How to choose a phone - Main selection criteria. Types of phone displays

To extend the operating time of a smartphone, it is usually recommended to temporarily disable communication modules - Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC and mobile Internet (/). But what's the point of having a smartphone if it's not connected all the time? And the savings will not be so significant - one or two hours a day. Nevertheless, this is some kind of way, but still a way to slightly increase the operating time of the gadget. The battery charges faster when the smartphone is turned off - keep this in mind if you have very little time to charge.

With time rechargeable batteries tend to lose capacity, and if at the beginning of use they hold a charge all day, then after a year, or even earlier, the capacity begins to fall. However, in any smartphone, even those that seem inseparable, you can replace the battery, and as soon as you begin to feel discomfort from the gadget’s too much reluctance to work as much as it should, we recommend changing the battery. If the gadget is still under warranty, this can only be done at a service center, but if the warranty is out, then you can do it yourself.

Design and more

For many, design is the main factor when choosing a smartphone, and the fact that we put this factor at the very end does not mean that we attach the least importance to it. However, as sad as it is to realize, smartphone design has recently become less and less individual, striving for maximum unification. On the one hand, this is not so bad, since unification means that the user can buy any model from any manufacturer and immediately begin to use it confidently. On the other hand, the individuality of the gadget is lost, and the only way the owner can distinguish himself is to buy a beautiful case or back cover for the smartphone. Or inlaid the case with gold and diamonds.

Today it is impossible to imagine our life without mobile communications. Manufacturers of devices that are presented in abundance both on the pages of online stores and on the shelves of regular shopping centers, invariably try to outdo each other, paying equal attention to the quality, functionality and design of their creations. That is why cases of all the colors of the rainbow are pleasing to the eyes; upon closer acquaintance with the device, the eyes run away from the abundance of functions. And that’s when the question arises: how to choose a cell phone so that everything required functions were with him, the design was suitable, and the price was not too bad, and you could brag about your successful purchase to your friends without any shame?

It should be said that before buying you need to answer three main questions:

  • For what purposes will you use the device?
  • What kind of housing should it be in: do you want something extravagant or classic, for example?
  • How much do you expect to spend?

Based on various criteria, you can compare devices in stores, based not only on the information you get from this article, but also on your tastes regarding the manufacturer or the operating system installed on the device.

But even with a fairly accurate idea of ​​what they would like to buy, not everyone knows how to choose a phone and what parameters it must meet so that you can say with confidence and pride that you have bought the best device. Let's look into this.

Choosing a manufacturer: Nokia, Samsung

Currently, there are dozens of companies that produce cell phones, competing with each other in terms of the use of advanced technologies, the production of stylish, functional and most convenient phone models. Various research companies regularly publish rankings mobile phones from various manufacturers, compiled based on the popularity of both the model itself and its creator. However, leadership in the Russian cell phone market belongs to a limited number of companies.

Nokia is one of the leading international companies producing mobile communications equipment. For a long time, the company accounted for almost 30% of the global mobile communications market, since it was here that the first cell phone was created. The entire line of Nokia devices is distinguished by a long service life, a wide range of functions and stylish design.

Ordinary users, when deciding how to choose a phone, give preference to this particular brand, since Nokia offers a wide range of different models that meet the tastes of a wide audience. In addition, the company's correct marketing strategy leads from year to year to an increase in the number of those who choose Nokia devices and become regular users of these phones.

The largest South Korean concern Samsung produces telecommunications equipment, as well as audio, video and household appliances. This company appeared on the mobile technology market more than 20 years ago and won the love of users thanks to the high-quality displays of its devices and the high sound quality that a Samsung device provides during a call. Both men and women of different ages and social status When deciding which phone to choose, they often choose this particular brand because of the universal style in which most Samsung models are made.

We continue to choose a manufacturer: LG, Apple, Sony Ericsson

Devices of another major manufacturer from South Korea- LG - is distinguished, first of all, by excellent multimedia capabilities. The company uses the most advanced technologies that are successfully used in the production of mobile communications equipment. It was here that the world's first smartphone with a 3D display, LG Optimus 3D, and a device equipped with a dual-core processor, LG Optimus 2X, were born. The models of this company are distinguished by an easily recognizable ergonomic design, making them pleasant to use and incredibly stylish.

In 2007, the first device from the Apple mobile phone company appeared on the mobile communications market, which became a best-seller from the first days after its release. Since then, the company has not lowered the bar raised so high and produces models that combine three gadgets: a multimedia player, a pocket personal computer and a mobile phone. Apple smartphones have a huge number of both built-in functions and special applications designed for work and entertainment. In addition, if necessary, you can download the necessary content, such as new applications or updates to already installed ones, by going to the special application store AppStore. The only significant disadvantage of the phones is that, despite the high quality and wide range of functionality, they are sold at a fairly high price for a mobile device. For this reason, those who want to purchase such mobile phones, the prices of gadgets may force them to look for more budget options with an identical set of basic functions.

In addition to all the companies already listed above, the title of one of the best manufacturers received by Sony Ericsson, whose models have an undoubted competitive advantage in the field of multimedia. It was this company that launched the first cell phones on the market, which had a modern music media player and a high-quality camera built into them. In addition to wide multimedia capabilities, the manufacturer’s devices are distinguished by a powerful battery and a recognizable, stylish appearance. If you are in doubt about which phone is best to choose for listening to music or viewing videos and photos, then a Sony Ericsson cell phone is ideal for performing these tasks.

About functionality: the whole world is in your pocket

Development modern technologies turned the phone from a simple device for communicating via SMS and making calls into a device for storing files and accessing the Internet, a camera, and a multimedia player. Every buyer, thinking about how to choose a phone, prioritizes the most different criteria choice. Let's look at some of the most common options.

Apparatus shape

Without a doubt, the first thing people pay attention to potential buyers, - telephone shape. Here main role plays a person's preference. Some people like a candy bar, others are a fan of clamshells, and the dream of someone's life is sliders.

Monoblock (classic design)

This is the most common form that can be seen in any category of mobile devices. Recognized as the simplest and most reliable. In front are the display, keyboard and speakers. On the sides there are connectors for different purposes or one that combines the functions of several. If you remove the back cover, you can see the slot for SD and SIM cards, and the battery. As a rule, budget models, business devices with a solid, strict design, and sometimes smartphones are produced in such a case. This design is popular among those who suddenly faced the question: “How to choose a mobile phone?”


Having once been a very popular form of device, it has been slowly going out of fashion lately, as companies are increasingly releasing new models in this case.

These are drop-down panels, on one of which the keyboard is located, on the other - the display, speaker and camera. Now almost every clamshell is equipped with an additional display. Just like in an all-in-one, the battery, memory card and SIM card slots are located under the rear cover. Ideal for girls and women, but men also prefer it if the folding bed is made in a strict design.

The main disadvantage of the model, which is characterized rather as a good phone, is considered to be fragility, however, each such device is tested for the number of closings and openings it can withstand, the number of which reaches hundreds of thousands.


It is known for the fact that the front of the phone, mounted on a special sled, moves relative to the back and reveals the keyboard. There are two types of sliders - with and without a mechanical spring. To open the first phone you only need to move the panel a little with your finger, while to open the second one you need to apply some force. Considered unreliable, the most expensive to produce and overpriced compared to other models.

Size and weight

In addition to the shape, the size and weight parameters of the device are important for many. Experts say that there is no need to purchase ultra-thin and ultra-light phones. If you are thinking about how to choose a phone that is suitable in size and weight, focus primarily on convenience and making sure that the device is right for you. If you are a respectable man, then give preference to a massive model; if you are a fragile girl, then your choice is a miniature phone.


This parameter is the main one for many buyers. Nowadays, mobile phones with lithium-ion batteries are selling well, since their charge lasts much longer than others, and charging is possible even if the battery is not completely discharged. When choosing a device, pay attention to the battery capacity in mAh (milliampere/hour). In this case, you need to remember such a parameter as power consumption in the case of each specific phone model. If it is quite high, then a battery with a higher capacity will last less time without recharging than a battery with a lower capacity on a regular phone.


In the production of displays of modern mobile devices today, three main technologies are used, which are very important to know about if you are faced with the question of how to choose a mobile phone that will not harm the health of your eyes:

  • TFT (Thin Film Transistor) - such a display has earned the quite fair title of the highest quality, but at the same time expensive to produce. Conveys a clear, rich and colorful image. Among the disadvantages is that the battery drains quickly and the screen fades in the sun.
  • CSTN (Color Super-Twist Nematic) - otherwise called a passive matrix. Used in budget models and for external displays of clamshells. The disadvantage is the low image quality, but in bright sunlight it is possible to see something on the screen.
  • UFB (Ultra-Fine and Bright) is an analogue of CSTN.

In addition to production technology, you should pay attention to:

  • Color - oddly enough, the human eye will not notice the difference between 16 million colors and 262 thousand. However, you will have to pay more for more colors on the display.
  • Resolution - the higher this parameter, the better the quality of the picture on the display. Everything is simple here, and there are no tricks.

A separate category is touch or capacitive displays. They respond to the touch of your fingertips or a special stylus. In winter, gloves are removed to use the device. In general, these screens are characterized by convenience and reliability.

Sensor versus buttons: which to choose?

Until recently, only smartphones were equipped with a touch screen. Today, ordinary touchscreen devices have confidently entered the ranking of mobile phones and taken leading positions. Each manufacturing company presented a similar phone, both as the latest functional device and as a budget model.

If you choose a sensor, remember that young people will find it easier to understand, while more mature ones will experience difficulties. Also, those who have never dealt with such devices will experience inconvenience.

The advantages of touch phones can be considered a high-quality large screen with which the device is controlled. This perfect solution for viewing photos, Internet pages, email.

The disadvantage is that it is sometimes impossible to operate the phone with one hand. However, for those who like experimenting and those who are tired of push-button devices, the sensor will be good decision problem that faces us all: how to choose a good phone with a high-quality picture and an interesting design, while paying a reasonable amount of money?


Due to the fact that a modern mobile phone must have room for music, pictures, games, photos, an appropriate amount of memory is required. It is important to have a slot for a memory card, and then music or games placed there will not allow you to get bored in any situation. There are three types of memory cards:

  • RS-MMC.
  • Mini SD.
  • MS Duo.

When buying a phone, you should check how much memory card capacity it can recognize, since some models “do not see” cards whose capacity exceeds 1 GB.


Now almost all phones are equipped with these protocols designed for data transfer. While infrared has fallen out of fashion, Bluetooth is actively used to exchange data between mobile phone owners. Moreover, using Bluetooth 1.2 series and higher, it is possible to broadcast stereo sound to wireless headphones. It is also convenient to synchronize phone data with a PC, and for those who value this function, it will not be difficult to decide which phone to choose.


Alas, even the highest quality phone camera cannot replace a full-fledged camera or video camera. But it can serve well when you need to capture something important, but you have nothing at hand except your phone. A 2 MP camera with mandatory autofocus is suitable for this. If you need a more powerful camera, you should take a closer look at smartphones, where it is much better than that of regular phones.

Two SIM cards instead of one

This functionality will be useful for very busy and business people who spend a lot of time on telephone conversations and who need such mobile phones for work. 2 SIM cards from different operators or even more is a common thing for such people, and it is important for them that at least two numbers are active.

Working on the Internet

99% of all devices have the ability to access the Internet, but for constant and full use of the World Wide Web you need a phone with a large screen, preferably a touchscreen, a QWERTY keyboard or a virtual one. The first should be convenient, and the second responsive. The main thing is support for 3G, and even better Wi-Fi.

Full keypad phone

If you need to type large, voluminous text on your phone, but you can’t get along with the T9 mode, a device with a QWERTY keyboard will come to the rescue, which is actively used by young people to communicate on social networks.

Phone for music

For music lovers who want their phone to turn into a player, it is important to choose models with a 3.5 headphone jack and dedicated buttons for controlling the player.

You shouldn't expect high-quality sound from regular phones - you need to buy special models. Which ones exactly, you can consult with the seller in the communication store.

Reading phone

Book lovers will want a device that supports the most popular document formats, in which you can adjust color saturation and backlighting. It is important that the phone supports Java applications (MIDP 2.1), which will allow you to open books and reading programs such as Picsel Viewer or Foliant, which recognize many existing document formats.

What are the conclusions?

To summarize all that has been said, it should be said that the purchase of a phone should be made in a specialized store. The device will be more expensive, but the chance to purchase a quality product is higher. When buying a phone online, you should look for information about the store and customer reviews about its work.

You shouldn’t chase branded gadgets or buy a device with the proud title “ Best phone year,” for example, or the first one that caught your eye.

Look on the Internet, select several suitable models, compare them. The most important thing is to take your time and make an informed choice, knowing exactly what you expect from your future assistant. Only then will the purchase bring true joy, and the phone will fully meet all your expectations.

When choosing a new phone, the question arises: “Which screen should I choose?” There are not many types of displays used in mobile technology. Let's look at their main characteristics.

LCD screens

The first were liquid crystal ones. Their operating principle is based on the fact that liquid crystals change their orientation under the influence of electric field, refract and reflect light differently. There are two main types based on the type of matrix: passive and active.

The first are divided into:

  • monochrome STN - “black and white” - mobile communications began with them. For example, Nokia 1110 (2005)
  • color CSTN - the next stage of STN development, the first color displays.
  • UFB is a type of CSTN with increased brightness and contrast.

The main advantage of these displays is their low price and low power consumption. Monochrome screens are especially economical. This is a big plus for the budget sector. But the quality of color rendering is low, viewing angles are small, and the image that moves is very inert. and the fact that the display “blinds” in the sun has led to the fact that they are used less and less in mobile technology.

The second, that is, active matrices, have two subtypes:

OLED displays

Somewhat later, OLED displays appeared, based on a fundamentally new technology. Organic LEDs have replaced liquid crystals. As picture display elements, they emit light when energized.
Similar to LCD OLED screens, there are also passive and active types.

Passive OLED screens typically have limited color reproduction. Initially used in affordable MP3 players and for screens in folding phones.

Active OLED screens, better known as AMOLED, have an operating principle that is somewhat reminiscent of TFT. Individual transistors are used to drive the pixels, and organic diodes instead of liquid crystals form the image. As you know, LEDs themselves emit light. Consequently, backlights will be redundant in OLED screens. And in LCD screens, they rely on backlighting; for this purpose, LEDs are used at the edges. Therefore, it is not surprising that the power consumption of OLED screens under normal conditions is lower than that of LCD screens. It should be noted that these displays have low inertia, so watching videos is very comfortable, the picture is contrasty and very rich, and the viewing angle is almost 180 degrees.

For a long time, OLED screens suffered from a significant drawback - short service life. The first OLED screens operated for 2-3 years. Currently, the life of the display has been extended so much that the consumer will replace the phone faster than the screen will cease to exist. In OLED screens, the blue subpixels are the first to degrade, which significantly affects color reproduction. And what is very unpleasant is that the image on the display fades greatly in direct sunlight. Passive TFT displays have the same problem.

Active OLED displays, given their main disadvantage, high cost, are used in most cases in expensive models. Samsung, which was the first to introduce OLED screens for mobile phones, in 2010 proposed their further development - Super AMOLED. The first phone with an updated screen was the Samsung S8500 Wave. Note that, unlike traditional AMOLED technology, the new screen is much better compatible with the sun, lasts longer, and has richer and brighter colors. And externally, as they say, it can be seen with the naked eye, the display has become thinner.


Electronic ink displays are the most comfortable for the eyes. The technology used, in which the screen reflects light rather than emitting it, is reminiscent of the images on ordinary books or newspapers. The pixels here consist of microcapsules containing black and white particles that have negative and positive charges, respectively. Under the influence of the electric field, the particles inside the capsule move, thus forming an image. If you add a polarizing filter, you can get color e-INK screens.

The advantages of electronic ink screens include low energy consumption. This is possible due to the fact that electricity is consumed only when changing the picture and there is no need to maintain it. e-INK displays can be flexible. Still, such screens have serious disadvantages:

  • Firstly, inertia, which exceeds even that of STN screens. There can be no talk of watching animation or video here at all.
  • Secondly, the cost is significant.
  • Thirdly, displays do not emit light. It is necessary to use separate lamps to backlight the screen in the dark, which eliminates the advantages of e-INK in terms of power consumption in low light conditions.

For displays of this type, only one market niche is considered promising - e-books for reading. But phone manufacturers continue their experiments. For example, the budget Motorola F3 uses e-INK as its main display, and the Hitachi W61H clamshell as an additional one. Here the screen is used to create pictures and patterns on the body.

How is AMOLED different from TFT?

AMOLED and TFT are two technologies vying for use in mobile phone displays. The main difference is the material: AMOLED uses organic means, mainly carbon electrodes, and TFT uses liquid crystals. AMOLED screens produce their own light, while competitors use additional backlighting.

AMOLED displays compared to TFT:

  • thinner;
  • show brighter and more contrasting colors;
  • expensive;
  • shorter service life.

TFT displays are said to have more natural color reproduction than its competitor. The technology is capable of conveying natural white color, which in AMOLED is a little dirty or with a yellowish tint. In turn, AMOLED can reproduce natural black, which TFT has problems with. Samsung is trying in every possible way to improve its Super AMOLED technology, creating additional programs for better image transmission. Its new devices do not lag behind their competitors in terms of color rendering.

Recently, many abbreviations have appeared to designate the types of displays of mobile devices, which in turn often complicates the task of choosing the type of display when buying a mobile phone. In this article we will try to figure out what types of screens there are for mobile devices to help you decide on the choice of phone screen.

Currently, only two of the most common technologies can be distinguished: these are screens based on LCD(LCD displays) and OLED(organic semiconductor displays). The main difference from LCD is that there are no backlight lamps; in OLED displays, the surface elements glow directly.

So, let's look at the displays of each technology separately.

LCD (liquid crystal display), that is, displays based on liquid crystals (LCD). Liquid crystals, like solid ones, have a strictly defined crystal lattice structure and are transparent to light. But, unlike other crystals, liquid ones can change their structure under external influence ( electric current or temperature), twist, becoming opaque. By controlling the current, you can create inscriptions or pictures on the screen. But it is worth noting that LCD displays are not capable of operating from reflected light, so a backlight lamp is a mandatory attribute. Due to the reduction in size, the lamp is usually located on the side, and opposite it is a mirror, so most LCD matrices in the center are brighter than at the edges.

LCD displays are also divided into two types: active And passive. TO passive matrices relate STN (Super Twisted Nematic), is a twisted crystal technology. This type of matrix is ​​called passive because it is not able to display information quickly enough due to the large electrical capacitance of the cells, the voltage on them cannot change quickly enough, so the picture is updated slowly. Typically, STN displays have a lower resolution and display significantly fewer colors. Also among the disadvantages of these matrices are the small viewing angle of the screen and poor visibility in bright sunlight. And of the advantages of this type displays have a fairly low energy consumption and low cost, so they are actively used in inexpensive phones.

CSTN (Color Super Twist Nematic) is a more advanced STN technology. The first CSTN displays had long response times. Currently, displays with CSTN matrices provide faster response times, a wide viewing angle and high-quality colors that are almost as good as TFT screens.

FSTN (Film Super Twisted Nematic)- also a more advanced STN technology, the only difference is that FSTN matrices have a special film on the outside that allows them to compensate for color shifts, i.e. This is a matrix with film compensation, which improves the viewing angle, but the response time is still long.

DSTN (Dual Super Twisted Nematic)- improved STN technology. In such a matrix, one two-layer cell consists of 2 STN cells, the molecules of which rotate in opposite sides. Light passing through such a structure in a “locked” state loses a significantly larger part of its energy. The contrast and resolution of DSTN matrices is quite high.

Samsung's own technology also applies to passive matrices. UFB (Ultra Fine and Bright). Displays created using this technology have increased brightness and contrast (capable of displaying 262 thousand colors), while power consumption is reduced compared to traditional LCDs, and their production costs are not high.

TO active matrices relate TFT (Thin Film Transistors)- a type of LCD display whose active matrix uses thin-film transparent transistors. that is, under the surface of the screen there is a layer of thin-film transistors, each of which controls one point of the screen. Thus, in a color phone display their number can reach several tens, or even hundreds of thousands.

The operating principle of the TFT matrix is ​​to control the intensity of the light flux using its polarization. The polarization vector changes in liquid crystals depending on the electric field applied to them. For each pixel there are three transistors, each of which corresponds to one of three RGB colors and a capacitor that maintains the required voltage.

TFT matrices speed up the operation of the display, but problems remain, such as color rendering, viewing angles, and dead pixels - when the transistor fails. To combat color distortion when the view changes vertically, two methods have been developed: MVA(Multi Domain Alignment) - i.e. V this method the working cell was divided into two zones that are controlled simultaneously, but the LCDs in each of them are oriented differently. But the problem was still not completely solved, the method of rotating the LCD in one plane IPS(In-Plane Switching) turned out to be more successful in terms of overall color reproduction and, in particular, in the display of dark tones. In this method, control electrodes are placed on one surface in such a way that the force lines of the resulting electric field take on a horizontal shape. When a control voltage is applied, the LCDs rotate in one plane. A locked IPS panel cell transmits significantly less light than an MVA cell, and the overall transfer characteristic appears smoother and without dips. Further improvement This technology gave birth to the S-IPS, SFT, A-SFT and SA-SFT families.

TFD (Thin Film Diode)- technology for the production of LCD displays using thin-film diodes. It is similar to TFT technology, but here the transistors are replaced with thin-film control diodes. The main feature of such displays is reduced power consumption.

LTPS (Low Temperature Poly Silicon)- technology for the production of LCD TFT displays using low-temperature polycrystalline silicon. Those. This technology allows you to place a large number of transistors made of silicon crystals on the display glass, which is subjected to high temperature(laser annealing). This technology provides increased image brightness and reduced power consumption.

Gradually, LCD screens began to crowd out new technology OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) those. displays based on organic light-emitting semiconductors. The main difference from LCD screens is that they do not require backlights; in new displays, surface elements glow directly. And they glow tens of times brighter than LCD screens, while consuming much less electricity, and also provide good color rendition, high contrast and a wide viewing angle (up to 180 degrees). Among the disadvantages, one can note the relatively low lifetime, although it is quite enough for a phone.

An OLED display is a single unit consisting of several very thin organic films sandwiched between two conductors. Applying a small voltage (about 2-8 volts) to these conductors causes the display to emit light. The basis of the OLED matrix is polymer materials. Currently, two technologies are mainly being developed that have shown the greatest efficiency and differ in the technologies used. organic materials, these are polymers (PLED) and micromolecules (sm-OLED).

Organic display technology eliminates most of the disadvantages of LCD displays and provides much more best characteristics Images. The advantages include high brightness and contrast, compactness and lightness, display thickness does not exceed 1 mm, mechanical strength, and even flexibility, and unlike existing TFT and STN displays, OLED displays consume noticeably less energy. One of the disadvantages of OLED displays is their high cost.

Existing models, as in the case of LCDs, are divided according to the type of control matrix. There are OLEDs with passive, and there are also with active matrices (TFT). The principle of operation of the matrix is ​​the same, but instead of a layer of liquid crystals, a layer of organic semiconductors is used. TFT OLED is one of the fastest, provides simply stunning pictures, and also shows well in sunlight.

Now, after reviewing the main types and technologies of mobile phone displays, the task of choosing a phone becomes easier. So, if you need a phone just to make calls, then you should consider cheaper models based on STN technology; such a phone will also consume less energy and thus need to be charged less often. If you need a not very expensive phone, but with a lot of modern functions And good quality, then it’s worth taking a closer look at phones with LCD TFT screens. Well, if you can afford very expensive models phones with a correspondingly very high image quality for viewing photos and videos in high quality, then it is worth taking a closer look at OLED TFT displays, although you can also consider LCD IPS screens, etc.

Types of mobile phone screens

A modern phone is a whole set of different modules, chips and microcircuits that replace a camera, an organizer, a GPS navigator, and a lot of other devices that you can’t immediately remember. And, of course, the screen began to play a significant role.

Let’s make a reservation right away - we won’t talk about resistive and capacitive screens here. You can read about this in a separate section. Today we will look at the main types of screen matrices, so that unclear terms in the specifications do not introduce additional confusion into our already quite complex world.

What does the average user need from a phone screen? Of course, a high-quality image. Which, in turn, implies a large screen size, a high resolution, good color rendering, contrast and a lot of other parameters. But the problem is, a phone is a mobile device, which means it has its own power source, and is often used in less than favorable conditions. Therefore, in pursuit of a high-quality image, one should not forget that quality is quality, but one has to look for a compromise. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking sadly at the disappearing percentage of battery charge every day and frantically remembering where you left the charger today.

Siemens S10 - the world's first mobile phone with a color display (1997)

Perhaps some people don’t need a high-quality screen at all - a simple monochrome display with the function of displaying the dialed number is enough. Someone, on the contrary, uses the phone as they please, but not for its intended purpose, and therefore the main choice will be a large, bright screen. Fortunately, there are now more phones on the market than there are guests at Genghis Khan's party, so you can choose the right option for even the most demanding user.

Most phones on the market are equipped with liquid crystal displays (LCD), which, in turn, can be based on passive or active matrices, each of which again has several subtypes.

The very term “passive matrix” makes us somewhat wary. The basic principle of the image is that voltage is applied to the pixels sequentially, line by line, which negatively affects the image update speed. In modern phones it can be found in three forms: in the simplest and most inexpensive models (for example, in the Samsung E1175 or Nokia 1280), in additional external screens on flip phones or in specialized phones (for example, the so-called “granny phones” - Fly Ezzy or Just5 CP10).

The management of Samsung, having probably come to their senses after yet another corporate party in honor of unprecedented success and realizing that in the near future they would no longer be able to squeeze more out of their factories, began hastily thinking about what to come up with so as not to lose too much in quality and the pace of sales. do not reduce.

As a result, another player appeared on the scene - together with the Sony corporation, the technology was presented to the world SLCD, which was designed to compensate for the lack of SAMOLED screens. Although it has undoubted advantages (a clearer image), it is still inferior in quality to SAMOLED (which produce more saturated colors and better blacks). Its main difference from previous LCD matrices is the slightly different positioning of the subpixels.

To be fair, it is worth noting that there are several concepts: Super Clear TFT, Super Clear LCD And SLCD. But since the scope of the article does not allow us to dwell in detail on every nuance, this moment Let’s assume that we are talking about one “generalized” SLCD technology, especially since in the specifications they sometimes don’t even differ.

Thus, the South Korean craftsmen, on the one hand, did not lose much in quality - no matter what they say, but the quality of the SLCD screen is still very good and, on the other hand, they were able to maintain the pace. And society once again has an excellent reason to argue about “whose dad is stronger.”

with SLCD screen

By the way, phones with an SLCD screen were allocated as a separate series within the main series - keep this in mind when choosing. For example, Samsung Galaxy S (SAMOLED) and Samsung Galaxy S (SLCD), also Google Nexus S I9020 (SAMOLED) and Google Nexus S I9023 (SLCD).

In conclusion, we will consider three more types of screens, which, although not as popular as those described above, still occupy a certain place in the world of modern technology.

The first of them is, of course, Retina-display. This is exactly what is put on the latest from. Despite all the attractiveness, there is nothing particularly interesting about this screen - it is the same LCD technology with a denser pixel arrangement (at this point there should be a solemn story about the speech of Steve Jobs, in which he declares the limit of 300 dpi, determined by the human eye , and about 326 dpi used in Retina screens).

with Retina screen

Despite all their quality and beauty, the future of these screens is rather vague - this is evidenced by the fact that Apple seriously considered the possibility of using SAMOLED as the main screen, but was subsequently forced to return to Retina solely for economic reasons.

The second type is electronic ink screens ( E Ink). The main niche of this technology is e-readers, but some attempts are still being made to introduce E Ink into mobile phones. True, it’s more in the style of “we firmly know that this can be applied somehow, but we don’t know exactly how yet.” It is believed that this is the most comfortable technology for the eyes, while the screen does not emit light, but reflects it, which has an extremely positive effect on energy consumption.

F3 (left) and W61H (right) - models using E Ink technology

On the other hand, these screens are very inertial, that is, serious problems arise when watching a video or even the simplest animation. In addition, when using the phone in low light conditions, additional backlighting is required, which negates all the advantages in terms of energy consumption. Now these are mostly single copies or experimental prototypes, so it is unlikely that you will come across such a screen in person.

And finally, the last type - technology CBD(Clear Black Display) by . True, this is not an entirely new type of screen, it is simply an additional polarizing layer inserted into a SAMOLED screen. CBD improves contrast, eliminates reflections and produces deeper blacks.

It may seem that the market for mobile phone screens is very confusing and diverse - this is not entirely true.

Second life - prototype of a phone with two screens (SAMOLED and E Ink)

If we do not consider experimental options, then all technologies are divided into two types - screens based on liquid crystals (LCD) and screens based on OLED technology. The clear leader in quality here is, of course, SAMOLED screens and their latest modifications. At the opposite end, there are still very simple LCD displays on passive matrices, but their scope of application is quite limited.

Almost the entire “above average” class is now represented by LCD screens on an active matrix (TFT), therefore, when buying a phone from the middle (and higher) price category, in most cases you will get a TFT matrix, which will be more than enough for most functions . Next to all this are Retina screens from Apple (which, in principle, is not at all opposed to switching to SAMOLED and, most likely, will do so if possible), as well as SLCD technology in the role of “temporary” SAMOLED and with a not very clear future. That's all, strictly speaking.

Nokia Morph - the future promises to be interesting

By old tradition The Internet is simply seething with disputes between experts (and not so much) about which screen is the best and in which case you will get the “realest” picture. What can I add here... If you just need a phone and you are not particularly upset by the lack of sixteen million shades, then all that remains is to firmly decide on your needs and calmly choose what you need, and not the marketers or managers in the salon.

Just don't forget this. There is one thing Golden Rule- never go to the grocery store when you are hungry. Roughly the same applies here. I remember my emotions when, owning an old model from ASUS, I played with the SAMOLED Plus screen for the first time. Impressive. But then a sober question arose: is there any point in paying extra for all this beauty, if the same functionality with a picture of very decent quality can be obtained three to four times cheaper?

I answered this question for myself. It's your turn.