Where are the guinea pigs from? Habitat and lifestyle of guinea pigs in the wild

Guinea pig is a kind and harmless animal

domestic guinea pig(lat. Cavia porcellus) is a mammal belonging to the order of rodents of the mumps family. More and more Russians prefer this cute and harmless animal as a pet.

Relatives and ancestors

All members of the guinea pig subfamily are descended from South America where they are widely distributed. One of them - Cavia aperea tschudii - lives in Peru. Our domestic guinea pigs originated from this subspecies. Their domestication began since the time of the Incas, during which they were first sacrificial, and then meat animals.

It should be noted that domestic guinea pigs are still considered good food by the Indians of the High Andes. To this end, today large guinea pigs weighing 2.5 kg or more are bred in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. Every year, Peruvian guinea pigs produce about 17 thousand tons of meat.

After the discovery of America in 1592, guinea pigs came to Spain and Portugal, and then to Great Britain and Holland. At first they were rare and expensive. By the way, it is believed that it was its value (guinea) that determined the name of the pig on English language- guinea pig.

Domestic domesticated guinea pig received its own Latin name Cavia porcellus.


Guinea pigs are very popular as pets today.

There are several breeds of guinea pigs that differ in the type of coat. The most common of them:

  • American, or short-haired guinea pigs - with short, smooth hair;
  • Abyssinian, or wire-haired, or rosette - with short, hard hair in the form of rosettes;
  • angora - with long soft fluffy hair;
  • sheltie - with long hair adjacent to the body;
  • koropets - shelties with a rosette on their heads - a “crown”;
  • English crested pigs - short-haired pigs with a rosette on their heads;
  • tessel - long-haired pigs with strongly wavy hair.

Care, proper feeding

The coat of some breeds needs to be brushed.

The future owner needs to carefully approach the issue of choosing a cage for his new pet. It can be made of plastic, wood or metal. At the same time, you can’t keep the animal in a cage that is too small - its dimensions should not be less than 30x40 cm. A piece of hard wood should be placed in the cage so that the animals can grind their incisors. It is impossible to have objects made of thin plastic in the cage, because the pigs can chew them and swallow the pieces. To avoid an unpleasant odor from the animal, the cage must be cleaned every 2-3 days. You can equip a restroom in it by placing a small trough with sawdust.

Guinea pigs are afraid of drafts and high humidity, so the cage should be placed away from batteries, in a well-lit (but not in bright sun!) Place. The required temperature is 18-20°C.

In the warm season, pet pigs can be kept outdoors. However, the "summer house" must be protected from rain and wind, as well as direct sunlight.

In general, caring for guinea pigs is easy. Animals with normal fur and rosettes, when kept clean, do not need to be combed at all. In long-haired breeds, it is necessary to comb the coat regularly - first of all, the lower back, because the fur coat of the animal falls off most often there. If the hairs are rolled up, you can cut them off.

Guinea pigs do not bathe, they do not like it. If you are determined to “ennoble” the animal, use a mild baby shampoo, which must be rinsed very thoroughly, and then dry the hair with a hairdryer, keeping the animal warm so that it does not freeze. It is necessary to trim the claws, but a little and carefully.

Pigs need food rich in fiber - then they will have a beautiful shiny coat. In addition, guinea pigs eat hay and green food, love carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, apples.

Guinea pig and other pets

A distinctive feature of guinea pigs is complete indifference to other animals. Such a reaction can be life-threatening for the animal if it encounters a predatory animal. Therefore, pigs should not be kept with other pets that can harm them.

Probably, almost every person in childhood was interested in the question: why is the guinea pig so called. It seems to have nothing to do with artiodactyls. And why then the sea? Unlikely salty water- her element, and the little animal, it seems, is not adapted to swim. There is an explanation, and it is rather prosaic.

To understand why the guinea pig was called a guinea pig, one should turn to history. Latin name of this funny animal Cavia porcellus, family Pigs. Other name: caywi and guinea pig. By the way, here is another incident that should be dealt with, animals also have nothing to do with Guinea.

These rodents have been known to man since ancient times and were domesticated by the tribes of South America. The Incas and other representatives of the continent ate animals for food. They worshiped them, depicting them on art objects, and also used them as ritual sacrifices. From archaeological excavations in Ecuador and Peru, statues of these animals have survived to this day.

Guinea pigs are so named because their ancestors were used as food.

Furry animals became known to the inhabitants of the European continent in the 16th century after the conquest of Colombia, Bolivia and Peru by the Spanish conquistadors. Later, merchant ships from England, Holland and Spain began to bring unusual animals to their homeland, where they spread among the aristocratic environment as pets.

Where did the name guinea pig come from?

The term cavia in the scientific name is derived from cabiai. So the representatives of the Galibi tribes who lived in the territory of Guiana (South America) called the animal. The literal translation from Latin porcellus means "little pig". V different countries It is customary to name the animal in different ways. More common is the abbreviated name cavy or kevy, shortened from cavia. At home, they are called kui (gui) and aperea, in the UK - Indian pigs, and in Western Europe- Peruvian.

A wild guinea pig is called "little pig" in Guiana

Why still "marine"?

The little animal received such a name only in Russia, Poland (Swinka morska) and Germany (Meerschweinchen). made them frequent companions of sailors. Yes, and animals arrived in Europe at that time only by sea. Probably, for this reason, associations of small rodents with water appeared. As for Russia, such a name was probably borrowed from a Polish name. Such an option is not excluded: overseas, i.e. strange beasts arrived from afar, and subsequently dwindled, discarding the prefix.

There is also such a version: in order to get around the ban on eating meat during fasting days, Catholic priests ranked capybaras (capybaras), and at the same time these rodents as fish. It is possible that this is why they were called guinea pigs.

Why pig?

The mention of a pig in the name can be heard from the Portuguese (small Indian pig), the Netherlands (Guinea pig), the French and the Chinese.

The reason for the connection with the known artiodactyl should probably be sought in external similarity. A thick barrel-shaped body on low legs, a short neck and a large head relative to the body resemble a pig. The sounds that the rodent makes can also be associated with the pig. In a calm state, they remotely resemble a grunt, and in case of danger, their whistle is similar to a pig's squeal. Animals are similar in content: both of them are constantly chewing something, sitting in small pens.

The animal is called a pig because of its resemblance to a piglet.

Another reason lies in the culinary habits of the natives in the homeland of animals. Domesticated animals were raised for slaughter, as were pigs. The appearance and taste, reminiscent of a suckling pig, which the first Spanish colonialists recognized, and gave them the opportunity to call the animals that way.

At home, rodents are used for food to this day. Peruvians and Ecuadorians eat them in large quantities, rubbed with spices and salt, and then fried in oil or on coals. And, by the way, the carcass cooked on a spit really looks very similar to a small suckling pig.

The Spaniards called the guinea pig the Indian rabbit.

By the way, these animals are associated in different countries not only with pigs, but also with other animals. In Germany, there is another name merswin (dolphin), probably for similar sounds made. The Spanish name translates as a small Indian rabbit, and the Japanese call them morumotto (from the English "marmot").

Where did the word "Guinean" come from in the name?

Here, too, a strange confusion has crept in, because Guinea is in West Africa, and not in South America, where guinea pigs originated.

There are several explanations for this discrepancy:

  • pronunciation error: Guiana (South America) and Guinea (West Africa) sound very similar. In addition, both territories are former French colonies;
  • ships that imported animals from Guiana to Europe followed through Africa and, accordingly, Guinea;
  • both “overseas” in Russian, and “guinea” in English, mean in meaning like everything brought from unknown distant countries;
  • The guinea is the currency for which exotic animals were sold.

Ancestors of guinea pigs and their domestication

Intended and common in South America almost everywhere. They can be found both in savannahs and on the edges of forests, on rocky sections of mountains and even in swampy areas. Often uniting in groups of up to ten individuals, the animals dig holes for themselves or occupy the dwellings of other animals. They feed exclusively on plant foods, are most active at night and at dusk, and breed all year round. Color gray-brown with a light belly.

The Inca peoples began to domesticate peaceful rodents from about the 13th century. When animals appeared in European countries, at first they were in demand in scientific laboratories for experiments. Nice appearance, good nature and sociability gradually won the attention of connoisseurs. And now these funny little animals are safely settled in homes around the world as beloved pets.

Guinea pigs are diverse

To date, breeders have bred over 20 breeds that differ in a variety of colors, coat structure, length, and even partial or complete absence.

They are usually divided into groups:

  • long-haired (angora, merino, texels, sheltie, Peruvian and others);
  • short-haired (cresteds, selfies);
  • wirehaired (rex, american teddy, abyssinian);
  • hairless (skinny, baldwin).

In contrast to the natural wild color, now you can find favorites of black, red, white color and all sorts of their shades. From monochromatic colors, breeders brought spotted and even tricolor animals. Long-haired animals with rosette hair look very funny, having a funny disheveled look. , weight varies from 600 to 1500 g. Little pets live from 5 to 8 years.

The ancestors of the guinea pig began to tame

Here are some about the history of guinea pigs and why they are called that. However, an animal with such a cute original appearance and the name should be unusual.

Video: why the guinea pig is called that

Why is the guinea pig called a guinea pig and where did it come from?

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Habitat and lifestyle of guinea pigs in wild nature
Vision of guinea pigs Why does a guinea pig chew on a cage?
Why do guinea pigs chatter their teeth?

This cute animal is a favorite of not only many kids, but also adults. He does not bite, quickly gets used to his hands, he does not require any special care. However, even having such a cute little animal in the house, not everyone thinks why a guinea pig is a pig? After all, it is clear that it has no direct relation to dairy grunting animals. On the other hand, why is a guinea pig a guinea pig? After all, neither she nor her wild relatives can swim. Let's find out these questions, for this we will have to plunge into history.

general information

Before proceeding to the question of why the guinea pig is called that way and not otherwise, let's find out where the homeland of these animals is and why they were tamed. Indians took up South America, and it was back in the 7th century BC. e. In the homeland of rodents then called gui, or aporea. Their reproduction in nature occurs all year round, pregnancy lasts a little more than 2 months, and within a few hours after birth, the animal is ready to breed again! It is for this reason that the Indians bred rodents, using them as domestic pigs, served as their main source of meat, and they were also sacrificed and used for other similar rituals. By the way, in some countries these rodents are still eaten, and the Peruvians once bred a breed of a very large guinea pig for this, it weighed about 2.5 kg. They were first brought to Europe in the 16th century, but rodents were very expensive, not everyone could afford to play with a funny animal.

Why is a guinea pig a pig. First version

Yes, there are several versions of this issue. One of them says that when the Spaniards first landed in South America and saw these rodents, they seemed very similar to them. Therefore, they began to eat them without hesitation. After all, if you take a closer look at the guinea pig, you can see some similarities with a grunting animal. For example, such as short legs, pretty on a short neck and plump body.

Second version

According to other sources, the next version as to why the guinea pig is a pig appeared due to the behavior of the animal. The fact is that when a rodent is anxious, wants to eat, is very dissatisfied with something, or, on the contrary, is in a great mood, glad to see its owner, it makes peculiar sounds that look like grunting or squealing. Which of these two versions is reliable, no one knows for sure. We can only say one thing - the guinea pig owes its name to the Spaniards. Why the animal is called that, we have found out, but not completely. It remains to figure out why the guinea pig is.

Overseas little animal

On this occasion, there is an assumption that in Europe these rodents spread from west to east, and the name that we have today indicates that the animals were brought on ships from across the sea, that is, from the very beginning there were overseas pigs. These cute little animals, which are unpretentious in maintenance and nutrition and easily trained, were the favorite companions of sailors. But in fact, guinea pigs hate water, so do not try to teach your pet to swim, he will simply drown.

Another interesting riddle

Guinea pig - that's what the guinea pig is called in English. As for the translation, there are two versions. According to one assumption, the animal is called "Guinean" in translation because in English. Guinea - Guinea. Perhaps this version was formed due to the incorrect fact that African Guinea is the birthplace of guinea pigs. According to the second version, when the animals were brought to Europe, they were very expensive, respectively, hence (perhaps) the name guinea pig came from - “a pig for a guinea”. This price was high for the vast majority of the population. It is difficult to give preference to one of these versions. However, in any case, the animals are still paying for the speculations of the pioneers.

cute pets

We tried to figure out why a guinea pig is a pig, and where such a name came from. One thing can be said for sure - if you get such a pet, then a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed to you. It is desirable for guinea pigs to live at home in a high cage with a deep tray, and as bedding, you can use sawdust, hay or specific fillers that are sold in specialty stores. Rodents eat with pleasure grain crops. A very important condition for their normal life - enough clean water for drinking, preferably with the addition of vitamin C. But in general, animals are sociable, inquisitive, intelligent. Within a few days, they will begin to respond to the nickname and will be able to sleep peacefully in your arms. They will become a real and full member of your family.

The guinea pig, also known as the guinea pig, kevey or kewi, is a domesticated rodent, a member of the genus of pigs in the family of guinea pigs. These animals, despite their name, are not only not marine, but they are not connected with Guinea in any way. The supposed ancestors of the modern guinea pig lived in Peru. They were domesticated by the Incas and used as a source of meat and as a decorative animal.

The body length of the guinea pig is 25-35 cm, depending on the breed, the body is rounded, there is no tail, the ears are hanging, the muzzle is wide and blunt. The mass of an adult male is in the range from 1 to 1.5 kg, the female usually weighs a little less from 800 to 1200 g. The natural color of the guinea pig is brownish-gray, the tummy and paws are light on the inside.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the digestive tract, guinea pigs eat often, but in small portions. The main food for them is high-quality hay, which they need both in winter and in summer. Hay normalizes the digestive system of animals, and also contributes to the proper grinding of teeth. At home, hay is always left in the cage, the norm for dry food is 1 tablespoon per pig per day.

The second place in the diet of the rodent is occupied by juicy food (apples, lettuce, carrots, beets, cabbage and other vegetables). Sweet fruits and berries will be an excellent treat for guinea pigs. Such food is a source of ascorbic acid for the animal.

For the purpose of grinding the front teeth, sprigs of apple, cherry, celery root and dandelion are suitable.

A drinking bowl with clean water is also installed in the guinea pig's cage, the volume per pig is at least 250 ml. Females during pregnancy and feeding babies drink more water. The water is changed every day.

As herbivores, guinea pigs should not be fed animal products such as milk, raw or fried meat. This can cause digestive problems.

Interestingly, guinea pigs often eat their own droppings, and they do not need to forbid it. The fact is that B vitamins and vitamin K are absorbed in their body only after repeated passage through digestive system. That is, eating litter ensures the health of guinea pigs.

Distribution of the guinea pig

The birthplace of the guinea pig is South America, from where the animal spread to Eurasia, and became a popular pet, thanks to which it is now found in many countries of the world.

To date, many decorative breeds of guinea pigs have been bred, which differ in the structure, length and color of the coat. Breeds of domestic guinea pigs are divided into the following groups:

    • short-haired (selfie, crested, smooth-haired);
    • long-haired (sheltie, texels, Peruvian, merino, angora);
    • wire-haired (Abyssinians, American Teddies, Rex);
    • breeds without wool and with a small amount of it (baldwin, skinny).

    Domestic guinea pigs also differ from their wild counterparts in a more rounded body shape.
    When crossed within the breed, it is possible to obtain beautiful tricolor tortoiseshell and white breed guinea pigs, which are called "cakes", since the spots are inherited in a chaotic way. To breed this breed, a large population is required: more than 100 guinea pigs, as a result of crossing which "accidentally" turns out the most best combination from spots.

    The life expectancy of guinea pig cakes is up to 10 years, average weight about 1.6 kg, body length up to 35 cm.

    Sexual dimorphism in guinea pigs is not very pronounced. Its main manifestation is the smaller size of females compared to males.

    Guinea pigs are a very popular pet, they are trusting and peaceful. They are even taught to respond to the nickname. When stroked, the animals purr, they love to sit in a person’s arms.

    The cage with guinea pigs is cleaned 1-3 times a week. Pressed sawdust and shavings are used as bedding. The bedding is changed once every 5 days.

    The average life expectancy of guinea pigs is 5 years. good care- up to 8 years.

    After mating, the male is placed in a separate cage so that he does not provoke a miscarriage. Pregnancy of a female guinea pig lasts 60-72 days. In one litter from 1 to 6 babies. The female takes care of the offspring only.

    In some cases, after giving birth, the female does not break the membrane with the fetus. Then you need to carefully open it with clean hands. Without outside help in such a situation, only those babies who were able to independently gnaw the shell survive.

    Small guinea pigs become independent a month after birth, at the same age they reach puberty and readiness for reproduction.

    When breeding guinea pigs up to 1 month old, the babies are left with the female, after which the young are planted separately by gender. The male is planted with the female only after six months, so that she has time to fully recover.

    natural enemies

    Guinea pigs are widely distributed and popular pets, the threat to the population of which is not observed.

Come from Guinea pig from South America. The Spanish conquistadors saw many of these rodents in the villages of the Indians. The Incas roasted them and ate them public holidays. And now guinea pigs still live in some settlements of the Indians, during the day they run freely around the houses, and come to spend the night in huts.

Guinea pigs were brought to Europe in the 16th century, 60 years after Columbus discovered America. In Konrad Gesner's book on animals, published in 1554, they are already mentioned.

Why is it so strangely called this purely land animal, which has nothing to do with pigs? Mumps, obviously, for the pig squeal with which this animal expresses its fear. Perhaps also for the "grunt" similar to the gurgling of water. This is the voice of a calm, peaceful guinea pig.

With the origin of the epithet "marine" is more complicated. If they called it "overseas", everything would be clear; brought from the sea. But it is still called marine. Maybe because in those distant times sailors loved to keep guinea pigs on ships for fun.

The disposition of the pigs is peaceful, they never bite, children can safely play with them. In many foreign countries guinea pigs are slaughtered and eaten. But the main purpose of this rodent is not children's fun, not gastronomic use, but service in the medical field. The guinea pig has been and remains one of the best laboratory animals. She is very sensitive to infectious diseases. Therefore, experiments are carried out on it to diagnose contagious diseases of humans and farm animals (diphtheria, typhus, tuberculosis, glanders, etc.).

Physiologists, geneticists, allergists, virologists, bacteriologists experiment with it. In a word, in all areas of medicine and related sciences, the guinea pig serves as an experimental animal.

In a relatively short period of time, amateur breeders have bred different breeds of guinea pigs.

The Himalayan is especially beautiful. By color, it is a complete analogy with the Russian ermine rabbit: ears, muzzle, legs are black, everything else is white. Instead of black, a dark chocolate color is acceptable. All other deviations in color are rejected. This coloration appears in young pigs only by the age of four months. Newborn Himalayan pigs are completely white.

Dutch pig. Bred in Holland and improved in England. Its color is also two-tone. The front of the body and head are white. The back half of the body, ears, cheeks are black, brown or gray.

Agouti. There are two varieties of this breed: the golden agouti (golden brown with a rufous belly) and the gray agouti (with a light silver belly).

All three breeds mentioned above are smooth-haired. But there are also long-haired and wire-haired guinea pigs. They are infertile (rarely bring more than one cub and are not suitable for laboratory purposes).

Angora guinea pig. Her coat is long and silky. The color is different: black, white, red, agouti and blue. Because of this magnificent coat, the Angora pig requires special care.

Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

And here she is, a guinea pig, only long-haired. That's why she looks so messed up.

Wirehaired rosette guinea pig. Although it is often called Abyssinian or Japanese, its homeland is England. Rosette is called because her long and coarse hair in different parts of the body diverge in rosettes - from the center to the periphery, as we have on the top of her head. Color black, white and red.

Unfortunately, there are few purebred guinea pigs, most of them are crossbreeds. different breeds. The most common of them are piebald guinea pigs: black and white, red and white or tricolor (tricolor) - red, black and white. There are also black or white with red eyes (albinos). These are the most susceptible to various diseases.

For laboratory purposes, breeders have bred breeds of guinea pigs whose sensitivity to allergens and pathogenic microbes knew no bounds. They got sick and died from almost everything. It became impossible to experiment on such animals.

In general, guinea pigs are naturally highly sensitized animals, allergic, which have almost no equal in this. Especially the so-called Brazilian varieties of pigs. Argentinean ones are more persistent. But both are difficult to work with because of their high susceptibility and poor - shall we say - health. A slight breeze in the room, and the guinea pig is already sneezing: she has a cold. Hot day - she lies in a stretch, breathes often: overheated. And a very nervous animal! May die of fear if rudely taken out of the cage.

Guinea pigs live well in laboratories, and in the homes of various amateurs, and young naturalists. Still, you need to remember that every guinea pig is susceptible to colds, and therefore the room where it is kept must be warm, bright, dry and without drafts.

One guinea pig can live in a simple box (which often happens). But for breeding purposes, special cages are needed - cages, which have two floors: the lower one is solid (sloping back) and the upper one is slatted. The size of the cage is approximately: 70 centimeters long, 50 - width and 40 - height. The cage is closed on all sides, except for the front wall, which is a door covered with wire mesh.

Such cages usually contain five adult females and one male. Pregnant females before lambing are either deposited in special uterine cages or not. In the latter case, lambing takes place in a common cage. The male does not bring harm to newborn cubs, but, on the contrary, protects them, driving away other females. If two or more lambings happen at the same time, then the cubs often confuse their mothers with other nursing females. Those willingly accept the kids, feed along with their own.

Sexual maturity in guinea pigs occurs in about two to three months. But before four months they should not be mated. Pregnancy -60-70 days. Usually, females bring two to four cubs, which are born fully developed. As they dry, they stand firmly on their legs and run after their mother. On the 3-4th day, they begin to try tender grass and other foods. But milk is the main food, and the mother feeds them for about a month. Guinea pigs, which are fed succulent herbs and root vegetables, do not need water at all. But pregnant females are thirsty two or three days before lambing, and they need to put a drinker with warm water or milk.

The best food for guinea pigs is wheat bran, oats, carrots, beets and good hay, and in summer root crops and freshly cut grass. Bran should be given slightly moist. They eat guinea pigs and vegetable kitchen waste and even mushrooms. But everything must be fresh. Musty hay, rotten vegetables, grass warmed by the sun cause stomach diseases and death of animals.