Methodological recommendations for calculating waste generation standards for motor transport enterprises. Calculation of waste generation standards List, characteristics and mass of production and consumption waste for the enterprise as a whole

PREFACE................................................... ........................................................ ....... 5

1. Calculation of standards for the generation of industrial and consumer waste.................................. 6

1.1. Scrap of ferrous metals generated during vehicle repairs.................................... 6

1.2. Used batteries......................................................... ............... 6

1.8.1. Sediment treatment facilities....................................................... 15

1.8.2. Floating oil products................................................... ...... 15

1.9. Metal shavings................................................... ......................... 15

1.10. Metal-containing dust................................................... ....................... 16

1.11. Abrasive metal dust and scrap of abrasive products.................................... 16

1.12. Welding electrode stubs.................................................... ................. 17

1.13. Oily rags................................................... ........................... 17

1.14. Tara 18

1.15. Solvent waste................................................................... ........................... 18

1.16. Sludge from hydraulic filters of spray booths.................................................... .... 19

1.17. Rubber dust................................................... ........................................ 19

1.18. Coal slag, coal ash............................................... 19

The amount of packaging waste generated is determined by the formula:

P = S Qi / Mi * mi * 10-3,

where: Qi is the annual consumption of raw materials of the i-th type, kg,

Mi is the weight of the i-th type of raw material in packaging, kg,

mi is the weight of an empty package of raw materials of the i-th type, kg.

Waste solvents

The amount of waste solvent used when washing parts is determined by the formula:

M = S V * k * n * kс * r, t/year

where: V is the volume of the bath used for washing parts, m3,

k is the coefficient of filling the bath with solvent, in fractions of 1,

n is the number of solvent changes per year,

ks - waste solvent collection coefficient (according to inventory data), in fractions of 1,

r is the density of the waste solvent, t/m3.

Sludge from hydraulic filters of spray booths

The amount of sludge extracted from the hydraulic filter baths of painting booths is calculated in accordance with the formula:

M = mk * dа /100 * (1 - fa /100) * k/100 / (1 - B/100), t/year

where: mk - consumption of paint used for coating, t/year,

da - the proportion of paint lost in the form of an aerosol, %, is taken according to table 2,

fa - the share of the volatile part (solvent) in the coating material, %, is taken according to table 1,

k - air purification coefficient in the hydrofilter, %, is assumed to be 86-97% in accordance with,

B - humidity of sludge extracted from the hydrofilter bath, %, is accepted

Rubber dust

The calculation of the amount of dust for machines equipped with ventilation and a dust collection unit is provided.

Rubber dust is formed at enterprises of the profile in question during the roughening of worn-out car tires or tubes.

The amount of rubber dust collected in the cyclone is determined by the formula:

M = MPDV * h / (1 - h), t/year

where: MPE is the gross emission of rubber dust according to the MPE project, t/year,

h - degree of purification in the dust collecting apparatus (according to the MPE project data), fractions of 1

Coal slag, coal ash

The amount of ash and slag generated when burning coal in boiler rooms is calculated in accordance with.

The amount of slag formed is calculated by the formula:

Gshl = 0.01 * B * ash (Ar + q4 * Qrn / 32.6), t/year

The amount of ash settling in the boiler flues is determined by the formula:

Ggas flue = 0.01 * B * k (Ar + q4 * Qrn / 32.6), t/year

The amount of ash settling in the ash catcher is determined by the formula:

Gash catch = 0.01 * B * (1 - ash - k) [Ar + q4 * Qrn / 32.6] * h, t/year

where: B - fuel consumption, t/year,

Ar - fuel ash content, %,

Qrn - calorific value of fuel, MJ/kg,

q4 - loss with mechanical incomplete combustion, %,

ash is the fraction of fuel ash that turns into slag, in fractions 1,

k is the proportion of fuel ash, fly ash deposited on the boiler flues, in fractions of 1.

h - cleaning efficiency in the ash catcher, in fractions of 1.

Ash content (Ar) and calorific value (Qrn) of fuel are determined according to Table 1-1 or according to the fuel certificate.

The yield of slag and ash when burning solid fuel is determined according to table 7-2 given below:

Fuel combustion method

Slag share (ash), %

The share of fly ash settling on
boiler flues (k), %

The share of fly ash carried into
ash collector, %

Flare with dry slag removal:


brown coals

Flare with liquid slag removal:


brown coals

Wood waste

1.1.12. Wood scraps

The amount of lump wood waste generated during the woodworking process is determined by the formula:

Mk = Q * r * C / 100, t/year

where: Q is the amount of wood processed, m3/year,


C - amount of lump wood waste from raw material consumption, %,

accepted depending on the type of product according to Table 11.8. .

The volume of generated lump wood waste is determined by the formula:

V = Mk / r / k, m3/year

where: Mk is the amount of generated lumpy waste, t/year,

k - coefficient of full wood of lumpy waste (pieces
lumber), k = 0.57,

1.1.13. Wood shavings, sawdust

1). The amount of wood shavings and sawdust in the absence of local suction and dust collection equipment is determined by the formula:

Mst, op = Mst + Mop = Q * r * Sst / 100 + Q * r * Sop / 100, t/year

where: Mst - amount of chip waste, t/year,

Mop - amount of sawdust waste, t/year,

Q - amount of wood processed, m3/year,

r - wood density, t/m3, r=0.46-0.73 t/m3 depending on the type


Cst - amount of waste chips from raw material consumption, %,

Sop - amount of sawdust waste from raw material consumption, %,

accepted depending on the type of product according to Table 11.8. ,

The volume of sawdust and shavings formed is determined by the formula:

V = Mst / r / kst + Mop / r / kop, m3/year

where: kst - coefficient of full wood chips, k = 0.11,

kop - sawdust full wood coefficient, k = 0.28.

2). The amount of wood shavings and sawdust in the presence of local suction and dust collection equipment is determined by the formula in accordance with:

Mst, op = [ Q*r /100 (Cst + Sop) ] * [ 1 - 0.9 * Kp * 10-2 * (1-h) ], t/year

The number of used lamps is determined by the formula:

N = S ni * ti / ki, pcs./year

where: ni - number of installed lamps of the i-th brand, pcs.,

ti - actual number of operating hours of lamps of the i-th brand, hour/year,

ki is the operational service life of lamps of the i-th brand, hour.

For fluorescent lamps, the service life is determined in accordance with.

For mercury lamps, the service life is determined in accordance with.

Sewage waste

Sewage waste is generated when cleaning sewer wells. The amount of sewage waste generated depends on the method of cleaning the wells.

1). When cleaning wells manually, the amount of sewage waste generated is calculated using the formula:

M = N * n * m * 10-3, t/year

m is the weight of waste removed from one well during manual cleaning, kg.

1). When cleaning wells with a sewage disposal machine, the well is filled with water, the sediment is stirred up, then all contents are pumped out of the well into the sewage disposal machine. The amount of sewage waste pumped into a sewage disposal truck is calculated using the formula:

M = N * n * V * r, t/year

where: N is the number of sewer wells to be cleaned, pcs./year,

n is the number of cleanings of one well per year, once a year,

V is the volume of waste pumped from one well into a sewage disposal machine, m3,

r - waste density, r=1 t/m3.

Household waste

The amount of generated household waste is determined taking into account specific standards of generation in accordance with. When new ones are released regulatory documents Specific standards for the generation of household waste are adopted in accordance with these documents.

1). The amount of household waste generated as a result of the life activities of enterprise employees is determined by the formula:

M = N * m, m3/year

where: N is the number of employees at the enterprise, people,

m is the specific rate of household waste generation per 1 worker per year, m3/year.

2). The amount of household waste generated as a result of cooking in the dining room is determined by the formula:

M = N * m, m3/year

m is the specific rate of household waste generation per 1 dish, m3/dish.

3). The amount of household waste generated in warehouses is determined by the formula:

M = S * m, m3/year

where: S - storage area, m2,

m is the specific rate of household waste generation per 1 m2 of warehouse space, m3/m2.

4). The amount of household waste generated in a clinic (health center) is determined by the formula:

M = N * m, m3/year

where: N - number of visits per year, pcs./year,

m is the specific rate of household waste generation for 1 visit, m3/visit.

5). The amount of household waste generated as a result of the activities of small retail trade enterprises is determined by the formula:

M = S * m * k, m3/year

where: S - serviced area of ​​the enterprise, m2;

m - specific rate of household waste generation per 1 m2 of serviced area

enterprises, m3/m2 (standards are taken in accordance with Table 2 below);

k - coefficient taking into account the location of the enterprise.

table 2

accumulation of solid household waste generated as a result of activities

small retail trade enterprises

Education object

Standards for accumulation of solid waste

Small retail trade object:

Kiosk, pavilion m/g;

Pavilion k/g;

Trays, counters, tonars;

Clothing, shoes, radio components, auto parts.

Small retail trade complex:


Industrial goods.

Shopping area

Clothing market (fair)

The standards are based on 365 working days per year. The presented standards apply to enterprises located in moderately populated areas. For enterprises located in an area of ​​dense residential development with adjacent transport hubs, the coefficient k = 1.0-1.8 is applied. For enterprises located in the area adjacent to metro stations, the coefficient k = 1.5-1.8 is applied. The standards are indicated without taking into account the implementation of selective collection.

Food waste

The amount of food waste generated during the preparation of dishes in the dining room is determined by the formula:

M = N * m * 10-3, t/year

where: N is the number of dishes prepared in the canteen per year, pcs./year,

m is the specific rate of food waste generation per 1 dish, kg/dish.

Estimates from the territory

The amount of waste from the territory generated when cleaning hard surfaces is determined by the formula:

M = S * m * 10-3, t/year

where: S - area of ​​hard surfaces to be cleaned, m2,

mс - specific rate of formation of estimates from 1 m2 of hard coatings, kg/m2,
mс = 5-15 kg/m2.


1. Brief automobile reference book. M., Transport, 1985.

2. Regulations on maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport. M., Transport, 1986.

3. Methodology for conducting an inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for motor transport enterprises (calculation method). M., 1991.

4. Fuel and fuel consumption standards. M., "Prior", 1996.

5. Secondary material resources of the forestry and woodworking industries (education and use). Directory. M., Economics, 1983.

6. Standards for technological waste and losses of raw materials, materials, fuel and thermal energy in production (inter-industry purposes). M., Economics, 1983.

7. Secondary material resources of the Gossnab nomenclature (education and use). Directory. M., Economics, 1987.

8. Reference materials on specific indicators of the formation of the most important types of production and consumption waste. M., NITSPURO, 1996.

9. Low pressure discharge lamps. 09.50.01-90. M., Informelektro, 1990.

10. . Fluorescent lamps. M., Energoatomizdat, 1992.

eleven. , . Luminaires with high pressure gas discharge lamps. M., Energoatomizdat, 1984.

12. , . Dust collection technology. L., Mechanical Engineering, 1985.

13. , . Consumption standards for fuel and lubricants in the forest industry. Directory. M., Timber Industry, 1990.

14. Roddatis on low-capacity boiler installations. M., Energoatomizdat, 1989.

2. State sanitary and epidemiological surveillance for St. Petersburg;

3. Committee for Improvement and Road Maintenance of the Administration of St. Petersburg.




Problems of waste management at motor transport enterprises

One of the most important tasks in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region is the problem of waste collection and disposal.

Current legislature Russian Federation, regulatory documentation at the federal level determines legal basis management of production and consumption waste and establish obligations for all individuals and legal entities in matters of environmental management, compliance sanitary standards and rules.

Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”; "Temporary rules for protection environment from production and consumption waste" apply to enterprises, associations, organizations, institutions, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental subordination, individuals, as well as foreign legal entities (hereinafter referred to as users of natural resources) carrying out any type of activity on the territory of the Russian Federation, as a result of which production and consumption waste, with the exception of radioactive waste, is generated, used, neutralized, stored and buried.

According to the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities When operating enterprises, buildings, structures, structures and other objects related to waste management, you are obliged to:

Comply with environmental, sanitary and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection natural environment and human health;

Develop draft standards for waste generation and limits on waste disposal in order to reduce the amount of waste generation.

The projects being developed contain information that is the basis for establishing standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal, which must be established for each use of natural resources in accordance with the new Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” (Article 24). The resulting standards serve as the basis for payment for negative impact on the environment, which must be carried out in accordance with Art. 16 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”.

Enterprises are obliged to promptly remove generated waste, since long-term storage of waste on their territory leads to deterioration of land quality and pollution of natural environments.

These requirements are declared in the new Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, according to which production and consumption wastes are subject to collection, use, neutralization, transportation, storage and burial, the conditions and methods of which must be safe for the environment (Article 51). In accordance with the same article of the law, prohibitive conditions for waste management are defined.

At motor transport enterprises, as well as enterprises that have a significant number of vehicles on their balance sheet and independently carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles, the problem of waste management is especially relevant, since in the process of their work more than 15 types of production waste are generated, including II and III class danger.

Production waste at the enterprises under consideration is generated during the repair and maintenance of vehicles. As a rule, enterprises carry out work on repairing engines, troubleshooting vehicle components, manufacturing and repairing parts and components of vehicles. Inspection and diagnostic, fastening, adjustment and other work is carried out, as well as oil changes in automobile oil systems.

Appendix 1 provides a list of production waste generated at a motor transport enterprise. Let us dwell in more detail on the analysis of the waste listed in the appendix.

When repairing and maintaining vehicles, individual parts and components of vehicles that have expired are replaced. At the same time, ferrous metal scrap (used metal car parts), industrial waste (used non-metal car parts), filters contaminated with petroleum products (fuel and oil filters), cardboard filter (air filters), used brake pad linings, tires with metal cord, tires with fabric cord.

Used batteries can be recycled either assembled or disassembled. Depending on this, the enterprise may generate different types of waste. If used batteries are disassembled, the following types of waste are generated: scrap non-ferrous metals (depending on the type of battery), polymer waste (plastic battery case), spent battery electrolyte after its neutralization or sediment from neutralization of the electrolyte. If the electrolyte is not neutralized at the enterprise, used batteries are generated as waste.

When replacing used oils, the following types of waste are generated: used motor oil, used transmission oil. When changing oil in hydraulic systems of excavators, waste hydraulic oil is generated.

To clean up oil spills in garages, sawdust and sand can be used, resulting in sawdust contaminated with petroleum products or soil containing petroleum products as waste.

During vehicle maintenance, rags are used to wipe oily surfaces. The oily rags resulting from this are sent to waste.

Car washes are carried out at individual transport enterprises. At the same time, cleaning of contaminated Wastewater after washing vehicles. One of the requirements for organizing vehicle washing is their transfer to treatment facilities. As a rule, treatment facilities for car washes are a sump with an oil trap or filters. Here the separation and sedimentation of suspended substances and purification from petroleum products take place. Suspended substances settling to the bottom of wells (vehicle wash residues) and floating oil products from oil traps are regularly removed, forming waste. Filters contaminated with petroleum products must be replaced and also go to waste.

In addition to the above production waste, motor transport enterprises, like others, generate consumer waste - household waste, waste tubular fluorescent lamps, waste mercury lamps for outdoor lighting (in the case of using mercury lamps to illuminate the territory and premises of an enterprise), waste from the territory, sewage waste that does not contain toxic metals.

The generation of industrial waste is calculated based on the standard service life of the corresponding vehicle parts adopted in the automotive industry.

Calculation of used batteries is made based on the number of batteries of each type installed on vehicles, the weight of the batteries together with the electrolyte, and the operating life of the batteries. The summation is made for all brands of batteries. The operating life of batteries and the weight of batteries by brand are indicated in the reference literature. An example of calculating used batteries is given in Appendix 2.

If the spent electrolyte is drained from the batteries, the weight of the battery is taken without electrolyte, and the calculation of the spent electrolyte of the batteries is carried out separately using reference data given in the reference literature. Examples of calculations of used battery electrolyte and used battery electrolyte after its neutralization are given in Appendix 3.

The calculation of used oil, fuel and air filters is made based on the number of vehicles on the enterprise's balance sheet, the number of filters installed on each vehicle, the weight of the filters, the average annual mileage of vehicles and the mileage rate of each brand of rolling stock before replacing filter elements. The standard mileage of rolling stock before replacing filters is taken from reference data. An example of calculating spent filters is given in Appendix 4.

Calculation of the amount of ferrous metal scrap generated during the repair of motor vehicles is made based on the average annual mileage of each vehicle, the standard mileage of rolling stock before repair, and the specific standard for the replacement of ferrous metal parts during repair. The rolling stock mileage rate before repair is indicated in the reference literature. The specific replacement standard for parts made of ferrous metals is usually 1 - 10% and is determined based on inventory data.

The standard quantity of used brake pads is determined based on the number of cars, the number of brake pads installed on one car, the weight of one pad, the average annual mileage of cars of each brand, the standard mileage of rolling stock before replacing the brake pads, which is determined from reference data. An example of calculating used brake pads is given in Appendix 5.

Calculation of the standard quantity of used car tires - tires with fabric cord and tires with metal cord is made based on the number of cars on the balance sheet of the enterprise, the number of tires installed on a car of each brand, the weight of one worn tire of each brand, the average annual mileage of a car of each brand, the mileage rate rolling stock of each brand before tire replacement. Recommended types of tires for vehicles of various brands, as well as the number of tires installed on vehicles of various brands and the weight of the tires are given in the reference literature [, ], or in the technical documentation attached to the supplied tires. An example of calculating used tires is given in Appendix 6.

Calculation of used engine oil and used transmission oil can be done in two ways. In the first case, the calculation is made through fuel consumption. The initial data for the calculation are the fuel consumption rate per 100 km, average annual vehicle mileage, oil consumption rate per 100 liters of fuel, waste oil product collection rate. The fuel consumption rate and oil consumption rate by car brand are determined from reference data or from technical documentation for vehicles. The collection rate for waste petroleum products is, according to [,] 0.9. The calculation is made separately for each type of oil. An example of calculating used oils is given in Appendix 7.

When calculating used engine and transmission oil through the volume of the lubrication system, the initial data for the calculation are the volume of oil poured into cars of each brand during maintenance (determined by ), the average annual mileage of each car, and the mileage of rolling stock before an oil change.

The amount of sludge from vehicle wash treatment facilities and floating oil products from oil traps (in the absence of reagent treatment) is calculated based on the annual wastewater flow rate, the concentration of suspended solids and oil products before the treatment facility, the concentration of suspended solids after the treatment facility, and sludge moisture. When using reagents for purification, it is necessary to take into account the amount of sediment formed from the amount of reagents used.

The annual wastewater consumption is determined taking into account the standard water consumption for washing one car and the number of car washes per year. The standard water consumption for washing one car is indicated in the reference literature.

Concentrations of suspended solids and petroleum products before and after treatment facilities are indicated in the technical documentation for treatment facilities or are determined based on the results of wastewater control analyses.

In the absence of technical documentation for treatment facilities, vehicle washing and the results of wastewater control analyses, the concentration of petroleum products and suspended solids in wastewater for motor transport enterprises is accepted in accordance with reference regulatory data. An example of calculating sludge from treatment facilities, vehicle washes and floating oil products from oil traps is given in Appendix 8.

If the vehicle wash treatment facilities contain filters for removing petroleum products, then when they are replaced, filters contaminated with petroleum products are formed as waste. Their calculation is made based on the weight of the used filter, their quantity and the frequency of replacement according to the passport data for the treatment plant.

Calculation of oiled rags is made based on the amount of dry rags consumed during the repair and operation of vehicles and the content of petroleum products in oiled rags. An example of the calculation is given in Appendix 9.

For a whole range of waste (industrial waste, sawdust contaminated with petroleum products, soil containing petroleum products), the standard amount of waste is determined based on the average actual data of the enterprise for the last 2 years.

Temporary storage of waste generated during the repair and operation of vehicles must be carried out in specially designated places equipped for this purpose. When storing waste, its impact on the soil, surface and ground water, and atmospheric air must be excluded.

Most of the waste generated at motor transport enterprises is subject to disposal at specialized waste processing enterprises (tires with metal cord and fabric cord, soil containing petroleum products, waste oils, floating oil products from oil traps, sludge from treatment facilities of vehicle washes, used batteries, waste battery electrolyte , as well as waste fluorescent lamps).

Spent fluorescent and mercury lamps are disposed of at the following enterprises: Electricity supply service of the St. Petersburg metro, NPO Eneko, located on the territory of the pilot plant of the Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry, Skat LLC and NEP CJSC, renting a facility for demercurization of mercury lamps from the Radium Institute them. Khlopin, MEP "Mercury".

Regeneration of used oils is carried out at the Russian Research Center "Applied Chemistry", VNII "Transmash" and LLC "PTK-TERMINAL".

Soil and water purification from petroleum products is carried out using the biotechnological method of ZAO Ecoprom and ZAO Orlan-Eko.

Waste electrolytes, waste and other waters are disposed of by extracting heavy metal cations from them at JSC NTO "ERG" and the Rossiya enterprise.

Used batteries and other lead-containing waste are accepted for recycling by AOZT ENPC "MKT" and AOZT NPO "Kathod".

Waste tires are accepted for recycling by MPBO Pilot Plant CJSC, MPBO-2 State Unitary Enterprise, Yugo-Zapadnoe State Industrial Plant, Petrogradskoe PZP LLC, and Elast CJSC.

Waste from the operation of motor vehicles that cannot be recycled (oily rags, industrial waste, used brake pads, filters contaminated with petroleum products, cardboard filters) is transported to MPBO plants for the purpose of their disposal, taking into account compliance with environmental protection requirements.

Hazard Class

Waste code

Where are they heading?

Name of waste




Pop-up oil products from oil traps




Used motor oil




Used gear oil



Vehicle wash residues




Wood sawdust contaminated with petroleum products




Oiled rags




Soil containing petroleum products




Filters contaminated with petroleum products




Waste battery electrolytes



disposal/treatment facilities

Spent battery electrolyte after its neutralization



Used brake pad linings



Scrap ferrous metals



Welding electrode stubs



Steel cord tires



Fabric tires




Used batteries



Industrial waste




Used hydraulic oil

Used batteries (215.01)
(calculation example)

Calculation of the standard generation of used batteries is carried out based on the number of installed batteries (according to the enterprise), their service life and the weight of the battery. The calculation was carried out according to the formula:

N = å N auto. i ´ n i /T i , pcs./year,

where - N aut. i - number of vehicles equipped with batteries of the i-th type;

n i - number of batteries in the car, pcs.;

T i - operational service life of batteries i-th brand, year.

The weight of the resulting waste batteries is:

Number of vehicles supplied battery of this type

Number of ac. on the 1st machine

Battery weight, kg

Weight of used batteries, t












The total standard quantity of used batteries at the enterprise is 0.071 t/year.

The initial data and calculation results are presented in the table.


Standard service life, years







Taking into account the density of the spent electrolyte, which is 1.27 kg × l, the amount of spent electrolyte will be 19 kg or 0.02 t.

Spent battery electrolyte after its neutralization (043.04)
(calculation example)

The spent electrolyte is calculated using the formula:

M = å N i ´ m i , l,

where: N i - number of waste batteries i-th brands, pcs./year;

m i is the weight of the electrolyte in the i-th brand battery, l.

The initial data and calculation results are presented in the table.


Standard service life, years

Quantity of electrolyte in one battery. battery, l

Quantity of spent electrolyte, l













Taking into account the density of the spent electrolyte, which is 1.27 kg × l, the amount of spent electrolyte will be 86.6 kg or 0.087 t.

The amount of sediment formed during electrolyte neutralization is determined by the formula:

M os.el. = M + M ex. + M water,

where M is the amount of precipitate formed in accordance with the reaction equation;

M pr. - the amount of lime impurities that have passed into sediment;

Neutralization of the electrolyte with quicklime takes place according to the following equation:

H 2 SO 4 + CaO + H 2 O = CaSO 4 × 2H 2 O.

the amount of precipitate formed CaSO 4 × 2H 2 O in accordance with the reaction equation is equal to:

M = 172 ´ M e ´ C/98, t/year,

where: M e - amount of spent electrolyte, t;

C is the mass fraction of sulfuric acid in the electrolyte, C = 0.35;

The initial data and calculation results are presented in the table

Number of vehicles

Air weight filter, kg

Weight of fuels. filter, kg

Oil weight. filter, kg

Work weight air filters, kg *

Work weight fuel filters, kg **

Work weight oil filters, kg **

ZIL 433360


RAF 2203






Forklift 4014



600 hour



MTZ 80

600 hour





* Air filters are replaced after 20 thousand km or 200 MT´ hour;

** Oil and fuel filters are replaced after 10 thousand kilometers or 100 MT´ hour.

Thus, the standard amount of filter waste contaminated with petroleum products will be 21 kg or 0.021 t/year.

Initial data and calculation results are presented in the table

Number of vehicles

Number of brake pad linings, installed. for 1 car

Brake pad weight, kg

Average annual mileage, thousand km

Work weight brake linings pads, kg

ZIL 433360



RAF 2203


600 hour



600 hour

The standard amount of used brake pads will be 23 kg/year or 0.023 t/year.

N - norm for collection of waste petroleum products, fractions of 1;

r - density of used oil, kg/l, r = 0.9 kg/l.

The initial data and calculation of used engine and transmission oils are presented in the table.


Fuel consumption rate per 100 km

Average annual vehicle mileage, thousand km/year

engine's type

Number of work oils




































Thus, the standard amount of used motor oil will be 0.032 t/year, used transmission oil - 0.004 t/year.

Steel cord tires (200.02). Fabric tires (200.03)
(calculation example)

The number of used tires with metal cord and fabric cord is calculated using the formula:

M = å (N i ´ n i ´ m i ´ L i)/(L n i ´ 10 -3), (t/year),

where N i is the number of cars of the i-th brand, pcs.;

n i - number of tires installed on the car of the i-th brand, pcs. ;

m i is the weight of one worn tire of a given type, kg;

The initial data and calculation of used tires are presented in the table.

Number of vehicles of the i-th brand, pcs.

Number of tires per vehicle, pcs.

Tire brand

Cord type

Average annual mileage, thousand km

Vehicle mileage before tire replacement, thousand km

Waste tire weight, kg

Number of used tires, pcs.

Weight of used tires, t

L n i







"Volga" 31-10




"Volga" 24-10







UAZ 3741










ZIL 431610



Crankcase volume

Amount of used oil, t

Excavator EO-2621

90 l


Excavator EO-3323

120 l


Excavator ETC-165

23 l


For passenger cars:

w = 200 ´ 0.9 ´ 250 ´ 10 -3 = 45.0 m 3

For trucks:

w = 800 ´ 0.9 ´ 200 ´ 10 -3 = 144 m 3

For buses:

w = 350 ´ 0.9 ´ 90 ´ 10 -3 = 28.35 m 3

C 1 and C 2 are the concentrations of substances, respectively, before and after purification.

For trucks, the content of suspended solids before the settling tank is 2000 mg/l, after the settling tank - 70 mg/l, the content of petroleum products is 900 mg/l and 20 mg/l, respectively.

For buses, the content of suspended solids before the settling tank is 1600 mg/l, after the settling tank - 40 mg/l, the content of petroleum products is 850 mg/l and 115 mg/l, respectively.

B - sediment humidity is 85%;

g - volumetric mass of sludge pulp is 1.1 tons.

Waste quantity:

for passenger cars

G c inv = 45 ´ (700 - 40) ´ 10 -3 ´ 1.1 = 33 kg/year

G c np = 45 ´ (75 - 15) ´ 10 -3 ´ 1.1 = 3 kg/year

G c bb = G c /(1 - b) = 33/(1 - 0.85) = 220 kg/year

G c np = G c /(1 - b ) = 3/(1 - 0.50) = 6 kg/year

For trucks:

G c inv = 144 ´ (2000 - 70) ´ 10 -3 ´ 1.1 = 306 kg/year

G c np = 144 ´ (900 - 20) ´ 10 -3 ´ 1.1 = 139 kg/year

Taking into account the sediment moisture content b = 0.85, its actual amount will be equal to:

G c bb = G c /(1 - b) = 306/(1 - 0.85) = 2040 kg/year

G c np = G c /(1 - b ) = 139/(1 - 0.50) = 278 kg/year

For buses:

G c inv = 28.35 ´ (1600 - 40) ´ 10 -3 ´ 1.1 = 49 kg/year

G c np = 28.35 ´ (850 - 15) ´ 10 -3 ´ 1.1 = 26 kg/year

Taking into account the sediment moisture content b = 0.85, its actual amount will be equal to:

G c bb = G c /(1 - b) = 49/(1 - 0.85) = 327 kg/year

G c np = G c /(1 - b ) = 26/(1 - 0.50) = 52 kg/year

The total amount of sediment from the vehicle wash treatment facilities is:

2040 + 327 = 2587 kg/year = 2.587 tons/year.

Total amount of floating oil products from oil traps:

278 + 52 = 336 kg/year = 0.336 t/year.

Thus, the amount of sediment from the treatment facilities is 2.587 t/year, the amount of floating oil products from oil traps is 0.336 t/year (including humidity).


Zavyalov S.N. Car wash. (Technology and equipment) M., Transport, 1984.

Departmental construction standards of the enterprise for servicing vehicles VSN 01-89. Ministry of Autotrans of the Russian Federation, M., 1990.

Oiled rags (013.07)
(calculation example)

The amount of oiled rags is determined by the formula:

M = m/(1 - k), t/year,

where m is the amount of dry rags consumed per year, t/year;

The company uses 30 kg of dry rags per year.

The standard amount of oiled rags will be:

/(1 - 0.95) = 0.032 t/year




RD 153-34.3-02.206-00

Date of introduction 2002-02-01

Developed by the “Energy” section of the Russian Academy of Engineering. Approved by the Department of Scientific and Technical Policy and Development of RAO UES of Russia on September 18, 2000. First Deputy Head A.P. BERSENEV Introduced for the first time The recommendations determine the procedure and methodology for developing standards for the generation and limits of waste disposal for designed, operating and under construction enterprises of electrical networks of any capacity in the electric power industry. The recommendations are intended for electric grid enterprises, regional energos, design and other electric power industry organizations, regardless of their form of ownership.



To establish waste disposal limits, the natural resource user must submit for approval and approval materials containing an application, justification and primary information based on current regulations, technological regulations, standards, technical conditions, etc., the results of calculations of draft limits and action plans to achieve them . For this purpose, a draft of waste generation standards and waste disposal limits is being developed. 2.1 In accordance with the Project should be designed as follows. 2.1.1 On the first page of the title page the name of the enterprise, the name of the project, the position of the head of the enterprise, his signature, the seal of the enterprise, locality, year of development. 2.1.2 The second page of the title page provides information about the performers. If a third-party organization is engaged to carry out the Project, the following shall be indicated: the name of the organization, its details (TIN, OKPO, OKONH codes), license number, date of issue, validity period, details of the contract, list of direct executors indicating positions and academic titles. On the same page there is a list of organs state control for waste disposal and limitation, which check and approve the Project. 2.1.3 If necessary, after the second page of the title page, the contents are placed (for applications it is advisable to make your own table of contents). 2.1.4 On the third page there is an annotation - information about the work carried out to compile the Project: - total generated production and consumption waste (name and t/year) broken down by hazard class; - quantity (weight) of waste generated at the enterprise, as well as disposed, used, handed over for processing and disposal; - total number of temporary waste disposal sites, including open and closed; the number of sites equipped in accordance with sanitary requirements and sites requiring additional equipment; - information on planned waste management activities. 2.2 The project must have the following sections:


A list of the main documents on the basis of which the development of the Project was carried out is given: - Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” dated December 19, 1991 No. 2060-1; - Law of the Russian Federation “On production and consumption waste” dated June 24, 1998, No. 89-FZ; - Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated April 19, 1991 No. 52-FZ; - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.08.92 No. 545 “On approval of the procedure for the development and approval of environmental standards for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, use limits natural resources, waste disposal"; - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 1992 No. 632 “On approval of the procedure for determining fees and their maximum amounts for environmental pollution, waste disposal and other types of harmful effects”; - Temporary rules for environmental protection from production and consumption waste in the Russian Federation. / Approved Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (M.: 1994); - GOST 12.1.007-88. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements; - Guidelines on the design of draft standards for education and waste disposal limits (Moscow: Goskomekologii, 1999); - Limit amount of toxic accumulation industrial waste on the territory of the enterprise (organization)./Approved. Ministry of Health of the USSR, Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR, Ministry of Geology of the USSR (M.: 1985); - The procedure for the accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste and methodological recommendations for determining the toxicity class of industrial waste. / Approved Ministry of Health of the USSR, State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR (M.: 1987); - General requirements to design solutions for temporary storage sites for industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise (M.: State Enterprise “Promotkhody”, 1992).


General information information about the electrical network enterprise is given in Table 1. Table 1


Company Departmental affiliation Mailing address Type of main activity Main production performance indicators Number of industrial sites and their addresses* Fax Last names, initials, office telephone numbers: directors chief engineer official responsible for nature protection official responsible for organizing control over waste management Bank details Type of ownership Number of employees
* Industrial sites for electrical network enterprises are: repair and maintenance sites, sites of electrical network sections, sites of distribution electrical substations, site of repair and production base. The production structure of the enterprise is given in Table 2. Table 2 Indicates: - details of land and constituent documents; - size of land use area: building, general, landscaping, sanitary protection zone (SPZ); - buildings and structures located on industrial sites; - tenants, their names, legal addresses, their type of activity, number of employees; if there are more than five tenants, information about them is allocated in a separate section “Information about tenants”; - link to a map diagram showing the relative location of industrial sites and adjacent objects (residential areas, farmland, other enterprises). Attached is a map diagram of the location of the enterprise with coordinates marked. The location of buildings and structures of the enterprise, waste disposal sites are plotted on the diagram map, an explication of buildings, structures and waste disposal sites (sites) is given, and the coordinates of waste disposal sites are indicated. The schematic map is signed by the head of the enterprise and stamped on it. The schematic map is agreed upon with the local SES authority.


The following are given: - the number of emissions and discharges of pollutants in the reporting year; - availability of a permit for emissions and discharges, MPE and MPD standards indicating the registration number and the date of their approval; - availability and characteristics of environmental equipment. The annexes to the Project contain copies of emissions and discharge permits, statistical reporting forms 2-tp (air) and 2tp-vodkhoz (if required by local authorities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia).


Characteristics of technological processes are given in Table 3. Table 3

Object, production workshop, site

Technological process, type of activity

Type of waste generated

Administrative, household premises, territory Lighting of the territory, premises Waste fluorescent and mercury lamps Livelihoods of staff, cleaning of premises, sweepings of floors and territory Waste equivalent to household waste Motor transport industry Maintenance, minor repairs Used electrolyte, used oils, oily sawdust, used tires and inner tubes, used batteries, scrap metal, etc.


As the starting materials for the calculation, the consumption rates of raw materials and materials are used - a certificate of consumption of raw materials and materials, as well as the average statistical data of the electrical network enterprise. The hazard class (toxicity) of waste is determined by. This section describes the main types of waste generated at electrical grid enterprises. 5.1 Waste fluorescent lamps The calculation is carried out in accordance with the formula

Where O l.l - the number of fluorescent lamps to be recycled, pcs.; K l.l - number of installed fluorescent lamps at the enterprise, pcs.; H l.l - average operating time of one fluorescent lamp (4.57 hours per shift); C - number of work shifts per year; N l.l - standard service life of one fluorescent lamp, hours. The standard service life of one fluorescent lamp according to GOST is 12,000 hours. The mass of waste fluorescent lamps is determined (M l.l):

M l.l = O l.l × G l.l,

Where G l.l is the mass of one fluorescent lamp. Waste fluorescent lamps must be sent to specialized enterprises for their acceptance. 5.2 Waste mercury lamps The number of spent mercury lamps used to illuminate premises is calculated using the formula in Section 5.1, with the standard service life of one lamp being 8000 hours. The number of used mercury lamps used to illuminate the area is calculated using the formula

Where O r.l - the number of mercury lamps to be disposed of, pcs.; K r.l - number of installed mercury lamps at the enterprise, pcs.; H r.l - average operating time of one mercury lamp (8 hours); N r.l - the standard service life of one mercury lamp, hours. The standard service life of one mercury lamp according to GOST is 8000 hours. The mass of waste mercury lamps is determined (M r.l):

M r.l = O r.l × G r.l,

Where G r.l is the mass of one mercury lamp. Spent mercury lamps must be sent to specialized enterprises for their acceptance. 5.3 Waste transformer oil The volume of transformer oil collection (M is determined by the formula

Where S i is the rate of collection of used oil collected during major or current repairs for equipment of the i-th type; accepted by ; t i is the service life of the oil in equipment of the i-th type, taken according to ; m i - quantity of equipment of the i-th type taken out for repair, pcs.; p - number of types of this equipment, units; l- number of types of equipment, units. Purified transformer oil is used at the enterprise in accordance with the directions given in. Used oil with an acid value of more than 0.25 mg KOH/g is waste. If used oil is not purified and used on other equipment, then the collection standard is 60%. 5.4 Industrial waste oil Oil is formed when changing the lubricant of various machines. The planned volume of industrial oil collection is determined by multiplying the planned consumption from which collection is possible by the collection rate. The collection rate for oil without additives is 50%, for oils with additives - 35%. 5.5 Used motor oil Oil is formed during the operation of vehicles with carburetor and diesel engines. Information on the availability of motor transport equipment necessary to determine the volume of waste motor oil generation is given in the appendix to the Project. Amount of used motor oil M wt. mot (t/year) is determined in accordance with the formulas: - for equipment running on gasoline and liquefied gas,

Where is the gasoline consumption of the i-th type of equipment, l/year; specific indicator of the formation of used motor oil of the i-th type of equipment, l/100 l of fuel; 0.885 - density of motor oil, kg/l; 10 -3 - conversion factor from kilograms to tons; - for equipment running on diesel fuel,

It is advisable to summarize the initial data and results of calculating the standard amount of waste motor oil formation in Table 4. Table 4

Type of equipment

Fuel consumption, l/year

Volume of waste motor oil formation, t/year

Equipment running on gasoline and liquefied gas Cars Trucks Buses Equipment running on diesel fuel Trucks Buses Off-road equipment - dump trucks and other similar equipment
5.6 Used transmission oil The amount of used transmission oil (M wt.trans) generated during the operation of motor vehicles (t/year) is determined in accordance with the formulas: - for equipment running on gasoline and liquefied gas,

Where is the gasoline consumption of the i-th type of equipment, l/year; - specific indicator of the formation of used transmission oil of the i-th type of equipment, l/100 l of fuel; 0.93 - transmission oil density, kg/l; 10 -3 - conversion factor from kilograms to tons; - for equipment running on diesel fuel,

The initial data and results of calculating the standard amount of waste transmission oil formation should be summarized in Table 5. Table 5

Type of equipment

Fuel consumption, l/year

Specific indicator of waste oil formation, l/100 l

Volume of waste transmission oil generation, t/year

Equipment running on gasoline and liquefied gas Cars Trucks Buses Equipment running on diesel fuel Trucks Buses Off-road vehicles - dump trucks and other similar equipment
5.7 Used compressor oil In accordance with the planned volume of compressor oil collection, it is determined by multiplying the planned flow rate from which collection is possible by the collection rate. The collection rate is 55%. 5.8 Waste battery sulfuric acid Waste battery sulfuric acid waste is generated when replacing used batteries installed on road transport. Calculation of the standard volume of education is carried out in accordance with. The amount of waste electrolyte formed (Mvol.e) is calculated by the formula

Where P is the annual mileage of the car, km; n a.b - specific indicator of the formation of waste battery acid, l/10,000 km; 1.1 - acid density, t/m3. It is advisable to summarize the initial data and results of calculating the standard amount of waste battery acid formation in Table 6. Table 6 Waste sulfuric acid is also formed when replacing batteries installed at an electrical network enterprise. Its quantity is determined based on average statistical data for 3 years. 5.9 Cooling lubricants and used emulsions As a cutting fluid (coolant) used for cooling cutting tool and parts processed on machine equipment, an aqueous emulsion of emulsol is used. The total yield of spent emulsion (M coolant) is calculated by the formula

M coolant = V coolant N coolant,

Where V coolant is the annual consumption of the emulsion, t; N Coolant - collection standard (13%). 5.10 Oil sludge from vehicle wash installations The amount of oil sludge (M is calculated using the formula

Where Q in is the flow rate of oil-containing wastewater, m 3 /year; C ref - concentration of petroleum products in the source water, mg/l; Cp is the concentration of petroleum products in purified water, mg/l; P - water content of oil sludge, %; g - density of oil sludge, g/cm3. Data for calculation are taken based on the results of analyzes for the content of petroleum products in water before and after installing a vehicle wash, 5.11 Oily rags Oily rags are generated during the maintenance and repair of main and auxiliary equipment, machine tools and vehicles. The volume of generation of this type of waste from motor vehicles is determined in accordance with the formula

Where M vet.avt is the total amount of oily cleaning rags; P - annual vehicle mileage, km; N vet - specific consumption rate of cleaning material per 10 thousand km of vehicle mileage, kg/10,000 km. The initial data and results of calculating the required amount of wiping rags for the operation of motor vehicles should be summarized in Table 7. Table 7 The amount of oily rags during maintenance and repair of machine tools (M is determined by the formula

M = C i× N i ,

Where is C i- number of work shifts in the year of the i-th type of machine; N i- rate of rag formation per shift, g. 5.12 Used oil filters The number of used oil filters O f.o (t) during the operation of motor vehicles is determined in accordance with the formulas:

Where O f.o is the total number of used oil filters, t; P - annual vehicle mileage, km; P mot - annual operating time of equipment, operating hours; N - standard mileage for replacing filters, thousand km; N mot - standard operating time for replacing filters, operating hours; Mf is the mass of the filter, t. The initial data and results of calculating the amount of waste oil filter formation are summarized in Table 8. Table 8 5.13 Wood waste oily (sawdust) Oily sawdust is formed during the maintenance and repair of vehicles, and the elimination of oil spills and stains in production premises and on the industrial site. The amount of clean sawdust is determined according to average statistical data. The annual amount of waste generated in the form of oiled sawdust, taking into account the increase in their mass due to oiling, is calculated as:

M sawdust replacement = M sawdust clean 1.05 t/year.

5.14 Sludge from a vehicle wash installation Sludge is formed during the purification of water contaminated with petroleum products. The amount of oil sludge sediment (M is calculated by the formula

Where Q in is the flow rate of oil-containing wastewater, m 3 /year; C suspended out - concentration of suspended substances in the source water, mg/l; Сsv.och - concentration of suspended substances in purified water, mg/l; P - sediment water content, %; g oc - sediment density, g/cm3. Data for calculation are taken based on the results of analyzes for the content of suspended substances in water before and after installation. 5.15 Used tires The standard quantity and mass of worn tires M ap.wear (t) is determined in accordance with the formula

Where K y - tire recycling coefficient K y = 0.85; n- number of types of cars at the enterprise; P Wed i- average annual mileage of the i-type car, thousand km; A i- number of cars of the i-th type, pcs.; TO i- number of movable wheels installed on the i-th type of car, pcs.; M j- mass of the i-th tire model, kg; N j- standard mileage of the i-th tire model, thousand km. The initial data and calculation results should be summarized in Table 9. Table 9 Note - Tires are divided into tires with a metal cord and tires with a textile cord. 5.16 Used automobile cameras The number of tubes corresponds to the number of worn tires. On average, the weight of a passenger car camera is 1.6 kg, and that of a truck is 4.0 kg. Based on this, the total mass of worn-out cameras is determined. 5.17 Used rubber products Waste rubber products are generated when replacing worn rubber parts (bushings, cuffs, gaskets, drive and fan belts, etc.) of enterprise equipment and motor vehicles. The quantity of rubber products is determined according to the consumption of these parts per year (certificate of consumption of raw materials). 5.18 Used acid batteries (assembled) Calculation of the standard volume of battery waste generation is carried out in accordance with the formula

Where M a.b is the mass of used batteries per year, t; To a.b. i- number of installed batteries i th brand at the enterprise; M a.b. i- average weight of one battery i th brand, kg; N a.b. i- service life of one battery, years; n- number of brands of batteries at the enterprise; 10 -3 is the conversion factor from kilograms to tons. It is advisable to summarize the initial data and results of calculating the number of used batteries for motor vehicles in Table 10. Table 10 The calculation of the number of used batteries can also be carried out based on vehicle mileage. Used batteries are also generated at the electrical grid plant itself. Their number and weight are determined based on average statistical data for three years. 5.19 Electrode stubs Electrode cinders are formed during welding work. The number of electrodes received by the enterprise per year is determined according to average statistical data (certificate of consumption of raw materials). When replacing the electrode, the remaining cinder is 10-12% of its length. The mass of cinders is: M og = M el × 0.11 t/year. 5.20 Welding slag Waste in the form of slag is equal to 10% of the mass of the electrodes. The weight of welding slag is:

M shl = M el × 0.1 t/year.

5.21 Asbestos-containing waste Asbestos-containing waste is generated when replacing the thermal insulation of equipment, as well as when replacing used brake linings of vehicles. The amount of waste used is determined by the annual consumption of these materials (certificate of consumption of raw materials and materials). 5.22 Waste thermal insulation materials These types of waste (fireclay bricks, refractory clay, etc.) are generated during repair work. The amount of waste used is determined by the annual consumption of these materials (certificate of consumption of raw materials and materials). 5.23 Ferrous metal scrap 5.23.1 Metal shavings This type of waste is generated during mechanical processing of parts. To calculate the amount of metal shavings, it is necessary to have data on the machine park (type of machines and their number by type) and the operating time of the machines per year. The calculation is carried out according to the formula

Where K i- number of machines i-th type, pcs.; N i chips - chip formation standard i th type of machines, kg/shift; IN i- number of job changes i- type of machines, shifts/year; 10 -3 is the conversion factor from kilograms to tons. 5.23.2 Small piece scrap This type of waste (pieces, scrap) is generated during metalworking, installation and repair of equipment. In metalworking, the amount of small-piece scrap can be calculated as:

M piece = M metal waste N metal waste - M shavings t/year,

Where M black metal is the amount of ferrous metal purchased for metalworking, t; N metal waste - standard for the formation of ferrous metal waste (pieces, shavings, rejects) - 180-195 kg per 1 ton of processed metal. There is no standard for the generation of small-piece scrap during installation and repair of equipment, so its quantity is taken according to average statistical data. 5.23.3 Dimensional crowbar This type of waste is generated during the repair or dismantling of metal structures. There is no standard for the generation of dimensional scrap during installation and repair of equipment, so its quantity is taken according to the annual consumption of this material (certificate of consumption of raw materials and materials). 5.24 Non-ferrous metal scrap 5.24.1 Metal shavings This type of waste is generated during metal processing of non-ferrous metals. Metal shavings are calculated using the formula in clause 5.23.1. 5.24.2 Small piece scrap This type of waste is generated during the repair of power lines and equipment containing non-ferrous metals. There is no standard for the generation of small-piece scrap of non-ferrous metals, so its quantity is taken based on average statistical data for three years. 5.24.3 Dimensional crowbar This type of waste is generated during equipment repair or dismantling. There is no standard for the generation of dimensional scrap during installation and repair of equipment, so its quantity is taken according to the annual consumption of this material (certificate of consumption of raw materials and materials). 5.25 Used air filters Used air filters are formed as a result of the operation of motor vehicles. The number of used air filters is taken according to their annual consumption (certificate of consumption of raw materials). 5.26 Scrap abrasive wheels Spent abrasive tools are formed during mechanical processing of parts on sharpening, grinding and cutting machines. The amount of this type of waste is determined based on the mass of wheels received to replace used ones (certificate of consumption of raw materials and supplies), multiplied by a factor of 0.5, since according to, the mass of used wheels is equal to 50% of new ones. 5.27 Abrasive metal dust Abrasive-metal dust is formed when metal parts are processed with abrasive tools. The amount of this type of waste is calculated by the formula

M abr.met = M dust.abr + M dust.met t/year,

Where M dust.abr is the dust of abrasive wheels, equal to the mass of their wear (see section 5.26); M dust.met - metal dust, calculated according to the ratio

M dust.met = M dust.abr × t/year

(here 0.0333 and 0.0142 g/s, respectively, the yield of metal and abrasive dust when processing parts). 5.28 Clean wood waste (lumber waste) These types of waste are calculated based on the amount of wood received for processing (certificate of consumption of raw materials) and the standard for their formation. 5.29 Cullet This type of waste is calculated based on the mass of glass used to replace broken glass (certificate of consumption of raw materials). 5.30 Break of porcelain insulators The amount of this type of waste is calculated based on average statistical data for three years. 5.31 Construction waste Determined based on the average statistical data of the enterprise for three years. 5.32 Estimates from the territory Estimates from the territory of the enterprise, which has a hard surface, are determined by the formula

M cm = F TV x H cm × 0.5,

Where F TV is the hard surface area of ​​the PES territory, m 2 ; N cm - specific standard for education estimate, 5 kg/m 2 /year (adopted according to Moskompriroda data), 0.5 - coefficient provided that the territory is swept for 6 months. per year. 5.33 Municipal solid waste The amount of solid household waste is determined as the product of the number of employees of the enterprise by the education standard.


If necessary, materials for determining the hazard class of waste are placed in this section.


Based on calculations and justification of the expected volume of waste generation, a table is compiled in the form.


The information is tabulated according to the form.


The information presented in the previous sections is summarized and presented in a table according to the form.


In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Production and Consumption Waste” dated June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ, the enterprise is obliged to comply with conditions for the collection, temporary storage and transportation of generated waste, excluding their harmful effects on the environment. An assessment of the impact of waste on the environment is carried out in the case of: - waste storage at open ground; - storage of liquid or paste waste without pallets, lids, canopies, on an area without hard covering, etc.; - storage of waste not lower than hazard class III in containers in case of violation of its tightness, integrity of the shell, etc.


To prevent an emergency, waste storage conditions must comply with current documents: General requirements for design solutions for temporary storage sites for industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise, Maximum amount of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization), Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation: PPB-01- 93 and local regulations fire safety. The conditions for safe waste storage are indicated in Table 11. Table 11

Name of waste

Temporary storage conditions

Waste fluorescent lamps, waste mercury lamps Store and transport in a special container in an upright position. Must be covered with cardboard covers. Store in a special room, to which access by unauthorized persons must be excluded. Used battery sulfuric acid Store in labeled, tightly sealed glass bottles in a ventilated area. Transport - in a wooden crate with a wood-shaving gasket that protects the bottles from accidental impacts All types of waste oils, oil sludge from car wash installations Store in closed metal containers mounted on pallets, separately by oil brand, under a canopy in areas where contact with open fire is excluded. Storage areas should be equipped with fire extinguishing means* Used cutting fluid and emulsions Store in closed metal containers mounted on pallets, under a canopy in areas where contact with open fire is excluded. Storage areas should be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment* Oily rags, oil filters Store in containers with a lid, placed in places where contact with open flame is excluded. Storage areas should be equipped with fire extinguishing means* Used tires, waste rubber (tubes), rubber products Store on special areas with a hard surface (small items - in containers), in places that exclude contact with open fire. Storage areas should be equipped with fire extinguishing means* Store on a hard surface area under a canopy. Avoid moisture penetration Ferrous metal scrap dimensional Store in a designated fenced area with hard surface Ferrous metal scrap (small pieces and shavings), electrode cinders and scrap containers for paint and varnish materials Store on a hard surface in containers Scrap of abrasive wheels, abrasive-metal dust, welding slag Store in closed containers to avoid dusting Worn rubber products, used brake linings, broken glass, used wooden crafts, waste equivalent to household waste, estimates from the territory Store in containers, avoid contact with open flames
* The quantity and type of fire extinguishing agents must comply with the standards for primary fire extinguishing agents. Emergency situations during temporary storage of waste can include fire, spillage of liquid waste, and dust formation. If emergency situations occur, their elimination is carried out in accordance with the requirements of local fire safety and safety regulations. When handling waste on the territory of the PES industrial site, the following requirements must be observed: - prevent spillage and dusting of bulk waste, spillage of liquid waste, take timely measures to eliminate their consequences; - prevent liquid waste (petroleum products, battery acid, etc.) from entering the soil, systematically monitoring and eliminating detected leaks; - systematically carry out wet cleaning of production premises; - in case of mechanical destruction of fluorescent lamps, collect their fragments in a container for collecting used lamps. Neutralize the released mercury by immediately treating the contaminated surface with a 20% solution of ferric chloride. After complete drying, wash the treated surface with soapy water. Surfaces contaminated with mercury should also be treated with a 1% solution of KM n O 4 acidified with HC l; - in the event of an oil spill, sprinkle the surface of the floor or collection area with sawdust, then remove the sawdust and send it to a temporary storage area for oily waste. Rinse the dried surface thoroughly with water and detergents; - in case of a battery acid spill, treat the surface of the floor or area with soda ash or ammonia water, then rinse thoroughly. Waste storage conditions should be checked at least once a quarter.


(Business name)


(signature of the head of the enterprise)


Information is given in tabular form.

List of used literature

1. Temporary rules for environmental protection from production and consumption waste in the Russian Federation. / Approved Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. - M.: 1994. 2. Methodological recommendations for the design of draft education standards and waste disposal limits. - M.: State Committee for Ecology, 1999. 3. Temporary classifier of toxic industrial waste and guidelines for determining the toxicity class of industrial waste. Ministry of Health of the USSR, State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR dated May 13, 1987 No. 4286-87. 4. Reference materials on specific indicators of the formation of the most important types of production and consumption wastes, - M.: NITsPURO, 1996. 5. Collection of specific indicators of the formation of production and consumption wastes, - M.: State Committee for Ecology, 1999. 6. Guidelines for the use of waste turbines and transformer oils for the technological needs of energy enterprises: RD 34.43.302-91. - M.: SPO ORGRES, 1993. 7. Instructions on the organization of collection and rational use of waste petroleum products in the Russian Federation. / Approved By order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 1998, No. 311. - M.: 1998. 8. Individual standards for the consumption of transformer oil for repair and operational needs for equipment of energy enterprises. - M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987. 9. SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures. 10. Thermal and nuclear power plants. Directory. - M.: Energoizdat, 1982. 11. Industry catalog “Abrasive materials and tools”. - M.: VNIIASH, 1991. 12. Brief automobile reference book. - M.: Transconsulting, 1994. 13. Fire safety rules for energy enterprises: VPPB 01-02-95 (RD 34.03.301-95). - Chelyabinsk: Firm "AOSKO", 1995. 14. Safety regulations for the operation of thermal mechanical equipment of power plants and heating networks: RD 34.03.201-97. - M.: ENAS, 1997. Change No. 1/2000 to RD 34.03.201-97. - M.: ZAO Energoservice, 2000. Key words: standards, limits, production and consumption waste, electrical network enterprise.

1. Spent sulfuric acid. Waste is generated in the garages of the enterprise when replacing the electrolyte and draining it when writing off lead-acid batteries.

The approximate annual amount of waste electrolyte generated at the enterprise is calculated by the formula:

E = ∙0,8,

where E is the amount of spent electrolyte;

V – battery capacity;

n – quantity;

t – standard battery life;

0.8 is a coefficient that takes into account the reduction in electrolyte volume due to evaporation.

See Table 1 for all necessary data.

Table 1

Battery type

Quantity of electrolyte

Number of batteries, pieces

Life time,

in one battery, kg

Theoretical annual quantity of waste with average density

1.2 t/m3 is:

(3,6 3/2 + 5,5 1/2 + 8,0 3/2 +10,6 2/2 +14,5 5/2) 0,8 103 = 0.06 t/year.

The source data is shown in Table 2. The option number is selected based on the last digit of the grade book.

Initial data table 2

Battery type

Option number;

number of batteries, pieces

2. Other chemical waste (used brake fluid). There is no carryover waste from previous years at the enterprise. Waste is generated when replacing used brake fluid in the brake systems of vehicles with hydraulic system brakes Calculation of the annual amount of waste (M, t/year) is carried out using the formula:

M = Vnhp 10 3 ,

where V is the total capacity of vehicle brake systems, dm 3 ;

n is the number of brake fluid changes per year, brake fluid is replaced once every 2 years, n =1/2;

h - waste brake fluid collection coefficient, h = 0.9;

p – brake fluid density, kg/dm 3, paverage = 1 kg/dm 3.

The capacity of the brake systems of the company's vehicles is as follows:

KAVZ-3270 (1 unit) - 1.02 dm 3

GAZ-3102 (1 unit) - 0.52 dm 3

UAZ-31514 (1 unit) - 0.52 dm 3

UAZ-2206 (1 unit) - 0.52 dm 3

GAZ-33021 (1 unit) - 0.77 dm 3

The total capacity of the brake systems is 3.35 dm.

M = 3.35 ½ 0,9 1 10 3 = 0.0015 t/year.

If generated, the waste will accumulate and be stored in a plastic or glass bottle in the garage.

The initial data for the calculation are given in Table 3. The option number is selected based on the last digit of the grade book.

Initial data Table 3

Option No.


enterprises, units

Option No.


enterprises, units

UAZ-2206 (2 units)

GAZ-33021(2 units)

KAVZ-270 (2 units)

UAZ-2206 (1 unit)

UAZ-2206 (3 units)

UAZ-1514 (3 units)

UAZ-1514 (3 units)

GAZ-33021(1 unit)

UAZ-1514 (1 unit)

GAZ-3102 (1 unit)

GAZ-3102 (1 unit)

KAVZ-270 (3 units)

GAZ-3102 (2 units)

KAVZ-270 (4 units)

UAZ-2206 (2 units)

UAZ-1514 (4 units)

GAZ-33021(3 units)

KAVZ-270 (1 unit)

UAZ-1514 (3 units)

GAZ-3102 (2 units)

3. Used lead batteries, not disassembled, with drained electrolyte. Waste is generated in the enterprise's garages when lead batteries are discarded and replaced.

The approximate mass of lead batteries to be disposed of at the enterprise is calculated using the formula:

E =

where E is the mass of used batteries;

M is the mass of one battery;

n - number of batteries;

t - battery life.

The following brands of batteries are installed on the company's vehicles (Table 4):

Table 4


Battery weight, kg

Number of batteries

Service life, years

Waste weight, kg

The waste is 100% of the weight of the “dry” battery, i.e. the amount of waste generated at the enterprise is 0.293 t/year.

The initial data for the calculation are given in Table 2. The option number is selected based on the last digit of the grade book.

4. Used motor oils. There is no carryover waste from previous years at the enterprise. Waste is generated in vehicle and tractor maintenance areas when replacing motor oils.

The waste includes:

Motor oils for carburetor engines;

Motor oils for diesel engines.

The amount of oil waste from vehicles and equipment is determined based on the capacity of the oil crankcases and the frequency of oil changes in them according to the formula:

M =

V is the volume of oil in the units;

The annual amount of used motor oils poured into the engine lubrication system is determined based on the data given in Table 5.

Table 5

Brand of equipment


Filling tanks of the engine lubrication system, l

Annual mileage,

operating time of motorcycle/hours

Standard mileage

M =
, l/year

The estimated weight of used motor oils will be (with an oil density of 0.9 kg/l):

0,499 0.9 = 0.449 t/year.

5. Used transmission oils. There is no carryover waste from previous years at the enterprise.

Waste is generated at vehicle maintenance areas when replacing transmission oils.

The amount of oil waste from vehicles is determined based on the capacity of various units of cars, railcars and the frequency of oil changes in them according to the formula:

M =

where S is the total mileage of cars of the same brand per year;

T - standard mileage for changing oils in units;

V is the volume of oil in the units;

0.9 - oil drain coefficient.

The annual amount of used transmission oils poured into the gearbox housing, steering gear and rear axle is determined based on the data given in Table 6.

Table 6

Brand of equipment


Refill tanks for the lubrication system of gearboxes and axles, l

Annual mileage,

operating time of motorcycle/hours

Standard mileage

M =
, l/year

The estimated weight of used transmission oils will be (with an oil density of 0.9 kg/l):

0,067 0.9 = 0.06 t/year.

The initial data for solving this problem are given in Table 3. The option number is selected based on the last digit of the grade book.

6. Waste (sludge) from mechanical and biological wastewater treatment (sludge from car washes). Washing cars also produces waste in the form of sludge. Place of formation: car wash site.

The water consumption for washing one vehicle unit is assumed to be 0.6 m 3 - for trucks; 0.4 m 3 - for passenger cars.

Suspended substances (mechanical impurities) for cargo 0.0009-0.0013 t/m 3, accepted 0.0011 t/m 3; for cars - 0.0004-0.0006 t/m 3; accepted - 0.0005 t/m3;

Petroleum products for trucks - 0.00002-0.00005 t/m 3; accepted 0.000035 t/m3; for cars - 0.00002-0.00004 t/m3; 0.00003 t/m3 is accepted.

Washing frequency: once a month for trucks; Once a week - for passenger cars.

The company has 7 trucks and 4 cars.

Annual volume of suspended solids formation:

(7 12 0,6 0,0011) + (4 52 0,4 0.0005) = 0.097 t/year.

Annual volume of petroleum products formation:

(7 12 0,6 0,000035) + (4 52 0,4 0.00003) = 0.0043 t/year. The total annual calculated volume of waste generation, taking into account its water content, is 85%: (0.097 + 0.0043)/0.85 = 0.119 t/year; The estimated amount of sludge waste after washing vehicles is 0.119 t/year.

The initial data for solving this problem are given in Table 7. The option number is selected based on the last digit of the grade book.

Initial data Table 7

Option No.

Motor transport

enterprises, units

Option No.

Motor transport

enterprises, units

2 cargo

4 cars

3 cargo

3 cars

5 cargo

6 cars

3 cargo

4 cars

3 cargo

2 cars

7 cargo

4 cars

1 cargo

6 cars

5 cargo

6 cars

4 cargo

4 cars

5 cargo

5 cars

7. Residues of ethylene glycol that have lost its consumer properties (used coolant). Waste is generated when replacing used coolant in cars. Calculation of the annual amount of waste (M, t/year) is carried out using the formula:

M = Vnhp 10 3 ,

where V is the total capacity of vehicle cooling systems, l;

n is the number of coolant changes per year.

The coolant is replaced once every 2 years, n = ½.

h - waste coolant collection coefficient, h = 0.9;

p - coolant density, kg/dm 3: p = 1.1 kg/l.

The coolant is used in the following company vehicles:

GAZ-3110 (1 unit) - 11.5 l/automatic.

GA333021 (1 unit) - 13.0 l/automatic.

UAZ-31514 (1 unit) - 13.0 l/automatic.

The total capacity of the cooling systems is 37.5 liters.

The estimated annual amount of waste is:

M = 37.5 ½ 0,9 1,1 103 = 0.019 t/year.

The initial data for solving this problem are given in Table 3. Calculations are carried out only for those vehicles for which there is data in this problem. The option number is selected based on the penultimate digit of the grade book.

8. Remains of diesel fuel that has lost its consumer properties. Waste is generated in the garage when car components and parts are washed in a washing bath. The annual amount of spent diesel fuel is calculated using the formula:

M dt = V dt k p dt n 10 3 ,

where V dt is the working volume of the washing bath, l;

k - coefficient of completeness of discharge, k = 0.9;

n is the annual number of replacements of the washing solution;

p dt - density of diesel fuel, kg/l; p = 0.85 kg/l. .

Estimated annual amount of spent diesel fuel:

M dt = 20 0,9 6 0,85 103 = 0.092 t/year.

The waste is collected in a special container V - 0.2 m 3.

The initial data for solving this problem are given in Table 8. The option number is selected according to the penultimate digit of the grade book.

Initial data Table 8

Option No.

9. Waste of complex combined composition in the form of products, equipment, devices not included in other items (used filter materials). Calculation of the standard for the formation of waste filter materials is carried out using the formula:

M = ∑

where N is the number of cars of the i-th model, pcs.;

n - number of filters installed on the vehicle of the i-th model, pcs.;

L - average annual mileage of the i-th model, thousand km;

L - the mileage rate of the 1st car of the i-th model before replacing the filter;

m is the weight of one filter on the i-th model.

Table 9


Annual mileage, thousand km.

Mileage before replacement, thousand km.

Filter weight, kg

Filter consumption, t/year

Oil filters

Air filters


Oil filters

Air filters


The increase in the mass of used filter materials due to contamination is:

For oil filters up to 50%;

For fuel filters up to 30%;

For air filters up to 20%.

The estimated annual amount of waste is:

0,019 1,5 + 0,056 1,3 + 0,003 1,2 = 0,028 + 0,073 + 0,004 = 0.105 t/year.

The initial data for solving this problem are given in Table 10. The option number is selected according to the penultimate digit of the grade book.

Initial data Table 10

Option No.


enterprises, units

Option No.


enterprises, units

KAMAZ (2 units)

GAZ-33021 (2 units)

KAMAZ (2 units)

UAZ-1514 (1 unit)

UAZ-1514 (3 units)

UAZ-1514 (3 units)

GAZ-33021(1 unit)

UAZ-1514 (1 unit)

GAZ-3102 (1 unit)

GAZ-3102 (1 unit)

GAZ-3102 (2 units)

KAMAZ (4 units)

UAZ-1514 (4 units)

GAZ-33021 (3 units)

UAZ-1514 (3 units)

GAZ-3102 (2 units)


    Federal target program "Waste", 1996

    Rules for the development and approval of waste generation standards and limits for their disposal, 2000.

    Korobkin V.I., Peredelsky L.V. Ecology. – Rostov n/d: publishing house “Phoenix”, 2008 – 745 p.

    Garin V.M., Klenova I.A., Kolesnikov V.I. Ecology for technical universities. - Rostov n/d: publishing house "Phoenix", 2001 - 384 p.

    Rozanov S.I. General ecology: Textbook for technical areas and specialties. 3rd ed., erased. – St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2003 – 288 p.

    Korobkin V.I., Peredelsky L.V. Ecology. – Rostov n/d: publishing house “Phoenix”, 2000 – 576 p.


Guidelines and tasks to be completed

independent work on the course “Ecology” for students

engineering specialties of all forms of education

1.6.1.Motor and transmission oils (MMO group in accordance with GOST 21046-86)

The amount of used engine and transmission oil can be calculated using two options.

1). The amount of used engine and transmission oil through fuel consumption is calculated using the formula:

М =  N i * q i * L i * n i * H *  * 10 -4 (t/year),

q i - fuel consumption rate per 100 km, l/100 km;

n i - oil consumption rate per 100 l of fuel, l/100 l;
engine oil consumption rate for a carburetor engine
n mk = 2.4 l / 100 l;
engine oil consumption rate for a diesel engine
n md = 3.2 l / 100 l;
transmission oil consumption rate for a carburetor engine
n tk = 0.3 l / 100 l;
transmission oil consumption rate for a diesel engine
n td = 0.4 l / 100 l;

H - rate of collection of waste petroleum products, fractions of 1; H = 0.12 - 0.15;

2). The amount of used engine and transmission oil through the volume of lubrication systems is calculated separately by type of oil using the formula:

M =  N i * V i * L i / L n i * k *  * 10 -3, t/year

where: N i - number of cars of the i-th brand, pcs.

Vi - volume of oil poured into a car of the i-th brand during maintenance, l,

L i - average annual mileage of a car of the i-th brand, thousand km/year,

L n i - the mileage rate of the i-th brand of rolling stock before an oil change, thousand km,

k - coefficient of completeness of oil drainage, k=0.9,

 - density of used oil, kg/l, =0.9 kg/l.

1.6.2. Used industrial oil

1). Industrial oils formed during the operation of thermal departments (MIO group in accordance with GOST 21046-86)

The amount of waste oil used during heat treatment of parts is determined by the formula:

M =  V * n * k s * , t/year

where: V is the working volume of the bath used for hardening parts, m3,

n is the number of oil changes per year,

k с - waste oil collection coefficient (according to inventory data),

 - density of used oil, kg/l, =0.9 kg/l.

2). Industrial oils generated during the operation of machine tools, compressors, presses (MMO group in accordance with GOST 21046-86)

The amount of used oil drained from the equipment is determined by the formula:

M =  N i * V * n * k s *  * 10 -3, t/year

where: N i - number of units of equipment of the i-th brand, pcs.,

V - oil sump volume of equipment of the i-th brand, l, crankcase volumes
are given in the passports for this type of equipment,

n is the number of oil changes per year,

k с - waste oil collection coefficient, k с = 0.9

 - density of used oil, kg/l, =0.9 kg/l.

1.6.3.Emulsion from the compressor oil trap

The emulsion from the compressor oil trap is calculated using the formula:

M =  N i * n i * t i / (1-k) * 10 -6, t/year

where: N i - number of compressors of the i-th brand, pcs.,

n i is the rate of compressor oil consumption for lubrication of the i-brand compressor, g/hour;
oil consumption rates for lubrication are given in the data sheets for this type

t i - average number of operating hours of compressors of the i-th brand per year, hour/year,