The culture of ancient Rus' in the pre-Mongol period. Presentation on the topic: Culture before Mongolian Rus' Architecture of Ancient Rus'

"Architecture Ancient Rus'. Pre-Mongol Rus'"– a presentation that will tell about the most significant monuments architecture of pre-Mongol Rus'. Having adopted Christianity at the end of the 10th century, the Kiev prince Vladimir also accepted Byzantine culture, which crossed with the pagan customs and artistic traditions of the Slavs, but, being stronger, overshadowed them at first.

Architecture of Ancient Rus'. Pre-Mongol Rus'

“We do not know whether we were in heaven or on earth, for there is no such view and such beauty on earth, and we do not know how to tell about it; We only know that God dwells with people there, and their worship is better than in all other countries. We cannot forget that beauty,”

the envoys told Prince Vladimir about their visit St. Sophia Cathedral Constantinople.

“We took the gospel and tradition from Byzantium”
A.S. Pushkin

Having adopted Christianity at the end of the 10th century, the Kiev prince Vladimir accepted and which crossed with the pagan customs and artistic traditions of the Slavs, but, as the stronger one, at first overshadowed them.

With the adoption of Christianity, the cross-domed type of temple was borrowed as a model, the rectangular interior of which was divided into longitudinal parts - naves - by rows of supporting pillars; four supporting pillars were connected at the top by girth arches that supported a light drum through sails, ending in a hemispherical dome.

Four semi-cylindrical vaults face the domed square in the center of the temple, forming a cruciform structure in plan; hence the name of the system – cross-dome.

The eastern part of the building had an extension for the altar in the form of 1-3-5 semicircles - apses.

The transverse space in the western part of the temple was called the narthex. In the same western part, on the second tier, there are choirs, where the prince and his entourage were located during the service.

In the external decoration of the temple, vertical division of the facade into spindles with blades was used.

The most common masonry technique in temple construction is Kievan Rus was the so-called mixed one - the walls were erected from thin plinth bricks and stone on pink lime mortar - tsemyanka. On the façade there was a row of brick alternating with a row of cement, and that’s why it seemed striped, which in itself was a decorative solution for the exterior.

"Oh, light-colored and ornately decorated
Russian land!

Tithe Church

Immediately after the adoption of Christianity in Kyiv, the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary was built, the so-called Tithe Church (989-996) - the first stone temple of Kievan Rus known to us. The Tithe Church (the prince allocated a tenth of his income for its maintenance - hence the name) was destroyed during the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

The Tithe Church was richly “decorated”: this is evidenced by fragments of frescoes and mosaics, floor slabs, fragments of columns, pieces of carved capitals discovered by archaeologists in the square where the Tithe Church stood. It was a large 25-domed six-pillar church, surrounded on both sides by lowered galleries, which gave a pyramidal appearance to the entire temple.

The Church of the Tithes stood on the main square of the city. The princely palace, mansions of the squad and the city nobility were also located here. The princely tower and the main shrines of the city - the cathedrals - stood high above the Dnieper, “on the mountain”.

At the foot of the hill, “on the hem,” lived merchants, artisans, and the urban poor. Kyiv at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries was a well-fortified city; the wall on a powerful earthen rampart was wooden, but the gates were stone.

In 1031-1036 In Chernigov, Greek craftsmen erected the Transfiguration Cathedral. This very “Byzantine” temple of Kievan Rus has survived to this day almost entirely.

Sofia Kyiv

In 1037, Yaroslav the Wise founded the stone St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, five-apse, 13-domed. The construction of the cathedral is associated with the final victory of the army of Prince Yaroslav over the Pechenegs.

Just like the Tithe Church and the Transfiguration Cathedral, Sofia has a pronounced pyramidal composition. Pyramidality and mass accumulation are features alien to Byzantine architecture.

Stepped pyramidality, as well as multi-domed architecture, was a primordially national feature of Russian architecture. The greatest decorativeness of the facades was provided by the picturesque structure of the masonry with a hidden row and stripes of untreated stone.

The interior of Sophia of Kyiv was unusually rich and picturesque: the well-lit altar spaces and the central domed space were decorated with mosaics.

The pillars of the naves, the darker side rooms under the choir, the walls are painted with frescoes. The floors were also mosaic and slate. Slate - construction material. Initially - small slabs made of clayey shale. Untreated shale was also called slate.

The Mother of God in the conch of the apse of Kyiv Sophia, standing with raised hands - the canonical type of Oranta (praying) - was perceived by the people of Kiev as the image of the defender of the city, the personification of the “mother of Russian cities” herself. She was nicknamed the “Unbreakable Wall”. According to legend, as long as the Kiev Oranta is intact, Kyiv will stand.

“Where Sofia is, there is Novgorod”

The five-domed Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral (1045-1050), although built in the image and likeness of the Kyiv Cathedral, was still significantly different from the latter.

The Novgorod temple was made of stones held together with lime mortar, subsequently whitewashed with plaster, which, in combination with golden domes, gave it great picturesqueness. Heroic strength is felt in Novgorod Sofia. No wonder the cathedral was revered by the Novgorodians, who said: “Where Sophia is, here is Novgorod.”

Sofia Polotskaya

In 1066, the third Sophia was built in Polotsk, the masonry technique of which was similar to that of Kyiv. The main volume of the temple was strictly centric, its internal space was divided into five naves by cross pillars. The temple belonged to a complex version of the cross-dome system. The council ended with seven chapters.

St. George's Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery

In 1119, Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich built a stone cathedral in the ancient Yuryev Monastery.

St. George's Cathedral, like the Novgorod Sophia, amazes with its majesty and massiveness. It dominates the vast expanses of water at the river approach to the city.

The overwhelming majority of the names of ancient Russian architects are unknown to us. But the name of the creator of St. George's Cathedral was preserved on the pages of the late Novgorod chronicle - he was “Master Peter”.

St. George's Cathedral culminates the monumental princely construction in Novgorod of the 12th century.

During the Kyiv era, the foundations of the Russian architectural tradition were laid and the features of future construction schools of various ancient Russian principalities of the era of feudal fragmentation were outlined.

I invite you to look at mine. There is a route dedicated to architecture of pre-Mongol Rus'. Thorough a story about the birth and structure of an ancient Russian temple An inquisitive reader of my site will find Arzamas on the site.

Good luck!

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Slyusar Svetlana Aleksandrovna history teacher of MKOU "Kosolapovskaya Secondary School" Tselinny district

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Study the peculiarities of the culture of Ancient Rus'. Get acquainted with oral folk art, writing, literature, architecture and fine arts.

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A project is a research work on a topic. A creative project is a union of students to research a topic based on several sources.

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Under the influence of what factors was the distinctive culture of Rus' formed? What were the cultural features of the Old Russian state? What was the influence of Christianity on ancient Russian culture? What events do the epics tell about? Who are their heroes? Why do you think Old Russian state were there many literate people?

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In one of the chronicles in 1132, when after the death of the great Kyiv prince Mstislav, all the principalities of Rus' left obedience to Kyiv, it is written - “And the whole Russian land was torn apart.” A period called feudal fragmentation began.

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The state of fragmentation of Rus', when each principality-state in its own Everyday life could rely, first of all, on its own capabilities and strengths, and had a decisive influence on the culture and art of each region. What happens at this time? Cities - economic and administrative centers of agricultural districts - are growing and strengthening, social stratification is increasing,

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A number of local centers of culture are growing, art schools are emerging - Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal, Galician-Volyn, Ryazan, schools of Polotsk and Smolensk. Old Russian art in a number of political and cultural centers, where painting, architecture, and applied art developed independently, still had common features of that united but fading Kievan Rus. In other words, the unity of artistic culture was preserved. After all, he had a common past... After the collapse of the Kievan state and before the Mongol-Tatar invasion, literature continued to follow the directions that had been established under Yaroslav and his descendants - chronicles, lives, and teachings were written.

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Military vehicles were created that were used in the siege and defense of fortresses - “vices”. Rus' also had its own doctors - “healers”, who were under the jurisdiction of the spiritual authorities. Sewing, weaving, and embroidery developed.

Rus' of pre-Mongol times, culture of the 13th -15th centuries. - the time of formation of the Russian centralized state, the culture of the 16th and the culture of the 17th centuries. Russian culture until the end of the 17th century. usually characterized as medieval. With Peter's reforms, a new Russian culture was established. Its main feature was a secular, rationalistic type of culture. How separate periods of development of a new culture are considered: the culture of the first quarter of the 18th century, the middle - second half of the XVIII century, first half of the 19th century, second half of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th century.

The culture of Kievan Rus inherited the culture of the East Slavic tribes that formed the core of the state. She experienced the undoubted influence of nomadic peoples and Byzantium. Traditions of Byzantium - one of the most developed countries the world of that time - fertilized the folk culture of Rus', based on the pagan worldview. They were reworked and refracted on Russian soil.

In the second half of the XII - early XIII century. Russian culture began to experience a certain influence of the Western European Romanesque tradition. The Mongol-Tatar conquest dramatically changed the nature of contacts and the direction of cultural ties of Rus'. In the culture of pre-Mongol Rus', three periods can be distinguished: the culture of the Eastern Slavs, the culture of Kievan Rus, the culture of Russian lands and principalities of the period of fragmentation.

Features of the development of Russian culture in the 9th-17th centuries. It's time for dominance medieval culture. Firstly, it is characterized by a general slowness of the pace of development. Productive forces are slowly improving, subsistence farming dominates, preserving the existing level of social relations.

Secondly, a characteristic feature of the culture of this time is traditionalism. The farming people, observing the changing seasons of the day and year, the life of an individual, saw their repetition, movement in a vicious circle. Centuries of experience have been the most reliable guarantor against disasters. Hence the authority of antiquity, of what has been repeated many times; following patterns

Third, distinctive feature medieval culture is dominant in ideology religious worldview. Secular rationalistic (from the Latin “ration” reason) ideas are present only in embryo; they are most noticeable in cities and in folk, everyday culture.

Fourthly, this period is characterized by the accumulation of knowledge, but many facts and phenomena have not yet received a scientific explanation. Despite certain differences in the development of Rus' in comparison with Western European countries, Russian culture was formed and developed in the general mainstream of European culture. This is explained by the homogeneity socially - economic development Rus' and European countries, similarity of social structure. Finally, Christian eternal values ​​that determined the type of culture were also common.

Unfortunately, many cultural monuments have not reached us. A significant part of them died in fires, invasions, and wars. For example, when the Mongols besieged Moscow in 1382, its residents took books to the Kremlin Cathedral. The chronicler wrote: there were so many books that they supported the arches of the building. When Tokhtamysh broke into the Kremlin by deception, these untold book treasures were burned. Books perished in subsequent centuries. The only copy of “Tales of Igor’s Campaign” perished in the fire of 1812. A large number of cultural monuments were destroyed by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. Many cultural monuments also perished as a result of the actions of the authorities, who destroyed them for “ideological” reasons.

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Writing Cyrillic is one of the two (along with Glagolitic) first Slavic alphabet. (The word “alphabet” comes from the name of the first two letters of the Cyrillic alphabet: “az” and “buki”). The Cyrillic alphabet was created at the end of the 9th century on the basis of the Greek statutory letter by the Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius. Introduced in Rus' in connection with the baptism of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Saint (988), the Cyrillic alphabet formed the basis of the Russian alphabet. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Birch bark letters Birch bark letters are Russian letters and documents of the 11th-13th centuries, scratched on birch bark (birch bark). In the 20th century, ancient birch bark letters were found in Smolensk, Pskov, Vitebsk, Staraya Rus, Tver, but most of them were discovered during excavations in Novgorod, since the land here is conducive to long-term preservation of wood. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Handwritten books Handwritten books were made up of separate, hand-written sheets, which were sewn into notebooks and bound. Such manuscripts were attached to wooden boards called bindings. The outside of the boards was covered with leather or fabric and placed in precious frames. The material for Russian handwritten books until the 14th century was parchment, and then paper. Russian scribes used ink made from soot (“smoked”) and from a decoction of oak or alder bark. To dry the ink, fine quartz sand was used, which was sprinkled on the finished sheet. Words in a handwritten line were not separated, and paragraphs were highlighted with an initial - a letter written in vermilion. The type of handwriting of a Russian scribe with a clear, almost square outline of each letter was called ustav. With the advent of paper, the writing process was simplified, and the statutory letter was replaced by a rounded letter with an inclined outline of the letters - semi-character, and cursive writing appeared for business papers. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Enlightenment Under Yaroslav the Wise, the Cathedrals of Hagia Sophia were built in Kyiv and Novgorod. The Kiev Pechersky Monastery was founded near Kyiv. His monks wrote chronicles and rewrote books. Yaroslav Vladimirovich himself knew how to read and forced others to learn. In Novgorod and Kyiv, by his decree, about 300 children were selected and sent to “learn from books.” The library of Slavic and Greek books collected by Yaroslav was kept in the Hagia Sophia. Yaroslav is also known as the first Russian legislator. During his reign, a set of laws was issued, which went down in history under the name “Russian Truth”. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Literature Ostromir Gospel" "Ostromir Gospel" is the oldest dated monument of Russian writing that has come down to us. It was compiled in the years by order of the Novgorod princely posadnik Ostromir. "Ostromir Gospel" is a collection of weekly gospel readings. Prepared by: history teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22" Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Screensaver “Ostromir Gospels” Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 22”, Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Fragment from the text of the “Ostromir Gospel” Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 22”, Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Page from the “Ostromir Gospel” Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 22”, Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Nestor, monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, chronicler. (c.1050-c.1113) Nestor is considered the largest historian of the Middle Ages. N.M. Karamzin called Nestor "the father of Russian history." In working on the main work of his life - “The Tale of Bygone Years” - Nestor used official Byzantine chronicles, folk legends, and texts of the great princes as a historical source. "The Tale of Bygone Years" covers the period of reign of the seven great princes: almost two and a half centuries (years). Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Saints Boris and Gleb “Reading about the life and destruction of the blessed passion-bearers Boris and Gleb” (author: monk Nestor) Prepared by: history teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 22”, Balakovo Chuvatova I.V. Secondary school 22" Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Boris and Gleb Cathedral in Chernigov Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” Prince Igor’s squad Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 22”, Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians Prepared by: history teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Yaroslavna's lament Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Tithe) in Kyiv. It was founded in 989 immediately after the baptism of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Saint. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was decorated with the greatest luxury for that time: marble, jasper, mosaics. Precious utensils were brought from Greece especially for her. The Kiev Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which became the burial place of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich and his wife, was destroyed in 1240, during the invasion of Kyiv by Batu Khan. The temple turned into ruins. In their place, in the 17th century, Kiev Metropolitan Peter Simeonovich Mogila built the modest Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Subsequently, when the church fell into disrepair, it was razed to the ground. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

The ruins of the Tithe Church before its final demolition Prepared by: history teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Tithe Church in Kyiv. Modern reconstruction. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

The temple was founded in 1037 by Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise in memory of the victory over the Pechenegs. All roads leading to the city converged on the square in front of the cathedral. The St. Sophia Cathedral was repeatedly subjected to looting and devastation, was almost destroyed, its walls were built on and remodeled many times. Now appearance The temple is absolutely different from the previous one, but in its interior much has been preserved from the original construction and ancient decorations. St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

An ancient mosaic, partially preserved on the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, is the most valuable element of the temple. In the central apse (vault) of the main altar of the cathedral there is a mosaic image of Our Lady of Oranta (Our Lady with her arms raised to the sky), called the “Unbreakable Wall”. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Below is a mosaic on which, in the top row, the apostles communed with bread and wine during the Last Supper. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod was founded in 1045. Built - in According to legend, the artists who painted the cathedral wanted to depict the right hand of Jesus Christ blessing, but the next day, after it was painted, the fingers of the hand were clenched. After three unsuccessful attempts to restore the previous appearance, the master’s hands, according to legend, heard a heavenly voice commanding to leave the right hand of the Savior clenched, for it holds the fate of Novgorod within itself, and when it opens, the city will come to an end. On the lower parts of the walls of the Novgorod cathedral, numerous inscriptions scratched in different time temple visitors. Most of the inscriptions date back to the 11th-13th centuries. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Fragment of the Great Zion from the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod Icon “Peter and Paul” from the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod Prepared by: history teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Church of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa near Novgorod In 1198, near Novgorod, on the banks of the Spasovka River, a stone one-domed Church of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa was built. The temple, severely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, has now been restored, but the frescoes of 1199 on its walls have been almost completely lost. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir Built at the behest of Grand Duke Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky, the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir has not been preserved in its original form. The temple was badly damaged during the fire of 1185 and was rebuilt over the years. Subsequently, it was rebuilt several times. Currently, the cathedral has five domes, although according to the original plan it had only one dome. The interior decoration of the temple, for the construction of which Prince Andrei Yuryevich allocated a tenth of his income, sparkled with gold, silver and precious stones. It has been compared to the legendary temple of the biblical King Solomon. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir Built in the years under the Grand Duke Vsevolod III Yurievich Big Nest The stone one-domed Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir has been well preserved to this day. According to some assumptions, the unknown architect who built the building was closely familiar with the Cathedral of St. Luke in Venice: he decorated the facades of the temple with similar decorative carved images of people and animals, and white stone floral patterns. Frescoes dating back to 1197 have been preserved on the walls of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

"Golden Gate" in Vladimir The "Golden Gate" was erected in 1164 in the western part of the Vladimir fortress, on main road leading to the city. They served both as a defensive structure and as a ceremonial entrance. The white stone arch of the gate was crowned by a gate church with a gilded dome. In those days on opposite side The Vladimir fortress was probably dominated by the equally powerful and ceremonial “Silver Gate”. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Icon "Our Lady of Vladimir" The icon "Our Lady of Vladimir", according to legend, was painted by the Evangelist Luke. It was brought to Rus' from Greece and until 1155 it was in Kyiv. In 1155, Prince Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky took the icon to Vladimir. Until 1395, the icon “Our Lady of Vladimir” was in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. In 1395 the image was transferred to Moscow. In 1480, the icon was placed in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The patronage of the icon was credited with saving Moscow from the invasion of Khan Akhmat in 1480, as well as repelling the invasion of the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey in 1521. The icon “Our Lady of Vladimir” belongs to the type Our Lady of Eleusa – Tenderness: the Virgin Mary is depicted from the waist up, on her right hand she holds the infant Christ, who, clasping his mother’s neck with his left hand, presses against her cheek. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Icon "Our Lady of Smolensk" Painted, according to legend, also by the Evangelist Luke, the icon "Our Lady of Smolensk" was brought to Rus' from Greece and was kept in the Assumption Cathedral in Smolensk. In 1238, the image was encircled around the city walls, praying for salvation from the invasion of Batu Khan. In 1812, during the Battle of Borodino, the icon was with the Russian army. Miraculous phenomena in Smolensk during the cholera epidemic were also attributed to the intercession of the image. The icon "Our Lady of Smolensk" belongs to the type of Our Lady Hodegetria - Guide: the Virgin Mary is depicted from the waist up, on her hand she holds the infant Christ, who, sitting upright, holds a scroll in his left hand, and blesses with his right. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Icon "Our Lady of Feodorov" The icon "Our Lady of Feodorov", known since 1164, was originally located in the Church of Fedor Stratelates of the Fedorov Monastery near Gorodets. Then the image was transferred to Kostroma, where the icon was first in the Kostroma Church of Fyodor Stratelates, and in 1239 it was transferred to the Assumption Cathedral of Kostroma. In 1613, before this image, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov received a blessing for the kingdom. The icon "Our Lady of Fedorov" belongs to the type of Our Lady Hodegetria. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

Oral folk art The field is red with millet, but conversation is with the mind A sharp tongue is a gift, and a long one is a punishment Believe more in your own eyes than in the words of others. Good silence is better than bad grumbling. It’s short and clear, and that’s why it’s wonderful. The day passes until the evening, but there is nothing to listen to. There is honey on the tongue, and ice in the heart. Not everything that is said is good. If you don’t give a word, be strong, and if you give it, hold on. He lied about stealing. Learning is beauty, and ignorance is simplicity. Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. Prepared by: history teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School 22", Balakovo Chuvatova I.V.

X - first third of the XIII centuries.


Old Russian culture developed in
cultures of surrounding peoples.
The culture is religious.
The culture was based on centuries-old
history of the development of oriental culture
Slavs It was during the Slavic era
the beginnings were laid in antiquity
Russian spirituality, language, culture in
in general.


Old Russian literature


Covers for manuscript books

Ostromir Gospel of the 11th century.

Collection of Svyatoslav of the 11th century.

Mstislav Gospel of the 12th century.

Genre is a historically established
abstract sample, based on
which specific texts are created
literary works.


The oldest Russian chronicle - "The Tale
temporary years". Its author is considered
monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery
Nestor and dated to 1113.

The Tale of Bygone Years came to us in
handwritten copies no older than the 14th century.
The most famous of them are
Lavrentyevskaya, Ipatyevskaya
Radziwill Chronicle.

Laurentian list 14th century.

Laurentian list invitation to Rurik and his brothers

Ipatiev list 14th century.

Radziwill list 15th century. Princess Olga's Revenge

Life (hagiography)

biography of famous spiritual
and secular persons canonized
Christian Church

Word (teaching, speech)

genre work
solemn eloquence
"A Word on Law and Grace"
moralizing eloquence -
"Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh"

“The Sermon on Law and Grace” by Metropolitan Hilarion of Kyiv (circa 1049)

Vladimir Monomakh “Teaching to Children” (circa 1096)

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
The plot is based on the campaign of 1185
Russian princes against the Polovtsians,
undertaken by Novgorod-Seversky
Prince Igor Svyatoslavich.
The "Word" was written at the end of XII
century, shortly after the one described
events (often dated to the same 1185
year, less often 1-2 years later).


a type of travel literature
Their main purpose is to tell about
also contains information about nature,
climate, customs of other countries.

"The Word of Daniel the Sharper" second half of the 12th century.

"The Word of Daniel the Sharper"
second half of the 12th century.
Prisoner of Lache Lake, Daniil Zatochnik
turns to the prince, tries again
deserve princely favor and
prove to the prince his usefulness in
as a wise advisor.

"By the Prayer of Daniel the Sharper" 30s. XIII century

"By the Prayer of Daniel the Sharper"
30s XIII century
It is addressed to Yaroslav Vsevolodich,
at that time the prince of Pereyaslavl
Zalessky. The author of this edition is a nobleman, a representative of the new
categories in the ranks of the mainstream
class. Characteristic feature"Prayers"
is a negative attitude towards
the highest nobility - the boyars.


X-XII centuries
architecture first
thirds XII- first third

Architecture X-XI

cross-domed church
altar apses
dome drums

Tithe CHURCH (CHURCH OF THE VIRGIN) in Kyiv (10th century)

while taking
Kyiv by the Mongols
in 1240,
when in it
residents took refuge


SOPHIA CATHEDRAL IN Kyiv (1037-1056)

Hagia Sophia in Kyiv (current state)

In the 11th century St. Sophia Cathedral was
thirteen poles.
The number of domes (domes) was
deeply symbolic.
Thirteen domes
symbolized Jesus
Christ and the twelve

The church was built from plintha (wide and flat baked brick). Rus' did not yet know marble

The church was built from plinth
(wide and flat baked brick).
Rus' did not yet know marble

Church of St. Sofia. Apses.

Church of St. Sofia. Choirs.

Church of St. Sofia.


Novgorod was one of the oldest
centers of Russian writing, and
library of the St. Sophia Cathedral - one
the most
treasuries in Rus'. Stored here
rare handwritten and early printed
books. Among them is Ostromirovo


Kyiv. Holy Assumption Cathedral

GOLDEN GATE IN Kyiv (XI century).

Golden Gate in Kyiv (XI century).

12th century architecture

Vladimir-Suzdal architecture
Novgorod architecture


A. religious buildings
B. secular buildings

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky (1152-1157)

Assumption Cathedral on the river Klyazma in Vladimir (1158-1160)

Assumption Cathedral on the river Klyazma,

Architectural design

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl 1165

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir 1197

St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky 1230 - 1234

St. George's Cathedral in YuryevPolsky 1230 - 1234

St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky

St. George's Cathedral in YuryevPolsky

Palace of Andrei Bogolyubsky

Golden Gate in Vladimir

Novgorod and Pskov architecture

Reducing volumes.
Simplification of the configuration of stone buildings.
Multi-domed churches have been replaced by single-domed ones.
Temples were built not according to princely orders, but on
funds of boyars and merchants or parishioners of one
streets (streets).
Simplification of construction techniques and
decorative finishing was allowed in short
deadlines to build cost-effective structures,
corresponding to material
possibilities and aesthetic ideas

Novgorod. Yuriev Monastery. XII century.

St. George's Cathedral in the Yuryev Monastery in Novgorod

Transfiguration Cathedral of the Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov

Gathering of the Spaso-Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov.
Around 1156

Church of the Savior on Nereditsa

Church of Paraskeva Friday 1207

- power, monumentality
-Short, strong
-Five- or single-headed
-Instead of a mosquito net, a pitched ceiling
-Decorations: niches, arches, crosses, rosettes
-Arches and triangles on the reels
- Temples have become taller and slimmer
- Walls are thinner and lighter
- instead of modest jewelry
rich stone carvings on the walls
- Arcature belt
- Extended drums

Pyatnitskaya Church in Chernigov

looking up
single-dome building.
Thick walls
lined with bricks
special equipment
“in the box” (outside and
inside there are rows of bricks,
and the spaces between
filled with them

Church of Peter and Paul in Smolensk


Christ Pantocrator
40 martyrs
Our Lady of Oranta
Church Fathers
System for placing paintings.


In the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv
a mosaic depicting
huge figure of Our Lady Oranta.

Mosaic placement scheme:

Mosaic of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 11th century.

Mosaics of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 11th century.

perspective, symbolism of gestures and
the main focus was on
image of face and hands

Double-sided icon of the mid-12th century:
Savior Not Made by Hands and Adoration of the Cross

Annunciation -
Savior Not Made by Hands

Novgorod school of icon painting

St. George
temple image of Yuryev
monastery in Novgorod
1030 - foundation of Yuryev
it is concluded that it is close
original painting from
"Great Martyr
George" from Sofia of Kyiv.
30-40 years of the XII century -
consecration of St. George's
Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery
twisted rope.
glassy mass,
which depending
from the addition of metal oxides
when fired, it acquires one or another
jewelry technology,
patterns from small
metal balls.