Aliexpress mail. China Post Registered Air Mail tracking in Russian Russian federation by china post air mail service

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In fact, it makes no difference whether you ordered it or not; in any case, you will have to track it on the website of the postal service or the transport company to which it was sent. Parcel tracking with GearBest is an easy way to monitor the movement of your package along its entire route.

But, in order to understand where it is best to track parcels from GearBest, you need to know which postal services these parcels were sent by. Most often, GearBest is limited to a common abbreviation, for example - Unregistered Air Mail, Registered Air Mail or Priority Line RU Express.

From the names it is clear that Unregistered Air Mail is the cheapest and most often untraceable type of shipment, without a track code (there are exceptions), they promise to deliver in 15-30 days.

Registered Air Mail is a little more expensive, usually costs a couple of dollars and is delivered within 15-25 days, after import to Russia, the track code will be tracked throughout Russia. And the most popular one today, at least for residents of Russia, is Priority Line RU Express, which costs around $4 and delivers within 10 to 25 days.

In addition, as a method of delivering goods from GearBest you can find E Post (SU), as well as well-known international express delivery services. In fact, there are many more ways in which parcels are actually sent from GearBest, including sending in transit through, in transit through, and other exotic methods.

Don't forget that a unique promo code is available for our readers, . But let’s return to the main thing, actually to where we started, namely the most popular ways to track packages from GearBest.

The method by which it will be sent, first of all, depends on the type of product, its dimensions and cost, based on which, during the process of placing an order on GearBest, you will be asked to select a delivery method. For Residents of Russia, the Priority Line RU Express method is almost always available, and it is not so expensive and for the most part delivers within the stated time frame. Of course, there is no Priority Line RU Express postal service, it’s just that GearBest, therefore, decided to name this method of delivery to Russia itself, and the method is actually not simple, like tracking RU Express parcels.

When choosing this delivery method, after the actual shipment, you will be given a track code like:

  • ETSSD1000488800YQ
  • YDACK5000035364YQ

Please note that the track codes are similar at first glance, only the delivery methods for these parcels are not at all similar to each other. Track codes that contain letters at the beginning ETSSD, belong to it and are delivered through China to the border with Russia.

Parcels whose track code contains letters at the beginning YDACK, belong to another one.

How GearBest decides which of these two shipping companies will send packages remains a mystery, however, the shipping name remains the same - Priority Line RU Express.

If, after sending the goods, you were given a track code consisting of 13 unique numbers, then most likely the delivery will be handled by, familiar to many who ordered goods from local online stores, only in in this case with the involvement of the Chinese side, which will deliver your goods to the Russian-Chinese border and transfer it for customs clearance. The format of IML Express track codes for parcels sent from China is as follows:

Usually, after, many try to immediately check the status of their parcel and most often do not see any statuses. Just because you need to understand a little about how parcel tracking with GearBest actually works. The fact that you have a track code does not mean that the parcel was actually sent to you, even if its status has changed to “Shipped”.

First of all, GearBest registers a batch of track codes, after which it assigns them to its orders, and only after that it actually sends the batch of parcels. The first parcel movement statuses usually appear on the 2-3rd day, usually it will be something like:

  • The shipment left the shipping department in the direction of Suifenhe

From which it becomes clear that the parcel is coming in Suifenhe, after arrival it will be sent for customs clearance. By the way, tracking parcels with GearBest is more convenient than trying to track your parcel every time on the official website of a Chinese logistics company, where there is not a word in Russian.

Transporting the parcel through China and customs clearance, unfortunately, is the longest stage of the entire journey. In the best case, it takes one week, but sometimes it stretches to two, as in the example with our track code.

As soon as the package successfully passes customs, it arrives in Vladivostok, where it is accepted by one of our transport companies, IML Express or. Who exactly will deliver the parcel across Russia, and how this is determined, no one knows yet, only one thing is clear - it will be one of the mentioned courier services delivery.

From this moment on, moving the parcel around Russia becomes a little more fun and efficient - the next day it is delivered to Khabarovsk, from where it flies by plane to the destination city, if there is an airport there, if not, then to the largest city closest in distance from you, from where by land delivered to the addressee.

In terms of timing, it almost always arrives in Moscow from Khabarovsk in 2 days, on the 3rd day the SDEK or Pony Express courier usually calls and agrees on a convenient delivery time for you. It goes to St. Petersburg via Moscow and leaves a day longer.

As a result, the stated 25 days are most often met. From our experience, the vast majority of Priority Line RU Express parcels were received within 14-22 days.

Track Unregistered Air Mail and Registered Air Mail with GearBest

Another way to send and track parcels with is delivery using the following two methods - Unregistered Air Mail and Registered Air Mail. In the case of the first, most often there will be no track code, although usually 50/50. According to the second, the track code will be, and will be tracked without problems on the Russian Post website, after importing the parcel to the destination country.

Perhaps the most popular of the registered methods of delivering parcels from GearBest can now be considered AEROTRANS, in which. Considering that upon arrival in Baku, the parcel is sent by full-fledged EMS, delivery times are significantly reduced and average 10-20 days with full tracking, right up to the moment of delivery.

In this case, tracking of such parcels can be combined into one topic, because only GearBest knows how they will be sent. After sending, the track code format makes it clear which postal service or logistics company sent the parcel.

For example, it is most often sent via, or a logistics company. We will not dwell on each of these methods in detail, since we have previously discussed in detail how to track such parcels with GearBest.

Previously, delivery from GearBest was often offered as a choice, but now for some reason this is becoming less and less common. An excellent delivery method for small parcels, but unfortunately not available for all product categories. In addition, you can often find shipments in transit through, and, good ways delivery, especially for the western part of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

GearBest is constantly honing its logistics, which is not surprising, since it is necessary to somehow resist the monopolist in the person of AliExpress. In addition, many who are in one way or another connected with purchases in China have heard about the customs limit, which they want to cut to a minimum, as was done not so long ago in Belarus, thereby forcing ordinary buyers to look for workarounds or pay a certain duty for parcels exceeding the established limit.

In a word, as usual, all extortions are planned to be borne by the buyers. However, far-sighted Chinese, anticipating the coming changes, are already beginning work in this direction. It was for this reason that it was officially launched with warehouses in Russia.

In turn, GearBest has long acquired and is currently even testing transit delivery to Belarus through Kazakhstan, thanks to, officially relieving its customers of the customs limit established in their country.

As with , the final delivery time will depend on many factors. Firstly, your actual location, if you are geographically closer to the eastern part of Russia, the faster the delivery of goods to you will be. However, this statement is not always true, since now, depending on the territorial location of the recipient, GearBest itself selects the fastest and most optimal delivery method.

Secondly, when calculating the delivery time from GearBest, you need to take into account the time of year in which the package was sent. It would be naive to expect to receive the goods within the stated time frame on New Year's Eve or after Black Friday, when postal services around the world are simply overloaded and spend a month raking up deposits of mail from the next Chinese sale.

And lastly, perhaps the most important thing on which the delivery time from GearBest will depend is the shipping method. The rule here is simple - the more expensive, the faster, for example, with GearBest we often receive it within 3-5 days from the date of actual shipment. Trackless (Unregistered Air Mail) parcels can take up to 50-60 days, but we most often receive them in 20-30 days, by the way, Registered Air Mail also arrives in the same time.

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As you know, it is not enough to order and pay for a parcel on AliExpress. It is also important that it is delivered to the buyer on time, in accordance with the deadline corresponding to the chosen delivery method. To do this, you need to track the location of the goods using a tracking number. And if problematic situations arise, discuss them with the seller, and, if necessary, open a dispute for a refund of the money spent. In this material I will talk about the delivery method " China Post Registered Air Mail" I will also tell you how to track a parcel sent in this way using Russian-language online services.

The delivery method "China Post Registered Air Mail" allows you to cheaply deliver goods around the world

As you know, the leading player in the Chinese postal market is "China Post"- China's national postal service. The quality of its work is at an acceptable level, while the majority of parcels sent with its help are domestic mail within the borders of China itself.

Standard post office "China Post" in the Middle Kingdom

However, China Post's capabilities allow you to send different types parcels to near and far abroad. One of the methods for delivering mail abroad is “China Post Registered Air Mail”. This is a fairly economical and leisurely delivery method (delivery of purchased goods to the destination country usually takes 2-4 weeks). This type delivery allows you to work with parcels up to 2 kg with the ability to track their current location using a tracking number.

The word “Registered” in the name of this type usually means that this parcel can be tracked using tracking services, and “Air Mail” - that delivery is carried out mainly using air transport.

Typically, this shipping method is chosen by the seller when shipping any items priced more than a few dollars. The fee for tracking is usually 1.8 - 3 US dollars, so using it with goods worth the same or lesser amount is pointless. In this case, the tracking number usually consists of 13 characters, starting with the letter “R” (Registered) and ending with the letters CN (China) - the designation of the country from which mail is sent.

At the same time, when a parcel arrives from China to Russia, it will be possible to track its location using the official page of the Russian Post website.

Tracking fee for "China Post Registered Air Mail" is usually 1.8 - 3 US dollars

How to track a parcel sent by "China Post Registered Air Mail"

There are several popular online services for tracking packages sent via China Post Registered Air Mail, which I will list below. Usually their functionality is quite standard. You enter the track number in a special window, and then press the search activation button, the system collects data about the location of the product and gives you the result.

So, here is a list of online resources that you can use to find your package:

  • Network service, allows you to track both mail sent using “China Post Registered Airmail” (link) and all possible types of delivery from China (link). According to the site developers, their resource is the best option to track parcels from China;
  • China Post Official Resource, where you can track the status of your parcel. You will need a Chinese translator extension for your browser, which is not entirely convenient for a Russian-speaking user. However, for the reliability of the data, the “native” resource of the Chinese National Post is the best option;
  • English site allows you to track the status of your parcel (to search, enter the tracking number received from the seller on AliExpress in the “Enter your tracking number” window, then click on the “Track It!” button to get the result). The site allows you not only to track the information of parcels sent using China Post, but also to visualize the delivery route using the Google maps service;

  • Universal tracking service, also allows you to track the status of your parcel. Among its advantages are a Russian-language interface, as well as work with many well-known international carriers;
  • Service also has convenient Russian-language functionality for tracking the location of parcels sent using China Post. Since AliExpress sellers most often use China Post to send goods, you can use the resource to conveniently track the location of your purchase.
  • For more accurate tracking of goods, you need to use one more service:, and.


One of the types of services of the Chinese national postal system "China Post" is the delivery method "China Post Registered Air Mail", which provides an inexpensive way to deliver parcels weighing up to 3 kilograms. An important attribute of this method is usually the ability to track the parcel using the tracking number received from the seller, which allows you to detail the location of the parcel, thereby improving the mechanism for delivering the goods to the buyer.

In contact with

  • Aliexpress in Russian: Aliexpress delivery services

Tracking in Russian China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, China Post Air Parcel

Tracking parcels in Russian sent by China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, China Post Air Parcel, China Post Air Mail, China Post EMS.

More than half of all parcels from China (Aliexpress) are sent by the national postal service China Post. All China Post parcels, according to international standards, are divided into groups and subgroups:

  • China Post Registered Air Mail - parcel up to 2 kg with tracking capability
  • China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus - a small package usually 50-300 grams with tracking capabilities
  • China Post Air Parcel - parcel up to 2 kg
  • China Post Air Mail – parcel or package up to 2 kg
  • China Post EMS – expedited delivery

Packages up to 2 kg (China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, China Post Air Parcel, China Post Air Mail) - 90% of your order from China will be sent this way. In turn, when tracking China Post shipments, you may encounter that the track code is not tracked! This is due to the fact that parcels from China can be registered (with tracking) and unregistered (without tracking).

Examples of tracking numbers:

  • RA012345678CN - small package
  • CD012345678CN - package
  • EE012345678CN - EMS shipping

China Post Basic Tracking Status

  • Collection , 收寄局收寄 (Acceptance) - Reception postal item By China Post.
  • Opening - Arrived at a transit point. There may be several of these statuses.
  • Dispatching, 出口总包互封封发 - Processing of shipment, preparation for export.
  • Departure from outward office of exchange, 出口总包直封封发 (Total export package/Export) - The parcel has passed customs clearance and is sent for export.

In order to track China Post parcels, you need to go to the postal website: The site, unfortunately, is only on Chinese, But it's not a problem. You can translate the page either using a browser, or use third-party tracking services. For example, the TrackChecker program.

After you have seen the status Departure from outward office of exchange, tracking should be done on the website of the national post office of the recipient’s country.

Parcels sent from China Post arrive in approximately 15-30 days.

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Video: Tracking in Russian China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, China Post Air Parcel

Tracking in Russian China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, China Post Air Parcel

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Anyone who has fallen in love with , on sites such as , etc., will probably want to know where their parcels are currently located, and to do this, most often they will have to resort to tracking China Post Registered Air Mail.

And by the way, if you buy in China, then don’t forget, which is not used now except by the very lazy. Despite the fact that the vast majority of sellers offer at least several types of delivery, the most common is this moment and most often the free one is China Post, which is chosen by the majority of buyers.

To those who at least to some extent own English language, it is not difficult to guess that we are talking about the national postal service of China. Immediately after sending the goods, if the seller sent you a registered parcel, in or any other store you will see a tracking number, in other words, a tracking number, for a registered shipment the track code will be the following type— RJ444213101CN, numbers and letters may be different, but there will definitely be “CN” at the end.

Then, using China Post Registered Air Mail tracking, you can easily find out the current location of the parcel and track its further movement, right up to the moment of delivery, with the exception of Small Packet Plus shipments.

However, there are times when, when trying to check the status of moving his order from AliExpress, the buyer does not see any statuses at all (the track number from AliExpress is not tracked), or at one point they stop updating, so within the framework of this material we will analyze in detail the most FAQ related to tracking China Post Registered Air Mail parcels and let's talk a little about tracking Ordinary Small Packet Plus.

It would seem that the goods have been paid for, the tracking number has been received, the delivery method is China Post Air Mail, but for some reason the number is not tracked. This often happens if regular air delivery is used, without the possibility of tracking, the most that can be found out by this number is that the parcel was accepted at the local post office and flew to you (export from China), its further fate, unfortunately, remains a mystery to everyone, and there is nothing left to do but wait.

This usually happens because after import into the destination country, i.e. Directly on the way to you, in the mail processing department, the parcel is assigned an internal tracking number, which is naturally unknown to you until the very moment of delivery, at your post office.

At least, this was the case before, when sellers, trying to stand out from their competitors, used the cheapest delivery method, thereby competing and being ahead of others in terms of the final cost of the goods.

Ultimately, it all depends on your location and established logistics, some get it earlier, some later, but if the delivery time falls on major holidays, how New Year, for example, keep in mind that your parcel may be significantly delayed due to the fact that postal services simply cannot cope with such volumes of shipments.

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UR5********CN not received in 32 days

Track code is not tracked! There is still no parcel and it is not known when it will be! How can I get a new tracking code for this parcel?

RP5********CN not received in 41 days

Premise is not monitored. 41 days have passed - no parcel. I also paid delivery. Free shipping would have arrived by now. I will not use China Post anymore.

UI3********CN not received in 53 days

The parcel never arrived, so I can’t say how the patches are. I placed the order on May 20, sent it on May 25, and all the tracking came through, that it was being sent from China and that’s it..... silence...

RV9********CN received in 40 days

Good afternoon, I ordered a backpack, the package arrived in 40 days without damage, the quality of the product is good, I recommend the seller.

RP6********CN received in 28 days

I received the parcel. It arrived in 28 days. I am satisfied with the product. The packaging is not damaged, everything was delivered in good condition. At first the parcel was tracked, then not.

The car smartphone holder was received in excellent packaging. Not installed yet. Thanks to the seller. I'll write about functionality later.

RP6********CN received in 22 days

The parcel bounced around between departments in Vnukovo for more than a week, as a result of which it ended up in a post office that was not related to the delivery address. And then again to Vnukovo and another four days of waiting...!!!

UR5********CN not received in 40 days

The parcel apparently did not leave the warehouse in China, where it has been lying since June 4th. The seller is telling some kind of nonsense twice! It's bad because I paid for AliExpress Saver Shipping.

UI2********CN not received in 69 days

The parcel is not tracked. This is a big minus in the operation of your website and the sender’s website in general. What kind of complaint book are we talking about? If you wait 70 days for a package and it doesn’t arrive, that’s the whole forum.

RP6********CN received in 11 days

The parcel arrived by Ukrposhta in the Nikolaev region, was picked up at Ukrposhta. Was constantly monitored. Super delivery!

UR5********CN received in 35 days

Good clips for ordinary glasses. Appearance pleasant and solid. The package was decent. We are very pleased with the seller.

RP6********CN received in 29 days

The parcel was tracked from A to Z. Thanks to the site where the parcel is for providing detailed information about where my parcel is going and what is happening with it. It's in my mailbox now. And she’s waiting for me when I come for her.

RV9********CN received in 27 days

Thank you, the parcel arrived quickly. The packaging is not damaged. Tracked from start to finish. Thanks again!!!

RV9********CN not received in 9 days

This is a scam from the seller. Someone in Moscow received a parcel with this tracking number. And the seller gave me someone else's tracking number. I can rate the seller - it’s bad, but I can’t rate the delivery service that is required here. I accidentally entered the reviews, but I can’t cancel.

RV9********CN received in 23 days

The seller received the respect relatively quickly. Postal services also showed themselves to be professionals.

UR4********CN not received in 61 days

2 months have passed since the order, but I still have not received the parcel, unfortunately, the seller gets in touch and asks not to open a dispute, explaining that the parcel is still on the way, the parcel is being tracked, but, unfortunately, has not arrived at the post office.

UR4********CN not received in 68 days

I'm opening a claim! The parcel has not yet been received, where it is unknown, and access to tracking is blocked!

RV9********CN received in 25 days

The parcel arrived earlier than stated. I am very pleased with the quality. Tracked by Russian Post to the place of delivery

UI4********CN received in 44 days

received. Still, delivery of small packages to a mailbox is not for Russia. The package does not fit into the slot of the box, it was placed on top. It’s good that the neighbors are decent people and the house is small.

RP6********CN received in 30 days

The parcel arrived in a month. The packaging is not damaged. Tracking was excellent at every point of shipment. Thanks a lot.

RP5********CN received in 35 days

I received the parcel. It took 35 days to arrive, at first it was tracked, and then not for a while. Everything arrived in excellent condition. I am very pleased. Thanks to everyone who took part in this.

RV9********CN received in 29 days

The parcel was received, very well packed, reached Kazakhstan in 29 days. Monitored periodically, there was communication with the seller. The tracking service works well.

UR5********CN not received in 38 days

I don’t know where the parcel was sent according to a simplified scheme - they will inform me when it arrives at my post office - the order protection time has not yet expired. WE WAIT

UR4********CN not received in 42 days

Haven't received it yet. But the estimated delivery time shows that there are still 9 days left. So it's okay.

UR3********CN not received in 84 days

An order was placed on 04/12/2019. Since April 16, 2019, it has ceased to be tracked. The seller makes contact. The buyer's protection was extended for the second time until July 22, 2019. I really hope that my order will find its recipient.

RV9********CN received in 34 days

I’ve been using the service for tracking track numbers since 2015, there’s nothing to say except words of praise, everything is correct, minimum filling in as much information as possible about where the parcel is in what condition. I’m very pleased. I also use other popular services, I won’t write you a score with confidence you are in the lead. So keep up the bar. One more thing, you have tracking on almost all tracks, even just numerical ones. I don’t have this on my additional one. Thank you. I’ve already received so much, so I deigned to write that you’re doing a good job. Bye.

RP6********CN received in 35 days

The parcel took a month. The packaging is not damaged. The product matches the order. Tracking was generally 4. In Kazakhstan it is worse than in China

Your site didn't tell me anything new. Tracking ended when the package left China. In Russia, no one could track her.

UI3********CN not received in 47 days

I ordered a battery for my phone. It never went through. I don’t know whose fault it is. I started a dispute and the money was returned quickly. Something like this.

RV9********CN received in 16 days

intact, like leather. belt bag. There is practically no smell, the strap is just too big for me. and so satisfied. fast delivery

RP6********CN received in 17 days

This is a record! 17 days! The parcel arrived safe and sound, which was important because it was a top-end straw bag 🤘 packed in a blown cellophane container (like something from a printer cartridge)

RP5********CN not received in 43 days

Hello dear!!! You wrote to me with a request for parcel RP582386026CN. I didn't receive it. For some reason, last year it was possible to track it to the recipient's mail, but now it arrived in Russia, there is no tracking. Who can tell me why this is so??? Sincerely, Nina Spitsyna

RP6********CN received in 13 days

I've been using this resource for a long time. I'm very pleased with the work. Parcel tracking is excellent. Very satisfied. Thank you everyone. I recommend

RP6********CN received in 12 days

The package was delivered very quickly, just what I needed before going on vacation. I thank all services, including Russian Post, for their work without delays. Great.

UI3********CN not received in 41 days

The parcel with my order number was sent with paid delivery not to my address, the seller sent the goods again but without tracking and I don’t know what he sent. On May 25, tracking in China stopped. I go to the post office and ask, the answer is no.

UI3********CN not received in 42 days

The “valiant” postal workers did everything they could to mix up the tracking numbers and addresses. swear at them?? this is our mail - you won’t even be offended by them - you can feel sorry and grin - understand and forgive

UI2********CN received in 66 days

Received after 66 days, without tracking, it’s surprising that it arrived at all, the mail is BAD!!! The parcel itself is very well packed, there are no complaints to the seller!

RV9********CN received in 10 days

Everything is fine, the parcel was sent immediately, the delivery was also super, I didn’t expect it, respect to the seller and delivery services!!!