Climatic weapon: Weather lords. Climatic weapons of Russia and USA Haarp - climatic weapons

Climatic weapons are a weapon of mass lesion, the main afflicting factor of which are various natural or climatic phenomena created by artificially.

Use the phenomena of nature and climate against the enemy - the eternal dream of the military. To send a hurricane on the support, destroy the crops in the enemy country and thereby cause hunger, cause heavy rains and destroy all the enemy transport infrastructure - such opportunities could not but cause interest from strategists. However, humanity did not have the necessary knowledge and opportunities to influence the weather.

Nowadays, a person acquired an unprecedented power: the atom broke out, flew into space, reached the ocean bottom. We learned much more about the climate: now we know why drought and floods arise, why it rains and snowstorming, as hurricanes are born. But even now we are unable to confidently influence the global climate. This is a very complex system in which countless factors interact. Solar activity, processes occurring in the ionosphere, the magnetic field of the Earth, the oceans, the anthropogenic factor is only a small part of the forces capable of determining the planetary climate.

A little about the history of climatic weapons

I do not even fully understand all the mechanisms forming the climate, the person is trying to control it. In the middle of the last century, the first climate change experiments began. At first, people learned to artificially cause the formation of clouds and fog. Such studies were conducted by many countries, including the USSR. A little later learned to cause artificial precipitation.

At first, such experiments had purely peaceful goals: cause rain or, on the contrary, do not give a hail to destroy sowing. But soon, such technologies began to master the military.

During the Vietnamese conflict, Americans conducted a Popeye operation, the purpose of which was to significantly increase the amount of precipitation over the part of the Vietnam, which was held by the "Ho Chi Mina" trail. Americans sprayed with aircraft some chemicals (dry ice and iodide silver), which caused considerable rainy. As a result, the roads were blurred, and the Communications partisans were violated. It should be noted that the effect was short-term, and the costs are huge.

Approximately at the same time, American scientists tried to learn how to manage hurricanes. For the southern US countries, hurricanes are a real disaster. However, pursuing such, it would seem, a noble goal, scientists also studied the opportunity to send a hurricane to the "wrong" countries. In this direction, the famous mathematician John von Neuman collaborated with the American military department.

In 1977, a convention was adopted in the UN, which prohibited any use of climate as a weapon. She was accepted on the initiative of the USSR, and the United States joined her.

Reality or fiction

Is it possible at all the climatic weapons? Theoretically yes. But to influence the climate on a global scale, in the territories of several thousand square kilometers, colossal resources are needed. And since we still do not fully understand the mechanisms of occurrence of weather phenomena - then the result can be obtained unpredictable.

Now climate control studies are conducted in several countries of the world, including in Russia. We are talking about the impacts on relatively small areas. Use the weather for military purposes is prohibited.

If we talk about climate weapons, then you can not bypass the side of two objects: the American complex Haarp, which is located in Alaska and the object "Sura" in Russia, not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

These two objects, according to some experts, are climate weapons that can change the weather on a global scale, affecting the processes in the ionosphere. The HAARP complex is especially famous for this. No article dedicated to this topic is without mentioning this installation. The "Sura" object is less known, but it is considered to be our answer to the HARP complex.

In the early 1990s, the construction of a huge object began on Alaska. This is a plot of 13 hectares on which antennas are located. Officially, the object was built to study the ionosphere of our planet. It is there that processes that have the greatest impact on the formation of the land climate.

In except for scientists, the Navy and the US Air Force, as well as the famous Darpa (Department of Prospective Studies) participate. But even considering all this, is HAARP experimental climatic weapons? Unlikely.

The fact is that the HARP complex on Alaska is by no means new or unique. Construction of such complexes began the 60s of the last century. They were built in the USSR, and in Europe, and in South America. Just Haarp is the largest similar complex, and the presence of the military adds intrigues.

In Russia, a similar work is engaged in the object "Sura", which has more modest sizes and is now not the best condition. Nevertheless, "Sura" works and studies electromagnetism in high atmospheric layers. On the territory of the former USSR there were several similar complexes.

Around such objects appeared legends. About the HAARP complex says that it can change the weather, cause earthquakes, knock down satellites and warheads, control the consciousness of people. But there is no evidence to this. Not so long ago, American scientist Scott Stevens accused Russia to use climatic weapons against the United States. According to Stevance, the Russian side, using the secret installation of the Sura type, operating on the principle of the electromagnetic generator, created a hurricane "Katrina" and sent it to the United States.


Today, climate weapons are reality, but too large-scale resources are needed for its application. We have not yet known to know the most complicated weather formation processes, and therefore it is problematic to manage such weapons.

The use of climatic weapons can turn into a blow by the aggressor itself or on its allies, damage to neutral states. In any case, it will be impossible to predict the result.

In addition, regular meteoriables are underway in many countries, and the use of such weapons will cause serious weather anomalies that will definitely not go unnoticed. The reaction of the global community to such actions will not differ from the reaction to nuclear aggression.

Undoubtedly, relevant research and experiments continue - but it is still very far from creating effective weapons. If the climatic weapon (in some form) and exists today - it is unlikely to use it appropriate. So far there is not a single serious evidence of the existence of such weapons.

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The desire to create a weapon that would be comparable to nuclear in its power, but it would not have infected the terrain, a long time ago. And, of course, military specialists drew attention to the forces of nature: hurricanes, tsenz, tsunami, droughts. If these forces would have been able to put on the service of the army, she would become invincible. It is such thoughts that obviously arose from the authors who tried to put on military service Natural elements. Such a complex of funds that allows artificially to cause any of the mentioned phenomena in a particular geographical location is called climatic weapons.

The question of the existence of climate weapons is closed. Officially, no country of the world has repeatedly recognized that it owns such a weapon - in the UN, an agreement on non-use for military purposes of natural elements was signed in the UN. Nevertheless, work in this direction was conducted in different countries. The most advanced in this area are the United States and Russia, in which work in this area, although they slow down (due to the collapse of the USSR), but the heritage of Soviet science in this direction is quite significantly and allows you to actively continue work.

Climatic weapons include a complex of means capable of influencing:

  • atmosphere
  • hydrosphere
  • geospheo Earth.
  • Any of similar impacts can cause catastrophic phenomena in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe region of the Earth.

What is climate weapons? In fact, these are weapons of mass lesion, which is also a means of destroying the economy of individual countries or a separate state. The lesion factors use an artificial impact on the weather and climate in a separate region. Moreover, this region can be expanded to the mainland or continent. Climatic weapons are a spectrum of technologies that allow you to cause atmospheric cataclysms. These include Tornadoes, Typhoon, Tornochny, Livni. In addition, this type of weapon is able to change the overall condition of the climate in a specific area, caused by drought, frost or soil erosion, as well as artificially create man-made disasters that can provoke crises of economic and political nature.

However, the creation of climate weapons faces a number of serious restrictions. For the impact on the synoptic objects, the dimensions of which are hundreds and thousands of kilometers, and which determine the weather for the period from tens of hours to several days, giant technological and energy resources are needed. In this case, the effect of such an impact is unpredictable and not guaranteed, since the forecast of the consequences of this impact is very inaccurate. In addition, it is necessary to provide the ability to remove the energy that is entered from outside to implement climate change. After all, synoptic education moves and has an impact, despite the state boundaries, and therefore the result of its impact can also touch the country that caused the phenomenon.

According to scientists, at this level of development and climate technologies, such a scientific-practical task remains technically impracticable. Although it should be remembered that the secret science is ahead of the official approximately in the century. So it is impossible to objectively judge at what stage the development data is. Active works in the field of guaranteed influence on weather conditions on the territory in tens of kilometers are conducted in a number of states. And although the active impact on the weather for military purposes is prohibited in accordance with the International Convention, however, as the story shows, this will not be a decisive obstacle to climatic weapons.

To show how far the development in this direction could be given, an example of half a century ago should be given. Already in 1954, a device, which is a prototype of climate weapons, was tested in the vicinity of the French city of Lanimezan and served in the future of the combat meteorotron basis. Meteotron, as a finished invention, was tested by the French professor of Henri Dessen in 1961. He was a device in which air heating was carried out, which as a result rose up. In 1967, a more advanced device was developed in the USSR. In it, hot air was created by speaking his resource by turbojet aviation engines. The effect of meteoroscope on the atmosphere is to create an intensive flux of warm wet air, which is directed vertically upwards. As a result, the space above the meteotron is an area reduced pressureWhat led to the birth of a destructive cyclone. Pay attention, it was just 1967 ...

Haarp - Climatic Weapon

In 1992, the construction of a powerful radar station began on Alaska, 450 kilometers from Anchorage. The erected object is an antenna field of more than 13 hectares. The plan provides 180 special antennas. The station received an abbreviated name Haarp - a program of active high-frequency study of the Auroral region. The project is presented as a research, but it is implemented in the interests of the US Air Force and Naval Forces under deep secrecy. Civilian scientists are not allowed. There is evidence that this way can be changed, say, the wind rose at large altitudes. So Haarp is able to influence the weather. "The most smaller thing he can - disrupt radio communication in large areas, significantly worsen the accuracy of satellite navigation," blind "radar, including early and long-range detection and warnings, and air defense systems. The impulse effect of the beam reflected from the Auroral region will cause failures and accidents in the power grids of whole regions.
It should be noted that infrasound waves depressingly act on the human psyche. They are also reflected in the Avroral region and can be a whole city in depression. Heating of certain atmospheric areas is able to lead to serious climatic changes and as a result, cause a tornado, drought or flooding. It is possible that the increased impact of radio waves will adversely affect wildlife, including a person. With the help of the HARP system, the military group can raise the economy of a whole state for several years. And no one will understand anything. Military experts believe that Haarp can be used as a climatic weapon. Its radiation can be enough to create plasma lattices in the atmosphere capable of destroying aircraft and rockets.

Weapons of the apocalypse

What can happen if Haarp's impulses begin to influence the atmosphere? Dr. Rosalie Berper (Canada), who studies the influence of wars on the ecosystem, believes that we are dealing with climatic weapons with potentially catastrophic consequences. First, the active perturbation of the ionosphere is able to cause the so-called electronic shower. This, in turn, can entail the change in the electric potential of the poles and the subsequent displacement of the magnetic pole of the Earth. This is a real weapon of the apocalypse - the planet "will turn over", and where it will be the North Pole, it remains only to guess. Secondly, jump global warming Heated with the reflected waves of individual sections of the sugar lands with hydrocarbon deposits can cause their release. The escaped gas jets can change the spectrum of the atmosphere, caused by global cooling. Thirdly, it is possible to destroy the ozone layer and an unpredictable climate change on the whole continents. Initially, the objectives of the experiments were increasing the possibilities of radio communications by local changes in the ionosphere. At the same time, the effects of the interaction of plasmaids with the ionosphere, which led to the development of plasma climatic weapons were obtained.

Although the development of such weapons is interested in many countries, but in fact, only the United States and Russia own like weapons. The US weapons in this direction are known several more, and mostly, we are talking about the HARP station. The climatic weapons of Russia did not advertise so much, and therefore it is known a little about him. Immediately it is worth notify that the information on this issue is secret and no one will speak about it out loud. It can be confident not to say that it will be available on the Internet only that it will not give a specific idea of \u200b\u200bthis type of weapons.

Climatic weapons as a carrier uses a natural environment: wind, sun rays, ionosphere. The "cargo" in the form of an amazing factor is delivered to the desired point and the strike is applied to which it is almost impossible to resist. After all, fighting with heat, drought or sufferer has not yet learned.
The climatic weapon of Russia does not simply exist, but it has a rich development experience. At the same time, according to the leading specialist of the Vobos weather center, Evgeny Tishkovtsa, it was never applied (unlike Americans who were not worried about the consequences). Military specialists understand all responsibility for the consequences of applying such a destructive force. The worst, control climate weapons is very problematic, it is not so predictable.

Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Igor Ostretsov noted that in the 70s of the last century in the USSR, work was carried out to create such weapons. In particular, he participated in the experiment, which implied an impact on the Earth's magnetosphere with a plasma impact. This method promised to be the most effective from a number of other projects, but it was still not used. Thus, the climatic weapons of Russia have a rich history, talking about a serious scientific database and great experience in this matter. For obvious reasons, such information never sounds from the mouth of high-ranking officials.

Application of climatic weapons

Secret services do not limit themselves with experiments with stations. Their arsenal already has specific types of weapons, which is actively applied. According to the nature of the impact, they are subdivided:
Hydrospheric weapons i use well-known hydrophysical phenomena, initiated by artificially, tsunami, underwater mud and villages, gas hydrate eruptions as an amazing factor, etc., only a few "combined" methods can be considered as sufficiently "apocalyptic". For example: a soup undermining the "thermal" thermonuclear charge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of large icy arrays, deposits of the bottom gas hydrates and oil and gas layers, which should cause not only melting large ice masses, but also the "underwater fire" like the inner burning of peat reservoirs.
Lithospheric climatic formation, which uses geophysical phenomena as an amazing factor, caused artificially: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, lithospheric shifts, lowering bark, faults, discharges, tsunami.
Magnitosphere psychotropic and climatic weapons work on the principle of laser . Created "Directional magnetic storm," - electronic equipment and automation fail, people lose control over themselves.
The massive application of plasma weapons is rather difficult, since it is accompanied by characteristic signs (polar shine).
Another consequence of the use of this type of psychotropic and climate weapons is the formation in the atmosphere of the channel, according to which, after "combat plasoids", the external radiation begins, which in itself is very dangerous.
These are the types of climatic and psychotropic weapons that can be recognized as "apocalyptic". It will noted that the division of plasma weapons to psychotropic and climatic is very relative, since the principle of its work allows it to apply it in both one and in another direction. Danate technologies, only Russia and the United States possess. The fact of the existence of such weapons is still not officially recognized as a single country.

Cyclones, Anticyclones, Atmospheric Fronts

The original is taken by W. aboutCCCP. in inhuman experiments of the Soviet Union

Inhuman experiments of the Soviet Union

In accordance with the plan of research and experimental work ...

At 9 33 minutes, the explosion of one of the most powerful nuclear bombs thundered over the steppe. Following the offensive, past the villages-burning forests in the nuclear fire, brought from the face of the land - rushed into the attack "Eastern" troops.

Airplanes, bringing a blow to ground targets, crossed the leg of the nuclear mushroom. 10 km from the epicenter of the explosion in radioactive dust, among the molten sand, held the defense of "Westerners". Shells and bombs on that day were released more than at Berlin's storm.

Consequences for participating in the operation - exposure of 45,000 Soviet soldiers.

And although I do not think that the Coven Republic of Especially took care of his soldiers, but also send to obvious death in peacetime, no one would also be. When screaming about nuclear bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, about the monstrous consequences forget about little study of the influence of radiation per person. After five years of the Japanese tragedy, nuclear tests in the US seems to show when the audience brought folding chairs and occupied the seats in the first row.

American soldiers were in open trenches almost in a kilometer from the epicenter.

In total, 8 DESERT ROCK exercises were held in the United States, of which 5 - to Totsk teachings.

Of course, this does not implore the guilt of the Soviet command who did not conduct his own study, AK should have followed the heels of Americans.

It is now important to understand and realize the tragedy and mistakes of nuclear tests using living soldiers. The US government recognized his mistakes and allocated multi-million dollar compensation to those involved in such experiments, having allocated them in the so-called category of "atomic" veterans and affected.

Not only military personnel, but also miners and employees for the extraction and processing of uranium, as well as the inhabitants of these areas have also come under the compensation program.

Uranium Miners, Millers, And Ore Transporters - $ 100,000;
"Onsite Participants" AT Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Tests - $ 75,000; And.
individuals Who Lived DownWind of The Nevada Test Site ("DownWinders") - $ 50,000.

What did the Soviet government made? From all participants in the teachings, a subscription to the non-disclosure of state and military secrets for a period of 25 years was taken. Dying from early infarction, strokes and cancer, they even could not talk about their irradiation. Few members of Totsk teachings managed to live to today. After half a century, they told the Moscow Komsomol Center on the events of the 54th year in the Orenburg steppe.

What did the Russian government for those affected by the Totsk experiment? Disabled people with disabilities and assigned a disability group, installed a monument. Mounted flowers to the monument.

Do you think your duty to veterans and people affected by the Totsk experiment The Russian government fulfilled, this is sufficient?

In the early 1990s, the scientists of Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and Orenburg published an "ecologenetic analysis of the remote consequences of the Totsk nuclear explosion." These data confirmed that residents of seven districts of Orenburg region were subjected to the radiation effect. They had a progressive growth of oncological diseases.

Preparation for the operation "Snowball"

"All the end of the summer on the small station Totskoye from all over the Union walked military echelons. None of the arrivals - even the command of the military units - did not have the idea why they were here. Our echelon at each station was greeted women and children. Handing us sour cream and eggs, women They were due: "Ramibi, I suppose in China fighting," says Vladimir Benzianov, chairman of the committee of veterans of veterans.

At the beginning of the 50s, he was seriously preparing for the Third World War. After the tests conducted in the United States in the USSR also decided to try out the nuclear bomb in the open area. The site of exercises - in the Orenburg steppe - chose due to similarities with the Western European landscape.

"First, the general-time teachings with a real nuclear explosion were planned to hold Kapustin Yar on the missile polygon, but in the spring of 1954 the assessment of the Totsky landfill was taken, he was recognized as the best under the security conditions," Lieutenant General Osin was recalled.

Participants of Totsk teaching are told otherwise. The field where it was planned to reset the nuclear bomb was visible as a palm.

"For exercises from the departments, we were selected the most strong guys. We were given personal accounting weapons - modernized Kalashnikov machines, rapid-chain ten-fold automatic rifles and R-9 radio stations," recalls Nikolai Piliers.

The campground stretched 42 kilometers. Representatives of 212 pieces - 45 thousand soldiers: 39 thousand soldiers, sergeants and foreman, 6 thousand officers, generals and marshals.

Preparation for teachings under the code name "Snowball" lasted for three months. By the end of the summer, a huge combat field was literally written by tens of thousands of kilometers of trenches, trenches and anti-tank phones. Built hundreds of women, sucks, dugouts.

On the eve of the teachings, officers showed a secret film about action nuclear weapons. "For this, a special kinopavilion was built, which was missing only on the list and identity card in the presence of a regiment commander and a representative of the KGB. At the same time, we heard:" You fell out a great honor - for the first time in the world to act in real conditions for the use of a nuclear bomb. "It became clear For which the trenches and the bludges we covered with logs in a few spans, carefully failing the protruding wooden pieces of yellow clay. "They should not have to light up from the light radiation," recalled Ivan Putivlsky.

"Residents of the villages of Bogdanovka and Fedorovka, who were 5-6 km from the epicenter of the explosion, were invited to be temporarily evacuated for 50 km from the site of the exercise. They were organized by the troops, everyone was allowed to take with them. The whole period of teaching was paid for the daily residents. - Says Nikolai Piliers.

"Preparation for the teachings was carried out under the artillery canonade. Hundreds of aircraft bombed the specified areas. A month before the start daily, the Tu-4 aircraft dropped to the epicenter" Double "- a bomb layout weighing 250 kg," recalled the participant of Putivist's teachings.

According to the memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Danilenko, in the old oak grove, surrounded by a mixed forest, a white lime cross of 100x100 m is caused. In it and methyl training pilots were methyl. The deviation from the target should not exceed 500 meters. There were troops around the circle.

Two crew trained: Major Kutyurchev and Captain Liaznikov. Until the very last moment, the pilots did not know who would share the main, and who would be a dubler. The advantage was the crew of Kutyurchev, who already had the experience of flight tests of the atomic bomb at the Semipalatinian landfill.

To prevent defeats by the shock wave of troops, located at a distance of 5-7.5 km from the epicenter of the explosion, it was prescribed in shelters, and then 7.5 km - in trenches in the sitting position or lying.

"At one of the elevations, 15 km from the planned epicenter of the explosion was built by a government tribune to observe the teachings," says Ivan Putivlsky. - On the eve of it was painted with oil paints in green and white colors. In the podium, observation devices were installed. Side to it from the railway The depth sand stations were laid asphalt road. No extraneous cars Military auto inspection on this road did not let. "

"For three days before the start of the exercise on the field airfield in the area of \u200b\u200bTotsk began to arrive the highest military leaders: Marshals of the Soviet Union Vasilevsky, Rokossovsky, Konev, Malinovsky, - recalls pins. - Even ministers of defense of the countries of the People's Democracy, Generals Marian Spokey, Ludwig Freedom, Marshal Zhu-De and Peng-de-Huai. All of them were located in the government town in advance in the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp. During the day, Khrushchev, Bulganin and the Creator of Nuclear Weapons of Kurchatov appeared in the day before the exercises.

The head of the exercises was appointed Marshal Zhukov. A combat technique was placed around the epicenter of the explosion designated by the White Cross: tanks, airplanes, armored personnel carriers, to whom in the trenches and on Earth, tied "landing": sheep, dogs, horses and calves.

With 8000 meters, the Tu-4 bomber dropped a nuclear bomb to the polygon

On the day of departure to the teachings, both crew Tu-4 was preparing in full: nuclear bombs were suspended at each of the aircraft, the pilots were simultaneously launched engines, reported on readiness to task. The team at the takeoff was the crew of Kutyurchev, where the scorer was Captain Kokorin, the second pilot - Romensky, the navigator - a woman. Tu-4 was accompanied by the MiG-17 fighter and the IL-28 bomber, which should have conducted weather and filming, as well as protect media in flight.

"On September 14, we were raised on the alarm at four o'clock in the morning. It was a clear and quiet morning," says Ivan Putivlsky. "- in the sky - neither a cloud. On the machines were taken to the foot of the government tribune. We sat down to the footer in the ravine and photographed. The first signal through loudspeakers. The government tribunes sounded 15 minutes before the nuclear explosion: "Ice started!" 10 minutes before the explosion, we heard the second signal: "The ice goes!" We were instructed with us, ran out of cars and rushed to pre-prepared shelters in the ravine from the side from Tribunes. Lit on the stomach, head - in the direction of the explosion, as they taught, with closed eyes, laying under the head of the palm and opening the mouth. The last, third, signal: "Lightning!" The hell rang away. The clock stopped at 9 o'clock 33 Minutes. "

Atomic bomb The carrier aircraft dropped from a height of 8 thousand meters from the second right to goal. The power of the plutonium bomb under the code word "Tatyanka" was 40 kilotons in Trotic equivalent - several times more than the one that blew over Hiroshima. According to the memoirs of Lieutenant General Aspen, a similar bomb was previously tested at the Semipalatinian landfill in 1951. Totanka "Tatyanka" exploded at an altitude of 350 m from the ground. The deviation from the planned epicenter was 280 m in the north-west direction.

At the last moment, the wind changed: he took the radioactive cloud not in a deserted steppe, as they waited, but right to Orenburg and on, towards Krasnoyarsk.

5 minutes after the nuclear explosion, artillery preparation began, then a blow to bombarding aviation. The guns and mortars of different calibers, Katyusha, self-propelled artillery installations, tanks, buried to the ground. The battalion commander told us later that the density of fire per kilometer area was more than when taking Berlin, the Kazan remembers.

"During the explosion, despite the closed trenches and the blocks, where we were, there penetrated the bright light, after a few seconds we heard the sound in the form of a sharp thunderstorm discharge," says Nikolai Piliers. "After 3 hours an attack signal was received. Airplanes, inflicting. A blow to ground targets in 21-22 minutes after the nuclear explosion, crossed the leg of the nuclear mushroom - the trunk of a radioactive cloud. I followed 600 meters from the epicenter of the explosion at a speed of 16-18 km / h. I saw burned from the root to the top Forest, federated columns of techniques, burnt animals. " In the epicenter - within a radius of 300 m - there was not one hundred central oak left, everything burned out ... The technique in a kilometer from the explosion was indulge in the ground ... "

"The valley, one and a half kilometers from which he was the epicenter of the explosion, we crossed in gas masks, - recalls Casans. - The edge of his eyes managed to notice how they burn. piston aircraft, Cars and staff cars, the remains of cows and sheep were carried away everywhere. The earth resembled a slag and some monstrously whipped consistency. The terrain after the explosion was difficult to learn: the grass smoked, the squealing quail, the shrub and the armor disappeared. I was surrounded by naked, smoking hills. A solid black wall of smoke and dust, a scratch and gary stood. Serebed and cherished in the throat, there was a ringing and noise in the ears ... Major General ordered me to measure the level of radiation at the rooting side of the fire by a dosimetry device. I ran up, opened the damper on the bottom of the device, and ... the arrow shook. "In the car!" - General commanded, and we drove off from this place, which was near the immediate epicenter of the explosion ... "

Two days later - September 17, 1954 - the TASS message was published in the Pravda newspaper: "in accordance with the plan of research and experimental work in the last days In the Soviet Union, a test was carried out by one of the types of atomic weapons. The purpose of the test was the study of the atomic explosion. When testing, valuable results were obtained to help Soviet scientists and engineers successfully solve problems on protection against an atomic attack. "The troops fulfilled their task: the country's nuclear shield was created.

Residents of the surrounding, for two thirds of the burnt villages on the logs dragged new houses built for them on old - cherished and already infected - places, collected in the fields Radioactive grain baked in the ground potatoes ... And for a long time old, Bogdanovka, Fedorovka and the village of Sorochinsky remembered Strange glow of firewood. Flumbes, isolated from trees charred in the area, glowing in the dark with greenish fire.

Mouse, rats, rabbits, sheep, cows, horses and even insects who were in the "zone" were subjected to a close survey ... "After the exercises, we passed only dosimetric control," recalls Nikolai Piliers. "Experts paid much more attention to us in The day of the teachings of a dry soldering wrapped in almost a two-chamber layer of rubber ... He was immediately taken to the study. The next day, all the soldiers and officers were transferred to the usual diet. Delicatesses disappeared. "

Returned from Totsky Polygon, according to the memoirs of Stanislav Ivanovich Kazanova, they are not in the commodity, in which they came, but in a normal passenger car. Moreover, their composition was missed without the slightest delay. Stations flew by: Blank Perron, on which there was a lonely chief of the station and gave honor. The reason was simple. In the same train, in Spetsvagon, Semyon Mikhailovich was returned from the exercise.

"In Moscow, a magnificent meeting was waiting at the Kazan Station of Marshal, - recalls Kazanov. - Our cadets of the sergeant school did not receive any signs of distinction, no special certificates, no awards ... thanks that the Minister of Defense Bulganin also did not receive anywhere else ".

Pilots who dropped a nuclear bomb, for the successful implementation of this task, were presented in the Victory Machine Machine. On the analysis of the exercises, the crew commander Vasily Kutyurchev from the hands of Bulganin received the Order of Lenin and, early, the title of Colonel.

The results of general-purpose exercises with the use of nuclear weapons were imposed in the "completely secret".

The third generation of people who survived the tests on the Totsk Polygon, lives with a predisposition to cancer

No checks and surveys of participants in this inhuman experiment from the consideration of secrecy were not conducted. Everything was hidden and silent. Losses among civilians are still unknown. The archives of the Totsk district hospital from 1954 to 1980. destroyed.

"In the Sorochinsky registry office, we made a sample on the diagnoses of the dead over the past 50 years. Since 1952, 3209 people died from oncology in nearby villages. Immediately after the explosion - only two cases of death. And then - two peaks: one in 5-7 years after The explosion, the second - since the beginning of the 90s.

We studied immunology in children: they took the grandchildren of people who survived the explosion. The results were stolen: in immunograms of Sorochinsky children there are practically no natural killers who participate in anti-cancer protection. Children actually does not work the interferon system - the protection of the body from cancer. It turns out that the third generation of people who survived the atomic explosion lives with predisposition to cancer, "says Professor of the Orenburg Medical Academy Mikhail Skachkov.

Participants in Totsk teachings did not give any documents, they appeared only in 1990, when they were equated with the rights to the Chernobyl.

Of the 45,000 military who participated in Totsk teachings, a little more than 2 thousand remained alive. Half of them are officially recognized as disabled in the first and second group, in 74.5% - the diseases of the cardiovascular system, including hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis, were revealed, including 20.5% of digestive organs, 4.5% - malignant neoplasms and blood disease.

Secret Developments THE USSR. Part I: Meteorological Weapon. Many have already heard about the US project of ARR. Meanwhile, the USSR still in 1981 developed and launched a Russian analogue called "Sura", which is still working. After starting commissioning. When "Sura" just started to be actively used, interesting abnormal phenomena was observed in the atmosphere. Many workers saw strange glows, burning red balls hanging motionless or at high speed rushing in the sky. - This is not UFO, but only a luminescent glow of plasma formations. - Explains the Researcher of the Installation of Yuri Tokarev. At the moment, work on the study of the glow of the ionosphere with active impact is one of the important areas of research.


"It is possible to influence the weather, but not so largely as caused by the most powerful hurricanes. Neither we nor they, I mean Americans - so far no one knows how to do this, "Yuri Tokarev continues. - Installation power is not enough. Even the power on which the VACI will be withdrawn in the near future, not enough to effectively organize natural disasters. " In the early 80s, active research was conducted in the field of creating plasma generators and their impact on the Earth Ionosphere. Experiments, as scientists are being recognized, had a military assignment and were developed to violate the location and radio communication of the potential enemy, that is, the United States. Plasma Education, created by installations in the ionosphere, jammed American systems of long-distance launch launches. But aggressive impact on the ionosphere gave side effects. With certain perturbations, the ionosphere began to be observed minor changes in the atmosphere. "The first tests of the ionic generator brought a lot of interesting results," said Dr. Technical Sciences, Academician of Raen Mikhail Shahramignan. - When the device is working, the flow of oxygen ions rises upwards, depending on the local cloud rupture or cloud formation of the selected mode. In April 2004, under Yerevan, with the help of two HIONE type devices in the clear sky, it was achieved to form a cue-rain cloud. On April 15-16, 25-27 mm of precipitation fell in Yerevan, which is approximately 50% of the monthly norm. " Now "Sura" works at about 100 hours a year. The Institute lacks money for electricity for heating experiments.
Only one day of intensive work of the stand can be deprived of a monthly budget polygon. Americans carry out experiments on AMR for 2000 hours a year, that is, 20 times more. The size of the appropriations on the most approximate estimates is $ 300 million per year. Russian science spends only 40 thousand dollars for similar purposes, almost 7500 times less. And between already soon, the VAC should go to the design capacity of 3.5 gigawatts, which is already an order of magnitude exceeds the power of "sura".

Secret developments of the USSR. Meteorological weapons.

"If it goes further, we risk lose the main thing, namely the understanding of what they have happened," says one of the scientists of Nirfi, Professor of the Nizhny Novgorod University of Savely Grac. - And "Sura", and NAA is not a weapon, but only research laboratories. But the processes worked out on them in the future are quite possible, will be applied for military purposes. It is not necessary to hope that Americans will refuse temptation to build something special with fantastic characteristics for a simple alignment. But then it will be too late to catch up. Now, despite the cooking lack of 90s, we are still superior to Americans in the understanding of the processes occurring in the ionosphere. But the material and technical base is destroyed, people leave abroad, and the gap is incredibly shrinking. "

Secret developments of the USSR. Meteorological weapons "Sura"

"It's just a miracle that" Sura "was generally able to preserve," said Georgy Komrakov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. - Personally, I am already far from the young man, at night I myself was sitting with an ax in ambushes, podkarayuyaya colored metal hunters. Here on the square in several football fields to keep track of the darkness behind them is not so easy. You can imagine what efforts would be needed to be with two rustic wigs, which themselves do not mind to turn, save the installation. For example, one of Nirfi polygons in the nineties was plundered to the ground. Now he does not function. "Sura" could comprehend the same fate. "

The appearance in the future of fundamentally new types of weapons will undoubtedly have a deep influence on the methods and methods of warfare, on determining its endful goals, the contents of the concept of "victory" itself. The use of new types of weapons of mass lesion (OMP) and even the threat to its use will be directed primarily to the achievement of the most important political and economic purposes, possibly without direct contact of the troops of opposing parties and without conducting hostilities in their traditional understanding.

This may lead to the abandonment of armed clashes of large armies, the physical destruction of people directly on the battlefield. To replace them, they will come slowly active funds, which will have a damaging effect on the human body and destroy its vitality, undermine the system of life support, protection against meteorological and infectious factors, which thus leads to the gradual death of people or a long-term conclusion of them.

Geophysical weapons

Scientists have long been paying attention to the danger related to the possibility of creating "geophysical weapons", which is based on the use of funds causing natural disasters (earthquakes, shower, tsunami, etc.), as well as the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, protecting animals and vegetable world From solar radiation. There are first attempts to artificial stimulating rain rains to destroy irrigation facilities in order to create floods on significant areas. Such attempts were undertaken by the United States during the War of Vietnam.

Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means of exposure for military purposes on the processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. At the same time, the states of unstable equilibrium are of particular interest, when a relatively small push can cause catastrophic consequences and the impact on the enemy of powerful destructive forces of nature ("trigger effect"). Of particular importance for the use of such agents has an atmospheric layer height from 10 to 60 kilometers. According to the nature of the impact, geophysical weapons are usually divided into meteorological, ozone and climatic.

Meteorological weapons

In the north of Alaska, 320 kilometers from Anchorage, at the foot of the mountains, the forest of 24-meter antennas, unwittingly attracting the attention of meteorologists and ecologists. The official name of the project is "High Freguency Active Auroral Research Program" (Haarp). According to American representatives, the HAARP project is designed to study the methods of improving radio communications. According to a number of prominent scientists, in reality, the Pentagon of work for military purposes is conducted in Alaska. In particular, scientists believe that with the help of targeted antennas "are shot" into the ionosphere of the beams of high-frequency radio waves, which at large altitudes heated by the ionosphere before the formation of plasma. This creates an energy unstability of the ionosphere, changing the rose of winds, causing tsunamis, thunderstorms, floods, snowfall.

The most studied action of such weapons is to provoke showers in certain districts. For this, in particular, the scattering in the rain clouds of iodide silver or iodide lead was used. The purpose of such actions can be difficult to move the movement of troops and especially heavy equipment and armaments, formation of flooding and flooding of significant territories. Meteorological agents can also be used to dissipate the clouds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged bombing to ensure aiming especially on point targets. The cloud, a size of several thousand cubic kilometers, carrying energy reserves of the order of a million killaste-hours, can be in such an unstable state that about 1 kilograms of iodide silver is enough to change its condition. Several aircraft using hundreds of kilograms of this substance can dispel clouds over the area of \u200b\u200bseveral thousand square kilometers, causing abundant precipitation.

Work on the creation of meteorological weapons have a long history. Soon after the end of World War II, the United States began to study intensively under study the processes occurring in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: "SkyFire" (possibility of lightning formation), "Prime Argus" (earthquake call methods), "StormFury" (hurricane management) . The obtained results of this work was not widely reported. It is known, however, that in 1961, American scientists conducted an experiment on throwing more than three hundred and fifty thousand copper two-chamber needles to the atmosphere, which changed the thermal balance of the ionosphere. It is believed that precisely as a result of this, an earthquake of 8.5 points occurred in Alaska, and part of the Chile's coast crawled into the ocean. A sharp change in the thermal processes occurring in the atmosphere can also cause the formation of powerful tsunami. On the danger that the tsunami, which fell into coastal regions, is evidenced by the tragedy in the states of New Orleans and Louisiana, who was influenced by Catherine's tsunami in September 2005. This was natural cataclysmBut scientists do not exclude the possibility of creating as destructive tsunami near the enemy's territory by explosion of a powerful thermonuclear charge in the ocean at a depth of several hundred meters.

Climatic weapons

Climatic weapons are considered as a kind of geophysical weapons, since in this case the climate change occurs as a result of interference in the global weather formation processes in the Earth's atmosphere.

The purpose of using such weapons can be a decrease in agricultural production on the territory of the likely enemy, the deterioration of the supply of its population, the disruption of the implementation of socio-economic programs. In the country underwent climate weapons, the desired political and economic changes can be achieved without unleashing the war in a traditional understanding.

Some experts believe that catastrophic consequences may have a decrease in only 1 degree of average annual temperature in the region of medium latitudes, where the bulk of grain is produced. In the implementation of widespread fighter wars for fertile territories with climate weapons, mass losses of the population of large regions can be caused by climate weapons. However, given the deep relationship between climatic processes occurring in various parts of the world, the use of climate weapons will have a weakly reliable character, that is, to make significant damage to neighboring countries, including a country that will apply such a weapon.

Ozone weapons

The ozone layer of the atmosphere is in dynamic equilibrium with environmentalwherein the formation of ozone from molecular oxygen under the action of solar radiation and its decomposition under the influence of factors such as an emission of industrial gases, exhaust vehicle, nuclear tests in the atmosphere, isolated nitrogen oxides from mineral fertilizers and chlorofluorocarbons (freons) from various cooling and air conditioning systems. The ozone layer is very sensitive to external influences.

Accordingly, the ozone weapon may be a set of means (for example, rockets equipped with chemicals of type of freon) for artificial destruction of the ozone layer over the selected areas of the enemy territory. The formation of such "windows" will create conditions for penetration to the surface of the Earth of the rigid ultraviolet radiation of the Sun with a wavelength of about 0.3 μm. It destructively acts on the cells of living organisms, cellular structures and hereditary apparatus, causes skin burns, contributes to a sharp increase in the number of cancers in people and animals. It is believed that the most significant result of the impact will increase the mortality of the population, the decrease in the productivity of animals and agricultural plants in the areas over which the ozone layer was destroyed. Violation of processes occurring in the ozoneosphere may also affect the thermal balance of these areas and on the weather. Reducing the ozone content should lead to a lower temperature and enhancement of humidity, which is especially dangerous for unstable, critical agriculture areas. In this area, ozone weapons are closed with climatic.

Radio frequency em

Among the non-nuclear means of defeat, radio frequency weapons affecting a person and various objects with a powerful electromagnetic pulse (AM) are often mentioned.

For the first time on an electromagnetic impulse, capable of applying various defeat technical devicesIt became widely known during the first tests of nuclear weapons in the USA and the USSR. However, as soon as it turned out, Amy arose not only in the process of a nuclear explosion. Already in the 1950s, Academician Andrei Sakharov first proposed the principle of the device of a non-nuclear "electromagnetic bomb". In this design, the magnetic field of the solenoid is compressed by an explosion of a chemical explosive, as a result of which a powerful pulse of electromagnetic radiation occurs.

In Russia, the institution of thermal physics of extreme states led by Academician Vladimir Fortov plays an important role in the work on the study of AM-weapons and methods of protection against it. V. Fortov emphasized that although Emy weapons are characterized as "non-mercy," experts refer to it to the category of strategic weapons, which can be used to disabre the key objects of the state and military management system.

IN last years Serious successes were achieved in Russia in the development of stationary research generators, creating high magnetic field strength and maximum current. Such generators are able to serve as the prototype of the "electromagnetic gun", the range of which can reach hundreds of meters and more, depending on which equipment it is necessary to influence.

Existing technologies allow a number of countries to supply various modifications of ammunition with powerful emi-radiation that can be used during combat operations. During the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf, the Tomahawk winged Rockets, created by a power of up to 5 MW, were used to suppress the electronic means of enemy's opponent. At the very beginning of the war with Iraq in 2003, such an emi-bomb was discarded in Baghdad, which instantly disabled all electronic equipment of television center. Earlier, in 1999, the Americans experienced the same bomb in Yugoslavia (the destruction of television center in Belgrade).

Studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body have shown that even during the irradiation of EMI rather low intensity, various violations and changes occur in it, in particular, the violation of the rhythm of the heart, up to its stop. At the same time, two types of exposure were noted - thermal and non-cooping. The thermal impact causes overheating of tissues and organs and with rather long-term radiation causes irreversible pathological changes in them. Non-door impact, mainly leads to functional violations In various organs of the human body, especially in cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Laser weapons

Lasers are the powerful emitters of the electromagnetic energy of the optical range - quantum generators. The striking effect of the laser beam is achieved due to heating to high temperatures of the object of the object. This causes a melting or even evaporation of materials, damage to the sensitive elements of weapons, the blinding of human vision organs, up to irreversible consequences, and applying severe lesions in the form of thermal skin burns. For an opponent, the action of laser radiation is distinguished by suddenness, secrecy, lack of external signs in the form of fire, smoke, sound, high accuracy, rectivinence of propagation, almost instant effect. It is possible to create laser combat complexes for various purposes of terrestrial, marine, air and cosmic bases with different power, range, rapidity, ammunition.

Objects of lesion of such complexes can be the live strength of the enemy, its optical systems, aircraft and rockets of various types. There is no doubt that the laser weapon will receive more and more use, intended for the defeat of both the living strength and the enemy's combat.

It is known that in the United States for many years laser rifles worked out, emitting a thin low-power beam. Such a rifle ensured a target defeat at a distance of 1.5 km. A shot of such a gun is practically not visible and not heard. The beam hit in the eye causes a defeat of vision organs of vision of varying severity, up to complete blinding. Applied in these cases, protective glasses provide protection only from some wavelengths. For a comprehensive study of the striking actions of laser radiation and methods of protection against it in the United States, more than a thousand tests were conducted in the mid-1950s.

Works on the creation of combat samples of laser weapons are paid to much attention in Russia. In the Moscow Radio Engineering Institute, RAS successfully implemented projects "Ranis-E" and "Rosa-E". With the help of a mobile microwave system, sewn (MMSZ) is intended to ensure the creation of defense of the most important objects from high-precision weapons. The MMSZ should enter an antenna system, a high-power generator, controlling and measuring instrumentation. The entire system should be mounted on a mobile database and ensure the operational transfer of the "Ranier-E" system in the desired area. This weapon must have an output power over 500 MGT, work in a centimeter range, radiating pulses with a duration of 10-20 nanoseconds. The microwave gun "Raddersa-E" is designed to defeat targets for a distance of up to 10 km, providing a circular shelling sector. The mass of such a system will exceed 5 tons. The first information about the new weapons received visitors to the Russian exhibition pavilion in Singapore and Lima in 2001. It was a kind of breakthrough when the original design developments were released, modified depending on customer requests.

Specialists are not found without reason that laser weapons will be obtained in connection with the creation of a large-scale missile defense of the United States. In 1996, the United States began to create a Laser Weapon of ABL Air Base (Airborne Laser), designed to destroy missiles on the trajectory of flight, especially on the section of acceleration, where they are most vulnerable. Powerful laser installation with fuel reserve in tens of tons, will be placed on board "Boeing 747". Upon receipt of the Boeing crisis situation, it climbs into the air and barragles at an altitude of 10-12 km, possessing the ability for two to three seconds to detect the enemy's missile and cause it to defeat the range up to 300 km. The complete test program is scheduled to be completed in the near future, with such a calculation, in order to create a squadron as part of seven such aircraft. In February 2000, one of the leading military-industrial consortia Martin-Boeing-TRW signed a contract with a Pentagon, providing for the development of the main elements of the space laser station with the calculation of the internal tests in 2012. The completion of the full cycle of work on the creation of a combat laser of cosmic basement is scheduled for 2020.

The range of the likely application of laser weapons is very wide, diverse, and specialists, apparently, will more than once come to meet with new ways to use it and lesion objects.

Acoustic weapon

When considering the problems of creating and affecting the actions of acoustic weapons, it should be borne in mind that in the general case it covers three characteristic frequency range - an infrasound range with a frequency range below 20 hertz, an audible range (from 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz) and an ultrasonic range (over 20 kilohertz) . Such gradation is determined by the peculiarities of the impact of sound on the human body and, above all, on its auditory apparatus. It has established that thresholds of hearing, levels of pain and other negative impact on the human body decrease with increasing sound frequency from several hertz to 250 hertz.

In recent years, a wide range of works in the field non-mercy (NSO) in the Center for Research, Development and Services of Army Arms (ArDec) in the Arsenal of Pakatinni (New Jersey). A number of projects for the creation of devices forming acoustic "bullets" emitted by the alarms of large diameter were performed by the Association of Scientific Research and Application (SARA) in Hantinton Beach (California).

According to the creators of the new weapons, it should expand the possible range of use military force Not only on the battlefield, but also in a number of situations of police or peacekeeping operations. Studies are underway to create infrasound systems based on the use of large loudspeakers and powerful amplifiers requiring them to ensure their reliable performance of the development of effective design cooling measures and new materials. Contents of SARA and ArDec, aimed at creating acoustic weapons of high power and low frequency, are intended to protect American institutions abroad.

In the UK, radiators of infrasound have an impact not only on the human hearing aid, but also causing resonance of internal organs with a violation of the heart of the heart, up to a deadly outcome. This weapon was applied during the fight against riots in Northern Ireland. To defeat the personal composition of troops in the bunkers and in combat vehicles, acoustic "bullets" of very low frequencies that are formed by imposing ultrasonic oscillations emitted by large antennas are also tested. According to American experts in the field of "non-metal weapons" J. and S. Morris, Russia also provides a complex of work in the field of acoustic weapons and impressive results are obtained. The Americans, in particular, declared that they were demonstrated in Russia a valid device forming an infrasound pulse with a frequency of 10 hertz "size with a baseball ball", the capacity that was allegedly sufficient to apply a person a heavy lesion at a distance of hundreds of meters, right up to death.

Infrasound fluctuations below the level of perception of the human ear are able to cause a state of anxiety, despair, horror. According to certain specialists, the effects of infrasound radiation on people lead to epilepsy, and with a significant radiation power - to death. Death may occur as a result of a sharp violation of the functions of individual human bodies, the defeat of its cardiovascular system, destruction of blood vessels and internal organs. Experts believe that the selection of radiation of a certain frequency can be provoked by the mass manifestations of myocardial infarction at the personnel of the troops and the population of the enemy. It should take into account the ability of infrasonic oscillations to penetrate concrete and metal barriers, which, undoubtedly increases interest in this weapon.

The impact of acoustic weapons on the human body is very diverse and covers a wide range possible consequences. In the SARA work report, which summarized the research results for the previous period of time, was indicated, in particular, that the infrasound at the level of 110-130 dB provides negative impact The organs of the gastrointestinal tract causes pain and nausea. At the same time, high levels of concern and disorders are achieved in flight exposures already at levels from 90 to 120 dB at low frequencies (from 5 to 200 hertz), and strong physical injuries and damage occur at level 140-150 dB.

At low frequencies, excited resonances of internal organs can cause bleeding and spasms, and in the range of average frequencies (0.5-2.5 kilohertz), resonances in the air cavities will cause nervous excitation, tissue injuries and internal organ overheating.