d) collapse the whole severity of "unawares" on the parents (let's say, 10 thousand from the salary will be deducted for each "deuce".

What else? Let's think.

School loads grow, sometimes depriving a child of happy childhood. Children of the first and graduation class are especially tired. First-graders, because they have to adapt to a new environment and change the usual lifestyle, graduates increase the loads before final exams and the upcoming admission to the institute.

Daily fatigue

It is necessary to follow the child's condition every day, checking its load daily and protect it from overwork. There you will keep his health by the end of the school year and further avoid more serious problems. Remember that during the day it is necessary to alternate mental classes, exercise and recreation. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to make an optimal mode of the day for the child.

Remember: After school, you should not immediately sit at the lessons. Let him be sure to relax and best holiday There will be even a small walk in the fresh air. Psychologists believe that the most appropriate time for domestic lessons is after 16 hours. In addition, time cooking homework should not be tightened until late evening.

During the day, the child needs motor activity. The child must run and jump, play football and ride a bike. Specialists suggest that a teenager aged 11-15 years is necessary to make active actions equivalent to walking in 7 kilometers.

Teach it to take breaks in work and completely relax on these 15-20 minutes.

The child should do lessons in silence, reduce the noise background around it constantly. Do not shout, do not annoy him, even if he brought a bad mark from school. Better try together in a relaxed atmosphere to disassemble his mistakes.

In the diet of your child there must be a variety of fruits and vegetables, vitamins, fish, the best seaside. In addition, he must drink two or two and a half liter fluid per day, let it be useful juices or vitamin tea. Give your child to school bottle mineral water without gas.

By the end of the school year, the child, despite the winter and spring holidays, the overwork and fatigue accumulates. Constantly watch his mood and condition without waiting anxiety symptoms. Ordinary signs of overwork - bad mood, irritability, headaches, bruises under the eyes, lethargy and apathy, loss of interest in former hobbies. All this should be an alarm for you. Do not bring the case to the development of various diseases: gastritis, neurosis, the formation of neurotic reactions.

What to do parents in case of obvious fatigue in the child? To the daily diet of the child is worth adding multivitamin complexes, fresh juices, green tea, infusion of rosehip. Increase walking time. A child should spend two or three hours in the fresh air and get enough sleep.

Younger schoolchildren should sleep at least 9-10 hours a day, high school students - at least 8 hours. Go on weekends per city, make a simple fascinating hiking.

Limit the time spent by a child at a computer and a TV, or for a while, do not at all turn it on. Try to diversify it. Read together with him books about nature, plants and animals, go to the museum, exhibitions and theaters. Let his life be interesting and saturated.

When fatigue is irresistible, nothing terrible if he misses several days of study. Let him sleep longer on these days, walks in the park, play on the playground. Tasty and useful to feed it, spend the evening in an interesting conversation.

Permanent experiences due to school visits is a stick of two ends. On the one hand, it is good that you are so kindly about learning and worry about estimates, but a constant anxiety is a negative factor for physical and mental health. There are ways to help cope with this problem.


    Determine your problem. When you start worrying about school, determine that or who exactly leads you to such a state - teachers, peers, academic performance in school or homework.

    Be open. After determining the main problem, discuss it with the teacher. Tell him about this problem and share it possible ways to solve it that you thought. Perhaps the teacher will help or offer its own options. If your problem is performance, the teacher will usually try to find time to spend it with his students and pull them out in any subject, or will give additional tasks on house.

    Take a look at the bright side of the problem. If you have decided on a problem, try to solve it alone, and if it does not work, think about it with a friend.

    Find a person you trust. If the problem is in another student, talk to a person you trust, he can help you. Together you can discuss ways to solve this problem, and choose the best action plan.

    Now we will take away from school learning. The time outside the school is worth spending on homework and research. It is important to allocate a certain amount of time every day to study outside the school is, though it will make your work more routine, but at the same time, you will be easier to get used to you. If there is no homework, make it useful: look for information on the Internet for those subjects that you study. It is not so tiring as the fulfillment of homework, but it will also help better understand the subject.

    Be organized. One of the main factors in maintaining discipline when performing a homework is self-organization. To do this, it is extremely important to have a plan of action that when and how you will do. To do this, you can purchase a planner and several folders - one for each item, plus one additional one. As soon as you were asked homework, it immediately (no later! Do not wait!) We must write to the diary. You can write abbreviated, but only so that you can then disassemble the task. If the teacher gives any specific instructions, be sure to write them down. Fold all the papers on a specific object in one folder (by the way, you can resort to color coding - it is very convenient). Put all the materials over which you need to work in a separate, free folder - tasks that should be executed separately, and ready-made works are separately. When the time comes to take a homework, you will know where it is located, and you will be sure that it is fulfilled.

  • Instead of thinking about bad things, try to keep only positive thoughts in my head. You will find that it is not difficult.
  • It is extremely important not to lag in any subject. If this happens, you will be extremely difficult to catch up - you will always be behind.
  • Most importantly, keep calm!
  • The teachers actually really want to help you - they do not want to see your failures (which, in turn, also affect their success as teachers). Therefore, if you are ready to make efforts, they will only be happy to give you advice and help.
  • Reward yourself for well done work! This will give you a motivation for further work.
  • If you have 8 lessons in a row, then just accept it as proper. Do not perceive it too pessimistic, take a look at light sides! You will see friends on the rear, in the dining room and after lessons, it will help you!
  • If you are hard, just try to slow down and relax, figure out what exactly you should do and what requires your attention in the first place. If you feel the tasks you have so much that you just can't do everything, do not give in to panic, calm down and go to this problem with a cold mind. You should not have any reasons to be afraid to go to school because of your homework, bad teachers / classmates. This should not damage you in the long run. Do not worry and enjoy school years.


  • If you are looking for information on school subjects on the Internet, be sure to check whether the sources you use are reliable. Remember that blogs and similar e-pages can write any person, and not the fact that he really knows this subject. Therefore, the best output will look for such information on several sites. If the information you find are on other electronic resources, it will certainly truthful.
  • If you continue to experience chronic concern, go to the doctor. Such a state may not be associated with a school - a chemical imbalance in the brain can lead to the escalation of common problems. The doctor will help determine the cause of such a state and assign treatment.
  • Do not attempt to solve the basic problem yourself. Many adults or teachers will be happy to help you and share your experience.