What trees should be planted near the house. Which tree or shrub is best to plant near the house?

Who among us hasn’t dreamed of going out of town after a long day of work and changing our routine? city ​​life for a small one a private house hic?! Relax in nature and lie under the green crown. When purchasing a dacha, any owner will want to decorate it with green spaces. Let's try to figure it out and answer the question about which trees should not be planted near a house according to folk signs? Why would it be a bad omen if an oak tree is planted on a plot, and is it possible to plant rowan trees near a house according to signs? How do signs and superstitions affect our daily life and well-being. About all this in detail.

What trees should not be planted on the site - signs

There are superstitions among people that trees have magical powers. And this statement is not without truth.

Knowing the characteristics and magical abilities every green space, you can protect yourself from many negative factors.

An owner who wants to improve his private home often imagines birch, oak, rowan and juniper, and of course fruit trees in the form of greenery. Let's figure out why many trees and shrubs cannot be planted on the site, and what signs prevent this from happening.

Is it a bad omen to plant an oak tree on your property?

There are many signs about the meaning of plants, herbs and trees, both good and bad. However, for many it is the meaning of life. It’s not for nothing that people say: “ Plant a tree and raise a son!»

Nowadays, gardeners use the most modern tools and enthusiastically order seeds from world-famous breeders. But why, when we take cuttings from a bush from someone, do we try to “give a coin”? Sometimes it is difficult to guess where these strange beliefs and prejudices come from. Let's try to put them together and explain them from a scientific point of view.


It is necessary to bury aspen stakes in the corners of the site

This superstition comes not only from biblical legends that aspen is the cursed tree on which Judas hanged himself. Even during pagan times, aspen branches were stuck into fences or into the walls of buildings where cattle were kept. Aspen leaves have very thin petioles, so they tremble at the slightest wind, as if they are “afraid” of something. In addition, aspen grows very quickly, the trunk does not have time to increase its strength, and in a strong wind this tree sways and rapidly loses leaves. Our ancestors believed that the evil force would also be wary of aspen branches and would not penetrate the territory. Now witches and other evil spirits have clearly been excluded from the evil force, but they have not stopped being afraid of thieves and the evil eye, so some stick aspen stakes in the corners of the site and at each gate post and gate.

Photo Mishal

You should plant rowan near the porch

I am not a fan of planting any tree close to the house, because I don’t like to do extra work - sweeping fallen leaves from the floor of the veranda in the fall or faded flower petals in the spring. But some friends argue that it is urgent to plant rowan trees at the very entrance in order to ward off evil spirits.

The solution to this superstition is simple. It turns out that since pagan times, the Slavs, Scandinavians and Celts believed that this tree protected from witchcraft and wars, and crosses made from its twigs would help against the evil eye. The underside of the rowan berry looks like a star, one of the ancient pagan symbols of protection.

Photo Nadya

Spruce cannot be planted on the property

We don’t have a winter pass to the dacha, but we really want to meet New Year in your home and decorate your own Christmas tree in the yard!

Photo ***sale***

But there is also a bad omen for spruce. It is believed that spruce is a sign of bad things: loneliness, death, and as soon as it grows higher than the house, the one who planted it dies. Of course, this is all superstition. They are connected with the fact that in the old days the heating in the houses was stove, the houses themselves were one-story, and the spruce, growing, could partially cover the chimney with its powerful branches. Nowadays, such signs are no longer needed. The only thing that is bad about spruce is that it is really tall, and you need to choose one for it so that it does not shade the garden area and neighboring plots. In addition, spruce needles acidify the soil, so spruce should be planted away from flower beds and beds.

Photo Black Chernushka

It is imperative to plant viburnum on the site

The Slavs considered viburnum to be the tree that protects women's happiness, and legends of the 13th-15th centuries associate viburnum berries with drops of the blood of girls who heroically saved their villages from Horde raids. There are many legends and songs about viburnum and maiden love, so this tree is perceived as a talisman of the family hearth and marital love.

Photo Nadya

You can’t cut down your own fruit trees at the dacha

It is believed that to cut down the old fruit tree you need to hire someone, and not uproot him yourself. This prejudice also takes its roots from pagan traditions. It so happened historically that the life of the Slavs was connected with trees, which is why many beliefs about trees are firmly rooted in our consciousness. It was believed that a fruit tree is a kind of “double” of a person. At the birth of children, it was customary to plant his “own” apple, pear, or other fruit tree.

Photo of pear BabaTanya

Photo of apple tree bagheera123

To attract good spirits, you can plant a birch tree on your plot

With this belief, everything is clear - the birch has always been considered the most “Russian” tree, light and native. Even today, many, walking through the forest, hug a birch tree and talk to it in a moment of sadness.
But at the dacha, planting birch trees is only possible if the plot area is large. The roots of the birch tree spread out wide, and it is impossible to grow other crops near it, not only because of the shade, but also because the birch tree draws all the moisture from the ground.
MNBer writes: “We mentally draw a circle around the birch tree according to the projection of its crown. We are not planting anything in this circle, it will not grow, only grass (well, also lilies of the valley, but they will still creep from the trunk, the neighbors have a stunted periwinkle). You can arrange pots, stumps, carts, all sorts of beauty, the birch tree has scattered shadow, everything will grow in the pots. And behind the projection of the crown, you can start planting either annuals or flowers with a powerful root system.”

You can’t rest under the elderberry, otherwise you might get sick

This belief should be observed, and it is connected with the fact that unripe berries of black elderberry are poisonous, and red (brush) and grassy elderberries are actually poisonous. If the berries are accidentally ingested, the victim must be taken to the hospital.

Photo E.N.

You can't kill frogs, otherwise there will be a flood

The frog may well get run over by the lawnmower, no matter what you do. But some are beginning to worry that soon there will be a heavy downpour because of this, and the entire harvest will simply be lost. This prejudice comes from the old idea that those who drowned as a result of the Flood were turned into frogs, and, of course, they cannot be killed, otherwise punishment will come.

Photo Orchid mist

If you are given a seedling or cutting, you must give a yellow coin

There is a superstition that if you give away for free planting material- any bulbs, layerings or sprouts, then everything will grow for the person you are gifting, but for you it will be lost. There is no exact scientific explanation why it is necessary to give a yellow coin, and not a paper bill or a silver coin. Most likely, the yellow color of the coin is associated with copper money, which, unlike silver, was changeable, the smallest, which it was not a pity to symbolically give for seedlings.

Stolen plants will grow better

Diametrically opposite to the previous one is the prejudice that it is better to steal a plant than to pay for it. Sometimes they even jokingly say: “Turn your back, and I’ll steal from you.” This is due to the fact that when we buy, we can sometimes create too much ideal conditions for the existence of the sprout, and this is not always useful. And if you accidentally pinch off a twig while passing by, and then just stick it into the ground, then it will take root more easily. But most likely, if what is stolen does not take root, we simply forget about this cutting, and thus the statistics on the survival of purchased and stolen plants are erased.

Before sowing, you must say “I will give to the land, and the land will give to me.”

If such auto-training calms you down, it’s quite possible to pronounce these words, there’s nothing wrong with that.

It is necessary to sow seedlings and make preparations on “women’s days”

Many adhere to the rule of sowing on the days of the week, which are nouns female- Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. This tradition is due to the fact that the feminine principle has been associated with fertility since ancient times. There is no other scientific explanation for this sign, so, of course, you can sow on any day.

When the Moon is waxing, you need to sow what is growing above the ground, and vice versa

What dacha signs and superstitions do you know? Do you use them? Share in the comments to the article!



What types of trees can be planted near the house, and which ones cannot - the signs that our grandparents believed were always right. There are trees that can improve life in the house, but there are also plants that cannot be planted near the house in the garden or nearby.

Tree energy

Our ancestors believed that any plant has a certain energy that affects a person. Trees with negative energy, such as oak or willow, bring bad luck and worsen health. They are called vampires because they draw positive energy from environment. As you might guess, they have no place on the site, even if they look beautiful.

Another category of plants are donors. They have the opposite effect on the outside world; it is not for nothing that they are considered natural healers. They attract good luck, disperse sadness and provide good mood, improve health and even reduce pain. Of course, it is better to plant them near the house. These can be any fruit trees, acacia, larch and many others.

What trees and plants can be grown near the house

Trees such as oak or poplar should not grow near the house. Many folk signs can be explained scientifically. Fortunately, there are many more plants that are believed to have good energy. Therefore, if desired, the site will have a beautiful garden.

If the question arises which plants are best to plant, then you should pay attention to the following types.

  • Juniper. Acts as a real amulet. If planted near the house, it will protect against evil forces.
  • Larch. Provides a good mood.
  • Acacia. This tree helps to get rid of infertility.
  • Rowan. Preserves youth, has a positive effect on hormonal background in men and women, helps to learn self-control, protects the home from dark entities. There is no doubt that this tree can be planted; it will not only decorate the yard, but will also benefit the owners.
  • Maple. When choosing which tree to grow, you should pay attention to it. Maple will provide material wealth, improve the health of all family members, and help resolve any quarrel.

It is interesting that not only ornamental trees, but also fruit trees and shrubs can have a positive effect on people.

  • Pear helps spouses achieve mutual understanding, strengthens maternal feelings.
  • Cherry brings wealth, it is not for nothing that it is considered a symbol of fertility. You can strengthen your material wealth with a fire lit under it during the flowering period.
  • Rose hip. Ensures peace in the family, helps relatives find a common language, and gets rid of accumulated negativity.
  • Apple tree brings good luck young girls, only it should grow opposite the beauty’s window.
  • Kalina. Positively affects physical and emotional health.

You need to carefully choose which trees and flowers to plant in your garden. According to signs that have come down to us since ancient times, some of them negatively affect the world and the human body (for example, oak). Modern science often able to explain why this happens.

But even if there is no obvious reason, you should think carefully before growing an oak or poplar tree in your yard. The bad energy that characterizes them can drain strength from a person. Even if there is no complete trust in beliefs, it is hardly worth risking your well-being and the health of your household. This also applies to other trees that have the same properties as oak. It is recommended to choose plants and flowers that can provide benefits.

What trees should not be planted near the house?

Signs will give a hint which plants can be grown in the yard and which cannot. It is not necessary to follow them, but it is worth remembering that they are based on certain experience. Energy is difficult to test, but many of the trees that are best avoided have extensive root systems. It is often so powerful that it can destroy the foundation of a house. Poisonous shrubs and flowers are also called signs.

If a gardener has wondered what plants should not be placed on the site, then the folk wisdom accumulated over centuries will help him figure it out. One of the most unwanted trees in the yard - oak. It is believed that it has strong energy; it is not for nothing that it is a symbol of longevity. But for those who cannot boast of strong health, the oak weakens them even more. It also drains vitality from people who are not strong enough. There is another belief according to which it is not recommended to plant an oak tree in front of the house: it will bring quick death to the head of the family. It is believed that he perceives warriors well. But the oak tree is dangerous for them too.

Is it possible to plant a birch tree in the yard? Surely many people are asking this question, because the Russian beauty looks very elegant thanks to her white trunk. But still you shouldn’t do this. According to signs, spirits live in its crown. They can be kind, then problems are unlikely to arise. But it is likely that they will turn out to be evil. There is a belief that a woman who has a birch tree growing near her house will suffer from diseases of the female organs and even infertility. If you really want to plant an elegant white-trunked tree in front of the house, then it is better to do it behind the fence, near the gate. The plant has protective properties and will protect your home from evil forces. It can be assumed that such recommendations are related to the characteristics of birch: a strong root system and drawing moisture from the soil, which is why other plants do not take root near it.

A sane owner will refuse the idea of ​​planting near the house poplar. And it's not even about his energy. From this point of view, it is rather beneficial, since it is believed that it draws out negative energy. But it refers specifically to trees with a strong root system, which has a destructive effect on the foundation of the house. So if you don’t want to risk being homeless in a few years, then it’s better to abandon this plant. Another feature of poplar is its hollow trunk. Because of this, it is less resistant to strong winds and can easily break, causing an accident. It is also worth remembering about poplar fluff, which during the flowering period spreads throughout the surrounding area, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and causing allergies.

Trees that do not belong near the house include: Walnut . This does not mean that you cannot grow it, depriving yourself of the chance to enjoy the delicious fruits. It just needs to be placed away from outbuildings, which its root system can harm.

Folk signs are also associated with coniferous trees. According to legends, spruce and pine bring bad luck, destroy the harvest and can even bring death to the owners of the house. However, such a negative attitude towards these plants occurs mainly in areas where they are not common. And there is an explanation for this: in Rus', the dead were covered with spruce branches, it is not surprising that the tree caused fear. In addition, spruce easily catches fire, which poses a danger to wooden houses.

If oak according to signs, it poses a danger primarily to the head of the family, then thuja will bring misfortune to girls. They will remain single forever as they will not be able to get married. There is an opinion that in a family with a thuja growing in front of their house, only girls will be born. Thuja also has a positive property - it repels evil forces. Therefore, it makes sense to plant it behind a fence.

Willow- another tree that legends do not recommend planting near the house. She will bring grief to the house. It’s not for nothing that they call her a weeping one. It’s not just about the sadly drooping branches, but also about the belief that those who planted it in their plot will cry a lot.

Advice. TO useful plants refers to fern. It relieves negative emotions and helps maintain peace in the family. But it quite often causes allergies.

Plants with a negative aura include willow. It is believed that whoever decides to imprison her will soon die. Under no circumstances should you plant it in honor of the birth of a child, as this will bring misfortune to him.

Aspen also has negative energy. If a person stays near her for a long time, he will begin to experience fatigue and apathy.

Signs about long-growing trees

The problem of old trees taking up a lot of space on the site and becoming an obstacle to the growth of young seedlings periodically overtakes every gardener. Some entrust the work to professionals, while others try to destroy the unwanted giant on their own.

However, there is no need to rush to uproot long-growing plantings, because there is a popular belief that a tall tree hanging over a house serves as a living talisman for its owners. All advice is based on Russian signs.

There is another reason when the tree should be left untouched. This principle applies to cases when a person buys a plot that already had owners, with old buildings that have been standing for decades. If you want to preserve the building, carefully examine everything that grows around. Do not hesitate to invite a magician or witch to help.

Old trees can become a haven for the tormenting soul of an innocently killed or committed suicide person. Disturbing her can incur anger.

The tree planted by the previous owners may turn out to be protective talisman at home from damage and the evil eye or the penetration of otherworldly entities.

Long-lived tree-like plants are able to tell about the events they witnessed. By inviting a specialist in the field of clairvoyance, you can get a chance to reveal the secrets contained in the acquired land. Who knows, maybe you will find treasures hidden under a tree or help an innocent soul find freedom and get rid of the ghostly existence between worlds.

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The signs and superstitions among the people convince even the most ardent skeptics about the importance of knowing which trees can be planted near the house. Having become the happy owner of a nice mansion with several hectares of land in addition, ask which green spaces will make your life happy, and which, on the contrary, are not recommended to purchase.

Are you about to get serious about landscaping your land and are wondering what types of tree-like plants to fill the space with? Surely the first options that come to mind will be the well-known ones: oak, birch, poplar, willow, rowan, spruce and various fruit trees.

Dismiss the first three immediately. Now you will understand why.

The oak tree has strong energy, it is considered a symbol of longevity and health, but it should be planted near its native abode, according to folk beliefs, extremely dangerous. This giant poses a mortal threat to the head of the family, prophesying his imminent death.

And if you are in poor health and emotionally sensitive, then it will reduce your chances of strengthening the body, since it can take away energy from unprotected individuals.

To the question - is it possible to plant a birch tree near the house? - the signs answer unequivocally: no!

There is a belief that spirits, not necessarily good ones, live in the crown of the white-trunked beauty. And the symbol of Russian nature was covered with growths a long time ago as a result of black magic influence, and if you touch them, you can get an irremovable curse.

For women who have such a tree growing under the window of their hut, signs generally promise infertility and problems with the organs responsible for childbirth.

The ancestors tried to avoid the lonely growing birch tree, believing that it was the refuge of a restless soul, and the sweet liquid entering the structure of its trunk was the blood of a dead man.

If you really want to drink birch sap extracted from a tree you have grown yourself, plant a birch tree away from your home, near the gate, or better yet, behind it. According to the old belief about the birch tree, a spirit living among the leaves? will protect the entrance to your territory from the penetration of evil spirits.

A sane person will definitely not grow poplar on a personal plot, since it is famous for its root system that is harmful to the foundations of buildings and for its hollow trunk. You have heard news more than once about trees toppled in a hurricane, causing property damage or death. Most of them are poplars.

And remember the fluff that falls from the crown of the slender giant during flowering, which irritates the mucous membranes and is dangerous for allergy sufferers. Even the belief that populus (Latin name) removes negative energy from the surrounding space will not convince an amateur gardener to acquire this miracle of nature.

Signs cannot give a definite answer as to whether it is possible to plant decorative thuja in the yard. According to legend, a relative of the New Year's favorite, which, by the way, many homeowners, contrary to the superstitions about the Christmas tree, plant in the center of the yard to decorate a living symbol of the holiday, drives away demons, ghosts, and evil spirits.

Another sign frightens families with female children as a bad omen - supposedly the girl, when she grows up, will remain single and will “wear” the crown of celibacy. Some people associate the coniferous plant with death, because thuja can often be found in cemeteries.

Perhaps it is worth settling on a compromise option and planting cypress representatives along the perimeter of the site behind a fence or not taking risks and choosing juniper instead of thuja - it’s up to you.

Many well-known outdoor interior designers suggest that customers form a shady arch by planting a weeping willow in two rows or use the plant as a hedge, especially since planting willow (lat. salix) does not present any particular difficulties - they stick the shoot into the loose soil and that’s it. However, not all of them can confirm their decision by presenting the client with signs as arguments for consideration - whether it is possible to plant a willow on the site. There are also interesting signs about flowers in the house.

Willow, as well as willow and aspen, are considered trees that bring grief to the family. The belief says:

“Weeping willow under the window - a spade is being prepared for a funeral”

Allegedly, a shovel for the deceased will be made from the trunk of the willow tree. Even the adjective itself, used with the name of the bush, testifies to the tears that it predicts:

“You can cry your eyes out if there is a vine growing under the window!”

If you prefer the idea that willow can soothe in moments of sorrow and heal from mental ailments, plant the beauty away from the windows, somewhere in the middle of the garden, near a decorative pond. The option with a fence made of willow branches is also not bad.

Having dealt with negative signs about trees, you can begin to create a list of the types of plants that you want to see in your possessions. And signs will help you choose not just beautiful, but also those with magical properties (attract good luck, wealth, luck, etc.) breeds.

Apple tree. It is of value to young girls as a symbol of love, beauty, longevity and family happiness. The location of the biblical beauty is required opposite the windows of the young lady’s room.

Cherry. The color of this fruit tree symbolizes wealth and fertility. Strengthens magical properties a fire lit under its branches during the cherry blossom period - feel free to place the barbecue nearby.

Pear. Harmonizes relationships between spouses, awakens the maternal instinct, strengthens friendship and love.

Rose hip. Responsible for the stability and well-being of the inhabitants of the house, establishes a connection between household members, activates the sexual chakra of spouses, and eliminates accumulated negativity.

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Kalina. Helps to heal from illnesses, calms nervous system, stabilizes the emotional background of the owners.

Juniper. This shrub claims to be a home talisman - planted near the porch, it is able to protect people living here from evil spirits and any magical negativity. Some magicians use cut juniper paws as a destroyer of negative energy accumulated during sessions in the workroom - it is enough to simply burn them inside the building.

Larch. A good antidepressant and mood regulator. Plant it next to the building - you will look at the world with a positive attitude and constantly feel a surge of strength.

Maple. The owner simply has to plant a tree near the house. Maple will smooth out any conflict, relieve negativity and tension, and provide material prosperity and longevity to all members of the family living under its protection.

Acacia. This aromatic plant, belonging to the legume family, gives parental happiness to couples who are desperate to have children. As a symbol of fertility, acacia treats infertility (male and female), and simply improves the emotional background of the inhabitants of the home.

Rowan. Don’t even doubt whether it’s possible to plant rowan trees near your house - the signs say it’s necessary! Here's why it's useful:

  • Rowan protects the surrounding space and the people in it from the attacks of dark forces and magical attacks;
  • Rowan develops the gift of foresight and extrasensory abilities;
  • Rowan helps develop self-control in children and emotionally unstable adults;
  • Rowan stimulates the production of hormones and enhances the libido of adult family members;
  • Rowan prevents aging and gives women a second youth.

Fern. Although this representative of the flora does not belong to trees, pay attention to the question - is it possible to plant a fern near the house, what do the signs say? - costs. After all, the plant is shrouded in a trail of magical legends and both gardeners and flower growers dream of seeing it in their greenhouse. Why is fern attractive, according to popular beliefs:

  • prevents conflicts, reduces emotional stress;
  • brings power and wealth;
  • protects against demons, larvae, mermaids, goblin and other evil spirits.

But here are the scientific arguments that show the harm from a plant located in a confined space:

  • causes allergic reactions;
  • absorbs a large number of oxygen;
  • Some types of fern are poisonous.

As you can see, there are no special contraindications for growing ferns in the local area, and, if you believe the signs, this magical flower will make its owners happy.

The problem of old trees, which take up a lot of space on the site and are an obstacle to the growth of young seedlings and plants, periodically overtakes every owner of a plot of land with a house. Some entrust the work to professionals, while others try to destroy the unwanted giant on their own.

However, there is no need to rush to uproot long-growing plantings, because there is a popular belief that a tall tree hanging over a house serves as a living talisman for its owners.

There is another reason when the tree should be left untouched. This principle applies to cases when you buy a plot that already had owners, with old buildings that have been standing for decades. If you do not plan to demolish everything and completely clear the area, but want to preserve the building, carefully examine everything that grows around. Do not hesitate to invite a magician or witch to help.

Old trees, like houses, can become a haven for the tormenting soul of an innocently murdered or committed suicide person, and by disturbing it, you will incur its wrath.

Or the tree will turn out to be a protective talisman of the house, planted by the previous owners specifically to protect the house from damage and the evil eye, and to avoid the penetration of otherworldly entities.

Long-lived tree-like plants are able to tell a lot about the events that they were secret witnesses to. By inviting a specialist in the field of clairvoyance, you may have a chance to uncover the secrets contained in the land you have purchased. Who knows, maybe you will find treasures hidden under a tree, or help an innocent soul find freedom and get rid of the ghostly existence between worlds!

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There is an opinion that some trees should absolutely not be planted near the house. There are many popular beliefs according to which some plants, shrubs and trees bring bad luck, illness and even death. Is it really?

Trees do have an impact on the physical and emotional condition person. Like all living things, trees have their own aura, which can have different effects on a person’s mood, health and inner feelings.

How does energy affect a person?

People have developed many sayings that characterize the energy of a particular tree. Since ancient times, our ancestors have assigned magical properties to trees. It’s not for nothing that they used to say: “in a birch forest you have fun, in a pine forest you pray, in a spruce forest you hang yourself.” This folk saying suggests that the energy of trees really influences a person.

The impact on humans is explained by the fact that the tree not only absorbs carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in return, but also transforms the human energy that it feels next to itself. People who study the energetic effects of trees divide them into donors and energy vampires.

Donor trees transform negative human energy into positive. When you are around these natural healers, sadness and melancholy quickly disappear, your mood improves, and physical pain goes away.

Energy vampire trees take away positive energy. Being close to these trees can quickly make you feel tired. A vampire tree can negatively affect a person’s physical condition. Headaches may occur next to it.

What to plant on the site and in front of the house?

It is recommended to plant plants and shrubs near the house that absorb negative energy, transforming it into positive energy. Such trees have long been endowed with magical and healing properties. Donor trees were not only planted near the house, but also furniture and dishes were made from their wood.

What trees, according to signs, can be planted near the house?

  • People have always associated cherries with prosperity., wealth and fertility. Moreover, this tree was revered not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the East. This shrub is considered a talisman of good luck and financial well-being. According to legend, cherries enhance their magical properties if a fire often burns next to them. So it is recommended to plant it next to the place where the barbecue grill is located.
  • The oak has always been considered a symbol male power , power, good health and wealth. The energy of this tree promotes rapid recovery and the acquisition of physical and moral strength. It is believed that oak loves energetic and positively minded people. And he doesn’t get along well with weak-willed and pessimistic personalities. The energy of oak cleanses a person’s aura, fills him with energy and health.
  • Juniper considered by many to be an unlucky tree. According to an ancient tradition, juniper branches were sprinkled on the path near the house of the deceased. Therefore, many consider this tree to be a cemetery tree. In fact, juniper is the strongest tree in its energy, protecting against dark forces, evil spirits, love spells, the evil eye and damage. If you plant it near the house, then family members will never be in danger from curses and evil people.
  • Rosehip is called a shrub that attracts love and peace to the home. It has a beneficial effect on the relationship between household members, firmly binds married couples and gives harmony to the space in which it grows.
  • The apple tree bestows beauty, strengthens love, gives confidence and attracts good luck in your personal life.. She symbolizes eternal youth, health, fertility and longevity. The more apples are produced on the apple tree, the happier and richer they will be next year.
  • Maple and larch have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the emotional state of a person. These trees relieve depression, unreasonable fears and anxieties. In a house next to which a maple or larch grows, peace and tranquility will always reign.
  • Rowan protects the house from black magic, damage and curses. In addition, it develops clairvoyance in a person, gives good intuition and promotes healing from illnesses. For women over 40 years old, rowan can become a powerful miraculous source of youth and beauty.
  • Acacia is considered a faithful assistant in solving all family problems.. It is recommended to plant it in the home of spouses who want to have children. This tree can treat infertility in men and women. In addition, acacia relieves stress and improves mood.

Folk signs: which trees should not be planted in the yard and why?

Not all trees that are energy vampires harm humans. It is not recommended to plant them next to the house on your site. But, nevertheless, periodic communication with such trees is sometimes beneficial.

If you need to get rid of negative energy, relieve tension, then you can sit down for a while at the roots of such a tree - it will take away all the negativity, but at the same time grab the energy that you need.

  • Birch considered a symbol of innocence and purity. But you can’t plant it next to your house. According to popular beliefs, spirits live in the roots of birch trees that can harm a person. It is best to plant a birch tree behind a fence. In this case, she will protect the house from evil spirits.
  • Willow is a symbol of death and misfortune. Despite the fact that willow branches are associated with Easter and the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem, this shrub has a negative effect on a person’s aura. According to legend, anyone who plants a willow near their house will die within a year.
  • Pine and spruce are considered powerful energy vampires. They take energy and, according to legend, attract illnesses into the house. But planting these trees near your home is not recommended for another reason - their roots can destroy the foundation of the house.
  • Thuja – tree of grief and sadness. Many people associate it with cemeteries and the dead. Thuja should not be planted next to the house, especially if a young girl lives in it. It is believed that this tree scares away all suitors, attracting loneliness and melancholy.
  • From time immemorial the willow has been a tree of sorrow and sadness. Its branches, descending to the very roots, were associated with tears. People used to say about this tree: “A weeping willow under the window - a spade is being prepared for a funeral.”
  • Aspen is the most famous vampire tree. It sucks out both positive and negative energy, weakens a person, and attracts illness and infirmity. Such a tree should not be planted even behind a fence. His place is in the forest. However, according to signs, aspen is able to fight evil spirits and can even relieve joint pain.

Donor trees and some vampire trees have healing properties. By planting a tree near your house that matches your energy, you can protect your home from misfortunes and constantly draw the positive energy of natural forces.

IN landscape design Trees serve primarily as decoration for the garden and serve only decorative functions. Therefore, when designing a design, most summer residents focus only on appearance seedling: like/dislike. This is how trees such as fragrant white acacia, slender birch, delicate weeping willow, etc. appear in our gardens.

And very rarely does any gardener think that these breeds can harm both the garden and its owners. First of all, if the wrong choice is made, the breed will suffer allergy sufferers . According to most doctors, some of the most allergenic trees are: birch, alder, hazel, maple, ash

. But the notorious poplar, despite the fact that it is considered the scourge of our cities, does not pose a danger to patients. The fact is that during its flowering period there is a peak flowering of meadow grasses. It is they, and not the flying poplar fluff, that cause allergies. Some of the trees provide shelter to harmful insects

. All naturalists have seen unusual formations, growths on the leaves of willow, acacia and many other species. These are galls, inside which there is a caterpillar of a butterfly or aphid, a mite, which thus provides itself with protection and food. And many gardeners themselves plant such a nursery near fruit trees. White acacia , a beautifully flowering and strongly and pleasantly fragrant tree, is famous for the fact that its falling foliage is saturated with a whole range of natural herbicides. Suppressing the growth of other plant species, acacia literally burns out competitors from its growing location. Fallen acacia leaves should never be used

for composting and mulching the garden. Not only weeds, but also cultivated plants will not sprout., a seemingly harmless and beautiful tree. Many summer residents, especially those who are fond of weaving from willow vines, plant a couple of small bushes near a stream or drainage ditch. And after three or four years, the overgrown impenetrable thickets become a pump, drying out the soil for several meters around. On the other hand, it is the enormous moisture absorption of willow that makes it a good help when improving a wetland.

Cultivated trees and shrubs also cause a lot of trouble with their growth.
These include species hawthorn, silver oleaster, rose hips, sea buckthorn, plum, cherry (on loose sandy soil), almond species, non-double varieties, raspberries, blackberries.

The most difficult plants to deal with are those with creeping rhizome. Plants with horizontally branching rhizomes, on which many new shoots are formed, occupy more and more new areas. Planting them in a container that is buried in the ground will help them “stay within the limits.” The plant should be placed freely in a container with a drainage hole. And what you adapt for this - specially designed sieves, containers, basins, old buckets, out-of-date tanks and pans - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they do not peek out of the ground. Plants planted in a container not only do not spread, but also look much neater.

Aggressor plants, or Which crops should not be planted nearby?

Allelopathy – the inability of plants to “live together” together in one area – has long been studied by gardeners. We offer you some useful tips, which will avoid the unpleasant proximity of garden plants.

About bird cherry

Both spring and the return of cold weather, which usually coincides with its flowering period, are associated with bird cherry. The air, filled with a slightly bitter aroma, seems to indicate that the winter season has finally ended and the long-awaited renewal of nature has arrived. But all this only testifies to the emotional perception of the tree beloved by the people.

Despite the fact that bird cherry is a universally loved tree and has been sung many times, it is not very popular in garden plots. For some reason, it is believed that bird cherry is very attractive to pests and even serves as an incubator for them, and therefore is harmful to the garden. This not only does not correspond to the truth, but also contradicts it. This tree is extremely useful: the flowers and leaves of bird cherry emit so many volatile phytoncides that they purify the air around, killing pathogens and even small insects - mosquitoes and ticks. True, for the same reason you should not bring bouquets of bird cherry into the house: a high concentration of phytoncides can cause headache.

What trees should not be planted near the house?

It is worth immediately highlighting the category of trees that are highly not recommended to be planted near a residential building, outbuildings and garden paths. One of these is the walnut, which has a root system that grows with such force that there is a possibility of damage to the foundation of the house.