How to kiss a guy on the lips correctly. How to kiss correctly with and without tongue - detailed instructions

The French kiss is more filled with passion and feelings. If a beginner doesn't know how to tongue kiss properly, the most important thing to take care of first is fresh breath. You should not eat foods that cause bad breath: garlic, onions, boiled eggs, fish, beer. It is also worth keeping your mouth clean, because food residues remain on your teeth, and during a passionate kiss they may end up in your partner’s mouth. Not a very pleasant picture.

Preparing for a kiss i

Almost everyone starts kissing on the first date. As a rule, the first kiss at any age involves only the lips. Over time, when the relationship develops rapidly, trust arises between a man and a woman, and a desire to kiss with tongue appears. To avoid embarrassment, you should first rinse your mouth or chew gum to freshen your breath. You can also use peppermint leaf. It is better not to use bright and greasy lipstick, otherwise it will smear all over your face.

In addition to preparing your mouth, you need to be in a romantic mood and be mentally prepared. Relax as much as possible, completely surrender to your feelings. It's impossible to guess what's on your partner's mind, but you can tell by his behavior whether he's ready for a kiss. He always looks at the girl’s lips, involuntarily licks his own, and you can see jumping little devils in his eyes. At the same time, the guy tries to be as close to the girl as possible, leaning his head towards her.

Before a kiss, men need to carefully shave their stubble; not every young lady wants to get skin irritation after a touching moment. It is better for both partners not to overuse eau de toilette, otherwise the pungent smell will turn a romantic atmosphere into a nightmare. Well, and the most important thing is that the first kiss should take place in private, and not in public.

The surrounding atmosphere also has great importance. You can choose a warm night and first read poems about love to each other under the moon. If weather conditions do not allow, then a romantic dinner accompanied by pleasant music will help. And it’s best to sit comfortably by the fireplace, if possible.

If a guy or girl has never kissed passionately and you don’t want to fall flat on your face before the first kiss, you can first practice on ice cream or tomatoes. This may be blasphemy, but such preparation helps many people.

Kissing correctly 2

Before kissing, you need to look the guy in the eyes, not at his lips. As the bodies approach, the partners' hands automatically reach out to hug each other. At this moment, the heart rate increases, it seems that the ground is leaving under your feet. The soul is filled with excitement when the most sensual moment comes - the melding of lips. At this time, the couple is charged with a positive charge, as the brain begins to actively produce serotonin and oxytocin. These are important hormones that are responsible for emotions and affection for each other. Adrenaline is released into the blood, which saturates circulatory system oxygen, which is why they feel dizzy, their legs give way, and some people even have high blood pressure. A kiss can easily be compared to a natural antidepressant.

You need to kiss passionately without getting in the way of your nose. That is, tilt your head slightly in the direction opposite to your partner’s head. Breathe normally through your nose without holding your breath. The lips of the guy and the girl move in the same way as when eating ice cream. A French kiss is not a simple peck where the lips touch in parallel. Here one of the lips is between the lips of the other partner, and then the position changes.

Next, open your mouth a little and stick the tip of your tongue into your partner’s mouth. If penetration is successful, you can push the tongue deeper, but not too much, otherwise it may cause discomfort. When you meet your partner's tongue, you can feel as if a small current is passing through your entire body.

With a proper passionate kiss, the guy hugs the girl around the waist or strokes her back, and she wraps her arms around his neck. For a more sensual effect, he can lightly touch her cheeks with his palms.

Kissing in French, a wave of tenderness and sexual excitement spreads throughout the body as two tongues perform their dance of love. At this moment, it is important not to cross the line and not start taking off each other’s clothes. It’s better to keep the mystery as long as possible so that you want to kiss more often. You need to end the kiss smoothly. Namely, slowly remove the tongue from the partner’s mouth, then make the kiss brief.

During the entire kiss, you need to control salivation. The process should be enjoyable, and bathing in drool.

You should not kiss passionately for the first time for the sake of curiosity or interest. The French kiss implies feelings, passion, trust. Otherwise, instead of euphoria, an unpleasant aftertaste may remain in your soul.

Facts about kissing 4

There are several types:

  • Caressing, where both partners caress each other's lips with a light touch of the tongue.

  • Pinching, when a guy and a girl lightly bite their lips. Sometimes this technique allows you to find the erogenous zones of partners.
  • Exciting. The lips and tongue are involved here. At the same time, the penetration of the tongue is deeper. The man and woman make circular movements with their tongues and suck on it.
  • Tickling. Traveling with your lips all over your partners body. Such kisses can reveal erogenous points.
  • Passionate. A slightly wet kiss involving the tongue.

These adult, experienced women know how to kiss with tongue correctly, so they often take the initiative into their own hands. But not all girls even have a theoretical idea of ​​what needs to be done. If there is love in a couple and the first kiss was not very successful, you need to understand each other and train further. And if you also know some facts about kissing, you can quickly achieve the desired effect.

So, when kissing:

  • Burns 26 calories.
  • The risk of caries is reduced.
  • Acidity in the mouth is normalized.
  • The work of the heart is stimulated.
  • The pulse increases to 100 beats per minute.

  • The performance of the pancreas improves.
  • Small wrinkles on the face are smoothed out because 29 muscles are involved.
  • The immune system is strengthened due to the transfer of beneficial bacteria.
  • The production of stress hormones is suppressed.
  • Life is extended by 12 years.

The longest kiss was recorded in Italy, where a couple kissed for 31 hours, 18 minutes, 33 seconds continuously. The process ended only because the man felt unwell.

Every year, World Kissing Day is celebrated on July 6th as a sign of love and trust for each other. In addition, this process has more pros than cons. It is noted that “kissed” people are always in a good mood and have a more optimistic outlook on life. It is not surprising, because lips are 200 times more sensitive than fingers, which means that not only mental euphoria occurs, but also physical one.

Surely every person has noticed that a patient with a serious illness, beloved by relatives, is discharged from the hospital earlier than others with the same diagnosis. This is a consequence of the fact that a kiss gives a good mood. But it is positive emotions that are closely interconnected with the health of the body.

The same is observed among those people who often suffer from colds. By kissing a partner who has a strong immune system, healthy bacteria enter a weak body and help other bacteria fight viruses. Over time, a person becomes more resistant to colds.

In many films you can see a scene where, during a scandal, a man abruptly begins to kiss a woman and after a minute she stops being nervous. It's exactly the same in life. This occurs due to the fact that the brain produces a special hormone - a neuropeptide, which quickly blocks anger and aggression. No wonder people use the saying “A man invented a kiss to shut a woman’s mouth.”

Common mistakes when kissing 5

Even if people know perfectly well how to kiss with tongue theoretically and practically, they can make basic mistakes. The most common of them is selfishness. Some people do not strive to feel their partner at all, do not monitor his reaction, but only enjoy their sensations. For example, a girl doesn't like kissing with tongue, but a guy persistently tries to put his tongue in her mouth. Women prefer to kiss their lover in public, demonstrating their high relationship. But men don’t like it, because they consider kissing an intimate part of life.

"May I kiss you?" - the most unfortunate question that guys often ask. At a minimum, he makes a girl laugh, at a maximum, a young man can be sent to hell. It is not advisable to talk about the first kiss in advance, because the discussed process does not bring such an indescribable feeling and pleasure. It must be spontaneous, then a storm of pleasant emotions will be guaranteed.

Due to stiffness and anxiety before the first kiss, a person becomes very tense, and accordingly, the lip muscles are also tense. If in a calm state the lips are soft and tender, then when nervous they are hard. Kissing someone like that is like kissing a tree. Some people even have trembling lips; one can consider such a kiss to be a complete failure. When you can’t suppress anxiety on your own, it is recommended to drink a sedative first. It will help you relax and enjoy the fusion of lips.

Many guys immediately use their tongue when they kiss for the first time. This is a big mistake. For the first time, it is better to kiss only with your lips. At the same time, they should not be dry and, especially, weather-beaten. Also, you should not contact your lips if you have herpes or a cold on them. Now in pharmacies there are a huge number of lip care products that moisturize and treat any sores in a short time.

Some people prefer to drink alcohol and then kiss for courage. First of all, no one likes the smell of alcohol. Secondly, coordination of movements is impaired. Since a kiss makes you dizzy, and there is also the effect of alcohol, you can lose your balance and fall, injuring some part of your body. So-so script.

An accidental clash of teeth during a kiss is quite a picture. It's as disgusting as the sound of foam on glass - brr! To avoid this, you need to hide your teeth under your lips as much as possible, especially if you have braces in your mouth.

Sometimes people's kiss turns into a lake of drool that spoils the pleasure. To avoid this, you should not eat foods that provoke salivation in advance, such as lemons, sour berries and fruits. If the salivary glands are always actively working, before kissing it is enough to drink half a glass cold water. It will dull salivation a little. And you shouldn't kiss on an empty stomach either. The brain signals the stomach that it is time to eat and because of this, saliva is released to begin breaking down the food. And an empty stomach will constantly grumble during a kiss, ruining all the sensations.

As soon as the lips of lovers touch, bliss spreads throughout the body and you want to completely dissolve in the sensations. But at this moment one of the partners stares with wide eyes. You want to enjoy the euphoria, but it turns out under a close gaze. When kissing, the eyelids automatically close to protect vision, and for pleasure, but there are people who go against nature.

Lack of sincerity is also a big mistake when kissing for the first time. During the process, the person’s heartbeat is clearly felt. It becomes more frequent due to the lover’s overwhelming feelings, breathing becomes uneven, and the partner is afraid to make an extra movement. With an indifferent kiss, the body is completely calm. If this is a manifestation on the part of a man, then this can greatly offend a woman, since they attach a deeper meaning to the kiss, and not just physical contact.

You can find out how to kiss a guy in our article below.

Human communication is very diverse. People use speech, voice intonations, facial expressions, gestures and even glances to exchange information and impressions. If we talk about closer interaction, then kissing is an important means of communication. It is after them that people understand whether they want to get closer together and move to a new, intimate stage.

No one has any problems with kisses on the cheek or a modest peck on the lips, but with “adult” caresses that involve the tongue, the situation is completely different. Many girls and women, doubting their strengths and capabilities, are interested in how to kiss passionately. Such a question can hardly be asked to parents or a teacher, a neighbor or a work colleague. They don’t teach anything like this in universities or courses. This means that you will have to comprehend the theoretical basics and prepare yourself so that at “moment X” you will be able to charm your partner with stunning affection.

Why kisses are important

Humans are highly developed creatures; they have invented a perfect communication tool called speech. And yet, the importance of kisses should not be underestimated. They are an integral part of interaction, a kind of step between conversation and physical intimacy. A kiss allows you to understand whether there is attraction between partners.

Surely many have seen how animals sniff each other. It turns out that people need this too, just in a hidden, veiled form. During the contact of lips and tongues, an exchange of liquids and odors occurs, they are analyzed by the subconscious and on the basis of this the body makes a verdict: whether the person likes it or not.

During kissing, the body produces endorphin - a pleasure hormone that improves mood and protects against depression.

A passionate kiss engages more than half of the facial muscles (even those that do not work in other situations), so it can be considered an excellent prevention of wrinkles and a remedy against sagging skin.

How to kiss passionately: tricks and tricks

Kisses (and other caresses) are probably as old as humanity itself. There are hardly people who have not mastered this skill throughout their lives. And yet, without knowing how to kiss correctly, any person will begin to feel insecure; those who are especially shy and self-conscious may even avoid dating because of this (and completely in vain). In order not to drive yourself into such a trap, it makes sense to study the technique of passionate kissing, as well as familiarize yourself with tips and recommendations regarding this side of human interaction.

When and with whom to kiss

Any close communication requires privacy. You don’t have to wait until you’re alone in the room, you just need to choose the right environment and time. If we are talking about a date, then you should not start the meeting by trying to capture your partner’s lips. Leave such an intimate gesture for last, for example, to effectively say goodbye to the guy you like.

Many girls are afraid to be the first to kiss a young man. In fact, representatives of the stronger sex welcome such an initiative. If you decide to touch a guy’s lips, most likely he will be happy and answer you with pleasure.

With rare exceptions, you do not need to ask permission to kiss. It all depends on the situation and behavior of the subject you like. When a person doesn’t mind you being in his personal space (radius of 50 centimeters around the body), and doesn’t withdraw his hand upon accidental contact, then most likely he will be glad to get closer to you.

Since girls are more shy than men, it is more difficult for representatives of the stronger sex to determine how a woman will react to a kiss attempt. If the circumstances are right, it's worth taking the risk. Perhaps the lady has been dreaming about your initiative for a long time.

Kissing technique

In order for your partner to like your affection, it is useful to study the technique of kissing and, at the right moment, to reproduce in practice the entire learned theory. Mouth manipulation may or may not involve the tongue. The last option is simpler, moreover, it is not as intimate as passionate kissing.

It’s better to start getting closer to the person you like by kissing with your lips:

  • Choose a moment when you are as close to your partner as possible. Look into his eyes, then move your gaze to his lips, linger for a couple of seconds and again look at the top of his face (this will hint at your intentions).
  • Slowly move your face closer to the person you are about to kiss. When the distance is reduced to 5-7 centimeters, close your eyes and gently touch your lips to the subject's lips.
  • Gently run your lips over his or her upper and lower lips (as if you were rubbing against them). Then you can stick out the tip of your tongue and run it across your partner’s lip.
  • Open your mouth slightly and suck in the lower lip of the person you are kissing. Stroke it with your tongue, kiss it, you can even bite it a little (but in no case too much), then release it and repeat the caress with the upper lip.
  • Finish the kiss the same way you started it - by stroking your partner's lips with your lips.

There is no need to worry (and ask) whether the person liked everything that just happened between you. As a rule, this is visible in physiological reactions. Dilated pupils, misty eyes and slightly rapid breathing indicate that the person is delighted and probably wants more. If you kissed a guy and he liked it, he will probably want to immediately “return” the affection to you with double tenderness and passion. Soon you will forget which of you initiated the rapprochement.

Passionate kisses are more daring and frank. In addition to the lips, the tongue is used here. Technically, they are not particularly different from caresses with the lips, they just add stroking and biting of the tongue to all this. You can tease each other by running the tip of your tongue over the subject's lips, or excite each other by stroking the inside of the cheeks and tongue of the person being kissed. Alternatively, you can lightly press your partner's tongue with your teeth and then gently stroke it while sucking. You just need to be careful, since the mouth is a very sensitive and delicate part of the body, the line between pleasant and painful sensations is quite thin.

After caressing the person a little with your tongue, you should return to kissing with your lips, alternating too bold caresses with more modest ones. This is a game that captivates both partners and gives fabulous pleasure.

Don't kiss for too long, otherwise you will lose your breath and may even feel dizzy. It is better to kiss the person several times, taking short breaks or pauses in caresses.

It is not advisable to kiss in the wind, as this can cause your lips to become chapped and chapped. In people with weak immunity, the wound may well provoke the appearance of herpes sores.

If you see that a person has injuries in the nasolabial area (herpes, abrasion, or split lip), postpone trying to kiss him until everything has healed.

Acting on a whim, not forgetting about tenderness and accuracy, every girl or woman will be able to give the guy he likes a fabulous kiss, after which he will dream of repeating it. Such caresses can excite, hint at more, or simply suggest young man that he is not indifferent to the fair sex.

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One day, any growing girl has a moment when she begins to think about how to kiss a guy correctly, but she doesn’t know how to learn it. A kiss is an intimate thing that conveys warmth and feelings, and it is extremely important to convey them correctly at this moment.

It is not necessary to practice on someone, since today there are special lessons and video tutorials that make it possible to learn this without the help of strangers.

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Before you start merging your lips in a kiss, you need to understand how to competently structure your behavior with a guy so that this process happens smoothly. Maintaining a calm atmosphere and showing sympathy, you should sit close to your partner - this way the girl will hint that she has nothing against the intention of kissing. When no one does this, the kiss may not happen, since not all male passions are self-confident and courageous.

This article will teach you how to use tongue with a guy and, based on the lessons on kissing techniques, you can confidently make it a reality. So how can you hint to a guy that a girl is ready?

Let's look at the step-by-step actions:

  • first of all, you should not be nervous, since this tension can be transferred to your loved one and he will never decide to take this action;
  • there is no need to be closed, let him hug you and hold your hand, because the feeling of warmth brings each other closer;
  • you should look into your eyes, because this is how the girl can give a hint that she is ready.

We will also highlight actions that it is advisable to avoid:

  • you don’t need to act like a hard-to-get person, but also don’t be too accessible;
  • you should not chat tirelessly, because this will not give you a chance for a pause, which precedes a kiss;
  • You shouldn’t turn away, even if there’s an awkward pause and no one knows how to proceed.

Remember! Much of it depends on behavior. The guy may also feel awkward and this is normal, so the girl should help him with a hint.

First kiss

A kiss is an expression of feelings for a person. In relationships, it is one of the most important, as it acts as a catalyst for subsequent relationships.

It is a passionate and immortal gesture of romantic affection. There is no need to take this lightly, and the desire to learn how to kiss a guy correctly is the motivation to master this process.

Worth remembering! Before you take this action, a little preparation is necessary, both mental and physical!

Moral preparation consists of making sure that the girl is ready to take this step. She must be extremely calm and disposed towards the person who will allow her to touch her lips.

To make a kiss as pleasant as possible, you need physical training which involves taking care of your lips and oral cavity. To do this, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. Your breath should be fresh and your mouth should be free of food debris. If a girl brushed her teeth in the morning or recently ate food, she should use chewing gum, and before everything happens, spit it into the trash can!
  2. Lips should not be dry or cracked. Use a lip scrub and moisturizing lipsticks or glosses immediately before your meeting;
  3. If you have lipstick on your lips, you need to remove it discreetly before the moment that precedes the kiss!
  4. You need to monitor the health of your lips and oral cavity. You should postpone the intimate moment until illnesses such as herpes or cough go away.

When it comes to the first kiss with a guy, how to kiss correctly is a secondary point and does not play a big role. It is necessary to create a romantic atmosphere, and let no one be around, since excitement is already present, why are witnesses needed.

Is it possible to take the initiative yourself?

Girls are often modest and shy creatures, so they expect initiative from the guy. But how to behave when he is also shy and afraid to take the first step? Of course ! You need to overcome the barrier of awkwardness and make sure that he wants it the same way.

To do this, you can: look into each other's eyes, smile, hold hands or stroke his hair, hug him and make sure that your face is as close to his face as possible. If at this moment he does not turn away, but is still afraid to touch, you can first kiss him on the cheek, and then look at him and touch him gently with your lips, then lean away and, if everything is in order and he doesn’t mind, continue what you started!

Both partners should try to keep their eyes closed and do everything gently, slowly, breathing calmly!

How to kiss a guy on the lips correctly?

It is worth noting that it is better for the first kiss to be without tongue. In order to understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, several kissing techniques are offered:

  • light - consists of your lips sucking his lower lip without any pressure;
  • soft - involves touching the tip of your tongue to his teeth and tongue;
  • romantic - can include licking the lips of a loved one with your tongue.

The second time, you can already use tips and techniques that will teach you how to properly kiss a guy with a tongue.

Kissing technique with tongue for girls

In order to prepare as much as possible and leave a lasting impression, below are detailed tips on how to perform a tongue kiss using the technique for girls:

  1. Don't be afraid of tactile sensations. This will help defuse the situation and allow him to get used to her touch. The neck, arms and back are quite sensitive to them, this should enhance the senses.
  2. Smile. The first kiss is often accompanied by anxiety, but a girl should not worry too much. Passion will be pleased that his other half feels happy next to him.
  3. Tilt your head slightly to the side. You should turn your head towards each other, avoiding collision with your noses.
  4. Close eyes. Kissing with open eyes tends to look insincere, while closed eyes will help you concentrate and enjoy the moment to the fullest.

Instructions on how to kiss passionately

If there is a desire to continue kissing, but with the tongue, and the initiative is on the part of the girl, then you should know how to properly kiss a guy with a hickey in order to avoid common mistakes.

  1. - This is a logical continuation of light kisses with closed lips, so it is advisable to start with them.
  2. Then the girl can run the tip of her tongue along the closed gap between the guy’s lips, in the process he must open them.
  3. If this does not happen, then you should stick your tongue between his lips, but not deep (to the teeth).
  4. If the guy allowed you to enter his mouth, you can touch his tongue with your tongue, thereby stroking it, but not insert it completely.

Important! If during the first two points, the guy did not respond to your attempts, it is better to stop and not try to forcefully penetrate his closed teeth!

Useful video


- in fact, the main point in a guy’s desire to kiss her. Don't be withdrawn and overly talkative, be gentle, smile and try to maintain a calm, romantic atmosphere.

It is worth remembering that being ready for the first kiss is not only a matter of morale, but it is also important to maintain oral hygiene so as not to cause discomfort in the guy.

Guys, like girls, can be shy: don’t be afraid to take the initiative, help him with hints and try to make the first step. If the initiative to kiss a guy comes from you, you should start with light kisses without a tongue and only then move on to a hickey with a tongue, if your loved one doesn’t mind.

To properly kiss a guy on the lips, the scheme of actions is clear - this is the contact of lips with the use of the tongue, but do not forget that this action conveys feelings to the person. You shouldn’t be afraid that the first kiss wasn’t perfect; what’s important is that the warmth you feel towards your loved one is conveyed.

This article is a conditional plan of action; by studying it in detail, you can learn the theory of how to properly kiss a guy on the lips. In practice, everything will be much more exciting, but do not be afraid, because by following the advice in the article, you will be able to avoid common mistakes.

Mastering the technique and rules of how to tongue kiss a guy in the instructions may seem easy, but in practice it will be more difficult. The main thing is to be open to your partner, try and gain experience. Also, girls should not forget about the opportunity to communicate with their loved one about preferences or mistakes.

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Kissing is a kind of romantic game for girls and guys. She occupies a special place in the relationship. After all, with a kiss you can say a lot to your partner. And how can you not love kissing?

Indeed, during this caress, feelings literally overwhelm you. It would seem that a kiss is so ordinary and banal, but if you think about it, many questions arise. How should you kiss with your tongue? How to kiss on the lips correctly? How to kiss without tongue?

Today we will quickly teach you how to kiss a guy or girl correctly, and most importantly, beautifully.

There are a large number of types of kisses, and they all have their pros and cons.

Here we have collected the most popular and the most interesting of them.

  • Inato. This is a very gentle and romantic kiss on the lips. It is distinguished by its smoothness and lightness. The main rule is that you should not touch your partner’s teeth and you need to pay attention to every millimeter of your loved one’s mouth.
  • Playful kiss. Characteristic feature This caress is the guy gently biting the lips of his girlfriend, and at this time she fuels passion in him, moving her tongue in his mouth.
  • A gentle kiss. The youngest and newly formed couples should start with it. Gentle touches of the lips and the first, timid movements of the tongue make it especially romantic.
  • A passionate kiss. This is a whole series large quantity kisses starting from the neck and chest, to the inner thighs. It is capable of arousing hidden desires in both partners and creating a storm of emotions.
  • French kiss. One of the most famous and popular types caresses. The most important thing about it is the contact between the tongues, it can be stroking or biting, the choice is yours.

How to learn to kiss?

How to learn to kiss without a partner?

Most girls and guys are very nervous before their first kiss. After all, for the first time we don’t know what exactly to do and what to expect, so a lot of awkwardness may arise.

So if you want to make sure everything goes well the first time, here are some tips on the basics of kissing.

It is worth thinking carefully about what exactly bothers you in this matter. By putting things in order in your head, you can easily cope with this task. But first let's start Let's deal with what might scare you.

  1. You don't know how to do it. In this case, everything is extremely simple. To begin with, you should study the technique of kissing, practice a little, and that’s it. Remember that no one was immediately born a master of kisses and that this skill can be easily developed if desired.
  2. You doubt your partner. If the person you're about to kiss doesn't appeal to you or there's something about him that turns you off, then don't rush into it. Perhaps you just don’t know him enough or he’s just not right for you. The main thing in this matter is to listen to your heart, so that in the end you don’t have to regret anything.
  3. You haven't done this before. There is nothing strange about this. We all do something for the first time. The first kiss is something everyone has to go through. So take it easy and try to enjoy this moment.
  4. Kissing technique. This is exactly what its quality directly depends on. To develop a master of kisses, just read the descriptions of one type or another and simply apply your knowledge in practice. It is clear that you will not experiment with your partner right away; for this you can use any soft vegetable or fruit that holds its shape well enough, for example, a tomato or peach. First you need to give it at least a slight resemblance to the lips of your loved one and start practicing.

How to learn to kiss without tongue?

A kiss without a tongue carries lightness and tenderness. So during training you should not act too decisively and harshly.

If you practice this type of kiss without a partner, on vegetables or fruits, make sure that they do not become deformed and juice does not run out of them.

To kiss with your tongue correctly, in addition to the above tips, you can use a couple more.

  • Try it out various techniques tongue movements. This will not only give confidence to the movements, but with constant training it will also make the tongue more flexible.
  • Exercise with a ball. Try putting a small ball, such as a ping pong ball, in your mouth and pushing it out with your tongue. At first you may not succeed, but after a couple of minutes you will notice progress. This will help in improving your tongue movement technique.

How to learn to kiss with tongue with your partner?

If you have already reached the point of training with a girl or guy, you should start with the simplest and smoothest movements. There is no need to move your tongue randomly in different directions or push it too far.

There must be moderation in everything. And after just a few attempts you will feel more confident.

What else should you pay attention to when kissing?

Here are a couple more nuances that you can pay attention to avoid inconvenience.

  1. It is worth taking care of the freshness of your breath. Even for the most loving guy or girl, this can completely discourage any attraction to you.
  2. It is worth taking care of the condition of the skin of your face and lips. This is especially true for the autumn-winter period, when the skin can be chapped and dry.
  3. Don't freeze in one position. This can be very confusing for your partner, especially if, like you, he is new to this matter.
  4. The main thing is sincerity. Your kiss should let your partner know how you feel about him and what he means to you.
  5. It is worth tilting your head slightly. Otherwise, you will bump noses with your partner.

Kissing techniques

Kiss with tongue (or French)

  • It’s worth starting with light touches to your partner’s lips.
  • Afterwards, you should let your loved one know that you are ready by opening your mouth slightly.
  • After penetrating your tongue into his mouth, you should start with delicate stroking.
  • When kissing, you should not open your lips; they should interact with each other.
  • No need to hurry. It is worth doing everything smoothly and gently.

Kiss on a hickey

  • Lean slightly towards the girl or guy and touch his lips.
  • In this case, you should make circular movements with your tongue and then run it along the inside of your lips.
  • Then you need to start slowly sucking your partner’s lips, gradually increasing the pace.

During caresses, you should not focus your attention on the technique and literally try to bring it to life. You need to trust yourself and your feelings, then everything will definitely work out for you.

The most common mistakes:

  • Do not open your mouth too much;
  • try to be more gentle and not dig into your loved one;
  • watch your salivation;
  • if you have to kiss someone, it is better not to use bright lipstick;
  • Don't be too active or too passive.

At what age can you kiss?

It's very individual. For some, their first kiss may occur as early as kindergarten, and for some in high school. If you haven’t found a suitable partner yet, don’t rush. So, if a guy or girl doesn’t know how to kiss at the age of 14-16, there’s nothing wrong with that.

It's worth remembering that learning how to kiss properly will take time, so don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time.

Simple kisses perfectly convey sympathy, tenderness, and care. However, they rarely demonstrate anything more passionate, intimate, and frank. But French technology successfully copes with this task. However, practice without a previously acquired theory does not always go smoothly. I don’t want to lose face at the very first attempt. Then how to kiss with tongue correctly? What mistakes are best to avoid?

Kiss with tongue.

It may not appeal to everyone. Some people, in principle, do not like to kiss often and a lot, while others are against this particular technique. How to recognize someone who can truly appreciate the benefits of “French seduction”?

Most often these are the following people:

  • passionate, open, emotional, expressive people, mostly... They get excited quickly, and their feelings resemble a typhoon or a storm;
  • curious people, ready to experiment. They do not tolerate monotony and perceive any changes with joy and optimism;
  • connoisseurs of intimacy. They become strongly attached to their mate and strive to maintain close contact at the physical, emotional and often everyday level.

This also includes partners in long-term relationships. They have already built high level trust, frankness. They are not afraid of intimacy, so they are often not averse to “spice up” their feelings with a tongue kiss.

In its strength and intensity, the French technique can be completely different. Even if a guy/girl doesn't particularly like kissing, you can still find a style that will give him/her pleasure. Another thing is unpreparedness for such an activity. How to determine such conditions?

How can you tell if your partner is ready for a tongue kiss?

It’s good if he/she himself/herself begins to use language, openly making it clear that he/she wants to close the distance. But what if there are no obvious promises for rapprochement? How to guess the very moment that requires using the French technique, especially for the first time?

1. Setting and atmosphere.

Simple “cemchiks” are versatile and effortless. They do not have a high threshold of intimacy, so few people feel embarrassed when playing them in public. They can be used anytime, anywhere. The same cannot be said about language contact. Often it requires:

  • privacy. It is too awkward to prolong such pleasure under the gaze of passers-by;
  • suitable excuse. Perhaps with erotic overtones. This could be a dinner together, watching a love scene in a movie, frank conversations, etc.;
  • romantic setting. Subdued light, candles, city lights at night, a beautiful sunset, sexy music put you in the right mood;
  • no rush. Sweet trembling, warmth spreading throughout the body, do not always come immediately. It will take a few seconds before these sensations begin to arise.

Of course, you can kiss like this even in the market - while choosing and buying meat, for example. But the effect will be completely different.

2. Cautious check.

This method most effectively allows you to determine your partner’s readiness to continue. To see if a couple wants to try a deeper technique, you can follow these steps:

    1. start with simply touching your lips, in the usual way;
    2. open your mouth slightly, lightly run your tongue over the couple’s lower lip;
    3. monitor the reaction. If the guy/girl moves away, frowns, or otherwise expresses dislike for such a move, it is better to hold off on moving to the next level. If nothing has changed or he/she clings closer, expresses pleasure, opens his mouth slightly, you can try to gently push your tongue further inside the oral cavity;
    4. again monitor the reaction, depending on it, proceed with a deep French kiss or abandon it for now.

3. Direct question - to be or not to be?

There is a very simple way to find out if he/she is ready to continue - ask directly. This is the most quick way, it is suitable for those who do not like to complicate things. However, it has its disadvantages:

  • a person may be confused by such directness and give a false answer;
  • the intrigue and intensity are partially lost;
  • awkwardness, preventing you from asking (in newly created couples);
  • the fear of failure will overpower the desire to try and everything will end in failure.

That is why it is better to avoid such questions and leave them only for cases where his/her solution is generally illegible or not fully understandable.

How to kiss with tongue correctly?

1. Act gradually.

Such mastery requires smoothness and does not tolerate haste. That's why French kissing doesn't start right away. At first, it’s better to just gently press your lips to his/her lips, lightly clasping one of them with your two.

Then it’s time for a “test” - a test of readiness for the next step (see paragraph “Careful Test”).

If the green light is given, you can gently begin to move your tongue around the mouth. First, only the tip is activated, then the back is connected. It is important that the movements are smooth, unsweeping, and sliding.

2. Experiment.

Using the tongue opens up new possibilities for pleasure. To stop at just one point or movement is a great loss.

There are several varieties of this technique. Here are just a few of them:

  • stinging- during a simple kiss, push the tip of your tongue several times between the lips of a guy or girl;
  • inflaming- licking movements are concentrated only on the lips;
  • mill- contact of tongues, performed in the form of circular rotations;
  • royal— touching the teeth (the inner part of the lips is automatically touched);
  • refined- brief touch to the sky.

But even that's not all. You can not only stroke your partner’s tongue (along, in a circle, across, chaotically), but also lightly bite, suck, even tickle, making quick but short movements with the tip.

3. Find the right points.

Most sensitive and favorable points The outer and inner zones of the lip (especially the upper one), and the frenulum of the tongue are considered. The tip, back of the tongue, cheeks too good places for impact.

But what exactly better not to do it, is to tickle the palate or try to reach the root of the tongue. At best, the kisser will simply move away or redirect the other person's tongue with his own. In the worst case, a person will experience unpleasant sensations up to the urge to vomit.

4. Don't forget about posture and movements.

To use such a passionate expression of feelings, while freely lowering your hands and taking a static position, is somehow wrong.

Girls They can bend a little in the lower back, pressing their chest to their chosen one.

  • You can run your fingers through your man's hair.
  • Running your hands over his shoulders, back, neck, or placing them on his torso is a great idea.
  • If an even more intimate continuation is planned, it would be good to put your hands under his shirt/T-shirt/sweater.

Boy can hold his partner tightly to himself, stroke her waist and back.

  • The neck is real erogenous zone, so you can put your palm on it and slightly squeeze
  • The girl will like it if they gently stroke her cheek while doing this.
  • Running his fingertips along the hollow between the collarbones, a man will certainly cause a pleasant shiver in his lady.

5. Catch the couple's reaction.

Timely response to countermeasures can also enhance positive effect kiss.

It's simple: if a person pushes away, moves away, or tries to change the position, it is better to stop the current action or replace it with another. Exactly the same and vice versa.

If a partner constantly repeats some movement or tries to encourage his partner to do it, then he likes it. However, awkwardness does not allow you to express everything openly. You can try to trust your beloved person and experience something new. Mirroring the steps taken will also work.

6. End correctly.

You can't stop abruptly. This decision leaves a feeling of incompleteness. It’s the same as if a skilled artist with enormous potential suddenly gave up painting a painting halfway through the process.

The completion of a technique mirrors the beginning:

  1. smoothly move your tongue back along the affected points;
  2. lightly lick the lips or their contours;
  3. completely stop using your tongue;
  4. continue kissing in a simple way, slowing down the pace, weakening the force of the touches, until the lips barely touch each other;
  5. carefully move away from your partner.