The best leg stretching exercises for beginners. Hamstring stretch exercises The best exercises to stretch the hamstrings

If you conduct a survey among the female population, the majority will confirm that they are not satisfied appearance namely the hips. This part of the body gets better first, but getting rid of extra centimeters is very difficult. The only way out is to combine regular training, proper nutrition and massage.

Experienced athletes and trainers say that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to work the muscles of the back of the thigh, since it is this part of the body that does not receive the necessary load due to sedentary work, etc.

Thanks to regular training, your legs become stronger and more toned, which makes it possible to get rid of the appearance of cellulite and improve the condition of your skin.

basic information

Exercises for the back of the thigh can be part of a complex or performed separately. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t do exclusively isolation training, as they don’t allow you to completely get rid of fat and cellulite.

In addition, you can get seriously injured and forget about any activities for a long time. For example, this can happen if your hips are tight and your buttocks are weak during the exercise.

The posterior surface of the thigh consists of the following muscles: semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps. This part of the body is perfectly developed during dancing, gymnastics and swimming. A complex aimed at this problem area can be performed in the gym under the supervision of a trainer or at home, which will also give the desired result.

Hamstring stretch

If you want slender and toned legs, then such exercises should certainly be present in the complex. Stretching is a movement that increases the flexibility of the body and improves joint mobility. Before moving on to such exercises, you need to warm up your muscles. To do this, you can simply perform swings or circular movements with different parts of the body.

In order for stretching to give the desired result, you must follow some rules:

  • Breathing should be free. Inhale, and as you exhale, stretch. If you cannot breathe, then change your position and take a more comfortable position;
  • It is best to perform exercises in the evening, as the flexibility and elasticity of muscle fibers increases at this time. If you do them in the morning, be sure to warm up well first;
  • Stretching requires freedom of movement, which means you need to choose comfortable clothes so that they do not impede blood circulation;
  • To achieve the desired result and pump up the muscles of the back of the thigh, training must be done regularly.

Perform stretching and relaxation exercises for the hamstrings:

  • Stand straight with your feet together. Slowly begin to tilt your head, moving onto your back, until your upper body is completely lowered. Then hug your legs from behind and pull your torso towards them. It is important that your knees are straight. Remember that stretching should be a pleasure, so do everything as slowly and gently as possible;
  • Lying on your back, lift your head and shoulder blades as if you were pumping your abs. Lift one leg off the floor and grab it with your palms near your ankle. Raise your other leg slightly, but make sure your lower back is flat on the floor. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and pull your leg towards your forehead in 2 jerks, which should be accompanied by short exhalations. Then inhale, change legs and repeat the exercise. Do 5 repetitions with each leg. Stretching may be accompanied by slight discomfort, but in no case pain;
  • Sit on the mat and extend your left leg forward. Bend the other leg at the knee and place it so that the foot rests on the inner thigh of the left. It is important that the muscles are not tight, so feel your left leg. Sitting in this position, pull your toes towards you and breathe deeply.

Examples of exercises for the back of the thigh

There are many various options, so you can choose the right complex for yourself. Remember that technique is important to get results and avoid injury.

Lunges. Standing straight, bend your knees and lunge forward with your left leg so that your right shin and thigh are perpendicular to the floor. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. The body must be tense so as not to lose balance.

Do 15 repetitions with each leg. Stretching can come into play here if you do a few springy movements after the lunge. You can also complicate the exercise if, while returning to the starting position, you take a step back, that is, a reverse lunge.

Leg raises. There are several exercises for the hamstring muscles, for which you need to use a mat:

  • Stand on your right knee and bring your left leg back, it should be straight. Then, lift your leg up so that it is parallel to the floor, and then lower it not all the way and keep it suspended. Turn your foot towards you, keep your back and arms straight. Do 15 repetitions with each leg. You can increase the amount, do it until you feel muscle tension;
  • Lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows, place them behind your head. Raise your legs at a right angle, spread them apart and bring them together again. To transfer the load to another muscle group, bend your legs and repeat the exercise. Do it for a minute, increasing the pace. You can make it even more difficult: to do this, straight legs need to be spread apart, lowered down and brought together, and then return to the starting position. This will help pump up the back of the thigh even more.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, bend your elbows and place your arms under your chin. Tighten your buttocks, lift your left leg and slowly lower it without touching the floor. Do 15 repetitions and change legs. To complicate and increase the load on this muscle group, use a weighting agent or a special elastic band. Another option for the exercise: stretch your arms forward and lift your upper body as you lift your legs.
  • Lying on the floor, rest your elbows in front of you. As a result, the upper body will be torn off the floor, while the spine should be arched. You need to look ahead. Slowly move your left leg to the side and lift it, up and down, as if you were drawing a cardiogram. At the same time, move to the other leg. Do 20 repetitions and change legs. Immediately after the exercise you will feel muscle tension.

Exercise with a chair. To do this, you need to take a chair with a back that will serve as a support. Place both hands on the chair and take your right leg back and immediately lift it 20 cm. You must pull the toe towards you. Slowly lower your leg, but do not touch the floor. Make sure to keep your upper body still. Do 20 repetitions and change legs.

To ensure that exercises on the back of the thigh produce results, use the following recommendations:

If you are just starting to play sports, then you should not overexert yourself, do everything within your own strength.

Over time, your body will get used to it and you will be able to increase the load. To achieve your goal, get rid of cellulite and improve skin elasticity, you need to exercise regularly and monitor your diet. Massage and other cosmetic procedures are also important for the beauty of your legs.

Strong and elastic hamstring muscles protect the lower back from damage and injury when bending forward. Elastic popliteal ligaments will help when performing such difficult asanas, such as Hanumanasana (a pose dedicated to the Monkey God - Hanuman). However, if you try to stretch these muscles by straining them with all your might and applying rough force physical strength, the effect will most likely be the opposite: the muscles will become even stiffer. To achieve their elasticity, you need to learn how to relax these muscles.

The main reason we have such a hard time lengthening our muscles is the contraction reflex. If you overdo it and stretch them too much, they, obeying a reflex, begin to contract, trying to return to their previous familiar state. A psychological technique will help here: when releasing muscles from tension, mentally strive to lengthen them, not stretch them. The contraction reflex can be nullified by gradually lengthening the muscles of the back of the thigh. If you pull them too hard and persistently, there will be no point: they will stubbornly resist.

Strength and stretching

While practicing the suggested asanas, try using two techniques to lengthen the hamstrings. The first is aimed at consciously relaxing muscles in asanas. The second, on the contrary, helps to lengthen muscles by consciously contracting them and simultaneously stretching them. This technique is also good because it helps strengthen the muscles and maintain their strength, even if they are already quite elastic. Before you begin the routine, do a few standing poses to warm up your leg muscles and prepare your body and mind for practice.

1. Supta Padangusthasana I – Lying Big Toe Grip

Lie on your back, straighten your legs and press your soles firmly against the wall. With your popliteal area facing the floor, bend your right leg. If your hamstrings are flexible enough, use your right index, middle, and thumb to grasp your right big toe. If not, place a strap over the ball of your right foot and grab it with your right hand. Place your left palm on your left thigh. Keeping your right knee bent, point the inner edges of both feet away from you and the outer edges toward you. Spread and extend your toes and point them toward you while gently pushing the balls of your toes away from you. It is very important to maintain this footwork in all asanas.

Move the right side of your pelvis toward your feet until both sides are the same distance from the wall. This movement will align the length of the right and left sides. Now you need to straighten your right leg at the knee so as not to feel a clear stretch in the back of the thigh. Slowly straighten your right leg, pointing your foot and upper thigh toward the wall. If you use a belt, the angle between your raised leg and your torso may be obtuse. If you grab your big toe with your hand, do not pull your leg towards you: keep it as close to the wall as the length of your arm allows. Maintain a natural arch in your lower back and roll both hips inward.

As you exhale, gently pull your right foot toward you and stop as soon as you feel a slight, pleasant stretch in the back of your thigh. Stay in this position without bending your knee or lowering your lower back to the floor. Be calm and patient, observing the sensations that arise in the back of your thigh and behind your knee until you realize that the feeling of traction has disappeared. (This may take 30 seconds or more.) Then gently pull your leg a little closer to your head until you again feel a pleasant stretch. Stay still, wait until the feeling of stretching dissolves again, and only then continue. Repeat the entire cycle until you reach the limit. Hold the highest possible position for 30 seconds, lower your leg to the floor and repeat the same with your left leg.

2. Parshvottanasana – Lateral Stretch Pose

Stand facing the wall about 30 cm away. Press both palms against the wall at shoulder level and step your left foot back 100–120 cm. Turn your left foot outward about 30 degrees. The heel of the right foot should be in line with the high point raising the left foot. (If this position is difficult to achieve, move your left leg slightly to the left or lift your heel off the floor.) Rotate your pelvis completely toward the wall, then, rotating it at the hip joints, lean forward with a straight back. In this position, your palms will be above shoulder level. Before moving on, align the position of the pelvis: its left and right parts should be located at the same distance from the wall and at the same height from the floor. To achieve an even position, adjust the distance between your feet and move one or both sides of your pelvis back or forward (most people need to point the left side of their pelvis forward). Then roll both thighs inward so that your kneecaps point in the same direction as your toes.

Now proceed to lengthening the muscles using the “contraction-extension” technique. It is best to start active traction immediately. To do this, draw your knees in and tilt your pelvis, lifting your sit bones higher and directing the sides of your pelvis forward and down. If you do not feel a strong stretch, move both feet a few centimeters further from the wall. Once again, adjust the position of your pelvis and raise your sit bones again (keep your arms as high as possible). Repeat this sequence until you feel the back of your right thigh stretch strongly.

The next stage is alternating muscle contraction and relaxation. Press your right foot firmly into the floor. Without bending your knees, continuing to turn your right thigh inward and maintaining the angle of the pelvis, contract the muscles of the back of the thigh for 10 seconds as much as possible (this should reduce the feeling of stretching). Then quickly, but without losing awareness of the action, completely relax the muscles and allow the hamstrings to lengthen. Stay like this for at least 10 seconds. Repeat the contraction and relaxation cycle at least three times. Between cycles, you can move your feet a little further from the wall to increase the intensity of the stretch. IN last cycle hold the contraction and final extension for 30 seconds. Perform the entire sequence of actions in the other direction.

3. Padangusthasana – Grasping the Big Toes

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, parallel to each other. Draw your knees in, contracting the muscles at the front of your thighs. Keeping your legs straight, lean forward from your hips so that your pelvis, spine, and head move as one. Firmly grasp your big toes with your index and middle fingers. Press your big toes into the floor and use your fingers to resist the movement (if you can't reach your toes without rounding your back, use a strap under the balls of your feet and grab both ends with your hands).

As you inhale, contract the muscles of the front of your thighs with redoubled force and lift your torso as if you wanted to fully straighten, moving your chest off the floor, until your arms are straight. As you exhale, continue to lift your sternum while pushing your sit bones upward to create a gentle arch in your lower back. Then allow the hamstrings to relax and the abdominal area below the navel to contract. Raise your sternum as high as possible, but do not try to lift your head too much: this creates tension in the neck. Make sure your forehead remains relaxed. The upward movement of the torso should lead to contraction of the muscles of the back of the thighs, similar to what happened in Parshvottanasana. With each inhalation, lift your chest higher to increase the contraction of your thigh muscles; With each exhalation, lift your sit bones higher to deepen your lumbar arch, while consciously relaxing your hamstrings. To finish, take a deep breath, draw your knees in even more, and as you exhale, bend your arms, spreading your elbows to the sides. Lengthen the front and sides of your torso and, with strong hands, pull the top of your head and torso toward the floor while relaxing the muscles in the back of your thighs. Stay in the final pose for 1 minute. To come out of the asana, release your toes, relax your arms, then rise with a straight back.

4. Janu Sirsasana – Head to Knee Pose

Sit with your legs extended in front of you. If you find it difficult to bend over in this position, place one or two folded blankets under your pelvis. Leaving your right leg straight, bend your left at the knee and place your heel as close to your left sit bone as possible, helping yourself with your hands. At the same time, allow the left half of the pelvis to move back - the left ischium will be further than the right. Then, with your hands, turn the thigh flesh outward and lower your knee to the left, to the floor. Using your hands, push your left knee back and pull your heel as close as possible to the junction of your pelvis and inner thigh. Rotate your shin and foot so that your heel points toward the ceiling and your toes point toward your right hip. Make sure your right leg is still well stretched with your kneecap pointing straight up. Place the fingers of your right hand behind you on the floor or blanket, and your left hand on the floor in front of you. As you inhale, push off with your hands and stretch your spine upward. As you exhale, continuing to stretch, direct the left ischium down and back, and the left half of the pelvis forward, towards the right leg. This is a key movement of the pose: it will help to rotate the left lower ribs and chest towards the extended leg. Each time you deepen a bend or twist, start at the pelvis to guide your torso in the direction of the movement.

Now place your left hand on the inside of your left thigh, closer to your groin. As you inhale, strongly rotate your hip outward, direct the left half of your pelvis forward and, twisting to the right, lean towards your right leg. Reach your left hand forward and grab the outside edge of your right foot (if you can't reach, use a strap). Place your right palm on the floor near the outside of your right knee or thigh. Hold your foot or strap firmly, inhale, press your right palm to the floor and lift your torso as if you were about to sit up straight (this movement is similar to the movement in Padangusthasana). As you exhale, press the area under your right knee toward the floor, move your left pelvis forward, create a slight arch in your lower back, and move your left lower ribs simultaneously forward and toward your right leg.

Change the position of your hands: grab the right edge of the foot with your right hand, and the left with your left hand. As you inhale, lift your chest up. As you exhale, bend your elbows and bend your body forward and down toward your right leg. This movement is reminiscent of the final stage of Padangusthasana, when you simultaneously relax the back of the thigh and, using your arms, stretch the front and sides of the torso. Lower your left lower ribs toward the floor until they are level with your right and move your sternum forward toward your right shin, lengthening your belly and allowing your lower abdomen to retract. If the hamstring is flexible enough, grab your left wrist with your right hand behind your foot and turn your left palm away from you. Let the head become an extension of the spine, do not let it rise. If you can easily lower your forehead to your shin, do so, placing it as close to your ankle as possible. Stay in the pose for a minute or more. Then repeat the asana, changing the position of your legs.

5. Crownchasana – Heron Pose

If your knees and hip joints are mobile enough, you can perform full version Crownchasanas, sitting on the floor. But most will need one or two blankets to support their pelvis. Sit down and stretch your legs in front of you. Then bend your left knee and place your shin and instep on the floor (Virasana position, Hero pose). The foot should be located as close to the pelvis as possible, and the toes should point straight back. Press your sit bones into the support and point them back - this movement will create a slight forward tilt of the pelvis. Continuing to stretch upward, interlace your fingers under your right knee and bend it. Then wrap your interlaced fingers around your right foot (if your hamstrings are still tight, place a strap around your foot and grab it with both hands). As you exhale, maintaining spine extension, lift your foot off the floor and carefully straighten your leg. Do not pull the foot towards you - on the contrary, move it away from the body so that the stretching of the muscles of the back of the thigh is gentle. Roll your right thigh slightly inward and continue to point your sit bones down and back and the head of your femur toward the floor. Actively push the inner edge of your foot and the ball of your big toe away from you, and pull the outer edge of your foot towards you.

Now try using the relaxation technique as in Supta Padangusthasana. Keeping your right leg absolutely straight, hold this position until the feeling of gentle stretching goes away. Then, as you exhale, pull your foot a little closer to you until the feeling of slight stretching reappears. Repeat this process several times. It is very important to bring your foot closer to you only if you feel relaxation in the back of your thigh. Work this way until you reach your natural limit. Hold in the final position for a minute. Breathe calmly, keep your stomach soft and rib cage open. Repeat the pose, changing the position of your legs. After bending, do some gentle twists, such as Bharadvajasana I (a pose dedicated to Bharadvaja), and passive backbends with support, such as Supta Virasana on a bolster (Reclining Hero Pose). Finally, relax in Shavasana (Dead Man's Pose).

Even if the muscles of the back of the thigh are your most problematic area, you should not devote the entire session to stretching them. The practice should be balanced: one should not forget about backbends, which will strengthen and stretch the muscles of the front of the thigh, and asanas with wide legs (for example, Upavistha Konasana and its variations), which help to lengthen the inner thigh. The paradox is that as soon as you stop trying to achieve results quickly, your hamstrings will relax and allow you to move on. Be patient, stay in the present, and then the movements that you previously considered ordinary stretching will become yoga for you.


    Relieves muscle tension.

    Increases freedom of movement.

    Helps avoid lower back problems.


    Injuries of the lumbar and sacral spine.

    Injuries to the muscles and ligaments of the posterior thigh.

    Pain in the area of ​​the sit bones or just below.

    Sacroiliac joint injuries.

    Knee injuries (for Janu Sirsasana).


Photo: ashleygalvinyoga/

A flexible, elastic body is a person’s dream. It is possible to try to achieve your plans. The right set of exercises performed daily will help you achieve your cherished goal.

The front surface of the thigh is a delicate part; you need to stretch it carefully. The area is pumped at an accelerated pace, becomes very noticeable, “swollen”, to prevent this, you will need to give up excessive weights when working with the front surface of the thigh. The muscles of the legs are pumped much less often than other parts of the body.

The muscles of this part allow you to bend your knees, tilt your pelvis forward, bend your hips, and the posterior muscles help you straighten.

On the front of the thigh is the most powerful muscle of the legs - the quadriceps or quadriceps muscle - so named due to the heads of the muscle, which begin from the femur and end in the tibia, forming a common tendon. An exception is the rectus muscle, which descends from the ilium and attaches to the acetabulum. The quadriceps helps the knee joint to fully extend.

The structure of the quadriceps includes muscles:

  1. The rectus muscle turns out to be the longest of the other four heads of the anterior leg muscles. It is located from the acetabulum and ends near the tibial tubercle. Non-flexion of the knee has the least impact.
  2. The vastus lateralis is the largest muscle in this part of the thigh. The shape is flat, wide and thick. Descends from the trochanter of the femur, weaving itself to the bottom of the tendon of the rectus leg muscle.
  3. Medial wide - shaped like a drop located inside, originating from the linea aspera and moving to the patellar ligament.
  4. Intermediate wide - lies between the medial and lateral, is located deeper than the others, and is recognized as weaker than the others.

Stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh: general rules

Any stretching of the back and front muscles requires compliance with the rules, first of all, so as not to damage your health, and secondly, so that the achieved result is maintained for a long time.

Classes are conducted systematically. The number of classes should not decrease.

You will need to learn how to properly relax your leg muscles, otherwise you may end up with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Consider going for a run as a great way to exercise. You need to run at a normal pace, jumping from foot to foot with swinging movements. You can warm up by jumping in place, on one leg or both.

Warming up the leg muscles before stretching will prepare the ligaments for the exercise.

The minimum time spent in a stretching pose is 10 seconds, gradually increase to 60. Stretching for less time will not give results.

To achieve success when stretching, you need to breathe deeply. You can't hold your breath!

Remember, muscle stretching is not supposed to be painful. Some discomfort is acceptable, especially in the initial stages, but not pain.

Good muscle stretching is the result of many years of work on the body. You will need to have a considerable amount of patience to engage in this type of activity.

The benefits of exercise are obvious: the effects of stress are prevented, weight is normalized, and people begin to work normally. the cardiovascular system, the overall resistance of the body is developed.

Training is gradually becoming a part of life. Stimulate your own interest by doing family or group activities.

Stretching while standing on one leg

To perform this type of stretching you will need:

During the exercise, the muscles of the back, gluteal, and sometimes the back and front muscles of the thigh are strongly worked out in a comprehensive manner.

Consider the following points:

  • To achieve maximum stretching, try to keep your back straight during the exercise, make sure that your legs do not bend, and your pelvic bone does not lean forward.
  • If you choose a higher support, the stretching of the muscle group in question will significantly increase. You will also be able to feel the stretching of individual back and front muscles on your left leg.

The classic version of stretching the anterior thigh muscles is done while standing:

When performing the exercise, you will need to straighten your chest, shoulders and align your body parts.

Lunge Stretch


  1. Take the appropriate position in which the left leg takes a forward position.
  2. Bend your left leg at a right angle. The knee and ankle joints conditionally create a straight line.
  3. To balance your torso during the exercise, you need to grab a support (for example, a chair) or your left knee.
  4. The pelvic bone moves forward so that the knee moves further than the ankle joint; the heel cannot be lifted off the floor.

The exercise will allow you to work the anterior gluteal and individual posterior and anterior femoral muscles of the legs, lower leg, and lumbar region.

During the exercise, movements should be done smoothly, without jerking or sudden movements! Make sure that your left knee remains pointed forward and your right knee is off the floor.

If you want to stretch further, when your pelvis reaches the front point, you should arch your back.

Stretching while lying down

The exercise is performed according to the algorithm:

  1. Lie on your right side.
  2. Bend your left leg as much as possible, bring your heel to your buttocks a short distance.
  3. Take the foot, pull it closer to the buttocks, while simultaneously moving the pelvis forward. Don't try to touch your heel to your buttocks. As in the previous exercise, be careful. Pull the foot slowly to avoid injury to muscles and joints. During the exercise, focus on stretching the posterior and anterior thigh muscles, not on bending your leg as far as possible.

Thanks to the exercise, the gluteal, lumbar and femoral muscles of the legs are stretched.

This easy set of stretching exercises for the hips and groin area can help prevent and treat injuries and deformities of the groin, lower back, and pelvis. Watch each exercise on video!

Groin stretch

  1. Stand with your feet wide apart and knees bent.
  2. Bend your right knee to the side and lean to the right.
  3. Hold in this position for 10 - 30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Major adductor.
Short adductor.
Adductor longus muscle.

Watch the video on how to do this exercise correctly:

Home stretching complex for the hip adductor muscle

Stretching your hip muscles will help keep your hips flexible, which is important for preventing injury.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs as far apart as possible and in full contact with the floor.
  2. Keeping your back straight, lean forward at your hips.
  3. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Thin muscle.
Major adductor.
Long adductor.

In the video, the instructor shows how to correctly perform this exercise from the complex:

Stretching the femoral muscle

Stretching the lateral hip muscles can be an effective part of a runner's training routine.

  1. Lie on your back on the floor.
  2. Bend your right knee and slide it over your straightened left leg.
  3. Use your left hand to pull your right knee towards you.
  4. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Gluteus medius.
Gluteus minimus.

Piriformis muscle - stretching

The piriformis muscle can be very troublesome and cause sciatica symptoms, including leg pain. Training this muscle, especially in combination with other exercises, will maintain its elasticity and prevent damage to the sciatic nerve.

  1. Lie with your shoulder blades on the floor.
  2. Bend your right leg and cross the ankle of your left leg over your right leg.
  3. Cross your leg over your upper thigh.
  4. Pull your leg as close to you as possible to increase the pressure.
  5. The exercise time is 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:

Try doing the same as shown in the video below:

Stretching flexor muscles

This is an effective set of exercises for beginners that can be performed at home;This stretch is typically used on the muscles of the front of the thigh, including the rectus femoris.

  1. Kneel on one leg. The other leg should be in front with the knee bent.
  2. Shift your weight to the front of your body.
  3. Tighten your hips during the exercise for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Rectus femoris muscle.
Iliopsoas muscle.

Repeat after the instructor:

Gluteal stretch

Stretching the buttocks in combination with other exercises can serve as a factor in reducing the symptoms of sciatica.

  1. Lie on the floor on your back.
  2. Bring your bent knee toward your opposite shoulder.
  3. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:

Gluteus maximus muscle.

Not difficult, but effective exercise:

Another exercise option in the buttock stretching complex that can be performed at home

  1. Stand in front of a bench or high chair.
  2. Place your leg on the surface of the platform and bend it at the knee, pulling it under your stomach.
  3. Gradually lean forward, thus increasing the stretch.
  4. Perform 1 approach for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Gluteus maximus.
Gluteus minimus.
Gluteus medius.

The video shows how to perform this physical element:

Stretching the outer thigh

  1. Stand with one leg extended behind the other.
  2. Bend to the side, but without stretching too much.
  3. Press into your thigh and push in the opposite direction.
  4. Perform the exercise for 10-30 seconds.

Alternatively, you can use a table. Place one foot on the table, stand sideways to it and bend as far as possible.

Muscles involved:
Tensor fascia lata.
Iliotibial tract.

This exercise can also be performed in a sitting position.

  1. To perform this exercise as a stretching complex for the tensor fascia lata, in a sitting position, you need to pull the knee across the body.
  2. Concentrate on your outer and inner thighs. If you feel pain, stop.
  3. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, rest and repeat 2-3 times.

See how to do hip stretching correctly:

The medical (surgical) discipline explores the layer-by-layer organization of the body, perceiving it in different projections

In addition, science pays attention to the following aspects:

  • movement of blood through blood vessels;
  • physiologically correct location of its components relative to the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • muscle innervation, work nervous system, pathological changes in sensory fibers;
  • individual characteristics of the body, based on its age, constitutional characteristics, gender.

Science identifies and analyzes:

  • head – the totality of the brain, visual, auditory and olfactory receptors, oral cavity, and tongue is assessed; they are perceived as a system of functioning organs;
  • neck - a section that serves to connect the head to the body; vital nerves and muscles, blood vessels pass through it; the larynx, esophagus, trachea, and spinal cord originate;
  • torso – the main constituent elements of the body are concentrated here;
  • limbs - through them movements are carried out, human movement in space becomes feasible, activity and normal life activities are ensured.

Stretching the hamstring muscles, exercises, technique

Once the difference between tucking your body at the hips and leaning forward from your back by bending your torso at the waist is ingrained in your memory by doing the good morning exercises, you can choose classes for your training program from the following varied exercises for stretching the hamstrings .

All of them are performed according to the same rules as the good morning exercise: chin and chest raised, back straight, heels dug into the floor, body flexed at the hip joints, etc.

Keep your knees slightly bent or straight, depending on your preference and health history.


If you wish, you can keep your hands behind your back to promote a straighter spine.

The most popular basic version of the posterior thigh stretch is performed while sitting on the floor with your legs extended forward.

When performing an exercise for one leg, bend one of your legs at the knee so that the sole of its bend is located at the level of the knee of the opposite leg, and not as in the harmful stretching exercise of a hurdler! Make sure that your body weight is placed on the leg whose back muscles you are stretching, and not away from it!

It also provides easier versions of the exercise using a chair or chairs for most trainees who are not flexible enough to keep their backs straight while doing this exercise while sitting on the floor with their legs extended in front of them.

Be sure to transfer your body weight to the leg whose muscles you are lengthening.

Also, keep your other leg bent in knee joint so that the knee is facing in the same direction as the toe of the foot, slightly turned outward, never allow the knees to deviate inward!

A cool version of stretching the muscles of the back of the thigh in a kneeling position with the heel of the other leg resting on a chair is very convenient for exercisers, since the leg bent at the knee joint pulls the pelvis in the right direction. Be sure to place a soft pad under your knee and make sure you maintain balance. If you want, you can place two more chairs on either side of you as hand rests to make it easier to maintain your balance.

If you choose a straight-leg version of the same exercise, be sure to not bend your knee while performing this exercise.

This unique activity, in which the foot of an extended leg is secured under an object, such as a sturdy table or the arms of your training partner, uses an obscure neurological phenomenon related to the locomotor function of the lower extremity.

The essence of this phenomenon is that contraction of the muscles of the back of the right leg helps to relax the muscles of the back of the thigh of the left leg. This exercise is not for weak hamstrings as it puts more stress on them than other exercises in the same series.

Feel free to surround yourself with chairs to ensure you can perform the exercise safely.

Traditional stretching exercises for the muscles on the outside of the thighs help develop greater elasticity of the muscles located on the outside of the thighs than for the muscles located on the inside of the back of the thigh (semi-membranosus and semi-tendinosus muscles). I offer a number of traditional lengthening exercises on the outer side of the back surface. To feel a greater load on these muscles, we will do two things.

First, we will comply with the requirement that the toes of the feet should always be pointed straight up and should never deviate outward when performing stretching exercises for the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Secondly, when performing the same exercise on one leg, keep your hips facing straight forward or even turning them slightly towards that leg, but never the opposite side from her!

Hamstring stretch exercises

Thigh tightening exercises for each part of the thigh

Exercises for lifting the thighs are not able to solve serious problems with the figure, which is why it is so important to start doing them already at the first changes and even before them - for the purpose of prevention. However, in combination with other thigh lifting measures, they are effective at any stage.

General rules for performing thigh lift exercises

  1. When starting a workout, no matter how short it may be, you should perform several exercises to slightly stretch and warm up the muscles: turning and tilting the head, rotating the arms, rotating the shoulders, bending the torso to the sides and forward and back, bending the back back, etc. About 10 minutes is enough to warm up.
  2. While doing the exercises, you need to breathe correctly: inhale through your nose while exercising, exhale through your mouth when relaxing. You cannot hold your breath.
  3. Bottle with clean water without gas should always be at hand.
  4. The optimal training time is 20-40 minutes, excluding warm-up.
  5. Regularity of exercise is very important.

    It is enough to study three days a week, but not for one month, but for a long period. This is the only way to achieve visible results. After achieving the desired shape, you can switch to a maintenance regime of training, leaving two half-hour workouts per week.

  6. The load must be increased gradually.

    For a beginner, 10-15 minute sessions are enough, which subsequently extend to 20-40 minutes. Excessive loads in the first week of training will not lead to anything good. The guideline that you should rely on when completing a lesson is pleasant fatigue.

  7. Indicative program: 3 sets of 10 repetitions for beginners, 4 sets of 15 repetitions for intermediate levels and 5 sets of 20 repetitions for professionals.

Exercises to tighten the inner thighs

Even complete absence excess weight does not guarantee the absence of sagging muscles of the inner thigh. Age is very clearly reflected in this area, but patience and work can correct this situation.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes to the sides.

Squat as you inhale, return to the starting position as you exhale. You need to do 50 such squats if you are not a beginner.

Starting position: crouching with legs wide apart.

Lift each leg one by one without changing body position.

Starting position: lying on your right side, supporting your head with your right hand, left hand on your waist or opposite your body.

Raise your left leg as high as possible while inhaling, slowly lowering it as you exhale. A similar exercise is performed on the other side.

Starting position: lying on your back, legs raised up.

The legs close and open like big scissors. Another version of this exercise is to alternately abduct one or the other leg to the side. If you turn your toes to the sides, you will work not only the inner, but also the front surface of the thigh.

Exercises to tighten the front of the thighs

Exercises to tighten the muscles of the thighs in the front should definitely be included in the general complex, even if so far the problem exists only on the inside.

Starting position: standing, hands on your waist, right leg slightly bent at the knee for better balance, left leg bent at the knee and raised.

The left leg smoothly stretches forward in extension. If this exercise is difficult for you to perform, you can use a chair as a support. Same for the right leg.

Starting position: left leg extended forward, hands resting on her thigh.

Lunges forward on the left knee.

Exercises to tighten the hamstrings

Starting position: standing on your right knee with your left leg raised parallel to the floor.

Bend the left leg at the knee with the heel pulled up.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, stomach tucked in.

Squat with arms raised up as you inhale, return to the starting position as you exhale.

Exercises to tighten the lateral thigh

Starting position: lying on your left side with your left arm extended forward, your right arm near your body.

Raise your right leg up as you inhale, lower it down as you exhale. Likewise for the left leg.

Starting position: lying on your left side, left leg straight, right leg bent at the knee.

Helpful advice!

Raise your left leg up as you inhale, lower as you exhale. Same for the right leg.

These exercises are very simple, it is more difficult to organize yourself, maintain regularity and not forget about the need for an integrated approach to solving the problem.

At the same time, it is necessary to combine not only different types exercises: exercises for tightening the thighs, exercises for cellulite, exercises for tightening the buttocks, etc.

But do not neglect massage, hardware procedures, wraps, and also adhere to proper nutrition. And remember that water wears away stone!

Muscle masses

The muscles envelop the femur on all sides, dividing into the following groups:

  • front;
  • medial;
  • rear

The muscles give the thigh volume, elasticity and allow rotation and flexion movements of the legs.

Muscular masses consist of striated muscle tissue. It is capable of stretching and compression. Each muscle is “dressed” in a cover made of connective tissue(fascia) and ends with bundles of tendons that are attached to the bony tubercles.

The first group includes the hip flexors - muscles that help bring this part of the body closer to the body. These include the quadriceps and sartorius muscles. They seem to spread from the pelvis along the anterolateral surface through the joints of the hip and knee to the shin.

The first two are classified as internal muscles. They are located near the adductor magnus muscle. The biceps is located on the side and joins the lateral massif. At the level of the upper border of the third part of the thigh from below, the muscle fibers diverge and wrap around the depression under the knee on all sides.

The muscles of the medial internal subgroup are adductors: they help bring the legs together - they adduct the thigh. They also help maintain balance and verticality, and rotate the leg. These include muscles such as:

  • comb;
  • thin;
  • long;
  • short;
  • big.

They all come from the pubic ischial region. The last three are fixed in a large area near the obturator foramen. The gracilis tendon connects to the tibia. The pectineus muscle is attached to the lesser trochanter.

Scarp's triangle of the thigh is also located on the anterior surface. It is limited from above by the groin ligament, from the side by the groin ligament, and from the center of the body by the long adductor muscle.

The topography of the triangle is important in order to feel the pulse if necessary.

Prevention of lower extremity injuries

Preventing leg injuries ensures the preservation of their anatomical integrity.

In order to minimize the risk of the onset of destructive processes in this part of the body, you should:

Avoid traumatic situations, observe precautions and safety precautions (at home, during sports competitions, training, at work, etc.).
Do physical exercises and gymnastics regularly. Classes will strengthen the entire musculoskeletal system, make it more resilient, help develop activity, and maintain good shape.
News healthy image life, organize a balanced and healthy diet: supplement it with the necessary amount of proteins and vitamins, microelements as required.
Maintain an optimal drinking regime.
Organize daily proper rest for the body ( night sleep person must be at least 8 hours a day).
As far as possible, avoid (minimize the risk of occurrence) stress, physical and emotional overload.

Topographic anatomy of the lower limb studies the normal order of arrangement of all tissues, the passage of nerve fibers and blood vessels, the innervation and nutrition they provide to specific areas of the leg. Excellent knowledge of the topographical details of the structure of the body makes it possible to successfully and quickly carry out complex surgical operations.

Exercises for the lateral outer thigh

On the outer side of the thigh, fat most often appears and is deposited - that’s why women lament about the so-called “breeches”. To get rid of them, you need to actively load the abductor muscles. Optimal training program: for beginners - 15 repetitions, 1-2 sets; for trained people - 15-20 repetitions, 3-4 sets.

- Stand against the wall and lean on it with both hands. Slowly, forcefully lift your left leg over the side and lower it again. Both legs are slightly bent at the knees. Do the same on the other side.
A more difficult option is to lift a straight, stretched leg.
- Lie on your right side, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach so that the angle between your torso and thigh is 90 degrees. Slowly, without opening your feet, lift your hip to maintain balance. Maintain this position for 1-2 seconds. Slowly lower your hip. Repeat 5-10 times. Feel the muscles tense.
Repeat the exercise on the other side. Try to keep the muscles as tense as possible - “experimentally” find the most suitable angle between the torso and the thigh.
— While lying on your side, lean on your forearm and lift your pelvis. Now try to raise your upper leg by 20 centimeters. Hold your leg in this position for 10 seconds, lower it and do the same on the other side. Repeat each movement 2-3 times.
- Lie on your right side. Your head lies on your right arm extended forward, and your left hand rests on the floor in front. Bend your leg lying on the floor and lift the other leg straight up. Slowly raise and lower your leg, with your toes slightly turned down and taut. Do the same on the other side.
- The starting position is the same. Bend your top leg, pull your heel back; The thigh and calf muscles should form a 90 degree angle. Push your hips forward slightly. Raise and lower your hip, trying to keep your leg parallel to the floor at all times. You can hold your leg at the top point for 1-2 seconds. Then do the same in the other direction.


Sit down, cross your legs, take one foot with both hands and pull it towards your head. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.
Another variant. While lying on your back, bend your right leg, place your right arm on the floor or move it to the side at shoulder level. Left leg lies on the floor

Grasp your right knee with your left hand and carefully move it as far to the left as possible. Don't lift your shoulders off the floor! Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position

Perform the exercise 1 time in each direction.

Layered structure of the anterior thigh area

mobile, thicker on the lateral surface, thin on the medial.

Subcutaneous tissue
consists of two layers separated superficial fascia.
In the splitting of the superficial fascia there are:

  • subcutaneous lymphatic vessels and nodes;
  • branches of the femoral artery - the superficial epigastric artery, the superficial circumflex iliac artery, and the superficial external pudendal artery;
  • the great saphenous vein of the leg and the veins accompanying the arteries of the same name (tributaries of the femoral vein);
  • cutaneous nerves - branches of the femoral, femoral, obturator nerves and the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.

Fascia lata
surrounds the entire thigh. From above it is attached to the inguinal ligament and continues into the gluteal fascia, where it laterally thickens and forms iliotibial tract.
In the area of ​​the femoral triangle, the fascia lata consists of two plates. There is a defect in its surface plate - subcutaneous fissure,
bounded by a crescent-shaped edge that passes into the upper and lower horn. Through this

Rice. 33.

  • 1 - long head of the biceps femoris muscle; 2
    - lateral intermuscular septum of the thigh; 3
    - vastus lateralis muscle; 4
    - short head of the biceps femoris muscle; 5
    - femur; 6
    - vastus intermedius muscle; 7 - rectus femoris muscle; 8

    medial intermuscular septum of the thigh; 9
    - femoral artery, vein and saphenous nerve; 10
    - sartorius muscle; 11
    - adductor longus muscle; 12
    - saphenous vein of the leg; 13
    - perforating arteries and veins; 14

    adductor magnus;
  • 15 - thin muscle; 16-
    semimembranosus muscle; 17
    - semitendinosus muscle

The gap passes through the great saphenous vein of the leg. Covers the remaining free part of the gap cribriform fascia.
The deep plate of fascia lata runs behind the femoral vessels, covering the iliopsoas and pectineus muscles.

They arise from the fascia lata lateral
And medial intermuscular septum of the thigh
(Fig. 33). They are attached to the linea aspera of the femur and, together with the fascia lata, limit the anterior fascial bed of the thigh (anterior compartment). It contains tensioner

fascia lata, sartorius muscle
And quadriceps femoris muscle

which includes rectus femoris, lateral, medial
And vastus intermedius.
These muscles flex the thigh and extend the lower leg; innervates them femoral nerve.
The anterior region also includes the medial fascial bed of the thigh. It is separated from the anterior compartment by the medial intermuscular septum of the thigh. There is no pronounced fascial septum between the medial and posterior fascial beds. The medial fascial bed includes a group of muscles that adduct the thigh: pectineus muscle, gracilis muscle, short, long
And adductor magnus muscles.
All of these muscles, with the exception of the pectineus, are innervated obturator nerve.

The bony basis of the femur is femur.

Depending on the location of its fracture, the fragments can move in different directions. When a bone is broken in upper third
a hip deformity of the “breeches” type is formed. The proximal fragment moves forward (due to traction of the iliopsoas muscle) and laterally with external rotation (due to traction of the gluteal muscles and obturator externus muscle), and the distal fragment moves medially, upward and posteriorly (the result of contraction of the medial group of thigh muscles). The higher the fracture plane goes, the more pronounced the displacement.

For fractures in middle third of the thigh
the proximal fragment moves forward (due to the traction of the iliopsoas muscle), but abduction and external rotation are less pronounced. The distal fragment moves upward and medially (the result of contraction of the medial group of thigh muscles).

For a fracture of the femoral diaphysis in lower third
Typically, the distal fragment is displaced posteriorly due to contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. This may damage the popliteal artery. The proximal fragment is displaced anteriorly and medially by the action of the adductor muscles of the thigh.

In common parlance, the hip refers to the outer side of the pelvis. But the human thigh is not actually there at all. It is correct to call this the upper third of the legs from the hip to the knee joint. A clear picture of the anatomy of this department allows us to early stages identify various pathologies that can lead to immobilization and disability.

Anatomy of the human hip

Thigh, on Latin called femur - the part of the legs located closer to the body. It consists of bone structures, muscle masses, ligaments, and nerve branches. The tissues penetrate the vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

The topographic anatomy of the human thigh includes the following areas:

  • the hip joint, formed by the acetabulum of the pelvic bone and the femoral head;
  • the front part of the thigh, located in front of the leg from the pubic tubercle to the patella;
  • the posterior region, which starts from the transverse fold of the buttock and ends six centimeters above the knee bend;
  • the area above the knee is five centimeters above the kneecap.

The internal structure of each area of ​​the human thigh is different, but all its elements are interconnected, allowing for a variety of movements and promoting upright posture. Externally, this area of ​​the body is protected by the skin, under which there is a layer of fatty tissue. The epidermis inside the thigh is soft and mobile, while on the outside it is elastic and dense.

Tension and rotational movements

The tensor fascia lata works in tandem with the gluteus maximus muscle, which, starting from the superior anterior iliac spine, is also woven into the fascia lata of the thigh. In an upright position, the body seems to balance on the hip joints, swaying back and forth.

In this case, the muscles that pass posteriorly from the transverse axis of the hip joint (the gluteus maximus and medius muscles) and anteriorly from it (the iliopsoas muscle and the tensor fasciae lata) actively work.

Along with this, the gluteus maximus muscle and the tensor fascia lata muscle play together important role in the transmission of forces developed by the muscles of the pelvic girdle to the tibia - the main support of the body when standing on one leg.

The gluteus medius muscle (m. gluteus medius) starts from the outer surface of the ilium wing, has a fan-shaped abdomen and is attached to the greater trochanter of the femur near the apex.

Underneath it lies the gluteus minimus muscle (m. gluteus minimus), which is attached to the anterior surface of the greater trochanter. The main function of these muscles is to ensure a horizontal position of the pelvis, and with it a vertical position of the body when supporting on one leg while walking.

When contracted, both of these muscles abduct the thigh and also participate in supination of the thigh (posterior bundles of muscle fibers) and pronation (anterior bundles).

In rotational movements hip joint The muscles of the pelvic girdle, located behind its vertical axis and producing supination of the thigh, and the muscles of the thigh, located anterior to the axis and producing pronation, take part.

Supination of the thigh is carried out by the piriformis muscle (m. piriformis), the internal obturator muscle (m. obturatorius internus) with its short bundles called the superior and inferior twin muscles, the quadratus femoris muscle (m. quadratus femoris) and the external obturator muscle (m. obturatorius externus ).

The greater and lesser sciatic foramina (foramen ischiadicum majus et foramen ischiadicum minus) lead from the pelvic cavity to its posterior surface.

The piriformis muscle passes through the greater sciatic foramen from the pelvic cavity, above and below which there are important slit-like spaces for the passage of vessels and nerves from the pelvic cavity to the gluteal region: the suprapiriforme foramen (foramen suprapiriforme) and the infrapiriforme foramen (foramen infrapiriforme). The obturator canal (canalis obturatorius) leads from the pelvic cavity to the medial surface of the thigh.



Biceps femoris (m. biceps femoris)

The hamstring muscles have many dynamic tasks. As for the structure. The long head is attached to the tubercle of the ischium, and the short head, in turn, is attached to the lateral lip. The thigh muscle helps us straighten our legs, also bend the shin, and rotate the shin in the knee joint when bending.

The semitendinosus muscle is attached to the side of the tibia by the anserinalis muscle. The main function is to straighten the hip, flex the ankle joints, and rotate the bent shin inward.

The semimembranosus muscle is attached to the medial articular condyle. The semimembranosus muscle functions like the semitendinosus muscle.

Helpful advice!

It is necessary to mention the middle, small and large muscles of the buttocks. They receive loads in the exercises that need to be done for hip hypertrophy.

Muscle biomechanics

We may notice that the muscles most often shortened are the hamstrings. With the help of exercises you can diagnose all the shortenings that you are experiencing.

If, without pain, you can lift and fix your leg at an angle of 90° while lying on your back, then this indicates sufficient ability to stretch. If you can’t do this exercise, you need to do stretching. Running puts the main load on the back of the thigh, namely when sprinting.

Athletes who engage in steeplechase and smooth running most often injure the biceps muscle, suffering from tears and sprains.

This imbalance can also be caused by working out in the gym. For example, during long squats with wide legs. If you have an imbalance, then you need to carry out restoration work. For basic exercises, you need to do a small number of repetitions per set (8-10).

Pay attention to exercises that bring maximum benefit to the thigh muscle group.

Leg exercises

Deadlift on straight legs

To develop the muscles of the hamstrings, it is best to do deadlifts. If you have had injuries or your muscles are a little behind in development, then it is better to slightly change the exercises. You can do straight leg deadlifts with dumbbells. Hands lowered with dumbbells, take your free leg back. In each approach, repeat 15-20 repetitions due to the impossibility of using large weights.

Squat exercises

Pay attention!

It is best to perform barbell squats with your legs wide apart. When squatting, we try to touch the floor with the gluteal muscles. With this exercise, the muscles of the thigh and buttocks grow quickly. For men, hypertrophied buttocks are not particularly suitable, and a better option would be squats with dumbbells. So the greater load will be on the hips of the legs.

Leg press

The leg press is perfect for the biceps femoris muscle and is easy to customize. Feet should be placed closer to the edge of the platform. 35-45 cm is the distance between your feet. Try to lean more on your heels rather than on your entire foot.

Leg Curls

Be sure to not forget about the leg curl machine. Take turns performing the movements with your legs. Concentrate on working the muscles you are working. The joint below does not need to be fully extended.

Leg stretching

To avoid injury and achieve results when swinging the hip surface, you need to stretch. Since there are a lot of muscles, you need to make an effort, but the movements should be calm and measured. You can lie on your back and raise your leg 90°, you can do deep lunges.

Avoid tension and pain, breathe calmly and shallowly, and catch the moment when the muscle stretches. This can be felt precisely when exercising the posterior muscles. Such exercises and recommendations will help you reduce imbalances and prepare you for serious stress.

Bone structure

At the heart of this part of the limb is a strong femur surrounded by powerful muscles. This part of the skeleton is equal to a quarter of human height. In structure, it resembles an elongated tube, expanding at both ends, inside which is yellow bone marrow. At the top there is a round head, connected to the body of the bone by the neck. At the junction there are two tubercles - the greater and lesser trochanters, which are necessary for the attachment of muscle fibers.

The bone surface is covered by a connective tissue layer, which is penetrated by nerve endings and vascular networks. It's called the periosteum. Its inner layer contains stem cells. They promote the growth of skeletal tissues and the healing of cracks and fractures.

The body of the bone itself consists of mineral tubular tissue; it is quite rigid and dense. At the ends it transforms into a spongy structure reminiscent of pumice. She knows how to gradually “adapt” to changes when walking, playing sports, or wearing heels. The full structure of the bone can be seen in the photo.

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